
DOCTRIN"Respect All, Fear None' E

Volume 1 1 April 5, 1973 Issue Twenty-Three

ALBANY CONFERENCE HOSTS MCC STUDENTS By Mark Finkelstein Late Friday Lowi held an infor- Professor Lawrence Feasel. of Last weekend three faculty mal rap session with the MCC MCC's History and Political members and 24 students went to Delegation. He expressed a desire Science Department was named to Albany for the 27th Annual New to see more students become in- the NYPSA Board of Directors at York Political Science Association volved in these conferences. the Conference. (NYPSA) Conference. The pur- pose of the conference was to allow political scientists to ex- change ideas, explain their JARVIS TYNER TO APPEAR research, in some cases defend it, Delta Laboratories, Inc. will on radioactive waste releases, and to arrive at newer and more APRIL 16th hold its annual WALK FOR increased local surveillance meaningful science of politics in Jarvis Tyner, Vice- Workers Liberation League WATER on Sunday, April 15. and testing, and expansion of the classroom. Presidential candidate in 1972 and will be speaking to Afro- The Walk will start from the the educational programs In addition to the 24 MCC on ticket of Communist Party American history students and Community War Memorial at provided by Delta students, there were student USA, will be on Campus April others interested in political 11:00 A.M., and will wind its Laboratories. All contributions delegates from Webster College 16 (Monday), speaking in RM. activity who feel the Dominant way for ten miles around are tax deductible. (5) and Geneseo (2). It was noted 5-300 at 12:00 (College Hour). parties to not address Rochester. There are three that out of 105 delegates, almost Mr. Tyner is also National themselves to the real needs of one third were students. checkpoints along the way — at PARK AND RIDE busses Chairman of the Young American Youth. , the Red will be available from Ridge- Keynote speaker at the con- Culver Plaza, Pittsford Plaza, ference was Ted Lowi, author of Cross Building at College and The End of Liberalism. A Liberal Prince Streets, and at Cobb's Greece Towne Mall, Suburban AACC "Under Re-Construction' Plaza, and Gates-Fields Plaza, himself, Lowi felt that the Hill Park. Rest rooms and Liberal's desire to embrace ac- somewhere, but think of what for 25 cents, round trip, to the I'm sure you have noticed the refreshments will be available tivist semtiments has only it will be like when its all over. War Memorial and back. construction going on. It seems at the checkpoints. Most succeeded "in raping the momen- that when its all over the roofs No more leaking roofs! Sure. walkers make the hike in 2V2 to tum of these various movements" Registration forms are won't leak by Senate office, I'll keep you posted on 3 hours. by bringing them into the es- progress of the construction, available at the Student Ac- tablishment, leaving them S.A. Desk, M.D. Office, and The suggested pledge per tivities desk, and if you would powerless and ineffectual. He also other various places. until then bear with the mile this year is $.30. In addi- rather sponsor a walker, you said that the Nixon Administration It may mean a little walking blockades and other obstacles. tion to supporting projects can sign up there, or contact is practicing a modfied form of out of the way to get G.T. already underway, this years Lee Steinfelt or Bonnie merchantilism by "declaring monies will be used for studies Glickman. everything taboo then granting special licenses as whim dic- WMCC Has New Format tates." Perhaps you've noticed, there's will still be keeping their concert something new in the air, the new hours. (A different artist played sounds of WMCC. Yes, MCC's own exclusively every college hour.) Florynce Kennedy To Be "Ye Olde radio station has a new format. Mark McKibben, WMCC's Sweet Shoppe" WMCC, once known as a solid program director, is the man At MCC April 9th progressive rock station will now, responsible for the new format. Now In in order to help satisfy the When asked the purpose behind the "Women who don't know students listening pleasure, play a change, Mr. McKibben replyed, they're oppressed are lost w\ a Bookstore blended format. "We are simply trying to fill the cloud of Chanel No. 5," said From 9-10 you can tune your ears music needs of the listening By Margaret Faris & to commercial rock, from 10-11 its Florynce Kennedy, black feminist E.J. Ricotta public." lawyer from , who will jazz, from 11-12, woul, and from 1- Didya' ever get the craving for 5 p.m. its progressive rock. WMCC Bruce McCluny WMCC P.R. speak at MCC, Monday, April 9. some of that old time candy you She believes'that women are be- had when you were a kid? Didya', ing "niggerized". They want to huh? And didya' know that there's "leave the chocolate covering on an old time candy shoppe right marriage. If their 'old man' hits here on campus? Didya', huh? them in the. mouth that's ok Well, there is and it's located in because the media preaches duty the bookstore and it's filled with and beauty." And why not? To be a goody things like gum drops and man you have to fight and kill. To mary janes and jelly beans and get manhood you put up with licorice whips and kisses and mosquitoes, creepycrawlers and pistachio nuts and whole bunches shit on a shingle so why not carry a' munchies. (That's a mouthful)! on at home? Womens' oppression Now, if you're a chocolate can be their franchise to oppress covered raisin freak you're shit their kids. Florynce Kennedy outa' luck, man. Due to a crop Society has a strange sorting of Violence on campus can't be com- failure in California, the price of what's bad and good. "We are call- pared to the atrocities of the Klan raisins has skyrocketed 87 per ed militants. We don't call General in the South. cent. Honest! Bob Marin says so. Westmoreland a militant." Nor do What role should we play as (He's that guy in the bookstore we speak of soldiers as killers even college people? We should replace with the glasses growing out of his though they kill for very little. But the corrupt people. Black people, forehead). the country gets very upset over women, and all other oppressed But. if you're a nut on hard can- bra burnings or artists using the people should bet in the position of dy you're in for a treat 'cuz Bob's flag as a symbol of oppression. power by running for office. "I ordered some to replace the However the Ku Klux Klan can urge you to survive," Florynce chocolates, which give you a "big burn hundreds of crosses and the Kennedy concluded. "It's not go- chocolate mess" in warm weather media doesn't even cover it. ing to be safe to be on the fence." . . . ya' know? How 'bout some nostalgic jawbreakers or fireballs or root beer barrels to bring back the taste of the good ole' days!? Women's Health Collective Gotcha drooling . . .? Got that urge for something special? Well, Any WOMAN INTERESTED system: come to an hustle your ass over to the IN WORKING ON organizational meeting Mon- bookstore for some gooey goodies! DEVELOPING A Women's day, April 16th, 7:30 p.m., at By the way, this week's special Health Collective to do the Women's Center, 185 East is IVORY BREAK-UP (white something about the poor- Ave. For more information, chocolate) at ONLY 60

