Sarhad Journal of Agriculture (SJA) The University of Agriculture,

List of Published Articles in Sarhad Journal of Agriculture (SJA) Since 1985 to 1994

VOL.1_No.1-1985 Sr. No. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address THE RESPONSE OF SUNFLOWER PLANT Bashir Ahmad2 Mohammad NWFP POPULATIONS TO DIAMMONIUM Hussain Khan Paigham Agriculture 1 Agronomy PHOPHATE APPLICATIONS ON FALLOW Shah4 and Mohammad University LAND AND IN SUGAR-CANE CROP Karim Peshawar. Cereal Crops Research Institue, Aslam Khan1 Khan Rape and Mustard Proudction in Bannu, Pirsabak, 2 Agronomy Badshah2 Muhammad NWFP Nowshera 2 Saleem3 A.R.S., Serai Naurang, Bannu. NWFP Rahimdil Marwat, M. Performance of Triticale As Affected by Agriculture 3 Agronomy Hussain Khan, M. Karim & Nuber of Irrigations University Paigham Shah Peshawar. NWFP Said Rehman, Hohammad Effects of Number of Irrigation on Forage Agriculture 4 Agronomy Hussain Khan, Mohammad Sorgum Varieties University Karim and Paigham Shah Peshawar. NWFP To Study The Residual Effect of Rizvi, S.A. J.K Khattak and N. Agriculture 5 Phosphorus and Potassium on the Yield of Soil Science Ahmed University Subsequent Crop (Wheat) Peshawar. NWFP Influence of PH of the Medium on Growth S.K. Khalil N. Hussain and Agriculture 6 and Sporulation of the Entomopatogenic Entomology M.Naeem University Gungus Vertiicillium Lecanll Peshawar. Entomology ARI Tarnab , Peshawar, NWFP Agriculture Muhammad Zaman1 Karim University, 7 Natural Enemies of Jute Pests in Peshawar Ullah2 Fasihat Shah3 and Peshawar M. Sherin Khan4 Islamia College, Peshawar University. ARI Tarnab , Peshawar, The Influence of Some Nutritional Factors Nawab Khan Marwat1 Agriculture on the Resistance of Some new Rice 8 Mohammad Suleman2 and Technology Cultivars, Against the Attack of Tryporyza M. Sohail Farooq3 Department spp. Stemborers ADBP Islamabad University of Faisalabad ARI The Impact of Anatomical Characters on Nawab Khan Marwat1 Tarnab , the Resistance of Some New Rice 9 Mahmood Ayaz Wahla2 and Peshawar, Cultivars, Against the Attack of Tryporyza Abdul Majeed3 Res. Inst. Kala Spp. Stemborers Shah Kaku , Lahore, Pakistan Agri. Res. Inst. Tarnab, The Association of Nitrogen (N) Peshawar Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) With Nawab Khan Marwat1 Directorate of 10 the Resistance of Some new Rice Cultivars Mohammad Suleman2 and Agricultre, Against the Attack of Tryoprya spp. M. Sohail Farooq3 NWFP, Stemborers Agri.Tech.Dep tt. ADBP No.1 Islamabad Food and Agriculture, Effectiveness of Some Pesticides For the Tarnab, Control of Sugar Beet cur Worm, Agrotis Plant Protection/ Sana Ullah Khan Khattak1 Peshawar 11 Ypsilon Rott. (Lep; Noctuidae) in the Entomology and Naseer Hussain2 NWFP NWFP Province of Paistan Agriculture University, Peshawar.

Red Flour Beetle: Development and Muhammad Hamed and NIFA Tarnab, 12 Agricultural Chemistry Losses in Various stored Food Stuffs Sana Ullah Khattak Peshawar

NIFA Tarnab, Peshawar, Yield Per Plant and Grains per Plant of Shad Khan1 Mohammad NWFP 13 Sunflower as Affected by Transplantation Agronomy Hussain Paigham Shah and Agriculture and Direct Seeding in February and March Mohammad Tariq Jan University Peshawar, Pakistan. NWFP Performance of Short Duration Wheat Sherin Khan1 Mohammad Agriculture 14 Varieties Under Combined Levels of N and Agronomy Iqbal1 Khan Zada1 and University P Fertilization Mohammad Jamil2 Peshawar.

NIFA Some Studies on the Grain Quality Maqbool Ahmed and Z.M. 15 Peshawar, Characteristics of Rice Khalid Pakistan.

NWFP Quality Changes and Acceptibility of Shamsul Munir, Food Science & Agriculture 16 Soymilk As Affected by Processing Mohammad Saeed and Technology University Methods and Storage Bakhtiar Hussain Peshawar. NWFP Agriculture University Rafiullah Khan and Raja I. Peshawar., 17 Enzymatic Tenderisation of Meat Tannous Food Tech.and Nut. A.U.B. Beirut (Lebanon). Food and The Fungal Flora of the Wheat Fields of Agriculture, 18 ` S. Anwar Shah NIFA Tarnab, Peshawar NWFP Distribution and Reaction of Wheat Mr. Ahmad Gul and Agriculture 19 Varieties to the Seed Gall Nematodes Plant Pathology Saifullah University Anguina Tritici (Steinbuch) Filipjev Peshawar. Sharafat Khan Hafiz NWFP Studies on the Germination and Growth Inayatullah Noor Badshah Agriculture 20 of Peach Cultivars, Peshawar Local and Horticulture and Mohammad Hussain University Seat Local Bhatti Peshawar. NWFP S. Mirajuddin Mashooq The Utilization of Acetate and Citrate by Agriculture 21 Animal Husbandry Abdeul Hakim Tawaalbah Broiler Chicks University and Taj Mohammad Khan Peshawar. The effect of chemical Mutagens Ethyl Food and Methane Sulphonate (Ems) and Sodium Said Hassain and Tila Agriculture, 22 Azide (NaN3) on M1 Seedling Parameters Mohammad Tarnab, in Soybean Peshawar NWFP Studies of the Effects of Gamma Mohammad Siraj Plant Breeding & Agriculture 23 Irradiation on Stem Characters of Maize Swati,Hidayatur Rehman Genetics University (Zeamays L.) and Abdul Rafi Peshawar. NWFP Zahoor Ahmad Swati Habib- Polysaccharides in Relation to Some Plant Breeding & Agriculture 24 ul-Rehman and Hidayat-ur- Agronomic Characteristics of Wheat Genetics University Rahman Peshawar. NWFP Hidayat-ur-Rahman Habibul Effect of Cytozyme on Some Important Plant Breeding & Agriculture 25 Rehman Mian and Zahoor Characteristics of Maize Genetics University Ahmed Swati Peshawar. NWFP Studies of Interrelationships between Plant Breeding & Farhatullah, Saeedul Hasan Agriculture 26 yield and its comonents in Maize Genetics and Mohammad Tariq Jan University Peshawar. NWFP Relationship of Phoatosynthetic Area Plant Breeding & Hidayat-ur-Rahman and Agriculture 27 With Yield and Yield Components in Genetics Abdul Rafi University Wheat Peshawar. NWFP Effect of Boron and Zinc Fertilization on M. Shah, J.K. Khattak and Agriculture 28 Soil Science the Yield of Maize S.A. Rizvi University Peshawar. NWFP S. Mirajuddin Din and F. Agriculture 29 The Nutritive Value of Wheat Bread Animal Husbandry Begum University Peshawar.

VOL.1_No.2_1985 Sr. No. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address The Wyoming Rearing of Ageneotettix deorum (Scudder) University, Mohammad Ullah and R.E. 1 (Acrididae: Orthoptera) Diet of Different Entomolgy Laramie, Pfadt Combination under Laboratory Condition Wyoming, USA Role of Different Levels of Potassium on Population Densities of Cabbage Aphids, Gul Nawaz Marwat, Imtiaz ARI, Tarnab, 2 Brevicoryne Brassicae L. on Sarsoon and Ahmad and Sakina Khatoon Peshawar Its Yield Poetential Insects, ARI, Tarnab, Sugarcane, Peshawar, Field Evaluation of Certain Pesticides For Chemical Gul Nawaz Mrwat, and S.K. NWFP 3 Efficient and Economical Control of Major Control, Entomology Khalil Agriculture Insects of Sugarcane Insecticide University s, Peshawar. Economics Pakistan Agriculatural Research Effect of Black Point Disease on the Yield Mahmuda Khanam and 4 Council of Wheat Crop at , Pakistan Yasmeen Nigar University Campus, Karachi. NWFP Agriculture University Attenuation and Symptoms Ameliortion of Plant Breeding & Sher Hassan and P.E. 5 Peshawar, Tomato Yellow Top Virus Isolates Genetics Thomas rrigated Agri: Res: Ext: Center USA.

Studies on the Efficacy of Different Post- Ghulam Sarwar and Qayum ARI, Tarnab, 6 Emergence Herbicides For the Control of Nawaz Peshawa. Weeds and Their effect on Yield of Wheat NWFP S. Basit Ali Shah, M. Replacement of Maize with Rice Polishing Agriculture 7 Livestock Managemet Mushtaq Ahmad and in Broiler Ration University Mashooq Peshawar, NWFP Effect of Feeding Miaze Silage and Plant Breeding & M. Ahmed, N Ahmad and Agriculture 8 Sugarcane Tops on Milk Yield and Its Genetics M. Khan University Composition in Lactating Buffaloes Peshawar, Islamia College University of Allelopathic Effect of Oxalis Corniculata L. S.M. Chaghtai and Mukhtar 9 PeshawarNWF on Wheat Ahmad P Agriculture University Peshawar,

Cambial Activity and the Time for Various University of 10 Stages of Development of xylem Tracheid Botany Taj M. Khattak Karachi. in Blue Pine (Pinus Wallichiani, A.B. Jacks)

NWFP Agriculture Gamma Radiation Induced Variation in Plant Breeding & Saeed-ul-Hasan Siddiqui, 11 University Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus) Varieties Genetics and Farhatullah Peshawar,NIF A Peshawar. NWFP Response of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Muhammad Siraj Swati, Plant Breeding & Agriculture 12 Cultivars to Different Level of Water Hidayatur Rahman and Genetics University Stress Jehan Afsar Peshawar, NWFP Effect of Lodging and Lodging Inhibiting Mir Hatam and Manzoor Agriculture 13 Techniques on Grain Yield and Yield Agronomy Akbar University Components of Wheat Cultivar Pak-81 Peshawar, NWFP Control of Gram (chick Pea) Blight Ahmad Gul and Mohammad Agriculture 14 Through Varietal Resistance and Plant Pathology Salim Khan University Fungicidal Treatment Peshawar, Forest Institute, Effect of Cytozyme Products on Yield and Peshawar, Plant Breeding & Ashiq Rabbani and 15 Yield Components of Oat (Avena Sativa L.) NEFP Genetics Mumammad Siraj Swati Cultivars Agriculture University Peshawar. NWFP Effect of Different Levels of Water Stress Mohammad Siraj Swati, Plant Breeding & Agriculture 16 on Some Morphological Characteristics of Jehan Afsar and Hidayatur Genetics University 10 Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Cultivars Rahman Peshawar, NWFP Agriculture University Variation in Genetic Parameters of Barley Plant Breeding & Saeedul Hassan Siddiqui 17 Peshawar, and Triticale After Seed Irradiation Genetics and Mohammad Tariq Jan NIFA Tarnab Peshawar, Pakistan.

Response of Mungbean (Vigna radiata L. S.K Khalil, T. Mohammad K. 18 wilzcek) Varieties Different Doses of Agronomy Afridi and K. Rehman Gamma and Fast Neutron Irradiation

NWFP Yield and Quality Performance of Some M. Tariq Jan S.K. Khalil and Agriculture 19 Agronomy Wheat Mutants Produced By Irradiation K. Rehman University Peshawar, NWFP Relative Yield Totals, Yield Components, Mir Hatam, Sher Aman and Agriculture 20 and Land Equivalent Ratios of Agronomy Sherin Khan University Intercropped Sorghum and Soybeans Peshawar, NWFP Effect of Lodging and Lodging Inhibiting Manzoor Akbar and Mir Agriculture 21 Techniques on Plant Biomass and Root Agronomy Hatam University Behaviour in Wheat Cultivar Pak-81 Peshawar, NWFP Effect of Different Seeding Rates and Paigham Shah Shah Khan Agriculture 22 Phosphorus Levels on Emergence and Agronomy and Mohammad Tariq Jan University Fresh Forage Yield of Shaftal Peshawar, Grain Yield of Wheat and Weed Control As Affected by Two Different Herbicides NARC, 23 Agronomy Rahmat-Ullah Khan Under the Rain-Fed Condition of El-Marj- Islamabad. Libys CCRI Pirsabak, Sunflower Seed Yield As Influenced by Aslam Khan Salim Khan and NWFP, ARI 24 Agronomy Planting Dates Mohammad Salim Tarnab, Peshawar NWFP Response of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Abdul Ghafoor and Akhtar Agriculture 25 To NP Fertilization Sown After Soil Sciences Nawaz Khan University Nonleguminous Kharif Fodders Peshawar, NWFP Agriculture Effect of Cooking on Phytic Acid Content Fazli Manan, Maqbool University 26 and Nutritive Value of Chickpea (Cicer Agricultural Chemistry Ahmad and Tajammal Peshawar,NIF Arietinum) Hussain A Agriculture Peshawar. The Effect of Application of Farm Yard NWFP Manure Alowgwith Different Phosphatic Soil Sciences + Sarir Ullah, Mohammad Agriculture 27 Fertilizers on Some Chemical Properties of Agronomy tariq Jan and Muzamil Shah University Calcareous soil Peshawar, Utilization of Agriculture Wastes and University of Vegetative Materials for the Production of Fiyyaz A.Chughtai and Altab 28 Soil Science Agriculture, Furfural-ii. Production of Furfural from Hussain Faisalabad28 Dhabb (Typha Angustata) ARS, Mingora Effect of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potash Swat NWFP Syed Fazal Ahad, Nawab Ali 29 Fertilizers on the Vigour and Marketable Horticulture Agriculture and Jamshid Khan Yield of Aprocot University Peshawar, ARS, Mingora Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorous Swat NWFP Syed Fazal Ahad, Nawab Ali 30 Fertilizer on the Growth of Peach Horticulture Agriculture and Jamshid Khan Seedlings University Peshawar,

Influence of Nitrogen on Bud Take and Iftikharul Haq, Asghar ARI, Tarnab 31 Horticulture Growth of Apple Nursery Plants Hussain and Nawab Ali Peshawar.

NWFP Causes of Failure in Introducing Reaper Agricultural Agriculture 32 M. Tariq and M. Asrar Binder Mechanization University Peshawar, NWFP Mohammad Siddiq Pervez Agriculture 33 Nutritional Evaluation of Soymilk Chemistry Iqbal and Iqtidar A. Khalil University Peshawar, NWFP Agriculture Effect of Irradiation and Storage on Some University Jehan Zeb,Jan Mohammad 34 Physical and Chemical Parameters of Food Science Peshawar, and Bakhtiar Hussain Potato varieties NIFA Tarnab Peshawar, Pakistan.

VOL.2_No.1_1986 Sr. No. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address Effect of Seeding Rates on the Grain Yield ARDP, PARC and Yield Composents of Three Wheat 1 Agronomy Rahmat Ullah Khan Islamabad, Varieties Under the Rain Fed Condition of Pakistan. Elmarj-Libya CCRI Pirsabak, Yield Performance of New Wheat Saleem Khan and NWFP, ARI 2 Varieties Following Maize and Sugarcane Agronomy Mohammad Saleem Tarnab, in Peshawar Division Peshawar NWFP Fazal Hayat Taj and Tariq Agriculture 3 Chemical Weed Control in Wheat Agronomy Jan University Peshawar, NWFP Effect of Sowing Dates on Emergence Abdur Razzaq, Paigham Agriculture 4 Grwoth Rate and Days to Earing of Wheat Agronomy Shah and Khan Zada University Varieties Peshawar, NARC, Islamabad, Effects of Sowing Dates and Varieties on A. Razzaq, Khan Zada and NWFP 5 Yield and Yield Components of Wheat in Agronomy Piagham Shah Agriculture the Peshawar valley University Peshawar. TRS, , Evaluation of Virginia Flue-Cured Tobacco Ejaz Ahmad Hashmi, Gul NWFP Varieties of Nicotiana Tabaccum L. for 6 Agronomy Woras and Mohammad Agriculural Yield, Yield Components and Chemical Tajriq Jan University Constituents Peshawar. NWFP Agriculture Damage Induced By Gamma Radiation in University Shad Khan1, S. Rehman and 7 Morphological and Chemical Agronomy Peshawar, Mohammad Tariq Jan Characteristics of Barley NIFA Tarnab Peshawar, Pakistan.

Seed Yield and Oil Contents of Autumn University of M. Shafi Nazir, Tassaddaq 8 SunFlower As Affected by Planting Dates Agronomy Agriculture, Hussain and G. Ali and Population Density Faisalabad28

The Role of Wheat and Bengal Gram Bran NWFP on Serum Cholesterol, Liver Cholesterol, Agriculture 9 Agronomy Rasul Baksh Serum Glucose and Fecal Sterols Excretion University in Male Albino Rats Peshawar, Design and Development Sequences For NWFP Self Propelled sugarcane Repaer for small Agricultural Rafiq Ahmad and Zahid Agriculture 10 and Medium Land of Pakistan (Model Sc-A Engineering Mahmood University and Sc-B) Peshawar, Design and Development Sequences For NWFP Self Propelled Whole Stalk Green Cane Agricultural Rafiq Ahmad and Zahid Agriculture 11 Reaper for Small and Medium Land Engineering Mahmood University Holdings of Pakistan (Model Sc-C and Sc- Peshawar, D) Envir.& Arid Land Agriculture King Abdul Efficiency of Pitcher Irrigation A A.A. Malibari and M.A. Aziz University 12 Modification Drip or Trickle Irrrigation Quraishi Jeddah, System Faisalabad Univeristy Faisalabad, Pakistan NWFP Effect of Gamma Irradiation on Funcgal Muhammad Ashraf, Agriculture 13 Infestation Physicochemical and Bakhtiar Hussain and University Organoleptic Characteristics of Maize Mazbool Ahmad Peshawar, NIFA Tarnab Peshawar, Pakistan.

NWFP Agriculture Muhammad Wahid, University Changes of Sugar and Sensory Qualities in 14 Bakhtair Hussain and Peshawar, Potatoes During Storage Muhamad Saeed NIFA Tarnab Peshawar, Pakistan. P.C.S.I.R Mohammad Rauf Khan, Laboratories, 15 Foam-Mat Drying of Tomato Ketchup Samiullah and N.A Sufi Jamrud Road, Peshawar. NWFP Evaluation of Cytozyme Growth Agriculture M. Siraj, Ashiq Rabbani and 16 Complexes on Growth and Straw Yield of University Hidayat-ur-Rahman Oat (Avena Sativa L.) Cultivars Peshawar, PFI Peshawar. NWFP Heterotic and Heterobeltiotic Studies for Agriculture 17 Quality Traits in Intraspecific Crosses of Mohammad Amin Khan University Upland Cotton Peshawar, Response of Lentil (Lens Culinaris Medic) to Rhizobium Inoculation and Phosphorus Mohammad Idris and NIAB, 18 Application for Effective Nodulation and Kausar A. Malik Faisalabad. Nitrogen Fixation under Field Condition Islamia Rubus Ellipticus Smith a New Host of Dr. Jahandar Shah and College; 19 Phragmidium Rosae-Moschatae Diet Sardar Hussain Shah Peshawar University

Induction of Resistance to Stripe Rust Said Hassain and Tila NIFA, Tarnab 20 (Puccinia Striiformis) in Bread Wheat. CV. Mohammad and K. Rahman Peshawar. LU-26 Through Gamma Radiation

NWFP Variation in Genetic Parameters of Agriculture 21 Dr. Saeedul Hassan Mungbean Varieties After Seed Irradiation University Peshawar, NWFP Gamma Radiation Induced Variation in Agriculture 22 Some Genetic Parameters of Wheat and Dr. Saeedul Hassan University Triticale Peshawar,

Effect of Three Selected Diets on the University of Mohammad Ullah and R.E. 23 Reproductive Behaviour of Ageneotettix Entomology Wyoming, Pfadt Deorum (Orthoptera: Acrididae) USA

Antifungual Activity of Some Plant Tasnim Akhtar, and Ismail NIFA Tarnab 24 Extracts Against potated Dry Rot Fusarium Khan Peshawar Coeruleum (LIB) Sacc

PCSIR Efficacy of Tenekil Against Nematodes S.A. Khan M. Saeed and F. 25 Laboratories, Parasitising Banana Qamar Karachi

ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar, Relative Abundance of Some Mites on Six Mohammad Zaman and NWFP 26 Cultivars of jute in Peshawar Karimullah Agriculture University Peshawar.

A New (Hypopus) Species of Genus University of 27 Glyphanoetus Oudemans Wali M. Chaudhri Agricuture, (Acarina:Histiostomatidae) From Pakistan Faisalabad. NWFP Effectiveness of Different Methods of Karimullah, Anwar Shed and Agriculture 28 Application of Granular Insecticides Abdur Raqib University Against Maize Stem Borer in Maize Peshawar,

Descriptions of Three New Species (Hpopi) Muhammad Ashfaq, University of 29 of Genus Acarus Linnaeus Acarina: Tasneam Akhtar and Wali Agricuture, Acaridiae From Pakistan M.Chaudhri Faisalabad.

University of Agricuture, Effect of Different Insecticides on the Faisalabad, M. Mukhtar, M.F.A. Khan, 30 Nitrification Process in Two Arid Region Gomal And Akhtar Wawaz Khan Soils University, N,W.F.P. NWFP Response of Sarson To Alone and Agriculture A.U.Bhatti, A.H. Gurmani 31 Combined Application of N, P and K Under University and J.K Khattak D.I.Khan Conditions Peshawar,ARS D. I. Khan NWFP To Calibrate the Yield Response of Wheat Agriculture 32 A.U.Bhatti and M.R. Khattak ti Soil Phosphorus University Peshawar, ARI, Tarnab Studies on the Relationship Between the Peshawar, Soil Characteristics and DTPA Extractable Izhar-ul-Haq Jehangir Khan NWWFP 33 Micronutrients Status of the Soils of Kohat Khattak and Sajida Perveen Agricultural District University Peshawar. ARS, Dera Effect of Some Input Factors on the Yield Akbar Hussain Gurmani and Ismail Khan, 34 of Cereal Crops in Dera Ismail Khan Ghulam Farid ARI, Tarnab, District Peshawar NWFP Effect of Pruning on Size, Quantity and Saifur-Rehman and Agriculture 35 Quality of Apricot Fruit Mohammad Ishtiaq University Peshawar,

Low Chilling Apple Cultivar for Plains of Asghar Hussain and ARI, Tarnab 36 Peshawar Iftikharul Haq Peshawar

ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar and Effect of Various Doses of Potahs on Yield NWFP 37 Specific Gravity and Starch Content of Abdul Hanan and Nawab Ali Agriculture Potato University Peshawar. NWFP Effect of Spacing NPK Fertilizer on the Sher Mohammad and Agriculture 38 Growth and Yield of Straqberry Sharafat Khan University Peshawar, NWFP Effect of Soil Fertility and Soil Moisture Wazir Mohammad Agriculture 39 Levels on the Chemical Composition of Horticulture Sadiq,and Hafiz Inayatullah University Tomato Peshawar, NWFP Ammoniation of Wheat Straq Under S. Basit Ali Shah and Taj Ali Agriculture 40 Village Condition Using Soybean As Khan University Additive Peshawar,


Sr. No. Title of the Article Discipline Discipline Authors Address NWFP Effect of Planting Times on the Growth Agdur Razzaq, Paigham Agriculture 1 and Straq Yield of Wheat Varieties Shah and Dost Mohammad University Peshawar, NWFP Effect of Seed Rates on the Yield of Three Mohammad Karim and Agriculture 2 Agronomy Gram Varieties Paigham Shah University Peshawar, DGAR, Tarnab, Studies on the Intercropping of Soybean Peshawar, 3 and Sunflower with Sugarcane Under NARC, Irrigated Conditions in Peshawar Valley Mohammad Siddiq, and Zar Quresh Islamabad. Sugar Crops The Effect of Late Application of Nitrogen Shahnazar Khan Rauf Research 4 on the Root Yield and Sugar Content of Khattak and Mohammad Institute, Sugarbeet Amin Mardan PARC, The Effect of Symbiotic Nitrogen on Grain Islamabad, 5 Yield of Soybeans under Field Conditions DGARI Tarnab, in Peshawar Valley Zar Qureshi and Mohammad Siddiq Peshawar ROPRC, Abbottabad, Effect of Fertilizer Levels and Cutting NWFP 6 Prequency on the Grain and green Fodder Main Imtiaz Ahmad Fazal Agricultural Yield of barley Variety Beecher Hayat Taj, and Mohamad University Tariq Jan Peshawar. ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar PARC, To Study Hot Water Soluble Boron and Islamabad, 7 Acid Ammonium Oxalate Extractable NWFP Molybdenum Content of Kohat Soils Agricuturure Izhar-ul-Haq, Habib-ur- University, Rehman and Sajida Perveen Peshawar. Rearing 6 Nymphs per Cage From First Nymphal Instar Through Adult Stage of The Wyoming Ageneotettix Deorum Scudder) on a Diet University 8 of Different Combinations at a constant Laramie, Wyo, Temperature of 30 1 C under Laboratory Mohammad Ullah and R.E. U.S.A. Conditions Pfadt Rearing First Nymphal Instar Through The Wyoming Stage of the Grasshopper, Angeneotettix University 9 Deorum (Scudder) on Different Diet Laramie, Wyo, Combinations At a Constant Temperature Mohammad Ullah and R.E. U.S.A. of 30 1 C Under Laboratory Conditions Pfadt Testing and Evaluation of various Pesticides and Cultivars on Musk Melon ARI, Tarnab, 10 Against Melon Fruit Fly Dacus Cucurbitae, Liaqatullah Mian Abdul Latif Peshawar. Coo (Diptera: Tephritidae) in D.I.Khan and Ghulam Shabir Shah

A Preliminary Note on Some Insects and ARI, Tarnab, 11 Mites Found in Tarnab NWFP Pakistan Peshawar. Muhammad Zaman Pakistan Cuscuta Hyalina Roth A Tobacco Tabacco 12 (Nicotiana Rustical) Parasite in NWFP Zahid Hussain Qadeer Shah Board, and S.M. Ali Shah Pakistan.

Gomal Sutiability of Different Varieties of 13 Uiniversity Potatoes for Dehydration Muhammad Naeem and D.I.Khan. Saifullah Khan ARI Tarnab, Effect of Various Nitrogenous Fertilizers Peshawar, 14 Applied at Different Times on the Yield NARC and Quality Spring Potatoes Abdur Rahmand and Nasrullah Jan Islamabad. AR NWFP Tarnab, Some Seed Source Factors' Affecting Peshawar, 15 Growth and Yield of Cardinal Potatoes in NWFP the Autumn Season in Peshawar Agricultural University Abdul Hanan and Nawab Ali Peshawar. NWFP Effect of Phosphorus and Spacing on the Agriculture 16 Length and Yield of Carrot Ahmad Khan, Mohammad University Tariq and Sad-ur-Rehman Peshawar, Sind Agricultural University, Tandojam, The Effect of Magnesium Sulphate on the University of 17 Horticulture Growth and Yield of Tomato Horticulture Villanyi Street, 35-43, Dr. A.F.Baloch and Dr. L. Budapest Hargitai Hungary

AROARI, Performance of Pecan Nut in The Plains of 18 Tarnab Peshawar. Asghar Hussain and Peshawar. Mohammad Anwar Animal Effect of Substituting Undecorticated Nutrition, 19 Cottonseed Cake with Poultry Droppings Agricultural on the Growth of Male Duffalo Calves University, Nadeem M.A. and S. Hayyat Faisalabad.

VOL.2_No.3_1986 Sr. No. Title of the Article Discipline Discipline Authors Address NWFP Effect of Different Leave of Phosphorus AgriculturalUn Mohammad Mushtaq, and Potash on the Emergence, Plant iversity 1 Agronomy Pigham Shah and Abdus height and Straq Yield of Mung Bean Peshawar, Sattar (Vigna Radiata (L.) CCRI Pirsabak, Nowshera. Effect of Different Planting Practices on ARI, Tarnab, the Germination, Yield and Sucrose Abdur Rahman and Fazli Peshawar, 2 Content of Sugarbeet under Saline Qayyum NARC, Conditions Islamabad NWFP Response of Shaftal to Low and High Agricultural Sadur Rehman Paigham 3 Seeding andFertilization Raties Under Agronomy University Shah and Shad Khan Khalil Irrigated Conditions Peshawa, CCRI Pirsabak Beacon St. MA. 02115 Taxonomic Study and Distribution of the Mohamad Ullah and M. USA,NWFP 4 Species of Genus Sphingonotus Fieber Entomology Shahid Agricultural (Orthoptera: Acrididae) in University Peshawar. Sugar Crops Assessment of the Role of Honeybees Research 5 (APIS Cerana F.) in the Pollination of Entomology Ahmad Jan Institute, Apples (Pyrus Malus L.) Mardan

NWFP Abundance of the Leaf Miner Phyllocnistis Karimullah and Sajjad Agricultural 6 Citrella Stnt. On Fourteen Cultivars of Entomology Ahmad University Citrus Peshawa. Nuclear Institute for Influence of Wheat and Maize Flour Alam Zeb and Sana Ullah Food and 7 Combination of the Progeny Development Khattak Agricuature, of Red Flour Beetle, Tribolium Castaneum Tarnab, Peshawar. NRC, USA, Artificial Rearing of Colding Moth, Cydia NIFA, Tarnab, Sana Ullah Khattak and J. 8 Pomonella (L.) on Sodium Alginate Gel Peshawar, Franklin Howell Diet Yakima, WA 98902, USA. ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar, Storage of Seed Potatoes under the Abdur Rehman and Abdul NWFP 9 Natural Conditions at Kalam Hanan Agricultural University Peshawar. Rooting in the Semihardwood Cuttings of NWFP Myrobalan Plum (Prunus Cerasifera L.) Badar Munir Khan and Agricultural 10 Throuth the use of Indole-3 Butyric Acid Mohammad Ishtiaq University (IBA) Peshawar.

Effect of NPK Alone and in Combination Muhammad Ishtiaq and Institute is not 11 on the Yield of Cucumber (Cucumis Noorul Amin mention Sativus)

NWFP Afsar Ullah Khan, Effect of Growth Regulator (IAA) on Root Agricultural 12 Horticulture Mohammad Ishtiaq and Induction of EM-26 Apple Cuttings University Sharafat Khan Peshawar.

The Distribution of Some Common Weeds Farrukh Hussain Aleem University of 13 in Nicotiana Rustica L> Fields of Yar Botany Shah and Faisal Mobeen Peshawar Hussain, District Mardan Khan

University of Peshawar, The Distribution of Some Weeds in Maize Farrukh Hussain and Zahid University of 14 (Zea Mays L.) Fields of Kotli (Azad Jammu Botany Hussain Malik Azad Jammu and Kashmir) and Kahsmir, Muzaffarabad

Depression in Yield Due to Ratoon Farid Gul, Gulzar Ahmad 15 SCRI Mardan. Stunting Disease (RSD) in Sugarcane and Abdul Rauf

ARS, Mansehra and Inheritance of Leaf Rust Resistance in Abdul Malik Lughmani and NWFP 16 PBG Penjamo-62 and Sonora-64 M. Attaullah Khan Agricultural University Peshawar.


