Eastern Illinois University The Keep

December 1982

12-10-1982 Daily Eastern News: December 10, 1982 Eastern Illinois University

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This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the 1982 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in December by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Friday, December 10, t 982

The Dally will be partly sunny, windy and warmer with highs in the upper 30s to low 40s. Friday night will be cloudy with a chance of rain or snow and lows in the upper · 20s to low 0s . Eastern llllnols University I Charleaton, Ill. 81 920 I Vol. 88, No. 75 / 28 Pagea 3 Eastern News ------Wor-kers he-re to share cuts e by Maryqually-Mi Holland- ller An Eastern official told close to 100 non­ negotiated employees Thursday that spending cuts made necessary by a state shortfall will be shared equally throughout the campus. George Miller, vice president for administration and finance, told non-negotiated workers at Thursday's Civil Serice Council meeting that it is too early to tell how the state shortfall will affect schedul­ ed salary raises for university employees. "I honestly can't give you any information on it now because that has to come from the governor, the legislature and our own board. We're looking at other people for answers right now," he said. Miller met with non-negotiated employees after the Board of Governori; delayed action on salary in­ creases for university employees who were expecting a 3 percent raise in January due to a $200 million shortfall in the state budget. Miller toid the non-negotiated employees that they are not the only group whose raises could be withheld. "It isn't just the non-negotiated employees who are in this position. It includes administrative, management positions, and other employees_ as well. You're not alone. We're all in the same boat, in­ cluding me," Miller said. Sophomore Judy Singleton was listed in However, many non-negotiated employees claim "satisfactory" condition Thursday night at that a Sept. 15 salary raise given to Eastern Sarah Bush Lincoln Health Center after be­ employees represented by the American Federation ing injured Thursday morning in a car acci­ of State, County and Municipal Employees is dent involving sophomore John Best. "discriminatory." The accident occured on Ninth Street at Sandra Timmons, president of Eastern's Civil Ser­ about 11:30 a.m. when Best's car, which vice Council, said non-negotiated workers have was headed north, collided with Singleton's drafted a protest letter regarding the AFSCME in­ as she backed- out of a parking space near crease. the Kappa Delta sorority house, 221 1 Ninth "We're protesting what we thought was.an inequi­ St. ty of granting an increase to AFSCME prior to the Charleston police Sargeant Ramsey said non-negotiated employees. When people's husbands Singleton was ticketed for unsafe backing started getting increases Sept. 15 and they didn't, from a parking space while Best was that's what started the whole hullabaloo." ticketed for "unsafe tires." (News photos by Several people at the meeting asked Miller whether Sam Paisley) the Sept. 15 salary increase for AFSCME will still be honored if other employees do not receive increases on January I. "Has the administration cons idered renegotiating the contract like Chrysler did?" asked one employee. Miller responded, "I don't know. That's a legal matter." Students express mixed reactions Miller told the group that the salary raises for AFCSME workers were possible because of reduced wages for beginning etnploye�s. to Student Savings discount cards ''It seemed to make sense. It gave the individual more funds. But more importantly, we (the universi­ by Doug Apple free." ty) stay in the same bag'of funds," he said. Students had mixed reactions to the National Stu­ Junior Judy Crane sai?, "It's a good idea and I'll "It was a ,tough decision to make, it really was,"- dent Savings discount card being distributed in the probably use it every chance I get.'' he said. "But we made it." Union this week during the Sophomore Tom Paulford also said he will use the completion of early Several non-negotiated workers asked Miller why a enrollment. discount card. similar plan cannot be worked out for non­ The discount cards, sponsored by the University "It's cool. I expect to use it quite frequently," he - negotiated employees. Gladys Barger, who works in Press, were originally slated for distribution by said. the physial educatio_n department, said, ''I have been Eastern it more in Charleston than Mat­ 's student government at the beginning of the "I'll probably use here ten years, and I only get $1.22 more than the stu­ fall semester. toon," he added. dent help." think the However, University Press delivered the cards to However, some students said they did not Miller said the university has instituted a step pay ones they would Eastern last month. businesses listed on the card were plan whereby non-negotiated workers are paid more Molly Lesh, in charge of card distribution for stu­ patronize often. on the basis of seniority. But he said it would take dent she did not want a government, said the 6,500 cards are being Sophomore Beth Hess said close to a half a millio'n dollars to increase salaries to distributed aren't that many on a first-come first-serve basis to card. "I saw one and there (See WORKERS, page 9) students with a paid fee card or validated ID. businesses on them.'' - "They're going pretty fast," she added. "It's not stuff (businesses) I'll use," she added. "We have a list of names of everyone who has Freshman Lori Renner said, "I think I will use it Paper stops for finals preregistered and when they pick up their card we but probably not very much because I don't The Daily Eastern News' final edition for fall cross their name off the list,'' Lesh said. patronize many of the places on the card." semester will be Friday, editor in chief Lola Burnham The list was used to make sure each student would Senior John Roberts said he thought the card was a said. receive only one card, she added. "pretty good idea" although he thought the card "The paper won't be published during finals. It Some students said the discount cards would be needed "more popular establishments." gives us a chance to study for finals too," Burnham

_ c benefi ial. The discount cards also are being distributed to said. ''We always close during finalswee k.'' Junior Larry Horath said, "I think it's a good students at Lake Land College in Mattoon. She said publication will resume Jan. 11, 1983. idea. I can use it at the mall or uptown. Hey, it's 2 Friday, December 10, 1 982 The Dally Eastern News Associated Press Joint Chiefs advised against MX WASHING TON (AP)-The majority of the differences among the Joint Chiefs. He replied: News Round-Up Joint Chiefs of Staff advised President Reagan "I think that's been a little distorted because against his MX missile basing plan, fearing the the same Joint Chiefs, while one or two had dif­ president was being "pushed" into a decision ferent ideas they thought might be better, they before "technical uncerta inties" were resolved, did agree that ifthis was the method I chose, they according to the nation's top military officer. would be in support of it.'' AutoHIGHLAND workers PARK, Mich strike.-Chrysler may Corp end. and the auto Three of the five chiefs opposed the plan to White House spokesman Larry Speakes, who workers union reached tentative agreement Thursday on an bunch the missiles on a Wyoming plain, Gen. 5aid the administration anticipates a tough fight immediate wage increase that paves the way foran end to a 5- John W. Vessey Jr., chairman of the Joint ,n the Senate for the MX, said today the Joint week-old Canadian strike and the signing of a new contract Chiefs, told a Senate Armed Services Committee for U.S. workers. Chiefs' position was "not necessarily" a setback hearing on Wednesday. for Reagan. United Auto Workers union President Douglas A. Fraser "I don't think you realize the degree of trouble He said Reagan consulted with the Joint said at a news conference that he was optimistic that the the MX basing mode is in ...," Sen. Sam Nunn Chiefs several times in advance of his decision, 85,000U.S . Chrysler workers would accept the new offer. told Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger at the whoch they supported despite their reservations. However, he refused to detail terms of the agreement. same hearing. The House voted Tuesday to delete funds to Agreement on the Canadian terms had been announced Vessey disclosed his colleagues' opposition as production of the missiles. Assistant Thursday morning in Toronto, and top negotiators im­ begin resistance to the so-called "dense pack" basing Senate Majority Leader Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, mediately flewback to Detroit to complete the U.S. talks. plan stiffened. said today it was uncertain when the Senate Reagan, in a brief appearance in the White would act on the issue. Cyanide laced Anacin House briefing room, was asked today about SAN JOSE, Calif.