American Dante Bibliography for 1984.Pdf
American Dante Bibliography for 1984 Christopher Kleinhenz and Anthony L. Pellegrini This bibliography is intended to include the Dante translations published in this country in 1984 and all Dante studies and reviews published in 1984 that are in any sense American. The latter criterion is construed to include foreign reviews of American publications pertaining to Dante. For their invaluable assistance in the preparation of this bibliography and its annotations our special thanks go to the following graduate students at the University of Wisconsin: Tonia Bernardi, Giuseppe Candela, Scott Eagleburger, Jay Filipiak, Edward Hagman, John Meany, Pauline Scott, Elizabeth Serrin, and Scott Troyan. Translations The Divine Comedy. Vol. 1: Inferno. Translated with an introduction, notes, and commentary by Mark Musa. Harmondsworth and New York: Penguin Books, 1984. 430 p. illus., diagrs. This translation, originally published in 1971 by Indiana University Press (see Dante Studies, XC, 175), is here reprinted without the R.M. Powers drawings but with the addition of diagrams of Dante’s Hell, “An Introduction to Dante and His Works,” a “Glossary and Index of Persons and Places,” and a “Selected Bibliography.” Also, the arguments are prefixed to their respective cantos. The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri. [II. Purgatorio.] A verse translation, with an introduction, by Allen Mandelbaum. Notes by Laury Magnus, Allen Mandelbaum, and Anthony Oldcorn, with Daniel Feldman. Drawings by Barry Moser. Toronto, N.Y.: Bantam Books, 1984. xxx, 411 p. illus., diagrs (Bantam Classics.) Paperback reprint of the original edition by University of California Press, 1982 (see Dante Studies, CI, 193), with the addition of diagrams and annotations to the text.
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