January - February 2012 Recreational Aircraft Association Canada www.raa.ca The Voice of Canadian Amateur Aircraft Builders $6.95 Gone Fishin' Enjoying your wings in the Canadian Winter is not a lot of work and the chapter dent of Chapter 41 has taken this From The will then have seamless insurance one step further. He makes a power coverage. point presentation of the test and President’s Desk also prints out copies for the chap- MAGAZINE ADVERTISING REP ter members. The entire chapter goes Gary Wolf The position of magazine adver- through the test together at their tising rep is available to any member January meeting, with much discus- CHAPTER STATUS REPORTS who wishes to volunteer. The respon- sion and reference to the appropriate It is again the time of year when sibilities include finding new adver- CAR or the information in the Aircraft chapters have usually installed their tisers and making occasional contact Information Manual (AIM). After new executive members. Each chapter with current advertisers. This posi- gaining an insight into the logic of must then send in a status report, a tion may be handled by anyone with a each answer, each member signs his requirement to be insured under the phone and email, so living in a remote own document and files it with his RAA Chapter Liability policy that area does not disqualify you from pilot's license and other documents. covers your meetings and events for applying. Please email to
[email protected] Fred Grootarz also provides a sticker $5 million. The minimum requirement or call 1-800-387-1028 if you are inter- that may be placed in the logbook is to name the President, Treasurer, ested.