Loops and Metagames: Understanding Game Design Structures Miguel Sicart Center for Computer Games Research IT University of Copenhagen
[email protected] ABSTRACT in Free to Play game design [10], a design space in which the In this paper we present a set of formal concepts that can help in economic need for a distinction between interaction and context game design analysis. Our goal is to provide a conceptual became a key element in the evolution of its development framework based on terminology used in game design. practices. Our model appropriates the concepts of loops and metagames and expands them through the lenses of philosophy Keywords and play research to be applicable for analyzing game designs. Game design research, Interaction Design, Loops, Context, Our model is both an analytical tool and a theoretical argument Formalism. about what game design is, given a clearly defined level of abstraction. Our goal with this model is to have an impact in 1. INTRODUCTION research, education, and design practices. We intend to Game designer and scholar Frank Lantz once defined games as systematize a set of concepts used in game design practice, “basically operas made out of bridges” [1]. A closer look at games formalize them through definitions, and exemplify the advantage shows that, while the metaphor holds, it also falls somewhat short, of using these definitions as analytical and creative tools. as operas or bridges are nowhere as complex as games. Digital games in particular, the object of study of this article, are We will start by presenting the need for formal tools for analyzing particularly complex sociotechnical constructs: they are game designs, and how that research is methodologically engineering feats, pushing the boundaries of real-time and compatible with our model.