The Ch of Etz Chaim's Vision
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Shar~~ the Ch ofetz Chaim's vision of a world built on Ahavas Yisrael ... Gedolim of our time - members of our Rabbinical Hoard - speak out on the Chqfetz Chaim Heritage Foundation "f admire ! that. fl1e foundatiOI. l iS "The Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation "! think it's a tremendous z'chus and doing to promote Shnliras lla!oshon ;4s·. ,. .·• is the only major OPf,aOiZ'Jt!on working accomplishment for the Chofetz Chaim · They make many thousands of people exc!usivelv on the kev mitzvos of Ahavas Heritage Foundation to have taken upon aware of the responsil;ility of proper speech Yisrae! and Shmiras i;aloshon. !tis a great itself the responsibility and rnis.~ion to and they do it VCI'}» vety successfully''. z'clrns to Ii ave a part in their work''. promote Shmir~L) Ha!oshon to our -llaRav Arra/Jam Pa1n, z"tl - HaRav Slnnuel Kamenetsk.J\ entire community''. II II Shlitri - Ghairman - ,Vovo1ninsker Rebbe. s/Jlitn .. .And get some of the world's most important tapes FREE! 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Membership card • Membership card subscription • 10'?;, discounl on • Membership card • Membership card all tapes and books • 10% discount on ~ 10% discount on • 10% discount on all tapes and books all tapes and books all !apes arnJ books • JO% discount on al! tapes and books • FREE tape album ~ FREE tape album • FREE tape album of your choice of your choice of your choice Call 1-800-867-2482 to become a member now! ! i'/$K__ J or send your check by mail to: :eD.: CHOFETZ CHAIM HERITAGE FOUNDATION Me1nbershlp Services • 6 Melnick Drive, Jvlonsey, NY 10952 Plea,1e indicate your choice offree tape binder and date of dedication if applicable. The revolutionary new way to add meaning and understanding to prayer! The Schottenstein Edition Interlinear Series Descriptions don't do justice to this beautiful new "Interlinear" concept. So look at the sample page, Read. Recite. Pray. Understand the words - and the flow. How much did you have to move your eye to look at the transla tion? Not a bit! How long did it take you to find the translation? No time at all! ~ ''"' ""' '"" ~m~ '"'" ""•"·'""""""""'·•"I~" ''"""''"""'"'""'"''"'''""'~·< "'"""'"~"'""''IT •:,nJ-1.1 ;1. .,, .u':i'" I "1)"1' ~.;!"1irl' 1Y~w Did it interfere with your concentration? No - it improved it! Comprehension seeps in as you pray. The great difficulty in this kind of treatment is reading Hebrew from right to left, and English from left to right How to keep the eye from wandering in both directions and falling prey to confusion? Look at the page again. The arrows unobtrusively direct your eye in the right direction. It's a tested, patent-pending method - and it works! But the syntax of Hebrew and English are different.Won't the sen~ tences sometimes be incomprehenslble? That's where the skill of the editors comes in.The comprehension is there.And wherever neces sary, the commentary explains the flow of the verse. In addition, the commentary does what you expect an ArtScroll commentary to do: it explains and clarifies. This new Schottenstein Interlinear Series will elevate the standards of prayer for countless Jews for generations to come. Try this new Siddur soon.You'll feel elevated! NOW AVAILABLE:• SABBATH AND FESTIVALS SIDDUR • BIRCHON • TEHILLIM I PSALMS It reads like a novel.And it really happened, every word of it.This is the story of Purim as you have never seen it before! Yosef Deutch, author of the popular Let My Nat;on Go, has gone to all the sources ~ the Megillah, the Talmud, the Midrash, the classic commentators - and put everything into a fast moving, fascinating narrative, with all the sources annotated.As we read, our hearts pound when· Esther appears before the king; we cringe as Haman condemns little children to death; we hold our heads high when Mordechai defies the wicked, arrogant Haman; we laugh at Haman's humiliation when he leads Mordechai on the royal steed. This is as exciting a story as you1ll read in a long time.And while you're at it, you'll understand the Megillah more thoroughly than ever. _A~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-,--~ µ Available at your local Hebrew bookstore or call: 1-800-MESORAH • In NYS: (718) 921-9000 • FAX: (718) 680-1875 • Shevat 5762 •January 2002 U.S.A.