Sr. No. Title of the Article Discipline Discipline Authors Address Genetic Parameter Studies in Wheat (T. Faizul Hassan and Fazli 1 Aestivum L.) Date of Heading VS Plant Performance Subhan Grain Yield NWFP Agricultural Performance of Mungbean (Vigna University Radiata) Welzeck Cultivars Grown Under 2 Agronomy Shad K. Khalil and Tariq Jan Peshawar, Agroclimatic Conditions of Peshawar NIFA, PCSIR Valley Lab, Peshawar. Emergence, Tillering, Plant Height and NWFP Grains per Spike of barley as Affected by Fazal Hayat Taj and Tariq Agricultural 3 Agronomy Efflents From Khazana Sugar Mills Jan University (Peshawar) and Canal Water Peshawar. AROARS, D.I.Khan Effect of Various NPK Levels on Green Sanaullah Khan and 4 WBSW Fodder Yield of Berseem Nasiruddin Khan Nursery Kaghan Sugar Crops The Effects of Various Doses and Methods Gulzar Ahmad Jamshid Khan Mardan, ARI, 5 of Application of Superphosphate on the and Fazal Qayum Tarnab, Yield and Sucrose Contents of Sugarbeet Peshawar GSLS The Effects of Calcium on Alaskan Pea Imran Mohammad and BYL. University, 6 (Pisum Sativum) Plants Grown Thomas D. Baton Rouge, Hydroponically USA GSLS Studies on Repeatability of Some Imran Mohammad and University, 7 Characters in Sugarcane A.M. Saxton Baton Rouge, USA NWFP Use of Sunflower Seed Meal As Protein Mashooq Ali, S Basit Ali Agricultural 8 Source in Broiler Ration Shah and Inamullah University Peshawar. NWFP The Partial Substitution of Corn with Dried S. Basir Ali Shah and Adel Agricultural 9 Wheat Bread in Broiler Ration Ahmad Mumaz University Peshawar. NWFP Determining Extent of Labour and Bullock Mohammad Nawab Khan Agricultural 10 Displacement by Tractor Cultivation in Agri. Ecnomics and Anwar Fazil Chishti University Charsadda Tehsil of District Peshawar Peshawar. NIFA, Tarnab Physical Characters and Chemical and Maqbool Ahmed Naila Peshawar, 11 Nutrient Composition of Pakistan Samina Kaif and Naseem University of Mangoes Habib Peshawar. NIFA, Tarnab Effect of Gamma Irradiation and Hassouni Sadeq Muhilan Peshawar, 12 Packaging Materials on the Storage of Food Science and Bakhtiar Hussain University of Dates Peshawar. NFFR , Laboratory Effectivity of Some Insecticides and Plant D.I.Khan, Products as Repellents Against the Attack Nawab Khan Marwat and 13 Plant Protection NWFP of Dacus Zonatus (Tephritidae: Diptera) in Naseer Hussain Aricultural Guaza Orchard University Peshawar.

Fertilizer Studies on Sweet Orange Pordil Khan Maqbool Ilahi ARI, Tarnab, 14 Horticulture Cultivar Blood Red, At Khanpur (Hazara) and Rehmat Gul Peshawar.

ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar, The Effect of Micronutrients on the Yield Mehraban Khan and Abdur NWFP 15 of Wheat Rahman Agricutural University Peshawar.

VOL.3_ No.1_ 1987

Sr. Title of the Article Discipline Discipline Authors Address No.

CCRI Pirsabak, Effect of Different Growth Periods on the Mohammad Amin and NWFP, ARI 1 Root Yield and Quality of Sugarbeet Mohammad Akran Khan Tarnab, Peshawar NWFP Interrelationship Studies Among Yield and Agricultural 2 Yield Attributing Parameters in Mangbean Agronomy Shad K. Khalil and K. Afridi University (Vigna Radiata Welzcek) Cultivars Peshawar. Quantitative and Qualitative Responses of Agricultural Sugarcane to Potassium and Phosphorus M. Shafi Nazir, G. Ali and 3 University on a Fertilizer Responsive Soil with and Siddique Faisalabad. Without Nitrogen

Livestock Resources and Potentialities of Mohammad Yaqub Alizai University of 4 Geography Dera Ismail Khan District and Dr. Ghulam Habib Peshawar.

NWFP Agricultural Effect of Waxing on the Physicochemical Hamid Javed Bakhtiar University 5 Characteristics of Blood Red Orange Food Science Hussain and Maqbool Peshawar, During Storage Ahmad NIFA, Tarnab, Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural Effect of Gamma Irradiation on Abdus Sattar M. Jan and I. University 6 Peroxidation of Drynut and other Oils and Khan Peshawar, Fats NIFA, Tarnab, Peshawar. NWFP Performance of Six Tomato Cultivars in an Abrar Hussain Shah and Agricultural 7 Unheated Green House During Winter at Horticulture Hafiz Inayatullah University Peshawar. Peshawar. NWFP Effect of Different Root Stocks on Growth Asghar Hussain and Tajamul Agricultural 8 Chemistry Production and Quality of Almond Hussain University Peshawar. Toxicity and Abnormalities Produced by Imtiaz Ahmad Farkhanda Diflubenzuron in Red Cotton Stainer University of 9 Zoology Shabbir and Syed Naimul Dysdercus KoenifII (Fabricius) (Hemiptera Karachi. Hussain Naqvi : Pyrrhocoroidea) Variations in the Alimentary Organs in Different Forms and Host Races of Imtiaz Ahmad, Fatima Ali University of 10 Zoology Pyrrhocoris Apterus (Linn.) (Hemiptera: and S.N.H. Naqvi Karachi. Pyrrhocoroidea)

Mahmuda Khanam, Seed-Borne Diseases of Wheat in Sind, 11 Yasmeen Nigar and A.K. PARC, Karachi. Pakistan Khanzada

Genetic Paramter Studies in Wheat (T. Faizul Hassan and Fazli 12 Aestivum L.) Awned Vs. Awnless on Grain ARI, Pir Sabak Subhan Yield

Morphogenesis from Hypocotyl Segments University of 13 Botany Dr. Khalida Khatoon of Nicotiana Tabacum CV. Virginica Karachi.

NWFP Comparison of Efficiencies of Various M.J. Khattak, J.K. Khattak Agricultural 14 Methods of Copper Extraction Using and M. Shah University Maize as a Test Crop Peshawar.

Effect of Some Input Factors on the Yield Akbar Hussain Gurmani and 15 of Cereal Crops in Dera Ismail Khan ARI, D.I.Khan Ghulam Ali Malik District II. Wheat

VOL.3_No.2_ 1987 Sr. Title of the Article Discipline Discipline Authors Address No. The Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on the Gulgar Ahmad an d Dawa 1 Yield and Quality of Sugarbeet in SCRI, Mardan Khan Peshawar Valley

Effect of Muriate and Sulphate of Ootash Muhammad Nawaz Malik 2 on the Growth and Yield Components of and CCRI, Multan Late Sown Wheat Makhdum

Kiaquat Ali Shaheen, Abrar Agrcualtural Effect of Feeding Urea-phosphate on the 3 Hussain and Mukhtar University, Growth of Bufallo Heifers Ahmed Nadeem Faisalabad.

NWFP Feasibility of Fattening Cow Calves on Nazir Ahmad, Ahmad Yar Agricultural 4 Least Cost Ration Khan an dS. Iqbal Shah University Peshawar. NWFP Improvement in the Natritive Value of S. Basit Ali Shah and Nazir Agricultural 5 Sugarcane Pith with Ammoniation using Ahmad University Cattle Manure As an Additive Peshawar. NWFP Ergosterol Biosynthesis Inhibiting (EBI) Agricultural 6 Agri.Chemistry Iqtidar Ahmad Khalil Fungicides as Plant Growth Retardants University Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural Effect of Soaking and Heating on Selected Alam Zeb and Jan University 7 Nutrients and Phytate Content of Soybean Mohammad Peshawar, and Mungbean NIFA, Tarnab, Peshawar. Effect and Potential Use of Hormones on Sayed Fazal Ahad and Abdul ARS, Mingora, 8 Root Initiation of Semidwarf Apple Root Majeed Swat. Stock MM 106

Effect of Different Media on the NIFA, Tarnab, 9 Germination of Swat Local Peach Stones Peshawar.

Some Observations on the Algae of Syed zahir Shah and M.A.F. University of 10 Eroded Soils of Lawrencepur Faridi Peshawar.

Genetic Parameter Studies in Wheat (T. C.C.R.I. 11 Aestivum L.) Date of Heading VS Plant Faizul Hassain Fazli Subhan Pirsabak, Grain Yield Nowshera. NIFA, Tarnab, Peshawar, Agri.Res. Lab. Rearing Spotted Cutworm, Amathas C- Sana Ullah Khattak and USA and 12 Plant Protection nigrum (L.) on Artificial Diet Naseer Hussain NWFP Agricultural Univesity Peshawar. Fialuation of Insecticides Against Jassid Sind Agir. 13 (Amrasca Devastans D.) and White Fly Entomology Mohammad Khan Lohar University, (Bemisia Tabaci G.) on Subflower Crop Tando Jam. NWFP Agricutural Use of Artifical Smokes as Repellents Sher Bahadar, Naseer University, 14 Against the Attack of Dacus Cucurbitae Hussain and Nawab Khan Peshawar, Coq. On Melon Marwat NFFRL, AGR, D.I.Khan NWFP Effect of Trace Elements on the Yield of Mohammad Afzal and Agricultural 15 Maize Izharul Haq University Peshawar. CAGU, D.I.Khan, Akhtar Nawaz Khan and NWFP 16 Boron Uptake by Different Parts of Maize Jehangir Khan Khattat Agricuatural University Peshawar.

VOL.3_No.3_ 1987 Sr. Title of the Article Discipline Discipline Authors Address No. Islamia Blue Green Algae in Relation to College; 1 Sardar Hussain Shah Eutrophication Peshawar University

Comparative Yielding Potential of Said Hassan and Amal Bad NIFA, Tarnab, 2 Chickpea Mutants and Varieties Shah Peshawar.

Interrelationship Between Grain Yield CCRI, Faiz-ul-Hassan and Fazli 3 Harvest Index and Grain filling Duration in Pirsabadk Subhan Wheat Nowshera.

NWFP The Effect of Feeding Sodium Bicarbonate S. Basit Ali Shah and Agricultural 4 on Milk Yield and its Composition in Animal Husbandry Mohammad Iqbal University, Lactating Buffaloes Peshawar, NFFP University of Engineering Maximization of Fertilizer Injection As Agricultural Zahid Mahmood and Dr. and 5 Affected by Applicator's Hopper Engineering Amir U. Khan Technology, Geometery Peshawar.IRRI Manila Philippine Syed Aulad Hussain, Khalid University of Tsesting High Fructose Syrup As A 6 Food Science Farooq and Ghulam Agriculture, Sweetener in Almond Syrup Mohyuddin Faisalabad

University of Studies on the Growth of Molds and Their Mohammad Ismail Siddique 7 Food Science Agriculture, Control in Cheddar Cheese and Ghulam Mohy-ud-Din Faisalabad NWFP Agricutural Effect of Gamma Irradiation on University, 8 Physicochemical Characteristics of Food Science Inayatullah and Aurang Zeb Peshawar, Soybean NIFA, Tarnab, Peshawar. NWFP Agricutural Effect of Stratification on Germination of Asghar Hussain and Nawab University, 9 Seat Local Peach Stones Ali Peshawar, NIFA, Tarnab, Peshawar. Comparative Performance of Ten Mohammad Khaliq Zaman ARS, Mingora, 10 Varieties of Peas Under Mid-Hill and Abdul Majeed Swat. Conditions of Swat NWFP Effect of the Elevated Doses of Potash Agricultural with Constant Doses of Nitrogen and Misbah-ud-Din and University, 11 Phosphorous on the Yield and Quality of Muhammad Ishtiaq Peshawar, Potato NIFA, Tarnab, Peshawar. Performance of Some Pre-Emergence Abdul Hanan and Mustajab ARI, Tarnab, 12 Herbicides on the Control of Weeds and Khan Peshawar. Their Effect on the Yield of Potato Crop

Effect of Two Herbicide At Two Different BARDP and Rates on Grain Yield of Wheat and Weed Rahmat Ullah and U.K. 13 PARC Popultion Under the Barani Conditions of Baloch Islamabad. Elmarj, Libya

Vertical and Horizontal Distribution of PCSIR 14 Nematodes Associated with Sapodilla Botany M. Saeed and A. Ghaffar Laboratories, (Achras Zapota) in Karaci Karachi Studies on the Morpholigy of Scent Apparatus of Four Genera of The Imtiaz Ahmad and Syed University of 15 Subfamily Phyllocephalinae Iheteroptera: Zoology-Entomolohy Kamaluddin Karachi. Pentatomidae) of Pakistan with Reference to Phylogeny Effects of Physico-Chemical Factors on the University of Ihsan Ilahi and Farrukh 16 Germination and Seedling Growth of Botany Peshawar, Hussain Erianthus GriffithII (Munro) HK.F Pakistan.

NWFP The Response of Wheat Genotypes Muhammad Siraj Swati, and Agricultural 17 Towards Fertilizers Based on Lodging, PBG Khurshid Ahmad University, Grain Yield and Other Relevant Charcters Peshawar,

Genetics of Ginning and Fibre Characters University of M. Amin Khan and Gul 18 and Their Graphic Representation in PBG Agriculture, Hassan Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.) Faisalabad

Seven Hyphomycetous Fungi First Record PSF, 19 Sultana From Pakistan Islamabad.

CCRI Multan, Pakistan, Hydraulic Conductivity of Soil As Affected S. Iqrar Hussain and M. 20 University of by Exchangeable Cation Status Iqbal Makhdum Faisalabad, Pakistan. NWFP Yield Response of Wheat to Soil M. Afzal, A.U. Bhatti and Agricultural 21 Soil Science Phosphorus J.K. Khattak University, Peshawar,

University of Fiyyaz A.Chughtai and 22 Activated Cargon From Sarkanda Chemistry Agriculture, Fakhar-un-Nisa Faisalabad

VOL.3_No.4_ 1987

Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No.

University of Wheat Productivity As Affected by M. Shafi Nazir and Riaz 1 Agronomy Agricultur, Seeding Desity and Geometry of Plantings Ahmad Faisalabad. Comparative Effects of Effluents From NWFP Khazana Sugar Mills (Peshawar) and Canal Fazal Hayat Taj Shibli Khan Agricultural 2 Water (Warsak Gravity Canal) on Number Agronomy and Tariq Jan University, of Leaves, Spike Length, Thousand Grain Peshawar, Weight and Grain Yield of Barley Pakistan Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Flue- Ghulam Farid Marwat and Tabacco 3 Cured Virginia Cultivars Grown at Agronomy Abdul Baseer Board, Mansehra Mansehra.

Aurang Zeb, Tila Yield and Quality Response of Different NIFA, Tarnab, 4 Muhammad and Ismail Wheat Cultivars to Date of Sowing Pakistan. Khan University College of Agriculture, Rawalakot, AJK, Genetic Studies on Awassi Sheep in Muhammad Akhtar Qureshi University 5 Pakistan Heritability Estimates of Some ABG and Muhammad Khalil Agriculture Productive Traits Ahmad Faisalabad and Research Institute, Bahadurnagar (Okara), Pakistan. NWFP Use of Pigeon Pea as An Ingredient in S. Basit Ali Shah and Agricultural 6 Animal Husbandry Broiler Ration Jamshed Alam Khan University, Peshawar,

Physicochemical Studies of Rusks As University of Salim-ur-Rehman and A.R. 7 Affected By Partial Replacement of Subar Food Science Agricultur, Barque With high Fructose Syrup Faisalabad. Ar, Tarnab, Peshawar, and Comparative Performance of the French Abdul Hanan, Nawab Ali NWFP 8 Potato Cultivars in Peshawar Valley and Hafiz Inayatullah Agricultural University Peshawar. The Effect of Root Stock on Survival, Vigour, Fruit Drop and Yield of Peach Sayed Fazal Ahad and and ARS, Mingora, 9 (Prunus Persica) Batch Bultivar 6-A Peach Mursalin Khan Swat. for the Malakand Division Sind The Size and Yield of Onion Bulbs in Mangrio, H.K., and M.A. Agriculture 10 Response to Application of Phosphorus Baloch University, (P2 O5) and Potassium (K2O) Tandojam. NWFP Performance of Eight Nectarine Cultivars Mohammad Ishtiaq Agricultural 11 under Soil and Climatic Condition of AsgharHussain and Habib University, Peshawar Gul Peshawar, University of Agricultur, Physico-Chemical Aspects of Resistance in Muhammad Riaz and Faisalabad, 12 Entomology Cotton to Insect Pest Complex Liaqutullah Khan Gomal University, D.I.Khan. American University of Shabeer Ahamd and F. Beirut, 13 Occurrence of Cucumber Wilt in Lebanon Fliege Lebanon, PARC, Islamabad ARI, D.I.Khan, Studies on Host Preference of Dacus Mohammad Taslim, Dr. NWFP 14 Cucurbitae COQ. And Its Association with Naseer Hussain and Izat Agricultural Nutritional Make-UP of the Host Fruit Khan University Peshawar. ARS, Dera Suppression of population and Infestation Ismail Khan Abdul Latif and Naseer 15 of Dacus SPP. Fruit Flies Through the use Plant Protection and NWFP Hussain of Protein Hydrolysate Agrcultural Uiversity. University of Agricultur, Faisalabad, Morphogeenetic Adaptations in Some Altaf Ur Rehman Rao and Govt. College 16 Landraces of Baluchistani Wheats Botany Muhammad Iqbal Javed Jhang.

Farrukh Hussain and Taj University of 17 Allelopathic Effects of Melia Azedarch Linn Botany Wali Khan Peshawar. CCRI, Response of Wheat Genotypes to Water Faizul Hussain, and 18 Pirsabak, Stress Mohammad Jamal Nowshera

University of Comparative Evaluation of Primitive Muhammad Nawaz khan Agricultur, 19 Genetic Stock of Wheat Collected From PBG and Muhammad Iqbal Faisalabad, Two Himalayan Centresof Diversity Makhdum CCRI, Multan. Gomal Uiniversity D.I.Khan, Effect of Boron Fertilization in Maize Akhtar Nawaz Khan and 20 Soil Science NWFP Growth Jehangir Khan Khattat Agricultural University Peshawar Response of Berseem (Trifolium NIFA, Tarnab, 21 Alexandrinum) to Zinc Fertilization and Haider Khan and M.M.Iqbal Peshawar. Aftificial Inoculation by Rhizobium TrifoLII

VOL.4_No.1_ 1988 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No.

Effects of Muriate and Sulphate of Potash Muhammad Nawaz Malik 1 on the Growth and Yield Components of and Muhammad Iqbal CCRI, Multan. Late Sown Wheat Makhdum

Yield and Quality of Pearl Millet Uuniversty of (Pennisetum Americanum) As Influenced 2 Agronomy M.S, Sharar, and M. Ayub Agriculture, By Different Nitrogen Rates and Irrigattion Faisalabad. Frequencies ARI, Tarnab, Key Issues Related to Low Maize Munir Ahmad and Shaukat Peshawar, 3 Productivity in Irrigated Mardan:Results of Hayat NARC, Farm Level Surveys, 1984 Islamabad NWFP Agricultural Effect of Soaking and Heating on Selected Alam Zeb and Jan University 4 Nutrients and Phytate Content of Mohammad Peshawar, Chickpea NIFA, Tarnab, Peshawar. PCSIR Laboratories, Peshawar NWFP Effect of Storage Environment son Shamsur-Rehman Afridi and 5 Agricultural Keeping Quality of Dried Apricots Mohammad Wahid University Peshawar, NIFA, Tarnab, Peshawar ARS, Mingora, Effect of Whome and Cut Tuber Sowing Swat, NWFP on the Growth and Yield of Cardinal Abdul Hanan, and Nawab 6 Agricultural Potatoes in the Autumn Season in Ali University Peshawar Peshawar Uuniversty of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Effect of Nitrogen Sources on Growth and Arif Hussain Gillani and University 7 Yield of Kinnow Mandarin (Citrus Sana Ullah College of Reticulata Blanco) Agriculture, Rawalakot, A.K. NWFP The Effect of Storage Treatments on Agricultural Faridullah Khan Wazir and 8 Germination of Pecan Nuts, Carya University Herman A. Hinrichs Illinoensis (Wang)K.Koch CV. Western Peshawar, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA. The Abundance and Distribution of Yellow Mite, Polyphagotarsonemus Latus ARI, Tarnab, 9 Muhammad Zaman (Banks), on Five Cultivars of Jute in Peshawar Peshawar NFFR , Laboratory Screening of Ber Cultivars for Their D.I.Khan, Resistance to the Attack of Fruit Flies and Nawab Khan Marwat, 10 NWFP its Association with Various Nutritional Ghulam Abbas Shah Aricultural Factors University Peshawar. ARS, Serai- Naurang Studies on Population Dynamics of (Bannu), Hamidullah Jan and Nawab 11 Heliothis Armigera (HB) and its NWFP Khan Marwat Association with Wheater Factors Aricultural University Peshawar. NARC, Islamabad, Appropriae Loss Assessment Methods For NWFP 12 M. Naveed and S.K. Khalil Wheat Agriculture University Peshawar. ARSS, Ahmad Phenotypic and Genotypic Correlation Wala, Karak, Abdul Wadud and 13 Analysis of Some Important Characters in ARS, Serai- Mohammad Yaqoob Gram (Cicer Agietinum L.) Naurang (Bannu). Studies on Comparative Performance of Agriculture Some Promising Varieties/Strains/of Research 14 Kifayat Ullah and Sana Ullah Cotton Under Climatics Conditions of Station, D.I.Khan D.I.Khan. Uuniversty of Agriculture, Studies of Pollen Morphology of Some Faisalabad, 15 Graminaceous (Poaceae) Species University of the Punjab, Lahore.

VOL.4_No.2_ 1988 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. Studies on the Effect of Foliage Cuttings Ari, Tarnab on Grain Yield of Commercial Rape Zar Qureshi and and 1 Verieties Under Irrigated Conditioons of Mohammad Usman Khan A.O.Mingora NWFP Swa.

Evaluation of Sorghum Varieties for AROARS, 2 Fodder Production Under Climatic Sana Ullah Khan D.I.Khan. Conditions of Dera Ismail Khan

Induced Quantitative Variation and S. Anwar Shah and K. NIFA, Tarnab, 3 Correlation in Wheat (Triticum Aestivum Rahman Peshawar. L.) ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar. Ilhamuddin, Inayatullah and NWFP 4 Characteristics of Maize Cultivars in NWFP Munir Ahmad Agricultural University Peshawar. NIFA, Tarnab, Peshawar and Effect of Low Dosesof Gamma Radiation M. Ashraf Choudery, and NWFP 5 Food Science on the Quality of Feutrell's Early Mandarin Maqbool Ahmad Agricultural University Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural Physical Characteristics of the Fruit of Five University Muhammad Ishtiaq and 7 Exotic Date Plam Cultivars Grown At Peshawar and Khalid Abdulllah D.I.Khan Gomal University D.I.Khan. ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar, Evaluation of Early Maturing Peach NWFP 8 Farhad Khan and Saffar Ali Cultivar For Plains of Peshawar Agricultural University Peshawar Incidence of the Cotton Whitefly, Bemisia ARI, Tarmab, 9 Tabaci (Gen.) At Different Levells of Plants Muhammad Zaman Peshawar. of Jute Cultivars in Peshawar Gomal University, D.I.Khan and Evaluation of Spraying Schedules for the Liaqatullah Khan and Abdul University 10 control of Injurious Cotton Insects Khaliq College of Agricuature, Rawalakot, AJK. AR, Ahmad Screeing of Sorghum Varieties For Mohammad Riaz Khalil and Wala Karak, 11 Resistance to Covered Kernel Smut Gul Hassan ARS, Dera Ismail Khan NIFA, Tarnab, Oriental Fruit Fly: Storage of Irragiated Sanal Ullahah Khattak and Peshawar and 12 Pupae for Delayed Shipment N. Tanaka FVRL Honolulu USA.

Preliminary Studies of the Pre-Emergence Gomal Saeed Ahmad Malik and 13 and Post-Emergence Weeds of Cotton in Uiniversity Altaf Ahmad Dasti D.G. Khan D.L.Khan. CCRI, Multan, University of The Effect of Some Herbicides on Weed M. Siddique Zaki and Tariq Agriculture 14 Agronomy Control and Growth of Cotton Plant Masood Faisalabad and BARI, Chakwal The Relationship of Structures Above the NWFP Flag Leaf Node with Yield and Yield Khurshid Ahmed , Hidayat- Agricultural 15 PBG Components in Wheat (Triticum Aestivum ur-Rehman and Raziuddin University L.) Peshawar

Studies on Some Weeds of Wheat Fields Farrukh Hussain and Samina University of 16 Botany of Hazro, District Attock Shaukat Peshawar.

VOL.4_No.3_ 1988 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No.

Pakistan Efficacy of Cetain Weedicides on Weed Plant Protection and Qari Abdul Qadeer Shah 1 Tobacco Control in Tobacco Nursery and Field crop Plant Pathology and Zahid Hussain Board. NWFP Effect of Frequency of Cutting on Late Sherin Khan and Agricultural 2 Agronomy Sown Berseem Production Mohammad Iftikhar University Peshawar American University of Beirut, Yield, Quality and Agronomic Gul Rehman and Enos. E. Lebanonand 3 Characteristics of Lentils Fertilized with Barnard Sugar Crops Phosphorus and zinc Research Institute, Mardan. Livestock Experiment Station, Studies on the Reproductive Efficiency in 4 Haque, A. and Z.I. Qureshi Khushab and Kajli sheep University of Agriculture, Faislabad. NWFP The Feeding value of Urea Treated Wheat S. Basit Ali Shah and S. Agricultural 5 Straw with Dietary Sodium Sulphate for Animal Husbandry Mirajuddin University Buffalo Calves Peshawar ARI, Tarnab, Issue in Farmers' Adoption of Improved S. Sajidin Hussain and Peshawar 6 Weed Controm Practices in Maize in Shaukat Hayat CCRI Pirsabak, NWFP Nowshera ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar and The Choice of New Early Peach cultivars NWFP 7 Farhad Khan and Saffar Ali on Quality Agriculture University Peshawar. ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar and Effect of Different Stratification Period on Asghar Hussain and Tajamul NWFP 8 Germination and vigour of Pecan Nut Hussain Agriculture University Peshawar. NWFP Agriculture Physical Properties of the Fruit of Some University Mohammad Ishtiaq and 9 Indigenous Date Palm Cultivars Grown At Horticulture Peshawar and Khalid Abdullah D.I.Khan Gomal University D.I.Khan

Role of Seeds in the Transmission of University of Horticulture Vegetative Malformation of Mango Mubarik Ali Shah and Agriculture 10 Saplings Musahib-ud-Din Khan Faisalabad

Charomosomes Analysis in Regenerani CRPNAC, 11 Habib Ahmad Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Islamabad

Studies on the Application on Hormones Iqrar Hussain Shah and 12 CCRI, Mulatan on the Yield of Cotton Crop M.I.Mukhdum

Effect of Sowing Dates on GrowthDevelopment and Yield of Pearl Din Sarwar and Muhammad 13 ARS, D.I. Khan Millet Under the Extreme Environmental Sadiq Conditions of D.I.Khan Relative Performance of Asiatic Cotton Cultivars on Terms of Seed Cotton Yield 14 Kihayatullah and Sanaullah ARS, D.I. Khan Under Climatic Condition of Peshwar Region Abundance of the Golgen Wing Moth and Thrips on Onion Cultivars and Their ARS, Mingora 15 Muhammad Zaman Impact on Grade and Yield of Onion bubls Swat in Swat

Studies on Progeny Production and Losses Sana Ullah Khattak and NIFA, Tarnab, 16 Cause By Tribolium Castaneum (Herbst) in Aman Ullah Khan Peshawar. Different Local Maize Varieties Flour

Sind Efficacy of Different Insecticides Against Agriculture 17 Entomology A.M. Baloch and H.B. Balock Jassid, Amrasca Devastans Dist. On Okra University, Tandojam. Federal Govt. Studies on the External Morpholo9gy of Sci. Nazeeriana Sindellus Ahmad and Zoology and Syed Kamaluddin and Imtiaz College 18 Kamaluddin (Pentatonmidae: Entomology Ahmad Karachi and Phyllocephalinae: Phyllocephalini) and Its University of Bearing on the Ralationships of the Group Karachi. NWFP Evaluation of Methods of Application of M. Jamal Khattak and M. Agricultural 19 NPK Ferilizers to Maize Crop Shah University Peshawar Clay Numus Studies on Organic Matter Fractions of NIAB, 20 Organic Soil F. Azam Some Agricultural Soil of Pakistan Faisalabad. Matter Fractions

VOL.4_No.4_ 1988 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. Effect of Nitrogen And Phosphorus Agriculture Fertilizers Alone and in Combination on Rajput M.K.K. and A .M. Research 1 Agronomy the Growth and Yield of Toria (Brassica Hassan Institute, Campastris) L. Tandojam Sind Effect of Different Plnat and Row Spacings A. Sattar Arian and A.W. Agriculture 2 on the Growth and Yiled of Cotton Baloch University, Tandojam. Plant Height, Weeds Weight, Thousand NWFP Grain Weight and Hay Yield of Maize and Agricualtural 3 Shad K. Khalil and M. Iqbal Mungbean in Mono and Associated University, Culture as Affected by NPK Appciation Peshawar.

The Effect of Plant Population on the Yield Mohammad Akram Khan 4 SCRI, Mardan and its Components of Sugarbeet-I and Gul Rehman

Improvement in the Dry Matter and NWFP Organic Matter Digestibilities of Altafur Rehman and Agricualtural 5 Sugarcane Pith with Ammoniation Using Mohammad Amjed University, Cattle Manure as an Additive Peshawar.

University of Effect of Antibiotic Feed Additives on Abdul Rashid and A.H. 6 Poultry Husbandry Agriculture, Meat Quality of Broiler Chicks Gilani Faisalabad.

NARC, Farmers Supply Response to Millet Naseer A. Khan and Munir Islamabad 7 Acreage: An Econometric Analysis Ahmad AERU, Tarnab, Peshawar. Agricultural Econoics Research Unit, Maize Production in Mardan District: A Munir Ahmad and Shaukat ARI, 8 Review of Technological Issues in Relation Hayat Tarnab,Pesha to Farmers' Circumstances war, CCRI Pirsabak, Nowshera. University of Effect of Preservatives on the Stability of Salim-ur-Rehman and 9 Food Science Agriculture, Sweet Almond Syrup Muhammad Ismail Siddique Faisalabad.

Gomal Effect of Chemical Treatments on the Mirz Ali Khan and Meraj-ud- 10 Food Science University, Composition of Date Cultivars Din Shah D.I.Khan NWFP Agricualtural Morphological Characterisitics of Tree and University, Mohammad Ishtiaq and 11 Yield of Five Indigenous Date Palm Horticulture Peshawar. Abdul Ghafoor Cultivars Grown at D.I.Khan Gomal University, D.I.Khan. Effect of Different Levels of Nitorgen on NWFP Seedling Vigour, Bud Take Success and Mohammad Ishtiaq and Agricualtural 12 Horticulture Plant Vigour on Peach "Peshawar Local" Asghar Hussain University, Rootstock Peshawar. A New Species of Aelia Fabricius (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Imtiaz Ahmad and Raees University of 13 Pentatominae: Aeliini) From Baluchistan: Zoology-Entomolohy Hussain Zaidi Karachi. A Potential Pest of Wheat and its Relationships Male and Female Genitalia of Picromerus Orientalis Rishi and Abbasi 1973 Nazeer Ahmad Rana and University of 14 Zoology-Entomolohy (Pentatonidae: Pentatominae: Asopini) Imtiaz Ahmad Karachi. and its Relationships

Dry Matter Partition in Fodderbeet and 15 Mohamamd Amin SCRI, Mardan Sugarbeet at Different Plant Populations

PMNH, Allelopathic Effects of Silybum Marianum Bushra Inam and Farrukh Islamabad and 16 Botany Geartin Hussain Genetic Analysis of Yield and Yield University of Components in various Crosses of Said Rahman and 17 PBG Agriculture, American Upland Cotton (Gossypium Mohammad Amion Khan Faisalabad Hirsutum L.)

Effect of Various Trace Elements (ZN, CU, Akbar Hussain Gurmani and 18 ARI, D.I.Khan MN, FE) on the Yield of Paddy Masood Ahmad Khan

Contribution of Microbial and Fungal NIAB, 19 F., F. Hussain and K.A. Malik Material to Soil Humus Faisalabad.