-A woman hqspittl3ize dfound for wha t ap­ the peared to be a stroke may have been poisonedf by a capsule of Anacin-3 that had been laced with cyanide, state officials said Thursday. Board advises pension fund cuts Sue Bowen, 30, stopped breathing Nov. 26 and foamed at CHIOAGO (AP)-Defying a warning by Gov, nobody will suffer," said Chicago board the mouth after taking a capsule from an Anacin-3 bottle her James R. Thompson, the state Board of Educa­ member Jack Witkowsky. He emphasized that husband had purchased a day or two before. tion on Thursday recommended cuts in the pension payments to retired teachers and ad­ Doctors diagnosed a stroke, according to a police report, teachers' pension fund to meet the governor's ministrators would not be affected by the but Richard Bowen, 29, took the capsules to his doctor, who emergency order to slash $42 million in school board's action. passed them on to the state Department of Health for subsidies. "We know that the pension program is in as analysis. The recommended cuts now go to Thompson good a shape now as it has been for years. But On Wednesday, the state reported that at least one of the for his approval under the emergency budget­ the kids are out there now, and they have to be capsules remaining in the bottle, and possibly two others, had cutting powers granted him last week by the given the opportunity," Witkowsky said. been laced with cyanide. Legislature. The �ard based its recommendation on The board's proposal would reduce by $4.6 arguments that reductions should be made across Illinois River flooding eases million, or 2 percent, the board's contribution to the board. Board member Richard Lundquist, of PEORIA, Ill-The threat of record flooding along the Il­ the retirement fund. In a formal. lettt"r to the Rockford, called Thompson's protection of the linois River south of Peoria seemed to have eased somewhat board, Thompson warned against efforts to pare pension fund a gubernatorial "sacred cow" and on Thursday, but an estimated 1,500 people remained the retirement fund. urged the board to consider dipping into it in homeless and hard freezes at night added new woes, officials The recommendation also eliminated the en­ order to save some of the educational programs said. . tire $11 million appropriation for textbooks and already existing . Chuck Jones, spokesman for the Illinois Emergency Ser· Thompson has said he wants to cut $164 reduced the general school aid by more than $2· 1 vices and Disaster Agency, said the state's main river is not million. million from the state budget to compensate for gaining the momentum originally expected, and the worst "The funds for retirement can be made up and what he calls an unexpected revenue shortfall. pos�ibly could be over in many areas.

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News Staff Editor in chief ...... Lola Burnham News editor ...... Linda Fraembs Ass't news editor ...... Dawn Morville Identification Statement Night Staff Managing editor ...... Steve Binder The Daily Eastern News is published daily. Monday through Friday, at Consulting ...... •.... · · editor Susan M�Cann Charleston, Illinois during the fall and spring semesters and twice weekly Editor ...... Elise Dinquel Editorial page editor ...... Erin Donohue during the summer term, except during school vacations or examinations. Assistant ...... Dana Eastridge . Activities/supplements editor ...... Elise Dinquel by the students of Eastern lllinoi.s University. S1Jbscription price: $13 per Administration editor ...... Madeleine Doubek· Wire editor ...... Michael Kuo Art Director ...... Tim Broderick semester. $3 for summer only, $26 for all year. The Daily Eastern News is u Sports editor ...... Ed Forst Campus editor...... Denise Skowron a member of the Associated Press. which is entitled to excl sive use of all City editor ...... Ed Mazzocco articles appearing in this paper. The opinions expressed on the editorial Photo editor ...... Beth Lander and op-ed pages are not necessarily those of the administration. faculty or Government editor ...... Crystal Schraf Copy desk ...... Douglas Backstrom, Photo editor...... Brian Ormiston student body. Phone 581-2812, Advertising phone 581-2813. The Daily Sports editor...... '. Jahn Humenik Eastern News editorial and business offices are located in the North Gym Sharon McGee, Sharon Williams, Cin­ Verge editor ...... •...... Laura Henry of the Buzzard Building, Eastern Illinois University. Second class postage dy Hubbartt, Doug Lyons, Kim Barrow Advertising manager ...... Bab Uhler paid at Charleston. IL 61920. USPS002250. Printed by Eastern Illinois Marketing manager ...... Gayle VanOrt University. Charleston. IL 61920. Circulation manager ...... Otis Benefar Business manager ...... Bob McElwee Adviser ...... David Reed The Dally Eastern News Friday, December 10, 1982 3

