Session 401 WebObjects Technical Overview

Steve Hayman Systems Engineer, Apple iServices

1 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Introduction

• Understand the WO architecture • See the tools, frameworks, and development process in action

2 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 What You’ll Learn

• WO Tools • WO Frameworks • WO Deployment • Understand the titles of the other WO sessions

406—Rapid Development with Direct to Client

3 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 What WebObjects Does

• It’s an • Who invented that term anyway? • It’s more than just that – Developer Tools – Pre-written objects (Frameworks) The best part! – Runtime environment – Monitoring and control tools

4 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 For Instance Java Clients Web Browsers

Data Services

Web Servers

Distributed Objects Data Sources

5 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Who WebObjects Is For

• Developers • Very powerful • Steep learning curve • But that’s OK

6 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 WebObjects Works With…

• Java. Objective-C. WebScript • —Oracle, Informix, Sybase, SQL Server, LDAP, OpenBase, FrontBase, … • Mainframes—CORBA, 3270 screen-scraping • Different UIs—HTML, WAP, PDF, XML • Most web servers—Apache, Netscape, IIS • Lots of 3rd-party objects and APIs • Open open open open open open open open

7 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Where You Can Use WebObjects

• Develop on Mac OS X, Mac OS X Server, or Windows NT • Deploy on OS X, OS X Server, NT, Solaris, HP/UX, – (Note: support varies by platform) • Mix and match as needed • Start small and grow bigger

8 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Start With This…

9 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 417—Building …And Scale Easily to This Large-Scale Apps


Multiple Databases

Multiple Multiple WO HTTP Servers App Servers

10 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Key Ideas

• Web Components (front-end) • Enterprise Objects (back-end) • Kept completely separate • Bound together at runtime

11 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Web Components

• HTML templates + • tags that indicate where something interesting and dynamic happens + • Bindings that fill in the blanks + • Lots of pre-written objects to reuse

12 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 What Comes Out of a Component?

• A string—of your choice – Plain text – HTML – Image data – JavaScript commands – AppleScript commands – …

13 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Non-HTML Components Too


Mix and match

14 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Enterprise Objects

• Java objects that implement your business rules… – Customer, Order, Product, Vehicle, Package, Option • Adaptors that speak to databases – Oracle, Sybase, Informix, LDAP… • Models that connect objects to databases – Customer Oracle CUST table – Vehicle Informix VHCL table • Relationships between objects – Customer has a list of Vehicles

15 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 EOF Is the Real Gem Here!

• Pure business objects • Totally UI independent • Totally database independent • Persistence is completely managed for you

403—Persistent Object Modeling with EOModeler

16 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 (And Coming Soon—EJB)

407—WebObjects: EJB

17 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 … All Bound Together…

• WO app – Loads components – Finds tags – Fetches and sends to Enterprise Objects – Mixes results into the component • User sees plain HTML (PDF, WAP, XML) • Customize the entire process at runtime if needed

18 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 …With Advanced Session Management… • WO manages an extensible Session object for each individual user • Also an Application object shared by all • Complete control over session creation and archiving • Extend Session to add security, shopping carts, user preferences, personalization and so on

19 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 … and Runtime Monitoring Tools

• Monitor – WO application that manages your big honkin’ deployment environment

404—Deploying Applications

20 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Session 401 WebObjects in Action

21 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 WebObjects in Action WO Adaptor App EO Adaptor Server The Internet Web (not to scale) Server Databases

Oracle, Sybase Any OS Apache Mac OS X Server Informix, ODBC Any Web Netscape Windows NT/2000 SQL Server, LDAP Server IIS Solaris Flat File, 3270 CGI HP/UX OpenBase, FrontBase, 4D…

22 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 A Really Simple App WO Adaptor App EO Adaptor Server The Internet Web (not to scale) Server Databases

1. Process a Request 2. Generate a Response

23 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Three Steps WO Does for You Automatically WO Adaptor App EO Adaptor Server The Internet Web (not to scale) Server Databases

1. Take Values from a Request 3. Generate a Response 2. Invoke an Action

24 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 User Submits Request to Web Server

Request WO Adaptor App EO Adaptor Server The Internet Web (not to scale) Server Databases

25 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 User Submits Request to Web Server WO Adaptor App EO Adaptor Server The Internet Web (not to scale) Server Databases

• Web server adaptor finds appropriate application server and instance, and forwards the request to it – First request? A random instance is chosen, and a new Session created – Subsequently? Return to the original one

26 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Session Finds the Requesting WOComponent WO Adaptor App EO Adaptor Server The Internet Web (not to scale) Server Databases

Login.wo What’s your user name?

