Common Name Four Letter Code Scientific Code Six Letter Code

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Common Name Four Letter Code Scientific Code Six Letter Code Common Name Four Letter Scientific Code Six Letter Code Code Neotropic Cormorant NECO Phalacrocorax brasilianus PHABRA Bare -throated Tiger -Heron BTTH Tigrisoma mexicanum TIGMEX Great Blue Heron GBHE Ardea herodias ARDHER Green Heron GRHE Butorides virescens BUTVIR Great Egret GREG Ardea alba ARDALB Snowy Egret SNEG Egretta thula EGRTHU Cattle Egret CAEG Bubulcus ibis BUBIBI Black Vulture BLVU Coragyps atratus CORATR Turkey Vulture TUVU Cathartes aura CATAUA King Vulture KIVU Sarcoramphus papa SARPAP Swallow -tailed Kite STKI Elanoides forficatus ELAFOR Plumbeous Kite PLKI Ictinia plumbea ICTPLU Gray -headed Kite GHKI Leptodon cayanensis LEPCAY White Hawk WHHA Pseudastur albicollis LEUALB Gray Hawk GRHA Buteo plagiatus BUT PLG* Roadside Hawk ROHA Rupornis magnirostris RUP MAG Common Black -Hawk COBH Buteogallus anthracinus BUTANT Great Black -Hawk GRBH Buteogallus urubitinga BUTURU Broad -winged Hawk BWHA Buteo platypterus BUTPLT Red -tailed Hawk RTHA Buteo jamaicensis BUTJAM Crane Hawk CRHA Geranospiza caerulescens GERCAE Zone -tailed Hawk ZTHA Buteo albonotatus BUTALN* Collared Forest -Falcon COFF Micrastur semitorquatus MICSEM Laughing Falcon LAFA Herpetotheres cachinnans HERCAC Bat Falcon BAFA Falco rufigularis FALRUF Orange -breasted Falcon OBFA Falco deiroleucus FALDEI Barred Forest -Falcon BAFF Micrastur ruficollis MICRUF Black Hawk -Eagle BLHE Spizaetus tyrannus SPITYR Great Tinamou GRTI Tinamus major TINMAJ Little Tinamou LITI Crypturellus soui CRYSOU Slaty -breasted Tinamou SBTI Crypturellus boucardi CRYBOU Plain Chachalaca PLCH Ortalis vetula ORTVET Crested Guan CRGU Penelope purpurascens PENPUR Great Curassow GRCU Crax rubra CRARUB Spotted Wood -Quail SPQU Odontophorus guttatus ODOGUT Gray -necked Wood -Rail GNWR Aramides cajanea ARACAJ Pale -vented Pigeon PVPI Patagioenas cayennensis PATCAY Short -billed Pigeon SBPI Patagioenas nigrirostris PATNIG Scaled Pigeon SCPI Patagioenas speciosa PATSPE Red -billed Pigeon RBPI Patagioenas flavirostris PATFLA Ruddy Ground -Dove RUGD Columbina talpacoti COLTAL Blue Ground -Dove BLGD Claravis pretiosa CLAPRE T.R.E.E.S Bird list December 10 th , 2014 List updated with 2014 Common Names White -tipped Dove WTDO Leptotila verreauxi LEPVER Gray -chested Dove GCDO Leptotila cassinii LEPCAS Brown -hooded Parrot BHOP Pionopsitta haematotis PIOHAE White -crowned Parrot WCPA Pionus senilis PIOSEN White -fronted Parrot WFPA Amazona albifrons AMAALB Red -lored Parrot RLPA Amazona autumnalis AMAAUT Olive -throated Parakeet OTPA Eupsittula nana EUP NAN Squirrel Cuckoo SQCU Piaya cayana PIACAY Groove -billed Ani GBAN Crotophaga sulcirostris CROSUL Crested Owl CROW Lophostrix cristata LOPCRI Spectacled Owl SPEO Pulsatrix perspicillata PULPER Mottled Owl MOOW Ciccaba virgata CICVIR Black -and -white Owl BLWO Ciccaba nigrolineata CICNIG Common Nighthawk CONI Chordeiles minor CHOMIN Common Pauraque COPA Nyctidromus albicollis NYCALB White -collared Swift WCSW Streptoprocne zonaris STRZON Lesser Swallow -tailed Swift LSTS Panyptila cayennensis PANCAY Chestnut -collared Swift CCSW Streptoprocne rutila STRRUT Long -billed