• "The South's Best "By the Students, College Newspaper" t For the Students" Z-'J'JI Wuhington and Lee University Semi-Weekly VOL. XLII LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, TUESDAY, APRIL 11, 1939 NUMBER 48 Jam Session Hugh A very I Honor Roll Fraternities Prominent Ministers Earl s. Mattingly. W-L regis­ To Replace GetS Award trar. yesterday announced a mid­ semester honor roll or 47 men. Ten Are ~lecting Brought to Campus or these made au A's. F 0 r 0 r a t 0 r y This number IS ten under that Tea Dance ot the 1938 spring mid-semester. Nomtnators F R . W k whlch totaled 57. or e1 tgtous ee The complete spring mid-semes­ Non-Fraternity Convention W -L Senior Wins In State Goodman Will Render ter honor roll, as announced yes­ To Be Held Tomorrow -------------------------------------· Swing Concert Instead of Competition Held At terday by Mattingly, follows: Akin, J . G. (All A'S) At 2:30P.M. Dr. A. L. Kinsolving Of Spring Set Dansant Ashland, Virginia Baker, Paul <All A's> Boston Is Leading Bruinsma, T. A. Delegates Will Convene Delivers Talk On 'Youth, Bryant, T. R. Speaker 400 Have Subscribed At Next Tuesday Afternoon Advance Rates; Drive Religion And Today' De­ Burrows. E. F: Chase. E. D . At Two o'Clock Virginia Clergymen Will To Continue fending Modern Youth Dempsher, John <All A's> Espy, R.B. Final administrative plans for Conduct Fraternity Dis­ Cotillion club president Steve Hugh P. Avery, president ot the Fleishman, A. T. the general campus elections next cussion Groups stephenson said today that a Virginia Oratorical associaiton and Fleming, T. 0. week were drafted by the executive "swing" concert by Benny Good· manager of the Washington and Fuller. R. A. committee in a special meeting Five of the most prominent man will supplement the tradition- Lee debate team. won the oratori· Gaddy, R. H. (All A's) early this afternoon. as president clergymen In the eastern United al tea dance held on the Batur- cal contest held at the association's Garfield, Z. H. · Vaughan Beale issued a curt re­ States have accepted Invitations to da:V afternoon of the club's an- annual meeting at Ashland, Vir- Gholson, S.C. minder to all students of the antl­ conduct the services during Relig­ nuaJ spring dances this year. The Hqh Avery, W-L debate team ginia, on March 31. Avery repre­ Grasty, 0. M. polltlclnr provisions of the student ious Emphasis week. to be conduct­ announcement followed a survey manager, who received first place sented Washillgton and Lee and Guthrie, w. R. body constitution. ed by the Christian counell begin­ conducted by Stephenson on the In the state oratorical contest. spoke on "Youth, Religion, and To- Hancock, A. F. <All A's) Meanwhile fraternities and the ning tomorrow and continuing advisability of having a concert. day." Houston, N. T. non-fraternity group made plans through Friday. Bill Read, presi­ Reports of the ftnance officers of In his address Avery defended James, G. W .. III for electing their delegates for the dent of the council, disclosed the the spring set, which w1ll be held modem youth In its attitude to- nominating convention. All groupS Hobson, Avery Jamieson. A. D. Dr. Arthur Lee Kinaolvinr, who plans for this occasion with the on April 21 and 22. with Harry ward religion and the existing Jasper. B. E. wm elect their delegates and al­ statement that "this Is the most James and Benny Goodman on the church, explained whY youth has wUl be the principal speaker dur­ Jenks, W.A. ternates in meetings tomorrow ing Religious Emphasis Week. impressive set-up for Religious orchestra plaltorm, revealed that Represent W -L tailed to achieve spiritual benefit Junger, R. s. night with the non-fraternity men Emphasis week we have ever had." somewhat over 400 subscriptions from the church, and closed with Kearns. 0 . E. voting In Washington chapel at --------------------------------- The leading speaker will be Dr. 'had alreadY been taken up at the a cha.llenge or youth to the chtJrch. 