River Morphology Modeling at the Downstream of Progo River Post Eruption 2010 of Mount Merapi

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River Morphology Modeling at the Downstream of Progo River Post Eruption 2010 of Mount Merapi Available online at www.sciencedirect.com ScienceDirect Procedia Environmental Sciences 28 ( 2015 ) 148 – 157 The 5th Sustainable Future for Human Security (SustaiN 2014) River morphology modeling at the downstream of Progo River post eruption 2010 of Mount Merapi Puji Harsanto* *Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Ring Road Selatan, Tamantirto, Kasihan, Bantul Yogyakarta,55183, Indonesia Abstract Mt. Merapi is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia. Some of the rivers that the origin is located at Mt. Merapi have a large amount of sediment resources after eruption in October-November 2010. The total volume of sediment is estimated at 130 million m3.The deposited sediment flows to the downstream area as a debris or bed load transport in high density. Few studies considered downstream change along volcanic rivers due to a high density of bed load transport. Using numerical simulation, the impact of high concentration of bed-load transport is applied in Progo River, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The results show that the high bed-load transport rate increases the mid-channel bar grow rate and the bed degradation near the bank toe. The increase of bed degradation is an important parameter of bank erosion process. Furthermore, the bed morphology on the downstream after 2010 eruption of Mt. Merapi should be considered intensively. © 20152015 The The Authors. Authors. Published Published by Elsevier by Elsevier B.V ThisB.V. is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (Peerhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/-review under responsibility of Sustain Society.). Peer-review under responsibility of Sustain Society Keywords:volcanic rivers;bed-load transportsupply;numerical;bank toe 1. Introductions 1.1. Background Mt. Merapi in Central Java, Indonesia had a major eruption in late October and early November 2010.The eruptions produced ash plumes, lahars, and pyroclastic flows. Therefore, a large number of sediment is deposited at the upstream of several volcanic rivers. It is approximately 130 million m3. During rainy season, the deposited * Corresponding author. Tel.: +6281-1261-8825; fax: +62274-387-646. E-mail address: puji_hr@umy.ac.id 1878-0296 © 2015 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer-review under responsibility of Sustain Society doi: 10.1016/j.proenv.2015.07.021 Puji Harsanto / Procedia Environmental Sciences 28 ( 2015 ) 148 – 157 149 sediment flows to the downstream area and produces debris flow. The presence of debris flow increases the possibility riverbank erosion in some river reach, causing significant damage to various infrastructure and river structures. Hence, the secondary disaster in term of rainfall induced debris flow may occur in long term period. Using numerical model, this research is to investigate lahar occurrence as a supply of bed-load transport and its impact on riverbed deformation near the bank toe. The bed degradation at the vicinity of the bank slope which increases in the relative