16th December 2019

Dear Parents/Carers

As you will be aware, the autumn term finishes for Christmas at lunchtime on Thursday 19th December. The new spring term begins for all students on Monday, 6th January 2020. As school finishes at 12:15pm on the last day, lunch will not be being served; however, students who are entitled to a free school lunch may collect lunch from the dining room before they leave. To ensure that we make enough lunches, students will need to give their name to Miss Hughes in the school office no later than 10am Wednesday 18th December.

Charities We are proud that Middleton Technology School has a strong community spirit and also actively supports charities. Staff are currently supporting the Mission Christmas Toy Appeal, and students have been donating food items for the Middleton Food bank. We would really like to thank you for your support with this.

Every year, we raise money for one charity. As always, we ask the community of Middleton Technology School to help us identify charities close to the community’s heart, which the Student Council then shortlists to four charities. In 2019, we were able to raise an amazing £10,000 for the Teenage Cancer Trust. A HUGE thank you to everyone who was involved in raising money for this worthwhile charity.

In 2020, staff and students voted for Papyrus, a charity which focuses on mental health and the prevention of suicide in young people. The Student Council members did a superb job of organising the votes to ensure that everybody had the chance to have their say. The last day of this term will be a non-uniform day, and we ask if students can donate a small amount of money as they go into the Christmas Pantomime, which will go towards Papyrus.

Attendance and the Impact of Absence Our attendance target for all students is 100% (190 days attended from 190) and we have a core expectation that all students achieve well over 96% attendance, missing no more than 8 school days throughout the year.

It goes almost without saying that regular attendance is essential to progress and success and for that reason I would hope that you will support us in helping your child to achieve well over 96% this year.

Every day matters and each day missed hinders progress as can be seen below: .95% Attendance = 2 weeks off (52 lessons missed) per year, and 2 ½ months (260 lessons missed) - Almost a school term over a five year period!

.90% Attendance = 4 weeks off (104 lessons missed) per year, and 5 months (520 lessons missed) - Almost half a year - over a five year period!

In order for students to achieve well over 96% attendance and therefore succeed in school, I would ask you to support us by sending your child into school on time for 8.20am every day where possible, as lateness to school is also disruptive to learning and impedes progress.

It would also be helpful if you could try to arrange medical and dental appointments for outside of school hours using the new NHS out-of-hours evening and weekend GP appointment service. We need to keep medical appointments in school time to an absolute minimum. If on the rare occasion a medical appointment during school time is unavoidable, then I would ask that your child attends school beforehand and/or returns to school immediately that same day following their appointment. If a student is absent from school first thing in the morning or immediately after lunch then they cannot receive an attendance present mark for that session.

Please could I also remind you that I am not allowed to authorise holidays during term time and the Local Authority will issue Penalty Notices for a minimum of £60 per parent per child for high/unauthorised absence for holidays taken during term time. Where there is evidence of persistent or ongoing unauthorised absence the Local Authority may seek to prosecute parents with a fine of up to £2,500, or in more serious cases, leading to a term of imprisonment.

Of course, for the vast majority of our students who attend school regularly each day, we also seek to recognise, celebrate and reward good attendance with our students through our rewards system, and we will be looking to enhance this even further in 2020.

I would like to thank you for your support in helping us to maximise attendance and in doing so, enhancing student success through positive progress and outcomes.

Uniform and Appearance I would like to thank you for your continued support in helping us to maintain high standards with regard to uniform and appearance. There has been a huge improvement in the overall appearance of our students over the last few years, and we now thankfully see very few students wearing make- up, jewellery, hooded tops, incorrect footwear, and in possession of mobile phones.

As we move through the colder winter months however, I would like to remind all parents that students are not allowed to wear hooded tops. Only outdoor coats are permitted, to be worn outside of the school blazer. Coats should then be removed once inside the school building. In order to ensure consistency with this policy, students wearing inappropriate non-school uniform anywhere on the school grounds, including hooded tops, will be challenged and those banned items will be confiscated for parents to collect. It is important therefore that students come equipped ready for the winter months with an appropriate outdoor coat to keep them warm and dry.

