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UN Free & Equal is a global United inspired “The Welcome” and 2018’s Nations campaign for equal rights “Be There” – rank today among the and the fair treatment of lesbian, gay, most watched videos ever produced bi, trans and intersex (LGBTI) people by the . everywhere. Other campaign initiatives include a Launched in Cape Town, , global film festival, a rainbow crosswalk in July 2013, the campaign is led by the in front of UN Headquarters, and the United Nations Office. world’s first set of postage stamps for LGBT equality. In its first six years, UN Free & Equal has generated a stream of widely Alongside the global campaign, shared materials – including more UN Free & Equal has also inspired and than 56 videos, hundreds of sharable supported national level campaigns e-postcards and a series of popular, and events in countries around the plain-language fact sheets. Several world, with 17 full-scale national campaign videos – including launch campaigns currently up and running video “The Riddle”, the Bollywood- and more being planned for 2020. 3

Launched: Implementation: 26 July 2013 Implementation is led by the United Nations Human Rights Office with support from UN partners (including Overall aim: UN Resident Coordinators and UN country teams), as well as national To enhance equality and counter and municipal governments, and civil discrimination against lesbian, gay, society organizations. In 2019, UN bisexual, and intersex partners at the national level included (LGBTI) people everywhere by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Office of the » supporting UN-system public United Nations High Commissioner advocacy on the human rights of for Refugees (UNHCR), the United LGBTI people at the national and Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), global level; and the UN Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations » contributing to increasing public Educational, Scientific and Cultural support for diverse societies that Organization (UNESCO), the United are inclusive of LGBTI people, and Nations Food and Agriculture for stronger legal protections against Organization (FAO), the United Nations violence and discrimination based on Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), sexual orientation, gender identity the United Nations Population Fund and sex characteristics. (UNFPA), UN Women, the International Labour Organization (ILO), UNAIDS, and the World Health Organization (WHO). 4


2019 was a year of transition for UN Free & Equal. In previous years, the campaign has mostly focused on awareness raising, and on conveying the simple message that LGBTI people everywhere deserve equal rights and fair treatment, targeting a diverse and often-skeptical global audience. But while raising awareness is a necessary component, simply giving people more information is unlikely to change their beliefs or behaviour.

To help create sustainable social and political change – tangible action from governments and communities that can make a difference in the lives of LGBTI people around the world – we need to focus more on strategic communications, strategic partnerships and advocacy. To facilitate this change in priorities, the UN Free & Equal campaign has expanded its focus from the global to the national level – a shift that will continue over the next few years.

This allows the campaign to maximize the relevance of strategic messaging and activities to local political debates and cultural contexts, while broadening the ownership of the campaign to include more UN partners and civil society organizations.

The campaign has also gone for a more targeted approach at the global level, launching mini-campaigns and other communications materials with narrower target audiences, directed at encouraging new allies to take concrete action in their communities. 5


» Expanded at the national level, increasing the number of national and regional campaigns from 12 to 17, including in Albania, Brazil, » Produced and launched a Cambodia, Cabo Verde, series of mini-campaigns Dominican Republic, The on social media that were Gambia, Guatemala, Haiti, seen by more than 14.3 Mongolia, Peru, Serbia, Sri million people around the » Continued to promote Lanka, Timor Leste, Ukraine, world. We advocated for global LGBTI standards Uruguay, Vietnam, and a the rights of trans people for business, produced sub-regional campaign in on Trans Day of Visibility by the UN Human Rights Central America. Additional and the need to ensure Office, that guide private campaigns are planned for justice and protection for sector allies on how 2020. the LGBTI community on to foster diversity and International Day against promote equality both Homophobia, Biphobia and in the workplace and in Transphobia. We called on the communities where our allies to protect LGBTI they and their business and other kids from bullying partners operate. More on Spirit Day and celebrated than 270 companies have their courage with an signed up as supporters of unprecedented video the standards and the UN series featuring prominent Human Rights Office has African supporters of LGBTI developed a toolkit aimed equality. at activists who engage with the private sector (to be launched by mid 2020).



UN FREE & EQUAL ON SOCIAL MEDIA 9.2 million 14.3 million 187,000 interactions video views followers with posts (from 157,000 in 2018)



2. Nepal GENDER 3. Indonesia BALANCE 56% men 4. 43% women 5. Cambodia 1% other

TOP AGE GROUP Young adults 18-34 8



2. India GENDER 3. Brazil BALANCE 4. 56% men 44% women 5. Argentina

TOP AGE GROUP Young adults 18-34


TOP COUNTRIES 1. United States

2. Nigeria GENDER 3. India BALANCE 4. Brazil 72% men 28% women 5. Pakistan

* Twitter doesn’t disclose age groups of followers 9

MINI-CAMPAIGNS On social media, nothing rivals video when it comes to stirring empathy and emotional resonance, which can help overcome previously held opinions and prejudices. In 2019, the UN Free & Equal campaign created four flagship mini-campaigns for general distribution, featuring videos accompanied by dedicated landing sites with more information and practical, real-life advice on how allies can stand up for the rights of LGBTI people in their communities. This year we experimented with a more targeted approach

Unlike previous years, when our strategy was to maximize the number of views in markets across the globe, we have this year experimented with a more targeted approach, launching mini-campaigns and other communications materials more directly aimed at narrower target audiences and encouraging them to take concrete actions in their communities. 10

Celebrating trans visibility In March, the UN Free & Equal of how MC, a young trans woman, finds campaign celebrated Transgender the courage to be her true self – with Day of Visibility with a mini-campaign a little help from allies she meets along aimed at showing allies what concrete the way. All materials were produced steps they can take to help build a more in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, trans inclusive world. The campaign Portuguese, Russian and Spanish. featured a short animated video, a landing page with advice for allies, While the video was seen by a relatively and a factsheet with more information low number of people by UN Free & about the human rights of trans people. Equal standards – 2.5 million – it had much higher interaction numbers than The video honored the courage that average, with 72,000 comments, likes trans people show by living as their and shares across platforms, indicating authentic selves in a world that often that the video was through provoking rejects and fears them. It tells the story for the audience.

72,000 comments, likes and shares across platforms 11

Advocating for justice and protection for all

In May, the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia was marked with a mini- campaign featuring a short music video, a landing page and three beautiful macros exploring how we can ensure justice and protection for LGBTI people around the world. While addressing a serious topic, the video was a crowd pleaser – not least because of its engaging soundtrack – with 4.7 million views and more than 60,000 interactions.

It celebrates how far we have come in the fight for LGBTI equality in many parts of the world, while also reminding audiences how much remains to be done before LGBTI people can enjoy the same rights as everyone else.

