• "The South's Best "By the Students, College Newspaper" t For the Students" Z-'J'JI Wuhington and Lee University Semi-Weekly

VOL. XLII LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1939 NUMBER 48 Jam Session Hugh A very I Honor Roll Fraternities Prominent Ministers Earl s. Mattingly. W-L regis­ To Replace GetS Award trar. yesterday announced a mid­ semester honor roll or 47 men. Ten Are ~lecting Brought to Campus or these made au A's. F 0 r 0 r a t 0 r y This number IS ten under that Tea Dance ot the 1938 spring mid-semester. Nomtnators F R . . W k whlch totaled 57. or e1 tgtous ee The complete spring mid-semes­ Non-Fraternity Convention W -L Senior Wins In State Goodman Will Render ter honor roll, as announced yes­ To Be Held Tomorrow ------· Swing Concert Instead of Competition Held At terday by Mattingly, follows: Akin, J . G. (All A'S) At 2:30P.M. Dr. A. L. Kinsolving Of Spring Set Dansant Ashland, Virginia Baker, Paul Boston Is Leading Bruinsma, T. A. Delegates Will Convene Delivers Talk On 'Youth, Bryant, T. R. Speaker 400 Have Subscribed At Next Tuesday Afternoon Advance Rates; Drive Religion And Today' De­ Burrows. E. F: Chase. E. D . At Two o'Clock Virginia Clergymen Will To Continue fending Modern Youth Dempsher, John Espy, R.B. Final administrative plans for Conduct Fraternity Dis­ Cotillion club president Steve Hugh P. Avery, president ot the Fleishman, A. T. the general campus elections next cussion Groups stephenson said today that a Virginia Oratorical associaiton and Fleming, T. 0. week were drafted by the executive "swing" concert by Benny Good· manager of the Washington and Fuller. R. A. committee in a special meeting Five of the most prominent man will supplement the tradition- Lee debate team. won the oratori· Gaddy, R. H. (All A's) early this afternoon. as president clergymen In the eastern United al tea dance held on the Batur- cal contest held at the association's Garfield, Z. H. · Vaughan Beale issued a curt re­ States have accepted Invitations to da:V afternoon of the club's an- annual meeting at Ashland, Vir- Gholson, S.C. minder to all students of the antl­ conduct the services during Relig­ nuaJ spring dances this year. The Hqh Avery, W-L debate team ginia, on March 31. Avery repre­ Grasty, 0. M. polltlclnr provisions of the student ious Emphasis week. to be conduct­ announcement followed a survey manager, who received first place sented Washillgton and Lee and Guthrie, w. R. body constitution. ed by the Christian counell begin­ conducted by Stephenson on the In the state oratorical contest. spoke on "Youth, Religion, and To- Hancock, A. F. convention will be selected accord- was 88 and had headed the de­ at 10 :40 a. m. in the chapel. Tentative plans tor the concert college ot the University ot North has not helped them to find a sat­ Woodward, H. M. ing to the constitutional provisions partment of accounting since 1920. G&ines' Statement Yonge, P. K. (All A's) of fraternity and non-fraternity Services were held at his home which were submitted with the an- C&rOlina in Greensboro. The sub- lstactory amwer to the questions President Gaines made the fol­ .. nouncement today provided for a Ject tor this debate will also be the or life and that It has turned from representation. Each fraternity Sunday afternoon, and the burial will select one delegate tor each took place in Dayton, Ohio. His lowing statement regarding Relig­ horseshoe ot chairs apout the band pump priQllna question. Which side developing the inner soul toward Ious Emphasis week : stand with available space behind W-L wlll uphold will not be known the secular subJugation o( man. Collegians Get seven members and the non-tra- widow. Laura Detamore Coan, sur­ the chairs for those who wish to until arrival at Greensboro. 'Ibis Challenres Cbarch ternity group wUl be represented vives. "Recognizing the place of re­ dance. · will be the first time in history on the same basis. In the voting Professor Coan was born In New ligion In any education scheme Cost of the concert to students that W-L has debated a girls' ~e then challenged the church Ocean Voyage for delegates each member of a Orleans. and matriculated at Pal­ which seeks to promote not only a will be $2. 00 either ln the balcony sch oo1 . H owever, the team as ked dto helptala us td1acover tbe dthe real-ftft._ tun- .. fraternity or the non-fraternity mer college in Iowa where he re­ preparation for lite but a philos­ or on the dance ftoor. Cadets. who tor and received permission from amen o wor you P•~· group wUl have as many votes as ceived a bachelor ot arts degree. ophy of life, the University, acting must return to barracks early be· the debate council to debate one help us to w;uterstand the mean­ Thomas, Boatwright, Sera­ his group has delegates. He may He held a masters degree from through the executive committee cause ot the late hour of the con- girls' school thls year, and WCUNC lng of Christ s words .and to tor- cast them all tor one man or he Columbia university and studied of the faculty, has set aside the cert will be admitted at a reduced lected t"'· h 1 get Its minor cWrerencea. phine, Fuller and Keehn may split the votes. also at Antioch college, ObJo, and assembly periods provided In this • was se 88 ue sc 00 · "Untll such a time as thla chal- price. Bolleon Allo ChOiell To Play on Aquitania Whitman college, Walla Walla, week's schedule. It is our belief The spring set includes the "13'' len.re Is accepted modem youth Oath for Delerate. Washington. He received a mas- that the..c;e meetings and the dis­ club formal on Friday night with Hobson is a sophomore from will be forced to solve Its moral The Southern Collegians will Immediately upon selection. as ters degree in English from Whit­ cussions which will attend them Harry James playing the music, Frankfort, Kentucky. and Is a and religious problema in its own travel to Europe this summer work­ required by the constitution, the man. constitute an opportunity tor our the concert on saturday atter- member of Lambda Chi Alpha so- way, a way anta1onlatic and dis- 1ng their way across by providing delegates are requlred to swear the After teaching tor 12 years in a thought(ul students to appreciate noon at 5 :00 and the cotillion club clal fraternity. He Is a Dean's Liat tasteful to the eatabllshed order music tor passengers of the Aqui­ following oath in the presence of Montclair. New Jersey, high the slgniflcance of religion and to formal on Saturday nilht. Benny and Honor Roll man, and has had or ace and experience." tania. Charlie Steinhoff, band- the entire chapter: school. Professor Coan moved to aline personality with its princi­ Goodman will play tor both sat- two yean debating experience. Avery 1a a senior in the com- leader, announced recently. "Upon my honor I swear or at- Lexington to become a member ot ples. I venture the personal hope urday dances. Avery 1a a senior from Buffalo, merce school and 1a a member of A contract with the Cunard flrm that I have not pledged nor the Washington and Lee (.acuity. that all or our boys who can pos­ Earlier tntormatlon from the fi- New York, and ts also a member of Lambda Chi Alpha aoctal fr&ter- White Star line was signed yester­ will pledge my vote In convention He was a member of The Amer­ sibly do so will avail themselves nancial officers of spring set re- Lambda Chi Alpha social frater- nlty. He 1a the second Waahln&ton day following an audition by Phil­ to any candidate. party or organ!