I would also like to clarify with parents/carers that the following items are also not allowed in school:

 Body piercings are not allowed, apart from one small plain stud in the lower ear lobe.  Hair styles and colours should not be extreme. A minimum length of a number 2, with no shaven lines.  No make-up is permitted in Years 7-9 and minimal make-up is permitted in Years 10 and 11.  False eyelashes are not allowed and should not be worn.  Acrylic nails and nail polish are also not suitable for school and are not allowed.  Skirts if worn, must be of a reasonable length just above or below the knee.  Visible ‘snow socks’ or other fashion boot socks are not permitted.   We would ask for your support as parents with this upon your child’s return to school in the New Year.

Emergency Closure and Parental Contact Details

In the case of exceptionally bad weather, information will be posted on the school website. We will also use our emergency parent contact system to send emails to all parents for whom we have an up-to-date email address. If you think we may not have your correct email address or telephone number, please email [email protected]

Car Parking and Student Safety Please could I also remind parents who drop-off or pick-up students from school, not to park on double yellow or zig-zag lines as not adhering to this puts our students and other passers-by at risk. There have been a number of incidents in the past year, where inconsiderate parking and driving near to the school grounds has caused a hazard and a danger to our students and other passers-by. The safety of students and others is obviously of paramount importance and I would ask for your support with this.

Key Dates for Spring and Summer 09/01/20 – Yr11 Parents Evening 15/01/20 – Parents Forum w/c 20/01/20 – Yr10 Mock Exams w/c 27/01/20 – Yr11 Mock Exams w/c 03/02/20 – Yr11 Mock Exams 20/02/20 – Yr9 Options Evening 24/02/20 – 28/02/20 Half Term Holiday 02/03/20 – Staff Training Day – School closed to students 05/03/20 – Yr10 Parents Evening 18/03/20 – Parents Forum 06/04/20 – 17/04/20 – Easter Holiday 30/04/20 – Yr8 Parents Evening w/c 04/05/20 – Yr10 Mock Exams Fri 08/05/20 – Bank Holiday 25/05/20 – 29/05/20 – Half term Holiday w/c 15/06/20 – Yr7, 8 & 10 Mock Exams w/c 22/06/20 – Yr7, 8 & 10 Mock Exams 02/07/20 – Yr7 Parents Evening

Enrichment Our staff give up an enormous amount of time ensuring that your children receive the very best education. They are also committed to ensuring that students receive outstanding enrichment opportunities. I appreciate that not every parent can access Facebook, where we post updates about these successes, and I have attached a summary of some of the many incredible enrichment activities from this year alone.

Finally, I wish you all a wonderful Christmas, and a very Happy New Year.

With very best wishes,

Janine Kellett Headteacher

W/e 27/09/19

Art - GCSE Moderators Report


Keira Sherwood beat over 300 young performers who went through rounds of auditions, to secure a much-coveted place in the Royal Exchange’s Young Company! The renowned 1year course for actors aged 14-21, will help Keira develop her acting skills as well as working with professional actors and directors to create a show performed at the theatre this summer. I’ll be front row, Keira!!! What a superstar!


Through the drama department’s link with the BBC, Macauley Fogarty rather opportunistically, auditioned for his first role in the film 'Murdered for being Different'- and got it. Now, alongside other professional acting credits, he has recently starred alongside Jason Manford in the BBCs 'Scarborough', the Netflix original ‘Top Boy’ and Asda’s upcoming Christmas advert. Go Macaulay, super proud of you! 

W/e 11/10/19


Middleton Technology School annual DREAM charity walk for 2019 was in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust. A worthy charity that unbeknown to the school is supporting one of our very own students.

The 10k walk completed by students and staff was an absolute success. Money raised from sponsorship money, staff charity t-shirts and mini bake sales has raised an impressive £9000, which already is more than last year’s effort. Our school target of £10k is in sight; with a final final push this term to collect any outstanding sponsor money we could achieve this outstanding amount.

Students and staff should be incredibly proud, as a community we have truly come together once again to raise money for our democratically voted charity of choice.

Post-16 Pathways Event

Middleton Technology School hosted an enterprising and informative Post-16 Pathways Event in the Main Hall last Thursday. Representatives from a number of local colleges, businesses and training providers kindly gave up their time to provide our Year 11 students with guidance on further education and career routes following their time at high school. Students toured the hall, talking to a host of different employers and providers – including local colleges, Exyte Hargreaves, the RAF and AFC – to discuss their future options and ask for advice on next steps to take. Feedback from the school’s visitors was extremely complimentary, with employers keen to compliment our Year 11s on their enthusiasm and attentiveness.