All multimedia products were rolled 4.7 million out in all the o‡cial UN languages and Portuguese. views and more than 60,000 interactions 12

Calling for an end to bullying UN Free & Equal launched a mini- how we can make the world a more campaign to mark Spirit Day in October welcoming place for LGBTI youth. - a day of action to end bullying, isolation and abuse of LGBTI kids and The video, published in Arabic, Chinese, young people. English, French, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish, was our most seen of the Spirit Day is the largest, most visible year, with 5.5 million views and 101,000 LGBTI anti-bullying campaign in the interactions. world and was started by American civil society organization GLAAD, which was The UN High Commissioner for Human a partner in the roll-out of the initiative. Rights and other UN sta˜ supported the campaign by publishing pictures The mini-campaign included an of themselves wearing the Spirit Day emotive, live-action, video, a series of shade of purple on the day itself. macros and a landing page exploring

5.5 million views and 101,000 interactions 13

Amplifying voices for equality

Of the 70 countries around the world that still criminalize same sex relationships, 33 are in Africa. However, just in the past five years, Angola, Botswana, Mozambique and the Seychelles have all decriminalized consensual same sex conduct. In South Africa, the Government has launched a new push to tackle hate crime. And across the continent, LGBT-led human rights organizations and allies are at work, demanding further reforms.

In December, UN Free & Equal launched a mini-campaign to celebrate the dedication and bravery of some of Africa’s most inspiring allies; Willy Mutunga, Former Chief Justice from Kenya; Seun Kuti, musician and activists from Nigeria; Bishop Ssenyonjo, theologian from Uganda, and Alice Nkom, Lawyer from Cameroon. The The videos mini-campaign features interviews with the four allies and macros with had more than many more, and was developed in collaboration with UNDP and Kenyan 840,000 views, production company None On Record. All assets can be seen on the predominantly campaign’s landing page. The videos were seen by more than 840,000 in Africa people, predominantly in Africa. 14

OTHER ORIGINAL CONTENT E-postcards (branded images with text featuring key facts about the LGBTI superimposed) and GIFs (a short series community or easy-to-understand of looping images and text) are other explanations of relevant terminology creative ways of engaging audiences in in a condensed and sharable format. conversation on social media. In 2019, the global UN Free & Equal campaign published 92 new E-postcards and GIFs are particularly e-postcards and GIFs. Some of our useful as awareness-raising tools, most popular are featured on this page. 15


OutRight Action International

UN Free & Equal co-hosted three LGBTI equality in multilateral spaces. events at United Nations Headquarters Speakers included Executive Director in New York in 2019. and Project Coordinator of Guyana Trans United Candace McEwan, the In May, we marked International Day Operations Manager at the Gay and against Homophobia, Biphobia and Lesbian Coalition of Kenya Yvonne Transphobia with a panel debate Oduor and the Commissioner of the co-hosted with the LGBTI Core Group, Inter-American Commission on Human a group of member states working Rights Flávia Piovesan, who discussed to raise awareness and advocate for legal and policy reforms needed to 16

deliver justice and protection for LGBTI Representative of Argentina Martín people in front of approximately 400 García Moritán, Executive Director audience members. of UN Women Phumzile Mlambo- Ngcukaas, UN Independent Expert This was followed by a July event on Victor Madrigal Borloz, and activists non-binary gender identities, the first Katlego Kai Kolanyane-Kesupile of its kind at the United Nations, co- and Geena Rocero. The event was hosted with UN Women, UN Globe, moderated by journalists and activists the Missions of Argentina and the Imara Jones, and opened with a Netherlands and OutRight Action performance by poet Kay Ulunday International. The event, attended by Barrett. some 500 people, featured a panel debate that included Permanent During the UN General Assembly UN Free & Equal again teamed up with the LGBTI Core Group to host a high-level discussion on hate-speech against the LGBTI community. The session was opened with a panel debate featuring High Commissioner for Human Rights , LGBTI activist from St. Lucia Kenita Placide, Managing Editor NBC Out Brooke Sopelsa, and Head of Advocacy and Government Affairs at the Trevor Project Sam Brinton. The debate was followed by in interactive dialogue in which some ten member states participated.

OutRight Action International 17


2019 has been a year of growth at the national level for UN Free & Equal, with the number of national and regional campaigns increasing from 12 to 17. There are now full-scale spin-off campaigns in Albania, Brazil, Cambodia, Cabo Verde, Dominican Republic, The Gambia, Guatemala, Haiti, Mongolia, Peru, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Timor Leste, Ukraine, Uruguay and Viet Nam, and a sub-regional campaign in Central America. We hope to grow even further in 2020. Expanding the scope of the campaign at the national level is part of a strategic shift to increase the campaign’s impact on the ground. 19

Albania Free & Equal Albania

Being LGBTI still carries Our online campaign “I Am enormous stigma in Albania, Your Child”, which is now especially outside of urban in its second year, seeks to areas. As a result, LGBTI change the narratives around young people who come family values through videos out to their parents and and other social media communities often end up content carrying a simple rejected and isolated. message; supporting your kids – no matter who they are Ending this cycle of stigma or whom they love – is what and rejection is the focus of family is all about. Free & Equal Albania. 20

In 2019, the roll out of the by their LGBTI children, greatly contributes to the social media campaign was participated in meetings stigma LGBTI people face. amplified by well-known where they could find mutual In 2019, the team hosted 40 and respected psychologists, support and share their journalists from traditional teachers and sociologists, experiences. Presentations and conservative regions of as well as the Anti- by UN staff and community Albania in a training workshop Discrimination Commissioner, members helped increase on fair and ethical reporting, the Albania People’s Advocate the group’s understanding of resulting in in five media and the UN Resident the issues their children face stories in the local press Coordinator, who used their and the importance of family reaching around 100.000 reputation, platform and support. people. Feedback collected strong arguments to help after the training sessions spread the message of the showed that this was the first campaign. Overall, the social The training of its kind for most of media campaign reached the participants and that the almost 347,000 people. campaign new terminology and insights Another 300,000 people were would help them report reached through coverage of reached on LGBTI related stories the campaign in traditional without the use of derogatory media. almost language. The Free & Equal team 650,000 Plans for 2020 include moreover worked directly continuing the “I am Your with parents of LGBTI people Child” campaign both individuals, setting up a online and with in-real-life support group for parents parents’ groups. The team in rural areas together Over the past few years, Free will also, in collaboration with the NGO Open Mind & Equal Albania has also been with Free & Equal Serbia, Spectrum Albania. Around working with journalists to focus on outreach to the 30 parents, many of whom eliminate use of stigmatizing business community using had experienced shame and language and negative the Standards of Conduct for rejection by their relatives stereotypes about minorities Business that were recently and neighbours for standing in traditional media, which translated into Albanian. 21 Brazil Free & Equal Brazil has been equality into the work of showing results. The team pushing for equal rights and the entire UN presence in has helped grow the intersex fair treatment for LGBTI the country through years movement in the country and people together with local of sensitivity trainings and positioned the subject on the activists and municipal workshops. national political agenda. The authorities since 2014, and team’s work on trans rights was the largest and most In 2020, four UN staff has moreover generated ambitious national Free & identifying as trans have been very positive feedback from Equal campaign of 2019. hired and the number of UN community members and organizations implementing activists. Efforts are not just public- activities on LGBTI issues has facing – the team has been grown considerably. The years In 2019, the political context working to mainstream LGBTI of public advocacy are also changed, which posed