Hermit LBIH Phaethornis longirostris PHALON Stripe -throated Hermit SRTH Phaethornis striigularis PHASTR Violet Sabrewing VISA Campylopterus hemileucurus CAMHEM White -necked Jacobin WNJA Florisuga mellivora FLOMEL Brown violetear BRVI Colibri delphinae COLDEL Scaly -breasted Hummingbird SBRH Phaeochroa cuvieri PHACUV Canivet's Emerald CAEM Chlorostilbon canivetii CHLCAV White -bellied Emerald WBEM Amazilia candida AMACAN Rufous -tailed Hummingbird RTAH Amazilia tzacatl AMATZA Ruby -throated Hummingbird RTHU Archilochus colubris ARCCOL Striped -tailed Hummingbird STHM* Eupherusa eximia EUPEXI Black -headed Trogon BHTR Trogon melanocephalus TROMEC Gartered Trogon GA TR Trogon caligatus TRO CAL Collared Trogon COTR Trogon collaris TROCOL Slaty -tailed Trogon STTR Trogon massena TROMAS Blue -crowned Motmot BCMO Momotus coeruliceps MOM COE Keel -billed Motmot KBMO Electron carinatum ELECAR Tody Motmot TOMO Hylomanes momotula HYLMOM White -whiskered Puffbird WWPU Malacoptila panamensis MALPAN White -necked Puffbird WNPU Notharchus hyperrhynchus NOTHYP Rufous -tailed Jacamar RTJA Galbula ruficauda GALRUF Green Kingfisher GKIN Chloroceryle americana CHLAME American Pygmy Kingfisher APKI Chloroceryle aenea CHLAEN Emerald Toucanet EMTO Aulacorhynchus prasinus AULPRA Collared Aracari COAR Pteroglossus torquatus PTETOR Keel -billed Toucan KBTO Ramphastos sulfuratus RAMSUL T.R.E.E.S Bird list December 10 th , 2014 List updated with 2014 Common Names Black -cheeked Woodpecker BCWO Melanerpes pucherani MELPUC Golden -fronted Woodpecker GFWO Melanerpes aurifrons MELAUR Yellow -bellied Sapsucker YBSA Sphyrapicus varius SPHVAR Smoky -brown Woodpecker SMBW * Picoides fumigatus PIC FUM Golden -olive Woodpecker GOWO Colaptes rubiginosus COL RUB Lineated Woodpecker LIWO Dryocopus lineatus DRYLIN Pale -billed Woodpecker PBIW Campephilus guatemalensis CAMGUA Scaly -throated Foliage -gleaner STFG Anabacerthia variegaticeps ANAVAR Buff -throated Foliage -gleaner BTFG Automolus ochrolaemus AUTOCH Ruddy Woodcreeper RUWO Dendrocincla homochroa DENHOM Wedge -billed Woodcreeper WBWO Glyphorynchus spirurus GLYSPI Ivory -billed Woodcreeper IBIW Xiphorhynchus flavigaster XIPFLA Streak -headed Woodcreeper SHWO Lepidocolaptes souleyetii LEPSOU Northern Barred -Woodcreeper NOBW Dendrocolaptes sanctithomae DENSAN Tawny -winged Woodcreeper TWWO Dendrocincla anabatina DENANA Strong -billed Woodcreeper SNBW* Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus XIPPRO Rufous -breasted Spinetail RBRS Synallaxis erythrothorax SYNERY Slaty Antwren SLAN Myrmotherula schisticolor MYRSCH Dot -winged Antwren DWAN Microrhopias quixensis MICQUI Dusky Antbird DUAN Cercomacra tyrannina CERTYR Barred Antshrike BAAN Thamnophilus doliatus THADOL Black -faced Antthrush BFAN Formicarius analis FORANA Northern Bentbill NOBE Oncostoma cinereigulare ONCCIN Stub -tailed Spadebill STTS Platyrinchus cancrominus PLACAN Slate -headed Tody -Flycatcher SHTF Poecilotriccus sylvia POESYL Common Tody -Flycatcher COTF Todirostrum cinereum TODCIN Greenish Elaenia GREL Myiopagis viridicata MYIVIR Yellow -bellied Elaenia YBEL Elaenia flavogaster ELAFLA Dusky -capped Flycatcher DCFL Myiarchus tuberculifer MYITUB Ochre -bellied Flycatcher OBFL Mionectes oleagineus MIOOLE Royal Flycatcher ROFL Onychorhynchus