appears to be in the area of rip off rate is the parking lots. It couple of staff members. (It's get- offs. Although we reported that it's seems that tapes and tape players ting pretty bad when people's stuff not safe to leave your valuables in are really "hot" items because isn't safe in their office anymore.) the gym lockers in the men's over $850 of these items were Some other happenings have Here once again is another (in a rules, and maybe a special course locker room, and even though stolen from people's cars. This is been speeding (with a car), public continuing service of) reports on would be just the thing? I say this there are signs as you go into the from fourteen reported thefts. intoxication, and two students crime on your campus. because of the fact that seventeen locker room telling you this (and (And who knows how many were were arrested for smoking mari- It appears that it is time for a cars were towed in the last three also that you can leave your never reported?) So if you see juana. There was also some van- new course to be offered at MCC. weeks, and some of these had valuables with the man in the cage anything that looks suspicious dalism to telephones, windows, This course could be called Park- previous warnings. (Of course, so he can lock them up. This is report it. (Remember, the tape and candy and pop machines. ing Lot 101 and it could attempt to maybe this was because of spring where money rip offs occurred.) deck you save may be your own). Another interesting note is the teach people the rules of the park- weather and people wanted a good There were seven reported with The Cabbages and Kings' office number of articles found by securi- ing lots. It seems that some people excuse to walk??) their total involving more than was another area of rip offs, with a ty. There were over 60 items con- have problems learning these Our biggest problem, though, $200. Another area with a high rip total of $27 being pilfered from a sisting of watches, wallets, money, rings, books, shoes, panty hose, purses, keys, sweaters, glasses. . . It looks like the rip off artists SUC BUFFALO TRANSFERS . . . should really have it easy, ap- Attention SUC Geneseo Transfers .... All students who intend or have any desire to attend the State parently some people have a lot of All students who have been admitted or applied to S.U.C. at University College at Buffalo (Elmwood Avenue) and may be in- problems holding on to things. terested in Education Certification should attend an information (Did you ever lose your pants or Geneseo for transfer are invited to attend an information session wonder why you had trouble seeing to be held on Monday, April 16th during College Hour, 12 noon in meeting on Monday, April 9th at College Hour, 12 noon in Bldg. your watch?) Bldg. 5-200. 5—Rm. 300. Security has also assisted more Mr. Michael H. Underwood, a transfer counselor from Geneseo Dr. Collier and Dr. Woodworth of SUC at Buffalo will conduct an than 40 people with car problems information session on Elementary and Special Education. They and transported about 15 people to will be present to do some preliminary academic counseling with gas stations and auto dealers and potential transfer students. At that time, he will discuss how will also include in their presentation an interesting overview of the hospitals for various reasons. many credits will transfer, where they fit and what course work the College's Urban Teacher Education Program. This is a (It looks like security should be is needed to complete your program. cooperatively sponsored program with the Lackawana Public made an honorary member of AAA School District for on-site competency-based teacher training and the Rochester taxi service.) The biggest problem all schools have is academic advisement and program. So, just remember you can help for no student is it more critical than transfers; we, therefore, yourself by helping security and suggest you attend this session. Don't miss it! getting involved. The valuables Contact the Transfer Office if you have any questions on this Contact the Transfer Office if you have any questions on this you save may be your own! meeting. meeting. By Leo M. Quanz April 5, 1973 MONROE DOCTRINE Page Three