GAS, Multan, A Study of the Chemical Composition of University of Ashiq Ali, and Muhammad 20 Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L. ) Univer Agriculture of Iqbal Makhdum Differential Salinity Levels Faisalabad CCRI, Multan

VOL.4_No.5_ 1988 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No.

Effect of Sulphur Application on the Yield ARI, Tarnab, 1 Izharul Haq and Karim Jan of Wheat Peshawar

Competitive Study of Different Sugarbeet Mohammad Akram Khan 2 Varieties in respect of Fresh Root Yield SCRI, Mardan and Dawa Khan and Quality Effect of Sowing Dates on Growth Agri, Research Din Sarwar and Muhammad 3 Development and Yield of Sorghum Under Station, Sadiq the Extreme Environmental Conditions D.I.Khan

NWFP Feasibility of Raising Broiler Chicks on Animal Husbandry and Khalid Mumtaz Khan and S. Agricualtural 4 Least Cost Ration Vet. Science Basit Ali Shah University Peshawar

Economic Efficiency of Livestock in the ARI, Tarnab, 5 Farming System:An Application to the Samina Parveen Peshawar. Punjab Barani Tract

Central Cotton Effects of Muriate and Sulphate of Potash M. Nawaz and Fazal Illahi Research 6 on Cotton Yield and Quality Chaurdhry Insititute, Multan NWFP Iqtidar Ahmad Khalil and Agricualtural 7 Phystosterol Composition of cereal Crops Chemistry Hamidullah Shah University Peshawar NWFP Nutritional Evaluation of single Cell Iqtidar Ahmad Khalil and Agricualtural 8 Chemistry Protein Hamidullah Shah University Peshawar Farmers' Perceptions About Improved ARI, Tarnat Maize Technology Tested Under Farmers Munir Ahmad and Jahan and CCRI 9 Circumstances: Results and Experiences Zeb Pirsabak, From Swat, 1985 Nowshera NWFP Agricualtural Effect of Farmers' Resource Status on University Asmatullah Khan and 10 Awareness and Utilization of Improved Peshawar Andrew J. Sofranko Technologies University of Illinois at Urbana, USA NIFA, Tarnab and NWFP Composition and Quality Changes in Mohammad Wahid and Jan 11 Agricultural Irradiated Stored Dates Mohammad University Peshawar Rheological and Baking Properties of Salim-ur-Rehman and Syed University of 12 Wheat in Relation to Dough Improving Food Science Abrar Hussain Ghali Faisalabad. Agent

NWFP Performace of Okra Cultivars Under Soil Wazir, m. Sadiq and Shah Agricualtural 13 and Climatic Conditions of Peshawar Zoor University Peshawar NWFP Agricualtural University Performance of Six Mandarin (Citrus Peshawar, Muhammad Ishtiaq and 14 Reticulata Blanco) cultivars Grown Under Gomal Muhammad Salim Awan Agro-Climatic Condition of D.I.Khan University D.I.Khan Agri.Res.Stat Serai Naurang. A Revision of the Genus Zicrona Amyot et Serville (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: GCL, Rahimyar Pentatominae: Asopini) from Indo- Nazeer Ahmad Rana and Khan and 15 Zoology-Entomology Pakistan Sub-Continent with Description Imtiaz Ahmad University of of a New Species From Pakistan, and Their Karachi. Distribution and Relationships Sind Efficacy of Different Insecticides Against Maqsood Anwar Rustamani Agriculture 16 Mustard Aphid, Brevioryne Brassicae L. on and A.B. Chhutto University, Mustard Crop Tandojam and NWFP Effect of Gamma Irradiation on Survival Razi Ud Din. And Mukhtar Agricualtural 17 PBG and Yield of Sunflower Plant Ahmad University Peshawar

S. Fazl-i-Hadi and Saleem University of 18 The Fresh-Water Algae of Kabul River Botany Akhtar Peshawar

NWFP Screening for Minor Protein Components Agricualtural 19 Saeedul Hasan Siddiqi in Chickpea Cotyledon University Peshawar Govt. Agriculture Dymanics of NH4-N Transformation in Muhammad Akran and K.H. Station 20 Soils Having Different Clay Content Gill Multan, University of Faisalabad ARS, Mingora, Swat and Effect of Trace Metals on the Yield of Abdul Ghani and J.K. NWFP 21 Maize Khattak Agricultural University Peshawar

VOL.4_No.6_ 1988 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. Arid Zone Improvement of Water Use Efficiency in David J. Rees, Sher Mahmod Research 1 Barani Arable Agriculture in Baluchistan and Bakht Roaidar Khan Institute,

Mahar Sujawal Khan and SSMS, Scope of Spanish Type Groundnuts 2 Muhammad Iqbal Sargodha, (Arachis Hyopgaea) As Irrigated Crop Makhdoom CCRI, Multan

Seasonal Pattern of Sugar Accumulation in Mohammad Akran and Gul 3 SCRI, Mardan Sugarbeet at Different Plant Population Rehman

NWFP The Economical Feeding of Lactating Irfanullah S. Iqbal Shah and Agricultural 4 Animal Husbandry Buffaloes Under Lobal Conditions Mashooq Ali University Peshawar.

Livestock in the Farming System of Barani ARI, Tarnab, 5 Samina Parveen Punjab Peshawar

NWFP Agricultural University Biochemical and Nutritional Evaluation of Hamidullah Shah and Nisar 6 Human Nutrition Peshawar, Some Important varieties of Pulses Mohammad Islamia College Peshawar NWFP Iodine Content of Drinking Water of the Hamidullah Shah and Agricultural 7 Chemistry Northern Areas and Peshawar Valley Mohammad Ayub University Peshawar. Farmers, Uses and Decision Making ARI, Tarnab, Criteria Regarding Feritilizer Application Peshawar, Munir Ahmad, Jahan Zeb 8 and its Impact on Yield in Spring CCRI Pirsabak and Ilhamuddin Sunflower Crop in Mardan Distrct: Results and NSR, of Farm Level Surveys, 1986 Rawalpindi. To Investigate Cetain Fungicides for the ARI, Tarnab, Fazle Karim, Adam Khan 9 Control of Post Harvest Losses in sweet NWFP and Shamsul Muneer Oranges (Blood Red) Agricultural University Peshawar

NWFP Wheat Threshing Losses in Different Types Mohammad Tariq and Agricultural 10 of Threshing Machines Mohammad Amin University Peshawar. ARS, D.I. Khan, Zari Dad Khan Wazir and Arid Zone 11 Propagational Studies on Loquat Horticulture Abdur Rahid Marwat Research D.I.Khan NWFP Initiation of Roots in Trevatt and Newcape Mohammad Ishtiaq and Agricultural 12 Apricot Cuttings As Affected by Horticulture Iftikharul Haq University Indolebutyric Acid (IBA) Peshawar.

Effectiveness of Side-Dressed Application ATI, Tarnab 13 of Granular Systemic Insecticides Against Muhammad Zaman Peshawar, Mustard Aphid on Rape

Two New Species of Grassland Manzoor Ahmad and Abdul University of 14 Leafhoppers (Cicadellidae: Homoptera) in Zoology Aziz Karachi. Lower Sind, Pakistan NWFP Agricultural Differential Response of Maize Genotypes Shabeer Ahamd and Irshad University 15 to Stalk Rot Resistance and Yield in North Plant Pathology Ali Peshawar, West Pakistan CCRI Pirsabak Nowshera. Agricultural Field Screening of Chickpea Germplasm Res. Station Mohammad Riaz Khalil and 16 for Resistance to Ascochyta Blight Under Ahmad Wala, Abdul Latif Artificial Epiphytotic Conditions Karak, ARS, D.I.Khan AOT, D.I.Khan, Effect of Phosphorous and Seed Karim Nawaz Balock and ARS, Serai 17 Inoculation on the Yield of Chickpeas Khalil Ahmad Naurang, (Cicer Arietinum L.) Bannu. NWFP Agricultural Studies in M of Gamma Induced Variation Saeed-Ul-Hasan Siddiqui, University 18 in Germination and Growth Parameters of and Khalequzaman Peshawar, Barley and Triticale PRC, Abbottabad. NWFP Residual Effect of Phosphorous and S.A. Rizvi, M. Jamal Khattak Agricultural 19 Chemistry and Soil Sci. Potassium on the Yield of Maize and Hamidullah Shah University Peshawar. NWFP Effect of Phosphorus on the Yield and S.A. Rizvi, M. Jamal Khattak Agricultural 20 Chemistry and Soil Sci. Yield Components of Maize and Hamidullah Shah University Peshawar.

VOL.5_No.1_ 1989 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. Plant Height, Maturity and Stalk Yield of NWFP Maize and Sunflower Sown Alone and in Jehan Bakht, Shad K. Khalil Agricultural 1 Agronomy Different Combinations Under Various and A. Qayyum University Levels of Nitrogen Peshawar. NWFP Reproductive Stages of 20-Soyean Ehsanullah, Mir Hatam, Agricultural 2 (Glycine Max irrel) Cultivars Affected by Agronomy Jehan Bakht and Zahir Shah University Tow Planting Dates Peshawar. NWFP Effect of Dfferent Sowing Dates Yield and Ehsanullah, Mir Hatam, Agricultural 3 Yield Components of 20- Soybean Agronomy Jehan Bakht and Zahir Shah University Culativars Peshawar. NWFP Yield Potential and Quality Characteristics Agricultural Mir Hatam and Mohammad 4 of Three Selected Sugarcane Cultivars in Agronomy University Pazir Peshawar Valley Peshawar., SCRI, Mardan Effect of Neem Fractions and Malathion S.N.H., Nazvi and Tanveer University of 5 Against Whiteflies, Aleurobus Barodensis Zoology Asdaque Karachi. on Brinjal Crop (Solanum Melongena) NWFP Agricultural Factors Related to Low Chickpea Himayatullah, Samina University 6 Productivity in Rainfed Bannu: Results Rural Development Parveen and Munir Ahmad Peshawar.,ARI From Farm Level Survey, 1987 , Tarnab Peshawar. NWFP Cooking Effect on Proximate and Mineral Hamidullah Shah and Agricultural 7 Composition of Two Important Varieties Chimesty Mohammad Siddiq University of Rice Grown in Pakistan Peshawar. NWFP Recovery of Furfural From Pahari Kikar Chimesty and Food Fiyyaz A. Chughtai, Zafar Agricultural 8 (Prosopis Juliflora) Tech. Abbas and G. Mohy-ud-Din University Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural University Initiation of Roots in Peach Rootstocks Peshawar.ARI CVS> Peshawar Loval and Nemaguard Ad Haji Mohammad Ishtiaq and Tarnab, 9 Affected by Indolegutyric Horticulture Ayaz Mohammad Peshawar. Studies on the Effect of Growth Agriculture Regulators and Chemical Fertilizers on the Arif Hussain Gilani and Faqir 10 Horticulture fUniversity, Growth and Yield in Kinnow Mandarin Mohammad Fasialabad. (Citrus Reticulata Blanco) Agri. Research Station, Morphological Characteristics, Yield and K.I.Khan, Pomplogy and Abdul Hamim Khan Dundi 11 Yield Components of Fifferent Cultivars of NWFP Horticulature and Zari Dad Khan Wazir ber (Zizayphus Jujuba Mill) Agricultural University Peshawar. NWFP Incidence of the Cereal Aphid, Sitobion Karimullah and Khawaja Agricultural 12 Avenae (F.) on Different Cultivars of Entomology Farooq Ahmad University Wheat Peshawar. Director of Studies on the Conrol of Weeds in Muhammad Akram Zafar Agriculture 13 Transplanted Rice and its Economic Plant Protection and Bahsir Ahmad Sabir Punjab, Implications in the Punjab Lahore. ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar, Genotypic and Phenotypic Variability in Ilhamuddin, Inayatullah and NWFP 14 Yield and other Quantitative Characters in Entomology Mohammad Shariaf Agricultural Mungbean (Vigna Radiata L.) Tajammal University Peshawar.

Evaluation of Sunflower Cultivars under Mohammad Yousaf and NARC, 15 Rainfed Conditions Akhtar Geg. islamabad.

Nematology Pathogenicity of the Spiral Nematode Laboratory, M. Saeed, Aly Khan and M. 16 Helicotylenchus Indicus Siddiqi, 1963 on PCSIR, Aslam Sugarcane (Saccharum Officinarum) Karachi, CDRI, Karachi. ROARI, Tarnab, ROCCRI, A Biometerical Approach for Studying Pirsabak Faizul Hassan and 17 Characters and Their Association in Wheat PBG Nowshera, Mohammad Siraj Sawati Plant Height VS Yield Components NWFP Agricultural University Peshawar SCRI, Mardan, NWFP Efficacy of Different Fungicides to Control 18 Pathology Farid Gul and Sher Hassan Agricultural Wip Smut of Sufarcane University Peshawar. ARS D.I.Khan, Response of B.N. Hybrid Grass ot Various Sana Ullah Khan and ARS, Serai 19 Levels of N After Every cutting, in Terms Mohammad Sadiq Naurang, of Fodder Production Bannu. Sind Growth and Yield Performance of Cotton Nabi Bux Sial and Kirshan Agriculture 20 Soil Science Under Moderately Saline Conditions Lal Nenwani University, Tandojam.

VOL.5_No.2_ 1989 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. Yield and Yield Components of Maize and NWFP Sunflower Sown Alone and in Different Jehan Bakht, Shad K. Khalil Agricultural 1 Agronomy Combination Under Various Levels of and A. Qayyum University Nitrogen Peshawar NWFP Effect of Land Preparation Methods and Jehan Bakht, Shad K. Khalil Agricultural 2 Seeding Rates on Weeds Population and Agronomy and A. Qayyum University Wheat Yield Peshawar Number of Spikes Per Square Meter, Spike NWFP Length and Number of Grains Per Spike as fMohammad Karim, Shad K. Agricultural 3 Agronomy Affected by Different Tillage Methods and Khalil and A. Qayyum University Seeding Rates Peshawar

Comparative Study of Direct Seeding and Gomal Inayatullah Awan, Fateh 4 Transplanting Methods on the Grain Yield Agronomy University, Mohammad Chaudhry of Rice D.I.Khan

Sind A Study on the Optimum Nitrogen Level G.H. Memon, N.H. Bughio Agricualture 5 For Proper Growth and Yield of Late Sown and G.H Jamro University Wheat Under Sind Conditions Tandojam. NARC, Islamabad, Performance of Friesian Cows at U.N. Khan, A Ghaffar and M. Govt. Cattle 6 Harichand Farm Zakir Breeding Farm, Harichand NWFP Mineral Composition of Condiments Abdul Wahid Iqtidar A.Khalil Agricultural 7 Commonly Consumed in Pakistan Chemistry and Human and Saleem Khan University Nutrition Peshawar NWFP The Impact of Improved Technology on Himayatullah and Agricultural 8 Farm Output by Size: Results From a Farm Asmatullah Khan University Level Survey, 1987 Peshawar NWFP Agricultural Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Sweet University Haji Mohammad Istiaq and 9 Orange (Citrus Sinensis L.) Cultivars Grown Peshawar, Abdul Ghaffoor in D.I.Khan Gomal University D.I.Khan NWFP Agricultural Physico Chemical Characteristics and University Horticulture and Abudl Halim Khan Kundi 10 Organoleptic Evaluation opf Different Ber Peshawar, Pomology and Zari Dad Khan Wazir (Zizphus Jujuba Mill) Cultivars Gomal University D.I.Khan University of Sind Influence of Pre-Inoculation With Botrytis B.A. Channar and J.P. Jamshoro, The 11 Cinerea on Uromyces Fabae Lesion Blakeman Queen's Development on Broad Bean Leaves University of Belfast, U.K A Review of the Family Dolichodoridae PCSIR (Nematoda: Dolichodoroidea) Chitwood in Nighat Fatema and 12 Laboratories, Chitwood and Chitwood, 1950 Manzoor Saeed Karachi (Skarbilovich, 1959) From Pakistan. ARS, Regression and Correlation Analysis in Ahmadwala Abdul Wadud and 13 Different Culativars of Chickpea (Cicer Karak, ARS, Muhammad Yaqoob Arietinum L>) Naurang Bannu NWFP Genotypic Competition Among Three Mohammad Siraj Swati and Agricultural 14 PBG Cultivars of Wheat Bahsir Ahmad University Peshawar

A Checklist to the Monocotyledonous Farrukh Hussain and Abdur University of 15 Botany Weeds of Pakistan 1. Family Poaceae Rashid Peshawar.

ARS, D.I.Khan, Gamma Radiation Induced Variation in Akram Khan Saeed-ul- NWFP 16 Some Genetic Parameters in Sorghum PBG Hassan M. Sadiq and M. Agriculture Cultivars in M2 Generation Hashim University Peshawar. CRI, Sakran Effect of Pesticides on Cotton Plant Ahmed Ali Baloch and 17 District Growth and Fructification Akram Khan Korejo Nowshera.

Studies on the Efficacy of Petroleum PCSI Azam H. Shah, M.W. Roomi 18 Fraction Against Termites in Comparison Laboratories, and M. Anwarullah wth Chlordane and Dieldrin Karachi.

Agricultural Microbial and Chemical Control of Maize Malik Ghulam Rannabi and Research 19 Stem-borer, Chilo Partellus (Swin.) on Habibullah Khan Officer Sorghum In K.I.Khan D.I.Khan

Response of Wheat and Gram to Different Senior Scientif Ruhul Amin and Homannad 20 Levels of Fertilizer Under Similar Soil and Officer PARC, Yousaf Rainfall Condition of Pothwar. Ratta Kulachi.

VOL.5_No.3_ 1989 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No.

Effect of Fertilizer Rates and Phosphorous Rohum Amin, K.C. Berger NARC, 1 Placement Methods on Corn Production and Aqil Khan Islamabad.

Effect of Sulphur Fertilization on the Yield Izharul Haq Zuhar Dast and ARI, Tarnab, 2 Maize Mohammad Zamir Hussain Peshawar.

Sind Buriro, U.A.K Ahmed, A..M. Effect of Intercropping on growth, Yield Agriculture 3 Agrronomy Kubhar and Mumtaz Ali and Yield Components of Maize University Sethar Tandojam. Pakistan Agricultural Delineation of Arid and Semi Arid Areas of Syed Hassan Raza Bakht Research 4 Pakistan on the Basis of Precipitation and Roidar Khan and Ahmad Council, Potential Evapotranspiration Samiullah Degree Collebe Zhob, Baluchistan. University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Livestock Studies on Nili-Ravi Buffaloes in Pakistan I. Abdul Rehamn and Mian Production 5 Effect of Environmental Fators on Some Nasir Ahmad Saleem Research Reproductive Traits Institute, Bahadurnagar , Okara Pakistan University of Optimum Energy Utilization in Brolier Shahid Rasool and M. Arif 6 Agriculture, Feeds Assad Faisalabad. Animal Husbandry NWFP Monitoring Chickpea Varietal Diffusion in Agricultural 7 the Rainfed Areas of Bannu District: Himayatullah University Results From Farm Level Survey: 1986-87 Rural Development Peshawar.

Protein and Amino Acid Profiles of Fazal Mahmood A. Ahmad NIFA, Tarnab, 8 Common cultivars of Legumes and I. Khan Peshawar.

Gomal Mirza Ali Khan and Ishfaq- 9 Physico-Chemical Characteristic of Ghee University ud-Din Sajjad D.I.Khan.

NWFP Mohammad Ishtiaq, Chemical Properties of the Fruit of Six Agricultural 10 Mohammad Saleem Awan Mandarin Cultivars at D.I.Khan University and Abdul Ghafoor Peshawar.

Effect of Spacings Between Rows and M. Khaliq-uz-Zaman and PRC, Mirpur 11 Within Plants on the Yield of Different M.A. Shuja Abbottabad. Grades of Onion

NWFP Effect of Land Preparation and Seeding Abdul Qayyum Marwat and Agricultural 12 Rates on Plant Height and Straw Yield in Abdul Latif Wazir University Wheat Peshawar.

Comparative Evaluation of Different Deep Mahar Sujawal Khan and ARF, 13 Tillage Operations on Wheat Production Muhammad Iqbal Sargodha, After Rice Makhdoom CCRI, Multan.

Studies on Induced Reciprocal University of 14 Translocation in Barley (Hordeum vulgare Botany Habib Ahmad Peshawar. L.

Phytosociology of Attock Nizampur Hill, Ihsan Ilahi and Farrukh University of 15 Botany NWFP Pakistan. II: Spring Aspect Hussain Peshawar.

Agri. Res. Effect of Granular Systemic Insecticides Mingora Muhammad Zaman Mian 16 Against Thysanoplusia Orichalcea (f.) and Zoology (Swat), Islamia Fasehat Shah Thrips Tabaci Lind. On Onion in Swat College Peshawar. Different Intensities of Illumination University of 17 Affectin the Visual Response in Locust Physiology Farkhanda Rafi Karachi. Schistocerca Gregaria NARC, Islamabad, Field Evaluation of Fungicides for S.M. Iqbal, A. Bakhsh and NWFP 18 Plant Pathology Ascochyta Blight in Lentil M. Bashir Agriculture University Peshawar.

Phopphorus-Copper Interaction Studies in S. Mahmood Shah and M. INFA, Tarnab, 19 Maize Under Field Conditions Mohsin Iqbal Peshawar.

Sugar Crops Nitrogen Requirement of Sugarcane at Said Rahman and Shah Research 20 Different Levels of Plant Population Nazar Khan Institute, Mardan

VOL.5_No.4_ 1989 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. Arid Zone Research Synergistic Effect of Farm Yard Manure Syed Hassan Raza, Dr. Gji;a, Institute, 1 and Moisture Conservation on Crop Rasool Sandhu and Asghar Quetta and Production Ali PARC, Islamabad. Effect of Different Levels of Depth of Ghulam Sarwar Khan and 2 Planting on the Yield and Quality of SCRI, Mardan Said Rahman Sugarcane Varieties PARC, Quetta, NARC, Varietal Response to Planting Time in Roidar Khan, Abdur Razzaq 3 Islamabad and Wheat Under Rainfed Condition and Peter R. Hobbs CIMMYT, Islamabad Arid Zone Effect of Tillage and Water Harvesting Bakht Roidar Khan and S. Research 4 Techniques on the Yield of Cereals and Hassan Raza Institute, Food Legume Under Rainfed Conditions Quetta Sind Agriculture Effect of Intra Row Spacing and Nitrogen University, A. Sattar Arian and A.W. 5 Application on the Growth and Yield of Tando Jam, Baloch Cotton SindAEARC Tando Jam, Sind. NWFP Agricultural Effect of Different Doses of Farm Yard University Amir Zaman Khan, Sherin 6 Manure and Nitrogen Levels on Chemical Peshawar, Khan and H. Akbar Properties of Flue Cured Virgina Tobacco TRS, Khan Garhi, Agronomy Mardan. Sind Agriculture University, Effect of Different NP Combinations on F.K.M. Rajput, A.S. Arain 7 Tando Jam, the Growth and Yield of Wheat and M.J.Rajput Sind AEARC Tando Jam, Sind. Livestock M.Bashir Qureshi and Sugar Beet Pulp Production and Its Research and 8 Mohammad Mohsin Feeding Potential for Lactating Cows Development Siddiqui NWFP Surezai.

Effect of Rice Bran Amendment on SH. Mohammad Iqbal and NARC, 9 Spawning Rate of Volvariella Volvacea in Akhtar Ali Shah Islamabad. Tea Leaves Tissue Culture In Vitro Performance of Selected Potato Nuzhat Mumtaz and Azra 10 Lab, NARC, Cultivars Quraishi Islamabad. HARS, The Effect of Different Heeling Periods Mingora, Taslim Jan and Jamshid 11 and Date of Plantinges on the Rate of Horticulture AROARS, Khan Plants Survival of Persimmon Mingora, Swat.

Grain and Biological Yield Association in Imtiaz Ahmad Khan and NARC, 12 Chickpea Bashir Ahmad Malik Islamabad.

Studies on Floral Biology and Its Imtiaz Ahmad Khan Bashir NARC, 13 Association with Yield in Chickpea (Cicer Ahmad Malik and Islamabad. Aretinum L.) Mohammad Bashir General Ayub Agricultural Noor-ul-Islam Khan and 14 Potential of Hybrid Wheat in Punjab Research Manzoor Ahmad Bajwa Insititue Faisalabad. University of Agriculture Said Rahman, Manzoor Faisalabad, Genetic Analysis of Seed oil and Protein in 15 Ahmad and Muhammad Surgar Crops Various Crosses of Gossypium Hirsutum L. Amin Research Institute, Mardan. Sindh Effect of Post Emergence Herbicides on S.M. Qayyum, K.L. Tunio Agriculture 16 the Growth and Yield of Rice (Oriza Sativa Agronomy and M.I. Sahou University, L.) Varieties Tandojam.

Evaluation of Some Insecticides Against ARS,

A Checklist to the Monocotyledonous Abdur Rashid and Farrukh University of 18 Weeds of Pakistan II. Families Except Botany Hussain Peshawar Poaceae Agricultural Adaptive Studies on Weed Control in the Irrigated Muhammad Akram Zafar 19 Research Transplanted Rice and its Cost Benefits and Bahsir Ahmad Sabir Station, Sheikhupura. NWFP Agricultural Shaukat Hussain, Sher Seed borne Mycoflora of Soybean in the University, 20 Hassan and Bashir Ahmad North West Frontier Province of Pakistan Peshawar, Khan CDRI, NARC, Islamabad.

VOL.5_No.5_ 1989 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. Sind Impact of Inter And Inatra Row Spacings Karamullah H. Agha and Agricultural 1 on the Growth and Yield of Soybean Agronomy S.M. Qayyum University, Cultivars (Glycine Max (L.) Merrill) Tandojam,. NWFP Patterns of Vertical Leaf Area Distributiion Agricultural in Determinate and Indeterminate University 2 Agronomy M. Hatam and G.H. Jamro Soybean Cultivars Affected by Date of Peshawar, Planting SAU Tandojam. Sind The Marketed Suprplus of Wheat in Agricultural 3 Agricultural Economics M.S. Kamdar Nawabshah District:: A Micro-Level Model University, Tandojam,.

Studies on the Respoonse of Broilers to University of Hasnat Ahmed and A.B. 4 Growth Promoter Olazuindox Under Agriculture, Sjpais Varying Litter Floor Conditions, Part II Faisalabad. Poultry Husbandry Effect of Potato Variety and Growing Fazli Rahim, Mohammad Season on the Total Glycoalkaloids (TGA) ARI, Tarnab, 5 Hussain and Fazli Karim Contents in Tuber and Its Portions, Peshawar. Khan Grownin NWFP Pakistan Fruit Crops Altaf Qadir, Wazir Effect of Gibberellic Acid on "Flame Progamme, 6 Mohammad and Khalid Seedless" Table Grapes in Islamabad NARC, Mehmood Islamabad. ARI, D.I.Khan, NWFP Evaluation of Suitable Ratios for the Ghulam Jilani Malik, Agricultural 7 Processing of Date Squash From Mixed Mohammad Saeed and University Date Cultivars Faridullah Khan Wazir Peshawar.and Food Science, ARI Tarnab, Horticulture Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural Amanullah Panialvi, M. Siraj University 8 Hybrid Vigour Studies in Spring Wheat Swati and Munir Akhtar Peshawar, ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar. Emvironmental Influence on the Effect of NWFP Gamma Irradiation on Proximate Saeedul Hassan, Farhatullah Agricultural 9 PBG Chemical composition of Barley (Hordeum and Muhammad Iqbal University Vulgare L.) Peshawar. Sind Inter and Intra Row Spacings Effects on R.S. Buriro, A.W. Khoso and Agricultural 10 the Growth and Yield of Cotton Agronomy A.B. Chutto University, (Gossypium Hirsutum L.) Tandojam,. Sind The Growth and Yield of Wheat As F.K.M. Rajput, A.S. Arain Agricultural 11 Affected by Different Seed Rates and Row and M.J.Rajput and Abdul University, Spacings Wahid Baloch Tandojam,. NWFP Agricultural Amanullah Panialvi, M. Siraj Study of Hybrid Vigour For Some University 12 Swati and Miam Javeed ur Morphological Characters of Spring Wheat Peshawar, Rehman ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural University Effect of Some Varieties of Mulberry on Peshawar, Karimuualh, Qaisar Jamal 13 the Development of Bombys Mori L. and Entomology, Zoology PFI,Peshawar and Mian Fasihat Shah Cocoon Quaity and Islamia College Peshawar University. NWFP Agricultural Contribution of Seed Protectant Shabeer Ahmad Irshad Ali University 14 Fungicides to Increased Emergence and and Mohammad Khan Peshawar., Yield in Maize CCRI, Pirsabak. University of Fossil Fungal Remains Isolated From M.A. Sahito and Z.A. Sind, 15 Botany Sonda Coal Deposits Nizamani Jamshoro, Pakistan. Interrelationship Between the Quality and Mahboob-ur-Rehman, ARI, Tarnab 16 the Stages of Maturity of Different Muhammad Hussain and Peshawar. Varieties of Pear Glace Fazli Karim Khan NWFP Agricultural University Purification and Some Properties of Sher Hassan and P.E. 17 Plant Pathology Peshawar., Tomato Yellow Top Virus Thomas ARE Centre Prosser WA, USA. NWFP Agricultural Effect of Copper and Zinc, Alone and in Rashid Ahmad, Abdul University 18 Combination on athe Growth and Yield of Hahan and Nawab Ali Peshawar. ARI Potato Tarnab, Peshwar. FVDB, Peshawar, NWFP To Study DTPA Extractable Microunutrient Raja Sardar Ahmad, Agricultural 19 Status and Their Relationship with Soil Jehangir Khan Khattak and University Properties of Dir District Isharul Haq Peshawar. ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar.

Geographic Study of Agricultural University of 20 Geography Mohammad Yaqub Alizai Mechanisation in Pakistan Peshawar.

A Study of Cross-Infection of A Species of Rasheda Mazhar and Laiq University of 21 Zoology Coccidia- Eimeria Garnhami Bano Peshawar.

VOL.5_No.6_ 1989 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. NWFP Scope of Relay and Intercropping Khanzada, Habib Akbar and Agricultural 1 Agronomy Different Crops in Sugarcane Sherin Khan University Peshawar. NWFP Response of Mungbean Cultivars to Agricultural 2 Agronomy Shad K. Khalil Different Planting Dates University Peshawar. Effect of Different Planting Dates on the NWFP Yield and Yield Components of Agricultural 3 Agronomy Zahir Shah and Mir Hatam Determinate and Indeterminate Soybean University Cultivars Peshawar. NWFP Reproductive Stages of 26 Determinate Agricultural 4 and Indeterminate Soybean Cultivars Agronomy Zahir Shah and Mir Hatam University Cultivars Affected By Two Planting Dates Peshawar. Various Morphological Features of NWFP Determinate and Indeterminate Soybean Zahir Shah, Mir Hatam, Agricultural 5 Agronomy Cultivars As Affected by Different Planting Jehan Bakht and Ehsanullah University Dates Peshawar. NWFP Performance of Soybean Cultivars in Agricultural 6 Agronomy Ehsanullah and Mir Hatam Peshawar Planted on Different Dates University Peshawar. CCRI, Prisabak, Residual Activity of Triazines and Some Mohammad Khan and A.R. 7` Nowshera, Other Herbicides in the Soil Saghir AUB. Lebanon. NIFA, Tarnab, Effect of Peeling Methods on the M. Ashraf Chaudry, Bakhtiar NWFP 8 Nutritional and Organoleptic Food Science Hussain and Maqbool Agricultural Characteristics of Dehydrated Potatoes Ahmad University Peshawar.

Gomal Suitability of Dhakki Dates for Inayatullah, Saifullah Khan 9 Food Science University Dehydration and Storage and Ahmad Khan Baloch D.I.Khan. NWFP Agricultural Influence of Processing Parameters on the Rafiullah Khan, D. Stehli and University 10 Activity Mobility of Water and Rheological Food Science M.P. Steinberg Peshawar., Properties of Whole Soy Concentrates University of Illinois.

Performance of Cowpeas Cultivars Under Noor Mohammad and NARC, 11 Rainfed Conditions At NARC, Islamabad. Sartaj Islamabad.

