Monthly Newsletter October 2000

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Monthly Newsletter October 2000 October 2000 Monthly Newsletter From the Commodore Board of Directors Commodore Rob Wilson Im. Past Commodore Voldi Maki As I told you in a previous Telltale, dock, moving an existing dock to Vice Commodore Phil Spletter we are taking advantage of the low this location, or moving a small Secretary Gail Bernstein lake level to prepare for some pos- dock if we reduce the length of one Treasurer Becky Heston sible harbor modifications. Using or more of our existing docks. the recently completed topographic Race Commander Bob Harden Project 3 - Widen the north Buildings & Grounds Michael Stan survey, Ray Schull and Tom Groll have prepared some prelimi- ramp. This proposal is to ex- Fleet Commander Doug Laws cavate the area to allow us to Sail Training Brigitte Rochard nary plans for three possible modifications to the harbor. double the width of the current ramp. This would allow for AYC Staff Project 1 - Excavate the area multiple boats to launch/ General Manager Nancy Boulmay under the regular location of Docks retrieve and greatly reduce the Office Manager Cynthia Eck 2 - 6. This project would allow the congestion and waiting required at Caretakers Tom Cunningham docks to remain in their regular lo- the ramp. This work will also re- Vic Farrow cation until the lake level reaches duce the silt buildup on the ramp 655’. Currently docks 4, 5, and 6 by properly sloping back the have been relocated to the point ground from the new ramp edge. Austin Yacht Club approximately 21% of the time We also propose to repair the ero- 5906 Beacon Drive since 1980. This excavation would sion that has occurred along the Austin, Texas 78734-1428 have reduced this to approximately west side of the existing ramp so Office: (512) 266-1336 6% of this time. Additionally the that structural failure of the pave- Office FAX: (512) 266-9804 docks are much better protected at ment can be avoided. This work Clubhouse: (512) 266-1897 the point when the lake level is be- would also allow the ramp to be low 655’ thus the relocation to the extended should the lake level con- E-Mail & Web Site point would be much less damag- tinue to fall below 639’ ing to the docks and boats. This The material excavated from the project would also reduce the en- croachment that may occur as the projects is proposed to be placed lake level drops when our docks on the un-paved portion of the AYC Business Hours protrude beyond the centerline of point above elevation 681’ or in the Tuesday - Friday our cove. This would also provide back of the south cove above 681’. 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM a larger passageway for boats At the September meeting, the leaving and entering our cove. AYC Board of Directors gave its Saturday & Sunday approval for the preparation and 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM Project 2 - Excavate the shelf east submission to the LCRA of plans of the north ramp. This will signifi- that cover this work. This submis- Closed Mondays cantly reduce the hazard of hitting sion does not obligate us to com- this shelf when it is slightly sub- Closed Club Holidays merged. This will also allow for the plete this work within any particular New Year’s Day 1 January relocation of AYC docks to this time period, but is necessary if we Easter Sunday 23 April area in times of low water, rather want to move ahead. Approval of Independence Day 4 July than to the more exposed present any of these projects awaits more Thanksgiving Day 23 November location on the point. This excava- detailed cost estimates and further Shopping Day 24 November tion may also allow for the future input from the membership. Christmas Day 25 December permanent location of either a new Rob Racing Scheduled Welcome Aboard By Voldi Maki October th th 7 - 8 ............................. Governor’s Cup Regatta New Senior Members: 15th ..............................................Winter Series #1 22nd .............................................Winter Series #2 · Gary Ames has been sailing one year. He is the 28th - 29th ..........................Club Jr. Championships school sponsor of the Cedar Park High School 29th ..............................................Winter Series #3 Sailing Team. His goal is to learn to race. November · Greg Vanginault has raced in Corpus Christi and 5th ................................................Winter Series #4 Houston. He owns a Southcoast 21, which he 11th ............................. West Marine Junior Regatta plans to race. He has been sailing 4 years. 12th ..............................................Winter Series #5 th · Lynn Hansen Shelton has been part of the club 18 ........................................ Wild Turkey Regatta since 1994. She has raced in most of the series races and regattas. She has also contributed by helping conduct many sailing events. New Associate Members: Winter Series RC Duty · Sungwhan Oh has been racing since 1988. He was a member of the UT Sailing Team. He has October also been the assistant Junior Program Director 15th ..................Race 1 ....................... Keel Fleet D in Boston Mass. He plans to continue sailing his 22nd .................Race 2 ........Centerboard Handicap windsurfer and crewing in AYC events. th 29 ..................Race 3 ................................... J/24 · Andrew Rogers has been sailing since 1977 and November racing since 1998. He plans to crew in AYC 15th ..................Race 4 ................................ SC/21 events and to eventually purchase a boat in a 12th ..................Race 5 .........................Catalina 22 recognized fleet. Senior Member Reinstatement · Carl Vernon has been granted reinstatement to his previous senior status. New Honorary Membership · Jim Baker has been granted Honorary Member- ship for his work as a Senior Race Officer and his overall promotion of race management excel- lence at AYC. AYC Junior Championships Leave of Absence by Phil Spletter · Dan Tull has been granted a LOA due to him temporary move to Phoenix. The AYC Junior Team and Single-handed Champi- Resignations onships will be sailed on October 28 and 29. The · James Brazell, Jim Deeter, Dan Friedman, and championships are open to AYC members (senior, Martha Warner associate or junior) or their children who have not graduated from high school prior to the 1999-2000 Membership Count school year. Senior .................................................. 394 On Saturday, October 28, two person teams will Associate ...............................................24 compete for the Al Burke Memorial Trophy in two Junior .......................................................4 person boats. Although final permission has not Leave of Absence .....................................6 been obtained at this writing, it is anticipated that the Honorary ..................................................8 event will be conducted in the UT Flying Juniors. Life ........................................................21 UT Sailing Team .....................................13 On the following day, Sunday, October 29, the AYC Total .................................................... 470 Junior Single-handed Championship will be deter- mined in Sunfish. Competitors will be responsible for any damage to boats. Applications are available in the AYC office or on the AYC website. For further information con- tact Phil Spletter at 266-3155 or Nominations for AYC perpetual Awards by Lanelle Montgomery " Submitted by: __________________________________________ AYC Member #: ________________________ AYC Perpetual Awards Nominations Jimmy B. Card Memorial Trophy: ment of the sport of competitive sailing. To the Club senior sailor new to the sport. Nomination: ___________________________ This trophy is to recognize the beginning Ol’ Salt of the Austin Yacht Club: sailor who enthusiastically, bravely, and with a To the Club senior sailor who has exhibited real zest and enjoyment for life becomes a enthusiasm, sportsmanship, and a competi- reasonably competitive sailor in their first or tive zeal over a period of time, and has a qual- second year of sailing. ity of life that can be admired by all. Nomination: __________________________ Nomination: ___________________________ Jessie McIlroy Smith Bowl: Liz Bauman Memorial Trophy: To the Club junior or senior sailor who has To the most improved female junior sailor. made an outstanding contribution or achieve- This trophy is to be given annually to a young ment in yachting beyond the Club level or nor- woman who, though not necessarily the most mal Club activities. This award is intended to accomplished, demonstrates those traits of recognize a Club member for outstanding ser- cooperation, discipline, willingness to learn, vice to yachting or racing achievement be- and good sportsmanship that are the goals of yond the Club level or to recognize an individ- the junior sailing program. ual’s accomplishments that are not within the Nomination: ___________________________ normal scheduled activities of the Austin Yacht Club such as significant application of Ron Harden Memorial Trophy: sailing skills in a rescue, ocean crossing, To the most improved male junior sailor. This yacht construction, etc. trophy is to be given annually to a young man Nomination: __________________________ who, though not necessarily the most accom- Max White Memorial Trophy: plished, demonstrates those traits of coopera- tion, discipline, willingness to learn, and good To the Club senior member for outstanding sportsmanship that are the goals of the junior
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