INPUT: WOString { value = userName; } SUBMIT: WOSubmitButton { action = handleLogin; } 27 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 WO Adaptor App EO Adaptor Server The Internet Web (not to scale) Server Databases

Login.wo • The requesting What’s your user name? component studies any form values that have been submitted INPUT: WOString { value = userName; } SUBMIT: WOSubmitButton { action = handleLogin; } 28 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 WO Adaptor App EO Adaptor Server The Internet Web (not to scale) Server Databases

// Login.javaLogin.wo • Requesting public class Login extends WOComponent { public String userName; component publicWhat’s WOComponent your user handleLogin() name? { then figures out pageWithName(“Welcome”); } what action to invoke } INPUT: WOString – Action returns { value = userName; } another component SUBMIT: WOSubmitButton { action = handleLogin; } 29 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 WO Adaptor App EO Adaptor Server The Internet Web (not to scale) Server Databases

Welcome.wo • Action is invoked, Welcome back, and session loads the Component UserName: WOString { value = session.customer.firstName; } 30 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 WO Adaptor App EO Adaptor Server The Internet Web (not to scale) Server Databases

Welcome.wo • WEBOBJECT tags Welcome back, and corresponding identified UserName: WOString { value = session.customer.firstName; } 31 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 WO Adaptor App EO Adaptor Server The Internet Web (not to scale) Server Databases

Welcome.wo • Any needed objects Select WelcomeFIRST,LAST,ID back, from are fetched from ID=‘shayman’ • SQL is generated EOModel UserName:Database WOStringORACLE { value = automatically Customer CUST session.customer.firstName; } Product PROD 32 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 WO Adaptor App EO Adaptor Server The Internet Web (not to scale) Server Databases

Welcome.wo • Rows are returned “Steve”,”Hayman”, Welcome back, “shayman” from the database and

Enterprise Objects EOModel UserName:Database WOStringORACLE { value = Customer CUST session.customer.firstName; Customer } Product PROD 33 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 WO Adaptor App EO Adaptor Server The Internet Web (not to scale) Server Databases

Welcome.wo • Messages are “Steve”,”Hayman”, Welcome back, ”shayman” sent to EOs

EOModel “Steve” UserName:Database WOStringORACLE { value = Customer CUST session.customer.firstName; Customer } Product PROD 34 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 WO Adaptor App EO Adaptor Server The Internet Web (not to scale) Server Databases

Welcome.wo • Response is Welcome back, substituted into Steve HTML template

“Steve” UserName: WOString { value = session.customer.firstName; Customer } 35 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 WO Adaptor App EO Adaptor Server The Internet Web (not to scale) Server Databases

MyComponent.wo • Session sends plain Welcome back, HTML back to user Steve

UserName: WOString { value = session.customer.firstName; } 36 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 That’s the Request/Response Loop WO Adaptor App EO Adaptor Server The Internet Web (not to scale) Server Databases

public void takeValuesFromRequest ( WORequest aRequest, WOContext aContext ) public WOElement invokeAction ( WORequest aRequest, WOContext aContext ) public void appendToResponse ( WOResponse aResponse, WOContext aContext ) • Application, Session, and all Components participate (If they want to) 37 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Please Note!