NWFP The Association of Vegetative, Grain Agricultural 12 Filling and Maturity Phases and Total PBG Farhatullah University Protein With Grain Yield in Maize Peshawar. Sind Performance Of Maize Genotypes Under A.S. Arain S.M. Alam and Agriculture 13 Varying Np-Fertilizer Environments A.K.G. Tunio University Tandojam.

Effect of Various Levels of Nitrogen Sultan Muhammad, Ikhtiar ARS, Dhodial, 14 Phosphorus and Potash on the Yield of Maluk and Rohan Shah Manshera. Potato

Inheritance and Correlation Studies of CCRI, 15 Brown VS White Glume Color in Wheat Mohammad Khan Prisabak, (Triticum Aestivum L.) Nowshera. CCRI, Pirsabak, Nowshera, North Dakota Spring Wheat (Triticum Aestivum) Yield State Loss Due To Canada Thistle (Cirsium Mohammad Khan and University, 16 Arvense) Donald W. William Fargo. Arid Zone Research The Potential of New Barley Varieties in Sarfraz Ahmad, B. Roidar Institute 17 the High Elevation Dryland of Baluchistan, Khan and Asghar Ali Brewery Road, Pakistan. Quetta, Pakistan. Sind Agriculture Effect of Prienoculation with Botrytis University Cinerea on Germination and Germ Tube B.A. Channar and J.P. 18 Botany Tandojam, Growth of Uromyces Fabae on Broad Blakeman The Queen's Bean Leaves University of Beflast, U.K. ARO, Tarnab, NWFP Pathogenic Variations in Macrophomina Agricultural Phaseolina and Differenetial Response of Zamen Gul, Sher Hassan 19 Plant Pathology University Some Important Sunflower Varieties to and Iftikhar Ahman Peshawar, Charcoal Rot Resistance NARC, Islamabad. NWFP Agricultural 20 The Sh-Sound in English English Fida Muhammad Yousafzai University Peshawar.

VOL.6_No.1_ 1990 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. University of AJK The Distribution of Some Weeds in Wheat Zahid Hussain Malik and 1 Botany Muzaffarabad, Field of Kotli, Azad Kashmir Farrukh Hussain University of Peshawar. Response of Wheat Crop (Triticum Mahar Sujawal Khan and ARF, 2 Aestivum L) to K Fertilization in Clay Loam Muhammad Iqbal Sargodha, Soils Makhdoom CCRI, Multan.

Poultry Mohammad Saleem Development 3 Use of Daincha Seeds in Broiler Rations Qureshi, Basharat Ahmad Centre, and Arshad Iqbal Rawalpindi. Effect of Post-Boiling Cooling and University of Refrigeration on Microbial and Physico- 4 Dilshad Akhtar and A. Sattar Peshawar, Chemical Quality of Milk Marketed NIFA, Tarnab. Through Milkmen Fiyyaz A. Chughtai, Shagufta University of Acid Hydrolysis of Poplar to Produce 5 Munawar and Shafqat Agriculture Furfural Nawaz Faisalabad.

Islamia Chemical Composition and Nutritive Value Gul-e-Rana Qaiser Iftikhar 6 University, of Panicum Antidotale and Muhammad Arshad Bahawalpur, Chemistry NWFP Fertilizer Consumption in Pakistan: Effects Agriculture 7 Himayatullah of Price Decontrol University, Peshawar. Incidence and Economic Significane of M. Irshad, A.S.K. Ghouri and NARC, 8 Chilo Infuscatellus Snell. (Pyralidae: I. Khanzada Islamabad. Lepidoptera) in Northern Pakistan

PSCIR, Enzymology: Its Impact on Human and Mohammad Nisar Alizai and 9 Laboratories, Food Sciences. Fazal-ur-Rehman Peshawar. NWFP Agriculatural Activity and Mobility of Water in Sugar Rafiullak Khan, D.Stehli and University 10 Solutions and Their Rheological Food Sci, S. Munir Peshawar, Characteristics University of Illinois USA. ARI, Tarnab, NWFP Effect of Different Concentrations of Agricultural Mohammad Anwar and 11 Gibberellic Acid on the Growth and Yield Horticulture University Abdul Hanan of Strawberry PeshawarPBA RS, Mingora, Swat. NWFP Effect of Different Doses of Cycocel (CCC) Wazir Mohammad Agricultural 12 Horticulture on Growth and Yield of Cucumber Sadiq,and Hafiz Inayatullah University Peshawar. Central Cotton Muhammad Nawaz A. Malik Effect of Pix on Yield and Growth of Research 13 and Muhammad Iqbal Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.) Insititute, Makhdum Multan NWFP Agricultural University Gamma Rays and Fast Neutrons Induced Saeed-ul-Hassan, Peshawar, 14 PBG Variability in Vigna Radiata L. Wilczek Farhatullah and Usman Said Agricultural Development Bank of Pakistan. Cereal Crops Inheritance and Correlation Studies of Research 15 Amber/White VS. Red Grain Color in Mohammad Khan Institute, Wheat Pirsabak, Nowshera.

Some Algae From Kalam-Utror, District Fazli Malik Sarim, Farrukh University of 16 Botany Swat. Hussain and Abdur Rashid Peshawar.

Cladocera of Hub with Notes on Species Mohammad Iqbal and Afzal University of 17 Zoology and Size composition Kazmi Karachi.

Agricultural Co-Efficient Correlation of Alfalfa Weevil Mohammad Karim Research 18 Population and Lucern Yield After Shahwani, Abdul Hameed Institute, Insecticidal Treatments Bajoi and S. Rafaqat Ali Sariab, Quetta. NWFP Agriculture University, Control of Root-Knot Nematodes in Ahmad Gul, Saifullah and Peshawar., 19 Tomato Through Organic Amendments Plant Pathology Syed Farhat Ali Shah Potato and NPK Research Centre, Abbottabad. Barani Effect of Zn and Cu on Salt Concentration Muhammad Arshad and Agricultural 20 by Sorghum in Salinized Soil Solution Masood A.A. Quraishi College, Rawalpindi.

University of Relative Efficiency of Varius Sources of S. M. Mehdi, A.M. Ranjha 21 Soil Science Agriculture, Znic and T. Hussain Faisalabad.

VOL.6_No.2_ 1990 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. Sind Effect of Combined Nitrogen and Row G.H. Jamro, G.H. Memon Agriculture 1 Spacing on Nodulation and Grain Yield of Agronomy and K.A. Ibupota University, soybean Tandojam Millet Botanist, Jattal- A New Promising Pearl Millet Agricultural 2 Akram Khan Dristled Veriety for D.I. Khan, NWFP Research Station, D.I.Khan. Senior Effect of Nitrogen and Phophorous K.N. Babar, Abdul Rashid Scienctif 3 Fertilizer On Growth and Yield of Gram and Abudl Qayyum Officer,AZRSS, Under Rainfed Farming System D.I.Khan. NWFP Photosynthetic Pigments Variations in Iqtidar A. Khalil and Saleem Agricultural 4 Cereal Crops Khan University Chemistry Peshawar. RUARS, Tarnab Livestock Feeding in the Barani Farming Peshawar, Samina Parveen and 5 System of Punjab-An Estimate of Feed NWFP Himayatullah Supply And Demand Agricultural University Agri.Economics Peshawar. Rpoultry A Study of fKeeping the Quality of Research S.F. Rehmani, M. Abdul 6 Dessicated Newcastle Disease Vaccine Institute, Azeem and Hilal A. Shaikh Stored At Different Temperatures Korangi, Poultry+Physiology Karachi, University of Karachi.

Effect of Amono Acids Supplemntation on Abdur Rehman Abid, Zafar University of 7 the Nutritive Value of Sunflower Meal in Iqbal and Sajid Muhammad Agriculture, Broiler Feeds Aslam Faisalabd. Animal Husbandry Sindh Influence of Inter and Intra row Spacing A.M.Khushk, N.M. Miano Agriculture 8 on the Yield and Yield Component of and M.I. Mari University, Onion (Allium Cepa L) Tandojam. University of Effect of Surface Sterilization Agents on in Agriculture, Mir Saleem Khattak M.N. 9 Vitro Culture of Guava (Psidium Guajava Horticulture Faisalabd, Malik and M.A. Khan L.) Sufeda Tissue ART, Tarnab, Peshawar. Effect of Nitrogen on Some Yield Barani Ch. Mohammad Shamshad Parameters in Tomato (Lycopersicon Agricultural 10 Ahmad and Mushtaq Esculentum Mill) Under Maidugari College, Ahmad Chaudhry Environmental Conditions.s Rawalpindi. Agricultural Interrelationship Between Grain Yield and Research Muhammad Yaqoob, and 11 Other fImportant Characters in Chickpea Station, Serai Muhammad Bashir Ahmad (Cicer Arietinum L.) Naurang Bannu. Ayun Agricultural Applicaation of Nearest Ieighbour Analysis 12 Noorul Aslam Khan Research in Wheat Yield Trials. Institute Faisalabad. Central Cotton Research Institute, Response of Cotton to Different Doses of Mohammad Nawaz Malik 13 Multan, Soil Phosphatic Fertilizer at Sahiwal (Pujjab) and Khalid Hussain Gill Fertility Laboratories, Multan. Sugar Crops Verietal Response of Sugarcane to Said Rahman, Ghulam Research 14 Different Doses of Potash Sarwar and Shah Nazar Institute, Mardan Research Farm, Rahimyarkhan Influence of Different Tillage Implement Mian Khurshid Ahmad and , Central 15 for Wheat Production in Barani Areas of Muhammad Iqbal Cotton the Punjab Makhdum Research Institute Multan. Parakeet, Psittacula Krameri (Scopoli), Abdul Aziz Khan and I. NARC, 16 Damage to Standing Maize Crop in Hussain Islamabad. Pakistan

Screening of Some Pyrethroid and Mohammad Karim ARI, Sariab, 17 Organophosphates Against Lucern Shahwani, Abdul Hameed Quetta. Weevils at Sariab- Balochistan Bajoi and S. Rafaqat Ali

Comparative Efficacy of Baits Against Abdul Hameed Bajoi, Yar ARI, Sariab, 18 Grasshoppers Feeding on Germinating Mohammad Brohi and S. Quetta. Wheat Plants Rafaqat Ali Kazmi NWFP Agricultural University, Effect of Different Rates of Potassium on Mazullah Khan and Saadat 19 Research Yield and Yield Parameters of Potato Khan Station Mingora, Swat. NWFP Agricultural 20 The "TH" Sound in English English Fida Muhammad Yousafzai University Peshawar.

VOL.6_No.3_ 1990 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. Sind Effect of Different Irrigation Frequencies Agriculture Buriro, U.A. A.M. Kumbhar 1 on the Yield and Yield Comp0osents of Agronomy University and G.H. Jamro Wheat Cultivars Tandojam, Pakistan NWFP Agricultural Effect of Complex Fertilizer and Different University Bashir Ahmad, Hidayatullah 2 Forst Covers on the Development of PBG Peshawar, and Hidayatur Tahman Tobacco Seeds PTB, Khan Ghari, Mardan. NWFP Agricultural University Peshawar, Haulam and Hull of Pea as Protein Source Animal Science, Human Iqtidar A. Khalil and Fazli 3 Southern in Animal Feed Nutrition Raziq Durrani Illinois University, Carbondale, illinois, USA. NWFP Agricultural University Study of Water Losses Before and After Mohammad Tqriq and 4 Peshawar, Improvement of Watercourse Jehan Zeb Mardan Agri. Mech, Water SCARP Manag. Project. NWFP The Effect of Trickle and Furrow Irrigation Mohammad Tariq, Javed A Agricultural 5 on the Yield of Tomatoes Agri. Mech, Water Tariq, and M. Ali University Manag. Peshawar. Nuclear Institute for Effect of Fluorescent Light, Gamma Abdus Sattar M. Jan and A. Food and 6 Radiation and Packages on Oxidative Ahmad Agricuature, Deterioration of Dry Nuts Tarnab, Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural University Peshawar, Relationship of Blanchining Time on the Hamad Khan Khattak, Nuclear 7 Catalase Peroxidase and Sensory Factors Muhammad Wahid and Institute for of Dehydrated Peas During Storage Bakhtiar Hussain Food and Agriculture Tarnab, Food Science Peshawar.

Impact of Improved Seed Sources on Javed Anwar Chaudhry and PARC, 8 Growth Characteristics and Yield of Potato Naseer Alam Khan Islamabad.

NWFP Agricultural Screening of Apple Cultivars for Maturrity Iftikharul Haq, Asghar University 9 and Production in Mansehra, Mingora and Hussain and Suleman Ali Peshawa, Parachinar ARI.Tarnab, Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural Investigation on the Karyotype of Lentil Raziuddin, Habib Ahmed University 10 PBG (Lens Culinaris Medik) and Fazli Hanan Peshawar, NARC, islamabad. CCRI, Pak-81 : A Promising Wheat Cultivar for Muhammad Khan and 11 Pirsabak, NWFP Khaista Gul Nowshera. Water Management Yield Predication of Maize (Zea Mays) as Training Zafar Iqbal Mirza and 12 Related to Evapotranspiration (ET) in Water Management Institute, Mohammad ilyas Pakistan Thokar, Multan Road, Lahore. CCRI, Sarhad-82, A Second Best Alternate Mohammad Khan, Khaista 13 Pirsabak, Wheat Variety to Pak-81 for NWFP Gul and Fazli Subhan Nowshera.

Studies on the Wood Preserving PCSIR Technology by by-Products of Steel Azam H. Shah, M.W. Roomi Comples 14 Industry for the Control of Subterranean and M. Anwarullah Laboratories Termites Karachi-39 University of California, Insect Growth Regulators as Control Entomology, Plant NWFP 15 L.S. Aian and N. Hussain Agents Stored Product Insects Protection Agricultural University Peshawar. Faculty of Agricultre, Effect of Micronutrient (Zarzameen) on Hayatullah Khan, M.Tahir 16 Agronomy Gomal the Yield of Wheat Variety, Blue Silver and Abdur Rauf University , D.I.khan Effect of Sodium Chloride on Growth, Nutrient Uptake and Pigment Production Govt. College 17 Botany N. Yasmin and F. Azam by Some Fungi Islolated from Salt- Lahore. Affected Soils NWFP Agricultural 18 Why Teach Technical Writing? English M. Imrahim University Peshawar. NWFP Does Ammonium ion Introduce Biological Chemistry, Human Alam Khan and Richard a. Agricultural 19 Activity to Brewer's Yeast Nutrition Anerson University Peshawar.

VOL.6 No.4_ 1990 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. NWFP Effects of Various Lodging and Row Mohammad Shafi, Mir Agricultural 1 Directions on the Yield and Yield Agronomy Hatam and Bashir Ahmad University Components of Wheat Cultivar "Pak-81" Peshawar. NWFP The effect of Calcium Hydroxide Treated S. Basir Ali Shah and Johar Agricultural 2 Wheat Straw on the Digestibvility and Ali University Growth Performance of Buffalo Calves Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural Effect of Abomasal Supplement of Taj Muhammad Khan, University 3 Animal Husbandry Methionine on Wool Growth M.L.Riley and F.C. Hinds Peshawar, University of Wy, USA. NWFP Soybeans in Foods-I Nutritional Agricultural 4 Significance and Stroucture of Soy Alam Khan University Carbohydrates--An Overview Chemistry and Human Nutrition Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural University Phytotoxicity of Morpholine Fungicides in Iqtidar A. Khalil and Eric I. Peshawar., 5 Cereal Crops Mercer Uni. College of Wales, Aberystwyth, Chemistry U.K. NWFP Agricultural University Analysis of Milk Marketing Channels in Munir Khan and Ronald W. 6 Peshawar, Thatta (Sind) Cotterill University of Connecticut of Agri. Ecnomics Storrs, USA. Physico-Chemical Properties and Shelf- NWFP Stability of Formulated Intermedia Agricultural 7 Rafiullah Khan Moisture Whole and Desludged Soy University Concentrates Peshawar.

Production of Virus Free Seed Potato Said Hassan, Msuad Jan NIFA, Tarnab, 8 Through Tissue Culture Techniques Turangzai and I. Khan Peshawar.

NWFP Agricultural Effect of Irradiation and Storage on Muhammad Wahid and University 9 Horticulture Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Garlic Abrar Hussain Shah Peshawar NIFA, Tarnab, Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural The Effect of Different Spray Fungicides Mohammad Tahir, University 10 Plant Pathology on Downy Mildew and Yield of Onion Muhibullah and Saifullah Peshawar,ARI Tarnab, Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural "Suppression of Sprouting in Potato" Sharafat Gul, Abdul Hanan University 11 Soil Science During Storage Througfh Chemicals and Muzamil Shah Peshawar,ARI Tarnab, Peshawar. Atomic Energy Influence of Wild Plant Residue (Abutilon Agricultural Indicum L.) on the Germination and Research 12 S.M. Alam and A.R. Azmi Seedlinges Growth of Wheat and Centre, Chickpea Tandojam, Pakistan. NWFP Agricultural Radiation Effect of the Morphological Abdul Samad Khan and Tila University 13 Characters on Pea (Pisum Sativum L.) Mohammad Peshawar,ARI Tarnab, Peshawar. NWFP Arshad Mahmood, Agricultural Combining Ability Analysis in F2 14 PBG Muhammad Siraj Swati and University Population Triticum Aestivum L. Said Rahman Peshawar, SCRI, Mardan. Evaluation of Emulsifiable concentrate ARI Tarnab, 15 Insecticides Against Mustard Aphid on Muammad Zaman Peshawar. Rape

Pulses Screening of Mash Against Yellow Mosaic S.M. Iqbal, M. Zubair and A. Programme 16 Disease Ghafoor National Agricultural Research Centre, islamabad.

CDRI, Seed-Borne Orgfanisms and Effects of University 17 Different Cultures of Fungi on Mahmuda Khanam Cumpus Germination of Wheat Varieties Karachi. Agric. Research Station Response of Rice to Elevated Rates of Znic Abdul Ghani and Dil Rosh Mingora, 18 in Mountaneous Areas of Swat Khan Swat, NWFP Agricultural University Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural Promising Control of Root-Knot Saifullah, Ahmad Gul and University 19 Nematodes (Meloidogne SPP.) of Tomato Plant Pathology Mohammad Zulfiqar Peshawar,ARI Through Organic Amendments Tarnab, Peshawar.

VOL.7_No.1_ 1991 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No.

Comparative Study of Different University of S. Ahmad, Z.A. Ceema and 1 Weedicides for the Control of Broad- Agronomy Agriculture F.M. Kundi Leaved weeds in Wheat Faisalabad.

NWFP Effects of Various Lodging Direction and Mohammad Shafi and Mir Agricultural 2 Row Directions on Plant Growth and Root Agronomy Hatam University Development in Wheat Cultivar "Pak-81" Peshawar.

Impact of Sowing Dates on the Yield of Guar Section, Muhammad Iqbal Saleem 3 Guar [ Cyamopsis Tetragonoloba (L) ARS, and Syed Asif Hussain Shah Taub]: Bahawalpur.

Muhammad Aftab Khan, University of Environmental Factors Affecting Milk Yield 4 Salah-ud-Din and Manzur- Agriculture in Pakistani Buffaloes Animal Breeding and ud-Din Ahmad Faisalabad. Gen Correction Factors for the Standardization Muhammad Aftab khan, University of 5 of Lactation Milk Yield in Nili Ravi Muhammad Tufail and Agriculture Buffaloes Animal Breeding and Muhammad Shafique Faisalabad. Gen University of Farrukh Khalil, Shahid 6 Lysine Requirement of Laying Hens Agriculture Rasool and Hasnat Ahmad Faisalabad. Animal Husbandry Production and Characterization of fruit Muhammad Ismail University of 7 Juice Blends of Apple, Kinnow and Siddique, Javaid Aziz and Agriculture Musambi Akhtar Zia Faisalabad. Food Tech. Morphological Measurements and Yield of Gomal Mohammad Saleem Jilani 8 Different cultivars of Sweet Orange (Citrus University of and Abdul Ghaffoor Sinensis L.) Grow At D.I.Khan D.I.Khan.

Effect of Different Concentrations of NWFP Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) on Initiation of Wazir Muhammad Sadiq Agricultural 9 Horticulture Roots, in the Cottings of Peach Cv. Early and Afsarullah University Grande Peshawar. Sugar Crops Screening of Sugarcane Varieties for Said Rahman, Ghulam Research 10 DroughtResistance, Yield and Quality Sarwar Khan and Institute, Characters Inayatullah Khan Mardan Coheritability Among Yield and Yield NARC, 11 ZaheernAhmad Components in Wheat Islamabad

Effects of Dicuran MA-60 on Weed Fazali Subhan-I and 12 Control and Wheat Yield in Irrigated CCRI, Pirsabak Muhammad Khan Farmer's Fields of Peshawar Valley

Effect of Different Wavelengighs of Light University of 13 on Visual Threshold of the Syes in Llocust Physiology Farkhanda Rafi Karachi. (Schistocerca Gregaria)

University of Some Studies on Varietal Resistance of Muhammad Rafiq Khan 14 Agriculture Rice to Leaf- and Planthoppers Sohail Ahmad and Safdar Ali Faisalabad.

Evaluation of Fingicides Against four S.M. Iqbal, S. Hussain and NARC, 15 Species of Ascochyta B.A. Malik Islamabad.

Physiological Studies and in Vitro University of Sakhi Muhammad and 16 Evaluation of Fungicides Against Plant Pathology Agriculture Muhammad Aslam Khan Helminthosporium Turcicum Pass Faisalabad. NWFP Agricultural University Evidence for Ctoplasmic Determinants in Shabeer A. W.W. Bckus and Peshawar, 17 the Reaction of Wheat Cultivars to Tan Plant Pathology B.L. Norman Kanasas State Spot University Manhattan, KS. NWFP Acid Ammonium Oxalate Extractable Raja Sardar Ahmad, Agricultural 18 Molybednum Status of Dir Soils and Its Soil Science Jehangir Khan Khattak and University Relationship With Soil Properties. Sajida Perveen Peshawar Agricultural Sultan Huhammad Ikhtiar Research Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Levels 19 Maluk and Gulfam Khan Station on the Yield of Wheat Jehangiri Dhodial, Mansehra. Effect of Various Watershed Protection Pakistan Measures on Physical Propeties of Soil Forest 20 Soil Chemist Sarfaraz Hussain Bangash Favouring Infiltration and Conservation of Institute, Rainwater Pakistan.

Mir Asadullah, Hayatullah Tow-Dimensional Stagnation Flow in the University of 21 Mathematics Mian and Mohammad Bounddary Layer Peahwar. Azram

Gentic Analysis of Plant Height and the Muhammad Iqbal, Khurshid University of 22 Traits Above Flag Leaf Node in Bread PBG Alam and M. Aslam Agriculture Wheat Chowdhry Faisalabad.

NWFP Histomorphological Changes Induced by Zahoor Ahmad, Haq Nawaz Agricultural 23 water Deficit Conditions in Wheat PBG and Saeed-ul-Hassan University (Triticum Aestium L.) Peshawar

VOL.7_No.2_ 1991 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. National Tea Research Effect of Growth Regulating Substance on Abdur Rauf Khan, Naseer Station, 1 the Rooting of Tea (Camellia Sinensis L.) Ahmad and Farrukh Siyar Shinkiari, Cutting Hamid Distt. Manshera. Effect of Planting Geometry on Yield and University of M. Shafi Nazir, M. B. Bashir 2 Yield Components of Lentil (Lens Agronomy Agriculture Gill and Riaz Ahmad /culinaris) Faisalabad. Cotton, Genotypes , Seeding Influence of Seeding Dates on the Yield its Sind Agir. Dates, A.H. Ansari, M.M.A. Baig 3 Components and Their Inter Relation in Agronomy University, Yield, Yield and M.K.K. Rajput Cotton Gossypium Hirsutum L.. Genotypes Tando Jam. Componet s, Correlation Influence of Variable Managemental Hasnat Ahmad, Ghulam University of 4 Factors on Growth Efficiency of Male Shakoor Kiani and Abu Agriculture Broilers saeed Hashmi Faisalabad. Poultry Husbandry Effect of Different Levels of Gram Flour University of A.R. Abid, M. Anwar and 5 Supplementation on the Nutritive Agriculture M.E. Babar Improvement of Wheat Flour Faisalabad. Animal Husbandry

Comparative Efficiency of Varios Feed Ahsan-ul-Haq, Sajid M. 6 Additives in Broiler Chicks Aslam and M. Tahir Tood Technology Section Post Harvest Diseases of Fruits in Muhammad Hussain and S. Agriculotural 7 Peshawar Market Rot of Banana Fruit Sabir Hussain Shah Research Institute, Tarnab, Food Tech. Peshawar. Tood Technology Section Studies on the Quality Characteristics of Manzoor Ahmad and fazli Agriculotural 8 Tomato Ketchup Stored at Different Karim Khan Research Temeratures Institute, Tarnab, Food Tech. Peshawar. Tood Technology Section Studies on the Nutritive Value of some Abid Saleem, Mohammad Agriculotural 9 Edible Nuts Available in the Local Market Hussain and Manzoor Nazli Research of Peshawar Institute, Tarnab, Food Tech. Peshawar. Mir Saleem Khattak, Stratification Studies on the Germination ARI, Tarnab, 10 Horticulture Jamsher Khan and Saifullah of Peach Stones (Prunus Persica Linn) Peshawar. Khattak

Growth and Yield Prsponse of Onion to Sind Agir. M. Ayub Boluch, A.H. Ansari 11 Different Nitrogen and Potassium Horticulture University, and S.M. Qayyum Fertilizer Compination Levels Tando Jam.

Taxometric Study of Three Closely Related Genera of the Tribe Carpocorini Stal Raees Hussain Zaidi and S. University of 12 Zoology (Pentatomidae : Pentatoninae) From Indo- Shahid Shaukat Karachi. Pakistan Subcontinent Toxic Effects of Methoprene (ZR. 515) on the Morphology and Protein Pattern of S.W.A. Rizvi, I. Ahmad and University of 13 4th Instar of Red Cotton Strainer Zoology S.N.H. Naqvi Karachi. Dysdercus Koenigh (FABR) ( Hemiptera: Pyrrhochoridae) NWFP Studies on the Population Dynamics, Host Agricultural S.K. Khalil and M.Naeem 14 Preference and Chemical Control of University and A. Jabbar Brown Garden Snail Helix Aspersa Muller Peshawar, Islamia College Peshawar

Comparative Study of Various crop University of Mahboob Akhtar and M.S. 15 Management Practices on the Weed Agronomy Agriculture Nazir Growth and Wheat Yield Faisalabad.

NWFP Akhtar Abbas Kazmi, Variability and Correlation Studies of Yield Agricultural 16 BPG Farhatullah and Saeed-ul and Yield components in Soybean University Hassan Peshawar. Cereal Crops Impact of Improved Production Research Fazli Subhan and 17 Technology on Wheat Yield Under Institute, Mohammad khan Irrigated Conditions of Peshawar Valley Pirsabak, Nowshera. Said Rahman, Manzoor University of Genetic Archetecture of Yield 18 PBG Ahmad and Muhammad Agriculture Components in Cotton (G. Hirsutum L..) I Amin Faisalabad.

Bahauddin Fertility Status of Termite-Affected and Saeed Ahmad Malik and Zakariya 19 Their Adjacent Termite-Free Soils in Biology Khalid Hamid Sheikh University Pakistan Multan. Plant Virology Laboratory Effect of Mungbean Yellow Mosaic virus M. Aftab, S.M. Mughal and and Oilseed 20 on Some Growth Components and Yield M. Aslam Improvement of Soybean Cultivars Programme, NARC Response of Seasbania Aculeata L. Pets. Agriculture 21 To Compost Application and Its Long-Term F. Azam and M. Yousaf and Biology, Value for Improvement of Soil Fertility Faisalabad.

NWFP Zahid Hussain and Nasim Agricultural 22 On the Order of the Markov Chain Statistics Yamin University Peshawar.

VOL.7_No.3_ 1990 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No.

Effect of Summer Heat Stress on growth University of M. Akram, M.E. Babar and 1 Rate and Feed Consumption of buffalo Animal Husbandry Agriculture , S. Rasool calves Faisalabad.

Effect of Feeding Urea-Treated Wheat University of Sadaqat Hayat Hanjra J.A. 2 Straw on Milk Production and Milk Animal Husbandry Agriculture , Bhatti and A.R. Barque Composition Faisalabad.

3 No. Article mention in content but not 3 mentioned in Issue VII Environmental Factors Influencing Some University of Muhammad Aftab Khan and 4 Production Traits of Awassi Sheep in ABG Agriculture , Ghulam Rasool Khan Pakistan Faisalabad. NWFP Agricultural Effect of Elevated Doses of Phosphorus on University 5 Mazullah Khan Yield and Yield Components of Potatoes Research Station Mingora Swat. University of Seasonal Aeropalynology At University of S. Soomro, M.A. Sahito and 6 Sindh Sindh Jamshoro, Campus K.M. Khan Jamshoro Botany Investigations on Heading Time and Grain Kifayat-ur-Rehman And NIFA Tarnab 7 Yield of Wheat Mutants as Affected by Syed Anwar Shah Peshawar different Seeding Dates

Interference of Purple Nutsedge (Cyperus Mukhtar Ahmad Khand and NARC, 8 Rotundus L.) With Tomato Tahira Zafar Mahmood Islamabad.

NWFP Agricualtural Morphology and Chemical Studies of Habib Yousaf and Habib University, 9 Irradiated Lentil (Lens Culinaris Medic) Ahmed Peshawar, NARC Islamabad. Barani Agricualtural Effect of Fungicides on Seed-Borne Fungi, C.A. Rauf, Safdar and S.M. College, 10 Seed Germination and Seedling Vigor in Iqbal Rawalpindi, Chickpeas NARC, Islamabad. Mohammad Tahir, Abdus Chemical Control of Purple Blotch Disease Not 10 Samad and S. Farhat Ali of Onion mentioned Shah

NWFP Biological Control of Golden Cysty Agricualtural 11 Nematode of Potato with Peacilomyces Plant Pathology Saifullah and Ahmad Gul University, Lilacinus (Thom) Samson Peshawar,.S NWFP Varietal Susceptibility of Peach to Agricualtural 12 Plant Pathology Ahmad Gul and Saifullah Meloidogyne Javanica University, Peshawar. Soil Survey of Pakistan, Multan Road, Response of Barley to Foliar and Soil Sultan Mohammad and 14 Lahore, Applications of Copper Jehan Bakht Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. NWFP Agricualtural University, Yield and Yield Components of Barle As Sultan Mohammad and Peshawar,Soil 15 Affected by Soil versus Foliar Application Soil Science Mohammad Khalid Mateen Survey of of Copper Pakistan, Multan Road, . NWFP Agricualtural Fitting Models to the Probability of Daily Zahid Hussain and Nasim University, 16 Rainfall Data Yamin Peshawar, University of Peshawar. NWFP Correlation Between the Amounts of Rain Agricualtural 17 Zahid Hussain on Consecutive Rainy Days University, Peshawar. NWFP Inter-Relationship Between Tubewell Agricualtural 18 Water, Green Revolution and Farm Size in Rural Development Arbab Ikramullah University, the NWFP -Pakistan Peshawar. NWFP The Development of Small-Scale Agricualtural 19 Agricultural Related In NWFP (A Case Muhammad Aurangzeb University, Study District Charsadda) Peshawar. VOL.7_No4_ 1991 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No.