Manchester United v Rochdale

Middleton Technology School students witnessed a local derby and a nail-biting penalty shoot-out under the lights at Old Trafford last Wednesday.

Forty-two students in total, throughout all year groups, attended the 3rd Round Caraboa Cup clash as Man Utd played hosts to League One Rochdale.

Selected for the game through the school’s staff ticket nomination, the students in attendance had been identified by teachers and staff for their recent positive attitude or behaviour. The nominated students carried this through to the game itself – representing the school extremely well in a challenging and busy environment – and were rewarded by a dramatic penalty shoot-out after a plucky Rochdale side ensured normal time ended with honours event.

Hopefully the students in attendance will be the first of many from Middleton Technology School to reap the rewards of the staff ticket nomination scheme, which will be running throughout the school year!

W/e 01/11/19

Year 8 France Trip October 2019

110 year 8 students visited France over the holidays, and they were absolutely brilliant!

On arrival, students visited Normandy. Here they visited Colleville Sur Mer (American War Cemetery), Point du hoc, where they explored bomb craters, gun turrets, and learnt about WW2 followed by a trip to the UNESCO awarded Mont St Michel.

The next day, students visited Paris, where they walked up the Eiffel Tower, had a coach tour of Paris, and had time to buy souvenirs.

The trip ended with an action packed day at Disneyland Paris.

Our students were absolutely brilliant, and frequently people commented upon just how well our students had behaved, as well as how interested they had been.

SCITT Super Subject Day

The SCITT conducted a session last week in collaboration with Buile Hill SCITT. We had a host of their trainees join us at Middleton Technology School to enjoy a Super Subject Day.

Each trainee was grouped in their subjects and given the task to design a six week after school club aimed at KS3. The session was a huge success, and very rewarding to see how effectively the trainees engaged with and bounced ideas of one another to further develop their subject knowledge. We had post it notes to hand; flipcharts to the ready and everyone was penning ideas down. It was remarkable to see the trainees passion for their subjects displayed throughout the day.

Here’s some of the feedback we received from trainees after the session:

“I was able to make my ideas for lessons more creative.” “The session was fun and interactive.” “I had the opportunity to witness creative methods of several teachers with different styles that I would not have thought of.” “It was good working as a team and supporting each other within our subject.”

These responses just highlight how valuable an experience it is for trainees to get together in order to gain new ideas and further develop as teachers – and also why we were eager to share this as our good news story.

Sports Achievements

• Congratulations to the year 11 netball team who became Rochdale Champions on Monday. They were undefeated in all their games on Monday night with their final game being the decider where the team triumphed over Cardinal Langley 9-7. A fantastic result for a deserving team. Well done.

• The year 8 netball team have set themselves up in a strong position to win their league too. They have won all of their games so far and if they repeat this again in a few weeks’ time, they will be as successful as the year 11 team. Good luck.

• Congratulations to the year 7 football team who won their first game of the season 4-2. The team travelled to Oulder Hill for the fixture. It was a game against the team top of the league. Two more wins and the team will progress through to the next round of the competition.

• The year 10 boys played at Holy Family and won 2 - 1. The score did not reflect how well the boys played. The team have maintained their 100% win record so far this season.

• The year 9 boys played at and won 5 - 3. This was a fantastic game with both teams playing excellent football. Not to be overshadowed, they too have maintained their 100% win record so far this season.

• Also the year 10 football team played at home against Wardle Academy. The team drew 3-3 and did well to come back from two goals down. With three wins and one draw so far this season the lads top the league at the half way point in the season.

• Also the year 7 and 10 boys football teams completed against Matthew Moss on Tuesday. The year 7 team played brilliantly and were unlucky to draw 3-3 in a game they looked like winning. The year 10 team managed a comfortable 10-0 win to extend their 100% win recorded.

W/e 15/11/19

Big Assembly

Middleton Technology School’s budding engineers took part in the industry’s ‘Big Assembly’ yesterday.

Held to celebrate Tomorrow’s Engineering Week, over a hundred Middleton students participated in the webinar, which aired to 850 schools and more than 50,000 students.

Participants had the opportunity to hear inspiring stories from engineers on a mission to make the world a better place.

Middleton Technology School students also received the chance to post questions for those involved in the webinar, and gain knowledge of the different jobs and roles associated with engineering sectors.

Year 10 Manchester Law Courts

Year 10 students ensured justice was served during a mock trial at Manchester Crown Court on Monday.