- lean Economic association, Ameri­ of this privilege." vealed that prices atter saturday nlty. He has been the champion and Lee man to win the contest~ Upe Boone, CUnard agent. The zation whatsoever. but will cast my can Association of University Pro­ will be Jumped two dollars. Indi- orator of W-L for the put three the last ftve years. Stanford aareement calls ·for two perform­ vote for that candidate whom I tes.sors. American Accounting as­ Rev. Paul Derring, of Blacksburg. Vidual tickets are priced at years, cUmaxinl h1a brilliant ca- SChewel won the contest In 1935. ances a day, one to be played each believe most capable tor omce. so soclatlon, and The American Sta- Rev. Vernon P. Bowdeln, also of a:uo B1acksbuJ·g, Rev. Russell Stroup tor Friday nilht, $2.00 tor satur- reer by w1nn1na the state contest Waablnaton and Lee Is the only afternoon at a tea dance and the help me God!" tistical association. c. and day afternoon and 13.50 tor Sat· th18 year. He is also president or school in tbe state which can show other at an evening ball. of Lynchburg. Rev. W. Kyle The llilt or delegates must be Smith of Richmond. will conduct urday nilht. ' the state oratorical association. Coetlaaed • pace foar Only the "Swing wlna" of the submitted to Sydney Ammerman. Non-Fraternity NoUce Decorationa w111 feature a sprtna orchestra will make the tour. This discussion groups in the fraternity secretary of the student body, bY All non-fraternity men wUl meet houses. The discussions will also be motif under the direction ot de- N F L Seeks includea Bob Boatwrtaht. drum- six o'clock Friday. The names may tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 in held at the Student Union tor the &lgner ~Lynch , who furnished on. raternity ine- Up mer; Paul 'nlomas, trumpeter; be left at the circulation desk of Washlngton chapel to elect dele­ decorationa for the impreaalve Gene 8eraphine ,saxophonist: Bob non-frate1·nity men. Assisting Lbese the General library or submitted to gates to the nominating conven­ clergymen will be several members Pancy Dress set In February. Candidate To Defeat Gardner :l:ls~.i anist , and Ralph Keehn, Ammerman personally. tion preceding the student body of the University faculty. Oont.lnued on paa-e tour elections. The rroup will sail from New Rev. Betts Here Spring Salon Of Photo By AltT BUCK, .ra. group in an effort to chanae Gard­ Yorlt June 14, landing at Cher­ In addtlon, Rev. t:>arby Betts of Club Being Prepared To the great horror ot everyone ner's mind. bourg, France. Atter two weeks on St. Louts, Missouri. Is here this There is every indication that except the J;IOlltlclans, we noted in So far as we can tell It started the continent, Including a short Glee Oub Goes To Washington week to lead In the discussions. the annual spring salon, sponsor- last Friday s issue of the Rlch- with Huah Thompeon and one bicycle tour, and several days in Mr. Betts is a jfradua.te of Wash­ John Hawklm who always appears Par18, the orchestra will leave for ed by the Camera club during ~~~ :::ti~a~~r t~a~ _t~eca': : For State And Radio Concerts Ington and Lee, having been an about th18 time of year. 'nley had London and a stay ln the British active member of Sigma Chi, Phi Sprilll dances, will be a biller sue- pus 18 for all purpoees settled. The evidently reached the concluaion Iales, where they wlll remain until Tht>atre engagements. a radio Prlze for the winner ot the con- cess than ever this year, accordlna question , should we feel badly Beta Kappa and the Christian 18 that anybody rather than Gard­ July 8, when they are scheduled broadcast and contests with ftve test ls a trophy. with Individual council while here. to Bob Harris, secretary of tbe or merely say we told you so? ner should have the omce. to embark fr6m Southampton. other glee clubs are on the sched- medals tor each singer In the win­ club. As we have been led to belleve With that in mind they ap­ The contract calls for the dis­ ule for the Washington and Lee ning outflt. and an opportunity to "We feel that we. as a Chrlstlan Some of the students are already the orialnal of that story was writ proached Mike Crocker who. be­ play or a Washington and Lee club which left today for Washing- appear at a mid-day assembly at council, owe to the students the mountlna pictures for entrance ln ten by none other than Comrad; ing a confirmed member of that banner at each appearance of the ton to take part In a music festival Washington and Lee high school obligation or furnishing them with the competltloni, and others have Booth. Really he showed such non-omce aeeldniJ aroup, said no. band .The Colelglans are one ot sponsored by Fred Waring and hls In Arlington. the oppartunlty to discuss with algnifted thelr ntentton of enter- amazinl inalaht and such capac­ Bomewhree In this mess the boya two orchestras in Virginia to play orchestra and glee club. Ross Her- The University of Maryland sana competent men the great problems lnl, he said. lty tor senstn1 the obvious that ploked up another paraclte. Let's on White Star Uners, which regu­ sey, president. said last night. • last Ba.turday on the Waring pro- of reUg lon and moral liVIng." Read Plans for this salon wUl be dis- we are wont to think the wrons call him Smith and be done with larly employ student bands fot· The organization, which lett gram. said. ·• we are trying to fulfill this cussed at the reiJular meeting of man is writing the present column it. He looked on while the party their summer crossings. Lexington early this morning, will The members of the club. after obllgallon and we hope tho,t. tM the club Thursday night at 7:15 ln Arnone those blessed with th~ proceeded. Arrangements have been made make Lheh· tll'St appearance ln a practice yestet·day alternoon, last st.udents wUl take the best possible the Journalism library. favor of t.he political gods, accord- Then they upon what they to secure student rates for the variety show In the National night.. and eight sessions lmme­ advantage ot ll." Ing t:> Mr. Booth, were our own C. thought to be another IQilcal can­ bandsmen. who wll lobtaln reduc­ Broadcastln&' company building, d\ately before the spt1ni holidays, Wood Taylor. the fu ture president didate. Lew Plummer. They didn't tlona in traveUng and hotel ex­ which will be broadcast over the rehearsed again this afternoon at. Death Claims T oplasm without doubt, J . Watson, Fancy know at the t1me that Lew had al­ penses, and meals. Their accom­ NBC blue network from 7:30 lO 8 3 o'clock In lhc NBC building In Religious Week E11dorsed Following Otter-WoTit Dreas leader surely to be. Robin ready told Gardner that. be would modations on the AquiLanla wUI p. m .. originating !rom WRC In Washtnaton. Hobson. P1nals plenopotentiary not oppose him. be tourist class. Washington. . Thirty-five singers made the By Executitte Committee Word .... reeelftd today by extraordinary, and othPra well Plummer told lhls to Hawkins Their duties will begin as soon Six minutes on the half-hour trip, and accommodations ho.ve A ~lutlon endoi"Sinr: ibe Un!.enlty oftlclala of t.he tac1 known to themselves and the few. as they reach New York. when they and cohorts but they su11ested proarnm Is alotted to the local be()n arranred ·ror them by the Rellrlou Empha.