1 Introduction 2 Institutional Change As an Interaction Between Political
NOTES 1 Introduction 1. Doron, 2006; Reichmann & Nachmias, 2006 2. Buchanan, 1990 3. Mackerras, 1994; Sakamoto, 1999 4. Dunleavy & Margetts, 1995; Sakamoto, 1999 5. Finkel, 2003; Larkins, 1998 6. Lijphart, 1984, 1999; Peters, 1999 7. Mantzavinos, North & Shariq, 2004 8. Doron & Sened, 2001; Schneider & Teske, 1992; LÓpez, 2002; Sheingate, 2003; Christopoulos, 2006; Meydani, 2008 2 Institutional Change as an Interaction between Political and Social Players—The Role of Political Entrepreneurs 1. Powell & DiMaggio, 1991 2. Knight, 1995 3. Selznick, 1949, 1957; Perrow, 1986 4. Selznick, 1957 5. Scott & Meyer, 1991 6. Powell & DiMaggio, 1991 7. Powell & DiMaggio, 1991 8. Colomer, 1995a, 1995b; Pridham & Vanhanen, 1994 9. North, 1986; Ostrom, 1986; Riker, 1980; Shepsle, 1986; Williamson, 1985 10. Buchanan, 1990; Doron & Sened, 2001; Gardner & Ostrom, 1991; Gavious & Mizrahi, 2003 11. Riker, 1980; Shepsle, 1986; Shepsle & Weingast, 1981; Weingast & Marshall, 1988 12. Moe, 1987: 291 13. De Haan & Siermann, 1995; Gastil, 1990; Scully & Slottje, 1991; Wittmann, 1989 14. Mantzavinos, North & Shariq, 2004 15. Gastil, 1990 184 Notes 16. Milgrom & Roberts, 1990 17. North, 1995; Nachmias & Sened, 1999 18. Mantzavinos, North & Shariq, 2004 19. Riker, 1980 20. Doron, 1988 21. Mantzavinos, North & Shariq, 2004 22. Dahl, 1961; Kingdon, 1995; Schneider & Teske, 1992; LÓpez, 2002; Doron & Sened, 2001 23. On social entrepreneurs see Offe, 1985; on economic entrepreneurs see Schumpeter, 1934; Salisbury, 1969 24. On the difference between fundamental ideology and operative ideology, see Naor, 1999; Seliger, 1977 25. See for example Weber, 1964; Kelsen, 1945; Edelman, 1994a, 1994b 26. Yishai, 1987 27. Doron & Sened, 2001 28. Doron, 1988; Baumgartner & Jones, 1993; Kingdon, 1995; Doron & Lebel, 2005 29.
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