Finsbury Park Neighbourhood Plan Neighbourhood Area study WORKING DRAFT Introduction Context What is a Neighbourhood Plan? • In recent years, Finsbury Park has often • If approved, the Neighbourhood Plan felt like the ‘forgotten corner of three would form part of planning policy, Boroughs’. tackling issues such as: • At the Finsbury Park Regeneration • The scale, location, design, and height of Conference in 2015, a group of local new development residents and workers were enthused by • Affordable housing the idea that a Neighbourhood Plan for Finsbury Park could help secure a more • Retail, leisure, business workspace, and community facilities coherent and prosperous future for the area. • Transport and connectivity • A working group formed, and has been • The historic and natural environment gathering support for a Neighbourhood (potentially including some or all of Finsbury Park itself) Plan ever since. In due course, this group will form the basis of a • At the end of 2016, around 200 ‘Neighbourhood Forum’, a formally communities across the country had constituted body governed by the prepared a Neighbourhood Plan, another Localism Act 2010 – quite separate from 400 were at a draft stage, and around the three local councils. 1,000 others are at an earlier stage. Why a Neighbourhood Plan for Finsbury Park? (Page 1 of 2) • Creating a coherent vision for the • Designating areas for regeneration and future: Finsbury Park spans multiple conservation: Neighbourhood Plans can administrative boundaries. Despite an help to focus new development in the accord signed by the three local councils most appropriate locations, whilst in June 2012, coordination has not always protecting assets such as local green been effective.
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