~ lll week to be death of Elmer X. Toplaam, Mr. Booth admits, however. that lhat Gardner could be persuaded wiU play "Auld Lan1 Syne" and club, durlna which they will slna WashJnglon W-L alumni chapter. hrld hrrr Aprll 12, U. and 14 atudent estraordinary at Waah­ the races for the vice-presidency to withdraw. In this case Plummer several other selections on the pier th Washington and Lee Swlna. Their contest competition wUl wa druwn up by the extcutl\!r lqton and LH. and one or two othera may be consente dthat Gardner could be ImmediatelY before their depar­ The :Nlaht Is Young, and Ll'l Black eornn.lltee this afternoon. Accordlna' to reporta, hla ll&d close. persuaded to withdraw. ln this ture. Baby, a nearo spiritual. They wlll con~l'!t of an a capella slnalna Warini'S o.rrangemrnl of The The rtaolutlou follow : deml~e w.. aaaled by over worll:, No dark horses were menlloned. case Plummer conaented to . All expenses w.l th the exception be led by Professor John G. Var­ " Rttlhdnr lhe nrct. lly of lhe Niaht Is Youna. Elmer havlq parilclpa.tecl In All of which brinp us down to the Last nilht Hawklna and Thomp­ of spending money will be paJd by ner. rell(ious phat!t' of student Lift", practically nery aetlvtty known present and tor the second stral¥ht son cornered Gardner. A certain the cunard company. Tomorrow noon th<'Y wUI prnc­ The Washlna~on appenrnnco wns the rncuU\!e rommlttee wl .h ­ here. Like ~~everal other people week the non-fraternity men come group, they said. didn't want him The south.cm Collealans are Ucc with Wo.rlna•s organization, lleCUl'Cd throuah Robe1 t Strom­ e to direct the att.t>nUon of tM In a 1lmllar POIIItlon, too man,y forth to be annolnt.ed and a.ssault­ for the secretaryship. Plummer scheduled to play at Danville next and several limes durin&' Wednes­ bera. Waring's agent. liludt'nt body to the thrt'e-day 1o0Uvttles klllf'd him. cd. would poll more votes. Would he Friday ror Ocorae WMhlnllton day and Thursday they wtll appear This wi ll be the first time s r4'11Jiou ~ provam this wet'k. Thr May the tra.fltl death of this This Ume It all centers around withdraw? hiiJh school's annual Easter prom. wllh the orchestra and alee club at. Washlnalon and Le<' alt'c rlub haa commlhct' urres thr Importance ll't'atly • beloved "van1lhlq the Gardner-tor-Secretary move. No. Simple and sweet. Several other booklnas for Lho n~>ar Lhe Co.pltnl theatre, competlna t'Vf'r had a lhentre cnanscment or ot the mtf'tlnp to bt held and American" se"e .. an example Recently there wa sa lltUe aet-t.o­ "But lhat certain sroup," Haw­ future have been made by l e~der wllh f\ve other clubs from the vi­ a rndlo brondro.st. expres.•1es ll'l h<'arly support. of to ua all. aether of the more elite of the Oontlllued • pqe four Charlie Steinhoff. cinity of Wuhln~rton . Continued on part tour tuUctous •~ mphasl• wtrk. Page Two THE RING-TUM PH I -- it also appears as an instrument of peace to youth, whose first desire today is for a Personal Campus Comment Washington and Lee University life free from the destruction of war. I ... Student Opinion Poll ••• By TOM M08E8 Semi· W eeldy The first point is more readily estab· OPINIONS Shows View of American College Students On Multi­ lished. Military training of the nature Edi tor's No&e: Where's M.ea! • • • Beleagered by a thousand worries or more, tude of Topics and Problems of Colleeg and Na­ Published everY TUesday and Friday or the provided by the Marine Corps is definite· Saturda.y, April l -It finally ar­ collegiate year. Entered at the Lexington, Vir­ our good columnist Moses swung into class ly intended to provide men with exper· rived. Sprlnit vacation. And wlth yesterd&y morning in a sleep-eyed stride at tional Importance Shows Correlation ginla, postoffice as second-class mall matter. lt we sprung north across the Ma­ ience to officer reserve units in times of 8:37. looking as though he had lost the world. BJ 8aclenl Opinion 8u"e11 of America Member ot the Assoelated Collegiate Press. son-Dixon line into Yankee terri­ Which ln fact he almost had during a me­ National advertising representative: The Na­ national emergency. tory for one short week of vaca­ morable April day in Waahington. The time Auatin, Texas, April 11-"It be-*ery college and university ln the Uonal Advertising Service, Inc.• 420 Madison tioning. 'Twas indeed a happy day Such times in the future will probably was late. the boys were high, and Moses was hooves us . . . to allow youth to country could be wired to a master Avenue, New York. City. for everyone. feeling verY, very generous when he tossed a have Its say ... U we are going to meter that would show how the mean universal conscription, from which bill to a kindly cab driver and told him to keep ourselves ready to face the majority feels. these would be the Subscription $3.00 per year, in advance Sunda.y, A_prU 2-0h. lt ls good few will be omitted. All previow train· to be home again. Lay in bed all keep the change-which the cab driver mOflt world of tomorrow," Mrs. Frank- results. as Indicated by the polls gladly dld. Who wouldn't lt Moses tossed you lln D. RoOsevelt declared ln a ra- that have been taken since De­ ROBERT A. NICHOLSON ...... Editor ing will merely mean that the men will be morning to start the vacation o.fJ in the proper manner. In the aft­ a $10 banlmote. And so with kind regards, we dlo address not long ago. And to- cembel': ALLEN T. SNYDER ...... Bu siness Manager better fitted to fulfill their obligations to ernoon visited a few friends who glve 1.t to you, Tom. day Just that is happening, The On the whole, American students themselves and their country. had come into the clty from New • • • Rlng-tumPbldolng itspart by pub- are a liberal lot. but the maJority MANAGING EDITORS England schools for the week. Paid Backy Sioopl &o C0114uer • •• liahlng the week-by-week polls or are quite serious about the paUti­ Military training as a weapon of peace the Student Opinion Surveys or cal and social problems that con­ Bamllton Hertz and Ernest Woodward n our first and only visit to the Radio This heading can't be taken too literally, and America. front them. They have a great dis- NEWS EDITOR COPY EDITOR is very seldom argued. Yet it is an argu· City Music Hall to see Fred AB­ ln fact. lt bas very llttle to do with what we ta.lre and Ginger Rogers POrtraY For the ftrst time ln the hlstory like for war and would think twice Derrell Dickens Harold Gaddy ment which must be considered. As the have to say. But It's a very funny head, don't the famous dance team of a few it? ot American democracy college before volunteering for a foriegn commanding officer of the Platoon Lead· SPORTS EDITOR years back, The Castles. It was a Bucky was, however, one of the boys who at­ youth now has a regularly-recur- contllct in which the United States Ward Archer ers Class two years ago expressed to the fast-stepping picture and a good ring sounding board for Its opln- had a part. But ll Hitler ls going tended the festivities which weer held in Flor­ Ions, which ma.y well be sald are to get rambunctious. they favor one. Ida the holidays just past. He says there 18 no group of college students then in train· the OPinions that wtll mold the des- strong armaments, aid to the de­ Editorial Auoclates Monday, April 3-Awoke early place like lt ln the whole world. In th18 he ls ing: ''We are training you to be officers and all set to make the 8:30 class. Unles of the future United States. mocracles, and pllot training bases Bayard Berghaus, Bill Buchanan, James Cun­ seconded by Cecil Taylor, and by The sclentiftc sampling referenda on their own campuses. Should in times of national emergency, but more but alas there was none. A glor· AI Brombacher. ningham, Pred Farrar. Alvin Fleishman. Herb ious reallzation. Finally got around of the Student Opinion Surveys they ever have to make a choice Friedman. Bob Steele, Latham Thigpen, than chat, we are training you as a strong 0( course, Al Uvea there anyway, and h1a are presenting a compOSite picture between communism and fascism. to dressing and headed for an In­ girl Is very broadmlnded about such tblnis. Ed Trice. force for peace. You know by actual ex· terview for a summer job. After ot campus thinking-and tor the they'd follow Marx-at least 58 But apparently Peg and Lois don't know