2:30. In Debate Meet Kreimer, A. R. Arthur Lee Kinsolving, rector of advance subscription rate of $8.00. Youth's Questions Lawton, B. R. <AU A's) Date for the general nominating Stephenson, however, said he "At one time or another, in the Professor Coan the Trinity church. Boston, Mas­ Leunlg, I. A. convention was set tor 2:00 p. m. sachusetts. Each morning during was not satisfied with these results lite of every young man and worn- McLaughlin, H. E. next Tuesday, April 18, after the the three-day period Dr. Klnsolv­ and was anxious to push the drive Will D" p p · · an ot toctay there is a cteflnlte at- Milligan, E. J. (All A'S) executive committee of the faculty Dies At Home to 450 it possible and pointed out ISCUSS nmmg tempt to provide some satlatactory ing will address a voluntary assem­ ump · Morrison, P. 0. (AU A'S) rejected a petition for a holiday on bly In Lee chapel. that. while there would be no or- In Grand Eastern For- answer to three eternal questions Moses, T. W. that date. The election will be held ganlzed drive this week, any stu- • T - Who made me? What am I doing Nicholson, R. A. on Thursday, April 20, In the Btu­ After Sic~ess SubJects of Dr. Kinsolving's dents who still wished to come in e.DSIC ourney here? Where am I bound? With Peery, R.C. dent Union building. talks are "Toward the Under­ under the advance price could do Charles L. Hobson and Hugh P . such thoughts occupying the minds Porter, A. R. standing of Ourselves;• "Toward BO by contacting sam Rayder at Avery will represent Washington of youth, undeveloped though they Raymond, J . D; Procedure for Nomlnatlou Servtces • W ere H e ld S unda y a Christian Philosophy o{ His­ the Rockbridge National bank be- and ~ in the Orand Eastern For- may be 1n certain instances, how Read, W. M. Accor dl ng t o Bea 1e, nomin a tlons tory," and "Toward Destiny In fore Saturday. ensic tournament at Withrop col- can anyone say, 'Youth is a rener- Roeenteld. R . S. wlll be made from the ftoor ot the Week; Burial In Day- God." Dr. Klnsolving Is a grad­ Beaaon for Coneen lege, Rock HUl, South Carolina, atlon conceived In rellilon.'" Av- Schlabach, R. P. convention without any previous ton Ohio uate of the University of Virginia, The Idea of the concert by Ben- from April 13 through April 15. ery said. Shannon, W. L. notice. The executive committee ' Oxford university, Virginia Theo­ ny Goodman, which was ftnally They will debate the pump prim- He declared that youna people Smither, F. S. requirement tor advance notice by Professor WUI.Iam Coan, head of logical seminary, and Amherst col­ decided on today, was suggested ing question. Avery wUl also take ot today still revere the Bible, but Stee.nland, N.C. candidates was withdrawn by the the Washington and Lee account­ lege. He has spoken before student by Stephenson at the opening of part in the oratorical contest. lt is the church that has failed in Stuart, A. P. committee before the holidays as lng depa.rtment, died In the eve­ groups on numerous college cam­ his drive for tickets and received on April 12 on their way to the solving their problems. He named Suarez, R. M. Impracticable of operation. ning ot March 31 at his home in puses. Assemblies will be held overwhelming approval of the stu- contest. Hobson and Avery will de- as the two obJe<:tloll8 youth levels Sweeney, T. S. Delegates to the nominating Lexington after a long Ulness. He Wednesday. Thursday and Friday dent bodY. bate the team from the Woman's against the church the fact that lt Wakefield, B. M. <All A's> convention will be selected accord- was 88 and had headed the de­ at 10 :40 a. m. in the chapel. Tentative plans tor the concert college ot the University ot North has not helped them to find a sat­ Woodward, H. M. ing to the constitutional provisions partment of accounting since 1920. G&ines' Statement Yonge, P. K. (All A's) of fraternity and non-fraternity Services were held at his home which were submitted with the an- C&rOlina in Greensboro. The sub- lstactory amwer to the questions President Gaines made the fol­ .. nouncement today provided for a Ject tor this debate will also be the or life and that It has turned from representation. Each fraternity Sunday afternoon, and the burial will select one delegate tor each took place in Dayton, Ohio. His lowing statement regarding Relig­ horseshoe ot chairs apout the band pump priQllna question. Which side developing the inner soul toward Ious Emphasis week : stand with available space behind W-L wlll uphold will not be known the secular subJugation o( man. Collegians Get seven members and the non-tra- widow. Laura Detamore Coan, sur­ the chairs for those who wish to until arrival at Greensboro. 'Ibis Challenres Cbarch ternity group wUl be represented vives. "Recognizing the place of re­ dance. · will be the first time in history on the same basis. In the voting Professor Coan was born In New ligion In any education scheme Cost of the concert to students that W-L has debated a girls' ~e then challenged the church Ocean Voyage for delegates each member of a Orleans. and matriculated at Pal­ which seeks to promote not only a will be $2. 00 either ln the balcony sch oo1 .
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