AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters

By DERDIANA MARIA LUSINDA Student Number: 014214004








I was given a chance to finish my study, but I did not take it. Oneday, I realized that I made a very big mistake. For the second time, the chance came again and I took it. I will never make a mistake for the second time and I know that it is just the beginning of my life.

First of all, I would like to thank Jesus Christ, for His love and guidance.

Without Him, it is impossible for me to finish this thesis. I thank Him for answering my prayer when I am down and low.

I would like to express my gratitude to Dewi Widyastuti, S.Pd., M. Hum. as my advisor and Drs. Hirmawan Wijanarka, M.Hum. as my co-advisor . I am thankful for correcting my thesis during this time. Whatever the result is, this thesis is so meaningful for me.

My special gratitude goes to my parents Papa (Opa) and Mama (Oma), my brother (Tommy), my sister (Linda), my brother in law (Bowo), my cousins

(Orvis and Rafa), the big family of Seimahuira and the big family of Atmo

Sumitro; I am thankful for everything they have done to help me in completing my study in Sanata Dharma University; although it took me a long time to complete. This undergraduate thesis is dedicated for them as a symbol of my responsibility to them.

I also would like to thank Kurt “i’an” Cobain, Dita “iToel”, “The Remainers of EL ’01” (Dian “Kitink”, Ayu “Mba Ay”, Monda “Mondae”), The People at the

Secretary, Sadhar’s security and staff, “Kakak-kakak” Domby Kid’s Hope Gajah

Wong, Teachers and staff of Bambini Montessori Yogyakarta, Ms. Retno, Tante


Lanni, Ms. Yuni, Ms. Anita, Margareth Aritonang, Okta “Liyul”, Ferdi “Parakan”,

“Blacky”, “Little Blacky”, Mr. “T”, Miss “Supra”, Miss. “Kaze”; I am thankful for everything. I owe them, especially for helping me during the completion of my study and this thesis. My gratitude also goes to all of my classmates in English

Letters 2001 for the magnificent years before and for the support to finish my study as well as to this thesis.

Finally, I am sincerely thankful to the aid and good-wishes for all of my friends that I cannot mention one by one. God bless them all!

Derdiana Maria Lusinda




CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 2 C. Objective of the Study ...... 3 D. Definition of Terms ...... 3

CHAPTER II. THEORETICAL REVIEW ...... 6 A. Review of Related Studies ...... 6 B. Review of Related Theories ...... 8 1. Character and Characterization in a Novel ...... 8 a. Character in a Novel ...... 8 b. Characterization in a Novel ...... 9 2. Character and Characterization in a Play ...... 11 a. Character in a Play ...... 11 b. Characterization in a Play ...... 12 3. Plot in a Novel and in a Play ...... 14 a. Plot in a Novel ...... 14 b. Plot in a Play ...... 16 C. Theoretical Framework ...... 18

CHAPTER III. METHODOLOGY ...... 20 A. Object of the Study ...... 20 B. Approach of The Study ...... 20 C. Method of the Study ...... 21

CHAPTER IV. ANALYSIS ...... 23 A. The Differences of Edmund’s Characteristics in the Novel and in the Screenplay ...... 23 1. Characteristics of Edmund in the Novel ...... 23 2. Characteristics of Edmund in the Screenplay ...... 28


B. The Differences of Characteristics That Influence The Plot ...... 35 1. The Plot in the Novel ...... 35 2. The Plot in the Play ...... 40



APPENDIX……..………………………………………………………… ... 55



DERDIANA MARIA LUSINDA. The Differences of Edmund’s Characteization that Influence the Plot in the Novel and in the Screenplay of C.S. Lewis’ : The Witch, The Lion, and The Wardrobe. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2009.

This study compares C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia: The Witch, The Lion, and The Wardrobe with the screenplay with the same title which was written by Ann Peacock. The novel itself was written by C.S. Lewis in 1968 and the screenplay was written in 2006. Both the novel and the screenplay tell the story about the children of the Pevensies that were sent away from London during the war because of the air-raids. They were sent to the house of an old Professor. In the Professor’s house, one of the Pevensies children named Edmund, found a way to the world called Narnia. He entered Narnia and met Jadis. Because of his meeting with Jadis, Edmund became a traitor for his family. Even though the novel and the screenplay have the same story, the plots in both works are different. In the novel, the writer told about all the children of the Pevensies, but the screenplay writer gives more details to Edmund’s characteristics. So, this study deals with characterization, as they are considered to have affects to the plot between the novel and the screenplay. This study discusses: “What are the differences of Edmund’s characteristics in the novel and the screenplay?”. “How do the differences in Edmund’s characteristics influence the two plots?” In collecting the sources, the writer applied library research method. In doing the analysis, the writer was using formalistic approach. The theories applied are concerned with characteristics and plot both in the novel and in the screenplay. The theories on the differences between novel and play were also used. This thesis provided some results, which are: that there some differences on Edmund’s characterization in the novel and in the screenplay. The characteristics of Edmund in the novel are more details than in the screenplay. For example, in the novel, Edmund described as a young, disobedient, ridiculous, cowardly, naïve, impolite, traitorous, labile, tricky, and innocent. In the play, Edmund described as a loving, curious, greedy, selfish, brave, rude, and labile. There are some points from Edmund’s characteristics that can influence the plot in the novel and in the screenplay that is the characterizations of Edmund in the screenplay has a big role in the creation of the plot, even though the characteristics of Edmund in the screenplay do not describe as details as in the novel. For example, in the novel the climax is when Edmund in the battle. But, in the screenplay, the climax is when Edmund left beavers’ house when the others (Peter, Susan, Lucy, and beavers) had discussed about .



DERDIANA MARIA LUSINDA. The Differences of Edmund’s Characteization that Influence the Plot in the Novel and in the Screenplay of C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia: The Witch, The Lion, and The Wardrobe. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2009.

Penelitian ini menganalisis dari karya C.S. Lewis dengan judul The Chronicles of Narnia: The Witch, The Lion, and The Wardrobe yang dibandingkan dengan naskah film dengan judul yang sama dan ditulis oleh Ann Peacock. Novel tersebut ditulis pada tahun 1968, sedangkan naskah filmnya ditulis pada tahun 2006. Novel dan naskah filmnya mempunyai cerita yang sama, yaitu menceritakan tentang anak-anak keluarga Pevensie yang dikirim keluar dari London karena terjadi perang. Mereka dikirim kerumah seorang Profesor. Di rumah tersebut, salah satu anak yang bernama Edmund menemukan sebuah jalan kesebuah dunia lain bernama Narnia. Dia pergi ke Narnia dan bertemu dengan Jadis. Karena pertemuannya dengan Jadis, Edmund menjadi seorang pengkhianat bagi keluarganya. Meskipun pada novel dan naskah film mempunyai cerita yang sama, tetapi keduanya mempunyai jalan penceritaan yang berbeda. Dalam novelnya, C.S. Lewis menceritakan semua anak-anak Pevensie. Berbeda dengan naskah filmnya, Ann Peacock menceritakan secara detail dari penokohan Edmund. Jadi, penelitian ini berhubungan dengan penokohan dari Edmund yang mana hal tersebut mempunyai pengaruh terhadap plot. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai: “Apa saja perbedaan penggambaran tokoh Edmund yang ada dinovel dan dinaskah film?”. “Bagaimana pengaruh perbedaan-perbedaan tersebut terhadap plot yang terdapat pada novel dan pada naskah film?” Dalam pengumpulan berbagai sumber penelitian, penulis menggunakan data-data yang terdapat diperpustakaan. Dalam melakukan penelitian, penulis menggunakan pendekatan formalistics. Teori-teori yang digunakan mengacu kepada teori-teori yang berkaitan dengan penokohan dan plot. Karena penulis menggunakan novel dan naskah film, maka penulis menggunakan teori-teori yang terdapat dinovel dan difilm. Hasil dari penelitian yang diperoleh adalah: terdapat perbedaan terhadap penggambaran tokoh Edmund yang terdapat pada novel dan film. Sifat Edmund yang terdapat pada novel digambarkan secara jelas dibanding pada naskah film. Pada novel, penokohan Edmund digambarkan sebagai seorang muda, tidak patuh, konyol, pengecut, polos, tidak sopan, pengkhianat, mudah terbujuk, licik, dan tidak bersalah. Pada naskah film, Edmund digambarkan sebagai seorang yang penyayang, selalu ingin tahu, serakah, mementingkan diri sendiri, berani, kasar, dan mudah terbujuk. Ada beberapa hal dari penokohan Edmund yang mempengaruhi plot pada novel dan naskah film, yaitu pada novel, klimaks terjadi ketika Edmund berperang, tetapi pada naskah film klimaks terjadi ketika Edmund meninggalkan rumah berang-berang. xi



A. Background of the Study

Nowadays, there are many films that are adapted from a novel, like The

Lord of The Ring, Forest Gum, Frankenstein, and Narnia: The Witch, the Lion, and the Wardrobe. These films are adapted from novels with the same title.

Sometimes, people just see the film or read the novel, and sometimes they are watching the film and reading the novel. By doing this, then people try to compare and criticize between both, novel and film, and will say where the better one is.

Barnet, Burto, and Cair stated in Literature An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama that “After seeing a film based on a novel or short story that we know, most of us are drawn to compare the two and make judgment about which one is better” (1999: 308).