that ftrat time actually represent all col- per cent of them. perience what war would be. If you don't flashing our credentials to an end­ their boys have a past. They do now, and It's less line of secretaries. we flnally a beauty, girls. lqians o( the countrY, because all President Roosevelt ls stlU a fa­ want war, you are best prepared to stand types of students are Included ln vortate American figure with a Harold GaddY. Sonny Heartwell, Tom Moses met the man who was to cross ex­ • • • against the carefuUy-aelected Cl'088-sec- large POrtion of the student bod­ a.nd Hamilton Hertz. it." amine us for the next hour. The Local Boy Makea Good ••• Questions came fast and furiously, tlon. tes, 83 per cent. However. they a.re Unquestionably in these times, when From Danville, that great little town ln At reaular intervals ballots from ln perfect agreement wlth an equal while the answers were slow and south-central Virginia, comes the following defense of American institutions is en· uncertain. It was all very confus­ the Surveys headquarters at the majority of the rank and tile of news Item headed: Local Boy To Be Member University of Texas reach eighty- voters in opposing a third term. Brooke, Burgess, Burks. Campbell, Downie, · dangered is needed on every hand, train· Ing. or Ship's Orchestra. Isenberg, Jasper, Johnson, Rosenfeld, Turner, ftve key lnatltutiona in every part A.lso ln line with adult voters. they ing which fits men to defend adequately Tuesday, April 4-Thls being a "Bobby Mac Boatwright, student at Wash­ of the nation. Staff Interviewers go beUeve relief appropriations need­ Young, Levy, Whitaker. Gage, Wright, Morris. bright and sunny day we decided and Anderson. those institutions from war, and in war, Ington and Lee rave up spring boll­ 3:46 P. M. Varsity Tennla: Washington and Lee vs. which is pleasant and friendly." Hampden-Sydney College- Wilson Field vard had done away with all class days to save his Calyx money tor a trip out to As Washington and Lee men schooled In view of this, the college men o f elections. University omciala aaw Dllnoia later on. . . . Let. Booth or somebody 3:46 P. M. Baseball: Washington and Lee vs. North Carollna Univeralty- Wllson Pield in the custom of greeting strangers on America are endeavoring to provide refu. no need for these omces since they sure turned out a paUUcal story in 1aat Prt­ day's News-Leader. . . . It loots lUte another 8:30 P. M. Prench Club Meeting-Student Union the campw, this letter must come as a gees with means of gaining higher edu· were wrapped up ln POlltlca and lla&arUJ, Aprtl 15 there was no work to be done by rubber-stamp. . . . Our "friend" Plahel who welcome tribute from one who was also cation. In 3 59 colleges and universities thoes elected. 'n1ey have got catechlaed ua for belnl so exelualve had a 2:00 P.M. Track Meet: Waahlngton and Lee vs. Wli­ Uam and Mary Collete-WUson Pleld brought up in the traditions of hospital· of this nation the students and faculties those elected. They have go\ great time ln New York.... Be went to a show .... We don't know what kind .... The 4:00 P. M. Concert by Blacutone Collete Glee Club. ity to all- rich or poor, friend or strang· have become active in campaigning for screamed "War In Europe," as the Sponsored by the Chrtatlan Council - Lee evening papers put out extra edt­ castle had an exeltll\1 time 1n Waabinlton. er. It i. one more word of outside com· funds for refugee scholarships. As exam· uons on Italy's moving into Al- . . . Back from Plorida alonr with the boya Chapel who live there, Stoope and Taylor. come the IIODd&J, April 1'l mendation of a cwtom that has evolved ples, at both Yale and Harvard, there are banJa. Another Jwnp for MuasolinJ 'l:30 P.M. Porenalc Unio~tudent Union sun-tanned crew.... Glamor boy Bob Davia. from the n obility of culture in which twenty such scholarships which were sub· in the International checker game. 'l :30 P. M. Band Practice-Troubadour Theatre In the evening we took to the mov­ who naa been sort of quiet before th1a year, Washington and Lee was nourished and scribed to by the studentS and the uni· les and saw Cafe Society which 18 has already coUected one letter from the trip. TaeldaJ. April 11 8:45 P. M. Baseball: Washlngton and Lee vs. Roanoke has grown. versity administrations and which provide Juat another picture wherein Hoi­ ... He aaw the rlrl one n.lrht on the way down to Plorlda .. . . coUec._wuson P'leld Such letters and commendations are tuition and part of the living expenses for IYwood points out the hardships of 7:30 P. M. Glee Club Practice-Troubadour Theatre being a mi111onalre: all of which ...... ,. Aprt11t fit time also for en couraging students to twenty men. President Nicholas Murray 1s not very convincing. I 4:30 P. M. SJama Delta Chi MeeUna - Journalism be ceaseless in their effortS at accommo· Butler of Columbia has promised the stu· Friday, April 'J- Today we start- Th G Sa I Llbrary dating those who are visitors on the cam· dent body that the university will match ed our good-byes. wltb a lump ln e overnor ys 'l'bandar. ~ II 'd our throat and tears ln our eyes. pw, for reminding studen ts that a wel· I f d II 2:00 P. M. Golf: Wuhlnlton and Lee vs. WUilam and the students dol ar or o ar in provl ing It 18 such a lovely vacation, but all '------' Mary Collete -Lexlnrton come and friendly " H ow do you do?" refugee scholarships. aood things must end, happily or Golf Course The boYS are all Uned up politically these may often make a very tired traveler into otherwise. Dropped In to see Ray­ 'l :30 P. M. Glee Club Practice-Troubadour Theatre The Cosmopolitan club of Lehigh is mond Massey's "Abe LJncoln in n- days. In fact they aren't goiDI to have any an extremely p leased and pleasant visitor competition, and the steamroller wlll roll J'rldar, April Z1 now endeavoring to organize such a plan llnols," which dramatic crltlca are 8:46 P. M. Varsity Tennll: Waahlngton and Lee vs. Wil­ at the shrines which Washington and Lee aaaJn. at thts university. President Waliams has backing as this year's Pulitzer • • • liam and Mary Colleae llna here. lhe end. "Do you think petUna 1t harmful?" 8:30P. M. Prtnch Club MeetlnJ-stud~nt Union fend America from enemies without. And 1 Lehiah Brown and White. HAMILTON HERTZ. Their answer is: It all dependa. - T HE RI N G -TUM PHI Page Three Lacrosse T earn Wolverines Spring Unexpected In the Press Four Scores In First Sinks Navy 5-4 Upset In Blue's Tennis Starter In Initial Game Box Peck Robertson Takes Michigan Captain At Singles; with Help Generals Lose Two Teams Split Doubles Victories As Ann 80IUl1 u.nweu Henderson Scores Four Arbor ColtrtmetJ w;,, 6-3 Goals To Lead Blue The 1939 edition o! the Wash- lost 6-1 in the second, as Clements Stickmen lngLon and Lee varsity tennis smashed evecything In sigh t for HoUday Tripa . . . squad suffered an upset yesterday points. Tobin came back In the Dick Spindle, freshman tennis Tilt to Wolverines, 9-4 VIctorious over Navy's B team in afternoon, as o. strong Michigan thlt•d and easily won six games to star, made a good showing down at their initial engagement. washing- a group of seasoned veterans back, one. Atlanta. Georgia. over the holi­ ton and Lee's lacrosse team will team humbled them by a 6 to 3 Blll Washburn appeared well on days. Participating In the Atlanta open Its DixJe league campaign count, In the Initial match of the hls way to victory in the second Invitational tournament, D I c k Michigan H old Thursday afternoon when It trav- season for the Gena1·a1s. match as he took the first set 6-1. eliminated Donald Floyd 6-4. 