Based on a real-life court case, the trial featured twenty-eight Middleton Technology School students, each reprising a critical role from the case.

As the court came into session, individual Year 10s played the part of judge, jury, as well as a host of significant figures involved in the criminal justice system.

Reading from a script of true events, students were cross-examined as witnesses, played the role of usher, and cast aspersions as both defence and prosecution barrier.

For the Year 10s, the mock trial was a fascinating interactive insight into the machinations and procedures of a real-life courtroom.

Playing out in full, the budding lawyers, judges and clerks got to witness – and in some cases deliver – the crucial verdict, as the defendant was sentenced to 14 years in prison for manslaughter.

The mock trial was organised by GM Aim Higher in a bid to show our Year 10 students the host of roles and jobs available to those considering a career in law.

Accompanied by two undergraduates currently studying a Law degree at university – and listening to stories of their very different, obtainable pathways into their current career – the whole day was an enthralling, immersive experience for the school’s students.

The Year 10s took to their tasks with enthusiasm and maturity, and hopefully will have another invaluable day out exploring engineering in Cambridge this week.

‘Make it’ Club

Over the last two weeks, Middleton Technology School students have been busily preparing their respects for this weekend’s Remembrance Sunday. Year 7 and 8 students have spent time in the Design and Technology’s ‘Make It’ club carefully crafting poppy wreaths, which are now hanging in the school’s reception area.

Giving up their time after school each Tuesday, the students involved in ‘Make It’ have enjoyed creating their own mark of respect for all those around the world involved in conflict.

STEM Careers Event

Middleton Technology School students tackled cyber security at an RAF-hosted trip on Monday.

Held at Old Trafford, the event was designed to promote awareness and understanding of careers and opportunities in STEM.

The Year 10 students had the chance to get their electronic fingers dirty in an interactive workshop, using problem-solving techniques and teamwork to thwart a cyber-attack.

Cambridge University

Year 10 students’ exploration into future career possibilities continued apace last week with a journey to higher educational hotspot Cambridge.

Twenty-three Middleton Technology School students visited St John’s College, at Cambridge University, to gain an insight into life and work on campus.

Guided around the college by two current Cambridge students from the North West, the Year 10s were delighted to see its world-famous features, including the chapel and Venice-inspired Bridge of Sighs.

Students were also treated to a mini-lecture from the university’s Professor of Engineering, followed by a design challenge putting our Year 10s’ teamwork, creativity and time management to the test.

With an added Q&A session, featuring a presentation conveying life at Cambridge, the whole day out – organised through the National Collaborative Outreach Programme – was an eye-opening experience into the opportunities on offer for those students currently considering university education.

The Middleton Technology School group visiting the city were a credit to the school, remaining attentive, enthusiastic and polite throughout an extremely insightful day.

Sports Achievements

• Last week the year 9 Netball team became Rochdale champions retaining their title from last year.

• This week the year 8 team also won the Rochdale competition.

• This follows on from the year 11 team being Rochdale champions and the year 7 team winning the plate league.

• This has been a fantastic year and the most successful year we have ever had at Netball. We have had multiple teams in all year groups with over 60 girls representing the school so far this year. You have all been brilliant and played a big part in this success.

• Also good luck to the year 9 team who are entered in the County Netball competition.

• The year 9 girls Netball team played their first game in the county competition on Wednesday. A 32 - 22 win has got them off to a great start in the competition. Their next game will be on the 13th November; hopefully they will keep this momentum going and maintain their 100% win record.

• Also this week the year 7 girls 5-a-side Football team played well and have progressed to the Rochdale schools finals. With two wins and one loss, the team will face tough competition in two weeks’ time when the finals take place at Middleton Technology School.

W/e 29/11/19

Careers Trip

Middleton Technology School students travelled to Manchester for a careers-inspired trip last week.

Visiting the city centre offices of Hays Recruitment, the students received expert, professional advice on CVs, personal statements, as well as insider tips on how to make their resumés and applications stand out to employers and university admission officers.

Hays are a major employer in the recruitment sector, dealing with a host of crucial industries including education, construction, legal and retail; the students who attended found the tips and advice they received from the employees extremely worthwhile and beneficial to their future chances of employment.

Middleton Technology School would like to thank our Business Enterprise Adviser Dan Burgess, as well as Hays Recruitment staff for giving their time up to talk to our students – we look forward to visiting their offices with more students sometime in the near future.