come to grips with that problem first, before they can become truly representative of the students if CAMPUS VISITATIONS they go out to the students and find out their wants and needs. April MD: President Nixon recently SUC at BUFFALO Dr. Collier & Bldg. 5-300 put a freeze on money to be 9 12 noon allocated for Vets; yet, last week (Education Dept.) Dr. Woodworth NIAGARA UNIVERSITY Mr. Pachter Bldg. 1-203 he came out with a statement that 11 1:30 pm in essence asked all of America to Niagara Univ., N.Y. SUC at PLATTSBURGH Mr. Dobbie Bldg. 1-203 respond to the needs and problems 13 9:30a.m. of thousands of Vietnam Veterans Plattsburgh, N.Y. SUC at GENESEO Mr. Underwood Bldg. 5-200 who have been ignored .... Would 16 12 noon you comment on his actions? Geneseo, N.Y. VC: The Nixon Administration, May although it boasts of programs to U.S. AIR FORCE ReservesMsgt. Zazzara Student help the Vets and pleads with the 3 All dav Niagara Falls, N.Y. Center Nation to respond to their needs 10 10:00 am AMERICAN UNIVERSITYMr. Bachman Bldg. 1-203 has given us nothing but token Washington, D.C. gestures. I cannot fault the ad- ministration alone when over 50% of the Congress received educational benefits far superior PLACEMENT VISITATION CALENDAR - SPRING 1973 MCC Vets Club President, Ron Reisinger, spends countless hours to those of the Vietnam Era Vets Day Organization Recruitment Visit For June each week working in his office. and then tell us that we are much better off. Example: World War II Graduates of Programs Listed Interview With; Vet received up to $500 toward tui- APRIL tion and books at the school of his 5 J.C. Penney Co Ret. Bus. Mngt. only choice (this might not seem much 6 Amiel's Food Service only RON REISINGER to us, but in 1947 the U of R cost ap- 9 Betlem Service Co Accounting only proximately $395 for a year). In By Richard B. Cookinham enough student interest in needed addition, they received a living ex- 10 University of RochesterMed. Lab. Tech., Med. Rec. Tech., On Monday, March 26, I took an projects, i.e.; Day Care Center, pense stipend of $75 for a single Sec. Sci., Data Processing, hour of Ron Reisinger's time to improved community service pro- Vet. Also, medical and dental Accounting, & Biomed. Tech. ask him a few questions concer- jects; and a wider variety of in- benefits, and in some cases, hous- 11 Corp Sec. Sci. only ning the M.C.C. Vets Club. Ron, teresting social events for students ing was provided. 12 Monroe County-Dept. of Social Services All programs President of the club, happily that would elicit their interest. Today's Vietnam Veteran 13 Niesner Bros Bus. Adm., Marketing, & agreed to let off some steam and MD: How great is the participa- receives $220 a month (if single), Ret. Bus. Mngt. very frankly answer my questions. tion among club members in club to cover tuition, fees, books, living 13 F.W. Woolworths Food Service only The following is the text of the activities and endeavors? expenses, medical and dental care. 17 Corning Glass Works Sec. Sci., Biomed. Tech. interview: VC: As in any organization, (Tuition at the U of R is ap- MD: What are the overall ob- Mech. Tech., Instrum. Tech. you'll get a small group of people proximately $3000 a year). 18 Rit-Aid Drugs Ret. Bus. Mngt. only jectives of the VETS Club? with a very strong interest in the This is the inadequacy that the VC: The Club is set up primarily club and work for it. Many Vets Veterans have been arguing and 18 Ed Mac Associates Elec. Tech. & Mech. Tech. to help the Veteran adjust to cam- are turned off by the idea of an complaining about for the last six MAY pus life at MCC—the transition organization of Veterans through years. An amendment to the 2 Bausch & Lomb Elec. Tech., Optic. Tech., from military life to college life. connotations of VFW and higher education bill passed in 1972 Mech. Tech., Instrum. Tech., We do this by providing informa- American Legion type of that would have enabled qualified Sec. Sci., & Accounting tion insofar as G. I. Bill, other organizations. I'd like to dispel any colleges (MCC included) to 3 Westside Manor Human Services & Rec. Supr. financial aids, updating of idea of the Vets Club on campus receive $350 for every Veteran 4 Service Systems Food Service only legislature; securing discounts being that type of organization. enrolled and $450 for every disad- from local metchants for the 8 Metropolitan Life Insurance Co Accounting, Audio We're here to serve the Veterans vantaged or disabled vet enrolled Visual, Human Services & Ret. Veteran. We also help the VET in as a collegian Veteran and our has been thwarted by the Nixon finding a job or an apartment and goals are aimed toward that end. Administration. This money is Bus. Mngt. we can try to help with any Our membership has increased only another token gesture, but 11 Howard Johnson's Food Service only problem a Vet might have, such as every year, as has the number of you can see by his (Nixon's) ac- 1. All appointments must be made 3 school days in advance in the through the rap sessions. This Veterans on campus (1500). We tions just how much he wants to Placement Office, Bldg. 1-203. way, a Vet can discuss problems have a membership that is in- help the Vet. 2. Appointments will be scheduled from 9:30 a.m. — 4:30 p.m. with his peers rather than try to terested in what happens on this We cannot only confine the in- talk up to a professional. campus and in this community. adequacies to federal programs. MD: What are the primary The officers of the Executive New York State, one of the richest goals you have set for the VETS Board of the club are doing one states in the Union, spends less Club for this semester? hell of a job this semester to make money per Veteran than 75% of the There will be a GARAGE SALE offered by Mrs. VC: Primarily we're a service the club bigger and better. Next other states. The states of organization on campus; presently year's officers are interested and Massachusetts and Illinois LeRoy V. Good, wife of the late LeRoy V. Good, helping handicapped students. are willing to work hard to con- presently provide free tuition for President of Monroe Community College. The We're planning a VET Awareness tinue the club's efforts. Veterans at State University sale will take place April 13, 14 and 15th from 9 week, April 9-13, in which we'll MD: What comments do you schools. When we talked to New hold social events such as a beer have in regard to the recent elec- York State officials, they closed AM to 7:30 PM at her home on 15 Canyon Trail blast, cabin party, car wash and tions on campus? the door in our