The Jewish Bserver
THE JEWISH BSERVER in this issue . • • Yoseif Mendelevich Comes Home THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN "From Bondage to Freedom,'' Nissan Wolpin . 3 0021-6615) is published monthly, Notes From a Conversation, with Rivka Drori . 5 except July and August, by the A Letter From Prison, Yoseif Mendelevich . 6 Agudath Israel of America, 5 Sweet Taste of Freedom!, Hillel Goldberg . 7 Beekman Street, New York, N. Y. 10038. Second class postage paid The Torah Family at New York, N. Y. Subscription Introduction, Rabbi Yitzchok Kerzner . 9 $12.00 per year; two years, $21.00; three years, $28.00; out Raising a Torah Family, Rabbi Elya Svei ................ 10 side of the United States, $13.00 Between Parents and Sonc, Rabbi Avraham Pam . 15 per year. Single copy, Sl.50 "Dear Mother," Breindy Leizerson. 19 Printed in the U.S.A. The Shabbos Table: A Therapist's View, Meir Wik/er .... 23 RABBI NissoN WoLPIN Out of Many, One-A Purim Message, Editor Rabbi Avraham Chaim Feuer . 29 "Welcome Home!"-The View From 925, Nissan Wolpin ...... 37 Editorial Board DR. ERNST BooENHEIMER Books in Review Chairman Halachos of Pesach . 41 RABBI NATHAN BULMAN RABBI JosEPH EuAs Bircas J!aChammah ............................... JosrrH FRIEDENSON Mitzva Encyclopedia: Passover Matzos . 42 RABBI MosHE SttERER A Purim Passing, Hanoch Teller. 45 M1cHAEL RoniscttILD Business Manager Time, a poem by Devorah Gershon. 49 THE Jrw1sH OasERVER does not A Prayer, a poem by Devorah Gershon . SO assume responsibility for the Kashrus of any product or ser Letters to the Editor . • . 51 vice advertised in its pages. At the Wall, a poem by Yehuda Re/is ........................
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