Digital Her

Year 8 girls sampled life in the digital and tech industry at an expert-led roadshow on Tuesday.

Twelve Middleton Technology School students took part in the ‘Digital Her’ event at Hopwood Hall, a series of workshops designed to showcase the range of opportunities available to young women interested in this type of career.

Beginning with a speed-networking session, the students had the chance to ask questions and gain insight from a variety of women already embedded in the industry.

The Year 8s then threw themselves into a series of workshops, led by the event’s sponsors, Unicorn & Co, Auto trader, GCHQ and BJSS.

Allowing the girls to work in groups to complete business tasks, create profile cards, as well as build a data intelligence programme to catch a wanted criminal, the workshops were a success in fulfilling the roadshow’s objective of inspiring young girls to be interested in working in the digital industry.

The Middleton Technology School students were enthusiastic and inquisitive throughout the whole day, resulting in the girls being awarded an exciting ‘Experience Day’ day with a digital company later this year!

Football Storybox

Middleton Technology School students visited The Lakes care home in Dukinfield yesterday, supporting residents living with dementia.

Bringing gifts of blankets and other knitted garments, the Year 10 students also took valuable memorabilia – such as football boots, scarves and programmes – to reminisce over and discuss with their welcoming hosts.

The ‘Football Storybox’ session, part of an intergenerational project taking place over the festive period, was a visit our students have been eagerly anticipating for a while.

As part of their Health and Social Care studies for GCSE, the Year 10s have attended workshops at Old Trafford, and received specialised training from an Age-friendly programme co-ordinator, in order to prepare thoroughly for their visit to the care home.

Using sport – in particular football – as a platform to engage with residents, the Middleton Technology School students were enthusiastic and attentive throughout their visit to The Lakes.

“I wanted to say what a lovely group they were,” the Care Home’s Senior Activities Co-Ordinator remarked, “They showed compassion, dignity and empathy towards our residents.”

The visit was such a success, the Year 10s will now be supporting a Manchester United Museum event over Christmas, joining the residents – and a host of other guests – for Christmas Dinner.

Everyone at school is extremely proud of our students for the conduct and maturity displayed during this visit.

Oldham Theatre Workshop

Year 10 GCSE drama students received a private performance of a poignant and thought-provoking stage play in school last week. Actors from the Oldham Theatre Workshop used the school’s studio space to perform ‘Birthday’, an educational production designed to raise awareness of the impacts of drinking during pregnancy.

Touring schools across Greater Manchester from September, last week was Middleton Technology School students’ opportunity to see the professional performers’ interpretation of this powerful play.

The Year 10s left ‘Birthday’ inspired by the themes and performances on show, and have already written their very own review for their mock Drama exams.

Next Moves Careers Event

Year 10 students travelled to Old Trafford yesterday for the NHS’ ‘Next Move Careers’ event.

Organised through the Manchester United Foundation, the event presented the 13 Middleton Technology School students with the opportunity to take part in a series of interactive workshops.

The workshops were designed to increase awareness of potential future careers within the NHS and social care industry, and were an enjoyable experience for the school’s Year 10s.

Sports Achievements

• Tonight two year 8 football teams went to Holy Family School and played in a tournament designed for students who have not represented their schools main football team before. This tournament was a massive success with some excellent football played by all teams involved. It was so successful that it may become a regular calendar fixture. Mr Palmer and Mr Street are really proud of the attitude and sportsmanship of everyone who played tonight in such cold conditions. Well done lads.

• The Year 8/9 Boys Basketball team played in the first round of the Rochdale competition on Tuesday night, resulting in three games played and three games won! The next round will take place in two weeks' time; if this success is repeated, the team will become Rochdale Champions for the third year in a row! • The Year 7 Boys Football team played their final league game: with an 8-3 win over Wardle tonight, the team top their group and will progress to the next round after Christmas.

• All year groups competed in the Rochdale Indoor rowing competition today at Hollingworth Academy. The year 7 and 9 boys became Rochdale Champions and will progress to the Greater Manchester Competition. The year 8, 10 and 11 boys, and the year 7, 8, 9 and 10 girls were all runners up. Individual positions have not yet been confirmed but I am sure we will have a number of champions and medallists too. A massive well done to all that competed today.

