R!FERENCE USE ONLY 'BZA,.~·U.l REPOR~ NO. FRA/ORD-77/45.1 POTENTIAL MEANS OF COST REDUCTION IN GRADE CROSSING MOTORIST-WARNING CONTROL EQUIPMENT Volume I: Overview, Technology Survey and Relay Alternatives C. L. DuVivier W. Sheffeld L. M. Rogers H.J. Foster Storch Engineers 824 Boylston Street Chestnut Hill MA 02167 . -~- I . DECEMBER 1977 FINAL REPORT DOCUMENT IS AVAILABLE TO THE U .S. PUBLIC THROUGH THE NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE, SPRINGFIELD, VIRGINIA 22161 Prepared for U,S, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL RAILROAD ADMINISTRATION I Office of Research and Development Washington DC 20590 · NOTICE This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Govern ment assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. NOTICE The United States Government does not endorse pro ducts or manufacturers. Trade or manufacturers' names appear herein solely because they are con sidered essential to the object of this report. Technical I<eport Documentation Page 1 2 F R-;;;-i-,-Po_'R---:D--:-~---:7_7,1 ~~·o_c'-~-::-n-' _~ r--:- __4_5_.I _'__G_oy_e,_"m_en_,_Ac_ce_ss_,o_n_NO_' --+:-3_, 2_(_°7=-'°'_0g.=--7 9lf6 L 5 POTE1NTttt'MEANS OF COST REDUCTION IN GRADE 1 , Repo,' DO'e I CROSS I NG MOTORI ST - WARNI NG CONTROL EQUI PMENT ~~-~~~~~~,:on.~0~.~n7cod. i Volume I: Overview, Technology Survey and ~ Relay Alternatives 8. Pedo,m,ng O,gon"o',on Repo" No, j 7, Aupnarls) 1 C.L. DuVivier, L.M. Rogers, W. Sheffeld, and DOT-TSC-FRA-76-21,I r-H'7--,:,T~_.Lj:;:..u..:,,,,,,,,,-::'tL-,,,,p,-,----r +-:-I-:-O '--;;'o.k Un,' No :T-RA-IS-I--- ,-- 9.
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