Free & Equal Brazil 22

Free & Equal Brazil/Werbert da Cruz

municipal-level governments. indirectly benefitted from The ground-breaking the program, gaining access Supreme Court ruling in June to information on rights and outlaws discrimination based services for trans persons. on sexual orientation and A handbook compiling key gender identity opened new services for trans people opportunities. in the country was also disseminated through the During the course of 2019, Free & Equal Brazil implemented more activities The than planned, as civil society organizations increasingly campaign turned to the UN system for support. reached challenges for many of the 655,410 LGBTI organizations that had Activities included the partnered with UN agencies continuation of the people via in previous Free & Equal “TransFormação” project activities in the country. (“Transformation”, in English), a capacity-building initiative social media Even so, collaboration with targeting trans people outside the government has remained the formal labor market. initiative. Participants often strong in areas related to refer to “TransFormação” workplace inclusion of trans Through a series of 10 as a turning point in their people, a priority of Free & workshops, 23 trans activists lives, not only for increasing Equal Brazil for several years. from Salvador State in in the Bahia region worked their self-esteem and A strong partnership has with mentors, such as knowledge of their rights but also been maintained with health workers, public even more for positioning institutions such as the defenders and the police. them as key drivers of Public Prosecutor’s Offices, 250 additional members change. Many of the former the judiciary and state and of the trans community participants are currently 23

well positioned in the board supporters of the UN Homophobia, Biphobia and of social organizations and Human Rights Office’s LGBTI Transphobia, and the national governmental institutions, Standards of Conduct for Trans Visibility Day. positions they thought were Business. not achievable before. For 2020, Free & Equal Brazil Social media is another venue will continue to advocate This project has also greatly for Free & Equal Brazil’s for action against trans strengthened the network advocacy. The national discrimination through a of governmental and civil campaign launched two national technical meeting society institutions supporting original campaign videos; and a web-based training the rights of trans people created three mini-campaigns platform. in areas where it has taken on lesbian, bisexual and place, such as the Federal intersex visibility respectively; District and Salvador, which and wrote nine articles on have since gone on to join LGBTI equality issues for UN forces in other advocacy and media services. awareness-raising activities promoting trans equality. The campaign team also translated and disseminated

The private sector is another locally content from the mini- Free & Equal Brazil key partner in this work. In campaigns created by the 2019, the Brazil team hosted global campaign. Overall, the The team will also continue training workshops and campaign in Brazil reached to raise awareness about the events for 121 private sector some than 655,410 people via human rights situation of companies and 40 public social media, and received at intersex people. prosecutors for labor issues least 28,610 interactions on who learned more about how social media posts. they can play their part in promoting LGBTI equality. Hundreds of people attended events hosted at Since 2018, the team UN headquarters in Brasília, has brought onboard marking key dates such as 30 companies as public International Day against 24 Cabo Verde

Free & Equal Cabo Verde

In Cabo Verde same-sex care providers. This includes Cabo Verde launched four relationships are not banned lack of official recognition of years ago. During that time, and the promotion and same-sex relationships, lack the team has contributed to protection of human rights is of protection of the property building a now-vibrant and enshrined in the constitution. rights of same-sex couples, dynamic LGBTI civil society in and lack of clear policies and the country through regular Despite the favorable legal procedures for changing meetings and workshops. situation, discrimination gender in official records. is still a problem for many Cabo Verde has become LGBT people – including Winning hearts and minds members of both the from government agencies has been a focus for the intergovernmental Equal such as the police and health campaign since Free & Equal Rights Coalition and the 25

LGBTI Core Group at the and in training sessions with United Nations headquarters UN staff and government in New York. The national officials. A shorter version will campaign team has also also be promoted on social developed videos and other media. assets for social media that have been seen by millions of In 2020, Free & Equal Cabo people across the country and Verde will, among other the region. projects, challenge two young filmmakers and one graphic Online advocacy work designer from Cabo Verde to continued in 2019, with create short films exploring the development of a acceptance, tolerance and documentary called respect that will be rolled out “D. Monica, um elogio à late in the year. Igualdade” (“Dona Monica, in praise of equality”). Free & Equal Cabo Verde The film follows Dona Monica, a street-sweeper for the Praia municipal government, who has been openly trans for more than three decades, and offers an empathic and celebratory depiction of the challenges she has overcome to live as her true self.

Twenty screenings of the documentary are planned for 2020, including on national television, in commercial cinemas, at local film festivals, 26

Cambodia Free & Equal Cambodia Domestic law does not criminalize same-sex relationships in Cambodia but it is difficult for trans people to change their gender marker, there is no anti- discrimination protection, and powerful, traditional social norms impact social attitudes on gender. As a result, LGBTI people continue to face discrimination and exclusion in their families, at school and in health care settings.

Free & Equal Cambodia has campaigned for LGBTI equality since 2014, particularly around international days such as Zero Discrimination Day, Pride Week and .

In addition to building capacity among civil society partners and UN personnel, the aim of the campaign is to raise awareness and break down social barriers that keep LGBTI people from fully participating in society. 27

In 2019, this work was done Rights Council. Cambodia both on social media and accepted all the nine LGBTI through public events. related recommendations The video it received, and the Free & The locally produced video Equal team and civil society was seen by “Know the Person and partners used the opportunity Prejudice Disappears”, telling to engage with government more than the story of a gender non- partners to advocate for 2.7 million conforming gay man who an implementation plan, is supported by his family including specific tasks for Facebook members and ultimately turns relevant ministries. out to be a role model for his users across relatives, was seen by more In October, the national than 2.7 million Facebook campaign team organized Cambodia users across Cambodia. a workshop with more than 200 government o‡cials, The team also organized civil society representatives year to come. The dialogue events during Pride Week and members of the with the government will and for Human Rights Day international community to continue in 2020 with a where the more than 6000 discuss implementation of follow-up workshop planned participants could pick the recommendations in the for February. up fliers with messages of equality and Free & Equal swag.