From the example above, Daniel Talbot in Film: An Anthology stated that film has two categories; the first one is Filmed Theater, for which the cinema is solely a means of dissemination; and films endeavoring to utilize the particular resources of the screen, for which the cinema is a means of expression. The second category can be further subdivided into films whose themes were specially conceived for cinematic rendering, and films based on scenarios adapted from literary or dramatic works (Talbot, 1959: 226).

This thesis is based on the screenplay of The Chronicles of Narnia: The

Witch, The Lion, and The Wardrobe directed by Andrew Adamson and the script



wrote by Ann Peacock. The reason why the writer used this novel is because the novel and the screenplay have many differences in the characteristics of Edmund that caused the plot in the novel and in the screenplay are different. The second is using the screenplay will make it easy for the writer to understand the characters and the plot.

This screenplay that is adapted from the novel by C.S. Lewis with the same title The Chronicles of Narnia: The Witch,The Lion, and The Wardrobe told about the children of Pevensies, Lucy, Peter, Edmund, Susan who moved into

Professor Kirke’s house during World War II. In the house, the children found a wardrobe that led them to another world called Narnia. In Narnia, they had an unforgettable experience. There, the children have to fight against , named Jadis. In the end of the story, the children won and became the kings and the queens of Narnia.

In this thesis, the writer is interested to discuss about the characters and plot both in the screenplay and the novel because the writer has found many differences when the screenplay compared with the novel even though they have the same story. To help the writer in analyzing the work, the writer uses the screenplay of the film because, when compared, the screenplay showed the differences with the novel.

B. Problem Formulation

In order to obtain deeper analysis, this thesis will focus on the problems stated as follows: 3

1. What are the differences of Edmund’s characteristics in the novel and in the


2. How do the differences in Edmund’s characteristics influence the two plots?

C. Objectives of the Study

This thesis will focus on the differences of characterization and plot between the novel and the screenplay of C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia:

The Witch, the Lion, and the Wardrobe. This thesis will answer on the questions that have mentioned in the problem formulation.

First, the question is to mention the differences of Edmund’s characteristics in the novel and in the screenplay. The writer has found many differences which can differentiate between the novel and the screenplay even though they have the same story. Second, the problem formulation is to explain further about the differences in Edmund’s characteristics can influence the two plots.

D. Definition of Term

There are some terms which are used by the writer to make the thesis clearly.

1. Plot

As stated by Murphy’s Understanding Unseens, plot is a carefully

thought-out plan in which all the events, all the actions and reactions of the

characters, contribute towards the forward movement of the story (1988:134). 4

Aristotle stated in Holman and William Harmon, A Handbook to

Literature, “the arrangement of the incident” as the term of plot. Each element

cannot be apart, it has unity Aristotle’s concept point out that plot in a drama is

divided into five parts: exposition, rising action, climax or turning point, falling

action, a denouement or a catastrophe.

2. Character

M. H. Abrams in A Glossary and Literary Terms says that characters are

the persons in a dramatic or narrative work. The characters are known by the

reader as some people who have moral and dispositional qualities. These

qualities are usually expressed in what they say (the dialogue) and what they

do (the action) (Abrams, 1985: 23)

In How to Analyze Drama, Reaske said that a character is the fictitious

creation of person presented in dramatic or narrative work that can be

interpreted through the combination of the dialogue and action expressed

(1966: 40).

3. Characterization

Rohrberger and Woods in Reading and Writing about Literature say that

characterization is the way the author creates characters. It means,

characterization is to create an image that is good in order that readers can have

their own perception (1971: 20). 5

Reaske in his book, How to Analyze Drama, says that there are six devices of characterization. They are (1966: 44-48): the appearance of the character, asides and soliloquies, dialogue between characters, hidden narration, language, character in action



A. Review of Related Studies

The novel of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The

Wardrobe was written in 1968, and the screenplay was written in 2006. Both have been criticized by the critics. Critics may give comments, ideas, and reviews about particular literary work. These comments, ideas, and reviews are called as literary criticism. Through literary criticism, we may be enabled to understand both the author and the work. These criticism may be favorable may be not.

In this study criticism is needed to support the idea or topic discussed here.

Quotations will also be used within this study. Theories that are used in this study will be discussed furthermore in this chapter.

Talking about the work, there is a study done by Margareth Aritonang, student of The English Department of Sanata Dharma University in 2007. Her thesis, entitled A Re-examination that Female Antagonists are Representations of

Misogyny in C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia, examines the portrayal of female antagonists in the seven books of C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia which is assumed as the representations of misogyny or of hatred towards women.

In her thesis she also concludes that the misogynistic accusation leveled at Lewis and his works is still unproven, and therefore is worth re-evaluating (Margareth,

2007: x).



Many other studies used C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia as their work. One of them is Peter J. Schakel. In his book Reading with the Heart, he mentioned that The Chronicles of Narnia are, at present, the best-known and most influential works of a well-known and very influential writer. They outsell the rest of C. S. Lewis’s works combined, at a rate now of several hundred thousand volumes per year. Regarded as classics by many authorities on children’s literature, they are read and loved also by college students and other adults from all around the world in many languages.


There are other studies by R. Andrew Newman who is a freelance in

Nebraska. His writing entitled Stay Out of Our Wardrobe said about the story of

The Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe is one of freedom. The White Witch’s icy tyranny is overthrown – Christmas, freedom, and spring return to the land – and all this is faithfully translated to the screen in

Disney and Walden Media's beautifully done movie adaptation. The struggle mirrors the war in the world of men, implicitly in the book and explicitly in the movie. The movie opens with the Nazi bombardment of London. Two wars in two worlds: both worth the sacrifice and fight. He also said that neither the book nor the movie is a policy manual or a political-philosophy tract gussied up with fauns, centaurs, dwarves, and Narnia clearly is a land where freedom is valued and where the good state knows its limits.

Those studies which have mentioned above gave the writer an idea to make different analysis than they did. It will be interesting to have analysis


between C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia: The Witch, the Lion, and the

Wardrobe the novel and the screenplay wrote by Ann Peacock. In the analysis, the writer uses the two of intrinsic elements such as character and plot. That is why this study will be different from the other studies which have been mentioned previously.

B. Review of Related Theories

In this thesis, the writer uses two kinds of theories. The first is the theory in novel and the theory in screenplay since the writer discusses the differences of characterization and plot in the screenplay and in the novel between the film and the novel of C.S. Lewis’ The Chonicles of Narnia: The Witch, The Lion, and The


1. Character and Characterization in a Novel a. Character in a Novel

M. H. Abrams in A Glossary and Literary Terms says that characters are the persons in a dramatic or narrative work. The characters are known by the reader as some people who have moral and dispositional qualities. These qualities are usually expressed in what they say (the dialogue) and what they do (the action) (Abrams, 1985: 23). While in An Introduction to the Study of Literature,

William Henry Hudson says that we may also regard soliloquy as a means of characterization (1958: 197).


In his book, Approach to Literature, Little mentioned that a character can be studied from (1981:93):

1. His or her basic characteristic. This is visible through:

a. The physical condition of the character, including of his or her age.

b. The social relationship, which mean the personal relationship with other

character or wider social relationship.

c. Mental qualities that is the typical way of thinking, feeling, and acting.

2. His or her appearances from various points of view. This includes:

a. How the character sees himself or herself.

b. How various other characters see him or her.

c. How he or she develop or fail to develop during the course of the story.

3. His or her place in the work. This means:

a. This treatment of the author (sketched/ fully rounded a portrayed

descriptively or dramatically, treated sympathetically or


b. His or her place in the story (a leading character or a minor one)

c. His or her relationship

In An Approach to English Literature, Van de Laar (1963:171) stated that the character in a novel should not be static. The development is a must. Action and incident spring out of character and, having occurred, they change it, so that at the end of a novel, a character should have changed, have develop, and should be different from what it was at the beginning at the novel.


b. Characterization in a Novel

Rohrberger and Woods in Reading and Writing about Literature say that characterization is the way the author creates characters. It means, characterization is to create an image that is good in order that readers can have their own perception (1971: 20).

In Understanding Unseens, Murphy explains that there are nine ways in which an author describes a character to be understandable. The ways are


1. Personal Description

Personal description is how an author describes the character’s appearance,

which is his clothes, face and body. Using appearance can help the reader to

imagine how the character is. ii. Character as Seen by Another

Instead of describing a character directly the author can describe him through

the eyes and opinions of another. iii. Speech

The author can give us an insight into the character of one of the persons in

the book through what that person says. Whenever a person speaks, whenever

he is in conversation with another whenever he puts forward an opinion, he is

giving us some clue to his character. iv. Past Life

By letting the reader learn something about a person’s past life the author can

give us a clue to events that have helped to shape a person’s character. This


can be done by direct comment by the author, though the person’s thought,

through his conversation or through the medium of another person. v. Conversation of Others

The author can also give us clues to a person’s character through the

conversations of other people and the things they say about him. People do

talk about other people and the things they say often give as a clue to the

character of the person spoken about. vi. Reaction

The author can also give us a clue to a person’s character by letting us know

how that person reacts to various situations and events. vii. Direct Comment

The author can describe or comment on a person’s character directly. viii. Thought

The author can give us direct knowledge of what a person is thinking about. ix. Mannerism

The author can describe a person’s mannerism, habits or idiosyncrasies which

may also tell us something about his character (1973:161-173).

2. Character and Characterization in a Play a. Character in a Play

In How to Analyze Drama, Reaske said that a character is the fictitious creation of person presented in dramatic or narrative work that can be interpreted through the combination of the dialogue and action expressed (1966; 40).