CAA names program review committee. Summer term Audrey Dumentat and money general catalog or thereafter. by B. potential for expansion o Since its institution, the test has been A three person subcommittee was needed f r continuation, CAA chair- theme picked appointed by the Council on Academic man David Buchanan said. administered four times at Eastern to by Vernon Royster Affairs Thursday to make recommen­ The BOG executive board sends this groups of transfer students, · Charles "Human Relations in a Chang­ dations for the Annual Board of information to officials on the Illinois Switzer, coordinator of the WPE, said. ing Society" was recently selected Governors Program Review. Board of Higher Education, who use it The WPE consists of two essay ques- as the theme for summer school The BOG, Eastern's controlling "to decide how to allocate money to tions, one persuasive and the other ex­ 1983, Charles Switzer, director of board, requires Eastern's ad­ the various schools," Buchanan add- pository, plus an objective section, summer school,' said. ministrators to report how each of ed. Switzer said_ ''A theme· gives the summer Eastern' s degree programs is doing and The CAA subcommittee will study The grading process of the essay school session a sense of purpose to make recommendations for the pro­ information concernfng the number of questions is a combination of the and unification that is not always grams in terms of necessary changes, majors, graduates, credit hours taught holistic and primary trait methods. present during the fall and spring and the cost of each degree program at This process involves a grader who semesters," he;:added . Eastern, Buchanan said. forms a general impression of the "During the summer school ses­ New-honorary. Tentative recommendations for the • answer while· looking for specific sion, there are special one-semester deg�ee programs will then be developed points, he said. workshops, special theme may be formed by the subcommittee and submitted to To pass the WPE, a student must workshops, classes and a the CAA by Jan. 20, Buchanan added. pass either one essay plus the objective distinguished faculty lecture series A campus chapter of Mortar Board, The CAA will formulate the final • section or both essays, Switzer added. which are not given <;luring the fall an honorary organization which recommendations, which must be ap- In other action, two new honors and spring semesters," Switzer recognizes student leaders, could be proved by Stanley Rives, vice president courses, Economics 3860 (H) "Interna­ noted. established at Eastern as early as for academic affairs, before being sent tional Economics" and Political He said next summer's theme January. to the BOG, Buchanan said. Science 2603 (H) "State and Local "addresses the creative man in a Eastern's student government has In other business, a progress report Government," were approved by the dynamic evolving society and the been working on establishing a chapter on Eastern's Writing Proficiency Ex- CAA. problems of relations and the lack of the 'honorary organization, which amination was presented to the CAA. These two courses will be offered of relations in a society.'' recognizes leaders in student publica­ The examination was approved as a beginning fall semester 1983. A theme is chosen each year tions, student government and graduation requirement by the CAA in The CAA also approved a group of through nominations of faculty residence halls, Senator Terese Lang 1980 and applies to all students who catalog changes from the music depart­ members, he added. said. entered Eastern under the 1981-1982 ment. "Before a school can be accepted by Mortar Board, they must have an ' honor society active on campus for five Holiday festivities set for 'Moore Home years," Lang said. "After that, they are put'on a year's probation." by Julie Deetz recreate holiday festivities of the era will be able to participate in the During the year probation, the na- Students will get a chance to par- with events such as decorating a tradi­ celebration of other festivities and hot tional Mortar Board reviews the ticipate in an old-fashioned holiday tional Christmas tree and preparing a apple cider will be served. organization and makes a decision as this weekend at the Moore Home State large holiday meal. The Moore Home was the home of to its credibility, she added. Historic Site. "Saturday afternooI} will be spent Reuben Moore and his wife, Matilda, Home economics instructor Jean "We want to emphasize that this will making decorations and trimmillg the