Corporate Update
[ September 2003 ] [ corporate] a newsletter about the corporate philanthropic response to HIV/AIDS in the United States and globallyupdate aids is your business Innovative Partnerships in the Fight Against Global HIV/AIDS The past several years have witnessed a dramatic and leaders. Not surprisingly, given the enormity of the increase in attention to the global HIV/AIDS pandemic problem, many of the most innovative initiatives have among the public and private sectors. Governments, the involved multisectoral partnerships—i.e. collaborations United Nations, international non-governmental organi- between government and the non-profit and private zations (NGOs), and business, including corporate sectors. FCAA has not only advocated for a robust philanthropy, are paying more attention to AIDS than philanthropic response for years, but specifically ever before. counsels all funders to explore collaborations as a In part, this is because multinational businesses, means to stretch limited resources and create economies particularly those with operations in hard-hit countries, of scale and efficient philanthropic interventions. have come to recognize the profound impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic on their workforce—and on their Global Health Initiative bottom line. For example, as the Joint United Nations One important example of such efforts is the World Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) notes: AIDS- Economic Forum’s Global Health Initiative (GHI), related absenteeism, productivity declines, health-care which is designed to foster greater business engagement expenditures, and recruitment and training expenses in in the global battle against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and several southern African countries could cut profits by malaria. The GHI—led by a steering committee that 6-8% (UNAIDS.
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