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Index AccountAbility 1000 Stakeholder Engagement Behavioural Insights Team 314 Standard (AA1000SES) 347 behaviourally informed disclosure 318–19 act-related consumption 212 choice architecture 313–14, 315, 317, 325 Africa 225 confusion, avoidance of 319 agency 86, 88, 92–5 default rules 319–23 collective 84–5, 96 and automatic enrolment 319–21 Agenda 21 55–6 extreme 322 agent-based model, modified 166–7 implicit endorsement 321 Agyeman, J. 422 mass 321 Akenji, L. 26 personalized 321 Albinsson, P.A. 419 energy use 318, 320–21, 325 Allwood, J.M. 142 findings 315–17 American Institute for Cancer Research 196 framing 316, 318 Antonides, G. 209–23 inertia and procrastination 315–16, 321, ascription of responsibility (AR) 256 322 Asia 62–3, 165, 193, 287 internalities 313, 315 Asia-Pacific 225 libertarian paternalism 314–15 attitude–behaviour (value–action) gaps 88, 107, ‘nudging’ 314, 318, 325 278 nutrition 318 attitude–behaviour–choice (ABC) model 95, presentation 316 105 probability assessment and attitude to risk attitudes–facilitators–infrastructure (AFI) 317 framework 26 reference point for consumer decisions 321 attitudinal factors 105, 278 salience 323–4 Austgulen, M.H. 204 savings 319–20, 325 Australia 59, 135, 140, 164, 172, 226 social norms 316–17, 324, 325 Global Green Tag 296 Belgium 64, 155 Austrian economics 394, 397–400, 401, 406, Belk, R. 415 408 Bell, D. 433 availability bias 317 Bentham, J. 396 Berg, A. 28 Baatz, C. 124, 127 best available technologies (BATs) 289, 378 Baker, S. 210, 211 Bhamra, T. 103 Ballantine, P.W. 419 Bhate, S. 105, 106 Bamberg, S.
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