Proudly funded by West Haddon Parish Council November 2020 Inside this issue: WEST HADDON PARISH COUNCIL Parish Council Pg 1-2 E-mail:-
[email protected] Website:- Puzzle telephone:- 07493366527 Page Pg 3 Twitter:- @WestHaddonPC Church Facebook:- West Haddon Council News Pg 4-5 Newsletter Editor:-
[email protected] Village Full Council meetings are normally held on 1st Tuesday of each month News Pg 6-9, 12 Please see the website for further information, joining instructions for meetings (currently held by zoom), and agenda items. Local Services Pg 10-11 Page 2 of 12 Parish Council News WEST HADDON EMERGENCY PLANNING – PART 1 Earlier this year the Executive Officer asked the Parish Council to consider establishing an emergency plan for West Haddon. Little did the Council appreciate that less than 2 months later a public health emergency would impact not just West Haddon but, indeed, the country and world and, as a result, face to face meetings were postponed in favour of online meetings. We are now conversant with online meetings and able to continue business from the comfort of our own homes which should, hopefully, allow for increased engagement from our community members. As we now find ourselves fast approaching the winter and potentially the impact of more frequent extremes of weather, as well as continuing to battle the invisible enemy known so well to us all now as Covid 19, it is more evident than ever that the Council and West Haddon must ensure it is as resilient as it can be for future situations.