faces. (off Panorama Trail in Penfield). Items to be sold also bring in Congressman Horton VC: What can you say? It seems Rockefeller vetoed a deferred range from household items, books, electrical to give us an update on the legisla- people just aren't interested. I tuition bill that would have enabled equipment, antiques, and miscellaneous. tion scene in Washington. This ses- think the failure in student interest Veterans to register at SUNY sion will be Friday, April 13, 1:00, is caused by the actions and in- colleges and not have to pay tuition in the Little Theatre. This will be adequate communication between until they received their stipend an open discussion, and all the people in.the Student Associa- checks. This is another example of aware of the ways in which it do about five and hour and can students and faculty are invited. tion Government (and related ac- a lot of bullshit coming from works. Ellen Frankfort does not supplement his yearly income by MD: Do you think the Vets Club tivities) and the majority of government. Rockefeller, himself, want to do away with doctors, but $150,000.00. This means that the is doing all it can or should be do- students. I think apathy is a mis- has stated we should do all in our feels that many of their intrusions doctor spends a few hours a week ing on campus? nomer. If students knew what was power to help the Veteran. All we are unnecessary. A woman can doing abortions at approximately VC: We would like to do a lot going on, they would take an in- see is a lot of talk and no action. effectively do self-examinations of $300.00 per hour. more, but the organization itself is terest. You can't ask them to come The Vet is not asking for a free her pelvic area. She talked about Recently, a "new" drug was put supposed to function as a service down to you to find out. I don't handout; we feel that the Vietnam various means of performing these on the market. It is called D.E.S. for the Veterans and we have been have a solution to the present Era Veteran should receive G.I. monthly check-ups and what the or more commonly "the morning limited in functions we would like situation. I think the elected stu- benefits equal to those of World woman should be aware of when after pill". It has had wide spread to see on campus; there isn't dent government of 73-74 must War II. doing them. use on many college campuses "If the woman is knowledgable around the country as a means of "Most people, male or female, of the pelvic examinations, it is preventing pregnancy. ELLEN FRANKFORT— have little or no knowledge of their just as effective, less sexually In the 1940's this same drug, past or present medical history." arousing and much cheaper than D.E.S.. was used by pregnant Vaginal Politics (or Don't Touch Me Doctor) In an emergency ignorance of the ones doctors perform." It also women to prevent miscarriage. medical history could mean the gives the woman a chance to see Some of the female offspring of the "Could someone please turn female personality. Advertisers difference between life and death. the way her body functions. women who used D.E.S. have down the lights? I'd like to see the cash in on the former by focusing "Why aren't people questioning Ms. Frankfort also touched upon developed cancer as a result of the people I'm talking to," requested their cameras on a Sexy female's these medical practices?" Ms. the subjects of menstural extrac- drugs' use and many have died. Ms. Ellen Frankfort as she sat pubic area and thereby sell Frankfort asked. "Is this not a tions and abortion. A menstural D.E.S. was also used as a method down, feet dangling over the stage everything from clothes to cars. consumer's right?" extraction is a method of of fattening cattle before of the Little Theatre. She does not condemn this action At this point a question came aspirating the uterus. "An effec- slaughtering. The U.S. Food and This very informed presentation but would like to erase this "dual from a woman in the audience. tive extraction reduces the Drug Administration banned its of her topic. Vaginal Politics, immage" titles from the woman. "Couldn't knowledge of medical menstruation period from 5-7 days use on cattle because of its harm- seemed to make the mixed What seemed to concern Ellen status by psycologically damaging to a half-hour." They (extractions) ful effects. "This," stated Ms. audience feel at ease during the most was doctors and the medical to some people?" also make it possible to do away Frankfort, "adds to my scepticism discussion of this seldom talked industry in the U.S. As soon as a Answered Ms. Frankfort, with sanitary napkins, birth con- of the medical profession." What about subject. "Please stop me if I female reaches child bearing age "Perhaps, but only because we trol devices and abortions. will this "new" use for D.E.S. br- ramble on. I often tend to go off on doctors begin their pelvic ex- have been brainwashed into think- Even though the relatively sim- ing the American people this time? a tangent." aminations, "an invasion of a ing so. Knowledge and experience ple means of aborting a fetus, it is I must say I was a bit disillusion- Ms. Frankfort began by explain- woman's privacy, which mimic actually tend to make a person not generally used by physicians to ed about Ellen Frankfort. I had the ing how the woman has been ex- the sexual experience." She more stable. We should become do so. At this point in the lecture impression that she was a radical ploited and stereotyped by society. associates fear with these ex- more familiar with the body and she labeled abortion performing advocate of the Woman's Libera- "We have been branded with a aminations. Doctors don't explain its functions and shed this ingrain- doctors as "hustlers". "Doctors tion Movement. In actuality she duel image' ..." One image is what they are doing and often ed attitude of fear we have toward became more willing to perform just seemed to have a concern for that of 'a lively, vivatious, sen- leave the woman naive to aspects health and the body." operations when they (abortions) the woman and what is being done suous, sex machine, the other of her own physical health. She went on to point out that the became more lucritive." She to their bodies by society and the paints a picture of a tense, doped The medical profession casts as woman is responsible for the pointed out that a doctor ex- medical profession. up, dragged out and anxious autonimous shadow on America. health of the family and should be perienced in doing abortions can George Haefner Page Four MONROE DOCTRINE April 5, 1973