Cambodia had its human rights record reviewed as a part of the Universal Periodic Review process in 2019whereby UN member states asses each other’s human rights challenges and achievements at the Human

Free & Equal Cambodia 28 Dominican Republic

Free & Equal Dominican Republic/ONURD

Free & Equal Dominican As such, Free & Equal community, including by Republic is implemented in activities serve as the public making sure that LGBTI civil partnership with the UNDP- information and advocacy society groups participated led initiative Being LGBTI in arm of a broader United in consultations where the the Caribbean, which aims Nations effort to promote development of national to enhance knowledge, equality for the LGBTI policies was being discussed. partnerships, and capacities population in the region. As a result, the Ministry of of LGBTI communities, civil Free & Equal Dominican Women, the Ministry of society and States to reduce Republic and Being LGBTI Youth and the Judiciary human rights violations in the Caribbean have included access to justice and negative attitudes succeeded in strengthening by LGBTI people and towards LGBTI people in the partnerships between socio-economic inclusion in Caribbean. government and the LGBTI their national plans. 29

Free & Equal Dominican Republic/ONURD The Free & Equal team advocated on social media for most of the year, reaching more than 387,000 people with human rights messaging on Twitter and Facebook. This will continue in 2020, with a video on the human rights of intersex people and another on LGBTI inclusion in the labor market already created.

The UN team also celebrated Pride, both online and off. More than 60 UN staff marched together with LGBTI community members and allies in the annual Pride parade, and a video the team created from the celebration was seen by almost 76,000 people on social media. UN representatives also spoke to local reporters covering the parade about the need for LGBTI equality.

The theatre community in Dominican Republic is an important partner for the campaign. From October to November 2019, the team put on a theatre production to 30

raise awareness of violence refuge in neighboring against members of the LGBTI countries. To ensure that community in schools. Later this group is treated with in the year, the campaign also dignity and respect, the team hosted an acting workshop The Free & has put together a guidance for members of the trans booklet for decision makers community that let the Equal team and service providers in participants work through collaboration with civil their personal experiences of advocated on society, to be launched in violence and discrimination. social media early 2020. Six trans men and 14 trans The campaign also hosted a women completed the for most training workshop for LGBTI training and received their of the year, civil society members to certificates of participation ensure service provision and from representatives of the reaching assistance to newly arrived organizing institutions. refugees. more than The group put on a 2020 will see a similarly graduation show, “The 387,000 ambitious agenda, with Trans Monologues”, at the activities ranging from Narciso González Cultural people with self-defense and self-care Center, which was covered classes for lesbian, bi and extensively in local media. human rights trans women and anti- discrimination trainings LGBTI refugees represented for local health care another important focus messaging on professionals, to social for Free & Equal Dominican media advocacy and creative Republic in 2019. The Twitter and workshops for community refugee crisis in Venezuela Facebook members to promote is one of the world’s largest visibility and understanding humanitarian crises, and many through artistic expression. LGBTI refugees are seeking 31 Gambia The Gambian Criminal Code misleading reports about misconceptions about these outlaws same sex relations the LGBT community. This communities among the with punishments ranging includes likening them to general public. Working with from five years to life in vermin, mosquitoes and journalists to ensure that the prison and while a proposal leprosy and repeated calls media treat LGBT people with to reduce the sentencing has to expel, evict and deny the same fairness, integrity been proposed in Parliament, housing to people suspected and respect as other people the new bill has not been of being gay. is therefore a major focus for brought to a vote. the campaign in the Gambia. The toxic media environment Traditional media in the is an important contributing To this end, efforts began region consistently feature factor to the high prevalence in 2019 with a research negative, sensational and of negative stereotypes and project on the press

Free & Equal Gambia 32

The campaign’s major focus is to work with journalists to ensure that the media treat LGBT people with the same fairness, integrity and respect as other people

coverage of LGBT people Leadership where participants the first time and eagerness to in the Gambia from 2008 from among others Gambian continue the discussion. to 2019, documenting key Media Council and the patterns and the real-life School of Journalism could In 2020, further initiatives consequences these have meet with members of the are planned, including for the members of the LGBT community to discuss several training sessions for community. possible solutions. journalists on how to ensure rights-based reporting on This was followed by a Both the journalists and LGBT people, free from roundtable hosted by the LGBT activists participated derogatory language and UN team together with the expressed their appreciation negative stereotypes. Gambian Press Union and for the opportunity to discuss Women in Liberation and these issues face-to-face for 33 Guatemala

Free & Equal Guatemala/OHCHR 34

The 2019 elections The campaign hosted two social media, where the contributed to an increasingly training sessions for 20 local campaign promoted positive polarized debate around human rights defenders messages of justice and LGBT equality in Guatemala on human-rights based equality, reaching 6,862 – resulting in increased levels advocacy. The team also people. of discrimination and violence hosted five networking against community members. meetings with LGBT This work will be continued organizations and other parts and expanded in 2020, Last year alone, the UN of civil society to cement when the team will also start Human Rights team in the alliances to respond to the working with the private Country documented the socially regressive proposals. sector and other non- murder of nine gay men, two traditional allies, whose voices lesbian women, one bisexual The campaign is also trying are needed in support of man and six trans women. to change negative narratives equality. about LGBTI people in on There have also been proposals in Congress Free & Equal Guatemala/OHCHR that would undermine the human rights of the LGBTI community.

As a result, Free & Equal Guatemala focused on providing United Nations support to a broad coalition of activists and civil society organizations fighting for equality. 35

As in the Dominican Republic, the LGBTI community in the the first half of 2019, before Free & Equal Haiti is run in country through advocacy resuming in the second part parallel with the UNDP-led and awareness-raising of the year. Being LGBTI in the Caribbean activities, and by working project. together with local civil A series of four extra-large society groups posters with human rights The overall goal of the messaging hung in 200 high- campaign is to promote the Because of civil unrest and tra‡c areas of the capital and human rights of LGBTI people political instability, campaign in Jacmel City were seen by and increase acceptance of activities were paused in an estimated 10,000 people.

