Plan of the Finsbury Dispensary, St. John's-Square, Clerkenwell, For
1> L A ' OF THE FINSBURY DISPENSARY, o/t, 4-Ofyuarej FOR ADMINISTERING ADVICE & MEDICINES TO THE POOR, at the DISPENSARY, OR AT THEIR OWN HABITATIONS,' GRATIS, WITH A LIST OF THE GOVERNORS; INSTITUTED u DCC USX, PLAN OF THE FINSBURY DI; ST. JOHN’S SQUARE, CLERKENWELL. INTRODUCTION, ITS RISE AND PROGRESS . A FEW Gentlemen, bleffied with benevolent hearts, and liberal difpofitions, urged by theit feelings, and encouraged by the fuccefs of fimi- !ar Charities (eftabliffied in the Metropolis and places adjacent) were induced to attempt tQ in- dilute this Charity. The original Promoters met on the 29th day of April, 1780, and were foon joinedby feveral friends and humane perfons, who continued to meet very frequently, as well to promote Sub- fcriptions as to deft proper Officers, and to form and adopt Regulations, Rules and Orders, for the good government of the Charity. On the 3d of Auguft, 1780, the Governors conceived that the fruits of their labours were fo far ripened, that they ought to diffufe them among the obje&s of their Care. They there-* fore refolved that this Difpenfary fliould he opened On the then 12th inftant. In the firft fix months, 685 poor, afflicled.. worthy objects were cured or received rclieL PRESENT STATE. From-the inllitution to this time, 54,563 dif- trelfed fellow-creatures have enjoyed the ad- vantages refulting from this benevolent efla- blilhment, 52,769 of whom, to their great corn- fort, and to the happiuefs of their families, and benefit of the publick, have experienced the eminent abilities, unremitting afiiduity, and ten- der care, of the Gentlemen of the Faculty en- gaged in this Charity; either by receiving a perfect cure, or the utmoft relief that medicine or chirurgical operations could bellow.
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