Monroe Community College is pleased to present ''JUBILATION" a rock opera/musical dealing with the crucifixion and resurrection. Rock & Roll It will be presented by the M.C.C. Singers and in- strumentalists, directed by Prof. Robert C. Zajkowski. The performances are April 16th at 12:00, and April 17th at 8:15 Revival : P.M. in the Little Theatre. Admission is free, and you are cordially invited to at- With tend. JASON It was boogy time again as the group, JASON did put the "fun back into rock and roll." And the COFFEE HOUSE MCC campus was alive and dan- cing. PRESENTS JASON, a five-member "rock harmony show band", is versatile, "SOFTWATER" imaginative, and most of all fun to listen to. If you enjoy a good time with a bit of nostalgia, JASON is and the group to see and hear. The group played tunes from the EXOTIC COFFEE NIGHT rockin' rollin' 50's to the present. Each set that the group played is to be considered as a separate set, ESPRESSO ORGANIC SNACKS: none of which overlapped with IRISH SUNFLOWER SEEDS each other. CAPPUCCINO SOY BEANS They started out with a "straight DEMI-TASSE SESAME SEEDS set" which included many of the CAFE AU LAIT OTHERS songs that are popular at the pre- sent, including material which Armed with their Mickey Mouse hats, Jason performed many of the consisted of their own works. After best tunes from the sixties in their third set. that set, the afternoon was soon launched. Friday, April 13th Jolson era with a little bit of Dix- started the whole era of rock and Only 60 JASON then began a medley of ieland and the old vaudeville acts. Admission tunes by the Four Seasons hits in- roll. Tickets 9-12 p.m. Their third set consisted of songs "Teen Angel" and "Rock cluding "Rag Doll", "Shari from the 60's. Wearing their "sur- Available 25« Baby", etc. Their sound was un- Around the Clock" were some of Forum West fin' song" outfits, with their the many hits they did. Some of the believable and their harmony was Mickey Mouse hats, they began out of this world. The second set students got so wrapped up into the playing songs from the Beach Boys music, that many began to dance consisted of a salute to the Roaring which were popular at that time. Twenties. The "Charleston Eas- to their hearts content. By this time, the students were Even though it was raining out- tend Quintet and Flapper ready to boogy. Then out came Kickline" did tunes from the Al side, JASON brought in the "Slob's Grease Band" and the sunshine to the cafeteria and A Petition for the creation & enforcement students went wild. Complete with everyone who was there will agree of non-smoking regulations on campus is at the slicked down hair, chains, and that the group is well worth hear- their black leather jackets, the ing and would want to see them the Student Activities Desk. group did a take-off of the 50's. The come back again. medley consisted of songs that Your support is needed, so sign your SMA Drive Mary Jane Triassi name soon! For Muscular planning and setting up. NEW CONCEPTS Dystrophy SMA is deep into "Jubilation" $ rehearsals right now getting ready IN FILM MAKING Nets Over 600 for April 16 and 17. This rock opera AT RIT TRAVEL BOOKS The Student Musical Art's drive will be performed college hour The following travel books have been made available in the Library Film star Dennis Hopper and for Muscular Dystrophy was an ex- Monday for all students and facul- director James Frawley will par- courtesy of the M.C.C.S.A. Travel Committee: treme success. The group ty. Side of the Road—a hitchiker's guide to the U.S. Ben Lobo & Sara ticipate in a multimedia sym- collected $664.77, topping their posium on new concepts in film- Links. goal of $500. There were concerts Turkey on 5 Dollars a Day—Tom Brosnahan. making and communications at everyday starting with a group of the Rochester Institute of Let's Go: the student guide to Europe—1972 Harvard Student Agen- students singing and collecting in GODSPELL cies. Technology from 2-5 p.m., front of the bookstore. A 64 lb. SUCCESS WARRANTS Wednesday, April 11. Europe on 5 Dollars a Day— Arthur Frommer green Blarney Stone marked the Whole World Handbook, Six Continents on a Student Budget, Travel- THIRD PERFORMANCE The multimedia event will take spot of collection for the rest of the place in the Illustration and Mo- Study-Work—Arthur Frommer. week. Tuesday, the 13th, the Jazz Plans are being completed for a Selling Switzerland '72—Swiss National Tourist Office. tion Picture Studios on the 4th Ensemble performed in the Brick third Rochester performance of floor of R.I.T.'s Gannett Building. Zambia—Zambia National Tourist Bureau. Lounge in front of a captive the award winning hit musical 1972 Guide to Turkey—Ministry of Tourism and Information. It will include graphics, film, audience. Wednesday, in the GODSPELL on Saturday evening, video and audience involvement. Faculty dining room there was a May 12, in the Eastman Theatre. Those attending will have a chance • OOOO 000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 concert with small, different "The enthusiastic response to groups including June Felice and to question Hopper and Frawley, Conception: the originating of something in the mind. An ex- the two previously announced per- and they in turn may question Co., and the professors from the formances on April 18 has enabled those attending. hibition of Paintings, Prints and Drawings by students Music Dept. There were solos done us to secure another date (May 12) by Teresa Hart and Rollie Hopper is best known to film in the College of Fine and Applied Arts at RIT. for the national touring company," audiences for starring in and Richardson and "Synapse" per- commented Original Perfor- Lynne Bentley, Ted Braggins, Margaret O'Connor, Elizabeth Cook, formed a few numbers. Thursday, directing the film "Easy Rider." Barbara Dowdy, Bob Egan, Richard Eschler, Paul Garvey, John mances Inc. President, Thomas He also wrote, produced, directed "Synapse", a folk quartet con- Iannaccone. sisting of John Winston, Jane and acted in "The Last Movie," Henze, Richard Hricko, Bruce Jaskot, Alice Kreit, Mark Matusak, GODSPELL is based on the and is soon to appear in the new Elissa Olenych, Deborah Ravich, Sam Tubiolo, Simone Wuerslin. Battle, Val Harris, and Vince Stan- din, went to Long Ridge Mall to Gospel according to St. Matthew, Twentieth Century Fox release Main Gallery, Monroe Community College • Opening April 9 — 8 sing. A large sum of $11.81 was and has found an audience in young "Kid Blue" which is to open in p.m. • April 9 through the 30th, Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. until 3 and old alike. It has been welcom- Rochester April 18. collected for a performance ed by Churches and it has broken p.m. lasting two hours. Friday was Frawley, who directed "Kid wind-up day for the school. From attendance records in New York Blue," previously directed the JUL9JJ.6.BJUlBJIJLfl.BXBJUULflJULOJLfl.JLflJULB,8 8 9 g.B.BB fl B B 8 fl { 12:00 to 5:00, there was continuous and Boston. feature "The Christian Licorice music, starting with "Synapse" in GODSPELL'S success is in its Store," and 30 segments of "The B.A.C.C. PRESENTS BLACK WEEK AT R.I.T. the Forum West. There was a per- effervescent performances and in Monkees" television show. He also formance by the Jazz Ensemble the vivacity of its production. It is produced and directed two short April 2-8, 1973 a musical circus set in the confines BOOK SALE AND ART EXHIBIT (all week) College Union. and small groups entertained subjects "Shoot the Actor" and "J- of a playground. The actors, dress- 24," which won the best short sub- Friday, April 6th between a rousing auction in the Pub. Our thanks to Carl Arena for ed as clowns, bring the Bible to life ject award at the San Francisco COLD DUCK AND SOUL DANCE, Featuring live band, 9:30-2:00 his cooperation and generous gift as a natural and free-style living Film Festival. a.m.; College Union Cafeteria; 50cf R.I.T. I.D., $1.00 without. B.A.C.C. of free drinks. A grand time was experience. Never preaching, the The symposium is being spon- presents "Soul To Soul" 7:30 and 10:00 p.m. Ingle Auditorium 50(f R.I.T. had by all with most bids going to show tells us that you can live sored by Imaginations, the not-for- students, 75