Row Spacing and Seeding Rate Effects on Amir Zaman Khan and Not 1 the Yield and Agronomic Characteristics of Agronomy, Soil Science Sherin Khan mentioned Lentil

NWFP Effects of Safflower Intercripping on the Sherin Khan and Agricualtural 2 Performance of Wheat Under Peshawar Agromony Mohammad Shafi University, Valley Conditions Peshawar. NWFP Yield Potential of Conventional and Relay Sherin Khan, Khan Zada and Agricualtural 3 Agromony Cropping Patterns of Maize Cultivation Muhammad Arif University, Peshawar. NWFP Agricualtural Effect of Storage Environment on the Bakhtiar Hussain and Abdul 4 University, Quality of Dried Figs Rashid Peshawar, Food Sci. NIFA, Tarnab NWFP Net Monthly and Seasonal Irrigation Agricualtural 5 Requirements for Wheat Crop in Mohammad Jamal Khan University, Peshawar Valley Water Management Peshawar. Agricutural Effect of Different Planting Dates on the Abdul Majeed Khan and Research 6 Production of Onion Bulbs Saadat Khan Station, Mingora, Swat NWFP Effect of Different Mulching Materials on Agricualtural athe Growth and Production of Mohammad Rafiq and 7 University, Strawberry (Fragari Ananassa) Cultivar Asghar Hussain Peshawar, "Murree" ARI, Tarnab. Responses of Different Mulching NWFP Materials on Soil Temperature, Soil Agricualtural Mohammad Rafiq and 8 Moisture, Weed Control Flowering, University, Asghar Hussain Fruiting and Number and Weight of Peshawar, Unmarketable Fruits in Strawberry ARIT, Tarnab NWFP The Effect of Different Stimuli Applied to Johar Ali, S. Mirajuddin and Agricualtural 9 Animal Husbandry the Udder of Cows Prior to Milking Nazir Ahmad University, Peshawar. NWFP Transfer of Technology and Farmers' Meera Khan, S. Basit Ali Agricualtural 10 Needs (On-Farm Irial of Treataing Wheat Shah University, Straw as Roughage for Large Ruminants) Peshawar. NWFP Gentic Determination of Some M. Aslam Choud Agricualtural 11 Quantitative Characters of Bread Wheat PBG Mohammad Iqbal University, (Triticum Aestiuum L. em. Thel.) Peshawar.

In-Vitro Radiosensitivity and Rapid Said Hassan and M. Ashraf NIFA, Tarnab, 12 Propagation of Potato Through Axillary Javed Peahwar. Bud Culture

NWFP Histomorphological Changes Induced by Zahoor Ahmad and Safdar Agricualtural 13 water Deficit Conditions in Wheat PBG Hussain Shah University, (Triticum Aestium L.) Peshawar. PARC, Chlorosulfuron Tolerance of Primary Islamabad, Embryos Derived From UV-Treated Ahmad, I., M.V. Macdonald 14 University of Microspores of Rapid Cycling Brassica and D.S. Ingram Cambridge Napus U.K. Study on Induced Variability in Lentil (Lens Tarinullah Khan and ARS, Serai 15 Culinaris MED.) Genotypeas Saeedul Hassan Naurang, CDRI, Efficacy of Seed Dressing Fungicides University 16 Mahmuda Khanam Against Bloack Point Disease of Wheat Cumpus Karachi. Bahauddin Interpretation of the Results of Canonical Zakariya 17 Statistics Correlation Anaysis University Ashar Ali Multan. Linear Models, non-Linear Models, Bahauddin Comparing Various Response Functions Yield- Zakariya 18 Statistics Being Used by Agricultural Researchers density University models, Multan. log-linear response Ashar Ali and S.J. Hasanin fuctio Jafry NWFP The Utilization Efficiency of Different M.S. Sarir, Umar Daraz and Agricualtural 19 Phosphatic Fertilizers Reinforced with Soil Science J.K. Khattak University, Farm Yard Manure in Maize Production Peshawar. NWFP Interpreation of Field Experiment Using Agricualtural 20 Soil Science A.U. Bhatti and D.J. Mulla Different Statistical Procedures University, Peshawar.

VOL.7_No.5_ 1991 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. NWFP Effect of Wheat Intercropping on the Sherin Khan, Ali Akbar and Agricualtural 1 Agronomy Growth and Yield Characters of Sugarcane Mohammad Shafi University, Peshawar.

Radiation and Storage Effects on Water Aurangzeb, Nizakat Bibi and NIFA, Tarnab 2 Uptake and Cooking Benaviour of A. Sattar Peshawar. Mungbean NWFP University of Vibration Control in Agricultural Mohammad Abdul Baseer Engineering 3 Machinery and Badruddin and Technology Peshawar NWFP University of Vibration Control in Agricultural Mohammad Abdul Baseer Engineering 4 Machinery and Badruddin and Technology Peshawar Agricultur Effect of Variety and Specific Gravity on Research Manzoor Nazli, Fazli Karim 5 the Yield and Quality of Dehydrated Instiute Khan and Qudsia Sultana Potato Chips Tarnab, Peshawar. NWFP Effect of Water Quality of Kohat District Mohammad Jamal Khan, Agricualtural 6 on Germination Seedling Height and Dry Nasib-ur-Rehman and University, Matter Weight of Wheat Mohammed Tariq Peshawar. Agricultur Plant Mortality and Growth Responses of Research Young "Trevatt" Aprocot (Prunus Mohammad Rafiq and Syed 7 Instiute atmeniaca L.) to Different Mulching Qasim Shah Tarnab, Materials Horticulture Peshawar. A New Species of the Genus PCSIR Lab. Irichromadorita Timm, 1963 (Nematoda: Comples, 8 Hypodontolaimidae) with Amended Hanif Ahamd Khan Karachi, Diagnosis of Megalolimus and Peshawar. Panduripharynx Timm, 1961 Effect of Nitrogen Levels and Irrigation Hayat Ullah Khan, Gomal Frequencies of Grain Yield, Straq Yield and 9 Hamidullah Khan and University, Harvvest Index of Triticale variety Jaunillo- Muhamamd Tahir Saleem D.I.Khan 97

Studies on Radiosensitivity of Six Varietiies Said Hassan and NIFA, Tarnab, 10 of Kabul I Type Chickpea Mohammad Sshraf Javed Peshawar.

ARI, Tarnab, Yield Stability of Advanced Wheat Lines Peshawar, Mohammad Khan and 11 Evaluatd Under Different Rainfed CCRI Pirsabak Roorul Hadi Situations In NWFP and NSR, Rawalpindi. Bptamost, Estimation of Heterosis and Heterobltiosis Tahir Latif, M. Shahid and Asstt. Res. 12 in Rice (oryza Sativa L.) Abdul Majeed Kala Shah Kaku. G. hirsutum L F- generation , Polygenic Identification of Parents for Hybridization traits University of M. Tariq, M. Amin and 13 Through Combining Ability Analysis in additive Agriculoture Ghulam Idrees Upland Cotton effect, Faisalabad. Non- additive effects, General Combining Comparative Efficacy of Nematicides Against Population of Lance and Lesion University of 14 Aly Khan and A.K.Khanzada Nematodes Associated with Wheat Karachi. Varieties

Yield and Yield Components in Sunflower Hussain, S.W. Hussain, S.W. and A.A. 15 (Hellanthus Annuus L.) As Affected by and A.A. Schnieter Delayed Planting in North Dokota Usa Schnieter Effect of Planting Date on Yield, Oil Content and Test Weight of Early Hussain, S.W. Hussain, S.W. and A.A. 16 Maturing Sunflower (Helianthus Annus L.) and A.A. Schnieter at Two population Regimes in North Schnieter Dakota, USA NWFP Incidence and Distribution of Viruses Mohammad Arif, Sher Agricuatural 17 Infectiang Sugarbeet Crop in North West Plant Pathology Hassan and Mohammad University Frontier Province, Paistan. Shafiq Peshawar NWFP Inhibitory Effect of N-Serve on Agricuatural 18 Soil Science Zahir Shah Nitrification in Different Soils University Peshawar

VOL.7_No.6_ 1991 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. NWFP Production Potential of Various Sowing Mohammad Shafi Sherin Agricuatural 1 Methods of Sugar-Cane Planted in Agronomy Khan and Javed Khan University Autumn Peshawar NWFP Diffeerentrial Response of Groundnut Mohammad Shafi Sherin Agricuatural 2 (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Varieties to Dates of Agronomy Khan and Masud Jan University Sowing Peshawar NWFP Agricuatural Effect of Sowing Dates on Yield Fazli SubhanAli Haider and University 3 Agronomy Components of Wheat Cultivivars Mir Hatam Peshawar, CCRI Pirsabak, Nowshera. Effect of Various Production Inputs On the Abdus Samad and Noorul CCRI Pirsabak, 4 Yield of Maize in Mardan and Peshawar Agronomy Hadi Nowshera. Districts.

Combing Ability Analysis of Some Quality Mohammad Ayub, Said University of 5 Characters in Various Crosses of Cotton Rahman and Mohammad Agricuture (Gossypium Hirsutum L) Amin Faisalabad. PBG

Economics of Intercropping Legumes with M. Riaz Malik and A.M. NARC, 6 Cereal and Oil Seed Crops Haqqani Islamabad.

Performance of KS-29, A Rice Variety in Noorul Haq, Jamshied Khan 7 ARI, Tarnab. Peshawar Valley and Abdul qadim Syed

Sindh Combing Ability in Breed Wheat Triticum Muhammad Shaban Kalwar Agriculture 8 Aestivum L. and Jamil Ahmed Soomro University, PBG Tandojam. Varietal Differences in Callusing Ability Said Hassan and M. Ashraf 9 and Differentition in Rapeseed Explant NIFA, Tarnab Javed Hypocotyl

A High Yielding Chickpea Mutant Variety 10 Nifa-88 Developed Through Induced Said Hassan and I. Khan NIFA, Tarnab Mutations

Effectiveness of Surface Application of 11 Granular Insecticides Against Mustard Muhammad Zaman ARI, Tarnab. Aphid on Rape ARI, Tarnab, NWFP Losses Assessment of Wheat Grain Agircultural Abdur Raqib, Habib Iqbal 12 Incurred in Public Sector Concrete University Javed and Imtiaz Ahmad Warehouses in NWFP Pakistan Peshawar, NARC, Islamabad. PCSIR Lab. Sex Pheromone of Microtermes Obesi M.W. Roomi and M. Comples, 13 Biology (Holmgren) (soptera : Termitidae) Anwarullah Karachi, Peshawar.

M. Raiz Malik and Bashir NARC, 14 Economic of Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea Ahmed Malik Islamabad.

Central Cotton Talib Hussain and Tariq Research 15 Studies on Seed Treatment of Cotton Mahmood Institute, Multan,. NWFP Studies on Seedborne Mycoflora of Tamkeena Malik and Sher Agricuatural 16 Plant Pathology Tomato in the NWFP Hassan University Peshawar NWFP The Effect pf Beet Westerm Yellows and Mohammad Arif, Sher Agricuatural 17 Beet Curly Top Viruses on Some Yield Plant Pathology Hassan and Mohammad University components in Sugarbeet Root Crop Shafiq Peshawar

Effect of Different Tillage Implements on Arid Zone Sub- Ruhul Amin and Abdur 18 the Production of Wheat Crop Under Low Station Rashid Rainfall Condition of Dera Ismail Khan D.I.Khan VOL.8_No.1_ 1992 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. NWFP Yield and Yield Components of Wheat in Mohammad Shafi, Sherin Agricultural 1 Relation to Different Phosphorus and Agronomy Khan and Naik Mohammad University Radiation Levels. Peshawar Effect of High Levels of Nitrogen and NWFP Hrvesting Dates on the Physical Mohammad Shafi, Sherin Agricultural 2 Agronomy Characteristics and Sucrose Accumulation Khan and Abdur Rashid University in Sugarbeet Peshawar NWFP Effect of Seed Treatment and Ridged and Mohammad Shafi and Khair Agricultural 3 Flat Planting on the Growth and Yield of Agronomy Khan University Sugarbeet Peshawar Crops Effect of Different Combinations of NPK Research 4 on the Grain Yield and Yield Components Abdus Salam Institute of Maize Variefies Pirsabak. NWFP Development of Concentrated Beverages Agricultural Muhammad Jawaid Durrani From Anna Apples with or Without Added University 5 Rafiullah Khan and Adam Preservatives by Controlling Activity of Peshawar, Khan water for Shelf Stability ARI, Tarnab, Food Sci. Peshawar. Potato Programme, Performance of Seed Potatoes Produced Pakistan Javed Anwar Chaudhri, S.M. 6 in the High and Mid Hills of Kaghan in Agricultural Ali Shah and Amjad Hussain Pakistan by Research Comical, Islamabad. NWFP Agricultural Fungi Associated With Water Hyacinth Noorul Amin and Sabir University 7 (Eric-Hornia Crassipes) (Mart) Solms in Hussain Shah Peshawar, Peshawar. ARI, Tarnab, Horticulture Peshawar.

8 No.8 Article is missing in Journal NWFP Foliar Application of Iron, Zinc and Nawab Ali, Miskeen Khan Agricultural 9 Manganese En-Hances Vegetative Growth and Noorul Amin University of Citrus Sinensis Horticulture Peshawar

10 No, 10 Article is missing in Journal

An Appraisal of Chickpea Production Habib-ur Rahman Khan and NARC, 11 Technology in Fatehjang Tehsil M.R. Malik Islamabad.

Spike Architecture of Wheat Mutants as Abdul Jabbar Khan and S.A. NIFA, Tarnab, 12 Affected by Seeding Dates Shah Peshawar.

Pakistan Forest Preliminary Report on the Subtropical Mirza Hakim Khan Ihsam Institute,Pesh 13 Vegetation of Darra Adam Khel Hills Ilahi and Mustajab Khan awar, (Kohat Pass) University of Peshawar. Resistance to Chinch Bug, Blissus Leucopterus Leucopterus (say) Ghulam Sabir Shah and 14 ARS, D.I.Khan. (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) in Commercial Paula. J. Bromal Box Grain Sorghum Hybrids. Irrigation Project in Pests and Diseases of Autumn Potatoes in Toon Defoer and Syed NWFP Saidu 15 Northern Bner and Malakand Agency Sajidin Hussain Sharif, Ari Tarnab, Peshawar.

16 No. 16 Article is missing in Journal NWFP M. Naeem, S.K. Khalil and F. Agricultural 17 Date-Palm Borers and Their Managemet Entomology Shah University Peshawar

Host Status of Thirteen Wheat cultivars to Safdar A. Anwar and Sabir AARI, 18 Anguina Tritici and Its Inflence on Plant Hussain khan Faisalabad. Growth of Chakwal-86 Wheat Cultivar NWFP Agricultural Modification in the Automated University 19 Techniques for the Analysis of Soil Soil Science M.S. Sarir and T.H. Flower Peshawar, Phosphorus-II University of Glasgow. Studies on the Sutability of Guava and Qudsia Sultana and ARI, Tarnab, 20 Pear Waste (Peels and Cores) for Jelly Manzoor Nazli Peshawar. Making

VOL.8_No.2_ 1992 Sr. Title of the Article Discipline Discipline Authors Address No. NWFP Muhammad Tariq Jan, EFFect of Seed Rate and Row Spacing on Agricutural 1 Agronomy Paigham and Shad Khan Yield of Barley University Kahalil Peshawar. NWFP Fatty Acid Profile of Sunflower Cultivars Chemistry, Human Barkat Ali, Tajammmal Agricutural 2 Grown in Pakistan Nutrition Hussain & A. Khalil University Peshawar. NWFP The Chloroplast Pigments and Their M. Javed Khattak, Iqtidar A. Agricutural 3 Chemistry Correlation with ield Components in Khalil & Saifullah Khan University Peshawar. NWFP Nutrient Uptake Patterns in Agricutural 4 Chemistry Alam Khan Hydroponically Grown Tomatoes University Peshawar. NWFP Estimation of Dual Cost Function for Milk Agricutural 5 Munir Khan Production in District Thatta, Sind University Agri.Economics Peshawar. PCSIR, Trace Elements Detection in Prunus Labaoratories Armeniaca Seeds (Kernel) by Anodic Jamshed Khan and A. Sattar 6 Chemistry Peshawar, Stripping Voltammetry (Standard Addition Khan Uniersity of Method) Peshawar NWFP Effect of NPK and Fungicidal Sprays on S. Fazli Ahad, Nawab Ali and Agricutural 7 Fruit Quality and Yield of Apple Mukamil Shah University Peshawar. Effect of Magnesium Sulphate, Sodium NWFP Sul;phate and Misture of both Salt Farrukh Hussain and Ihsan Agricutural 8 Botany Seedling growth of three Cultivars of Ilahi University Brassica Campestris L. Peshawar. Uiniversity of Peshawar, Phytosociology of the Vanishing Sub- Farrukh Hssain, Ahmad-ur- Botany, Plant NWFP 9 Tropical Vegetation of Swat With Special Rahman Saljoqi and Ihsan Protection Agrcultural Reference to Docut Hills: II: Spring Aspect Ilahi University Peshawar. NWFP University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Saeed-ur-Rahman and Taj 10 On Non-Metacyclic Groups of Finite Order NWFP Muhammad Agricultural University Peshawar and Islamia College Peshawar CCRI, Pirsabak, Genetic Variability For Yield $ Disease Abdul Aziz Hidayat-ur- NWFP 11 Resistance in Full & Short Season Varieties BPG Rehamn and Fida Agricuture of Maize Muhammad University Peshawar NWFP Agricutural University Comparative Study of Some Insecticides Karimullah and Khawaja Peshawar, 12 and Maize Cultivars Against Maize Stem Entomology Parvez Islamia Borer Chilo Partellus (Swinhoe) College Peshawar University Effecacy of Synthetic Pesticides Shoot Fly Atherigona NARC, ARI, Atherigona Soccata (Rondani) and Maize , Chilo, Abdul Rahim and Syed 13 Rahim Tar Borer Chilo Partellus (Shinhoe) in Sadda Insectcides Anwar Masud Khan. Bahar and Effect on Yield , Gramules NWFP Agricutural Purification and Serodiagnosis of Potato Mohammad Arif, Sher University 14 Plant Pathology Leafroll Virus in Pakistan Hassan and Saif Khalid Peshawar, NARC, Islababad. NWFP Distribution and Morphology of Alternaria Agricutural Alternata Associated with Leaf Spot of Munawar Khan and Shabeer University 15 Plant Pathology Potato in the Central Plains of the North Ahmad Peshawar, West Frotier Province of Pakistan. PATA Project ARS, Mingora. NWFP Potato, Agricutural Alternaria Control of Alternaria Leaf Spot Potato by Munawar Khan and Shabeer University 16 Leaf spt, A. Plant Pathology Various Fungicides in Peshawar Region Ahmad Peshawar, alternata, PATA Project fungicides ARS, Mingora. Preliminary Studies on Seed Dressing of PCSIR Luffa Aegyptica with Paecilomyces Hanif Ahamd Khan, Saeed 17 Laboratories Lilacinus Against Meloidogy Incognita A. Khan and Nighat Seema Karachi. Var.Acrita During the Germination of Seed NWFP Effect of Potassium on the Yield and Yield S. Perveen, Khattak J.K. and Agricutural 18 Soil Science Components of Wheat at Peshawar NWFP M.I.Tahir University Peshawar. NWFP Agricutural 19 Zinc Contents of Some Plants of Lebanon Soil Science Aman Ullah Bhatti University Peshawar. NWFP Seedling Height and Dry Matter Weight of Mohammad Jamal Khan Agricutural 20 Wheat Crop As Influenced by Different Water Management and Nasib-ur-Rehman University Water Quality Parametters Peshawar.

VOL.8_No.3_ 1992 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No.

Chemical Characteristics Influencing Fiber Shahid Saleem Shad Sheikh University of 1 Quality of Cim-70 and some other Fiber Technoloogy Muhammad Nawaz and Agricuture Commerical Cottons Hamid Ali Faisalabad.

Yarn Quality Affected by Fibre Shahid Saleem Shad Sheikh University of 2 Characteristies of Cim-70 and Some Other Fiber Technoloogy Muhammad Nawaz and Agricuture Commercial Cottons Hamid Ali Faisalabad. NWFP Agricutural Grain Yield and Economic Response of University Aslam Khan, Munir Khan 3 Wheat to Nitrogen and Phosphorus Peshawar, and Khaista Gul Fertilizers Applied on Fallow CCRI, Pirsabak, Nowshera. NWFP Zinc in Human Nutrition : Requirement Agricutural 4 Alam Khan and Bioabailabiliaty An Overview University Human Nutrition Peshawar, NWFP Wazir Mohammad Sadiq, Effect of Nitrogen and Zinc on Vigour, Agricutural 5 Kavod Ypqib amd Ghulam Yield and Quality of Citrus cv.Blood Red University Abbas Horticulture Peshawar, NWFP Agricutural Abdul-Rashid Saadullah Weed Flora of Turmeric Fields of Bannu University 6 Khan and Ahmad-ur- District Peshawar,, Rahman Univesity of Plant Protection Peshawar. Khyber-87, A Short Duration Variety to CCRI, Mohammad Khan, Khaista 7 Replace Sonalka Under Late Showing Pirsabak, Gul and Fazli Subhan Situation Nowshera.

CCRI, Pirsabak-85: an Outstanding Cultivar For Mohammad Khan, Khaista 8 Pirsabak, NWFP Gul and Hasham Khan Nowshera.

Biological and Chemical Fertilizer Studies Habib-ur-Rahman Khan NARC, 9 in Chickpea Grown Under Arid Coditions Mussafar A. Khan and B.A. Islamabad. of Thal Malik

Callusing and Regeneration Response of M. Ashraf Javed and Said NIFA, Tarnab. 10 Cotyledon Explant of Some Rapeseed Hassan Peshawar. Genotypes University of Agricuture Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis M. Tariq, M. Amin and Faisalabad, 11 in Upland Cotton Ghulam Idrees Food and Agricuture, Islamabad. Rice Research Genetic Analysis for Oil Percentage, S.Sultan Ali, S.Sadaqat Institution 12 Protien Percentage and Seed Yield in Mehdi and M. Iqbal Kala Shah Subflower (Heli-Anthus Annuus L.) Kaku, Lahore. Estimation of Heterosis and Heterobel Rice Research Tosis For Oil Percentage, Protein S.Sultan Ali, S.Sadaqat Institution 13 Percentage and Seed Yield/Plant in Some Mehdi and Shiraz Ali Kala Shah Sulflower (Helianthus Annuus L.) Crosses Kaku, Lahore. NWFP Zafar Ali, Saeed ur Rahman Agricutural 14 On a Presentation of Finite Groups Mathematics and Ahmad Nawar University Peshawar, NWFP University of Transition From Degree 1 To Degree 0 Nadeem Raza, Shah Jehan Engineering 15 Basic Sci. and Islamiat Circle Map For Kicked Oscillators and Saeed-ur-Rehman and Technology, Peshawar. Chemical Control of Red Pumpkin Beetle Gomal Said Mir Khan and Noor 16 Aulacophora Foveicollis (Lucas) Attacking Entomology University, Islam Khattak Muskmelon Crop D.I.Khan

Govt.Agri.Stati The Effect of Exchangeable Sodium Soil and Water Testing Ashiq Ali, Nazir Ahmad and on Old 17 Percentage on Growth Performance of Lab. Sultan Masood Shah Shujabad road Cotton Plant multan. Pakistan Agricultural Seed-Borne Fungi and Their Effect on Research 18 Germination of Vegetable Seed in Lower Mahmuda Khanam Council Sind, Pakistan Karachi University Campus. NWFP Agricutural The Utilization Efficiency of Different M.S. Sarir, M.Shah and University 19 Phosphatic Ferti lizers Reinforced With M.Nisar Peshawar, Farmyard Manure on Wheat Production University of Peshawar. NWFP Probabilistic Analysis of Net Monthly and Agricutural 20 Seasonal Irrigation Requirements of Water Management Mohammad Jamal Khan University Sugarcane Crop in Peshawar Valley Peshawar,

VOL.8_No.4_ 1992 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No.

Yield Assessment of Advanced Wheat Iftikhar Ahmed, Zaheer NARC, 1 Selection Based on Combined Analysis Ahmed and N.I. Hashmi Islamabad.

University of Agricuture, Faisalabad, Wheat Response to Water Stress At Muhammad Jamal, M. Shafi Agricultural 2 Diffwerent Growth Stages-1. Effect on Nazir and Nazir Ahmad Research Earing, Maturity and Plant Height Station, Serai Naurang, Banne NWFP Agrcultural University Peshawar, Raffinose Oligosaccharides in Pea (Pisum Chemistry and Human 3 Iqtidar A. Khalil University of Sativum L.) Nutrition Illinois at Urbana- Champaign, USA. NIFA, Tarnab, Effect of Different Packages on Post- M.A.Chaudry, M. Ahmad 4 Peshawar, Harvest Quality of Persimmon. and N.Bibi AEARC,

Tandojam, Hyderabad.

Central Cotton Effect of Number of Plants Per Dibble on Sultan Masood Shah and M. Research 5 Yield and Some Economic Characters of Arshad Institute, Two Upland Cotton Cultivars Multan. University of Peshawar, University of Azad Jammu Allelopathic Suppression of Wheat and Farrukh Hussain, Sajida and Kahsmir, 6 Maize Seedling Growth b Imperata Ayaz And Ahmad-ur- Muzaffarabad Cylindrica (Linn.) P.Beauv Rehman and NWFP Agricultural Botany, Plant University Protection Peshawar. Bahauddin Comparative Study of Two Cultivars of Zea Saeed Ahmad and Shakila Zakariya 7 Mays After seed Irradication Qureshi University Applied Biology Multan. CCRI, Pirsabak, Allozyme Frequency Changes in Pakistan- Karimullah Hidayat-ur- Nowshera, Based Maize Populations Associated With 8 Rahman and Khurshid NWFP Full-Sib Recurrent Selection for Cold Ahmed Agricultural Tolerance University Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural University New Matrix Approach to the Solution of a Basic Sci. and Islamiat, Saeed-ur-Rahman, Naseer 9 Peshawaqr, Particular Integral of Difference Equations Mathematics Ahmad and Ahmad Nawaz University of Engg and Tech Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural Standardization of Cytological Studies and Habib Yousaf, Raziuddin University 10 Karyotypic Investigation Irradiated Lentil. PBG and Habib Ahmed Peshawar, (Lens Culinaris Medic) NARC, islamabad. A. Hameed Ansari, A. Research Association of Sugarcane Internodes with 11 Hameed Lodhi and A. Karim Institute Top, stem and Root Borer Population Akbani. Tandojam.

Effect of Single and Simultaneous Inoculation of Hoplolaimus Indicus and Tajunnisa, M.AQ. Khan and University of 12 Zoology Pratylenchus Zeae on Maize Seedlings Fatima Qamar Karachi. Under Laboratory Conditions University of Agriculture, Effects of Saline-Sodic Soils on Mineral Faisalabad, M. Yamin Khan, Abdul Rauf 13 Composition of Eight Wheats Under Field Soil Science Central Cotton and Sultan Masood Shah Conditions Research Institute, Multan NWFP Residual Effect of Phosphorus on Maize M.A. Ibrahim, Farmanullah Agricualtural 14 Soil Science (Zea Mays L.) Crop and M. tariq University Peshawar. NWFP Two Year Study on the Yield Response of , Farmanullah Agricualtural 15 Soil Science Maize to Residual Soil Phophorus and M. Shah University Peshawar.

VOL.8_No.5_ 1992 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. Agriculture Influence of Planting Times of The Yield A. Hameed Ansari, Research 1 and Economic Characters of Green Gram Agronomy M.K.K.Rajput and Institutue (Vigna Radiata L.) S.M.Qayyum Tandojam NWFP Abdul Aziz, Hidayat-ur- Performance of Maize Hybrids Under Agricutural 2 PBG Rahman and Fida Irrigated Condition University Muhammad Peshawar. NWFP Karimullah, Manzoor Insect Pestos of Maize Crop in Different Agricutural 3 Entomology Ahmad Mashwani and Localities of Kalam University Sajjad Ahmad Peshawar. CCRI, An Allozyme Study on the Genetic Pirsabak, Kiramat Khan, Hidayat-ur- Divergence of Pakistan-based Maize NWFP 4 Rahman and Khurshid Populatioms Frp, Mebasla Cp;d-Tolerance Agricuture Amed Populations University Botany Peshawar An Exhaustive Review of Research Work on Sugarcane Top Borer (Scirpaphage ARI, 5 A.G.Khanzada excerptalis WLK and S.nivella F.) Tandojam. Lepidoptera: Pyraustidae Entomology NWFP Foot Rot Disease of Wheat in Rainfeed Kishwar Ali, Sher Hassan Agricutural 6 Areas of North West Frontier Province and Shamim Iftikhar University and Punjab Plant Pathology Peshawar. NWFP Genotype Assay of Maize for Resistance Khan Ali and Shabeer Agricutural 7 to Maydis Leaf Blight Under Artificial Field Ahman University Epiphytotics of Peshawar Region Plant Pathology Peshawar. Influence of Temperature Regimes and NWFP Substrate Types on Colony Growth and Khan Ali and Shabeer Agricutural 8 Conidial Morphology of Bipolaris Maydis Ahman University (NISIK) Shoemaker Plant Pathology Peshawar. NWFP Biological Characterisation of Soybean Agricutural 9 Plant Pathology Akhtar Ali and Sher Hassan Mosaic Virus University Peshawar. NWFP Aeromycology of A Wheat Field in Safdar Ali and Shabeer Agricutural 10 Plant Pathology Peshawar Pakistan Ahmad University Peshawar. NWFP Comparison of Maydis Leaf Bliight Fazli Raziq and Shabeer Agricutural 11 Epidemics at Different Stages of Maize Plant Pathology Ahmad University Development Peshawar. NWFP Modifications in the Automated M.S. Sarir I.D.Pulford and Agricutural 12 Techniques for the Analysis of Soil Soil Science T.H.Flowers University Phosphorus- (1) Peshawar. NWFP Agricutural University Modelling Relationship Between Soil Peshawar, Aman Ullah Bharrt and 13 Properties and Wheat Yields in Dryland Soil Science Washington David J.Mulla Areas State University Pullman, Wa. USA. NWFP Agricutural University Irradiation Effects on Membrane Noor Badshah and Curt Peshawar, 14 Permeability of Potato Tubers From Horticulture R.Rom University of Different Fertilizer Regimes Arkansas, Fayetteville, USA University of Salt-Tolerance of Eight Wheats (Triticum M.Yamin Khan, Abdul Rauf Agriculture, 15 astivum L.) Under Saline-Sodic Field Soil Science and Altaf Ahmad Faisalabad, Conditionss CCRI, Multan.

VOL.8_No.6_ 1992 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No.

Spinning Quliity of S-12 and Other Shahid Saleem Shad Sheikh University of 1 Varieties of Cotton at 40's, As Affected by Fiber Technoloogy Muhammad Nawaz and Agriculture Fivre Fineness ans Strength Muhammad Adress Faisal abad Research Station Serai Muhammad Jamal, M. Shafi Naurang, Agro-Biological Studies on Water Stress 2 Agronomy Nazir and Nazir Ahmad and Bannu, and Dry Mattwr Accumulation in Wheat Shamshad Hussain Shah University of Agricuture Faisalabad. University of Biologic and Intercrop Studies on Yield Khan Zada and Saeed Agrcultural 3 and Nitorgen Fixation of Soybean Fixation Agronomy Ahmad Peshawar and of Soybean and Maize Faisalabad NWFP Photosynthetic Pigments in Relation to Iqtidar A. Khalil and Fazli Agricutural 4 Wheat Productivity Chemistry, Human Manan University Nutrition Peshawar. NWFP Agricutural Noor Abdshah, Raeem-ur- Yield and Qulaity of Mushrooms Grown University 5 Rehman, Mohammad on Different Substrates PeshawarNIFA Wahid , Tarnab Horticulture Peshawar. Effect of Different Levels of Nitrogen and NWFP Phosphorus Alone and in Combination on Asghar Hussain, Nawab Ali Agricutural 6 Growth, Maturity and Yield of Pea Cultivar and Sher Nabi University P-8 Horticulture Peshawar. Oryza Sativa, Cross, Agri. Rice Correlation Studies and Path Analysis of Parents, M.J.Mirza, Faiz Ahmad Faiz Research 7 Plant Height, Yield and Yield Component Yield, and Abdul Majid Institute, Kala in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Yield Shah Kaku Compone nts Bahauddin Comparative Study of Two Cultivars of Zea Saeed Ahmad and Shakila Zakariya 9 Mays After Seed Irradiation II:Effect of Applied Biology Qureshi University Radiation on Yield Multan. Helianthus Annus, Genetic Genetic Variability and Correlation Studies Parameter Muhammad Tariq, Ghulam MINFAC, 10 in Sunflower s, Idress and Asadullah Tahir Islamabad. Variability, Genotypic Correlation Termiticidal Potentiality of Inorganic PCSIR, Wood Preservatives for the Control of M.W. Roomi, Azam.H. Shah 11 Labaoratories Mound-Building and Subterranean and S.A. Qureshi Karachi. Termites

Economic Efficcacy of Chemical Control of M. Raiz Malik, S.M.Iqbal and NARC, 12 Pathology Lentil Blight B.A. Malik islamabad. NWFP Effect of Different Seed Dressing Syed Jawad Ahmad Shah, Agricutural 13 Fungicides on germination and Yiled Plant Pathology Shaukat Hussain and Iftikar University Components of Soybean Khattak Peshawar. NWFP Efficacy of different Seed Dressing Syed Jawad Ahmad Shah, Agricutural 14 Fungicides on Recovery of Seeborne Plant Pathology Shaukat Hussain and Iftikar University Mycoflora of Soybean Khattak Peshawar. NIFA, Tarnab, M. Mohsin Iqbal S. Khurshid Peshawar, Response of Cotton to Applied 15 Hussain and Salim H. AEARC, Phosphorus in Two Soil Series Siddique Tandojam, Hyderabad. NWFP Agricutural University Construction Evaluation and Preliminary Nisar Ahmad and Robert L. Peshawar, 16 Field Testing of a Small Scale Drip Water Management Wolff Southern IL Irrigation System University at Cardondale- USA.