Nations Unies Libre et égal

HARCÈLEMENT ET VIOLENCETIZONNAY AK EN VYOLANS MILIEU NAN SCOLAIRE LEKÒL LeNasyonzini, harcèlement UNESCO, et la violence Oganizasyon à l’égard Nasyonzini des élèves LGBT et intersexués ont été despou élèves ledikasyon, LGBT et lasyans intersexués e lakilti, ont ansanm été  ak condamnés par le Comitédes droits de Komisarya Alatèt dwa moun yo kondaneHaut- ToutesTout fòm les diskriminasyon formes de discrimination ak vyolans nanet de lekòl l’enfant des Nations Unies,l’OrganisationHaut- violence en milieu scolaire constituent un destizonnay Nations ak Unies vyolans pour sou l’éducation, elèv LGBT e la elèv violencese yon obstak en milieu pou dwascolaire fondamental constituent timoun un des Nations Unies pour l’éducation, la obstacle audroit fondamentald’autres des enfants cadres scienceentèseksye et la cultureyo. Yo mande (UNESCO) gouvènman et le yo fè ak jèn pou yon edikasyon dekalite.d’autres Vyolans cadres et des jeunes à unenseignement de qualité. Commissariatplis jefò toujou aux pou droits batay de kont l’homme, pratik qui sa yo. Lanan violence lekòl e nanà l’école lòt kad et akademikdans se yon ontappelé les gouvernements à éducatifspwoblèm mondyalest un problème e elèv ki mondial pa konfòme etles yo ak redoubler d’efforts pourlutter contre cette pratique néfaste élèvesestereyotip qui ne seksyèl se conforment e seksis ki pas domine aux nan cette pratique néfaste stéréotypessexuels et sexistes dominants, stéréotypessosyete a, tankousexuels lesbyèn, et sexistesles ge, élèves biseksyèl dominants, e notamment leslesbiennes, gays, bisexuels transjanet transgenres (LBGT) (LGBT)e elèv entèseksyeet yo, yo intersexués,viktim anpil de y sont sa. Komite particulièrement dwa timoun exposés. homosexuels ou bisexuels, élèveskomèt zakhomosexuels vyolans omofòb ouHW bisexuels,OHVMHXQHV ak ainsitransfòb que sa les yo, femmes men sa pa vle di que ces actes touchent le ainsi que les femmes CommentKouman tizonnay le harcèlement ak vyolansIlrive arrive ettou quenanla nan violencecesmitan actes lekòl pèsonèl touchent manifeste lekòlen le milieu ItifiLOOHVWUDQVJHQUHV ak scolaire? jèn fanm pa fèrisquent yo tou. d’être Il arrive  ILOOHVWUDQVJHQUHVrisquent d’être se manifestent-ils? personnella, patikilyèman scolaire, anseyan enparticulier yo. Se plusAnpilsouvent fwa, elèv visés ak granmoun par des actes ki de LaVyolans violence kont homophobe omoseksyèl, et deskapab enseignants. elèv yo, manm Ils peuvent pèsonèl être violence.temwen vyolans omofòb ak  scolaire transphobevyolans omofòb cible ak les vyolansélèves LGBT perpétréslekòl yo, oubyen par des estaf élèves, otoritescolaire des transfòb yo pa reyaji. Tip vyolans outransfòb, perçus sible comme elèv tels. LGBT Elle yo vise membresresponsab du ansèyman personnel yo ki fè zak Biensa a sòtique nan la violence kwayans homophobe kiltirèl ki égalementoubyen elèv d’autres yo panse élèvesne se LGBT. dont Li ousa yo.des Ka membres tizonnay des ak vyolansautorités etchita transphobe nan jan yonsoit sosyete généralement également d’autres élèvesne dont ou des membres des autorités et transphobesoit généralementles ILOOHVHWles l’expressionvize tou lòt elèv sexuelle yo depi responsableskont elèv LGBTde yo l’enseignement. rive pi souvan perpétréekonsidere depar seks des yo,garçonsI LOOHVHWnan ki et sa GHV ki correspondekspresyon passeksyèl aux yonormes pa et aux pase ka ki konsènen elèv ki pa MHXQHVKRPPHVOHV“maskilen”, ki sa ki “feminen”. Se correspond passociété, aux normes par exemple et aux attenteskoresponn de akla sa sosyete a ap LesLGBT cas yo. de Pa harcèlement egzanp, yon et etid de yo jeunessa ki eksplike femmes pi commettentfò moun pa reyaji attentes de la plus lesatann, garçons pa egzanp perçus gason comme sosyete« violencefè nan Nouvèl àl’encontre Zelann des montre élèves égalementlè yo temwen ce vyolanstype de saviolence. yo.  fémininsa gade kiHWOHVILOOHVFRQVLG«U«HV « gen jan fi » oubyen fi LGBTelèv lesbyèn, sont systématiquement omoseksyèl e Souvent,les élèves et les adultes FRPPHmPDVFXOLQHV}sosyete a gade kòm fi ki « gen fréquentsbiseksyèl yo que viktim ceux tizonnay qui concernent twa qui sont témoins de violence jan gason ». leursfwa pi pairs plis pasenon LGBT.elèv Par exemple, homophobe et transphobe ne uneetewoseksyèl étude menée yo. Elèv enNouvelle- transjan yo réagissent pas. Celas’explique La violence homophobe et La violence homophobe et Zélandemenm gen révèle senk que fwa les plis élèves risk pou notamment par le fait que ce type transphobe englobe laviolence transphobeVyolans omofòb englobe e vyolans laviolence lesbiennes,yo viktim tizonnay.homosexuels et deviolence trouve son origine physique, sexuelle et psychologique, physique,transfòb gen sexuelle ladann et vyolanspsychologique, bisexuels sont trois fois plus dans descroyanceVsculturelles Free & Equal Haiti ainsique le harcèlement.violence Comme en ainsifizik, queseksyèl le harcèlement. e sikologik,violence an Comme en souventvictimes de harcèlement  profondes sur les rôles dévolus par d’autres formes de  d’autresmenm tan formes ak tizonnay. de Tankou queElèv leursak manm pairs pèsonèlhétérosexuels, ki pa et lasociété aux deux féminité.sexes quant à milieu scolaire, elle peut se milieulòt fòm scolaire, vyolans ellenan peut lekòl, se li ka queadapte les yoélèves a sa transgenres sosyete a ont cinq la masculinité et la manifesterdans les salles detoilettes classe, manifestermanifeste l dansnan sal les deklas salles deyo, classe, foiskonsidere plus de kòm risques “maskilen”, d’être victimes les cours de récréation, les  lessou cours lakou de rekreyasyon récréation, an, les nan depatikilyèman harcèlement elèvque omoseskyèl les élèves qui et les vestiaires, sur le chemin de ettwalèt les vestiaires, yo enak ligne.nan sur sal Si lekote ce chemin type yo de de neoubyen le sont biseksyèl pas. Les yo, élèves tankou et les l’école eten ligne. Siprincipalement ce type de l’écoledepoze et rad lè yo pralprincipalement fè espò,  membresfanm ak fi dutransjan personnel yo, se qui yo ne ki pi violence se produit violencenan wout se pou produit al lekòl, eksetera. s’adaptentsouvan viktim SDVDX[QRUPHVm zak vyolans sa yo. parmi les élèves, il peut également parmiSi kalite les vyolans élèves, sa il peutyo se également sitou PDVFXOLQHV}QRWDPPHQWOHVSe ti gason ak jèn gason ki pi vit avoirelèv ki lieu fè yo,entre kapab les enseignants gen vyolans et lestou élèves. ant anseyan ak elèv yo. Sa ka 36