Alvin Ailey — a niche in American Dance "The hottest modern dance com- Ailey's show business pany in the U.S. today, and one of background is evident in his work. the most popular ever," is TIME His ensemble is one of the most Magazine's description of the entertaining of all modern dance Alvin Ailey American Dance groups. The theatre also taught Theater performing at Nazareth Ailey the value of good lighting and Arts Center on Friday and Satur- he makes imaginative use of it to day. April 13, 14 at 8:30 P.M. enhance the dramatic impact of The Alvin Ailey American Dance his presentations. Theater, a multi-racial company As a great modern dancer and of 16 exciting dancers, has elec- choreographer. Ailey has created trified audiences and stunned several of his finest pieces for the critics into superlatives since its Metropolitan Opera, American birth in New York City in 1958. Ballet Theatre (including the Ailey's original mission was to much acclaimed "The River" with sum up the dance heritage of his music by Duke Ellington), the Jof- fellow blacks "the exuberance of frey and Harkness Ballets and (the Negro's) jazz, the ecstasy of other major companies throughout his spirituals and the dark rapture the world. He choreographed the of his blues." Today, Ailey oc- Leonard Bernstein Mass which cupies a special niche in American opened Washington's Kennedy dance because, having achieved Center and his most recent project his ethnic goal, he promptly moved is the mini-opera for the Met at beyond it. Lincoln Center's Opera at the Now, a permanent constituent of Forum. Manhattan's City Center, the Ailey Company is perhaps the most thoroughly integrated ensemble in all the American performing His own company performs a arts—stylistically as well as wide-ranging repertoire of Ailey racially. Its repertory blends or creations as well as works by other juxtaposes Afro-American quick major choreographers. The Com- steps with the elongated en pointe pany's signature piece is Ailey's of classical ballet, Ornette Revelations. Coleman with Benjamin Britten, On a grant from the National En- urban rock with plaintive folk dowment on the Arts, the Ailey songs from the North Carolina Company will be at Nazareth for a hills. The Ailey Company proves 3-day residency. In addition to the that contemporary dance doesn't two concert performances, the The Incredible String Band: from right to left: Robin Williamson and Gerard Oott. Wednesday, have to be pretentious or obscure Company will conduct a Master Malcolm Le Maestre, Mike Heron (foreground), April 18th, Little Theatre, 8:30 p.m. and if you can make the audience Class at Beginner's level on Thurs- laught, all the better. "What we do day, April 12 at 4:00 P.M. and a nirvana; the fertile virgin land; is celebrate people," says Ailey. Lecture Demonstration on Thurs- the revolution that inspired "That's all we are about." day, April 12 at 7:30 P.M. There revolutions all over the world; the Born in Rogers, Texas in 1931, will be open rehearsals on Friday, great promise that now sticks dis- Ailey grew up in Los Angeles. He April 13 and Saturday. April 14 at torted and empty in our dry, soot MAYNARD FERGUSON studied romance languages and 4:00 P.M. These events are FREE filled chrome plated throats?" had every intention of becoming a and will all be held in the Arts Most of all, the show goes about MON.—APRIL 30th teacher until he discovered the Center Auditorium. proving that the problems of the 8:15 p.m. • M.C.C. LITTLE THEATRE Lester Horton School of Dance in It is hoped that in addition to pioneer are not only fround in the Tickets Advance—Stud. 2.50; others 3.00; At the door 4.00 LA. He quit college, enrolled, and Revelations the programs at wilderness of the 18th Century, but soon became a part of Horton's Nazareth will include Judith also in the wilderness of today. performing company. When Hor- .Jameson's solo Cry and Dudley The troupe has performed before ton died in 1953, Ailey took over as Williams in the new Ailey solo A audiences from all backgrounds in- the company's artistic director. Song For You, but as the New cluding Viet Nam Vets Against the By 1958, he had studied with York Times aptly states it "at War, Labor Unions, Church, Com- Martha Graham, Doris Humphrey times, one almost wonders munity and School groups. During BALTIC LANDS FESTIVAL and Anna Sokolow, danced in whether it matters what the com- the summer of 1972 the troupe per- Saturday, April 14, 1973 several Broadway and off- pany is doing as long as it promises formed in Washington, D.C. for Broadway plays (House of not to stop." government workers, tourists at ROCHESTER MUSEUM Flowers with Diahann Carroll, Performance tickets are $6.00 national monuments, and local Jamaica with Lena Home), had 1:00 OPENING CEREMONY Lobby and are now on sale at the Arts community groups. They are Congressman Frank Horton played a straight dramatic role in Center Boxoffice. Tickets will also currently on a 6 month tour of the Tiger, Tiger, Burning Bright and be on sale at the Student Activities 13 original states. James Hamilton, Community Coordinator had appeared in his first motion Desk starting April 9th. Tickets The Road Company is the Presentation of the Flags picture. are $1.00 for MCC students. Theatre Project of the Peoples 1:30 "LIGA" LATVIAN CHOIR Auditorium Bicentennial Commission which 1:50 LITHUANIAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY Of was established in July, 1971 to stimulate a renewed sense of com- ROCHESTER CHOIR Auditorium Americomedia; mitment to the radical democratic 2:25 FILM ON ESTONIAN CULTURE Auditorium ideals that shaped the birth of A revolutionary Punch & Judy America. With a full time staff of 3:00 CRAFT DEMONSTRATIONS First Floor 22 people, the P.B.C. has initiated Hammered Copper — Alfonse Eimanis April 12th—12-2:00 p.m. Bicentennial Programs in several Pottery Throwing — Ana Zadins areas. Weaving — Alex Zadins in the Brick Lounge Aside from the professional "Vanadzins" Latvian Folk Dancers Auditorium theatre company the P.B.C. has a 3:20 "LAZDYNAS" LITHUANIAN FOLK DANCE In 1776 there was a revolution! It's alive! It's fun! It's multi-media production and a GROUP Lobby In 1976 there is the American national radio show which over 600 American as Apple Pie, and it does CULTURAL DISPLAYS THROUGHOUT THE Revolutionary Road Company! not have the White House/Big radio stations use in their daily The American Revolutionary Road Business seal of approval. It's programming. P.B.C. produces AFTERNOON - 1-5 P.M. - FREE Company is a Punch and Judy rated "P", for Patriots only! Julia educational material on the show about the birthrights and Cameron, writing in the American Democratic heritage basic principles upon which our na- Washington Post, cited it as and conducts Bicentennial IS IT TOO LATE? tion was founded. It will be possessing a "Vonnegut whimsy workshops with Labor Unions and You can do it today. Or you can do it tomorrow. But you can't do it presented in the Brick Lounge with a jumpy time line ... a pep- Community groups. P.B.C. successfully after tomorrow. April 6, so you might want to prepare for it Thursday. April 12th from 12-2 py and peppery indictment." Feature Service provides stories tonight. P.M. and graphics on the American David Riley wrote, in "It " is handing in your poem, short story, drawing, painting, photo, for A Joyous Exploration of the Washington's Daily Rag, that Revolution for use in over 500 com- munity and University possible publication in Cabbages & Kings, this school's literary and American Mythology; it frees our " 'AMERICOMEDIA' is a wacky, visual arts magazine. revolutionary images for Per- vaudeville take-off on our up- publications. The P.B.C. Com- mittee of Correspondence Frankly, we're a little short of material at this writing, so your chance sonal, not Political-Corporate use. coming 200th Anniversary, seen of getting published is better than average. The company of 6 actresses and through the eyes of modern media. Newsletter keeps subscribers in- formed of Bicentennial events and So please do us and yourself a favor, and try to hand in your creation on actors utilizes a format called Daffy Yankee Doodle and Goofy Friday, April 6. You may find that it's easier than it seems! "AMERICOMEDIA", based on " Miss Liberty, an unlikely pair, get activities underway in various parts of the country. P.B.C. has You can do it here: the Italian Comedia del Arte. In together, make the long trek 1. Student Activities Desk two hours of music, comedy, across the ocean, and settle down received financial support from history and thought about several foundations, including the 2. C&K office, room 3-140 in suburbia, guided through life by 3. Chuck Haas' office. 4-102 America, the show explores the their TV hosts from 'The Newly- National Endowment for the revolutionary-historical dream Humanities. 4. Mailfolder, English Dept. wed Game'. It's a funny show about 5. Mailfolder. S.A. office. 3-113 behind the creation of government a most serious subject that whole Come participate in a truly "of the people, by the people, for 6. Mailfolder. under "C", right in there near your student mailfolder. libraries have been written about: American experience. RATED Cabbages & Kings will be available, free to all. beginning the second the people." What happened to the new world "P": FOR PATRIOTS ONLY! week of next month. Page Six MONROE DOCTRINE April 5, 1973

