A History of the County Dublin; the People, Parishes and Antiquities from the Earliest Times to the Close of the Eighteenth Cent
A^ THE LIBRARY k OF ^ THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ^ ^- "Cw, . ^ i^^^ft^-i' •-. > / • COUNTY ,r~7'H- O F XILDA Ji£ CO 17 N T r F W I C K L O \^ 1 c A HISTORY OF THE COUNTY DUBLIN THE PEOPLE, PARISHES AND ANTIQUITIES FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE CLOSE OF THE FIGIITKFXTH CENTURY. PART THIRD Beinsj- a History of that portion of the County comprised within the Parishes of TALLAGHT, CRUAGH, WHITEGHURCH, KILGOBBIN, KILTIERNAN, RATHMIGHAEL, OLD GONNAUGHT, SAGGART, RATHCOOLE. AND NEWGASTLE. BY FRANXIS ELRINGTON BALL. DUBLIN: Printed and Published hv Alex. Thom & Co. (Limited), Abbuv-st. 1905. :0 /> 3 PREFACE TO THE THIRD PART. To the readers who ha\c sliowii so ;^fiitifyiii^' an interest in flio progress of my history there is (hie an apolo^^y Tor the tinu; whieli has e]a|)se(l since, in the preface to the seroml pai't, a ho[)e was ex[)rcsse(l that a further Jiistalnient wouhl scjoii ap])eai-. l^lie postpononient of its pvil)lication has l)een caused hy the exceptional dil'licuhy of ohtaiiiin;^' inl'orniat ion of liis- torical interest as to tlie district of which it was j^roposed to treat, and even now it is not witliout hesitation that tliis [)art has heen sent to jiress. Its pages will he found to deal with a poidion of the metro- politan county in whitdi the population has heen at no time great, and in whi(di resid( ncc^s of ini])ortanc(> have always heen few\ Su(di annals of the district as exist relate in most cases to some of the saddest passages in Irish history, and tell of fire and sw^ord and of destruction and desolation.
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