Four short advocacy videos and a factsheet on LGBTI human rights were distributed on social media and received more than 9,000 views

Free & Equal Haiti Four short advocacy videos In addition to public-facing and a factsheet on LGBTI advocacy work, Free & Equal human rights were distributed Haiti trained more than on social media and received 100 UN staff in the country more than 9,000 views. on how to ensure that the concerns of the LGBTI Campaign materials were community are incorporated shared with civil society effectively and sensitively into partners, who used them in UN work. More videos and their training activities and advocacy materials are under advocacy. development for 2020. 37 Mongolia

Free & Equal Mongolia government agencies, and in August, supporting a worked closely with LGBT civil the private sector to celebrate queer film festival and art society through The Coalition Pride and to advocate for show during the week-long for Equality, which brings the rights of members of the celebration, and marching together civil society and LGBT community. The UN alongside community international organizations, team actively participated members and allies in the academic institutions, in the Equality & Pride Days Pride march itself.

Free & Equal Mongolia 38

The events involved almost On social media, the Free & 1000 participants. Around 90 Equal team reached more staff from the UN and partner than 80,000 people with On social institutions also took part videos and other posts in LGBT inclusion trainings promoting LGBTI equality media, the hosted by the team and in Mongolian. Posters with feedback from participants human rights messaging Free & Equal suggested that they felt more could also be seen at bus team knowledgeable as a result of stops all around the capital the session. Ulaanbaatar. reached more than Free & Equal Mongolia 80,000 people with videos and other posts promoting LGBTI equality 39 Peru Free & Equal Peru’s goal for Nonsense”, which toured media and by United Nations 2019 was to advocate for public spaces and parks in the news outlets. LGBTI equality in national capital Lima. political debates by making Challenging negative the concerns of LGBTI The exhibit portrays LGBT stereotypes of LGBTI people citizens visible to the public individuals in their day to day was a recurring theme of and challenging negative life and directly confronts the campaign’s social media stereotypes about LGBT hate-mongering and myths advocacy. people. that are often spread about the community. Three videos and other Over a ten-week period, an content were disseminated estimated 70,000 people The campaign also created an in 2019, reaching more than visited a Free & Equal online version of the exhibit 32,000 people. The social photo exhibit called “Pure that was featured in local media content produced by

Free & Equal Peru 40

Three videos and other content were disseminated in 2019, reaching more than 32,000 people

Free & Equal Peru has been than 200 representatives from in 2020, as will advocacy, well received, with more than local businesses took part in which next year will focus 80 percent of comments regular meetings. Free & Equal specifically on the rights being positive. Two additional Peru also played a role in of trans people to have videos on the same themes increasing Pride Connection’s their gender identity legally will be produced in early membership, with eight new recognized. 2020. companies joining in 2019.

Private sector collaboration The collaboration with the has been another focus area private sector will continue in 2019. The Peru team co- Free & Equal Peru hosted several advocacy meetings together with Pride Connection, a regional network of companies that promotes inclusive work environments for the LGBT community, and aims to help the local business community become more vocal in supporting LGBTI rights. During 2019, more 41 Serbia

Free & Equal Serbia/MARIJA PIROSKI

Since 2018, Free & Equal work to end LGBTI exclusion translated the standards into Serbia has focused on in the workplace. In late Albanian and launched them unemployment among LGBTI 2018, the team translated in Tirana in November, with people, caused in part by high the UN Human Rights about 50 people from the levels of prejudice and stigma. Office-produced Standards private sector and civil society of Conduct for Businesses in the audience. To meet this challenge, on Tackling Discrimination the campaign has sought against Lesbian, Gay, Bi, The campaign also created a to raise awareness in the Trans, & Intersex People into public information campaign private sector of companies’ Serbian and launched the around the standards in human rights responsibilities, document at an event in Serbia, including a video and appealed to business Belgrade. In 2019, the roll- showing the positive to become partners in the out continued and the team impact that inclusion and 42

Free & Equal Serbia/MARIJA PIROSKI diversity efforts have ha at local company Hemofarm. The video was also shown at events with the private sector as an example of how companies can help realize equal rights for all.

Three big Serbian corporations publicly endorsed the Standards of Conduct in 2019 and numerous additional businesses took part in LGBTI related events such as Pride Parade.

Free & Equal Serbia also focused on de-pathologizing trans identities.

The national legal system does not recognize transgender identities, and in the health care system being trans is still classified as a mental disorder. Free & Equal Serbia has sought to facilitate discussion between government partners, civil society organizations, trans activists and other expert participants about 43

Free & Equal Serbia Free & Equal Serbia ALEKSANDAR CRNOGORAC & MARIJA PIROSKI

Three big Serbian corporations publicly endorsed the Standards of Conduct how to change the current in 2019 and ranks as one of the most regulations, allowing the trans visited exhibits in the space community to become active numerous ever, and a social media participants in shaping a part campaign seen by more of the legal framework that additional than 50,450 people across impacts their lives. platforms. businesses Free & Equal Serbia has also In 2020, the team will actively appealed to public took part in continue working opinion through a series of together with the trans public information activities. LGBTI related community and government counterparts with a view These included an exhibit events to supporting necessary documenting the lives of changes in legislation and trans people in Serbia at the policy relating to trans Belgrade Youth Centre, which identities. 44 Sri Lanka Same-sex relationships Protection against violence the the UN team had to are still criminalized, and and discrimination based on suspend their planned Free violence, discrimination sexual orientation and gender & Equal launch in 2019, but and hate speech directed identity has moreover been the consultation process with at members of the LGBTI invited to the country to local civil society groups and community remain serious engage in dialogue with the outreach to local advertising problems in Sri Lanka. government and civil society. firms was restarted towards Progress has, however, been the end of the year so the made for the trans population, Following the announcement campaign can be launched who can now have their of a nationwide state of in 2020. gender recognized on birth emergency after the April certificates and national 2019 terrorist attacks and identification papers. The consequent adoption of UN Independent Expert on expansive emergency powers, The trans population can now have their gender recognized on birth certificates and national identification papers

Free & Equal Sri Lanka 45 Timor Leste UNFPA, IOM, UN Women Same sex relationships are not criminalized in Timor Leste and legislation against hate- crimes and discrimination is in place. Despite legal protections, LGBTI people face family violence, discrimination and social stigma.