VOL.9_No.1_ 1993 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. Cotton Comparision of Inoculating Methods of Tariq Mahmood and Talib Research 1 Xanthomonas Campestris PV. Hussain Institute, Malvacearum in Cotton Cultivars Multan NWFP, Agricultural Performance of Seven Bush Bean University (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) Genotypes in Dera Wadan, Saadat Khan 2 Research Different Environmental conditions of and Humayun Khan Station, Swat Mingora. Swat. NWFP, Agricultural University Effect of Seed Treatmnt on Emergence, Mohammad Shafi, Abdul Peshawar, 3 Growth, Yieeld and Yield Components of Agronomy Manan and Khair Aman ARI, Tarnab, Subarbeet Islamia College, Peshawar. NWFP Karimullah Sajjad Ahmad Relative Abundance of Insect Pests on Agriculotural 4 and Manzoor Ahmad Maize Cultivars at Kalam University Mashwani Entomology Peshawar. Influence of Phosphorus and Potassium Sindh Fertilizer Combination Levels with A.F. Balooch, M.A. Balooch Agriculture 5 Standard Dose of Nitrogen on the and S.M. Qayyum University Productivity of Carrot Daucus Carota L. Horticulture Tandujam. NWFP Agriculotural University Etoological Studies of Viral Diseases of Sher Hassaan, Mohammad Peshawar 6 Tomato in Malakand Agency of North Arif and Toon Defoer PATA Project, West Frontier Province of Pakistan Saidu Sharif, Swat, Plant Pathology Pakistan. NWFP Agriculotural University Epidemiological Studies of Tomato Viruses Sher Hassaan, Mohammad Peshawar 7 in Malakand Agency fo North West Arif and Toon Defoer PATA Project, Frontier Province of Pakistan Saidu Sharif, Swat, Plant Pathology Pakistan. NWFP Efficacy of Various Methods Employed For Iftikhar Khattak, Shaukat Agriculotural 8 the Study of Seedborne Mycoflora of Hussain and Syed Jawad University Soybean Ahmad Shah Plant Pathology Peshawar. Central Cotton Correlation Studeis on Some Commercial M. Arshad, M. Hanif and Research 9 Cotton Varieties of G. Hirsutum L. Sultan Masood Shah Institute, Multan. Ribosomal RNA- Ribosomal University DNA- College of Molecular Variability and Heritability of 9 Restriction S.D. Ahmad Agriculture Ribosomal RNA Genes in Lathyrus Species. Enzymes- Rawalakot, Restriction A.K. Fragment Length ribosomal RNS genes, University Gene Copy The Variation in Ribosomal RNA Gene College of Number, 10 Copies in Lathyrus Sativus Callus Tissues S.D. Ahmad Agriculture Callus and Vegetative Tissues Rawalakot, Tissues, A.K. Meristema tic University Ribosomal College of RNA, Agriculture Ribosomal Rawalakot, Ribosomal RNA Genes Reiteration DNA, S.D. Ahmad and R.K.J. A.K., 11 Frequency and Genome Size in Four Probe, Dot Narayan University Lathyrus Species. Blot, college of Hybridisati Wales on Aberystwyth Genomie UK. Univeristy of Peshawar, Enhanced Chromosomal Obervation in Islam Mehmud Khan and Jinnah College 12 Boatany Barley (Hordeium Vulgare L.) Meiosis Mrs. Shaukat Islam Khan for Women, University of Peshawar. NWFP Complementarity and Substitutability Agriculotural 13 Among Agricultural Inputs in Northern Rural Development Farmal Ali University Pakistan Peshawar. NWFP Agriculotural Validity of Phosphorus Determination Sarir M.S., M.Sharif and University 14 Soil Science Under Different Extraction Conditions T.H.Flower Peshawar, University of Glasgow, U.K. Herbicide Concentrat Microbial Population As a Function of University of ion, Yousaf Hayat Khan and R.F 15 Herbicide Nature Concentration, Organic Soil Science Wisconsin Organic Harris Matter and Soil Zones Madison, USA Matter, Soil Zones

VOL.9_No.2_ 1993 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. Scientific Prospects of Developing Red Clover As Rash Khan and Faridullah Officer 1 Forage Crop in the Mountain Environment Khan (KARINA) NAS of Northern Areas of Pakistan Juglote Gilgit Shahid Saleem Shad, Sheikh University of Imperfaction Level in Cotton Yarn Spun 2 Muhammad Nawaz and M. Agriculture From Different Hank Rovings Nawaz Dhillon Faisalabad.

PCSIR Fatty Acid Composition of Apricot Kernel Sherin Iqbal, Azra Yasmin 3 Laboraties, Oil and N.A.Sufi Peshawar.

Agricultural Productivity Under Different NWFP Farming Systems and Its Impact on M. Aurangzeb and Fazal Agricultural 4 Employment A Case Study of Distt. Rahim University Mardan Rural Development Peshawar. NWFP Estimation of Price Elasticities Using The Agricultural 5 Agricultural Household Model in NWFP, Farman Ali University Pakistan Rural Development Peshawar. Agricultural Performance of Pea Cultivars in Various Dera Wadan, Saadat Khan Research 6 Agroclimatic Conditions of Swat and Abdul Majeed Station Mingora Swat. University of The Structure and Utilization of Kenaf Sindh 7 M.T. Khushk (Hibiscus Cannabinus L.) oil Seeds Jamshero Boatany Tandojam. NWFP Verietal Studies on Corn Leaf Aphid, Karim Ullah and Abid Agricultural 8 Entomology Rhopalositphum Maidis Fitch Fareed University Peshawar.

Seed-Borne Fungi Associated With PARC, Karachi 9 Mahmuda Khanam safflower and Their Effect on Germination University.

Effect of Neem and Carbofuan Against Aly Khan and S.Shahid PARC, Karachi 10 Population of Three Nematodes Shaukat University. Associated with Wheat Varieties

University of Caracterization of A Bacterium Tolerant Yousaf Hayat Khan and R.F 11 Soil Science Wisconsin, Levels of the Herbicide Alachor Harris Madison USA.

Bioremediation of the Hbicide Alachlor University of Yousaf Hayat Khan and R.F 12 Contaminated Soil Throuh Enrichment Soil Science Wisconsin, Harris Techniques Madison USA.

NWFP Ghufran-ul-Haque, Sher Control of Soybean Mosiac Virus Through Agricultural 13 Plant Pathology Hassan and Mohammad Thermotherapy University Arif Peshawar. NWFP Preliminary Studies on Viral Diseases of Sher Hassan, Mohammad Agricultural 14 Tomato in Malakad Agency of North West Plant Pathology Arid and Toon Defoer University Frontier Province Pakistan Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural University Air-Assist Spraying Effect of Spray Masood Ur Rahman and PeshawarSout 15 Coverage and Drift Rogert L. Wolff hern Illinois Univeristy , Carbondale IL. USA NWFP Agricultural Modification in the Automated University 16 Techniques for the Analysis of Soil Soil Science M.S.Sarir and T.H. Flowers Peshawar, Phosphorus (III) University of Glasgow.

VOL.9_No.3_ 1993 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. Singh Effect of Planting Geometry and Fertility Khan, W.A., S.M. Qayoom, Agricuture 1 Level on Performance of Soybean and S.K. Wadhqani University, tandojam. University of Seasonal Activity of the Cambium and Azad Jammu T.M. Khattak and Abdul 2 Radial Growth of Wood Formation in chair Botany and Majeed Pine (Pinus Roxburghil Sarg.) Kuzaffarabad Azad Kashmir. NWFP University of Engineering Breakdown in Solid Dielectrics by Mohammad Naeem Arbab and Te 3 Electrical Engineering Electrical Treeing and Shehnaz Mushtaq chnology Peshawar, University of Peshawar. Peshawar University, NWFP On the Relativistic Motion in Hayatullah Mian Shehnaz University of 4 Homegeneous Magnetic Field Mushtaq and Sher Haider Engineering and Physics and Basic Technology Science Peshawar. NWFP Insecticidal Studies on corn Leaf Aphid, Karim Ullah Abid Fareed Agricultural 5 Rhopalosimhum Maidis Fitch and Mohammad Naeem University Entomology Peshawar. University of Agaric Fungi from Rawalakot, Azad College of 6 Riaz Ali Garrdezi Kashmir Agriculture, Plant Pathology Rawalakot. NWFP Agricultural Ghufran ul Haque Assessment of Yield Losses in Soybean University 7 Mohammad Arif and due to Soybean Mosaic Peshawar, Mahmood Khan ARI, Tarnab, Plant Pathology Peshawar. NWFP Extent of Infestation of Fusarium Taqdees Raza, Muhammad Agricultural Moniliforme Sheld. In Different Rice Seed 8 Idrees Ahmed and M.A. University Samples and In-vitro Effect of certain Nasir Peshawar, Fungicides on the Fungus Plant Pathology Faisiaabad NWFP Effect of Temperature on Post-harvest Rot Jahangir, Shabeer Ahmad Agricultural 9 Plant Pathology of Apple Fruits and Dera Wadan University Peshawar. NWFP Some Analytical Problems in the Agricultural Dtermination of Phosphorus in Filtered M. Sarirullaj, M. Tariq and University 10 Solutions and Soil Extract, with Special Soil Science I.D.Pulford Peshawar, Reference to the Effect of Filter-Papers University of and Storage Glasgow U.K. Effect of Fertilizer Rates and Sowing Hayatullah Khan, Gomal 11 Methods on the Foddey Yield of Sorghum Mohammad Qasim and University of (Sorghum Biocolor L. Maench ch. Gaza- 3) Zahir Shah D.I.Khan.

University of Determination and Calculation of Metal Muhammad Bashir College of 12 Lon Activities from Metal Lonchelate Chaudhri Agriculture, Equilibria Rawalakot. Kashmiri, University of Kashmiri Strain of Pleurotus and a Cultural Pleurotus College of 13 Riaz Ali Gardezi Study Ostreatus Agriculture, Culture, Rawalakot. MEA, Wild, Populus

NWFP Maize Response to Potassium Fertilizer at M. Sharif, S. Hussain and J. Agricultural 14 Soil Science Mardan K. Khattak University Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural University Adaptation: A Factor to be Considered in Alam Khan, Connie M. and 15 Human Nutrition Peshawar, Nutritional Studies Abdul Manan West Lafayette, Indiana, USA.

VOL.9_No.4_ 1993 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. NWFP Effect of Intercropping on the Yield, Yield Muhammad Shafi, Sherin Agricultural 1 Componenets and Economic Return of Agronomy Khan and Amjad Jamal University Wheat and Safflower Crop Peshawar. NWFP Effect of Seed Rates and Seed Bed Mohammad Shafi, Muzaffar Agricultural 2 Conditions on the Growth and Green Agri.Extension and Sherin Khan University Fodder Yield of Berseem Peshawar. Pak.Forest Institute Physical Studies on the Water Quality and Mian Mohammad Shafiq, Peshawar, 3 Pollution of Sardaryab River Near Zoology Haroon-ur-Rashid Durrani Islamia Charsadda, NWFP Pakistan and Javed Ahmad Butt College Peshawar. NWFP Islamic Fasting-A Subsitute for very Low Alam Khan, Muhammad Agricultural 4 Calore Diet (VlCD) in Obesity Control Usman Khattak and University Program Saifullah Khan Marwat Human Nutrition Peshawar, Cotton Effect of Different Temperature on the Research Efficacy of Different Pesticides on Sitobion 5 Ahmad Ali Baloch Institute, Avenae and Its Predator Coccinella Sakrand Distt. Septempunctata Nowshera. Agricutural Research Station, Effects of Nitrogen and Spacing on the Niaz Mohammad, Sharfat 6 Chitral, NWFP Grwoth and Yield of Potato Khan and Khalil-ur-Rehman Agrocitiral University Peshawar. NWFP Abdul Wadood Mahyoub, Boron and Nitrogen Affect Vigour and Agricultural 7 Horticulture Syed Asghar Hussain and Yield of Apricot Trevatt University Nawab Ali Peshawar. NWFP Effects of Nitrogen, Phosphorus Clove Size Zaid Yahya Grad, Nawab Ali Agricultural 8 on Growth and Yield of Garlic (Allium and Syed Asghar Hussain University Sativum L). Peshawar. Agricultural Research Institute, Screening of Mungbean (Vigna Radiatal.) Tarnab, Rahim Jan, Saeedul Hassan 9 Genotypes For Genetic Parameters And Peshawar, and Mohammad Ayub Protein Content. NWFP Agircultural University Peshawar. Effect of Some Post-Emergence Herbiides Gomal Khalil Ahmed, Zahir Shah 10 on Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) and Agronomy University of and Hayatullah Associated Weeds. D.I.Khan. Gomal University of Genetic Analysis of Yield and Yield Saeedul Hassan, Riazud Din D.I.Khan, Components in various Crosses of 11 PBG Ahmad and Mohammad NWFP American Upland Cotton (Gossypium Ayub Agricultural Hirsutum L.) University Peshawar. NWFP Field Evaluation of Maize Genotypes for Mohammad Tariq and Agricultural 12 Plant Pathology Stalk Rot Resistance and Yidl Character Shabeer Ahamd University Peshawar. NWFP Aman Ullah Bhatti, Jehangir Agricultural Nature and Variability of Some Paddy Soils 13 Soil Science Khan Khattak and Hussain University of Dera Ismail Khan District Gurmani Peshawar, ARI, D.I.Khan. NWFP Agricultural University The Fungus Flora of An Acidic Upland Soil 14 Soil Science Z. Shah and W.A. Adams Peshawar, As Influenced by Liming University of College of Wales, USA NWFP Hot Water Soluble Boron Status of S. Perveen, M. tariq and Agricultural 15 NWFPSoils and Its Relation with Soil Soil Science M.K.Khattak University Properties Peshawar.

VOL.9_No.5_ 1993 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. NWFP Agricultural Response of Two Maize Cultivars to Aslam Khan , Abdul Aziz and University 1 Managemet Inputs Munir Khan Peshawar, CCRI Pirsabak Nowshera. Agriculture The Influence of Seeding Rate on Plant Sartaj Khan, Dost Research 2 Density, Dry Matter Yield and Protein Plant Science Mohammad and M.B. Institute, Content of Oats, Medic and Vetch Bhatti South Austraila NWFP Agricultural General Descriptive Analysis of Farm University Himayat Ullah and 3 Households In Peshawar and Mardan Economics Peshawar, Mohammad Afzal Districts: A View From the Farmers Field Gomal University D.I.Khan NWFP Socio-Cultural Elements in the Sustainable Dr. M. Idris and Fafarullah Agricultural 4 Institutional Development, A Case Study Khan University of Tipan Project Extension Education Peshawar. NWFP Fida Mohammad Khan and Agricultural 5 Methodology in Language Teaching English Mohammad Ibrahim University Peshawar. ARI, Tarnab, A Study of the Influence of Storage Inayatullah Khan, M.J.Hill Massy 6 Environment on Seed Deterioration in Horticulture and Dr. P.G. Fenemore University Maize (Zea Mays) Newzealand NWFP Agricultural Sack Fumigation of Wheat under University 7 J. Iqbal, Irshad and S.K.khalil Polythene Sheets Peshawar, NARC, islamabad. Comparative Cost Effectiveness of Four Integrated Pest Management Methods Mubarik Ahmed, S.Shahid 8 Botany PACR, Karachi, For Storage of Bagged Wheat in Lahore Shaukat and Jamshed Khan and Mulatan Research The Effects of Pre-Emergence Herbbicies Mohammade Khan, Noor- Institute 9 on Weed Control and Maize Grain Yield ul-Haq and Mustajab Khan Tarnab, on Farmer's Field Peshawar. G.B. A.R.S.Ahmadw Radiation for Induced Mutation in Bashir Ahmad and 10 ala Karak, Mungbean (Vigna Radiata (L Wilczek) Muhammad Yoqoob A.R.O. A.R.S. S. Naunarang. Legumes: Mimosace ae; University Caesalpini College of A Qualitative Study of Nodulating, Ability 11 aceae; Nasim, M. and S.D. Ahmed Agri. of Legumes of Azad Kashmir, (List-2) Papilionac Rawalkot, eae; Poonch (A.K.) Tootnodul es NWFP Agricultural Fate of Fertilizer Nitrogen Applied to Soil Z. Shah and J.K. Khattak and University 12 Soil Science and Its Effect on Maize (Zea Mays L.) R.Ali Peshawar, ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar. Agri.Research Correlation and calibration of NaHCO3 Abdul Ghani and Habib-ur- Institute 13 Extracxtable P and NH4O Ac Extractable K Soil and Plant Nutrition Rehman Tarnab, With Yield of Onion (Allium cepal). Peshawar. Effect of Medium Composition and University of Incubation Time on Microbial Population Yousaf Hayat Khan and R.F 14 Soil Scince Wisconsin, of Plainfield Sand and Planosilt Loam Harris Madison USA. Amended with the Herbicide Metolachlor NWFP Study of Micronutrient Status of Some S. Perveen, J.K.Khattak and Agricultural 15 Soil Science Important Sites of NWFP A. Hamid University Peshawar.

VOL.9_No.6_ 1993 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. NWFP A Model of Use of Remittances For Agricultural Agriculture: A Case Study of A Village in Mohammad Idris and A. J. University 1 Agri.Economics the North West Frontier Province of Sofranko Peshawar, Pakistan University of Illinois. The Use of the Stochastic Frontier NWFP Approach to the Farmers in the Frontier Agricultural 2 Economics Farman Ali and Jehanzeb Province of Pakistan: A Test of Profit University Inefficiency Hypothesis Peshawar. NWFP Fida Muhammad and Agricultural 3 The Anglo Saxon Prefixes in Emg;osj English Muhammad Ibrahim University Peshawar. NWFP Javidullah, Muneer and Agricultural 4 Flavored Soymilk For Adults Use Saeed M. University Peshawar. NWFP Studies on the Sensory Evaluation, Hunter Agricultural Color Values and Total Microbial Count of Rafiullah Khan M. Jawaid University 5 Canned Sweetened Intermediate Food Science Durrani and Muhammad Peshawar, Moisture Soy Concentrates During Saeed University of Storage Illinois.USA. Agri. Reseach High Yielding Varieties of Soybean For Amjad Khan, Ayub Khan and Station 6 Sowing in Orchards and Irrigated Lands of Qazi Sirajud Din Mingora, Malakand Division Swat. NWFP Agricultural Life Form, Leaf Soectra, Seed Out-Put and Farrukh Hussain M. Ayaz University 7 Biomass of Weeds in the Wheat Fields of Plant Protection and Ahmadur Rahman Peshawar, Mayar-Jandool, District Dir Saljoqi University of Peshawar. Agriculture, Effect of Different Levels of NPK Fertilizers 8 Juma Khan Diamer, on Potato Tuber Yield Chilas.

Effect of Row-Width and Plant Density Agriculture, 9 Within-Rows on the Growth and Tuber Juma Khan Diamer, Yield of Potato Crop Chilas.

Agri. Reseach Chemical Weed Control in Transplanted Derawadan, Mazullah Khan Station 10 Onion (Allium Cepa L.) and Saadat Khan Mingora, Swat.

A Survey Of Resistance to Phosphine and PCAIR, M. Sardar Alam, Mubarik 11 Contact Insecticides in Major Pests of Laboratory, Ahmed and Akhlaq Ahmed Stored Wheat and Rice in Pakistan Karachi. ARI, Tarnab, A Study of the Effects of Storage Peshawar Environments and Rice Weevil (Sitophilus Inayatullah Khan, M.J.Hill 12 Horticulture Massey Oryzae :.) Pm Seed Deteropration in and Dr. P.G. Fenemore University, Maize (Zeamays) Newzealand Verietal Preference of Citrus Leaf-Miner Gulzar Hussain and Imtiaz ARI, Tarnab, 13 (Phyllocbustus Citrella) To Certain Entomology Khan Peshawar. Verieties of Citrus in Peshawar Valley Evuluation of Indirect and Two-Step NWFP Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for Gul Shahd Ali, Akhtar Ali Agricultural 14 the Detection of Beet Curly Top, beet Plant Pathology and Sher Hassan University Western Yellows and Cucumber Mosaic Peshawar. Viruses in Sugarbeet ARS, Mingora Growth and Yield Potential of Groundnut Swat, NWFP Saadat Khan, Khan Zada and 15 in Relation to Phosphorus Rates and Agricultural Mazullah Khan Frequency of Irrigation University Peshawar. Cotton Reseach Disease Resistance of Indigenous Versus G.R.Panhwar, M.J. baloch Institute, 16 Multi-Adversity Resistant Cottons and A.B. Leghari Sakrand Sindh, Pakistan. National Tea Research The Mineral Status and Physical Farrukh Siyar Hamid, Station, 17 Composition of Prospective Tea Growing Naseer Ahmad and Rauf Shinkiari, Areas of NWFP Khan Distt. Manshera. Cotton Research Host-Independent Existence of Frankia Institute, 18 Nasim, M. and S.D. Ahmed Endophyte in the Soils of Azad Kashmir Sakrand, Sindh, Pakistan. NWFP Spatial Variability of Soil Some Soil A.U. Bhatti and A. Wadood Agricultural 19 Soil Science Properties of Malakandher Farm and Farmanullah University Peshawar. Cotton A Comparative Study on the Application Research Faiza Tauqeer Shahnaz of Acid Dye on Nylon and Wool With Institute, 20 Parveen and Amir Special Reference to Their Tensile Sakrand, Muhammad Khan Strength and Colout Fatness Sindh, Pakistan.

VOL.10_No.1_ 1994 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No.

The Effects of Saline Conditions on the Mustajab Khan, Farruch Univeristy of 1 Emergence and Establishment of Various Botany Hussain and Ihsan Ilahi Peshawar. Cultivars of Sunflower NIFA, Peshawar, Growth and Yield of Seed-Cotton As Haq Nawaz M. Saeed and Atomic Energy 2 Influenced by Micronutrients Wisal Mohammad Agric.Res. Centre, Tandojam A Study on Haematological Picture of University of Faculty of Animal M. Jamil Akhtar, M. Yaqoob 3 Sahiwal and Crossbred Calves as Affected Agriculture, Husbandry and Ghulam Mohyuddin by Different Housing Conditions Faisalabad. NWFP Agricultural University The Effect of Dietary Vinegar on the Faculty of Animal Syed, M. Mashooq Ali and Peshawar, 4 Performance of Broiler Chicks in Hot Husbandry Saifur Rehman Veterinary Weather Research Institute, Peshawar.

Studies on the Retention of Carotenes in Jamshed Khan, F. Rehman PCSIR, Labs. 5 Processed Carrots and Ajmal Khatoon Lahore.

NWFP Characteristics of Milk Consumption in Agri.Economics, Rural Agricultural 6 Munir Khan Peshawar City Soc. University Peshawar.

Shafiqullah Naeem-ur- The Behaviour of Asset Price: Rational or Univeristy of 7 Economics Rehman and Nasser Ali Not Peshawar. Khan ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar, Factors Affecting Seedling Emergence A Naveed Akhtar, Fayyaz Sahi 8 U.W. Review and Asif Malik Aberystwyth, U.K. University College In Vitro Flowering, Fruiting and Rawalakot Differentiation of Callus in Different 9 Horticulture Yusuf Ali and L1 Shuxuan A.K. Pakistan Genotypes of Tomato in the Presence of Agricultural NaC1 University, Nanjing China. NWFP Abdul Wadood Mahyoub, Boron Adds Little to the Quality of Apricot Agricultural 10 Horticulture Syed Asghar Hussain and Fruit University Nawab Ali Peshawar.

Effect of Different Stratification Periods ARI, Tarnab, Abdul Baqi, Syed Asghar 11 on Germination and Vigour of Pecan Horticulture NWFP Hussain and Sharafat Khan Cultivars Agricultural University Peshawar

Agricultural Research Station Effect of Different Levels of Nitrogen on Ihsanul Haq, Nawab Ali and 12 Horticulture Chitral, NWFP Yield Components of the Broccoli Cultivars Syed Asghar Hussain Agricultural University Peshawar. Forage Yield and Quality of Six Cowpea Ashiq Hussain, Dost NARC, 13 (Vigna Unguiculata (LINN) WALP) Mohammad and M.B. Islamabad. Genotypes at Three Locations in Pakistan Bhatti

Rice Research Genetic Studies on Drought Tolerance in Mohammad Shahid, Tahir 14 Institute, Kala Rice Latif and M.A. Khan Shah Kaku. University of Karachi, A Survey of Gastropods of Aziz Bhatti Saiyida Nazeen, Farida Adamjee 15 Zoology Lakes and Their Feeding Habits Begum and Nuzhat Jahan Science College, Karachi. University of Peshawar, Air Borne Particulates and Their Effect on Farrukh Hussain, Zahir Shah Botany, Plant NWFP 16 Some Roadside Wild Trees of Peshawar and Ahmadur Rahman Protection Agricultural City Saljoqi University Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural University Hamadullah Azim, Abdur Peshawar, Effect of Zinc and Phosphorus Application 17 Soil Science Rashid and Muhammad Agricultural on the Zinc Concentration in Maize Leaves Subhan Research Station, Serai Naurang Bannu. Effect of Different Rhizobial Strains on the S.H. Shah, D.F. Khan and ARI, Tarnab, 18 Performance of Two Chickpea Cultivars Soil and Plant Nutrition M.S. Madan Peshawar. Under Field Conditions

Gomal Effect of Potassium Application on NPK M. Qasim Khan and Zahir University, 19 Faculty of Agriculture Uptake in Maize Crop Shah Dera Ismail Khan NWFP Agricultural University Effect of Methods of NPK Fertilizers Wasiullah, M.J.K.Khattak Peshawar, Soil 20 Application on Maize Crop, I. Effect on Soil Science and J.K.Khattak and Water Grain Yield, and Yield Components Testing Laboratory, Kohat.

VOL.19_No.2_ 1994 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. NWFP Effect of Different Levels of Herbicides on Syed Wasimul Hassan, Agricultural 1 Weeds Population and Grain Yield of Agronomy Sherin Khan and University Wheat Rahmatullah Peshawar.

Effect of Fertility Levels on the Gomal Khalil Ahmed, M. Qasim 2 Performance of Wheat Varieties in Dera Faculty of Agriculture University, Khan and Zahir Shah Ismail Khan D.I.Khan. NWFP Agricultural University Bilan Iqbal, Tajammal Chemical Composition of Malva Neglecta Chemistry and Human Peshawar, 3 Hussain and Syed Abdul Grown in Kalam Distt. Swat Nutrition Islamia Manan College Peshawar University.

Survey of Allergens Associated with Amal Uppal, Tasneem University of 4 Clinical Allergy in Peshawar Region Hameed and Azra Amjad Peshawar.

NWFP Measurement of Technical Efficiciency in Agricultural 5 Agriculture: Comparison of Deterministic Rural Development Mir Kalan Shah University and Stochastic Frontier Approaches Peshawar. Agricultural research Response of Different Lawn Grasses to Station, M. Abdul Rauf, Noor-ul- 6 Various Nitrogen Levels Under the Clmatic Horticulture Chitral, NWFP Amin and Sharafat Khan Conditions of Peshawar Agricultural University Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural University Peshawar, Effect of Different Nitrogen Levels and Khalilur Rehman, Sharafat Walnut and 7 Horticulture Spacing on Growth and Yield of Okra Khan and Ihsanul Haq Almond Project, Timergara, Dir, ARS, Chitral. ARI, Tarnab, Sahibzada Rafiullah, NWFP Effect of Gamma Irradiation on 8 PBG, Plant Protection Saeedul Hasan and Agricultural Morpphology of brassica Species Inamullah University Peshawar. Liver Function Impairment-I. Serum NWFP Bilirubin (Total) in the Apparently Healthy Ikhwan M., M. Hafeez and Agricultural 9 Veterinary Research Cattle Maintained At Livestock Farms, A.G. Afridi University Surezai and Harichand Peshawar. Relative Toxicity of Different Insecticides Sindh Allah Dino Shah, Ghulam Against Shootfly, Acanthiophilus Heliatihi, Agricualture 10 Farooq Jatoi and Tikma K. Rossi, on safflower, Carthamus Tinctorous University Jugtani L. Tandojam. Agriculture Efficacy of Different Insecticides Against Abdul Majeed Noorani Allah Research 11 Gram Podborer, Heliothis Armigera Hub. Entomology Dino Shah and Mohammad Institute, On Gram Crop Under Field Conditions Khan Lohar Tandojam.

Food Consumption and Utllization of Gomal 12 Agrotis Segetum Larvae Parasitized by Entomology Said Mir Khan University Meloboris Collector D.I.Khan. NWFP Agricultural Mohammad Sohail Zaki, University Effect of Date of Sowing on Maize and 13 Agronomy Paigham Shah and Shaukat Peshawar, Non-flooded Land Rice Hayat PATA Irrigation Project, Swat. Amanullah, M. Bashir Effect of Irrigation on the Yield of Rape 14 Agronomy Ahmad and Mohammad ARI, D.I.Khan. Seed and Mustard Varieties Younas

Influence of Dilution and Particle Size on ARI, tarnab, 15 Soil Nazir Ahmad Khan Gypsum Solubility of Gypsiferous Soils Peshawar. VOL.10_No.3_ 1994 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. Sindh Agricualture Effect of Soil Moisture on biological University G.H.Jamro, Y.E. Koshken 1 Nitrogen Fixation in Pot Grown Phaseolus Agronomy Tandojam, and U.A Buriro Vulgaris L. Moscow Agriculture Academy Maize and Evaluation of Maize Production Programme Habib Iqbal Javed Haq 2 Technology in Low Rainfed Area PBG Programme Nawaz Malik and M. Aslam (Fatehjang Tehsil0< Pakistan NARC, Islamabad. NWFP Soybean Seed Quality in Relation to Agricultural 3 Environmental Stress (Temperature, Agronomy Mir Hatam and M.I. Khalil Uiversity Humidity), During Seed Filling Period Peshawar.

Studies on the Growth and Nodulation in Gomal 4 Some Kharif Legumes and Their Effects on Uiniversity Soil Properties M. Qasim, Khalil Ahmad D.L.Khan. and Razaullah NWFP Determinants of Males Education in the Agricultural 5 Extension Education M. Idris and M. Zafarulah Rural Village of Pakistan Uiversity Peshawar. NWFP Economics of Wheat Production in Muhammad Bashir Agricultural 6 Agri.Economics Irrigated D.I.Khan Chaudhri Uiversity Peshawar. Extimation of the Parameters of a Truncated Normal Random Variable, Univsesity of 7 Economics Naeem-ur-Rehman Under Coditions of Unaccounted for Peshawar. Population Heterogeneity

Analysis of Aggrecate (British) Female Univsesity of 8 Economics Naeem-ur-Rehman Participation Data: A Time-Series Analysis Peshawar.

