Mililsittle Second Or Two Big a U
, TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1923 wheats and prevailing high prices for' sisting of steel products and glassware. I Wells, 200 miles from Point Wells. strong and action was reported as for the same. Ordinarily Shanghai She will make one trip here from Europe NORTHLAND. San Francisco tor- - Bell- account of banking interests, inese pur- the mills Ingham, 595 Canadian OCEAN are able to run nine least, and will then be withdrawn, when the miles from San Francisco. STOCK IRKET FIRM chases are said to have included Statesj months at Holland-Americ- United LBS MIlilSiTTlE second or two big a U. S. L. T. HEATHER. Seattle for As- Pacific, Union Pacific and Southern Pa- but this season they have not run of the Dinkeldijk type, now build- toria, at Destruction Island. cific, in all of which it is said, a substan- more than three. In order to continue ing is put in commission. YOSEMITE, Port Ludlow for San Fran- tial professional short iaiterest exista It The Royal Mail line refrigerator ship cisco, 145 miies south of Cape Flattery. operations it has been necessary for RKMXAST OF BAXD AMKNAB1E Shipping Board DOCK AT the four operating mills to buy Ameri- Narenta. which ran aground en Sinclair FOREST KING. San Diego for Grays DESPITE MOVEMENT A reprepentative of one of the oil com- island last Monday, finished discharging Harbor, 45 miles south of Grays Harbor. panies interested said that all the com- (Shipping Board Emergency Fleet Corp.) can wheat, and a little from Aus TO LAWS OF STATE. her cargo here today, preparatory to going WEST JESTER, Yokohama for Seattle, panies having property in Mexico today 1 tralia.
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