daughter of Abraham Lincoln's step­ Coyle and Vice President for Student be a recreation of a traditional tree and Sunday we will prepare the mother, Sarah Bush Lincoln. Affairs Glenn Williams are assisting in Christmas around the time of the 1860s meal on a wood-burning stove," Vance The home is located seven miles organizing the chapter at Eastern, and everyone is welcome to come and said. . south of Charleston on Fourth Street Lang said. · join us," Tom Vance, spokesman for Vance said although the meal will Road. Lang said she also is looking for the event, said. not be offered to the public, visitors Admission is free. Charleston community Mortar Board The seventh annual "Civil War Alumni to assist in organizing an Christmas," scheduled for noon to 5 Eastern chapter. p.m. Saturday and Sunday, will . Mazuina . I

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Th Friday, December 10, 1982 The Dally Eastern News


Johnson thanksfans and your associates state. Workers seek answers We feel that our educational You also misinterpreted the line from backgrounds, the careful and respon­ Editor: Mr. Humenik's article. It said, "And Editor: sible work tasks we perform for Open letter to the student body: when Strauch missed an extra point An open letter to Vice President Eastern, and the years of service many On behalf of the football team and and a field goal Saturday, he stood as George Miller from a group of concern­ of us have are comparable worth to the the Athletic Department, I would like_ to the only loser on an outstanding 11 -1 - ed Eastern civil service employees: work of food service and building ser­ thank the students for their strong sup­ 1 Eastern squad." If you would revert The non-negotiated civil service vice workers, for example. port and attendance at the Panther to the previous sentence, Mr. Tarrant, hourly employees at Eastern have We do appreciate such programs as football games this fall. Mr. Humenik was discussing what the some questions which we need to the experiment with flex time last sum­ Your enthusiasm played an integral doubters felt about Dave, not his per­ have answered: mer. On the other hand, we accom­ role in the success of this year's team, sonal view. How was it possible to give early in­ modate the university by taking leave and everyone involved with the pro­ I do not even know Mr. Humenik, so I creases to AFSCME employees and to during Christmas vacation so that most gram is most appreciative of your loyal­ have no bias in this situation. Being claim that this money came from sav­ offices can close down at that time. ty. once a kicker myself, and being in ings in a lower rate for new employees Such accommodations can be part of a Dave's place many times, I can only when there is, to our understanding, a good working relationship when they R. C. Johnson say to forget what was and look ahead. current policy of no new hires? How are based on a fair system of equal pay Athletic Director And in the future, Mr. Tarrant and are there enough savings from new for equally valuable work. associates, please read the article hires to cover additional wages for We have trusted what administrators Course still available more carefully and try not to put words continuing employees? Why was have told us and we have been in writers' articles that do not appear. Eastern the only BOG school to give betrayed. The time for listening and Editor: such early increases? 3oothing promises from administrators In response to John Benline's letter Ken Chrzanowski Since times are admittedly tight and is past. Honest answers to our ques­ concerning access to Management since Eastern's administrators have tions and correction of the serious 4360 , I would offer the following infor­ always professed concern for non­ salary inequities for non-negotiated mation to clarify the, situation. There Cheerleader responds · negotiated civil service workers-the civil service employees at the serious are eight sections of the course of­ Editor: lowest paid in the state-why not salry inequities for non-negotiated civil fered in the spring of 1983. Five of the Well, The Daily Eastern News has budget more money in the personal service employees at Eastern are a eight sections are open with 68 seats done it again-you've managed to services line to remedy these ine­ matter of simple justice and enlighten­ available. upset yet another support group, the quities and less money in other lines ed management practices. Because demand has exceeded Eastern cheerleaders, with a column like equipment? It is difficult for us to supply in the past, the central ad­ comprised of opinions. see