Goldstone in his book, Context of Drama, writes an explanation of how a character is established. It is through (1962:6):

1. Dialogue spoken by the character

This means that what the character’s said will show his characteristics (age,

social class, and educated or not).

2. Dialogue spoken about the character

This means that we also understand about the characters’ characteristic

through other characters that are talking about him.

3. Action taken by the characters

What the characters’ action in handling problems will show what kind of

person he is.

4. The personality interpretation of the actor playing the role. Playwrights have

often composed a role with a specific actors or actress in mind. b. Characterization in a Play

There is another theory that talks about how to analyze a character’s characterization in a play. Reaske in his book, How to Analyze Drama, says that there are six devices of characterization. These theories will be used in this study.

They are (1966: 44-48):

1. The appearance of the character

We can learn about the character from his appearance, which is often

described by the playwright on the prologue or in the stage direction. Through

character’s appearance we can know whether the character is old or young,

small or large, attractive or unattractive, etc. This appearance may be visible


as well from narrator’s description or other character’s opinion towards the

particular character.

2. Asides and soliloquies

Through aside and soliloquies, we also can learn about the character. When a

character speaks in short asides or in longer soliloquies, he is telling his

specific characteristics. For example; a lover, will have tendency to use poetic

statements. Therefore, we may learn that the person is a lover for using poetic

statements which one speaks in short asides.

3. Dialogue between characters

This means that we learn characters from dialogue between characters.

Through character’s language when he speaks to other character, we can

know his personality.

4. Hidden narration

Sometimes, there is a character in the play who is never directly described by

the playwright. In that case, we understand that characters through hidden

narration, i.e. a narration of one character about another character.

5. Language

Language can also help to understand character. Both the kind of words

which the character uses and how the character speaks are two important

parts of language that can be used to learn the characters’ characteristics.


6. Character in action

This means that we can determine what kind of person a character is when he

acts on the stage. We can learn more about character through his action in the


The above theories are helpful in understanding the character’s characterization.

By learning the character’s characterization, we may also learn about the plot of the story.

3. Plot a. Plot in a Novel

When we think about plot in a novel, we will think about how the story is created through the events that support the story. When we know the plot, automatically we will understand the story which is being told. It means that plot gives important contribution in a story.

As stated by Murphy’s Understanding Unseens, plot is a carefully thought-out plan in which all the events, all the actions and reactions of the characters, contribute towards the forward movement of the story (1973:134)

Murphy also mentioned that novels can be divided into three categories based on the construction. From the constructions described by Murphy, the way to understand the plot has become clearer. These constructions are also used in conducting the study. The constructions are as follows:


i. Novels with Tight and Well-Defined Plots (conventional plots)

The plot begins with exposition, complication, crisis, climax, and denouement. ii. Novels with Loose and Rambling Plots

The plot is not well define and many of the early novels written in the eighteenth century are of this type, especially those which are written around a central hero who wanders from place to place and has various adventures. iii. Novels with No Plot in the Normal Sense

Many novels, especially modern ones, do not at all have a plot in the sense in which we have been discussing it. This doesn’t mean that an author does not plan their novels. Most authors try to plan their novels. However, many do not think in terms of a plot, tightly planned and leading to a climax and a satisfactory and neat conclusion.

From the explanation above, we may understand that the plot is not all important in a novel. Plot is just a way to understand a story. It is just an aspect in a novel that we can consider. In this case, it will be the aspect that is the main object in this study.

There is another theory of plot by Roberts and Jacobs in An Introduction in

Reading and Writing.. They stated that there are five elements in a plot (1987:89-

90). These theories are used in the study to learn about the plot both in the novel and in the movie script. The theories are:


1. Exposition

It is the laying out or the materials of the story. It provides many things that

are important in the story. The position is usually at the beginning of the

story, but sometimes it can be found everywhere.

2. Complication

It marks the major conflict in the story. The protagonist and the antagonist

start to represent whatever ideas they want to represent, such as good and

evil, love and hate.

3. Crisis

It is the separation between what has gone before and what will come after.

It is usually an action or decision undertaken in an effort to resolve the


4. Climax

It is the high point in the action, in which the conflict and the consequent

tension are brought out to the fullest extent.

5. Resolution or denouement

It is the set of action that bring the story to its conclusion.

In Mastering English Literature, Richard Gill shows the relation between a plot and character. He states that what a character tries to complete is the cause of a plot of a story. (1995:74) b. Plot in a Play

In drama, the important thing of the story is plot. Plot can develop out the character. For example; a character has a certain action. Then this character meets


another character and they will create a story that has a conflict and also the resolution. Plot holds a crucial role in a play. It is obvious since play has its own limitation in any ways. However, when on films and novel, plot is just an aspect; as mentioned earlier in this chapter. Though it may be an aspect, it may also be a way in understanding a story clearly.

Aristotle stated in Holman and William Harmon, “the arrangement of the incident” as the term of plot. Each element cannot be separated, it is a unity.

Aristotle’s concept point out that plot in a drama is divided into five parts:

1. Exposition

Provides the background information which is required to understand the

story. It can be such as information about the character, the basic conflict,

the setting, and so on.

2. Rising action

Contain the basic conflict

3. Climax or turning point

Marks a change with the things that going from good to bad or the opposite


4. Falling action

The conflict between protagonist and the antagonist unravels.

5. A denouement or a catastrophe

The comedy ends with a denouement in which the main character is better off

that he or she was at the beginning. The tragedy particularly ends with a


catastrophe in which the main character is worse off than the starting point of

the narrative.

Both the novel and the movie script have different plot. These differences will be visible when the above theories are applied. The first explanation about the cause of differentiation is, obviously, because both have different writers. The original writer of the story is C. S. Lewis. Based on Lewis’ novel, the movie script is then created.

Due to different perspectives between the original writer and the director of the film, the film is somehow different with the novel; even though, the script was basically written based on the novel.

Since there are many differences visible between the novel and the movie script, the writer of this thesis chooses to focus on the plot. Further explanation will be described in the next chapter.

C. Theoretical Framework

This study aims to find out the differences of characterization, plot, setting, and theme between C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia: The Witch, the

Lion, and the Wardrobe the novel and the film directed by Andrew Adamson.

There are some theories that are related to this study to use. They are the theories of character which are used to know the characters in the novel and in the film; the theory of characterization by M. H. Abrams and Boogs are used to identify how each characters are being presented; the theory of plot by Murphy and Boggs are used to find out the story line in the novel and the film; the theory of setting by

Murphy and Boggs are used in order to get deeper understanding about the


setting; and the theory of theme by Perrine and Boggs is used to know about the theme. These theories are used by the writer to help in analyzing the problems that have been formulated in the previous chapter. To answer the first problem that is about the major differences between the novel and the film and the second problem that is by comparing the novel and the film.



A. Object of the Study

The novel that is analyzed in this thesis is written by C.S. Lewis and published by C.S. Lewis Pte. Ltd, in 1950. In analyzing the novel, the writer used

First Harper Trophy edition in the year of 2000. Clive Staples Lewis was born in

Belfast, Ireland, on November 29, 1898. During his life, his friends called him

Jack. He is the best friend of J.R.R. Tolkien, the author of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

The screenplay that is analyzed in this thesis wrote by Ann Peacock and published by Walt Disney Picture and Walden Media, 2006. The scriptwriter itself used the same title with the original novel, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

Because of his likeness toward myth, fairy tales, and ancient legend, it brought C.S. Lewis to the creation of his book The Lion, the Witch and the

Wardrobe then followed by other six books and known as Chronicles of Narnia.

The last book in the series, was awarded the Carnegie Medal, one of the highest marks of excellence in children’s literature.

B. Approach of the Study

In analyzing C.S.Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia: The Witch, the Lion, and the Wardrobe, the approach that will be used is Formalistic Approach. This



approach is chosen to analyze the novel and the screenplay, which is the screenplay, can be analyzed objectively because the data can be found in the text on the screenplay. In his book A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature,

Guerrin explained in outline that formalistic criticism has for its sole object the discovery and explanation of from in the literary work, if there are question about

“What is literary work? What are its shape and effect, and how are these achieved? All relevant answers to those questions have to come from the text itself” (1979: 10).

Formalistic approach will be employed in examining not only the novel, but also the screenplay. Boggs asserts: “Perceptive film analysis rest on the principles used in literary analysis, and if we apply what we have learned in the study of literature to our analysis of film, we will far ahead of those who do not”

(1078: 29). Since in formalistic approach the reader is taught to study the work of literary in a form, this approach necessitates the reader to understand the screenplay which also in a textual form to examine the content of its screenplay.

C. Method of the Study

This study analyze of C.S.Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia: The Witch, the Lion, and the Wardrobe and the screenplay of it wrote by Ann Peacock. To discuss the problem formulations that have been mentioned before, the writer collected data from the library and to support much information about The

Chronicles of Narnia: The Witch, the Lion, and the Wardrobe. The writer also gathered data from other reference, which from internet and other books.


The primary data from the book and the film entitled The Chronicles of

Narnia: The Witch, the Lion, and the Wardrobe. For the film, the writer used the script of the film in order to make easier in analyzing the work. The second data were taken from Kennedy and Dana Gioia’s Literature An Introduction to Fiction,

Poetry, and Drama, Talbot’s Film: An Anthology, Abrams’s A Glossary of

Literary Terms Six Edition, Hudson’s An Introduction to the Study of Literature,

Guerin’s A Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature, Rohrberger & Woods’

Reading and Writing about Literature, Murphy’s Understanding Unseens, Boggs’

The Art of Watching Films.

