Adnan I. AL-Hindi (Ph.D. Medical Parasitology) Islamic University of Gaza 22

Phylum: Sarcomastigophora Class: Zoomastigophora Order: Kinetoplastida

Phylum: -No locomotary organs, in 1970 levine raised this new phylum to contain all non-flagellate, non-, parasitic protozoa, that posses an apical complex, as seen by electron microscope (E.M) at some stage at the life cycle, the life cycle of these parasites usually involve a trophozoite. A phase of a sexually multiplication by multiple fission (Schizogony and Merogony), a sexual stage (gametogony) and formation of spores (sporogon).

-Classification of Apicomplexa: Phylum: Apicomplexa Class:sporozoa Subclass: Subclass: Piroplasmia Order: Eucoccidia Order: Family: Theileriidae Family: Babasiidae e.g.Theleriria sp. Genus: e.g. B. bigemina Suborder: Haemoporina Suborder: Eimerina (Motile zygote indirect life cycle) (non-motile sporozoites, direct life cycle) Family: Plasmodidae Genus: Plasmodium e.g. Plasmodium sp. Family: Family: Genus: e.g. sp e.g. Eimeria sp e.g. Toxoplsma gondii

class: Sporozoa -The main characters of this class is the presence of reproduction: 1. A sexual reproduction: (Schizogony) in man (as intermediate host) by simple division of chromatin. 2. Sexual reproduction (sporogony) in definitive host which is anopheline mosquitoe, by fusion of the female and male gametes to form sporozoites.

-Subclasss: Coccidia -Apical complex well developed, very small trophozoites and sexual stages. Intracellular parasites of vertebrates in various types of cells including blood sucking arthropodes.

Adnan I. AL-Hindi (Ph.D. Medical Parasitology) Islamic University of Gaza 23

Adnan I. AL-Hindi (Ph.D. Medical Parasitology) Islamic University of Gaza 22

Phylum: Sarcomastigophora Class: Zoomastigophora Order: Kinetoplastida

Phylum: Apicomplexa -No locomotary organs, in 1970 levine raised this new phylum to contain all non-flagellate, non-ciliate, parasitic protozoa, that posses an apical complex, as seen by electron microscope (E.M) at some stage at the life cycle, the life cycle of these parasites usually involve a trophozoite. A phase of a sexually multiplication by multiple fission (Schizogony and Merogony), a sexual stage (gametogony) and formation of spores (sporogon).

-Classification of Apicomplexa: Phylum: Apicomplexa Class:sporozoa Subclass: Coccidia Subclass: Piroplasmia Order: Eucoccidia Order: Piroplasmida Family: Theileriidae Family: Babasiidae e.g.Theleriria sp. Genus: Babesia e.g. B. bigemina Suborder: Haemoporina Suborder: Eimerina (Motile zygote indirect life cycle) (non-motile sporozoites, direct life cycle) Family: Plasmodidae Genus: Plasmodium e.g. Plasmodium sp. Family: Eimeriidae Family: Sarcocystidae Genus: Eimeria e.g. Sarcocystis sp e.g. Eimeria sp e.g. Toxoplsma gondii

class: Sporozoa -The main characters of this class is the presence of reproduction: 1. A sexual reproduction: (Schizogony) in man (as intermediate host) by simple division of chromatin. 2. Sexual reproduction (sporogony) in definitive host which is anopheline mosquitoe, by fusion of the female and male gametes to form sporozoites.

-Subclasss: Coccidia -Apical complex well developed, very small trophozoites and sexual stages. Intracellular parasites of vertebrates in various types of cells including blood sucking arthropodes.

Adnan I. AL-Hindi (Ph.D. Medical Parasitology) Islamic University of Gaza 23

Adnan I. AL-Hindi (Ph.D. Medical Parasitology) Islamic University of Gaza 22

Phylum: Sarcomastigophora Class: Zoomastigophora Order: Kinetoplastida

Phylum: Apicomplexa -No locomotary organs, in 1970 levine raised this new phylum to contain all non-flagellate, non-ciliate, parasitic protozoa, that posses an apical complex, as seen by electron microscope (E.M) at some stage at the life cycle, the life cycle of these parasites usually involve a trophozoite. A phase of a sexually multiplication by multiple fission (Schizogony and Merogony), a sexual stage (gametogony) and formation of spores (sporogon).

-Classification of Apicomplexa: Phylum: Apicomplexa Class:sporozoa Subclass: Coccidia Subclass: Piroplasmia Order: Eucoccidia Order: Piroplasmida Family: Theileriidae Family: Babasiidae e.g.Theleriria sp. Genus: Babesia e.g. B. bigemina Suborder: Haemoporina Suborder: Eimerina (Motile zygote indirect life cycle) (non-motile sporozoites, direct life cycle) Family: Plasmodidae Genus: Plasmodium e.g. Plasmodium sp. Family: Eimeriidae Family: Sarcocystidae Genus: Eimeria e.g. Sarcocystis sp e.g. Eimeria sp e.g. Toxoplsma gondii

class: Sporozoa -The main characters of this class is the presence of reproduction: 1. A sexual reproduction: (Schizogony) in man (as intermediate host) by simple division of chromatin. 2. Sexual reproduction (sporogony) in definitive host which is anopheline mosquitoe, by fusion of the female and male gametes to form sporozoites.

-Subclasss: Coccidia -Apical complex well developed, very small trophozoites and sexual stages. Intracellular parasites of vertebrates in various types of cells including blood sucking arthropodes.

Adnan I. AL-Hindi (Ph.D. Medical Parasitology) Islamic University of Gaza 23