6-3 cls to Charlottesville to cross sticks The Wolverines from Ann Al"bor However, his Wolverine opponent. in the ftrst round and put up a nice Generals To Four with VIrginia's defending cham- had little trouble In achieving their John Kidwell. tightened up during scrap before succumbing to the ex­ Hits pions. victory. Four-weU-ea.rned victor- the last two sets and won the perienced Johnny Doer in the next The Generals scored a. 5-4 tri- les out of six singles matches sent match 6-4, 7-5. match. The tournament boasted umph over Navy's outfit at An- them off to a good sta.rt. and com- Dick Plock. last year's freshman such stars as Biuy Gran&., Elwood J ames Knocked Out Of napolls on the first day of the Eas- blned with two victories out of star. lost to southpaw Sam Durst Cooke, Emle Sutter. and Jobnny Box In First ter vacat.lon. They jumped into three in Lhe doubles matches. their in straight sets, 6-4. 6-4. Doer. The Atlsn &a Jolli'Dal tenned the lead- In the ftrst half. then well-balanced squad had little Bob Porter was forced to three him as "one of VIrginia's most Inning throttled a late Navy rally to win. trouble in downing a rather erratic sets in order to down steven Wool­ promising net stars." . . . Tommy The losers scored twice in the fi- Big Blue team. sey of Michigan. After winning the Moncrief, ace footbaUer on DaYe The University of Michigan 's touring Wolverines successfully nal quat"ler. but the Blue team·s Peck Robertson was the only ftrst set 6-3, Woolsey gave Porter Mlller'a John Marshall eleven, will defense tightened and preserved a. high-spot In the Blue and White quite a. scare by taking the second, · be up school soon to look things opened their southern baseball In­ vasion Monday afternoon on Wil­ one-goal edge. attack. Playi ng number rour man. 6-1. Bob played most of the sec- over.... Dick Wlltablre, all-state Sherman Henderson paced the Robertson won his sin gles match ond set with a broken string in his basketball player from Woodberry son field by winning a 9·4 decis­ Ion over a listless General nine. Generals' attack with four goals. from the Michigan captain. Don racquet, and after changing rae­ Forest, Is definitely considering while Ed Boyd, husky freshman, Percival, and teamed with Dick quets for the third. came back and Virginia along with W-L .... Paul With Smick and Stoddard limit­ Ing the Blue to four scattered hits. who did a good Job of feeding the Clements to win the first doubles won his match with a well-earned McMullen, dash man !rom John · ball. and Frank LaMotte. another team match from Michigan's Jim 6-3 score in the final set. Michigan lost no time in getting 1 Marshall, is also very much Inter­ yearling, also played good otren- Tobin and Sam Durst. Robertson's Michigan's Ed Morris had little est-ed In W-L.... under way, belting Ernie James, starting W -L , tor four runs slve games. American-twist serve. which Is hls trouble in downing Bus Lee in the most fotmldable weapon on the Buebull ... In the ftrst frame. The Big Ten Continued on pace four team continued to ralte Dorsey offense. played a maJor role In his Fnnk O'Conner, long the "goat" wuson, who succeeded James, tor Blue Oarsmen Drop Two smashing 6-3. 6-4. defeat or the ;::::======::::; of the baseball team, really proved eight hits and flve runs in the re­ Contests On Jaunt South Wolverine captain. Don Percival. he had something on the ball last maining eight innings. Walt Peeklnpaur h . Mich­ The Washington and Lee crew Captain Dick Clements, playing Victor Friday when he silenced N. C. Pink Sotlalt and Gedeon each number one man on the Blue and Igan third baseman, and Harold was on Its way home today from White squad. lost his match to Jim State's big bats and enabled the secured two hits apiece to lead the Floench, outfield, who aided the Blue to win their only game on the Michigan attack while Bob Keim Winter Park, Florida. after _having Tobin of Michigan, ln three sets. Brunswick Wolverines in downing Washing­ come out on the losing end m both Tobin took the first t 6-3 b ' Easter holiday trip. The Olte had and Jack Jones secured all four of ton and Lee, 9 to 4. here yesterday. or its contests. se • u .. his slow curve working to pertec- the Generals" hits--each one se­ Decca Last Friday the American Inter- tion and time and time again curing two blngles. Harold Flo­ forced the supposedly heavy hitting ersch, husky Wolverine outftelder. national college crew beat the Gen- ••••• • • • •••••• • • •••• •••• R EC ORDS Wolfpack sluggers to hit into the paled out a long 1n the erai oarsmen by 1 ~ lengths on Blue Nine Manages To Salvage win­ Distributors for dirt or push up easy pop ftys. Fire- eighth with none on. beautiful Lalte Maitland. 'Ibe ning crew traversed the mile course ball retired in the eighth with a ScoriQ Bertns 5-3 lead and Bob Grepnon took One Game From Vacation Card In 5:18, 3-4. Weinbergs up where he had left off. wh1tflng Michigan began their scoring In Saturday in a triangle meet the Amoco all three men in the ninth. O'Con­ the flrst Inning. Plot worked James By RAY WJDTAKER Vaughn. Meanwblle. 8 l m p son . Rollins college crew beat American ner was so elated over his master­ for a walk and Softak sent him 'Ibe Washington and Lee base­ Smith, and Booth surrendered 20 International college and Wash­ GASOLINE piece he ran off and forgot his uni­ scampering home with a to ball team managed to salvage but base hits to the patent Spiders. Ington and Lee with a 4 minute form, forcing CA,Jt'n Dick to pack right. Sofl.ak moved to third as one victory out of four tries on Washington and Lee ftelders had 57 second mile. The Rollins crew It.... KJah Ford sprained his an­ James threw Peckingpaugh's sac­ their Vlrglnia-Carollna tour last seven errors charged up against crossed the line 1 Y2 lengths before ervice,T ickets H onored kle in the fourth lnnina a~rainst rlftce into the dirt and scored a week. Their scheduled clashes with them. the American International coUege Randolph-Macon Monday a n d moment later on Smlc.k's baae­ North Carolina university and On Friday In Raleigh, North crew and 1 3-4 lengths ahead of didn't play the rest of the trip.... knock to lett. Both runners moved Duke on Thursday and Saturday Carolina, the Generals did an the General oarsmen. Richmond lived up to all advance along on Gedeon's sacrlftce and were rained out. about face and won a fast April 5- American International DODGE expectatioll8 when they drubbed a.tter Trisko fanned. Llsagor scor­ Last Monday the Generals start­ ball game. Wblle Oke O'Connor college a t Winter Park. Florida. the Blue 21-0 In Richmond Wed­ ed both men with a long to ed their trip and a three-game los­ and Bob Gregerson shackled the April 6- Richmond at Winter nesday. Porter Vaqhn, slender center. Beebe rolled out to end the ing streak at the same time when opposition with a paltry seven hits, Park. Florida. and southpaw of the Spiders, showed agony. they took a 17-4 walloping on the the Big Blue banged out a 5-3 win April 8- Rolllns at Winter Park, the Generals plenty in r:ecording Great fielding by R o n n i e nose from Randolph-Macon in over North CarolTna State. Florida. PLYMOUTH CARS Thompson got Wilson by In the May 6-Manhattan college at his shutout. Incidentally, Vaurhn, Ashland. The Yellow Jackets slug­ A feature of the trip was the fine New York City. Stu Ho.kl-. ca&eher, and J aek second but the Wolverines started ged Emle James for a total of 15 stick work of Jimmy Humphrey, another rally in the third. ntey May 20-Richmond at Rich­ Sanford, ftrst sacker, wiU play ball saftles, as they won easily. Five the peppery General shortstop. scored twice on Gedeon's walk. mond. VIrginia. this summer with Waverly In the Washington and Lee errors did the Jlmm.Ie helped himself