Psicothema ISSN: 0214-9915
[email protected] Universidad de Oviedo España Ubillos, Silvia; Paez, Darío; González, José Luis Culture and sexual behavior Psicothema, vol. 12, núm. Su1, 2000, pp. 70-82 Universidad de Oviedo Oviedo, España Available in: How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative Psicothema ISSN 0214 - 9915 CODEN PSOTEG 2000. Vol. 12, Supl., pp. 70-82 Copyright © 2000 Psicothema Culture and sexual behavior Silvia Ubillos, Darío Paez and José Luis González* University of the Basque Country, * Burgos University This study correlates the national means of self-reports of sexual relations in stable couples and the me- an percentage of people with extramarital affairs with the climatic, socio-economic and cultural (reli- gion and Hofstede´s dimensions) characteristics of the 25 countries to which the samples belongs. Low uncertainty avoidance, low Catholicism and Protestantism, dominance of Buddhism and high power distance were associated with less sexual permissiveness. Sexual permissiveness was associated more with the religious aspects of culture. Higher mean sexual frequency was associated with social deve- lopment, individualism, low power distance and low dominance of Animism and Buddhism, to Catho- licism and uncertainty avoidance, and cultural femininity. Results confirm the important role of socio- economic development, raise questions on the negative view of Christianism and the positive view of oriental religions. Cultura y Conducta Sexual. Esta investigación correlaciona las medias nacionales de auto-informes de relaciones sexuales en parejas estables y el porcentaje de personas con relaciones extramaritales con las características climáticas, socio-económicas y culturales (religión dominante y dimensiones cultu- rales de Hofstede) de los 25 países estudiados.