$3.50/Foreign $4.50 ·VOL XXXV/NO. I THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 0021-6615 is published monthly except July and August by the Agudath Israel of America, 42 Broadway, New York, NY10004. Periodicals postage pad in New York, NY. Subscription $24.00 per year; two years, $44.00; three years, $60.00. Outside of the United States (US funds drawn on a US bank only) $12.00 sur charge per year. Single copy $3.50; for eign $4.50. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: The Jewish Observer, 42 Broadway, NY., NY. 10004. Tel: 212-797-9000, Fax: 646-254-1600. BAYIS NE'EMAN 8EYISROEL Printed in the U.S.A. PART II RABBI NISSON WOLPIN, EDITOR SHIDDUCHIM REVISITED EDITORIAL BOARD RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS Chairman 7 The Path to Happily Ever After, RABBI ABBA BRUDNY Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman JOSEPH FRIEDENSON RABBI YISROEL MEIR KIRZNEA RABBI NOSSON SCHERMAN PROF. AARON TWERSKI SHALOM BAYIS REEXAMINED OR. ERNST L. BODENHEIMER Z"L founding Chairman I 5 Shalom Bayis -A View From Your Child's Eyes, Rabbi Shmuel Gluck MANAGEMENT SOARD AVI FISHOF '.10 Disagreement and Harmonious Growth, NAFTOLI HIRSCH ISAAC KIRZNER Rabbi Yisroel Reisman RABBI SHLOMO LESIN NACHUM STEIN RABBI VOSEF C. GOLDING EXTRAORDINARY CIRCUMSTANCES Menaglng Editor A Fusion of Gifts: When the Strength of a Frum Published by 24 Agudath Israel of America Family Merges With the Baal Teshuva's Resolve, U.S. TRADE DISTRIBUTOR ISRAELI REPRESENTATIVE Chana Levin Feldlleim Publisllers lnlnl. Media Placemen! 200 Airport Executive Park POB 7195 / 5 Even Israel Nanuet. NY 10954 Jerusalem, ISRAEL 16 Heading a Large Family, Faiga Koenig BRITISH REPRESENTATIVE BELGIAN REPRESENTATIVE M. T. Bibelman Mr. E. Apler 33 Rachmanus, Rejection and Reality, Mrs. Seryl Sander Grosvenor Works Lange Kievitstr. 29 Mount Pleasant Hill 2018 Antwerp London E5 9NE, ENGLAND BELGIUM 37 A Different Kind of Baby: The Infertile Marriage, Ariella Davidson FRENCH REPRESENTATIVE SWISS REPRESENTATIVE Rabbi Bamberger Mr. S. Feldinger 21 Boulevard Paixhans Leimanstrasse 36 57000 Metz 4051 Basel FRANCE SWITZERLAND 40 Bigotry for Polite Company, Rabbi Avi Shafran THE JEWISH OBSERVER does not assume responsibility for the Kashrus of any product, publication, or service 42 Index to Articles: Subjects and Authors, advertised in its pages Vol :XXXIV, Nos. I - I 0 ©Copyright 2002 January 2002 VOLUME XXXV/NO, 1 ial Yisroel mourns the recent in Pias' chana, he took care of a blind n 5707 (1947), he accepted a call to passing of Rabbi Chaim talmid chacham there. When World become Rosh Yeshiva in Bais KKreiswirth i1:>1:J7 j71i::i i:::it, Rav of War II broke out, and he was I Medrash La Torah, in Chicago (later Antwerp, Belgium, for the past fifty captured by the Nazis, he beseeched in Skokie), where he established a close years. An extraordinary talmid chacham, the Ribbono Shel Olam that he be contact with numerous talmidim - a poseik, and leading spokesman for saved in the zechus of his service to bond that he maintained until his last Torah Jewry, Rabbi Kreiswirth was the blind scholar. Indeed, he escaped days. born in Wojnicz, Poland in Galicia in by an unusual occurrence. The After several years in Chicago, he 5679 (1918). German sol responded to the invitation to accept Son of Rabbi dier who the Rabbanus and become Av Beis Din Avraham held him (head of the rabbinical court) of Yoseif Sher captive told Antwerp. During those post-War man, Rav of him that he years, Antwerp - and the European Wojnicz, a would shoot continent, in general - was shattered, leading poseik into the air, the Jewish population decimated by who wrote a while he Hitler's genocide, and the people number of could run sorely in need of leadership, guidance, sefarim, he was away. encouragement, and a Torah vision. brought up in He Rabbi Kreiswirth provided these in a a home distin- reached Sia manner that transformed Antwerp guished by ~ bodka early into a leading community in Europe. Torah and • in the War, His impact reached beyond chess ed. j where he Belgium, and difficult she' eilos in The young < married the halacha were addressed to him from Chaim was a ~ daughter virtually all over the world. leading talmid < ofRabbi He headed numerous rabbinical in Yeshivas 1Avraham and organization groups, including Chachmei B Grodzinski the rabbinical committee that dealt Lublin where ~ (the Taras with conversion issues, fighting he impressed Avraham), against efforts to conduct non the Rosh Hayeshiva, Rabbi Meir the Mashgiach of the Slabodka halachic conversions.