Lo t hree Rockbridge fit to be Southside Virginia league. . . . Trosko's single. a sacrlftce bunt losing cause no good. healthy swats against Randolph­ and Beebe's lnfteld hit. Henry Pedl• o. Randolph-Macon's The Generals continued t hel.r Macon. got two the next day Golfers Schedule Meets TIED I ace portsider, Will play with the MUd Threat race in the wrong direction Tues­ against Wllllam and Mary, one of The golf team has two matches otor Inc. same club .... The Spiders• other The Generals offered a mild day when they received a 9-3 set­ Co., A RmW T1ES are made to the two hits off of Vaughn In scheduled this week, one tomor- star hurler, soph Ned Bu&eher, threat in the second but scored back at the hands of Wllllam and Richmond, and cracked out a pair a Jmot perfectly - DO puff ball !mots and DO pitched a no-hitter a~ralnst Yale their ftrat run In the fourth. Mary. The Indians got to Bob of base hits in the North Carolina Thursdayrow with Bowithston andRichmond another. Theone lmots tiny as a pearl. See Friday and whiffed 13 in doing so. Thompson walked, took second on Gregerson for 15 safe blows and State game. ~~~~~~·~·~·~·~··~·~·~··~•i• ~·~·~• our c:boice variety of Ar­ ... .Bobb1 Ketm and Jlaun.J 811111 - Jones' single. stole third, and sewed the ball ~rame up before it men who are to participate in ••••• +••• •••• • these matches as team members rows - some are spicy, pbrey both batted close to .500 on scored as Dill forced Jones a t sec­ was well under way. The faltering the trip. . . . AI DaYII turned in a General defense allowed seven balls Acrobatic tumbling went on the will attempt to qualify for the next eome sleek, aome .ubtle, ond. but all smart. all wrinkle­ good job at ftrst base aaainat State. Michigan kept pecklnl away at to go through It for errors. alr to rthe first time when the week's matches. The members of KROGER'S University of Soulhern Calltornia the team are: Bill Avent, Alonzo proof. ... Sophomore Dlelt 8ndth pitch­ Wilson and added two more runs By mutual a~rreement the con­ gymnasts perfonned for a tele­ Wing, Earl Morgan. BUl Brown, ed a few lmpreaalve lnnlnp in to their lead in the sixth. Floersch teat with Richmond on Wednes­ $1 ... $1.50. vision broadcast. Ed Brown. and Guy OSwalt. Richmond before his support blew was hit by a pitched ball. Plot day was halted after elaht innln1s The *Ho me sky h(ah.... walked, Softak singled Floersch with the Spiders on the long end T OLLEY'S TOGGERY over and Pink scored aa Wilson of a 21-0 count. The Big of And h l'wt.h • . . threw wild past ftrst in an attempt Blue stirred up the sum total The New Collere Shop FRESH FRUITS Up tn New York the wise one's to catch Softak napping. of two scratch hits against the el­ C•UDued o.i pace four bowing of Richmond's Porter around Dempsey's bar seem to MEATS, VEG~ABLBS Ties &"~OJ0 Shirts think Joe Louis will tum Tony ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ w._-nws Galento into a spoutlna beer foun­ tain. The Two Ton in the mean­ while Is aetting Into shape by mak­ Gold Seal Fraternity Stationery inl nve personal appearances dai).y Get FREE ENTRY BLANK on the staae of the Capitol theatre on Broadway. His act Is a farce of Selling At Cost uad Rula at any 1tore MlJins the ftrst order. The curtain raises Parker Vacumatic Pme HOW TO TIE A TIE and shows Oaltn &e punchln aa baa. After a few minutes o( t.hl.a be One Scholanbip Awarded comes to the front and pulla a Each W edt for 5 W eeb 1 Arrow, maken of famed Arrow shirtl couple of typical corny Jolsy Jokes The Comer Store ""' 20 IJ'fti,..Cult ~ •I $21 Ld • •. . now make neckties. And here teJla with .he Jaeolle, his manacer. This you bow to tie them. First, put the 101 AWUDI, TOTAL: Is followed by a short exhlblUon Phone 15 S7 ,500 wide end over and under narrow end ap.lnst some ex-boxer. In which . .. thua ... neither man lands a blow and that's all there is.... The New York sports writers ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Tben form a preliminary knot, by seem to think Loa Gebrla, the old 2. "Iron Horse," Is washed up and STIJDENT ACCOUNTS ARE WELCOME brinclnc wide end over narrow end will be replaced, unleu his leas re­ and up throucb opening at collar. at the Smooth out the preliminary knot. spond better. by either Tom..., Henrich or Babe DahlJren. It IP AS 1f [ UJ lR 0l [E ID J [E [R SIE'f lMl 0llJK seems that Lou has ftnally reached Peoples National the end of hls rope. The Yanks ac­ Next, put the wide end through the tually "carried" him for over a t:~ 3. Bank loop-looaely-tnd smooth out aeain. month Jut year and can't atrord Keepln& the knot amooth Is Important. to do It U1is year with so many promlslna youna sluners hanalna "Built on Service to Rock­ around. Joe Gallalher has all but bridse County CREA/1ERY earned hhnSt~ll a plaoe in the Yank DAY PHONE 7.3- NIGHT PHON E7S . 4. Now make a croove lengthwise in the outSelkirkneld, withHenrtc: Dlmarrloh, or K ellerand .either . . . ;:~~~ ·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~....~·~·~ ·~• !•~·~· ·~..~~·~ ·~·~··~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~.. ~ ·. wide end by pinching the sides to­ And the Dodcers are d&lfter than TEXACO [!)[[_IT W[IR [EID lf~ 'lf®llJ lR (1)000<5lf[IP &rther. This croove-when you pull ever. Aa one bartender put it, "AJ the tie ti&ht-forms a dimple brneath tona as the Dodgers play daffy ball A. L. SMITH SERVICE STATION lmot. Arrow Ties, bttause or lbelr fiCh the fans wtll aupport them. The kt&eriet Mufak Wla ter LtlbrieaUoa +++++++++++++++++ fabria, achieve thia drape eaaUy. minute they ret olusy we're all PBONIIl throu1h." The finished job looka like thls. Knot MaiD aD4 Nelloo au.a. Ice Cream, America's Favorite Dessert, 5. not too bla - and not ao ti&bt It acreechcs. Tie one of our Arrow Ties ...... Is a Simple, W holesome Food in this manntr and you have the last Compliment~ word In necktie amartneu. of The Annex and Billiard Parlor ui ce Cream has rapidly changed from merely BOLEY'S lnvita you to the New Location •1 and •1.50. That'a all Arrow a sweet dessert to be served at the completion Tlea cost. F ine fabrics. Beautiful OPPOSITE THE LYRIC THEATRE of an already adequate meal to a food whole· tellorlnc. They hold their 1hape 126 South Main Street throu&h a resilient feature, tie neatly, Twenty Minutes Drtve To some and satisfying in itself." weat lone. Ike your Arrow dealer. "CHARLIE" will aerve you Ice Cold Beer and Natural Bridae Hotel Sandwiches of all kind. - Fairfax T . Proudfit in Nutrition and Open All Year Diet Therapy. GOOD FOOD ... III&VICB W e Deli'Yer Anywhere Telephone 88 ARROW CRAVATS ...... Page Four THE RING-TUM PHI rrMidnight" Is Amusing Farce; VMI Will Hold Easters Spring Political Walls Leaves To Attend Netmen Upset W-L Leads This Week-End; Clinton Congress Of Aesthetics Garfield Plays Cops and Robbers To Play For All Three Session Nears At Scranton University JJy Wolverines VMI will hold Its annual Easter continued from pace one Professor Walls of the Depart- When Rain "Midnight"- To the Stale thea- "They Made Me a Crimlnal''- Conttru:ed from pare three 14 Arts tre today and tomorrow comes a Thursday and Friday at the State. dances this week-end. April and The plan or the convention calls ment of Pine left Lexington sixth match In straight sets. 6-2. Hollywood version of Cinderella. John Oarf\eld, or Four Daughters 15. with formal dances on Friday for swearing in the delegates im- today to attend the first American 6-2. and Saturday night and a dan- medJately a(ter the opening o! the Contresa Aesthetics, which is to Halts Game dressed in modern clothes and a fame, turns Ln a super-realistic ot Clements and Robertson teamed dash or French accent. Midnight performance In this auloblography sant on saturday afternoon in '94 convention. The delegatesthenmust be held at the UniveraJty of Scran­ to win the f\rst doubles match for ls the story of an adventuress, and of a criminal. Mr. Garfield Is con­ HaU. The ticket price for the elect a permanent chairman of the ton April 13-15 this week. the Generals. by defeating Tobin whole set wlll be $6.00. The price convention from their member- The program, which is to rea­ Generals Hold 1 To 0 Lead n prelly one at t hat. who crashes sldered the movieland find of the and sam Durst or Michigan 6-2. soctet.y. Some fast thinking, some year, and here Is a good reason of the Friday night formal formal,wiU be shlp. All d e1 ega tes are required to ture an outstanding IP'OUP or 11-9. Johnny Kidwell and Don Per­ $3.50 the Saturday night Over Maryland After Hollywood script writing. and some the praise that has been thrown • Swear On their honor t ..