To complete the study, first the writer read and reread The Chronicles of

Narnia: The Witch, the Lion, and the Wardrobe. Second, the writer found the topic to be discussed and made the problem formulation to support the topic, and third the writer read other sources or references that related and to support the topic. Based on all of the data that the writer has gathered, the writer can develop the analysis.



This chapter is going to answer the problems that have been stated in the first chapter. Based on the two problems stated in the previous chapter, this chapter will be divided into two major parts. The first will analyze the first problem about the major differences of characters in the novel and in the screenplay. The second part will analyze about the differences between the novel and the screenplay that can affect the theme.

A. The differences of Edmund’s characteristic in the Novel and in the


1. Characteristics of Edmund Pevensie in the Novel

In C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia: The Witch,The Lion, and The

Wardrobe, the character of Edmund Pevensie and the problems that he faced have a big role on the creation of the story. Edmund is one of the major characters and his characteristic is the most develop than the others. He is the third child of

Pevensies. From the experiences that Edmund has in the story, his characteristic development will be known and he will be the focus in the analyze.

According to Rohrberger and Woods, characterization is to create an image that is good in order that readers can have their own perception. Murphy also added in his theory that there are nine ways in which an author describes a character to be understandable. These two theories can help the writer in



analyzing the characteristic of Edmund Pevensie. In the novel and in the screenplay, the characteristic of Edmund can be seen through many ways. Then, it will describe as follow. a. Disobedient

When the children of Pevensies were in Professor’s house and met him on the first time, they were involved in a conversation. In the conversation, the writer knows that Edmund is a disobedience person and he has bad-tempered. He always has the answer to what the older said to him.

… said Susan; “and anyway, it’s time you were in bed.” “Trying to talk like Mother,” said Edmund. “And who are you to say when I’m to go to bed? Go to bed yourself.” (Lewis, 1986:4)

From the quotation above, it can be known that Edmund had a reaction about what

Susan had already asked him. So, the theory from Murphy number six, we can know the characterization of a person by knowing the reaction toward various situations or events can be used. b. Ridiculous

Edmund is also ridiculous. It is known from when Lucy had been into

Narnia by herself. Nobody trusted her story. The elders never talked about it anymore, but Edmund always mocked at Lucy.

The others who thought she was telling a lie, and a silly lie too, made her very unhappy. The two elder ones did this without meaning to do it, but Edmund could be spiteful, and on this occasion he was spiteful. He sneered and jeered at Lucy and kept on asking her if she’d found any other new countries in other cupboards all over the house. (Lewis 1986:26)


From the statement above, the characteristic of Edmund is known from Murphy’s theory number nine, that is we can know the person’s characterization from mannerism. c. Cowardly

Edmund ever gone into Narnia by himself, but he never told to anybody about it. After Edmund went into Narnia, his characteristic is more develop. In

Narnia he met Jadis. When he met Jadis, he was afraid. It is very different when he with Lucy.

“And what, pray, are you?” said the Lady, looking hard at Edmund. “I’m-I’m-my name’s Edmund,” said Edmund rather awkwardly. (Lewis 1968:32)

Because of his fears toward Jadis, so he became obedience. It can be seen from the statement below.

Edmund did not like this arrangement at all but he dared not disobey; he stepped onto the sledge and sat at her feet, and she put a fold of her fur mantle round him and tucked it well in. (Lewis 1968:35)

From the explanation above, we know the characteristic of Edmund is from speech and reaction. So the theory from Murphy number three and six can be used. d. Naïve

The other characteristic of Edmund is naïve. When Jadis offered him what he wanted to eat, Edmund answered that he wanted Turkish delight. He so liked it until he ate too much. Because of it, he did not care about his brother and sisters.


At last the Turkish delight was all finished and Edmund was looking very hard at the empty box and wishing that she would ask him whether he would like some more… “Son of Adam, I should so much like to see your brother and your two sisters. Will you bring them to see me?” “I’ll try,” said Edmund, still looking at the empty box. (Lewis 1968:38)

Murphy’s theory that said thought, theory number eight, is one of the ways to know a person’s characteristic is described in the explanation above. e. Impolite

From the Murphy’s theory number nine that talked about mannerism, it can be used to know one of Edmund’s characters. Edmund has an impolite manner. He ate Turkish Delights while he was speaking, so his mouth full of

Turkish Delights.

… and Edmund, with his mouth full of Turkish Delight, kept on saying, “Yes, I told you before,” and forgetting to call her “Your Majesty,” but she didn’t seem to mind now. (Lewis 1968: 37)

Character of Edmund is more develop. When in Narnia, finally he met

Aslan. They had conversation and after that, Edmund changed. He is not selfish anymore and he becomes an obedience person.

“You have a traitor there, Aslan,” said the witch. Of course everyone present knew that she meant Edmund. But Edmund had got past thinking about himself after all he’d been through and after the talk he’d had that morning. He just went on looking at Aslan. It didn’t seem to matter what the Witch said. (Lewis 1968: 141)

From the explanation above, we can know Edmund’s character from theory of

Murphy, number seven, direct comment (described and comment by the author).


h. Labile

Edmund is really easy to persuade. It happen when Edmund met Jadis and

Jadis persuaded Edmund to bring his brother and sister went into Narnia. At that time, Jadis offered Edmund something to eat, so Edmund choose Turkish Delight.

With the Turkish delight, so the secret of Pevensies can be bought.

“Because, if you did come again-bringing them with you of course-I’d be able to give you some more Turkish Delight. I can’t do it now, the magic will only work once. In my own house it would be another matter.” (Lewis 1986: 38)

From the statement above, we know the characteristic of Edmund from theory number three, speech. i. Tricky

Another characteristic of Edmund is tricky. Edmund followed Lucy when she went into Narnia. But, Edmund could not find Lucy. But, in Narnia, Edmund met Jadis. When Jadis was gone, Finally Edmund met with Lucy. Lucy was so happy when knowing that Edmund went into Narnia too. So, when they went back, Lucy tried to tell Peter about this. But, what Edmund told is very different.

He told to Peter that they just pretended that Narnia is exist. Heard what Edmund told to Peter, Lucy felt very disappointed to Edmund.

“Oh, yes, Lucy and I have been playing-pretending that all her story about a country in the wardrobe is true. Just for fun, of course. There’s nothing there really.” Poor Lucy gave Edmund one look and rushed out of the room. (Lewis 1968: 45).

So, from the explanation above, we know the characteristic of Edmund from theory number viii about thought and number ix about mannerism.


j. Innocent

Edmund is also innocent. He did not tell anyone that he ever went into

Narnia. So, it is a secret. But, Edmund made a mistake. When all the children finally went into Narnia, accidentally, Edmund told about the direction in Narnia.

He had forgotten for the moment thet he must pretend never to have been in the wood before. The moment the words were out of his mouth he realized that he had given himself away. Everyone stopped; everyone stared at him. (Lewis 1986: 56)

2.. Characteristic of Edmund Pevensie in the Screenplay

There is another theory that talks about how to analyze a character’s characterization in a play. Reaske in his book, How to Analyze Drama, says that there are six devices of characterization. They are (1966: 44-48): the appearance of the character, asides and soliloquies, dialogue between characters, hidden narration, language, character in action.

In this part, the writer wants to analyze the characteristic of Edmund in screenplay. The writer will use the theory of characteristic in play by Reaske. The theory has has explained above. The characteristic of Edmund will describe as follows. a. Loving boy

In the screenplay, the character of Edmund is made clearer than in the novel. Through the screenplay, Edmund is described as a child that loves his father. It happens when they are running to the shelter, hide from air raid.

Edmund: Wait! Dad! Mrs. Pevensie: Edmund! No! Peter: I’ll get him! Mrs. Pevensie: Peter! Come back!


(Peter follows Edmund as he runs inside and grabs a picture of a man in a RAF uniform. Suddenly, the window blows in and Peter and Edmund are thrown to the floor) (Anne Peacock 2006:3)

From the quotation above, the characteristic of Edmund is known from Reaske’s theory number six, character in action. b. Curious

In the movie script, Edmund described as a curious boy. He followed Lucy enter to the wardrobe when Lucy enter the wardrobe at night.

(Flushing toilet as Edmund comes out and sees Lucy. He follows her to wardrobe. Lucy’s candle blows out when she opens the wardrobe door and walks in as Edmund enters the room) Edmund: Lucy, Lucy? *Opens the wardrobe door* Boo! *Edmund enters the wardrobe* I hope you’re not afraid of the dark. *shuts door, forgetting how very silly this is* Lucy? (Anne Peacock 2006: 10)

From the statement above, we can know the character of Edmund from Reaske’s theory number four, hidden narration. c. Greedy

When Edmund tried to look for Lucy, he could not find her. Finally, he enters into Narnia and he met Jadis, The White Witch. Jadis offered Edmund with

Turkish Delight and Edmund became greedy.

White Witch: Beyond these woods, you see those two little hills? My house is right between them. You'd love it there Edmund. It has whole rooms simply stuffed with Turkish Delight. Edmund: Couldn’t I have some more now? White Witch: No!...*smiles* Don’t want to ruin your appetite. Besides, you and I are going to be seeing each other again very soon, aren’t we? Edmund: I hope so … Your Majesty. (Ann Peacock 2006: 12)


Finally, in Narnia, Edmund met with Lucy. Lucy is so exited because knowing Edmund can be in Narnia. When they arrived at their house, Lucy star to tell what he see.