coronatus ONYCOR Bright -rumped Attila BRAT Attila spadiceus ATTSPA Northern Schiffornis NOSC Schiffornis veraepacis SCHTUR Rufous Mourner RMOU Rhytipterna holerythra RHYHOL Rufous Piha RUFP* Lipaugus unirufus LIPUNI Yellow -bellied Flycatcher YBFL Empidonax flaviventris EMPFLN Yellow -olive Flycatcher YOFL Tolmomyias sulphurescens TOLSUL Willow Flycatcher WIFL Empidonax traillii EMPTRA Least Flycatcher LEFL Empidonax minimus EMPMIN Brown -crested Flycatcher BCFL Myiarchus tyrannulus MYITYR Great Kiskadee GKIS Pitangus sulphuratus PITSUL Boat -billed Flycatcher BOBF Megarynchus pitangua MEGPIT Social Flycatcher SOFL Myiozetetes similis MYISIM Streaked Flycatcher STRF Myiodynastes maculatus MYIMAC T.R.E.E.S Bird list December 10 th , 2014 List updated with 2014 Common Names Sulphur -bellied Flycatcher SBFL Myiodynastes luteiventris MYILUT Piratic Flycatcher PIFL Legatus leucophaius LEGLEU Sepia -capped Flycatcher SECF Leptopogon amaurocephalus LEPAMA Yucatan Flycatcher YUFL Myiarchus yucatanensis MYIYUC Sulphur -rumped Flycatcher SRFL Myiobius sulphureipygius MYISUL Acadian Flycatcher ACFL Empidonax virescens EMPVIR Olive -sided Flycatcher OSFL Contopus cooperi CONCOO Tropical Kingbird TRKI Tyrannus melancholicus TYRMEL Couch's Kingbird COKI Tyrannus couchii TYRCOU Eastern Kingbird EAKI Tyrannus tyrannus TYRTYR Black Phoebe BLPH Sayornis nigricans SAYNIG Tropical Pewee TRPE Contopus cinereus CONCIN Eastern Wood -Pewee EAWP Contopus virens CONVIR Rose -throated Becard RTBE Pachyramphus aglaiae PACAGL Masked Tityra MATI Tityra semifasciata TITSEM Black -crowned Tityra BCRT Tityra inquisitor TITINQ White -collared Manakin WCOM Manacus candei MANCAN Red -capped Manakin RCMA Ceratopipra mentalis CER MEN Rufous -browed Peppershrike RBPE Cyclarhis gujanensis CYCGUJ Green Shrike -Vireo GRSV Vireolanius pulchellus VIRPUL White -eyed Vireo WEVI Vireo griseus VIRGRI Red -eyed Vireo REVI Vireo olivaceus VIROLI Yellow -green Vireo YGVI Vireo flavoviridis VIRFLD Yellow -throated Vireo YTVI Vireo flavifrons VIRFLF Tawny -crowned Greenlet TCGR Hylophilus ochraceiceps HYLOCH Lesser Greenlet LESG Hylophilus decurtatus HYLDEC Green Jay GREJ Cyanocorax yncas CYAYNC Brown Jay BRJA Psilorhinus morio PSI MOR Blue -gray Gnatcatcher BGGN Polioptila caerulea POLCAE Tropical Gnatcatcher TRGN Polioptila plumbea POLPLU Gray Catbird GRCA Dumetella carolinensis DUMCAR Tropical Mockingbird TRMO Mimus gilvus MIMGIL Northern Ridgway's Rough -winged RRWS Swallow Stelgidopteryx serripennis ridgwayi Spot -breasted Wren SBSW * Pheugopedius maculipectus PHE MAC House Wren HOWR Troglodytes aedon TROAED Band -backed Wren BABW Campylorhynchus zonatus CAMZON White -bellied wren WBWR Uropsila leucogastra UROLEU White -breasted Wood -Wren WBWW Henicorhina leucosticta HENLES Long -billed Gnatwren LBGN Ramphocaenus melanurus RAMMEL Wood Thrush WOTH Hylocichla mustelina HYLMUS Clay -colored Thrush CC TH Turdus grayi TURGRA Swainson’s Thrush SWTH Catharus ustulatus CATUST White -throated Robin WTRO Turdus assimilis TURASS T.R.E.E.S Bird list December 10 th , 2014 List updated with 2014 Common Names Blue -winged Warbler BWWA Vermivora cyanoptera VER CYA Tennessee Warbler TEWA Vermivora peregrina VERPER Yellow Warbler
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