NWFP Agricultural Field Extimates of Population Growth Rate Uiversity 9 of Some Important Grain Pests in Wheat Plant Protection S.K. Khalil and M. Irshad Peshawar, Stored at Farm Level in Northern Pakistan NARC, Islamabad. Preventive Methodology for the Control PCSIR, of Subterranean Tehmities Attacking Azam H. Shah, M.W. Roomi Labortories 10 Biology Mango Plantations (Mangifera Indica L.) and S. A. Qureshi Complex, By Indigenous Pesticides (Phase-1) Karachi.

Gomal Population Dynamics of Insect Pests of Said Mir Khan and Zahid 11 Enomology University Cotton in Dera Ismail Khan Ullah D.I.Khan.

Potential of Some Indigenous Plants as Gomal Said Mir Khan and Mansoor 12 Pesticides Against The Larvae of Cabbage Enomology University Nasir Siddiqui Butterfly Pieris Brassicae K. D.I.Khan.

Influuence of Paclobutrazol (PP.333) on Abdul Baqi, Abdul Sammad ARI, Tarnab 13 Shoot Growth of 'ANNA: and "Ein Horticulture and Ghulam Nabi Peshawar. Schemer" Apple

An Appraisal of Dacca Grass in the Abdul Baqi, Abdul Sammad ARI, Tarnab 14 Climatic Condition of Peshawar for Lawn Horticulture and Ghulam Nabi Peshawar. Carpeting NWFP Sowing Time and Cutting Frequency Affect ehangir Khan, Nawab Ali Agricultural 15 Horticulture Yield and Quality of Spinach Seed and S. Asghar Hussain Uiversity Peshawar. Universityy College of Yield Predication of Wheat As Related To 16 M. Ilyas, and M.K. Abbasi Agriculture Evapotranspiration in Pakistan Ralwalakot (A.K.). Universityy College of Agriculture Ralwalakot Effect of Salinity on The Cell Structure In YUsuf Ali, Mohammad (A.K.), 17 Different Genotypes of Tomato Produced Bashir and Bian Chyn Junn Zhejiang by Tissue Culture Agricultural University, Hangzhou, China. ARS, Mingora Swat, NWFP Chemical Control of Postharvest Apple Jahangir, Sher Hassan and 18 PBG Agricultural Fruit Rot (Penicillium Expansum) Shabir Ahmad University Peshawar. Efficiency of Phosphatic Fertilizers Gomal M. Qasim, Himayatullah 19 Through Premixing with Farm Yard University, and Zahir Shah Manure on Wheat Crop D.I.Khan.

Gomal Effect of Various Levels of Potassium on M. Qasim, Himayatullah 20 University, Wheat Crop and Zahir Shah D.I.Khan.

VOL.10_No.4_ 1994 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No.

Comparative Study on Fodder Yield M. Shafiq Zahid and M. NARC, 1 Potential of Different Sorghum Hybrids Banaras Bhatti Islamabad. Under Rainfed Conditions

Effect of Intercropping and Planting Muhammad Sadiq, Khalil Gomal 2 Patterns on Yield and Yield Components Agronomy Ahmad and Hayatullah University of Wheat Khan D.I.Khan. Liver Function Impairment-II Serum NWFP Alanine Transaminase Activity in the Ikhwan M. M. Hafeez and Agricultural 3 Apparently Healthy Freisian and A.G. Afridi Uiversity Crossbred Cattle Maintained at Livestock Peshawar. Farms Surezai and Harichand NWFP Agricultural Uiversity Effect of Canola Meal With and Without Fazli Raziiq Durrani, W. Peshawar, 4 The Addition of Pea on the Fattening Zollitsch and F. Lettner Agriculture Perofrmance of Broiler Chicks University Vienna, Austria. NWFP Risk Factors For Diabetes Mellitus-A Alam Khan and Imtiaz Agricultural 5 Human Nutrition Review Ahmad Uiversity Peshawar. Cllege of Home Nutritional Anaemia of Pregnancy in Azra Amjad, Amal Uppal 6 Economics Peshawar and Tasneem Hameed University of Peshawar. An Investigation Into Causes of NWFP Management Deviatiions From Agricultural 7 Agri.Economics Muahammad Bashir Recommended Practices For Wheat Crop Uiversity in Irrigated D.I. Khan Peshawar. PCSIR, Comparative Analysis of Marketed Abdul Jabbar Khan and S.A. Labortories 8 Genuine and Fake Honey Shah and M. Nisar Alizar Complex, Peshawar.. University College of Effect of Various Growth Regulators on Agriculture the Initiation, Size, Colour and Rawalakot, 9 Horticulture Yusaf Ali and LI Shijun differentiation of Callus in different A.K., Nanjing Genotypes of Tomato Agriculture University China. NWFP Agricultural Uiversity Gypsum Improves Fruit set and Fruit Ayub Jam Mohammad, H. Peshawar, 10 Quality in Lisbon Lemon (Citrun Limon L.) Horticulture Inayatullah and Mohammad FATA Orakzai Growing on Alkaline Soil Rafiq Agency, Muslim Abad, Hangu NWFP Performance of Different Rose Cultivars M. Ishtiaq and Jehangir Agricultural 11 on Rosa Multiflora Under AgRoclimatic Horticulture Khan Uiversity Conditions of Peshawar Peshawar.

Effect of Three Plant Extracts on PCSIR, Aly Khan, S.Shahid Shaukat 12 Nematode Population and on Growth Laboratories , and A.A. Hakro Parameters of Wheat (Var. Pirsabak-85) Karachi. Resistance to Chinch Bug, Blissus ARI, D.I.Khan, Leucopterus Leucopterus (say) Ghulam Sabir Shah,Gerald Kansas State 13 (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae) Among Entomology E.Wilde and Paula J.Bramel- University, Greenbug Resistant Grain Sorghum Cox Kansas, USA. Sources ARS, Serai- Naurang Effect of Fertilization, Rhizobium Hamidullah Jan, (Bannu), 14 Inoculation and Carbofuran on Nodulation Agronomy+PBG Mohammad Subhan and NWFP and Yield of Lentil Saqib Bashir Khan Aricultural University Peshawar. Fauji Fertilizer Comparative Studies on Imported Versus Khan and co. LTD. 15 Farmer's Practices of NPK Application Munir Ahmed Quetta, CCRI, cotton At Farmer's Fields Multan. Uiversity College of Some Saline-Sodic Soils of the Indus Plain 16 M. Ilyas, and M.K. Abbasi Agriculture, and Their Fertility Status Rawalakot, A.K. Effect of Urea, Sodium Carbonate and NWFP Jehangir Khan Khattak, Lime on Reducing the Toxicity During Agicultural 17 Soil Science Javed Iqbal and Mohammad foliar application of Micronutrients on University Saeed Citrus Peshawar. NWFP Nutrient Status of Citrus Orchard Soils in Jehangir Khan, M. Shairf Agicultural 18 Soil Science Peshawar Valley and S. Naz University Peshawar. Irrigation and Drainage , U.A. Surface Water Application Techniques for M. Rafiq Choudhry, M.A. Fasialabad, 19 Cotton Crop Alleviate Waterlogging and Gill and M. Asif Deptt of Salinity Water Management Lahor. University of Peshawar, A Simple and Novel Technique of Isolating Rasheda Mazhar and M.H. 20 Zoology Quaid-e-Azam Eimeria Garnhami Oocysts Qazi University ,Islamabad.

VOL.10_No.5_ 1994 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. NWFP Effect of Sowing Dates and Seed Rates on Agricultural 1 Agronomy Tariq Jan and M. Tariq Jan the Forage Yield of Oats University Peshawar.

Ecological Studies on the vegetation of Islamia 2 baghdad-Ul-Jadeed Campus Islamia M.S. Chaudhry University, University, Bahawalpur Bahawalpur,

NWFP Significance of Diet in Diabetes Mellitus-A Alam Khan and Imtiaz Agricultural 3 Human Nutrition Review Ahmad University Peshawar.

Islamia Isolation of Low Molecular Weight Zn- Alam Khan and Abdul 4 College Comples From Soybeans Manan Peshawar.

College of Studies on the Effect of Perspiration on Mrs.sabiha Zafar Amir Home 5 Color Fastness and Breaking Strength of Mohamad and Taufeeq Economics, Selected Pakistani Fabrics Khattak University of Peshawar. Govt. Degree Studies on the Pairing Behavious of College Habib Ahmad and Islam 6 Chromosomes in Turnip Rape (Brassica Botany Alpurai, Swat, Mehmud Khan Campestris SSP Oelifera) University of Peshawar. Evaluation of Varietal Susceptibility Against Sugarcane Saccharum A. Hameed Ansari, Anis SRI, 7 Officianarum (LINN) Root Borer a.Mirza and A. Karim Akbani Tandojam. Emmulocera Depresella NWFP Agricultural Studies on Flow Property (Viscosity) of Rafiullah Khan, Jawaid University 8 Nutritive Sweeteners At Various Food Science Durrani and L.S. Wei Peshawar, Concentration University of Illinois USA. University College of Agri. Biomass Production and Its Analysis by A. Majeed, Shahid Yaqoob Rawalkot, 9 Forestry Populus Euramericana and Ishad A. Khan Poonch (A.K.), University of Agri. Faisalabad. University College of Cytogenetic Studies of Hexaploid 10 Muhammad Fareed Khan Agri. WinterWheat: "Poros" Rawalkot, Poonch (A.K.) In Vitro Multiplication of Dianthus Iqbal Hussain, Mushtaq NARC, 11 Caryophyllus L. C.V. CSU-Pink and White Ahmad Azra Quraishi Islamabad. Sim NWFP Khan Bahadar Marwat, Agricultural Path Coefficient Analysis in Rice (Oryza 12 PBG Mohammad Tahir and Siraj University Sativa L.) Swati Peshawar, Agri Research Station Mingora Swat.

NWFP Evaluation of Miaze (Zea Mays L.) Lines S. Kamran, Khan Bahadar Agricultural 13 PBG for Yield and Inbreeding Depression Marwat and H. Rahman University Peshawar. NWFP Heritability Estimates and Comparative Khan Bahadar Marwat, Agricultural 14 Performance of Rice Crosses Resulting PBG Neelofor Shaheen and University from Tall and Dwarf Cultivars Hidayat-ur-Rahman Peshawar.

Effect of Turmeric Derivaties on Radial Ishrat Niaz, Asim Rehman PARC, Karachi 15 Colony Growth of Different Fungi Kazmi and Ghulam Jilani University.

NARC, Islamabad. Antagonishm to Colletotrichum Falcatum S.M Iqbal C.A Rauf, S. Rahat 16 University of Went, the Cause of Sugarcane Red Rot and C.M. Akhtar Agriculture Faisalabad.

Isolation Techniques for Chilies Root Rot Faiz-ul-Hassan, Mahmood Not 17 Plant Pathology Pathogen (S) Khan and Masud Jan mentioned

NWFP Langmuir Adsorption Isotherm, A New Agricultural 18 Approach for Evaluating the Phosphorus Soil Scince M.S. Sarir and M. Sharif University Requirement of Soil An Overview Peshawar. College of Taufeeq Khan, Mrs. Sabiha Home Dyeing Apects of AAK Fibres in 19 Zafar and Amir Mohammad Economics, Comparison with cotton Khan University of Peshawar.

VOL.10_No.6_ 1994 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. Regional Habib Ahmad Rajput, Raiz Agricultural Response of Braassica Carinata (Raya) To 1 Hussain Gilani and Research Nitrogen and Phosphorous Fertilization Moazzam Jamil Institute, Bahawalpur. College of A Comparative Study on the Application Faiza Inayat, Shahnaz Home of Basic Dye on Nylon and Wool With 2 Clothing and Textile Perveen and Amir Economics, Special Reference to Their Tensile Muhammad Khan University of Strength and Colour Fatness Peshawar. NWFP Technical Efficiency of Major Crops in the Mir Kalan Shah, Farman Ali Agricultural 3 Economics North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan and Humayun Khan University Peshawar. F.G. College, Production of Glucoamylase From Lahore, PCSIR, 4 Agrowastes by Rhizopus Nigricans Khadim Hussain, Ferozepur Botany Aurangzeb and J. Khan Road Lahore. Oilseed Research Institute, Qualitative Determination of M. Liaquat, Javidullah and Faisalabd, 5 Glucosinolate in Cruciferae Seeds Said Wahab NWFP Agricultural University Peshawar. University of Idrees Ahmed Nasir M. In Vitro Culture of Date Palm (Phoenix Agricutre 6 Horticulture Aslam Khan and Shahid C=Dactylifera L.) Through Excised Embryo Faisalabad, Javed Butt Barani Agriculture College Rawalpindi.

NWFP Agricultural Role of Calcium in Prolonging the Shelf Noor Badshah, Haroon-Ur- University 7 Horticulture Life of Apples Rashid and Shahinshah Safi Peshawar,ARI Tarnab, Peshawar. Effect of Different Media On the NWFP Hussain Ahmad, Performance of Opuntia (Opuntia Agricultural 8 Horticulture Mohammad Ishtiaq and Microdasys) under the Agroclimatic University Fazli Mabood Conditions of Peshawar Peshawar. Effect of Different Irrigation Intervals on NWFP Hussain Ahmad, the Performance of Opuntia (Opuntia Agricultural 9 Horticulture Mohammad Ishtiaq and Microdasys) under the Agroculimatic University Fazli Mabood Cinditions of Peshawar Peshawar. Combining Ability of plant Height and NWFP Other Lodging Related Thaits of Spring Muhammad Siraj Swati, Gul Agricultural 10 PBG Wheat Under Saline and Fresh Water Zada and Fida Mohammad University Conditions Peshawar. Rice Research Institute, Kala Correlation Coefficient Analysis of Yield Tahir Latif, M. Iqbal and M. Shah Kaku, 11 and Yield Components in Rice (Oryza PBG Amin Khan University of Sativa L.) Agriculture, Faisalabad. Rice Research Genetic Studies on Drought Tolerance in Mohammad Shahid, Tahir 12 Institute, Kala Rice Latif and M.A. Khan Shah Kaku, University College of Agriculture, Rawalakot, M. Fareed Khan W.D. federal Use of Aneuploids in Studies of Genetics 13 Bluethner and Khurshid Republic of and Breeding in Wheat Ahmed Germany and NWFP Agricultural University Peshawar. Sindh Heterotic Performance of Intraspectific Agricualture 14 PBG B.A. Ansari Hybrids of Gossypium Hirsutum L. University Tandojam. University College of Gytogenetic Investigations of Some Agriculoture, Quantitative Characters in Hexaploid M. Fareed Khan and Rawalakot, 15 Winter Wheat M30 Using F2-Monosomic Khurshid Ahmed A.K., NWFP Analysis Agricualtural University Peshawar. Potato Occurrence and Distribution of Potato Hamidullah Jan, Saqib Research 16 Viruses in the Upper Kaghan Valley of Bashir Khan and Ayaz Centre, Pakistan Mohammad Abbottabad. Barani Agriculutal Evaluation of Four vegetables Against Safdar A. Anwar and M. 17 Plant Pathology College Meloidogyne Incognita Shahid Akhtar khan Rawalpindi, Pakistan. NWFP Assessment of Yield Loss in Maize From Agricultural 18 Plant Pathology Iqbal J. and Shabeer Ahmad Maydis Leaf Blight in Peshawar, Pakistan University Peshawar. Nuclear Response of Rice and Wheat to Kallar F. Azam, M. Yousaf and T. Institute for 19 Grass Compost and Urea Application Soil Biology Mahmood Agricuature, Under Irrigated Field Conditions Faisalabad.

Comparison of CEC Values With and ARI, Tarnab, 20 Without Pretereatment of Gypsiferous Soil Physicist Nazir Ahmad Khan Peshawar. Soils

Influence of Crystalline Sucrose and Islamia Chemical Preservatives on the Water Alam Zeb, Rafiullah Khan 21 Chemistry College Activity and Shelf Stability of Intermediate and S. Abdul Manan Peshawar. Banana Chips NWFP Agricultural Basic Methods of Multiple Correlation and Ahmad Nawaz , Khush University Statistics and 22 Regression ; Its Appication To Behavioural Mohammad and Taj Peshawar, Mathematics Science Mohammad Khattak Islamia College Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural University Statistics and Peshawar, Mathematics Khush Muhammad, Ahmad Islamia Nawaz and Nmohammad College 23 Expansion of P Naeem Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural To Work out the Matrix and How the Idea Ahmad Nawaz , Khush University of a Matrix, Can be Applied to the Statistics and 24 Mohammad and Taj Peshawar, Solution of the Problems of Social Mathematics Mohammad Khattak Islamia Sciences College Peshawar.

VOL.11_No.1_ 1995 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. NWFP Agricultural University Response of Hard Red Spring Wheat to Peshawar, 1 Aslam Khan and L.A. Spilde Foliar Nitrogen Application North Dakota State University USA. Jamshed Khan, M. Afzal PCSIR Production of Lactic Acid From Potato by Biotech and Food 2 Baig, and A.F.M. Laboratonies Lactobacillus Delbrueckii Research Ehtehsamuddin Lahore. NWFP Agricultural University Awareness of Business Opportunities and M. Idris Khush Muhammad 3 Agri.Extension Peshawar, the Use of Premittances for Businesses and M. Zafrullah Islamia College Peshawar. Gomal University D.I.Khan, Evaluation of Different Insecticides Said Mir Khan, Muhammad 4 Entomology Agriculture Against Thrips Tabaci on Onion Zaman and Khurshid Alam Research Station Mingora Swat. Ari, Tarnab Jamsher Khan, Hafiz Peshawar, Effect of Plant Growth Regulators on the 5 Horticulture Inayatullah and Qayyum NWWFP Yield and Quality of Potato Nawaz Agricultural University Peshawar, ARI, D.I.Khan..

NWFP Effect of Root Pruning on the Growth, Sher Muhammad and Fazli Agricultural 6 Yield and Quality of Peach, Cv. Early Horticulture Qadir University Grande Peshawar.

University of 7 Atomic Probability Space Mathematics M. Azram Peshawar.

Sindh Muhammad Shaban Kalwar Combining Ability Extimates in Bread Agriculture 8 PBG and Haji Khan Abro and Wheat Triticum Aestivum L. University Rafique Ahmed Gilal Tandujam. Islamia University Potential Genetic Adaptability of Bahawalpur, Mohammad Arshad Munir 9 Cymbopogon Jwarancusa (Jones) Schult. Botany and Statisics Pakistan, Akhtar and Ghulam Akbar From Cholistan Desert Pakistan University of Agriculure Faisalabad. Zea mays L. Heterosis, University of Quantitative Studies on Heterosis in Zea Mohammad Usman Mufti 10 Potence PBG Agriculture, Mays, L Diallel Crosses and Hafeez-ur-Rehman Rao Ratio, Faisalabad. Qulaity Pakistan Some Biological Pqrameters of Cabbage S. Ahqabullah Kakakhel, PARC, 11 Butterfly, Pieris Brassicae L. (Lepidoptera; Muhammad Amjad and Islamabad. Pieridae) on Oilseed Brassica Species Noor Islam

Effect of Single and Mixed Inoculum of Helicotylenchus Indicus and Pratylenchus Aly Khan and Shahid PARC, Karachi 12 Botany Thornei on Chillies Seedlings Under Shaukat University. Laboratory Conditions NWFP Investigation on Virus Diseases of Tomato Agricultural 13 Plant Pathology Sher Hassan in Malakand, Pakistan University Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural Microbial Activity of Soil As Influenced by University 14 Soil Science Zahir Shah and Salimullah a Fungicide Peshawar, University of Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural Aspects of Nitrification in An Acidic University 15 Soil Science Zahir Shah and W.A. Adams Upland Soil Peshawar, University of Wales UK. NWFP Influence of Temperature on the Agricultural 16 Germination and Emergence of Corn and Soil Science Aman Ullah Bhatti University Prediction From Weather Data Peshawar.

VOL.11_No.2_ 1995 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. NWFP Effect of Different Tillage Implements Mansoor Khan Khattak and Agricultural 1 Combination of Fuel Consumption and Mechanization Mohammad Ramzan University Yield of Maize Peshawar. Barani Effect of Mixtures of GA3, NAA and BA on Agriculutal Ch. M,S. Ahmad and M. 2 Some of the Yield Parameters of Solanum Horticulture College Tahir Tuberosum L. Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Sunflower, morpholog An Assessment of Complementation in University of ical traits, Khalid Javed, Syed Sadaqat 3 Sunflower Inbred Mixtures For Some PBG Agirculture, inbred Mehdi and Rashid Tauseef Morphological Traits and Seed Yield Faisalabad. mixtures, seed yield ARI, Tarnab, University Differential Response of Two Brassica Sahibzada Rafiullah and College of 4 Species to Gamma Irradiation Muhammad Fareed Khan Agriculture Rawalakot A.J.K. Gomal Uiniversity D.L.Khan, University of Selection of Cotton Cultivars for Salinity Akhtar Nawaz Khan, R.H. Agriculture 5 Soil Science Tolerance At Seedling Stage Qureshi and A. Rashid Faisalbad, NWFP Agricultural University Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural Effect of Methods of NPK Fertilizer University Wasiullah, M.J.K.Khattak 6 Application on Maize Crop II-Effect on Soil Science Peshawar, and J.K.Khattak Uptake of P and K SWT, Laboratory, Kohat. NWFP Integrated Control of Potato Aphid Myzus Karimullah, Sajjad Ahmad Agricultural 7 Enomology Persicae (SULZ.) in Peshawar. and Aqeel M. Paracha University Peshawar. Consumpti on, Global Perspectiv NWFP e, Utilization of Insects As Food in Human Maqsood Iqbal and Farman Agricultural 8 Psycologic Plant Protection Society Ullah University al Analysis, Peshawar. Human Entomoph agy Oriental Fruit fly, Efficacy of Various Insecticides Used in Dacus NWFP Pheromone Traps For the Control of Maqsood Iqbal,Farman Dorsalis, Agricultural 9 Oriental Fruit Fly Bactrocera Dorsalis Plant Protection Ullah and Zulfiqar Bactrocera University (Diptera; Tephritidae) in Bannu (NWFP) Mahmood Dorsalis, Peshawar. Pakistan methyl eugnole University of Peshawar, Purification and Preservation of Rasheda Mazhar and M.H. 10 Zoology Quaid-e-Azam Sporozoites of Emeria Garnhami Qazi University ,Islamabad. NWFP Influence of Plant Density on Intensity of Agricultural Shabeer Ahmad , Attauddin 11 Maize Common Smut at High Elevations in Plant Pathology University and Hakim Khan the NWFP, Pakistan Peshawa, ARS, Manshera. NWFP Evaluation of Maize Germplasm Under Agricultural Artificial Epiphytotics for Resistance to Shabeer Ahmad , Attauddin 12 Plant Pathology University Maize Common Smut in the NWFP, and Hakim Khan Peshawa, ARS, Pakistan Manshera. Activated University of carbon, Engineering regenerati and Biological Regeneration of Exhausted on, M.A.Q. Jahangir, R.J. Technology 13 Civil Engineering Activated Carbon-2 adsorption Martain and Mirajuddin Peshawar, , university of bioregener Birmingham, ation England Islamia College A New and Direct Isolation Method of Peshawar M. Idrees Zaidi and Christy 14 Harmaline From the Harmala Seeds by Chemistry University, Munir Mercury (II) Lons Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad. University of Modelling Transition Probabilities for 2*2 Naeem-ur-Rehman, Chris Peshawar, 15 Matrices of Women Using Ovulation Economics Robertson and ED. Univesity of Method, IUD and Pill McKenzie Strathckyde, Glasgow, UK. University of Modelling Transition Probabilities for 3*3 Naeem-ur-Rehman, Chris Peshawar, 16 Matrices of Women Using Injectable Economics Robertson and ED. Univesity of Contraceptives McKenzie Strathckyde, Glasgow, UK. NWFP Agricultural An Analysis of Technical Efficiency of Muhammad Bashir, Khush University Agri.Economics, Rural 17 Wheat Growers in Irrigated Areas of Muhammad and Peshawar, Soc.Statistics D.I.Khan Muhammad Nawab Khan Islamia College Peshawar. NWFP Agricualtural Constant Coefficient of Variation of the zahid Hussain and Alan M. University 18 Statistics Daily Rainfall Amounts Sykes Peshawar, University of Wales, UK. Uiversity of On the Relativistics Motion in Peshawsar, Hayatullah Mian , Sher 19 Homegenous Magnetic Field as Applied to Physics Islamiia Haider and Khan Ali Afridi Free Particle College Peshawar.

Using Percentile Regression for Evaluating University of 20 Statistics Mohammad Fazli Qadir Index of Biotic Integrity Peshawar.

VOL.11_No.3_ 1995 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No.

University of Production and Utilization of Milk in and Atta-Ullah Jan, S.H. Hanjra, 1 Livestock Management Agriculture, Around Bannu City M. Anwar and R.A. Gill Faisalabad. SCRI, Mardan, NWFP Response of Sunflower Varieties to Agricultural Muhammad Anwar, Said 2 Different Irrigation Regimes During Kharif Agronomy University Rahman and Shad Khan Season in Peshawar Valley Peshawar, ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar. Oats (Avena Forage Yield, Seed Yield, and Quality of Sativa L.), Ashiq Hussain, Shaid Riaz NARC, 3 Fodder As Affected by Various Intervals of Cutting and M.B. Bhatti Islamabad. Clipping in Oats Intervals, Forage Yield, Seed Yield and forage quality

Maize (Zea mays L.), fodder Fodder Yield and Quality potential of yield, Ashiq Hussain, Shaid Riaz NARC, 4 Forage Maize Cultivars Under Rainfed forage and M.B. Bhatti Islamabad. Conditions quality, correlatio n and cultivars Forage Yield Potential and Quality Ashiq Hussain, Shaid Riaz NARC, 5 Differences Among Various Sorghum and M.B. Bhatti Islamabad. Genotypes under Rainfed Conditions

Climatic Stresses and Phenology of Vetch Rash Khan and Shahid 6 (Vicia Dasycarpa) Cultivation in the Juglote, Gilgit. Ahmad Northern Areas

7 Hydro-Meteorology of Juglote Area Rash Khan and Iqbal Hassan Juglote, Gilgit.

NWFP Evaluation of Irrigation Application Murad Ali, M. Jamal and Agricultural 8 Efficiency During Wheat Crops at Hajizai, Water Management Nisar Ahmad University Peshawar. Peshawar.

Performance of Six Tomato Muhammad Farooq NARC, 9 Hybrids/Cultivars Under Plastic Tunnel Chaudhary, K.M. Khokhar Islamabad. During Winter and Tariq Mehmood

Variability in Seminal Root System Akbar S, Mohmand Naeem NARC, 10 Characteristics of Wheat Germplasm I. Hashmi and Shahid Riaz Islamabad.

Performance of Some Wheat Germplasm Akbar S, Mohmand,Shahid NARC, 11 Under the Lon Effect Under Saline Riaz and Banaras Niazi Islamabad. Conditions Gomal Chemical/Biological Mineralization University 12 Method for Measuring Available Nitrogen M. Qasim and T.H. Flowers D.I.Khan, in Soil University of Glasgow UK. Fertility, salinity Soil and /sodicity, Water Testing texture, Soil Fertility and Salinity Status of Attock Obaid-ur-Rehman K.H.Gill Laboratory, 13 pH, District and G. Mohi-ud-Din Attock, SFSSTI, organic Lahor, SFSSTI, matter, Rawalpindi. phosphoru s Sindh Comparative Efficacy of Hostathion, Mohammad Khan Lohar Agriculture 14 Sumicidin and Sevin XLR Against Cotton Entomology and Yar Mohammad University Bollwrms Under Field Condition Nahyoon Tandujam.

Seed Borne Fungi of Sunflower Varieties 15 Mahmuda Khanam PACR, Karachi, Their Effect on Germination and Yield

Chemical Composition of Drinking, River Javed Akhtar, Ikhtiar Khan University of 16 and Industrial Waste Water on NWFP and Chemistry and Shad Ali Khan Peshawar. Its Effects on Public Health NWFP Effect of Glucose, Fructose, Sucrose- Agricultural Glucose Mixture and Chemical Food Science, Alam zeb, Rafiullah Khan University 17 Preservatives on the Osmosis, Water Chemsitry and and Eid Rehman Khattak Peshawar, Activity and Shelf-Stability of Nutrition University of Intermediate-Moisture Banana Chips Peshawar. University of Peshawar, Islamia College and Distribution of Stresses at the Boundary of Mohammad Riaz Khan and NWFP 18 Physics a Square Opening Iftikhar Ahmad University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar.

Double Lonization Cross Section of Fazal-ur-Rahmand and University of 19 Physics Flourine Atoms in Rare Gas Targets Rashida Ishtiaq Peshawar.

NWFP Agricultural Constant Coefficient of Variation of the University Zahid Hussain and Suliman 20 Daily Rainfall Amounts: Mazimum Peshawar, Khattak Likelihood Approach Post Graduate College, Mansehra. NWFP University of Failure, Engeering and An Optimal Step-by Step Approcach to Mohammad Naeem Arbab 21 Systems, Physics, Elec Eng. Technology System Failure and Shehnaz Mushtaq Events Peshawar, University of Peshawar. Gomal University G.M. Khan, Sakhi Jan and 22 Coincidence Measurements Physics D.I.Khan, Khan Ali Afridi University of Peshawar.

VOL.11_No.4_ 1995 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. NWFP Agricultural Temperature, Heat Indices and Paigham Shah Fazal Hayat University 1 Photoperiod Based Mathematical Model Agronomy, Physics Taj and Sher Haider Peahwar, for Emergence of Wheat University of Peahwar. NWFP Micropropagation Shepherdia Agricultural 2 Horticulture Muhammad Zubair Rotundifolia University Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural Effect of Indolebutyric Acid (IBA) on the Noor Badshah , Noor University 3 Cutttings of M-26 and M-27 Apple Horticulture Rahman and Muhammad Peshawar, ARI Rootstocks Zubair Tarnab Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural Performance of different Species of Mohammad Ishtiaq, University 4 Rubber Plant Stem Cuttings Under Horticulture Jahangir Khan and Abdur- Peshawar, ARI Agroclumatic Conditions of Peshawar Rab Tarnab Peshawar. NWFP Budding Operation in Roses by An Muhammad Asim Jamal and Agricultural 5 Agricultural Graduate Versus Ordinary Horticulture Mohammad Ishtiaq University Labourer Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural Effect of Different Media on Different M. Ishtiaq, Fozia Khattak University 6 Horticulture Rubber Plant Spp Cutting and Abdur Rab Peshawar, ARI Tarnab Peshawar. Gomal University Identification of Highly Energetic Particles A.Waheed, Sakhi Jan and Peshawar 7 Physics by Grain Counter Khan Ali Afridi D.I.Khan, University of Peshawar. NWFP Heritability Extimates of Post-Harvest Ghulam Hassan, Razi-ud- Agricultural 8 Parameters in Mungbean (Vigna Radiata PBG Din, Saeedul Hassan and University L.) Genotypes Fida Mohammad Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural estimation of Heterotic Pesponse for Yield Naqbib Ullah Khan M. Siraj University 9 and Yield Components in A 5x5 Diallel PBG Seati and Muhammad Peshawar, Cross of Spring Wheat Aslam Khan Agri.Reseach Institute D.I.Khan. NWFP Agricultural Heterosis Exhibited by Some Morpholocial University Naqbib Ullah Khan M. Siraj 10 Traits of Diallel Crosses in Wheat (Triticum PBG Peshawar, Seati and Qayum Nawaz Aestivum L.) Agri.Reseach Institute D.I.Khan. NWFP Effect of Low and High Rate of NPK on Aman Ullah Bhatti, Agricultural 11 Soil Science Wheat Yield in Farmers' Fields in NWFP Farmanullah and M. Khan University Peshawar. Sindh Studeis on Rhizoctonia Solani (KUHN) M.Y. Channa, M.A. Pattan Agriculture 12 Causing Root Rot of Lentil and M. Wondiar University, Tandojam. NWFP Agricultural University Field Assay of Fungicides for the Control Khan M. Arshad Shabeer 13 Plant Pathology Peshawar, of Karnal Bunt in Wheat Ahmad and Attauddin Agri.Reseach Institute Mansehra NARC, Antiserum Production Against Cowpea Islamabad, Aphid-Borne Mosaic Virus and Muhammad Bashir and R.O. 14 Plant Pathology Oregon State Standardization For Enzyme Linked Hampton University, Immunosorbent Assays USA. Macronutr ients, NWFP Mustard, Agricultural Nutritional Aspects of Brassica Oliseed Rape, Iqtidar A. Khalil, Z. Varanini University 15 Chemitry Crops I. Macrounutrition Seed-Yield, and R. Pinton Peshawar, Quality, University of Nutrients Udine, Italia. Interaction Mic;ear Omstotite fpr Nutritional Status of Deciduous Fruit Wisal Mohammad, S. Fppd amd 16 Orchards (Plums) As Determinded by Leaf Mahmood Shah and M. Agroci;tire Analysis Mohsin Iqbal (NIFA) Tarnab, Peshawar. Effect of Light on the Development of Zahir Muhammad and University of 17 Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal (VAM) Botany Farrukh Hussain Peshawar. Association in Salvia Hispanica L.