Peter (to Edmund): You saw the faun? (Edmund shakes his head) Lucy: Well, he didn't actually go there with me. … What were you doing Edmund? Edmund: I-I was just playing along. I’m sorry, Peter. I shouldn’t have encouraged her. You know what little children are like these days. They just don't know when to stop pretending *sits on his bed looking smugly at Lucy* (Lucy starts to cry and runs out of the room. Susan runs after her and so does Peter, shoving Edmund over) (Ann Peacock 2006: 12)

From the explanation above, we know the characterization of Edmund based on the theory Reaske’s theory number three, dialogue between characters. d. Selfish

Edmund has selfish characterization. But, after he met and had conversation, he has changed. He is not selfish anymore. Edmund: I've seen what the White Witch can do…and I’ve helped her do it. And we can't leave these people behind to suffer for it. (Anne Peacock 2006: 34). From the statement, we know the character of Edmund from Reaske’s theory number two, asides and soliloquies.

Beside of not being selfish anymore, the characterization of Edmund more develops. When they were in battle, Edmund encourage Peter to lead the army. He tried to convince Peter. Here, we can see Reaske’s theory number three, dialogue between characters.

(The trees carry the message back to Peter and Edmund. Leaves float into their tent where they take the shape of a woman)


Dryad: Fear not, my princes. I bring grave news from your sisters. (Peter walks out of Aslan’s tent) Peter: She’s right. He’s gone Edmund: Then you'll have to lead us. Peter, there's a whole army out there and it’s ready to follow you. Peter: I can't. Edmund: Aslan believed you could. And so do I. (Anne Peacock 2006: 37) e. Brave

Edmund is also able to prove his regretless of being betrayal by being a brave boy in the battle. He tried to save Peter’s life from White Witch. He shows it through his action. As the same as Reaske’s theory number six.

(Edmund and Mr. Beaver starts to leave. But Edmund looks and sees the Witch with her wand heading towards Peter ) Beaver: Peter said to go! Edmund: Peter's no King yet!

(Edmund rushes down the hill and swings at the Witch. She doges. Then she tries to turn him into stone and he doges. He breaks her wand. Using the remains of her wand, the Witch throws Edmund’s sword out of the way and stabs him ) Peter (silenced): Edmund!! (Edmund falls down. Peter stabs an opponent on the ground and the rushes to meet the Witch. The Witch picks up Edmund’s sword and waits for Peter. He runs up and they start fighting. They hear a roar and look behind them. Aslan and the girls have come, bringing an army with them) f. Rude

In the screenplay. It is also told that Edmund is improper. It can be shown when Edmund met Lucy in Narnia. At that time, Lucy was so exited. But, when they went back from Narnia, Edmund did not want to tell the real story. He did not want that his meeting with Jadis known by the others, so he lied to his brother and sisters.So it was make Lucy so sad. He is rude because he made the others thought that Lucy was a liar.


Lucy: Well, he didn't actually go there with me. … What were you doing Edmund? Edmund: I-I was just playing along. I’m sorry, Peter. I shouldn’t have encouraged her. You know what little children are like these days. They just don't know when to stop pretending *sits on his bed looking smugly at Lucy* (Lucy starts to cry and runs out of the room. Susan runs after her and so does Peter, shoving Edmund over). (Ann Peacock 2006: 12).

From the explanation above, we can know the characteristic of Edmund is from theory by Reaske number three, dialogue between characters. g. Labile

In the screenplay, it is also told that Edmund is easy to persuade. To get the Turkish Delight, he would give his brother and sisters to Jadis. We can know his characteristic is from theory number three by Reaske, dialogue between characters

Edmund: I guess I could bring them. White Witch: Beyond these woods, you see those two little hills? My house is right between them. You'd love it there Edmund. It has whole rooms simply stuffed with Turkish Delight. Edmund: Couldn't I have some more now? White Witch: No! …*smiles* Don't want to ruin you appetite. Besides, you and I are going to be seeing each other again very soon, aren’t we? (Ann Peacock: 2006: 11-12)

After both the characterization of Edmund in novel and screenplay has been analyzed, we know the differences clearly. In the screenplay, there are some changes made. In the novel, Edmund is being told as an ordinary boy. He is naughty, but it is normal for his age. He has no background why he is being a mockery and selfish compare with his brother and sisters.


h. Traitorous

The other steps to know the characteristic of Edmund is after his visited to

Narnia. Nobody knows about his visited in Narnia. When he curious and followed

Lucy until he came into Narnia, actually he wanted to apologize that he made a mistake by cornered Lucy. But, after his visit into Narnia, he changed his mind.

He betrayed Lucy and said that he never went into Narnia and it made Lucy very disappointed. He agrees not to reveal his knowledge of the Witch to his siblings and consequently ends up lying to his brother and sisters about his discovery of


Peter: It’s out of our hands. I’m sorry but it’s time the four of us were getting home. Ed? (Peter turns around…but there is no Edmund) Peter: Ed? … I’m going to kill him. Mr. Beaver: You may not have to.. … Has Edmund ever been in Narnia before? (Ann Peacock 2006: 19-20)

From the statement above, the characteristic of Edmund is known from Reaske’s theory number three, that is we can know the person’s characterization from action taken by the characters. i. Ambitious

Edmund is also ambitious person. It is different with the characteristics of

Edmund in the novel. In the novel, when Edmund wanted to give his brother and sisters to Jadis, he did it because Edmund just wanted the Turkish Delight. But in the novel, he did it because he wanted to be the king of Narnia.

White Witch: You see, Edmund, I have no children of my own. And you are exactly the sort of boy who I could see one day becoming Prince of Narnia. Maybe even King. Edmund (mouth full): Really? White Witch: Of course you'd have to bring your family.


Edmund: Oh, you mean…Peter would be king too? White Witch: No. But a king needs servants. Edmund: I guess I could bring them. ( Ann Peacock, 2006: 11)

In the screenplay, it has been described clearly why Edmund behaving selfishly a selfish and turned rebellious. He is also disobedient boy. The reason of

Edmund’s particular behavior is because he really misses his father that becomes an army and his father is going to war. We can see it clearly from the screenplay that printed in italic, on the first scene. We know that there are air raids and the children of Pevensies tried to escape and went to the shelter. In this scene, we also can see that Edmund tried to grab a picture of a man in a RAF uniform. We also know that it was the picture of his father. From this scene we know the reasons why Edmund acted as a naughty boy. He just missed his father.

However, in the novel, Edmund has a same portion to be the character, as same as his brother and his sisters. He also has an ordinary life like other children at that time. However, in the movie, Edmund has a big role in the story. How his life before sent to the professor Kirke’s house because of air raid. The life when in the professor’s house until his experiences in Narnia, from his betrayal, regretless, until his sacrifice in saving Peter’s life.

The differences of Edmund Characters in the novel and in the screenplay is in the screenplay Edmund describes as a traitorous and ambitious. Traitorous when Edmund left beaver’s house when they had a conversation about Aslan.

Ambitious when Edmund wanted to give his brother and sisters to Jadis. Because

Edmund wanted to be the king of Narnia so he had to fulfill the requested of Jadis.


B. The Differences in Edmund’s characteristics influence the two plots

1. The Plot in the Novel

In Mastering English Literature, Richard Gill shows the relation between a plot and character. He states that what a character tries to complete is the cause of a plot of a story (1995:74). As a result, if the writer wants to analyze, the best answer can be found from the main character that has an important role in the story.

The writer has done the analysis of Edmund’s charactrization Pevensie that has become one of the main characters in the story. Edmund was born from the Pevensies family that has to send away from London during the war because of the air-raids. They were sent to the house of an old Professor named Kirke. In professor’s house, they found a way to go to a new world named Narnia. There is always winter in Narnia. With the coming of Pevensies children, Narnia has a new hope to go out from the “dark” world that controlled by White Witch named Jadis.

In the end of the story, the children of Pevensie can bring Narnia from the

“dark” world into the new world.

In the novel by C.S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Witch,The Lion, and The Wardrobe,the theme is the comeback of the new world and new hope for the Narnians. Robert and Jacobs in An Introduction in Reading and Writing stated that there are five elements in the novel; exposition, complication, crisis, climax, resolution or denouement. Te writer will describes it as follows.


a. Exposition

In the novel, C.S Lewis introduces Edmund as one of the main characters.

Edmund is described as the younger boy in Pevensies.

Once there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. They were sent away from London during the war because of the air- raids. They were sent to the house of and old Professor. When they met the Professor, Edmund (who was the next youngest) wanted to laugh and had to keep pretending he was blowing his nose to hide.. (Lewis 1968:1). Like other children, Edmund also have childish behavior at that time, like curious, selfish, disobedience, etc. Then, one day, he found a door that could lead him into the new world named Narnia. There he had many experiences. b. Complication

The complication part begins when Edmund went into Narnia. There, he met Jadis, the White Witch. When he met her is the starting point of his experiences.

He looked round him again and decided he did not much like this place, and had almost made up his mind to go home, when he heard, very far off in the wood, a sound of bells. He listened and the sound came nearer and nearer and at last there swept into sight a sledge drawn by two reindeer…on a much higher seat in the middle of the sledge sat a very different person-a great lady, taller than any woman that Edmund ever seen. (Lewis 1968: 30- 31)

Then, Edmund had a conversation with Jadis. Jadis also gave Edmund drink and Turkish Delight.