COUNSELING CENTER .... The following occupational materials have been received by the Counseling Center: THE PROFESSION OF DIETETICS—The Report of the FOR SALE: 35'x8" Mobile home FOR SALE: Oil Fired Heater 150,- Study Commission on Dietetics AUTOMOBILIA with 2O'x9' addition completely A CAREER IN THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 000 BTU — Portable - $50.00. New furnished, remodeled with a new motor and rebuilt pump. New or- CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN THE STEEL INDUSTRY FOR SALE: '64 Valiant, 2 door, heating system and interior fice. Ideal for heating garage or TRAINING AND CAREERS IN MARINE SCIENCE standard, 60,000 miles. Call 225- decoration. 20 minutes from down- barn. Contact Douglas Tyner by OPTOMETRY TODAY: the Vision Care Profession 1309. town and 20 minutes from school. mailfolder: 077-46-7550. Or by Contact Lester A. Flanders at 293- phone 889-3915. These and other career materials are available for student use 2228 or mailfolder. in the Counseling Center, 1-204. FOR SALE: 1971 >/2 OSSA 250 Pioneer, Good condition, set for FOR SALE: Nordica Ski Boots. trail. Asking $550. Call 889-1255. Size 7, 2 yrs. old. Excellent condi- HELP WANTED Attention June Graduates '73 tion $25.00. Call Kathie Winter 247- FOR SALE: 1966 Chevy BelAir. 2060 after 4 p.m. or all day Thurs- WANTED: Student for yard work Last chance for Cap and Gown Good condition runs great. Small 6 day or Sunday or contact by on weekends. Contact Mrs. Ritzat Measurements Wed., Apr. 11th, 10:00 A.M. engine, tudor, contact Mary Jane mailfolder. ext. 720. Triassi by mailfolder or call 458- FOR SALE: Ski Rack. For trunk to 3:00 P.M. in the Bookstore 2529 daytime after 4:30 p.m. WANTED: Second-hand of bigger car (Ford, Chevy, Olds, paddleball racket. Perferrably etc.) Never been used, excellent netted. Call 889-2506 and ask for FOR SALE: Honda CB 350. 1966. condition $15.00. Call Kathie Lou Lou. Class Ring Representative Will be On Call Pete evenings 865-7186. Winter 247-2060 after 4 p.m. or all Campus Wednesday, April 1 8th, 9:00 day Thursday and Sunday or by TYPING DONE: Any written A.M. — 9:00 P.M. By the STUDENT FOR SALE: Ford Galaxie 500-1970 mailfolder. assignment only 25c a page contact 4V, 351 C.I., Power steering, fac- FOR SALE: 4 used tires; 145 SR 13 Bonnie Holzhauer by mailfolder. ACTIVITIES DESK tory air conditioned. Must sell. $1,- (5.20/13) good mileage left - 400.00. $60.00 contact E.J. Ricotta by ANYONE interested in working on mailfolder or in MD office. the registration and clean-up for the Hike for Hope, Sunday, May 6, FOR SALE: Harley-Davidson FOR SALE: Dog for sale. Pug 1 Sportster, chopped, chrome, weber please contact Marie Platten by CARL ARENA SAYS year old female. A.K.C. mailfolder (088-44-4902) or at 467- carb, '69 engine, ready for the registered. Phone: 586-0124. road. Leaving for Germany soon. 5154 after 6:00 p.m. Must sell. Call 872-2932. FOR SALE: Panasonic Cassette FREE FOOD tape player and tape holder, like ATTENTION Cowpokes and Miss FOR SALE: Convertible Mustang. new asking $25.00 worth $55.00. O.C. Norris: We strongly urge you IN THE PUB to have your stirrups checked 1967, 6 cylinder. Good condition. ALBUMS FOR SALE: Wide selec- before changing horses in Friday, April 13th — 3:00 P.M. $350.00. Call 328-1186. tion, mostely in very good condi- midstream. Come in for free check tion. Prices from $1.50-$2.50. Call between 3AM7PM on 4/8/73 MCC FOR SALE: 1970 MG Midget; 461-3686, after 7 p.m. Ask for Norm INT&BET Dept. • SANDWICHES • MUNCHIES • purchase negotiable. Call 334-0200 or contact Janis Pollock by •••• after 5 p.m. mailfolder. FOR SALE: Tires, two F-70xl4 LODGINGS High Schools Hit MCC Raised white Letter Firestone WANTED: Roommate for 2 ment, especially the Dance class FOR SALE/TRADE Wide Ovals — Like new — 3,000 bedroom apartment with 2 other Students from area high schools miles of easy driving a real guys. Your own room if you want visited MCC last week in an effort we encountered. "Wow!" remark- FOR SALE: Yamaha folk guitar bargain at $55.00. Also 2 — 14x5V2 it. Extremely comfortable and to familiarize these potential ed a couple of guys, "we sure don't model 140, 6 string, 1 year old, have girls like that running around Dart or Valiant Rims $25.00 for clean. Good stereo and fur- "Monroe Community College $85.00 or offer, case included. If in- above. Contact Christian Boettrich nishings. Quiet Monday thru Goers" with the campus and our school." Similar comments terested, contact by mailfolder could be heard about some of the by mailfolder. Thursday. About $65.00 a month various aspects of college ac- Tom Ford 105-46-0369. rent. Good location at Park and S. tivities. secretaries around school. FOR SALE: 14' wood Thompson Unfortunately the tours were Lapstreak — new bottom paint and Goodman. Contact by mailfolder Somehow, I was drafted into the FOR SALE: Lafayette Turntable Mike Dinapoli or Barry Biggane. ranks of Student Tour Guides, a plagued by what appeared to be an and Webcor Reel-To-Reel Tape calking motors runs. Needs non-profit organization, and placed outbreak of mass-confusion. Ap- Recorder. Neither has base nor windshield and some repairs. Split WANTED: Male roommate to in charge of conducting a group parently the members of the facul- speakers. Contact Steve in the Bed trailer $375.00. Must sell. share with three other students. from Bishop Kearney about the ty and staff were not informed that Bursars Office. Ext. 212. Tyner, Douglas 889-3915. Fairwood Circle Townhouses, school. The kids came off the the schools were coming. If they WANTED: People for technical East River Rd. 10 minutes from buses in a slow shuffle of reluc- were aware they surely didn't WANTED: Old stockings for stuf- crew and actors and actresses for MCC. $55 monthly includes tance muttering rumors to the show it in their facial expressions fing pillows for "King Stag". Con- minor roles for "The King Stag." telephone, utilities, indoor pool, effect that MCC was just simply a which, I might add, depicted tact play's director, David Smith, If interested contact David Smith, golf and tennis privileges. Call 334- high-school with pinball machines. various stages of shock. In the ext. 397. ext. 397. 0271 after 4:00 p.m. Groups were taken throughout same breath though I must say the school, focusing special atten- that everyone who was confronted tion on the Counciling Center, with a tourgroup was courteous Phys. Ed. Dept., Technology, Stu- and willing to explain various VENDING COMEX THEATRE PRESENTS dent Activities and anything else topics when asked. they were interested in seeing. This week's touring schools in- Lunchtime rolled around and we cluded Rush-Henrietta, East High, MACHINE had a bit of extra time so we St. Agnes. Mercy, Bishop Kearney, "The King Stag" sauntered into the cafeteria to Shroeder High School, Churchville- By have a little bite to eat. While Chili, and Wheatland-Chili. REFUNDS munching on some of MCC's tasty Most of the students were im- By Marty Ognibene Count Carlo Gozzi goodies, some of the high- pressed by the college. Many were Do you ever get the feeling that schoolers commented on some of surprised that MCC was so large someone up there doesn't like you? April 13, 14, 15 their first impressions of our fair and had so many extra-curricular Your last 20