The country’s third ever Pride March was held in Dili in July. The celebration was organized by members of the LGBTI community and youth groups and more than 3,000 Timorese and international allies and community members took part, including members of the UN Country Team. In a historical first, the President of the Republic made a public address calling on everyone to embrace diversity. Translated and locally developed Free & Equal campaign materials were distributed throughout the day.

The team in Timos Leste also organized a workshop for 60 members of the 46

LGBTI community and Community Police know their family members more about human rights in Liquica Municipality in general, and the rights of in July. Participants LGBTI people and people shared experiences of with disabilities specifically. discrimination, violence According to informal In a and the need for increased feedback after the session, acceptance and equal rights. participants found the historical Catholic nuns also addressed trainings useful, particularly the event, calling for respect for learning non-stigmatizing first, the for everyone in society. words for these population groups. President of The Timor Leste team continued their collaboration These youth programs will the Republic with local civil society and continue in 2020, among co-organized a one-day other activities. made a seminar with the NGO Coalition for Diversity and public Action and the Youth Group Hatutan to raise awareness address about the rights of LGBTI calling on people. The team also did human everyone rights trainings in schools to embrace and for the community police together with the Movimentu diversity Feto Foin Sa’e Timor-Leste. As a result, 31 secondary school students from across Dili and 31 youth representatives from the 47 Ukraine

Free & Equal Ukraine/Andriy Krepkih

The primary objective of often met with threats and campaign called 100 Free & Equal Ukraine is to other efforts to intimidate the Questions, in which members encourage acceptance participants. 2019 also saw a of the general public ask and inclusion of the LGBTI series of attacks and threats questions that are answered community. against LGBTI individuals by members of the LGBTI that caused fear among community. Negative stereotypes and community members. prejudice towards the LGBTI The resulting 14 videos are community are widespread To counter this stigma, being pushed out on social and public events, such as the team in Ukraine has media in late 2019 and 2020, the annual Pride parade, are developed a social media and have so far reached 48

Free & Equal Ukraine/Andriy Krepkih Free & Equal Ukraine/Andrew Kravchenko

more than 30,000 people police officers to train the outcomes, but also as a and sparked countless online National Police in how door-opener, helping police conversations. about LGBTI to safeguard the LGBTI officers and LGBTI activists to equality. community. get to know one another face to face – and discuss several Ensuring the protection In 2019, four training sessions of the same questions that of LGBTI events is the for 80 mid-ranking and junior were brought up in the 100 responsibility of the National police officers have taken Questions online video series. Police and Free & Equal place. Participants report Ukraine has over the past that the trainings have been Both the police trainings and two years worked with LGBTI helpful and relevant, not just online advocacy will continue activists and international in terms of technical learning in 2020. 49

Free & Equal Uruguay produced and launched slogan. Campaign posters launched in September three videos on social media adorned Montevideo’s main 2019 and despite the short reaching almost 260,000 street from September implementation period, the people. onward. Free & Equal Uruguay team has already started a also supported the national range of initiatives. This included the “We are the March for Diversity, with more city that celebrates diversity” than 20 UN sta˜ marching The campaign, which is campaign which was also in the parade itself, and implemented together featured on Montevideo organized workshops for with the Government of TV station TVCIUDAD and UN sta˜ to make sure that Montevideo and the Ministry accompanied with stickers they can implement LGBTI of Social Development, and pins featuring the same human rights into their day-

ONU Uruguay 50

to-day work. The Free & youngsters that participate Equal team organized several in summer programs in the public events and lectures poorest neighborhoods. for stakeholders such as The celebration was widely representatives from the covered in local and national justice sector. media, including on-air interviews. Activities On International Human Rights Day in December, the Building on interest from took place team hosted a street festival partners and participants, across together with grassroots Free & Equal Uruguay will be groups, government entities, expanded in 2020. Montevideo schools and neighborhood groups. The campaign will continue and included working in education Activities took place across centers and through sports a Free & Equal Montevideo and included to promote values such as a Free & Equal soccer equality, teamwork, resilience soccer cup, cup, and other summer and fairness. and summer activities for children and activities for children and youngsters in the poorest neighborhoods

ONU Uruguay 51 Viet Nam

UN in Viet Nam/Akbota Norzhanova

The United Nations team in the goalkeeper) had to hold Hanoi University of Science Viet Nam celebrated Diversity hands. This served to even and Technology and the Day on 7 December with a the playing field and make United Nations Viet Nam set “Diversity Ball” tournament the game safe and fun for all up nine interactive booths in hosted at the Hanoi University participants. the area of the tournament of Science and Technology’s where they provided more soccer field. The referees of the information about the LGBTI tournament were two community in Viet Nam and More than 40 players former players from the services such as HIV testing. participated in four mixed- Vietnamese national women’s gender teams in a soccer football team. Civil society A Diversity Choir with competition with a rule twist organizations, a university members from the LGBTI and - that all players (except club, the other vulnerable communities 52

performed on the soccer field. Around 500 people, mostly excitement about the event, So did drag performer Miz students and other young which for some was the first GG, who offered drag make- people, took part in the time taking part in this kind up tutorials when not on celebration. The students, of celebration of the LGBTI stage. including ones that are not community. The event was part of the LGBTI community, covered by online media and Participants could also visit showed great curiosity and national television channels two photo exhibitions and willingness to learn when VTV1 and VTV3. learn sign language signs engaging with the LGBTI for words such as love activists and other allies in the Leading up to the event, the and diversity. The award booths. UN team ran a social media ceremony also featured a campaign with LGBTI equality dance performance by Participating community messaging that reached more UN staff. members also expressed than 60,000 people.

UN in Viet Nam/Akbota Norzhanova 53 Sub-Regional Campaign in Central America

Free & Equal ROCA

In 2019, the UN Human many of the same challenges the region, the community is Rights regional office for when it comes to the human stigmatized and advocates are Central America launched a rights of LGBTI people; while attacked as proponents of the new, sub-regional campaign great legal strides to address so-called “gender ideology” covering Costa Rica, discrimination, violence and out to undermine traditional El Salvador, Honduras & exclusion of LGBT people values, religion and the family. Panama. These countries face have been made in most of These negative narratives are 54

Free & Equal ROCA currently growing in strength. Violence and discrimination are common, particularly for members of the trans community.

