Curriculum Vitae
Marc L. Greenberg Dept. of Slavic Languages & Literatures University of Kansas (785) 864-2349 (voice) Wescoe Hall (785) 864-4298 (fax) 1445 Jayhawk Blvd., Room 2133 Lawrence, Kansas 66045-7594, USA Present position: Chair, Department of Germanic Languages & Literatures; Professor of Slavic Languages & Literatures; Professor of Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies, University of Kansas (KU); Courtesy Professor of Linguistics; European Studies Program (Core Faculty Member) Education PhD: Slavic Languages and Literatures, 1990, UCLA. Thesis: A Historical Analysis of the Phonology and Accentua- tion of the Prekmurje Dialect of Slovene; Co-Chairs: Henrik Birnbaum, Alan Timberlake. MA: Slavic Languages and Literatures, 1984, University of Chicago BA: Slavic Languages and Literatures, 1983, UCLA; Magna cum Laude (For details of study abroad in former USSR, former Yugoslavia, Hungary and former Czechoslovakia, see below under Foreign experience.) Employment, positions, rank 2012– Chair, Department of Germanic Languages & Literatures, KU 2012 Acting Associate Dean, Humanities, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, (6-mo. appt.) 2001– Full Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures; Russian and East European Studies, KU 2000–11 Department Chair, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures 1995– Associate Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures; Russian and East European Studies, KU 2001 1990–95 Assistant Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures; Russian and East European Studies, KU 1990 Slovene language instructor, intensive 1st year course, Summer Workshop in East European Lan- guages, Indiana U., Bloomington 1986–87 Russian language graduate teaching assistant, 2nd year Russian, UCLA; 1st and 2nd year Russian, Self-paced (individualized) program, UCLA Honors/Awards 2004 Award for Outstanding Achievement in the field of Slovene Studies, Slavic Studies Society of Slove- nia, Novo mesto, Slovenia, October 2004.
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