CRAMP-UP CORNER Lost: One rabbit, cute, answers to Wanted: Will the person who stole Personals: Let it be known that as SANDBAGGING — Gamma Harvey. He weighs 235 lbs., is 6 my athletic supporter from the of Thursday, March 29th, I disown Chi Fraternity has made it feet, 2 inches tall, and is very gym last Wednesday, please any and all responsibility for my the last four Saturdays, if affectionate. Reward. Contact return it, no questions asked. It fingerprints left by persons other HIKE FOR HOPE Ellwood P. Dowd by mailfolder. has great sentimental value. Cyrus than myself. George Haefner you think you want to R. Corntassle by mailfolder. volunteer your time for NEEDS YOU! some Saturday or Sunday, For REGISTRATION please contact Jim Wideman or drop a note in And Gamma Chi's mailfolder in CLEANUP! the Student Activities Of- fice. T

Page Eight MONROE DOCTRINE April 5, 1973


Intramural Basketball Thursday's league games were Millions have been running away postponed so the only action was in with most of its games so far. Monday's League. The Rookies, Rookies 26 Million's All Stars were winners. Lakers 22 Million's 36 The Rookies got off to a good Blue Devils 28 start and stayed ahead most of the game. In a real good game Millions just However the Lakers showed got past the Blue Devils. The game some good team play and tried to Randy Jaque tries in vain to complete the 6 foot mark. was exciting because the Blue keep close but couldn't do Devils made a game out of it. it. This Week's Standings Mondays League Thursday's League W L Faculty 6 0 Benfica Hotspurs 7 1 Funkadelics 6 2 Millions 7 0 Mongols 5 2 Quakers 6 2 Water Pipers 5 3 Blue Devils 4 3 Squires 3 4 Rookies 3 6 Condors 3 3 Cites 2 5 Celtics 2 4 Billy's 2 5 Hawks 1 5 Lakers 1 8 Hound Dogs 0 8

HIKE forHOPE IV FROM MONROE COMMUNITY COLLEGE MAY 6th Registration: 7:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Concert: 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. SPONSORED BY TEEN LEAGUE OF ROCHESTER

ATTENTION! Doug Fletcher (left) of MCC out hurdles St. John Fisher Trackman.

Pi Delta Chi is looking for pledgers. We are the only active CO-ED Fraternity. We Men's Student * Faculty have the athlete of the week, and, We also Doubles Paddleball Tournament have the LOWEST DUES. Interest Meeting, Friday-April 6, In room 6-313, Single Elimination College Hour APPLICATIONS.AVAILABLE: Room 10-114 Room 10-133 Men's Locker Room Student activities desk

TWO DIVISIONS: Novice and Advanced Novice—A beginning paddleball player, one with little playing experience. MCC Advanced—Other than a novice. AWARDS: Trophies to First place and Runner-up in divisions.

RESULTS & PAIRINGS: Will be posted by Men's Locker Room Door WANTED: More Novice, Faculty & Students RULES: A) Must be full time student, teacher, and administrative personnel. B) All games must be played by dates posted. C) All games 21 points — best 2 out of 3 games. LACROSSE E) Official 4 wall paddleball rules. SEE THE MCC LACROSSE CLUB BEAT THE TEAM FROM ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE IN BY 4:00 PM APRIL 4, 1973 UNIVERSITY OF BUFFALO. . . SAT. APRIL 14 HERE 2 A.M. IN MR. CHAMBERLAIN'S OFFICE 10-114