Since its launch, the team behind Free & Equal Central America has been working to counter these negative narratives and to increase support for equality among the general public.

Much of the initial work of the campaign has been focused on building the coalition necessary to sustain such a geographically broad campaign.

So far, civil society organizations from across the region, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the University of Panama and the Spanish international news agency EFE, the fourth largest wire agency in the world, have signed up as partners in the campaign. Advocacy efforts also commenced towards the 55

end of the year, with locally current political situation developed advocacy materials vis-à-vis the LGBTI aimed at promoting the community. adoption of legislation and Participants welcomed public policies in the different the forum, as the first one countries. Locally addressing LGBTI issues at These were pushed out on developed the University of Panama, and social media, traditional highlighted the importance media outlets and through advocacy of promoting social debate EFE wire services reaching on key issues, such legal a total of 35 million people materials recognition of gender across the region. identity and same-sex reached a marriage. The campaign celebrated total of In 2020, the team will International Day against continue promoting main Homophobia, Biphobia and 35 million messages from last year’s Transphobia in May with a campaign with special focus public forum together with on rural areas. the University of Panama and people the Ombudsman’s Office. They will also build up their across the direct political advocacy The more-than 80 people by engaging with relevant in the audience and panel region authorities and duty-bearers engaged in passionate together with civil society discussion about the partners. 56


Enlisting the Private Sector

Fabrice Houdart

UN Free & Equal has been working French, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, to harness the power of the private Serbian, Spanish, and Tetum. So sector since 2017, when the UN Human far, more than 270 companies have Rights O‡ce introduced a set of global come out as public supporters of the standards to support companies who standards, making this the world’s are working to end discrimination largest corporate LGBTI inclusion against LGBTI people in the workplace initiative. and beyond. Outreach to new potential supporters is Since their launch, the standards have done in collaboration with Partnership been presented at a series of UN Free & for Global LGBTI Equality - a coalition Equal-hosted events in business hubs of organizations and companies around the world and translated into committed to leveraging their 58

individual and collective advocacy to maximum impact of private sector accelerate LGBTI equality and inclusion advocacy is to ensure that companies in the workplace and in the broader work hand in hand with community communities in which they operate. members and activists fighting for change. In 2019, the UN Human Rights The Partnership was announced at Office has therefore been working on the World Economic Forum’s Annual developing a toolkit helping activists Meeting in Davos January 22, 2019. engage with the private sector and The Partnership is supported by the started off the process by hosting a Office of the United Nations High meeting with business representatives Commissioner for Human Rights and and LGBTI civil society in Berlin in July. is operated in collaboration with the Forum. This included 46 LGBTI activists from , China, Costa Rica, India, Iraq, The central idea behind the standards is Germany, South Africa, Italy, Czech to build the broadest possible coalition Republic, The Netherlands, , for equality. Private sector companies , , Spain, Brazil, Italy, have a role to play, not just by fostering Ukraine, Kenya, Morocco, Uganda, a culture of respect and equality in the Vietnam, Serbia, and workplace, but also in the communities the United States of America, and 25 where they and their business partners representatives from the private sector operate. partners headquartered in Europe, the Americas and Asia. To take a public stand for LGBTI equality comes with inherent risks The publication, “Minding the in many contexts, both for the corporate gap: how activists & businesses themselves and for the companies can work together to tackle LGBTI community, who might bear the LGBTI discrimination” , which builds brunt of any backlash. The only way on the lessons from the consultation to mitigate these risks and to ensure process, will be released in mid 2020. 59


Kenneth Cole Productions 60

Gap Inc.

For the fourth year running, UN Free & Equal celebrated Pride with Gap Inc. In 2019, Gap Inc.’s largest and most comprehensive collection of Pride- themed t-shirts, other Pride-themed accessories, and e-gift cards were sold online and in stores around the world with proceeds going to support UN Free & Equal. Gap Inc. brands Athleta, Banana Republic, Banana Republic Factory, Gap, Gap Factory joined the partnership.

Employees also joined LGBTI advocates at Pride marches across the U.S. and around the world honoring the 50th anniversary of the as well as Gap’s 50th birthday. During Pride Month, Gap Inc. invited out Olympic skier and medalist Gus Kenworthy to an employee townhall where he spoke on the significance of living authentically.

During the year, Gap Inc. employees also attended high-level UN LGBTI Core Group meetings at UN headquarters in New York. 61

Kenneth Cole Productions

A groundbreaking partnership with Kenneth Cole Productions and UN Free & Equal continued into 2019. KCP released its most expansive Pride Collection – including footwear, t-shirts, caps, underwear, and sunglasses - pegged to World Pride in and the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots.

Kenneth Cole created and led an impactful, trailblazing campaign with Broadway’s award-winning musical “The Prom,” which received a Silver Clio Award in the category of “Live Entertainment: Partnerships and Collaborations.”

This holistic campaign included a special edition Kenneth Cole t-shirt, which was sold at The Prom’s theater and on KC.com and had proceeds go to UN Free & Equal. It also included events, such as in-theater talk backs and intimate in-store performances, which garnered the participation of UN diplomats from around the world as well as Mr. Kenneth Cole. KCP employees also joined OHCHR staff and diplomats at marquee UN events promoting LGBTI equality. 62


UN Free & Equal teamed up with H&M to help launch the company’s 2019 Pride collection. With over 30 pieces The collection was featured in H&M – including gender neutral options stores in more than 50 countries and the UN Free & Equal logo – the globally and promoted through partnership raised both awareness celebrity champions including actress and funds for UN Free & Equal for the and advocate ; actor second year in a row. Rickey Thompson; and influencer Shannon Beveridge. A dazzling kickoff bash was also held in May at the House of Yes in Brooklyn, New York. 63 THANK YOU We are forever grateful for the support of our Equality Champions: Celina Jaitly, Yvonne Chaka Chaka, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Ricky Martin, Daniela Mercury and members of the band fun.

A big thanks also to our volunteer translators Aleksander, Ghaith and James, our friends at the UN Foundation, ElkanoData, Shape History and Ecstasy of Gold, and to all the activists who have provided feedback and ideas throughout 2019.

UN Free & Equal would not be possible without financial contributions from the Governments of Iceland, , the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, corporate supporters H&M, Gap Inc. and Kenneth Cole Productions and the support of the United Nations LGBTI Core Group.