“Perhaps something hot to drink?” said the Queen. “Should you like that?” “Yes please, your Majesty,” said Edmund, whose teeth were chattering. “It is dull, Son of Adam, to drink without eating,” said the Queen presently. “What would you like best to eat?” “Turkish Delight, please, your Majesty,” said Edmund. (Lewis 1968:35-36)

This Turkish Delight made Edmund forget about anything. Because he really liked it. He also did not care about his brother and sisters.


“I will make your brother a Duke and your sister Duchesses.” “There’s nothing special about them,” said Edmund, “and, anyway, I could always bring them some other time.” (Lewis 1968: 39)

After they had the conversation, then they made an agreement that Edmund would help Jadis to bring his family go to Narnia and Edmund had to keep the secret that he ever met Jadis in Narnia.

“And, by the way,” said the Queen, “you needn’t tell them about me. It would be fun to keep it a secret between us two, wouldn’t it? Make it a surprise fo them. Just bring them along to the two hills- a clever boy like you will easily think of some excuse for doing that-and when you come to my house you could say ‘Let’s see who lives here’ or something like that. (Lewis 1968:40)

The next thing is when Edmund met Lucy after Edmund met Jadis. The first reason why Edmund could go into Narnia is because Edmund wanted to look for

Lucy. But he could not find Lucy. Then Lucy came when Jadis had already gone.

Because of Jadis had told Edmund not to tell anyone about their meeting, so

Edmund did not tell Lucy. He pretended that he met no one in Narnia.

Edmund was still staring after the sledge when he heard someone calling his own name, and looking round he saw Lucy coming toward him from another part of the wood. (Lewis 1968: 41)

At that time, Lucy was so happy because Edmund went into Narnia too. So

Edmund promised to Lucy that he would tell the truth about Narnia to Peter and

Susan. But, in the reality Edmund did not tell the truth toward Peter and Susan. It made Lucy so sad.

“Oh, yes, Lucy and I have been playing-pretending that all her story about a country in the wardrobe is true. Just for fun, of course. There’s nothing there really.” (Lewis 1968: 45)


After that event, the children of Pevensie do the daily activities as usual.

When they were playing in the house, suddenly Mrs. Macready approached in the room where they were. When they heard the sound of Mrs. Macready, so they run away and went inside into the large wardrobe. They did not realize that they were already in Narnia that the place covered with snow.

And now there was no mistaking it, and all four children stood blinking in the daylight of a winter day. Behind them were coats hanging on pegs, in front of them were snow-covered trees. (Lewis 1968: 55)

The children (except Lucy and Edmund) were surprised when they found

Narnia. So, they decided to explore Narnia. They did not know where they should go. Suddenly Edmund said something and it made the others surprised and got angry with Edmund. So, they already known that Edmund lied to them, because not to tell about Narnia and pretended that Narnia never exist.

“I say,” began Edmund presently, “oughtn’t we to be bearing a bit more to the left, that is, if we are aiming for the lamp-post?” He had forgotten for the moment that he must pretend never to have been in the wood before. The moment the words were out of his mouth he realized that he had given himself away. Everyone stopped; everyone stared at him. Peter whistled. (Lewis1968: 56) c. Crisis

The crisis begin when Edmund leave beavers’ house quietly and he went to the Jadis’ castle. Edmund also left his brother and sisters. Because he had promised Jadis that he will bring his brother and sisters for Jadis. He betrayed

Peter, Susan, Lucy, and beavers family.

Then during the moment of silence that followed his last remark, Lucy suddenly said: “I say-where’s Edmund?”


There was a dreadful pause, and then everyone began asking “Who saw him last? How long has he been missing? Is he outside? and then all rushed to the door and looked out. (Lewis 1968:82-83)

After Edmund was missing, the others left the beavers’ house and begun to look for Aslan. From this event, the plot starts to rise. It is told in the novel that

Peter, Susan, Lucy, and the beavers have their own experience. Edmund also has his own experiences d. Climax

After they are through all the experiences, finally they meet again in the battle. In the novel, the battle is the climax. Here, Edmund is not betrayer anymore. He had repent. In the battle, Edmund in the Aslan’s side and against


There stood Peter and Edmund and all the rest of Aslan’s army fighting desperately against the crowd of horrible creatures whom she had seen last night; only now, in the daylight, they looked even stranger and more evil and more deformed. (Lewis 1968: 175-176) e. Resolution or denouement

Finally, they won the battle. It becomes the resolution or denouement.

Because when they won the battle, it means the set of actions that bring the story to its conclusion.

The battle was all over a few minutes after their arrival. “It was all Edmund’s doing, Aslan,” Peter was saying. “We’d have been beaten if it hadn’t been for him. The Witch was turning our troops into stone right and left. But nothing would stop him. He fought his way through three ogres to where she was just turning one of your leopard into a statue. (Lewis 1968: 178)


2. The Plot in the Play a. Exposition

In the screenplay, the story was beginning by the air-raid of world war. In the beginning of the story, the screenplay tried to give something different.

Edmund Pevensie, the third child of the Pevensies has a big role in the story.

Edmund described as a naughty boy. Anne Peacock as the writer of the screenplay has given a reason why Edmund described as a naughty boy. He misses his father whose become an army and went for a war. Because of it, he has a terrible behavior.

(Blue clouds. The roar of engines becomes gradually louder. Then, germen bombers appear. They start dropping bombs on the houses. Edmund looks out the window) (Pevensies are running to the shelter, we hear them shouting, "Hurry up!" and "Run!". Edmund turns around, as if forgetting something.) (Peter follows Edmund as he runs inside and grabs a picture of a man in a RAF uniform. Suddenly, the window blows in and Peter and Edmund are thrown to the floorl) (Ann Peacock 2006: 1)

When in the middle of the war, these children were sent away to London

to avoid air-raids. There, they continuous their life there and have many


b. Rising action

In the screenplay, the rising action begins when Edmund is curious about

Narnia and he went to follow Lucy to go into Narnia. Then in Narnia, he with

Jadis. From this meeting, all Edmund’s experiences begun.

(Flushing toilet as Edmund comes out and sees Lucy. He follows her to wardrobe. Lucy’s candle blows out when she opens the wardrobe door and walks in as Edmund enters the room) (Edmund finds a tree branch. He walks backwards a trip…into snow) Edmund: Lucy? Lucy! I think I believe you now!


(Edmund finds the lamp-post. He walks around for a while shouting for Lucy. Finally, he comes to a road. He hears bells) (Ann Peacock 2006: 10)

When Edmund met Jadis there, they talk to each other. Jadis made

Edmund to tell everything about his family by giving him his favourite food named Turkish Delight. Edmund liked it so much and he told everything about his family. He did not realize with what he did but the only thing in his mind is enjoying the Turkish Delight.

White Witch: Anything you would like to eat. Edmund: Turkish Delight? (Another drop comes down and makes the box of Turkish Delight and the Dwarf give it to Edmund)( Ann Peacock 2006: 11)

White Witch: And how, Edmund, did you come to enter my dominion? Edmund: I’m not sure. I was just following my sister and-- White Witch: Your sister? How many are you? Edmund: Four. Lucy is the only one that’s been here before. She said she met a faun called…Tumnus. Peter and Susan didn’t believe her. (Ann Peacock 2006: 11)

Beside that, the rising action when the other knew that Edmund had lied that he

ever gone into Narnia.

Edmund: Ow! *rubs his arm* Stop it! (They all become quiet and stare at Edmund) Peter: You little liar! Edmund: You didn't believe her either!

But, even though they already knew that Edmund ever went into Narnia, they

still do not know that Edmund ever met Jadis. c. Climax or Turning Point

The climax in the novel is when they in the battle. But, in the screenplay,

the tense starts when Edmund left beavers’ house when they had discussed

about Aslan.


Peter: It’s out of our hands. I’m sorry but it’s time the four of us were getting home. Ed? (Peter turns around…but there is no Edmund) Peter: Ed? … I’m going to kill him. Mr. Beaver: You may not have to.. … Has Edmund ever been in Narnia before? (Shot of Edmund walking to the Witch's castle without his coat - shot of the others trying to catch up to him)(Ann Peacock 2006: 19-20)

After Edmund is gone, his brother and sisters tried to look for Edmund.

But, they cannot find him. Edmund had gone far away went to Jadis’ house.

Edmund became a betrayal. We can also feel the climax when in the battle. In the battle, we could see that Edmund had repented and became the army of Aslan. In battle Edmund tried hard to defeat Jadi’s army and he also against Jadis face to face. He also help Peter when Peter cornered.

(Edmund and Mr. Beaver starts to leave. But Edmund looks and sees the Witch with her wand heading towards Peter ) Beaver: Peter said to go! Edmund: Peter's no King yet! (Ann Peacock 2006: 39) d. Falling Action

The falling action is the conflict between protagonist and the antagonist

unravels. In the screenplay, the falling action is when Edmund and Jadis got

fight and Edmund beaten down by Jadis.

(Edmund rushes down the hill and swings at the Witch. She doges. Then she tries to turn him into stone and he doges. He breaks her wand. Using the remains of her wand, the Witch throws Edmund’s sword out of the way and stabs him ) Peter (silenced): Edmund!! (Edmund falls down. Peter stabs an opponent on the ground and the rushes to meet the Witch. The Witch picks up Edmund’s sword and waits for Peter. He runs up and they start fighting. They hear a roar and look behind them. Aslan and the girls have come, bringing an army with them) (Ann Peacock 2006: 39)


e. A Denouement or a Catastrophe

The denouement of the screenplay is when the children of Pevensies become the kings and queens of Narnia and it is told they live happily.