river bank height has a significant influence on the stability of the bank. 1.2. Study Area The watershed area of Progo River is around 17,432 square kilometers. Several tributaries of Progo River are located in the Mt. Merapi. The irrigation water of Sleman and Kulon Progo Distric is taken from the river. Many structures, for example, bridges, railway bridges, cross the river. Therefore, the sustainability of the river should be monitored by Yogyakarta government. Due to the major eruption in October 2010, the sediment supply is more than the equilibrium condition. The river reaching of Progo River and located in Bantaris chosen in order to examine the interaction of channel geometry, sediment supply and bed deformation. Fig. 1 shows the Progo River system. Fig. 1. Location of study area 2. Numerical Model Numerical simulations are performed using the horizontal two-dimensional flow model which the equations are written in general coordinate system. The model uses the finite difference method to solve different equations. Relationship between Cartesian coordinate system and General coordinate system is as follows. 1 J §·wwxyww xy ¨¸ (1a) ©¹w[ wK wK w[ 150 Puji Harsanto / Procedia Environmental Sciences 28 ( 2015 ) 148 – 157 w[ wy J wwKx (1b) wK wy J wwx [ (1c) w[ wx J wwy K (1d) wK wx J ww[y (1e) Where, [and K are the coordinates along the longitudinal and the transverse directions in generalized coordinate system, respectively, x and y are the coordinates in Cartesian coordinate system. Computation of surface flow is carried out using the governing equation of the horizontal two-dimensional flow averaged with depth. The conservation of mass, i.e., inflow and outflow of mass by seepage flow, is taken into consideration as shown in the following equation [1]. w§·zhh w § § w[ · · w § § wK · · w§·§· § w[ ·hhgg w § wK · /¨¸¨¸¨¸ ¨ UVU ¸ ¨ ¸¨¸¨¸ ¨ gg ¸ ¨ V ¸ 0 wtJ©¹ w[w©¹©¹ © t ¹ J wKw © t ¹ J w[w © t ¹ J wKw © t ¹ J ©¹©¹ (2) Where, t is the time, z is the water surface level. Surface flow depth is represented as h, seepage flow depth is hg. U and V represent the contra variant depth averaged flow velocity on bed along [ and K coordinates respectively. These velocities are defined as w[ w[ Uuv wwxy (3a) wK wK Vuv wwxy (3b) where, u and v represent the depth averaged flow velocity on bed along x and y coordinates, respectively. Ug and Vg represent the contra variant depth averaged seepage flow velocity along [ and K coordinates, respectively. These velocities are defined as w[ w[ Uuv gggwwxy (4a) wK wK Vuvggg wwxy (4b) where, the depth averaged seepage flow velocities along x and y coordinates in Cartesian coordinate system are shown asug, vg, respectively. / is a parameter related to the porosity in the soil, wherein / = 1 as zJzb, and /= O as z ˘zb, where zb is the bed level and O is the porosity in the soil. Seepage flow is assumed as horizontal two- dimensional saturation flow. Momentum equations of surface water are as follows. Puji Harsanto / Procedia Environmental Sciences 28 ( 2015 ) 148 – 157 151 ww§w[·w§wK·§·hU § ·hU § ·hU ¨¸¨¸¨¸ ¨UV ¸ ¨ ¸ ww[wwKwtJ©¹©¹©¹ © t ¹ J © t ¹ J hu §·w§·§ w[ w[ ·§·§ w w[ wK ·§· w w[ ¨¸¨¸¨UV ¸¨¸¨ ¸¨¸ Jtx©¹ww©¹© w t ¹©¹© w[w x w t ¹©¹ wKw x hv §·w§· w[§· w[ w §· w[ §· wK w§· w[ ¨¸¨¸¨¸UV ¨¸ ¨¸¨¸ Jty©¹ww©¹©¹ w t w[w ©¹ y ©¹ w t wKw©¹ y §·§·2 2 11§·w[§· w[ wwzzss§·w[ wK w[ wK Wb[ gh¨¸¨¸¨¸¨¸ ¨ ¸ ¨¸Jx¨¸w w y w[ Jxxyy ww ww wK U J ©¹©¹©¹©¹ © ¹ 2 1111§·w[ w w[ wK w w[ wK w w[ w[ w VVWW¨¸ hhhhxx xx yx yx Jx©¹w w[ Jxx wwwK Jyx wwwK Jyx www[ 2 11w[ wK w w[ w[w11§· w[ w w[wKw W h xy hhWxy ¨¸ Vyy h Vyy JxywwwK Jx wwyJyJyy w[ w w[ w w wK ©¹ (5a) ww§w[·w§wK·§·hV § ·hV § ·hV ¨¸¨¸¨¸ ¨UV ¸ ¨ ¸ ww[wwKwtJ©¹©¹©¹ © t ¹ J © t ¹ J hu §·w§·§ wK w[ ·§·§ w wK wK ·§· w wK ¨¸¨¸¨UV ¸¨¸¨ ¸¨¸ Jtx©¹ww©¹© w t ¹©¹© w[w x w t ¹©¹ wKw x hv §·w§· wK§· w[ w §· wK §· wK w§· wK ¨¸¨¸¨¸UV ¨¸ ¨¸¨¸ Jty©¹ww©¹©¹ w t w[w ©¹ y ©¹ w t wKw©¹ y §·§·2 2 11§·w[ wK w[ wK wwzzss§·wK§· wK WbK gh¨¸¨¸ ¨¸¨¸ ¨¸ ¨¸Jxxyyww ww w[ J¨¸ w x w y wK U J ©¹©¹©¹©¹ ©¹ 2 11wK w[ w §·wK w 11wK w[ w wK wK w VVWW hhhhxx ¨¸ xx yx yx Jxxwww[ J©¹ w x wK Jyx www[ Jyx wwwK 2 11wK w[ w wK wK w11 wK w[ w§· wK w W h xy hhWxy Vyy ¨¸ h Vyy Jxywww[ Jx wwwKyJyyJy www[ w wK ©¹ (5b) Where, g is the gravity, Uis the water density. Wb[ and WbK represent the contra variant shear stress along [ and K coordinates, respectively. These shear stresses are defined as w[ w[ W W W bb[ wwxyxby (6a) wK wK W W W bbK wwxyxby (6b) where, Wx and Wy are the shear stress along x and y coordinates, respectively as follows. ub Wxb W 22 uvbb (7a) vb Wyb W 22 uvbb (7b) Wb 2 u* U (8) 152 Puji Harsanto / Procedia Environmental Sciences 28 ( 2015 ) 148 – 157 2 222ngm uuv* 1 3 R (9) Where, u* is the friction velocity, nm is the Manning’s roughness coefficient, R is the hydraulic radius, ks is the roughness height. ub and vb represent velocity near the bed surface along x and y coordinates, respectively. Velocities near the bed are evaluated using curvature radius of streamlines as follows. uu cosDD v sin bbssbss (10a) vu sinDD v cos bbssbss (10b) uu 8.5 bs * (11) h vNubs * bs r (12) Where, Ds arctan vu ,N* is 7.0 [2].r is the curvature radius of stream lines obtained by the depth integrated velocity field as follows [3]. 11°°­½§·wwvu§· ww vu 32 ®¾uu¨¸ v vu¨¸ v rxxyy uv22 ¯¿°°©¹ww©¹ ww (13) Vxx, Vyy, Wxy and Wyx are turbulence stresses as follows. wu V 2Q xx w x (14a) w v V 2Q yy w y (14b) §·wwvu Wxy W yx Q¨¸ wwxy ©¹ (15) N Q uh* 6 (16) Where, Q is the coefficient of kinematics eddy viscosity, Nis the Karman constant, ktis the depth-averaged turbulence kinetic energy [1]. §·w[wwzzbb wK ukggx ¨¸ ©¹ww[wwKxx (17a) Puji Harsanto / Procedia Environmental Sciences 28 ( 2015 ) 148 – 157 153 §·w[wwzzbb wK vkggy ¨¸ ww[wwKyy ©¹ (17b) Where, kgx and kgy is the coefficient of permeability along the longitudinal and the transverse directions, respectively. When the water depth of surface flow becomes less than the mean diameter of the bed material, the surface flow is computed only in consideration of pressure term and bed shear stress term in the momentum equation of surface flow [4].Grain size distribution is evaluated using the sediment transport multilayer model as follows[5]: ww§·cEbbbk f §·zb ¨¸O 1 Fbk ¨¸ wwtJ©¹tJ ©¹ §·ww[§·§·cE f r qq wwKcE f r ¨¨¸¨¸bbbkb bk[K bbbkb bk ¸ 0 ¨¸w[¨¸¨¸ wtJ J wK w tJ J ©¹©¹©¹ (18) In the formulae above, fbk is the concentration of bed-load of size class k in the bed-load layer, fdlk is the th sediment concentration of size class k in the m bed layer, cb is the depth-averaged concentration of bed-load.
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