-t they speakers and artists including poet cival, of Michigan, pounded out a $2.50. and the afternoon dansant. ua Three Innings home-made miracles save our her- his way. The story Is the life of a have not pledged their votes to Padralc Colum and philosopher well-earned 6-3. 6-1 victory over olne from being revealed. criminal and how he was forced $1.00. any ma.n. Doctor Bou. wlll be divided into Dick Plnck and Bob Porter, In the Claudette Colbert handles the Into a lite of crime. Plenty of gun Larry Clinton, the " 01 , Dlpsy President Beale said that the separate discussions of the verbal second doubles match. Charlie Doodler." and his orchestra will committee had decided on holding arts, visual arts and music. Middleburg and "Hooker" Wash­ Gregerson Fans Seven, Al­ role of the adventuress admirably, play with the usual amount of furnish the music for the entlre lows Terps But One making the most of a clever script. slaughtering gives the picture Its set with popular Bea Wain dolng the general elections only two days Professor Walla indicated that burn succumbed to the dl'lvlna Miss Colbert is one of the few ac- cop-and-robber tone. the vocals. following the convention In order Washington and Lee would enter shots of Woolsey and Morris 6-4 Infield Hit tresses who has mastered the art As the VMI bop committee is to avoid any conftlct with spring an application tor the second and 6-3. in the final doubles match. of comedy, and besides she Is easy "Brother Rat"-Wednesday at sponsoring the set. there will be dances. The constitution requires meeting of the congresa next year. By BUD LEVY The Big Blue team had a great to look at. Although the story Is a the Lyric. It there breathes a man no figures at any of the dancea. that the elections be held within The meetina' th1a week will decide Washington and Lee's batsmen deal of dtmcuity in controlUng little far-fetched, "Midnight" Is In Lexington whose soul Is so dead The gymnasium will be decorated three school days of the conven- upon the location of the second held 1-0 edge over Maryland when thel.r serves and placement ahots. one of the better farces lo come that he hasn't seen Brother Rat tlon. conareaa. A driving wind played havoc with rain interrupted thelr Wilson Held in green and white in harmony TWo men are selected for each out of Hollywood in a long whUe. yet. be wtu have a chance to Uve the balls. and both teams labored game in the first halt of the fourth with the spring season. omce by the convention and the Ably supporting Miss Colbert are again: for the Lyric is bringing under a bl.g cll8advantaae. inning this afternoon. student body votes on tbeae men J ohn Barrymore and Francis back the VMI fairy tale tomor­ This The two teams battled through In the general election. If only one Thursday afternoon the Lederer. Mr. Barrymore stands up row. Theatre omcials wish to an­ Avery Given General netmen encounter the a light downfall tor several min­ man is selected, he must receive a well in the comical situatlons. nounce that Priscilla Lane will not Glee Oub Goes Manhattan tennis team from New utes, but retired to their respective majority vote of the student body while Lederer is QUite convincing make a personal apeparance. but York city. AU indications point to dugouts when the rain increased to be elected. In where more Oratorical Cup as the Don Juan of the story. the brother rats probably will. cases a very close match. According to after one man had taken his turn To Washington than two men are nominated in CoDUaaed INIIl pace one reports the Manhattan team has at the plate 1n the fourt.h frame. the convention, the convention re­ Continued from PA&"e one e. groupo! seasoned vertrans back, Cap'n Dick Smllh's Generals Naval Aviation Is Theme duces the number by elimination two winners of the contest in They will return to Lexington school at the same time. and wtU undoubtedly otrer some picked up a single run in the first Generals Lose to the two highest men by suc­ For Lt. Gurley's Lecture Thursday. very toUih competition. inning. then coasted along behJnd Tbe spring season o( the W-L oeedlni ballots. Other coUerea represented at the masterful pitching by Bob Greger­ Manager John J. Davis wants all ToWolverines Twenty students attended the club opens May 19. when the sing­ contest were Brtctaewater, Emory son. The sUm right hander held meeting tor those interested ln ers will participate in a program and Henry, Richmond college, men Interested in frestunan tennis his foesmen to a lone hit during Continued rrom pace three naval reserve flying recently, with the Uruversity of Virginia In Hampden-Sydney college, and to report for practice Wednesday the three innings of action which The Richptond Uses Generals manufactured an­ when Lieutenant P. P. Gurley, of Cha.rlottesvUle. Other s c h o o 1 s Randolph-Macon men's college. afternoon or this week. The flnt preceded the rain. and clnimed other single marker In the seventh the United States Naval Reserve. whlch will be present are Ranp On the motion or Avery, presi­ match is scheduled for the 17th seven strikeout victims. Maryland's when Bob Keim singled. went all spoke on the subJect of service fly­ dolph-Macon Woman's college, Tester' dent of the association. the Vlr­ with the University of Vlrglnla lone safety was an ln1leld rap by tUmph- the wny to third on a wild pitch Ing. Duke university, and Sweet Briar. ginia Oratorical association was freshmen Chumbris which bounced to the and scored on Dill's Infield out. Lieutenant Gurley told about The nve clubs will Join to sing dlsaolved at this meetlnr. right or second baseman Johnny Floerscb laid the lumber into the lite at the Pensacola air base. the HalleluJah chorus, then each 'nle work of the association wUl Dill. one of Wilson's low pitches in the Romeos And J uliets Try There are 13 months training at one will sing two other pieces sep­ be taken over by the Vlrrtnia dl­ A Grererson Fans Two eighth, drlv1ng it to the stadium the base, alter which the student arately. Included among the local To Ring Bell On vlalon of Tau Kappa Alpha, na­ waU for an easy homer. This com­ Gregerson tanned two men in Is made second lieutenant In the group's selections will be a med­ Kissometer tional forensic fraternity. Wash­ COMPLETE REVIEW the first frame, then retired five of pleted Michigan's scoring for the naval reserve flying corps. ley of Washington and Lee songs. in8ton and Lee, the only member the next six men to face him v1a afternoon. This year the quallftcations tor Other tentative future engage­ Rlebmond, VL- The tar-famed of the oratorical assoclaUon not of The Blue started a belated rally the strikeout route. entrance have been raised from ments are concerts in Danville, and