(The coronation of the Pevensies began. With Aslan in the middle. They walk up the aisle happily, and stand next to their cool chairs) (Ann Peacock 2006: 40)

Besides, the denouement is when the Pevensies have grown up and they hunted white stag in the wood. In the wood, Pevensies found a way that leads them to go back to their world, not in Narnia.

When they went through the door, they became children again and they live as normal children again. It was the first time for Pevensies children to go to

Narnia and it is just the beginning to go to others adventures.

(The adult Pevensies pursue the White Stag. Edmund slows down) (After they walk a little…) Peter: Lu? Lucy: Come on! Peter: These aren't branches... Susan: They’re coats. (Voices start to change) Edmund: Susan, you’re on my foot… (Wardrobe door flies open and all four fall on floor, the door to the room opens and Professor walks in with the ball) (Ann Peacock 2006: 41)

In Mastering English Literature, Richard Gill shows the relation between a plot and character. He states that what a character tries to complete is the cause of a plot of a story. (1995:74)

The characterization of Edmund Pevensie both in the novel and in the screenplay is different. In the novel, C.S. Lewis described the characteristic of


Edmund as an ordinary boy that moved to London because of war. So it makes the plot seem ordinary.

In novel, the element of the plot is five. There are expositions, complication, crisis, climax, resolution or denouement. In each of the element,

Edmund has its role but not as much in screenplay. While in play, Aristotle stated that plot is divided into five points; exposition, rising action, climax or turning point, falling action, and a denouement or a catastrophe.

In the novel, the exposition is he with his brother and sisters were sent away from London because of air-raids. This scene can be found in the beginning of the story.

Once there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy. This story is about something that happened to them when they were sent away from London during the war because of the air-raids. (Lewis 1968: 3)

The statement above can be a clue to the exposition, because exposition is the laying out or the materials of the story. It provides many things that are important in the story. In my opinion, this information is important because it can be the opening of their adventures and creates the plot.

While in the screenplay, the exposition is also at the beginning of the story.

But, on the screenplay, the plot is more detail. In this plot, Edmund has an important role. Ann Peacock as the screenplay writer tried to gather deeper with the characteristic of Edmund. So, at the beginning of the story, Ann Peacock described clearly and it is really affected the creation of the plot.

(Blue clouds. The roar of engines becomes gradually louder. Then, germen bombers appear. They start dropping bombs on the houses. Edmund looks out the window)


(Pevensies are running to the shelter, we hear them shouting, "Hurry up!" and "Run!". Edmund turns around, as if forgetting something.) (Peter follows Edmund as he runs inside and grabs a picture of a man in a RAF uniform. Suddenly, the window blows in and Peter and Edmund are thrown to the floorl) (Ann Peacock 2006: 1)

The next part on the novel’s plot is complication. In novel we know that complication marks the major conflict in the story. The protagonist and the antagonist start to represent whatever ideas they want to represent, such as good and evil, love and hate. In the novel, the complication part is when Edmund met

Jadis in Narnia. Jadis is representing the evil and Edmund represent the good. But, when they got on a conversation, Edmund persuade easily by Jadis and became a traitor.

“And what, pray, are you?” said the Lady, looking hard at Edmund. “I’m-I’m-my name’s Edmund,” said Edmund rather awkwardly. He did not like the way she looked at him. The Lady frowned. “Is that how you address a Queen?” she asked, looking sterner than ever. (Lewis 1968: 32-33)

While in the screenplay, the second part is rising action. We know that rising action contains the basic conflict. In this screenplay, the rising action is when

Edmund followed Lucy entered into Narnia. It will be his basic conflict. Because he is so curiuous, so it can lead him into the next experiences. He will meet Jadis and be the person that really trust Jadis and finally, it can bring him to be a betrayal. In this plot, Edmund is really exposed and it can affect the plot.

Flushing toilet as Edmund comes out and sees Lucy. He follows her to wardrobe. Lucy’s candle blows out when she opens the wardrobe door and walks in as Edmund enters the room) (Edmund finds a tree branch. He walks backwards a trips…into snow) (Edmund finds the lamp-post. He walks around for a while shouting for Lucy. Finally, he comes to a road. He hears bells) (Ann Peacock 2006: 10)


In the novel, the next plot is crisis. It is the separation between what has gone before and what will come after. It is usually an action or decision undertaken in an effort to resolve the conflict. So, the crisis is when Edmund left beavers’ house to go to Jadis house. When the others realize that Edmund was not around, so they tried to look for Edmund. But Edmund already had gone away.

Then during the moment of silence that followed his last remark, Lucy suddenly said: “I say-where’s Edmund?” There was a dreadful pause, and then everyone began asking “Who saw him last? How long has he been missing? Is he outside? And then all rushed to the door and looked out (Lewis 1968:82-83).

While in the screenplay, the next is called climax or turning point. It marks a change with the things that going from good to bad or the opposite condition.

When in the novel, the leaving of Edmund will be the crisis. But, in the screenplay, the leaving of Edmund will be the turning point. Edmund at first be the good boy. But, because of he had already been persuaded by Jadis, so he is a bad boy and became a betrayal. When the other children realize that Edmund was missing, so they were looking for them but it was too late.

Peter: It’s out of our hands. I’m sorry but it’s time the four of us were getting home. Ed? (Peter turns around…but there is no Edmund) Peter: Ed? … I’m going to kill him. Mr. Beaver: You may not have to.. … Has Edmund ever been in Narnia before? (Ann Peacock 2006: 19-20)

The character of Edmund is really affecting the plot. Because, of since in the beginning of the story, Edmund became the centre of the story. He really ordered with what Jadis had said to him, to bring his brother and sisters into Narnia.


Beside that, this is the climax of Edmund character to be the bad boy and betrayed his family.

The next plot in the novel is the climax. It is the high point in the action, in which the conflict and the consequent tension are brought out to the fullest extent.

The climax on the novel is when they have their battle. It will be the high point in the action, because all the goods and the evils meet together in the battle area and try to be the winner, and of course, the good things are always be the winner.

There stood Peter and Edmund and all the rest of Aslan’s army fighting desperately against the crowd of horrible creatures whom she had seen last night; only now, in the daylight, they looked even stranger and more evil and more deformed. (Lewis 1968: 175-176)

In the novel, the character of Edmund does not really appear. He does not be the centre when in battle. Only Peter that describe clearly. So in the novel, the climax is like it is. The thing in climax is that goods and evils meet.

In the screenplay, the next is falling action. The meaning itself is the conflict between protagonist and the antagonist unravels. In the screenplay, the falling action is when Edmund was beaten down by Jadis. It described that the fight of evils and goods have finished.

(Edmund rushes down the hill and swings at the Witch. She doges. Then she tries to turn him into stone and he doges. He breaks her wand. Using the remains of her wand, the Witch throws Edmund’s sword out of the way and stabs him ) (Edmund falls down. Peter stabs an opponent on the ground and the rushes to meet the Witch. The Witch picks up Edmund’s sword and waits for Peter. He runs up and they start fighting. They hear a roar and look behind them. Aslan and the girls have come, bringing an army with them) (Ann Peacock 2006: 39)


Even though Edmund fell down, but Edmund’s side is still the winner. Because of at that time, Aslan came and helped Edmund and then Aslan killed Jadis. In this plot, the character of Edmund is really affecting the plot. Because, during the battle, the character of Edmund shown more dominant than other characters. The focus is in the fight of Edmund. Different with the novel, character of Peter that was more ominant

The last plot in the novel is the resolution or denouement. The meaning of this is the set of action that bring the story to its conclusion. In the novel, the resolution or denouement is when the battle was over. In the end of the story in the novel, it is just told that Edmund had a big role in the victory of the battle. he could defeat Jadis but he got injuries

The battle was all over a few minutes after their arrival… “It was all Edmund’s doing, Aslan,” Peter was saying They found Edmund in charge of Mrs. Beaver a little way back from the fighting line. He was covered with blood, his mouth was open, and his face a nasty green color. (Lewis 1968: 178-179)

So, at the end of the story, it is told that Edmund has a big role in the battle. It can affect the presence of Edmund in the plot.

The last plot in the screenplay is denouement or catastrophe. It is happened when Edmund and his brother and sisters became the kings and queens of Narnia.

(The coronation of the Pevensies began. With Aslan in the middle. They walk up the aisle happily, and stand next to their cool chairs) Aslan: (As Tumnus crowns them): To the glistening eastern sea, I give you Queen Lucy the Valiant. To the great western woods, King Edmund the Just. To the radiant southern sun, Queen Susan the Gentle. And to the clear northern skies, King Peter the Magnificent. Once a king or queen of Narnia, always a king or queen. May your wisdom grace us until the stars come raining down from the heavens.


Everyone: Long live King Peter! Long live Queen Susan! Long live King Edmund! Long live Queen Lucy! (Ann Peacock 2006: 40)

All the characters in Narnia live happily at the end. The effect of Edmund can be felt. He could win the battle, he became a good boy, and also he became the king of Narnia, together with Peter, Susan, and Lucy.



A story in a novel can be adapted into another medium with the same story, for example a screenplay. The screenplay itself is made by the screenplay writer who was inspired by the novel. The screenplay writer tries to make the same story with different way. One of the examples is The Chronicles of Narnia:

The Witch,The Lion, and The Wardrobe.