• Congratulations to the Year 7 Girls’ 5-a-side Football team who became Rochdale runners- up. The team were so unlucky to have not become Rochdale Champions. They came joint top of the mini-league with exactly the same results and points as St Cuthbert's. The only way the two teams could be split was by a play-off game where St Cuthbert's narrowly won 1-0.

• Also tonight, the Year 10 Boys Basketball team won all of their games. If they repeat this in two weeks’ time, we will have another Rochdale Champions team.

W/e 13/12/19

Greater Manchester Indoor Athletics Competition

Today some of our most talented athletes competed in the Greater Manchester Indoor Invitation Athletics Competition, held at Sports City.

To compete at this level is an achievement, but to medal puts some of our athletes in the top performers in the county! This is even more impressive with 30 teams competing.

We had 4 individual medallists and 1 relay team medalling. This contributed to the boy’s team finishing 4th and the girls 10th. A very successful competition.

Amnesty International Youth Group

Politically-minded Middleton Technology School students have been giving up their time to support and raise awareness of vital human rights issues.

The school’s Amnesty International Youth Group meet once a week, during the students’ lunch break, to discuss and explore ideas related to the human rights charity’s ongoing campaigns.

So far this term, the budding activists have lent their learning and support to vital global campaigns such as the refugee crisis, the climate crisis and LGBT rights in South America.

For the students – who are currently working on a storyboard project to highlight their support for these issues – the Amnesty International Youth Group sessions are an eye-opening educational experience, helping to sharpen young minds and raise much-needed awareness and empathy for these campaigns.

Chosen Charity 2019/20

On election week, Middleton Technology School is proud to announce the result of a very important vote of our own: the schools chosen charity.

Organised by the Student Council, our eager students – in particular those members from Year 8 – have worked tirelessly over the last few weeks to promote and encourage participation in the balloting process.

Their hard work has paid off, with the final votes counted and the winning charity elected.

We are delighted to announce, therefore, that PAPYRUS, an organisation focusing on mental health and the prevention of suicide in young people, is this year’s chosen charity for Middleton Technology School's fundraising efforts.

The result struck a chord with many of the School Council members who organised the vote.

“We think it’s really important that our school works hard to raise funds for this charity,” said one proud student, “It deals with one of the biggest killers of young people in the UK. We’re really pleased that this charity won.”

More information about PAPYRUS and its work can be found online at: https://papyrus-uk.org/

We look forward to raising money throughout the year, to support the fantastic work undertaken by all involved with PAPYRUS.

Manchester United Christmas Party

Christmas came early for a group of Middleton Technology School students on Tuesday.

Five beaming Year 7s attended the Manchester United Foundation Annual Christmas Party at Old Trafford, taking part in a host of games and activities, and dancing to festive music.

The party-goers were treated to a demonstration of skills and tricks from football freestyler Billy Wingrove, but the highlight of the day came in the form of another special guest appearance.

Michael Carrick, the former Man Utd and England central midfielder, arrived at the party bearing gifts, presenting each happy attendee with a brand new pair of football boots.

For our five Year 7s, it was a lovely way to kick-off the festive season.

Year 7 & 8 Disco

To really get in to the festive spirit, last night we held our Christmas disco for year 7 and 8. This was a really lovely and running the evening and their DJ and MC skilevent, the year 11 ambassadors were superb organising ls were impeccable. We had dance competitions, Christmas outfits, and Santa even made an appearance!!

Sports Achievements

Year 10 students put in a sterling performance at a football tournament in Bolton this afternoon.

Braving atrocious conditions, the nine-man Middleton Technology School squad battled against a host of other Manchester United Foundation hub schools at the competition taking place at the ESSA Academy.

The lads represented the school to a high level, both in terms of performance and conduct, throughout the entire tournament.

Finishing with a record of two wins and losses, as well as three draws, the Year 10s narrowly missed out on progressing to the knockout stages, but all the lads should be proud of their stellar effort in less-than-stellar weather conditions!

Everyman Theatre

Middleton Technology School Year 8s brought Christmas cheer to primary school students at a private screening of a festive film classic.

Ten nominated Middleton Technology School students accompanied their Year 6 counterparts at Elmwood Primary School to watch a showing of ‘Home Alone’ at Manchester’s brand new Everyman Theatre.

All the children in attendance enjoyed watching the film in their plush surroundings – with free drinks and popcorn! – and the Middleton Technology School Year 8s were perfect ambassadors for the school, looking after the Elmwood pupils with care and consideration.