Wmof Closing Mass Phoenix Park

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Wmof Closing Mass Phoenix Park Kilbride Road Greenogue Tye Sycamore Sycamore ]Portrane]portrane M1 Demesne d Roganstown Hotel Hotel a o R & Country Club Newbridge & Country Club ]Newbridge Donabate a Westown DONABATE n Westown Kilbride s Demesne a New Demesne Kilbride r M2 t to l wn C a ottages senhall Road B The Rath RathLane Lane New Road Fleenstown Lane Rathbeale Road Lanistown Lanistown e n a L h Balheary Road Donabate Golf Club t a R C o e r b h al li Whitecross Kilsallaghan T s N C e otta w ges t d o a w P&R M1 o n R New Dairy C New Dairy o y t r t t ag l es Seafield u Lane c Lane l a B Rathb Kilbride Road eale All Trains � M2 Road Naul Ro to Belfast d Lissenhall Balh Lissenhall R llan Glen El Demesne lan Road eary Newtown Cross Main n E NEWTOWN CROSS ad senhall Road Farm Lane Lane Gle ll Road Lis Roa Estu a pittal Hi ry d S Rd KILCOSCANKilcoscan Nevinstown Sw Mount ad MOUNT ne ords Bypass Ro La ad Ambrose Watery Estu M AMBROSE Ro ary Roa ain ugh R Cullen ath St d be Roa ale Mantua orth M2 Murro Ro ad N Rd d Lauristown Mantua Cluthe Lauristown Cluthe Estuary Kilbr Rd ide Ro Surgalstown nstown Brackensto ss racke Road ad Coolquay B Village wn SWORDS 2 Tyrellstown Bypa t S ords Naul R Knocksedan in Knocksedan Sw KILBRIDEKilbride Demesne Ma Killeek d K KILLEEK ilbri Malahide R oad oad de Rd Main St Margaret’s Golf Swords Mala y R St Margaret’s Golf River V hide Road ar e alle & Country Club Rd y ss y stu Rd & Country Club lin Rd E thingl d Rd ds Bypa Y Ra Dub ellow y Wa y Swor r rest R r ad Walls Road o C Fo Malahide oast R Rathin M1 Swo MALAHIDE ntg oad gle Church Roa Rd u rds Road illview Ro Mo Malahide LUTTRELL’S CROSS oad M Ma n R l Road WARD CROSS Kilbrook li in au d Rd N ROADS B Dub ewpark Road o Drina N roimhe Rd n The Ward Cross Lin k R oad d st R F eltrim Fore Main oad Roa Sea Mount n R SEA MOUNT Rd Forrest Great bli FORREST GREAT d s Du S Toberb w e urr Link o an ack road R r e's L B d aul Road Cooks Rd d Kettl N s Barberstown R R oad o a KINGSTOWN 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Parkway ad Navan Road Tho wells Tolka Va Road Collins Av Harmonstown lley e A s Rd Ri th Ro Port Tunnel w ver Old ld ven rman A Road Fi rds Ro Ho Di Navan Road River ng enu Wat Rd u las wo e d S by Coolmine b u Coolmine ermi Carri Parkway R S e ain u oad e R ad r ll t Fint n Ashtown Park Road Road ckb A Ashtown an e Malahid an' v Road 2Ballybogg rkin Ro s Ro Carpenter e H Griffit oad stown Ave ome Far Port Tunnel R r Carpente nue ad a Rail Station Ashtown h Ave Grac wth m Road Collins Avenue Ho c nue k obhi Rd per Broombridge Sy ames La Ro rstow J Up Ea M50 R bil St M ad d st n Rd Trains to Maynooth Di Broombridge Donnycarney H DONNYCARNEY i l Luttrellstown sw Road l Ca Killester ellsto Burnell Park Carpenterstown Rd stleknoc a Road wn Ro Ave C Castl Broombridge Bot k ndr arpe e CastleknockRd Gate knock Road ani Rd c Killester ad co KILLESTER Luas Red Line Castleknock Road Ashtown Gate Ave nt CASTLEKNOCK eknock Bla dge F Vernon A Ca Maynooth Castl ri inglas ers c ve rrickbrack kh Drum nue or ue mb Ro Rd town Chesterfield Avenue se 1 Park Rd ad ad oo ce Ave Ratoat Ro (No service running between Br Road Rd Gra h nue h c Road Rich Copel t Drumcondra h Aven d DRUMCONDRA a ow mo Marino o H Dollymount ani rg Av DOLLYMOUNT Fassaugh Ave t r MARINO and nd u e Avenue Ca e Navan Roa Ra Rd b e R Bo r w s rick Cabra p toa o br Blackhorse and Smithfield) CABRA i d l stle ack R SUMMERTON i oad ahid ad oa l a d t d L h Rd C ue Ph h Ro Phibsborough Ma hin R PHIBSBOROUGH Baily Rich Rd Howt Strawberry Beds Aven Nep Fass ndra R R mond aug d n h Rd P Whitworth R co Quarry Con h m ibs DRUMLECK naught S treet oad ru Clontarf Road b D Clonliffe Ro Clo Verno Navan o ve r Drumcondra FairviewFAIRVIEW nta d o ad Luas Green Line u rf Rd oa g Ro Cabra Road h ad Rd Dunard Gate R Blackhorse O Jones's Road Castle A ntarf R ld C d d ne lo Ave R Clontarf C abr h Byr CLONTARF a Ro g Dorset E fie t Upper bou Rd ast Wall Road Al Clo Phoenix Park ad S No ntar ad rth Cir ally f r Ro Ecc B and R Rathdo cular Rd r oa Blac les St t d khors Circula S N4 Palmerstown North Port Tunnel Controlled Access Area LUCAN J7 e A wn orth M4 venu N Rd Chesterfield Avenue P Ca G e r Port Tunnel ra Phoenix Park rus Por stl ng N4 pe e R tland e d hill R sia Up er ow Lucan y St d PALMERSTOWN Augh Hill S m S tjo n t St Sum rim tree an Ballyo ou t w rm Dominic en Rd St r M rse d Pro Docklands re t St mott Se m St Uppe k St Do enade Rd oa et Lowe ell G East Wall Loman's rth Circular Roa n v EAST WALL Rd rangego r R Sean Mac Der ille P ard St Lower et No G Domi Par Coach Shuttle Bus e e O’Connell St tr iner Bond Dr nick St la North Gate on Lo ce wer s S Infirmary Rd Bolt St Sheriff S St L t Tolka Quay Roa Kenne en Lower Dublin Port d Chester Connolly Talbot St mi Up ow A ad (Green Route) lsfo pe rth St Sheriff Street Upper Chape field Avenue No nell er r ar Connolly Station rt R rt lizo Grange Castl d By Lu STONEYBATTER King St P Ro can d d pas ons St St Docklands Mayo R ISLANDBRIDGE r S Busáras t l M50 s all Capel St h Busáras t HUB 5 Rd a Ù Wall City Gate e SMITHFIELD Low er u n i Coldc o Guild Comm st m Conyngham Road Smithfield Bus Station S ut lackh r Ro Plac ad K e B Dublin Bus HUB 6 T Coldcut Ro ylemore ad Ea Celbridge (Salesian College) oad Heuston h Tara Street Cold urg t Wolfe h St B North Wall Quay S City Qu c R y Docklands cut R To r Qua lizod Road ne a Quay u a Chapelizod Chape pe Station Victoria
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