• No mixing of SQL and HTML • Database, interface, business logic are all completely separate and independent • No need to write SQL or HTML at all (unless you want to)

38 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 The Tools

39 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 403—Designing Dynamic HTML Components

40 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 You’ll Create WO Components • Main.wo/ – Main. This product Image4: WOImage { – Main.wod src = “pic.gif”; } costs String1: WOString { value = product.cost

numberFormat = “$#,###”;} Click here Link1: WOHyperlink { to order. action = placeOrder; }

• public class Order extends WOComponent { private ShoppingItem product; public WOComponent placeOrder( ) { session().addToShoppingCart(product); return pageWithName(“Checkout”); } } 41 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 You’ll Create Lots of WO Components • One for each “page” • Subcomponents for headers, footers, navigation bars • Reusable components for common UI elements • JavaScript client-side tricks • Components that contain other components

42 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 So How Do You Make Those Components ? • They’re just text files • Use whatever you like – emacs – vi – stickies – cat

43 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Oh, Come On

• OK. You can use any WYSIWIG HTML editor • DreamWeaver • GoLive • Or even WebObjects Builder

44 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Inspector


Objects and Actions

45 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Use WOB in Raw Mode, if You Like

46 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Use Palettes to Organize Your Stuff

416—Designing Reusable Components

47 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 403—Persistent Object Modeling with EOModeler

48 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 EOModeler and EOF

• Define a recipe for constructing objects from databases

Vehicle objects == the MDL table Vehicle.basePrice() == the PRMIN column

49 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 EOModeler

Model complex relationships between objects too. vehicle.maker. makerName vehicle.packages

50 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Session 401 A Really Brief EOModeler Demo

51 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 52 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Project Builder WO

• Coordinates resources • Code editing and debugging • Localization

53 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Session 401 Delivering Other User Interfaces

Nobody Said You Had to Use HTML

54 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Other UIs

• Deliver your business objects through other front-end technologies • Java Client • PDF • XML 411—Integrating • WAP Client-Side Technologies

55 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Java Client 406—Rapid Development with Direct to Java Client • A more “traditional” client-server application • Pure Java application on the client • WO app on the server • Enterprise Objects migrate between the two

56 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 PDF—High-Quality Printable Documents

• • Object-based PDF generation and reporting • Subtotaling, grouping, sorting, slicing, dicing

57 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 XML 414—WebObjects and XML • Turn one or more objects into an XML string with only a line or two of code

WOXMLCoder aCoder = WOXMLCoder.coder(); aString = aCoder.encodeRootObjectForKey( currentCar, “Vehicle” );

Hummer 71000

58 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 WAP—Wireless Applications

• Special objects that emit WML instead of HTML •

59 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Session 401 Superduper Assistants

Got a Model? You’re 95% Done

60 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 405—Rapid Development Direct to Web with Direct to Web

Your EOModel + Direct to Web A complete, full featured, and good-looking web app

61 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 406—Rapid Development Direct to Java Client with Direct to Java Client

Your EOModel + Direct to Java Client A complete, full-featured, and good-looking Java-based application

62 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Demo Direct to Web Direct to Java Client

63 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Session 401 Deploying Your Application

How Do You Launch Your App and Keep It Running?

64 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Monitor

• A WebObjects application that manages other WebObjects applications • Tell it what WO Application Server machines you have, and what applications you’ like to run, and how many instances of each • A service called wotaskd launches them and keeps them running

65 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Monitor in Action

66 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 More on Big Application Deployment

405—Deploying 414—Performance Applications Metrics

418—Building 410—Optimization Large-Scale Applications

67 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Session 401 Learning More

68 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 WOInfoCenter

• Documentation • Books • Examples • Tutorials • All browseable and searchable via a WebObjects application

69 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 70 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 71 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 WO Training Classes

• Programming WebObjects I • Programming WebObjects II • WebObjects Deployment


72 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Roadmap

402 WebObjects Builder: Room J2 Designing dynamic HTML components Tues., 1:30 p.m.

403 Persistent Object Modeling Room J2 with Enterprise Objects Framework Tues., 3:00 p.m.

404 WO: Deploying Applications Room J2 Tues., 4:30 p.m.

WO: Rapid Development Room J2 405 Direct To Web Wed., 9:00 a.m. 406 Direct to Java Client Wed., 10:30 a.m.

73 Apple Confidential 6/28/00 Session 401 Q&A

74 Apple Confidential 6/28/00