Oaculometer of the Unlveratty of aftlliated with TKA, will be per­ YOUR Jimmy Humphrey opened the in the ninth and managed to aend two to four years of college work, a standing invitation to Radford Richmond recently had a fteld-day mltted to enter Its annual contest, two runs over before the game Generals' first Inning wtth a dou­ due to the number or applicants. State Teachers• college. all Its own when "for the beneftt a proviso attached to the moUon COLLEGE YEAR ble Into center field. Ronnie ended. With one away, Jones sin­ On the organization's repetory ot science" Richmond Romeos and stated. gled to rlght and scored on Kelm's Thompson sltled out to left. but W -L Physicists Entertain are 01' Man River, The Britlah Julet.s were persuaded to rtve Expl&inJ.nr h1l motion to the m Humphrey moved to third when terrific triple to the rirht fteld Grenadiers, Bach's Orlnltlnl Sonr. bank. Dill drove ln his third run themselves as subjects. Tile oacut- body, Avery atated that lt was al­ Sixty Issues of Jack Jones grounded out to Kney­ Hollins Science Students Yo' Can't Get Yo' Lodlin' Here. ometer. atrectionately known as moet an lmpoulbWty to conduct of the afternoon. scoring Kelm ly at flrst. Doug Simpson came The McCormick Physlca society On the Road to Mandalay, and "Oscar," is an "umph-teat.er" or the assocl&Uon's contest or TKA's THE RING-TUM. PHI through with a timely smash~a recently entertained a aroup of Massa's in the Cold. Cold Ground, k.lsaometer, meaaurtna the "umph" convention wtlh the proftctency sharp drive along the left field foul Forensic Union Discusae~ students from Hollins college. The in addition to a number of reUr­ ot blondes, brunettes. or redheads needed for success. Slnoe 1935 the Bound Into One Volume line whlch went tor two bases­ Appointment Amendment group from Hollln.s conslsted of lous selections held over from the when ltlsalna. several couples ap- contest has been held In conjunc­ and Humphrey crossed the plate thlrtA!en advanced physics students Christmas program and the fall peared as iulnea pigs with as- tion with the fraternity's conven- to give his team a one run edge. No debate was held by the For­ $5 .00-Newsprint and three faculty members. The season. toundlnl results. tion each year. The Genere.ls put men on the ensic Union last night 1n Its t\rat meetln gslnce the spring holidays. faculty members were: M1aa Got­ $7.50- Ledger Stock I. basepaths In the second and third Em017, GL- Emory university innings, but effective hurling by The entit·e meeting was take.n up dena l"amsworth, protesaor or physics. Mlsa Helen PUlans, in­ students have round a way to get '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Springer. Maryland's southpaw with discussion of an amendment Survey Shows structor in physics, and Dr. Allen, their campus built up without FILIIS ace. kept the home team away f•·om which stated that the party lead­ Place Your Order Now ers In power should &PPOlnt per­ asalatant professor of mathemat­ tunda from the UnlveraJty or state 8b: or Elcbt EQOeare 11o111 .., the payoff station In those Innings. agencies. They have betun an in- lble DeYeiepet aM PriD&ed . . .. lie With Springer, who had hurled four­ sons to fulfill the omces of absent Ics. Student Views members. The amendment t\nally The ftrst part ot the evenlnt was Contlnaed fi"'OIl ,..etwe tenalve drive to secure eDOUih 8eprlata I ceat. DP teen con secutive scoreless lnnings money to rebuild the student IYDl· ECONOMY PICTUU MAK.Ea8 ALLEN SNYDER before today's tilt, struck out three passed by a small majority. spent In a tour of the various lab- erages at some time or other. Stu­ naatwn. 8&au•- v-~a~a men. oratories. Dr. Herbert Trotter with dents cast thelr bl11est maJority B · M the eJd of hia students had ar- vote. 94 per cent. on the question. Gregerson lssued a pass to somet.hlnaThe students must havebe done decided about that the i~~~~~-~~~.. ~·~~~~~~~~u~St~n~ess~~~an~a~g~e~r~~ Chumbris as the fourth Inning got ranred various apparatus of in- "Do you believe a blood teat be­ Line-Up Seeks terest in the laboratories and this fore marriage to detect veneral present inadequate Oymnaatum - under way, but the elements cut Act1v1tiea bulldini, so they lnati­ short any threat the Terps might apparatus was exPlained by mem- disease should be required by law?" bers of the physics aoclety · Tbe Surveys, whlch are operat· tuted tbemlelvea a campalpl to Dry Oeaning Laundry have made. New Candidate raile money to increase the cam­ conllnued from PA&"e oae ed by undergraduates. are "a very pua facWtiea. klns insisted. . . . Thalhimer Elected Head algniftcant piece of work." beUevee St~e)y enouah, the ftrat con­ Sait.ry Larulry Zoric Cle11ning Still no. Dr. Homer Price Rainey, director tribution to the drive came from "But that group will vote aaatnst Of Zeta Beta Tau House of the American Youth Comm.la- See our ipGtl C011Ceft1iaa Special lbta W A R N E R B R 0 S. an alumnus in Syria. you." In the annual house elections for sion and well known for h1l atu- AD replu CUfiGmen may have a charp KCOUDt "Naughty, naughty," and Oard- 1939, the Alpha Epsilon chapter of dies of younr people's needs. ''I ner ended the contusion. zeta Beta Tau chose Ita tour high- think: it will help at all tlmea for •••••••••••••••••••••••• STATE Tonight. so claims a member of est omcers by acclamation. the pubUc to know how our youth A. & P. Rockbridge Steam Laundry the Non-Fraternity union Cot Thoee elected were Charles Thal- are reactinr .~0 conditions that are which Hawkins Is not a member>. hlmer, president ; J erry Heldman. lacina them, he says. Fme Groc~• Phone 185 LAST TIMES WEDNESDAY the candidates for this particular vice- president: AI Flelsbman, Joe Belden, Unlveraity of Teua office will be thinned out. That is treasurer; and Marvin Winter, sec- senior, 18 organizer and edltor of Solicit Your Support CLAUDETTE COLBERT Interesting !or tomorrow the boys retary. the service. select their delegates. From th11 Other hoUit omcera chosen at ------OUR NEW SPRING AND SUMMER DON AMECHE corner we look for some law school the same time were Marlon Simon, action comparable to that of last assistant treasurer; Stan Sater, Jackson Barber Shop year In which the delerates were asststant secretary: Bob Loeb, h11- R. S. Hutcbaon a Co. TAIWRING LINES Midnight selected before the meeting. May- tortan; and Leon Wonns. freahman U wu .... e..,ll f• o-.1 IIILI.WOaK, UJIIU& be the Union will do something repreeentatlve to the executive Jte1Mri B. fAe...-.1& •• ._ ,... c.a ...... Have Arrived. Come in and Look Them Over about it. It should be lnterestl.na. committee. Juat THURSDAY -FRIDAY ...,llr.,... Pboae 188 Tbe Nlte lla&e a IAq D1Maaee Calli Ia Ia Elleet tn. 1:11 J, a &e t :ll La J. ED. DEAVER & SONS They Made Me TbJa laiDe ra&e Ia Ia Elled ,_ 8a&llrdaJ 'J :II p. a 1e r. 11..-,t:IILa GOOD AND FANCY FOOD Main Street, llxington, Virginia A Criminal Lexington Telephone Company c-e&e With .... McCOrS GROCERY JOHN GARFIELD CLAUDE RAINS R. L. Hess & Bro. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WATCIIMAU&8 andlBWEUBI EAT AT ANN SHERIDAN Pb~ Ill See Ov Une ol Jeweii'J A Complete Une of leweii'J aa4 8balrer Pena The Virginia Cafe LYRIC-WEDNE8DA Y ...... ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Home-Cooked MeaJ.-AU American-Phone 728 ---...... Brother Rat HIGGINS & IRVINE ...... ~···· ...... Lumber 11nd Buildings' Suppl~s With Phone439 PRISCILLA LANE ...... WAYNE MORRIS for -- - ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES LYBJO-THURS.-FRI. === -- = ---=== §§-- IT is not --- r PEnDER , -- Virginia Public Service Co. ( • •• ' . 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