In this thesis, the writer uses the novel by C. S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of

Narnia: The Witch,The Lion, and The Wardrobe and the screenplay by Ann

Peacock. Here, the writer tries to find the different between the novel and the screenplay, especially on the characteristic of Edmund Pevensie and the plot.

Because of screenplay included in a play or drama, so in the thesis, the writer uses the two kinds of theories, which is the theory in the novel and the theory in the play. On theory of character in the novel, the writer uses M. H. Abrams’s A

Glossary and Literary Terms, William Henry Hudson’s An Introduction to the

Study of Literature, Approach to Literature by Little, An Approach to English

Literature by Van de Laar. While theoris of character in the play, the writer uses

How to Analyze Drama by Reaske, Goldstone’s Context of Drama.

For the theories of characteristics in the novel, the writer uses Rohrberger and Woods in Reading and Writing about Literature, Understanding Unseens by

Murphy. In the play, the writer uses Reaske in his book, How to Analyze Drama.

While the plot in the novel, the writer uses by Murphy’s Understanding Unseens,



Robert and Jacobs in An Introduction in Reading and Writing. In the play, the writer uses Holman and William Harmon.

Based on the analysis that has done, the writer may conclude several points. The first one is the differences of the major characters in the novel and the film. The writer has found the major differences on the character between the novel and the screenplay. Based on the novel of The Chronicles of Narnia: The

Witch, The Lion, and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, the character of Edmund

Pevensie described as an ordinary boy that was sent away from London because of air-raids. In the new house, he found a way to the new world named Narnia.

There, he became a betrayal and repents and also has experience in the battle faced Jadis.

In the screenplay, Edmund Pevensie is described in less detail. But, there is a reason why he becomes disobedient and has misbehaved. It is caused by the lack of relationship with his father who becomes an army and goes for a war.

While Edmund goes to Narnia, he has a friend named Jadis and he becomes a betrayal for his family and Narnians. Finally, he regrets for what he has done and he becomes the army of Aslan, the real king in Narnia.

The second one is the difference of the plot that wants to show by the novel and the screenplay. In the novel, the character of Edmund Pevensie does not give big contribution toward plot of the story.

The plot that represents both in the novel and in the screenplay also different. In the novel, the air-raids do not tell clearly, but in the screenplay, it tells clearly and becomes the reason why Edmund has bad behavior. The climax in the 52

novel is in the battle, but the climax of the screenplay is when Edmund went from beaver’s house and became a betrayal.

Based on the analyze, the writer may conclude that the characterization of

Edmund Pevensie in the screenplay has a big role in the creation of the plot; furthermore, Anne Peacock represents the character of Edmund Pevensie clearer and deeper. In the screenplay, the characteristic of Edmund Pevensie has a big role. Because Anne Peacock, the screenplay writer, wants to dig deeper the character of Edmund. Therefore, in the beginning of the story, described that

Edmund grabs the picture of his father and it will be the reason why Edmund has a badly behavior.


Abrams, M.H. A Glossary of Literary Terms. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publisher, 1985.

Aritonang, Margareth. A Re-examination that Female Antagonists are Representations of Misogyny. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University, 2007.

Barnet and Berman. Literature for Composition. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988.

Barnet, Sylvan, William Burto and William E. Cair. Literature for Composition Essay, Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. The Lehigh Press, Inc, 2005.

Boggs, M, Joseph. The Art of Watching Films. Menlo Park: The Benjamin/ Cummings Publishing Company Inc, 1978.

Goldstone. Context of The Drama. Boston: Prentice Hall Inc, 1962

Guerin, Wilfred L. The Handbook of Critical Approaches to Literature. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Holman, Hugh and William, Harmon. A Handbook to Literature. New York: Prentice Hall, 1976.

Hudson, William Henry. An Introduction to The Study of Literature. New York: Monarch Press, 1958.

Kenney, William. How to Analyze Fiction. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1966.

Kennedy and Gioia, Dana. Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. New York: Longman, 1999.

Lewis, C.S. The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1998.

Little, G. Approach to Literature: An Introduction to Critical Study of Content and Method in Writing. New York: Science Press, 1981.

Murphy, M. J. Understanding Unseen. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd. 1988.



Peacock, Ann (Screenplay Writer). The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. California: Walt Disney Picture and Walden Media, 2006.

Perrine, Laurance. Literature: Structure, Sound and Sense. New York: Hourcourt Brace Jobanovichi, Inc., 1974.

Reaske, Christopher Russell. How to Analyze Drama. New York: Monarch Press, 1966.

Robert, Edgar and Jacobs, Henry. An Introduction to Reading and Writing. Eaglewoods Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1987.

Rohrberger, Mary and Samuel H. Woods, Reading and Writing about Literature. New York: Random House, Inc, 1971.

Stanton, Robert. An Introduction to Fiction. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1965.

Talbot, Daniel. Film: An Anthology. University of California Press, 1959.

Van der Laar, E. and Schoonderwoerd, N. An Approach to English Literature. Malberg: L.C.G., 1963

Wellek, Rene, and Austin Warren. Theory of Literature. Third Edition. New York: Harcourt Brave Javanovich, 1977.

______, (26 August 2006) APPENDIX

The Summary of C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia: The Witch, The Lion, and The Wardrobe

Once there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy. Someday, they were sent away from London during the war because of the air-raids. They were sent to the house of an old Professor who lived in the heart of the country, ten miles from the nearest post office. He had no wife and he lived in a very large house with a housekeeper called Mrs. Macready.

On the next day after their arriving, they planned to go outside. But, they could not go because there was a steady rain falling. So, the decided to explore in the house together. And shortly after that they looked into a room that was quite empty except for one big wardrobe; the sort that has a looking-glass in the door.

There was nothing else in the room at all except a dead blue-bottle on the window-sill.

The children decided to leave that room, but Lucy did not follow the others. She wanted to open the wardrobe, even though she felt almost sure that it would be locked. To her surprise it opened quite easily, and two moth-balls dropped out. Looking into the inside, she saw several coats hanging up-mostly long fur coats. She immediately stepped into the wardrobe and got in among the coats and rubbed her face against them. A moment later she found that she was standing in the middle of a wood at night-time with snow under her feet and snowflakes falling through the air.



There, she met with Mr. Tumnus and he explained that she entered a world called Narnia. After a very long conversation with Mr. Tumnus, Lucy went back to Professor’s house.

On the next day, Lucy went to Narnia again. At this time, quietly, Edmund followed Lucy. Edmund was also very surprised when suddenly he was in Narnia.

There, he could not find Lucy. He looked round him again and decided he did not much like this place, and had almost made up his mind to go home, when he heard, very far off in the wood, a sound of bells. He listened and the sound came nearer and at last there swept into sight a sledge drawn by two reindeer.

On the sledge, driving the reindeer, sat a fat dwarf who would have been about three feet high if he had been standing. Behind him, on a much higher seat in the middle of the sledge sat a very different person-a great lady, taller than any woman that Edmund had ever seen. She is called Jadis. The sledge was a fine sight as it came sweeping toward Edmund with the bells jingling and the dwarf cracking his whip and the snow flying up on each side of it. The dwarf pulled reindeer up so sharp when Jadis said to the dwarf to stop in front of Edmund.

Finally, Edmund met Jadis and they were having conversation. Jadis also gave to Edmund Turkish Delight. After that, Jadis went away and said to Edmund that he could not tell their meeting to anyone else. Edmund followed Jadis’ command and he promised that he would bring his brother and sisters and gave them to Jadis. Then, before Edmund went back to Professor’s house, he met Lucy there. Lucy was so excited when she found Edmund was in Narnia too. Lucy would tell this to Peter and Susan. 57

Edmund and Lucy met Peter and Susan in the living room and then Lucy told the story to Peter and Susan. When Peter asked Edmund the question, he decided all at once to do the meanest and most spiteful thing he could think of. He decided to let Lucy down. Edmund said that he and Lucy have been playing- pretending that all Lucy’s story about a country in the wardrobe is true. Just for fun and there was nothing there really. Poor Lucy gave Edmund one look and rushed out of the room. Then Peter said to Edmund that he could not do that. It made Lucy so sad. But Edmund ignored what Peter said to him.

On the next day, they play hide and seek. But suddenly, they heard Mrs.

Macready and they decided to hide. Because they did not want that Mrs.

Macready found them playing in the house. They were hiding in the wardrobe.

They were moving back and went deeper in the wardrobe. When they were hiding there, suddenly they were in Narnia.

In Narnia, they would go to Mr. Tumnus’s but they found that Mr.

Tumnus caught by Jadis. They decided to find Mr. Tumnus. In Narnia, they were helped by beavers. When they were having conversation, quietly, Edmund went out and he was going to Jadis’s house. Knowing this, they were surprised that

Edmund was gone and they also decided to look for Edmund.

On the other side, when Edmund arrived at Jadis’ house, Edmund caught by Jadis and put in the jail. Edmund was so sad and in the jail he met Mr.

Tumnus. In the jail, Edmund realized his mistake.

At the end of the story, Edmund finally saved by Aslan’s army and he joined the battle against Jadis and the army. In the battle, Jadis was turning 58

Aslan’s army into stone right and left. But, Edmund tried to fight Jadis. When he reached her, he had sense to bring his sword smashing down on her wand instead of trying to go for her directly and simply getting made a statue himself for his pains. Edmuns was covered with blood, his mouth was open, and his face a nasty green color. Edmund was helped by Lucy. She gave Edmund the precious cordial that had been given her from Father Christmas. Finally, the battle was end and the children of Pevensies became the kings and the queens of Narnia.