Histology and Seasonal Changes in the Quaid-i-Azam 18 Oviducts of Lissemys Punctata Tahira Biological Science Tahira Hayat University, Hayat Islamabad.

Quaid-i-Azam Seasonal Changes in the Testes of the 19 Biological Science Tahira Hayat University, Green River Turtle Lissemys Punctata Islamabad.

VOL.11_No.5_ 1995 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. NWFP Expected Aggregate Genetic Gain in Milk Mirajuddin Syed and M. Agricultural 1 Yield of Nili-Ravi Buffaloes Under Animal Husbandry Abid Pervez Shah University Appropriate Selection Strategy Peshawar. Agri. Res. Station Effect of Plant Population of Virginia and Hamayun Kha, Fazal Hayat Ahmad Wala, 2 Desi Tobacco on Leaf Yield in Barley and Agronomy Taj and Muhammad Karak, NWFP on Fallow Land Suliman Agricultural University Peshawar. NWFP Hamad Saeed, Habib Akbar, Growth Dynamics and Adaptability of Agricultural 3 Agronomy Noman Saeed and Wheat At Changed Environments University Baithullah Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural Effects of Different Seed Rates on the Gulzar Ahmad , Paigham University 4 Yield and Yield Components of Wheat Cv. Agronomy Shah and Abdul Bari Peshawar, ARI Pirsabak 85 Tarnab Peshawar. Arid Effect of Growth Regulators on the Ch. M.S. Ahmed and M. University of 5 Number And Volume of Tubers in Potato Horticulture Tahir Agriculture, (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Rawalpindi. ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar, Citrus Project Effect of Seed and Foltar Application of Jamsher Khan,Mukamil Battkela and 6 Plant growth Regulatorson the Growth Horticulture Shah and Tahsinullah Khan Agri.Res.Statio and Yield of Potato n Serai Naurang, Bannu. NWFP Response of Momordica Charantia L. Nawab Ali, Mujibur Rehman Agricultural 7 Horticulture (Bitter Gourd) Cultivars to Nitrogen Levels and S. Asghar Hussain University Peshawar. NWFP Effect of Mother Bulb Size on Bolting Abrar Hussain Shah and Agricultural 8 Leaves, Seed Stalk Numbers and Seed Horticulture Hafeez-ur-Rehman University Yield in Onion (Allium Cepa L.) Peshawar. G. University of Hirsutum Agri. L., Dialled Faisalabad, Cross, Millet Inheritance of Boll Weight, Boll Number Quantitati Muhammad Tariq, Research 9 and Yield of Seed Cotton in Upland Cotton ve Traits, PBG Muhammad Amin Kihan Station, (G. Hirsutum L.) -I# Genetic and Ghulam Idris Rawalpindi, Effects, National Additive- Oilseed Dominanc Development e Mofel. Project, Islamabad.

University of G. Agri. HirsutumL. Faisalabad, , Diallel Millet cross, Research Inheritance of Lint Percent,Seed and Lint quantitativ Muhammad Tariq, Station, 10 Indices and Fibre Length in Upland Cotton e traits, PBG Muhammad Amin Kihan Rawalpindi, (G. Hirsutum L. -II# genetic and Ghulam Idris National analysis, Oilseed additive- Development demminan Project, ce model Islamabad. NWFP Heritability Extimates of Flag Leaf Lamina Fida Mohammad, Agricultural 11 Area and Flag Leaf Sheath Length in An 8 x PBG Mohammad Siraj Swati and University 8 Diallel of Wheat Ghulam Hassan Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural Variation in Genetic Parameters of Barley Abdul Latif, Saeed-ul- University 12 and Triticale After Seed Irradiation Hassan and Hamayun Khan PeshawarARS, Ahmed Wala Karak. NWFP Comparative Performance of F Imran Ahmed, Muhammad Agricultural 13 Populations in Wheat (Triticum Aestivum PBG Siraj Swati and Fida University L.) Mohammad Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural Combinging Ability Analysis for Grain Naqib Ullah Khan University Yield, Flag Leaf Area and Some Other 14 PBG Muhammad Siraj Swati and Peshawar, Morphological Characters in Wheat Barkat Ali Agri. Research (Triticum Aestivum) Station D.I.Khan. Gomal University Performance of Cotton Cultivars in Saline Akhtar Nawaz Khan, R.H. D.I.Khan, 15 Soil Science Growth Media at Germination Stage Qureshi and N. Ahmad University of Agriculture Faisalabad. Agri. Res. Performance of Treflan: A Preplant Institute Khan, R.U. Khan, N. A and 16 Applied Herbicide in Rapeseed and D.I.Khan, Mumtaz Ahmad Mustard NARC, Islamabad. Assessment of the Male Population of the Agri. Research Fruitflies Through Kairomone Baited Traps Station 17 Muhammad Zaman and the Association of the Abundance Mingora, Levels With the Environmental Factors Swat. Effect of Seed treamtment on the Agri. Research Enhancement in Seed Germination and Habibul Wahab, Afsarullah Insitute, 18 Reducing Daming-Off Disease in Sour and Syed Qasim Shah Turnab, Orange Seedling Peshawar. Postgraduate College Analyses of Effects of Factors Influencing Manshera, Sulaiman Khattak and Zahid 19 Pupils Staying on Rate Scottish Secondary Statistics NWFP Hussain Schools Agricultural University Peshawar. Determination of the Total Cross-Section 45 55 63 45 of 21Sc , 25Mn , 29Cu , and 33As Muhammad Maqbool, Sher University of 20 Physics Corresponding to the Incident Neutron's Haider and Asifullah Khan Peshawar. Energy VOL.11_No.6_ 1995 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. TRS, Mardan, NWFP Comparative Study of Some Flue-Cured Gul Woras, E.A. Hashmi and 1 Agronomy,Botnay Agriculural Virginia Tobacco Varieties at Swabi M. Tariq Jan University Peshawar. NWFP Effect of Sowing Dates and Seed Rates on Agriculural 2 Emergence Growth Rate and Plant Height Agronomy Tariq Jan and M. Tariq Jan University of Oats Peshawar. Aea maysl, Cultivars, Performan Millets ce, Performance of New Cultivars of Maize Muhammad Tariq, Saeed Reserch 3 Rainfed, Botnay Under Rainfed Conditions Ahmad and Naveed Kamal Station, Pakistan, Rawalpindi. Medium, Early Grain Yield, Ear Sorghum, Agroecolo gical Millets Relative Performance of New Sorghum sites, Muhammad Tariq, Saeed Reserch 4 Varieties at Different Sites Under Rainfed Performa Botnay Ahmad and Naveed Kamal Station, Conditions nce, Raindfed Rawalpindi. Grain Yield NWFP Effect of Different Growing Media and Muhammad Zubair, Hafiz Agriculural 5 Different Doses of Nitrogen on the Horticulture Inayatullah and Noor University Growth of Monsitera Deliciosa Rahman Peshawar,ARS , Kohat. ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar, Effect of Various Levels of Sainity on Noora Jan, S.G. Khattak and NWFP 6 Soil Science germination of Different Maize Cultivars A. Rashid Agriculural University Peshawar. ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar, Potato Yield as Affected by Boron Efkar Ahmad, S.G. Khattak NWFP 7 Fertilizer Mixing with and Witout Farm Soil Science and M. Jamal Khattak Agriculural Yard Manure University Peshawar. Gomal University D.I.Khan, University of Response of Cotton Cultivars to Salinity at Akhtar Nawaz Khan, R.H. Agriculture 8 Soil Science Various Growth Development Stages Qureshi and A. Rashid Faisalabad, NWFP Agricultural University Peshawar. Neem Oil, synthctic insect growth Comparative Efficacy os Some Traditional regulators, Farooq Ahmad Farrukh University of 9 and Non-Traditional Insecticides Against tamaron, Entomology Rafiq Khan and M. Rafiq Agriculture , Sucking Insect Pests of Cotton Polytrin-c, Khan Faisalabad. sucking insect pests of cotton NWFP Infestation of Aphid Myzus Persicae Karimullah, Mohammad Agriculural 10 (SULz.) on Potato in Peshawar, NWFP, Entomology Naeem and M. Tahir Jan University Pakistan Peshawar. Agricultural Detection of Fungi Causing Root Rot of Jahangir, Muhammad Ayub Research 11 Apple Nurseries in Swat and Mumtaz Khan Station Mingora Swat. Saidu Shairf, Swat, Inentification of Some Bacterial Pathogens Plant Pathology, Weed Muhammad Ayub Joseph P. Colorady State 12 of Cereal Crops With An Automated Science Hill and Brown Jr. University Computer-Driven Program Fort Collins USA. NWFP Effect of Crystalline Sweeteners on the Muhammad Ayub Rafiullah Agriculural 13 Water Activity and Shelf Stability of Food Science and Jan Muhammad University Osmotically Dehydrated Guava Peshawar. Islamia Mathematical Estimation of Genes Qazi Obaidul Haq and College, 14 frequencies in a Given Population Sareer Badshah University of Peshawar. The Mass-Energy Absorption and Mass Energy Transfer Coefficients of Some Rashida Ishtiaq and Fazal- University of 15 Physics Elements from 15 to 100 MeV Photon ur-Rahman Peshawar. Energies

VOL.12_No.1_ 1996 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. NWFP Production Performance, Persistency of M. Syed, Zafarullah Khan Agricultural 1 Lactation and Repeatability of Some Animal Husbandry and M. Abid Pervez Shah University Quantitative Traits in Nili-Ravi Buffaloes Peshawar NWFP Prenatal Mortality Among Holstein Cattle M. Farooq, M.Syed and Agricultural 2 Animal Husbandry in Sub Tropical Environment Mushooq Ali University Peshawar Barani Agricultural Research Project, Kohat, Wheat Yield Components as Affected by Muhammad Jamal, M. Shafi University of Low Water Stress At Different Growth 3 Agronomy Naazir and Nazir Hussain Agriculture, Stages, Effect on Ear Length, Grain Weight Shah Faisalabad, and Number of Grain Per Ear Agriculture Research Station, Serai Naurang, Bannu. Wheat Varieties, Row spacing, Barani Muhammad Azim Malik, Row Spacing Study on Two Wheat Harvest Agricultural 4 Agronomy Mirza Haroon-ur-Rasheed Varieties Under Rainted Conditions Index, College, and Abdul Razzaq Yield Rawalpindi. Potential, Rainfed, Pakistan NWFP Performance of Bougainvillea Spectabilis Fazli Mebood, Mumtaz Ali Agricultural 5 Horticulture CV. White Cuttings in Different Soil Media and Mohammad Ishtiaq University Peshawar ARI, Tarnab, Seed Aging and Memebrance Damage in NWFP Abdur Rab, Abdur Rahman 6 Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L.Cv. Poinsett Horticulture Agricultural and Mohammad Ishtiaq 76) Seeds University Peshawar. NWFP Dilemma of Using Dap Vs Other Riaz A. Khattak and M. Agricultural 7 Soil Science Phosphatic Fertilizers Illusion Or Reality Jamal Khan University Peshawar Islamia Prevalence of Malaria In School Going Shah Wali Khan, Ali College, 8 Children of Afghan Refugees in Camp No.2 Zoology Mohammad and Fasihat University of (Kababian) Shah Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural Nutritonal Aspects of Brassica Oil-Seed Iqtidar A. Khalil, Z. Varanini University 9 Agri. Chemistry Crops. II Micronutrition and R. Pinton Peshawar, University of Udine, Italia. Islamia Study of Some Chemical Parameters In Ali Muhammad, Shah Wali College, 10 Zoology River Swat at Kalam NWFP Pakistan and Haroon-ur-Rashid University of Peshawar. Islamia Study of Some Chemical Parameters In Ali Muhammad, Shah Wali College, 11 River Swat at Madyan Swat NWFP, and Haroon-ur-Rashid University of Pakistan Peshawar. Universidad Autonoma Metropolitans , G. Guzman, S. Alam and S. Azacapozalco, 12 Cosmic No-Hair in Brans-Dicke Theory Physics Haider Mexico, Islamia College University of Peshawar. Islamia Mixed Valent Behavior in YbCuGa S. Rahman, K. Ali and A.K. College, 13 compound Khattak University of Peshawar. University of Pesahwar, Mohammad Fazli Qadir A General Methodology For the Analysis NWFP 14 Statistics, Maths Salahuddin and Nabi G. of Repeated Measure Experiments Agricultural Bangash University Peshawar. University of Pesahwar, Analysing the Effects of Covariates on Naeem-ur-Rehman and NWFP 15 Menstruation of Women Using Various Economics, Statistics Zahid Hussain Agricultural Methods of Contraception University Peshawar.

VOL.12_No.2_ 1996 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. Sugarcane bagasse, NWFP sugarcane Agricultural Treatment of Sugarcane Residues and pith, University M. Amjed, J.D. Donker and 1 Wheat Straw With Alkaline Hydrogen wheat Animal Nutrition Peshawar, H.G. Jung Peroxide to Improve Digestibility straw, in Univesity of vitro Minnesota, St. digestabilit Paul, y, chemical NWFP Agricultural University Interplant Spacing and Cycocel Affect Muhammad Ibrahim, Peshawar, 2 Plant Growth and Yield of Tomato Nawab Ali and Khalil-ur- Agricultural (Lycopersicon Exculentum L.) Rahim Research Station, (orth) Mingro, Swat, Pakistan. Agricultural Institute, The Effects of Chilling Exposure on Abdur Rab and Mohammad Tarnab, NWFP 3 Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L. Cv Poinsett Horticulture Ishtiaq Agricultural 76) Fruits University Peshawar. University of Peshawar, Agri. Gamma Radiation Effect on the M2 Fazle Maula Derawadan and Researach 4 Botnay Progenies of Different Genotypes of Okra Jehandir Khan Station Mingora, Swat, Pakistan. NWFP Agricultural 5 Response of Soybean to Water Stress PBG Farhatullah and Inayatullah University Peshawar. Comparison of Gene Action Controlling Obaid Ullah Sayal and Gomal the Qualitative Traits in Some Early 6 PBG Mohammad Zubair University Maturing Cultivars of Americal Cotton Sulemani D.I.Khan Gossypium Hirsutum L.

Changes in Vision of Locust Schistocerca Rafi, F, U. Ismail and H. University of 7 Gregaria by Different Doses of Methyl Physiology Fatima Karachi. Parathion and Diazinon PCSIR, Lahore, Cucumis Govt. Girls melo, L. Degree Neutral Lipid Contents of Me?ON (Cocumis Melo. Jamshed Khan, Ajmal College, 8 Lipids, Chemistry L.) Seed Jamshed and Salar Zai Haripur, Phospholip IRNUM, ids, Fatty Peshawar acids Univestiy. Production Lactic Acid by the Mixed A.F.M. Ehteshamuddin, M. 9 Culture of Lactobacilli Entrapped by PCSIR, Lahore. Afzal Baid and J. Khan Sponge in Flasks

NWFP The Effect of Iron Fortification on the Chemistry and Human Muhammad Ilyas Jehangir Agricultural 10 Quality of Fortified Bread Nutrition Khalil and Sohail Akhtar University Peshawar. Oil Research Instituuts, Physio-Chemical Characteristics of the Oil Mohammed Liaqat, Faisalabadn, 11 of Different Cultivars of Canila Under Mohammad Saeed and Said NWFP Pakistani Conditions Wahab Agricultural University Peshawar. Nazar Muhammad, Biotech and Food 12 Film Packaging of Fresh Vegetables Muhammad Jamil and PCSIR, Lahore. Research A.F.M. Ehtashamuddin NWFP Agricultural Formulation and Development of New University Adam Khan, Fazli Karim 13 Jam Recipes and Their Organoleptic Food Science Peshawar, Khan and Alam Zeb Evaluation Agri.Research Institute, Tarnab. NWFP Agricultural Development of New Processing University Adam Khan, Fazli Karim 14 Techniques for the Preparation of Glac Ed Food Science Peshawar, Khan and Alam Zeb Pear Agri.Research Institute, Tarnab. NWFP Determinants of Menstrual Bleeding Agricultural Patterns Among Women Using Natural Naeemur-Rehamn, Ijaz University 15 Ecnomics and Injectable Contraceptives: the Majid and Zahid Hussain Peshawar, Influence of Individual Characteristics University of Peshawar. Islamia Effect of Doping and Sintering Time on Rafiullah, N. Shah, S. College, 16 Transition Temperature in Bi-Based Physics Rehman and A.K. Khattak University of Superconducting Oxide Peshawar.

Three Asymptotic Tests and Their Shaid Mushtaq Cheema and University of 17 Statistics Empirical Comparison Mohammad Fazli qadir Peshawar.

Morphological Account of Some Seeds of Shahid Farooq and Mirza PCSIR, 18 Solanaceae Family Hakim Khan Peshawar.

Millets Evaluation of Promising Pearl Millet Saeed Ahmad, Muhammad Reserch 19 Botany Genotypes Under Painfed Conditions Tariq and Naveed Kamal Station, Rawalpindi.

Response of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum) to Zahir Ahmad Zahir, University of 20 Azotobacter Inoculation Under Fertilized Soil Science Mohamamd Arshad and Agriculture, Conditions Altaf Hussain Faisalabad.

VOL.12_No.3_ 1996 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No.

Altaf ur Rehman, University of Effect of Different Levels of Endox and Fat 1 Animal Husbandry Mohammad Ramzan and Agriculture, on the Quality of Stored Feed Muhammad Yaqoob Faisalabad. Sugar Crops Res. Inst. Influence of Diammonium Phosphate on Mardan, Adam Khan, Aslam Khan 2 the Performance of Maize Grown in Three Agri.Universit and M. Ibrar Planting Patterns y of Peshawar, ARI Tarnab Peshawar. Biomass, Grain Yield and Harvest Index-- NWFP and Criteria For Comparing corn Types At Habib Akbar, Paigham Shah Agriculture 3 Agronomy Different Nitrogen Levels and Planting and Muhammad Munir University Densities Peshawar. NWFP Agriculture Performance of Different Peach Stones Jehangir Khan, S. Asgha University 4 Under Field Conditions of Peshawar Hussain and Ghulam Nabi Peshawar, ARI, Tarnab Peshawar NWFP Effect of Nitrogen Alone and in Agriculture Fazal Maula, Mohammad Comination With Iron (F e) On the Yield University 5 Horticulture Ishtiaq and Noor and Quality of Apple Cultivar "RED Peshawar, Mohammad Delicious" ARI, Tarnab Peshawar Sayed Fazal Ahad, Agri. Research Screenig of Exotic Apple Germplasm in 6 Muhamamd Ilyas and Zafar Station, High Altitude Ali Mingora, Swat, Pakistan.

Agri.Research Effect of Different Nitrogen Levels on the Amanullah, Gul Hassan and Institute, 7 Yield of two Cultivars of Rape and Ghulam Hussain D.I.Khan, Mustard Under D.I.Khan Conditions Pakistan. NWFP Community Managed Traditional Javaid A. Tariq and Agriculture 8 Irrigation System (The Analysis of Riverine Water Management Rabnawaz University Irrigation System of Swat Valley) Peshawar. NWFP Water Distribution Evaluation (Case Study Agriculture 9 Water Management Javaid A. Tariq of Kabul River Canal System) University Peshawar. NWFP Agriculture University Effect of Fungicides on the Control of Jahangir, Mumtaz Khan and Peshawar., 10 Phytophthora Crown and Root Rot of Plant Protection Ahmad-ur-Rehman Saljoqi Agri. Research Apple Trees Station Mingora, Swat. College of Home Application Some Indigenous Vegetable Tayaba Yousuf, Abdur 11 Ecnomis Economics, Dyes on Cotton Razzaq and Ghulam Nabi University of Peshawar. Electrophoresis Studies of Metal Lons and PCSIR, Mohammad Farid Khan, Their Corresponding Chelate for Labs.Jamrud 12 Mohammad Nisar Alizai and Bioanalytical Investigation For quality Road Saeed Akhtar Control Analysis Peshawar. NWFP Studies on the Nuclear Magnetic Agriculture Resonance (NMR) Water Mobility in Rafiullah Khan, Said Wahab University 13 Food Science Different Sweeteners and Desludged Soy and Mohammad Ayub Peshawar, Sweeteners University of IIIinois, USA. Influence of Various Sweeteners and Their NWFP Concentrations During Osmosis on the Muhammad Ayub, Alam Agriculture 14 Food Science Water Activity and Shelf Stability of Zeb and Jan Muhammad University Intermediate Moisture Guava Slices. Peshawar. Islamia The Total Scattering Cross Section and Khan Ali Afridi, Khurshid College, 15 Differential Cross Section for Fast Physics Alam and Aurangzeb University of Neutrons on Lead (Isotopes) Target Peshawar.

VOL.12_No.4_ 1996 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. NWFP Agriculture University Peshawar, Seasonal Variations of Gastrointestinal Shamsher A, M. Amjed and Veterinary 1 Veterinary Research Nematodes of Sheep in District Swat K. Ikhwan Research and Diagnostic Laboratory Balogram District Swat. NWFP Agriculture A Study of Soaking VS Spraying Methods University M. Amjed, J.D. Donker and 2 of Alkaline Hydrogen Peroxide to Improve Animal Nutrition Peshawar, H.G. Jung digestibility of Crop Residues University of Minnesota, St. Paul, USA Effect of Grazing Management on M.I. Sultani, M. Rafiq and NARC, 3 Productive and Reproductive Potential of M. Aslam Khan Islamabad. Sheep in Balochistan

NWFP Vertical Distribution of Drymatter in Four Shaukat Ayaz, Paigham Agriculture 4 Agronomy Wheat Varieties Shah and Wajid Ali University Peshawar.

Effect of Gibberellic Acid (GA3) As Foliar University of Ch. M.S. Ahmed and M. 5 Spray on Some of the Okra Plant Horticulture Arid Agri. Tahir Characters Rawalpindi.

NWFP Response of Jasminum Sambac Cuttings Sher Rahman and Agriculture 6 Horticulture to Different Soil Media Muhammad Ishtiaq University Peshawar. NWFP Response of Jasminum Sambac Cuttings Sher Rahman and Agriculture 7 Horticulture to Different Soil Media Muhammad Ishtiaq University Peshawar. NWFP Mohammad Ishtiaq, Evaluation of Exotic Cultivars of Pea in Agriculture 8 Horticulture Sulfiqar Ahmad and Peshawar Valley University Asmatullah Shah Peshawar. ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar, Crip Yield Loss Assessment of Foxtails Mohammad Khan and Agric.Engr. 9 (Setaria SPP) in Spring Whear (Triticum Plant Physiologist william W. Donald Bldg, UMC Aestivum) Columbial USA Barani Agriculture Fungicides: An Economic Tool To Enhance College, C.A. Rauf, M. Riaz Malik and 10 Productivity and Net Returns in Chickpea Pathology Rawalpindi, S. Hussain Crop Pakistan, NARC Islamabad. College of Tayaba Yousaf, Taufeeq Home 11 Bleaching of Pine Fibers Economics Khan and Amir Mohammad Economics, Khan University of Peshawar. University of Engineering 12 Coconut Shells For Charcol Manufacturing Agric.Engg. Zahid Mohammad and Technology, Peshawar. NWFP Agriculture Muhammad Hanif, Jan University Acceptability of Cow and Buffalo 13 Food Science Muhammad and Peshawar, Flavoured Milk Mohammad Ayub Agriculture Extension Balochistan.

Three Asymptotic tests and Their Shahid Mushtaq Cheema University of 14 Statistics Empirical Comparison and Mohammad Fazli Qadir Peshawar.

A Comparison of Physico-Chemical and PCSIR, Sherin Iqbal, and Azra 15 Organoleptic Properties of Canned and Peshawar, Yasmin Bottled Guava Nectar Pakistan.

Comparative Study of Thiethanolamines's S. Mustafa, Neelofar Zeb University of 16 Adsorption From Aqueous Binary Solution Physical Chemistry and Akhtar Hussain Arabab Peshawar. on Y-AI2O3 and SiO2

VOL.12_No.5_ 1996 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. Veterinary Research & Diagnostic Lab. Study on the Gastrointestinal Nematodes Shamsher. A, M. Amjed and Balogram, 1 of Sheep in Mingora Swat Veterinary Research K. Ikhwan District Swat. Colorado State University fort Collins, The Effect of Wet Brewers Grain Levels on T.L. Stanton, C.P. Birkelo 2 Livestock Management Colordo, Finishing Steer Performance and Sohail Akhtar NWFP Agricutural University Peshawar. ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar, Natioan Seed Effect of Storage Containers on Seed Habibullah, Ilhamuddin and 3 Registration Viability in Maize Abdul Qadir Deptt. Peshawar, Pakistan. Permier Sugar Mills Mardan, Evaluation of Sugar Beet Varieties and Shaukat Ayaz, Muhammad NWFP 4 Date of Sowing For Yield, Quality and Horticulture Ishtiaq, and Ishtiaq Ahmad Agricultural Bolting Characters in District Mardan University Peshawar. Permier Sugar Mills Mardan, Performance of Some Exotic Sugar Beet Shaukat Ayaz, Muhammad NWFP 5 Horticulture Varieties for Yield and Quality Characters Ishtiaq, and Said Rahman Agricultural University Peshawar. Effect of Nitrogen Alone and in NWFP Comination With Iron (F e) On the Muhammad Ishtiaq and Agricultural 6 Horticulture Growth, Preharvest Fruit Drop, and Yield Fazal Maula University of Apple Cultivar "RED Delicious" Peshawar. NWFP Evaluation of Water Disrribution and Nisar Ahmad, Fakhri Alam Agricultural 7 Estimation of Conveyance Losses in Water Water Management and M. Tariq University Courses Down Stream of Outlets Peshawar. NWFP Effect of Open-Air Drying on the Physical University of 8 Agri.Engineering Zahid Mahamood Degradtion of IPIL-IPIL Wood in Philippine Engg. & Tech. Peshawar. NWFP Three New Predatory Mites of the Genus Inayatullah and Mohammad Agricultural 9 Dactyloscirus Berlese (Acarins: Cunaxidae) Entomology Shahid University From Pakistan Peshawar. National Agricultural Biology of Helicoverpa Armigera (Hubner) Noor Islam, Muhammad 10 Research on Different Host Plants and S. Ahqabullah Kakakhel Center Islamabad.

Effect of Turmeric Derivatives on Radial Ishrat Niaz, Asim Rehan PARC, Karachi 11 Colony Grwoth of Different Fungi Kazmi and Ghulam Jilani University.

NWFP Agricultural Novel Reversed Phase PHLC Technique for Iqtidar A. Khalil, Z. Varanini University 12 Chemistry Chloroplast Pigment Analysis of Crops and R. Pinton Peshawar, University of Italy. Lead and Cadmium Levels in Soil and R. R Naqvi and Manzoor University of 13 Plants Near Roadsides Aroung Karachi Chemistry Iqbal Khattak Karachi. Correlated With Traffic Density

NWFP Chemistry, Human High Performance Liquid Chromatography Fazli Manan, Saleem Khan Agricultural 14 Nutrition, Livestock of Vitamin B6 Contents in Milk and Sohail Akhtar University Mang. Peshawar. NWFP Agricultural Muhammad Kamal, Atta Sadt is a Design Methodology: A Critical Math, Stat and Com. University 15 Ullah Khan and Sohail Review Science Peshawar, Akhtar University of Peshawar.

VOL.12_No.6_ 1996 Sr. Title of the Article Keywords Discipline Authors Address No. NWFP Production Performance of Sahiwal and M. Syed, A. Rehman and Agricultural 1 Animal Husbandry Various Grades of Cross Bred Cattle Mashooq Ali University Peshawar. Sorghum Directorate of forage, Animal Sheep, Health, Digestibility and Nitrogen Utilization by Poultry Lahore, I. Ali, J.P. Fontenot and V.G. 2 Sheep Fed Sorghum Forage Ensiled Alone Litter, Livestock Management College of Ailen or With Urea and Poultry Litter Urea, Agriculture Apparent and Life Digestibilit Seience, es, Silage Virginia. USA. ARS, Mingora Rice Genotypes Responses to Swat, Environmental Stresses in Term of Yield Ahmad Aada, Alim Said and Agriculture 3 and Yield Componests in Sub- M. Tahir Reearch Sub- Mountainous Region of Swat Station Chitral. Pakistan Pre-Sowing Tea Seed Treatment and Its Agdul Waheed, Ruhal Amin, Agri.Res.Coun 4 Effect on Germination and Growth in Farrukh Siyar Hamid and cil Shinkiari Nursery Noor Alam Khan Distt.Mansehr a, Pakistan. NWFP Agricultural Study on Propagation of Different Rose Horticulture, Amanullah, Mohammad University 5 Cultivars by budding on Rose multiflora, Agri.Extension Ishtiaq and Naeem Shah Peshawar, Rootstock Haripur, Pakistan. NWFP Studies on Aerial and Subterrancean Plant Mukhtar Ahmad, Sher Agricultural 6 Parts of Ficus Elastica As Affected by Horticulture Rahman and Muhammad University Different Soil Media Ishtiaq Peshawar. Studies on Subterraneean Plant Parts of NWFP Asmatullah Shah, Sher Reinwardtia Indica As Affected by Agricultural 7 Horticulture Rahman and Muhammad Different Soil Media and Irrigation University Ishtiaq Intervals Peshawar. Bangladesh Agri. Uni. Colchicine, Mymensingh Oryza Heritable Nature of fInduced Variations in Bangladdesh, sativa, 8 Chiasma Frequency in Homozygous PBG L. Hassan and S.D. Ahmad University chiasma Varieties of Rice (Oryza Sativa L.) Plants Cellege of frequency, Agriculture meiosis Rawalakot, Poonch, AJK. NWFP Agricultural Correlation Studies of Grain Yield And Mohammad Hanif, University 9 PBG Other Characters in Sunflower Varieties Farhatullah and Raziuddin Peshawar, ARI, Tarnab, Peshawar. Comparison of Gene Action Controlling Obaid Ullah Sayal and Gomal the Qualitative Traits in Some Early 10 PBG Mohammad Zubair University Maturing Cultivars of American Cotton Sulemani D.I.Khan Gossypium Hirsutum L ARI, Tarbab, Peshawar, Effects of Gibberellic Acid on Releasing National Seed 11 Seed Dormancy in Two Genotypes of Habibullah and Ilhamuddin Registration Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus. L.) Deptt.Peshaw ar. NWFP A Preliminary key to the Subfamilies of Agricultural 12 Braconidae (Hymenoptera) of the NWFP, Entomology Inayatullah and Karimullah University Pakistan Peshawar.

Studies of Heavy Metals in Bodies of University of 13 Chemistry Manzoor Iqbal Khattak Insects in Karachi Karachi.

Mulberry Studies on the Preparation and Beverage M. Nisar Alizai, Abdul PCSIR, 14 Composition of Mulberry (Morus Alba), Base Jabbar and F.M. Khan Pehawar. Fresh Fruit and their Beverage Base (MBB) Nutrients, Minerals

Optimization of Conditions for the Surruya Wadud, Saida Kosar PCSIR, 15 Preparation of Soy Sauce and Hamida Abid Peshawar.

The Role of Demonstration Plot in the NWFP Adoption of Modern Technology in Two Aslam Khan Marwat and Agricultural 16 Agri.Extension Selected Union Councils of District Lakki Iftikhar Ahmad University Marwat Peshawar.