expensive new word processors Joyce Simpson ministration authorized additional sec­ Yes, it is true, we do have a job to do appearing on campus while many of us Chris McKillip tions for the 1982-83 school year. and thanks to the numerous com­ make less than $9, 000 a year. This letter was also signed by 257 This support will lead to the best pliments and letters of praise from The step-pay plan as we understand othe( civil service workers registration period in recent years for President Marvin, Athletic Director R. it ·simply locks in the existing the average business major. Relax, Mr. C. Johnson, some Panther Club discrepancies .. If we are mistaken, Benline, you will definitely get into a members and loyal fans, we believe we please clarify. Across the board Stop smoking please section of Policy that will meet . your have done our job quite well. percentage increases-whether 3 per­ needs. Yes, we did. recei"'.e money from the cent or 1 0 percent-always widen ex­ Editor: university to travel to the season's isting inequities. The inequities at I'm not a person to preach to others Jerry L. Geisler, Chairman . most important game. This money was Eastern were already great. for what they do, but I do care when Management/Marketing Department used for gas, only two cars (our own) Why since the 1978-79 year have what they're doing affects me. Case iri to transport 10 cheerleaders, luggage, civil service negotiated average point: Going to Health Service t0 see Honors change unfair porn pons and megaphones, for two salaries increased 40.4 percent and the doctor and have him blow smoke in hotel rooms and two meals-the rest civil service non-negotiated bi-weekly my face. This has happened to me :Jt Editor: was our own expense. average salaries only increased 14. 9 least three times, and has involved two The purpose of this letter is to pro­ As far as our responsibility goes-it percent? Why in 1978-79 was there a different doctors. Come on "Doc," get test the requirements concerning is first and foremost to our team-yes, difference of $1 , 700 in the average with it-read the signs in the waiting honors standing. The old requirements we encourage them by going to the salaries of these two groups, and in room-No Smoking Please. are 3.5 for honors and 3.75 for high sidelines and shouting defense 1 981-82 this difference had grown to � honors. The new requirements are cheers. We admit, we're human-with $4,600? Stewart Boode1 3.65-3.79 magna cum laude, 3.90- less than a minute to go, the ball in our \ 4.0 summa cum laude. The first sup­ possession, what person would not plement to the new catalog to inform want to watch what happens especially . , ..'.:��trt*Jiiif:rfJ.� �"={:rp.a�'fi/ rently enrolled in the university are not If the News choses to waste its %11 bound by these changes. money by sending two reporters all the 2 It would seem to us a similar rule way to Tennessee to interview three should apply for the new honors re­ students, so be it. We can understand quirements. That is, students enrolled how hectic it must have been to "cir­ in the university prior to Aug. 26, culate in the audience and gather infor­ 1 982 should expect to follow the mation for a crowd reaction story" that university general catalog re­ resulted in four comments. quirements concerning honors in Our money was wisely spent and our which they entered the university.· cheering was appreciated by our true fans and by our terrific players. Mon­ Mary Joan Kapelinski day's behind "Behind the Byline" is a Theresa Ann Covelli great candidate for "That's Incredible," funny, good journalism is no joke. Articlemisinterpreted By the way, Denise and Erin, cheerleading tryouts are in the Editor: spring-feel free ... Let me congratulate you on one of the most irresponsible letters ever sent Vikki Lamendola to The Daily Eastern News. cheerleader If you and your associates had sat (Editor's note: The two reporters in­ down �nd read the complete article, terviewed more than 30 people for you would have known that Mr. their article. However, because of ·2��::.,�? Humenik was trying to defend Dave space limitations,' only five people i ,;J,� :1111: ��� and not "demoralize his eqo" as you could be quoted in the article.) 6

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• ,��. �������� t Delta Chi's: : Presiden . e1ner t · Congratulations on t t your new actives! t Vice Presi \ t: ·.� chbaugh. t Good Luck on Finals t , Seer t t and have a Great Break! :t ,; Trea · .. · __ ! . L--����d!_r�···�_::�··._.··�·.:�·-�··-··-··-··-·· 1 Happy i i • · 21st 1� -.,.. i V.P� i: � i I Hooter! . : i I From your · - · i i ' Basement Buddies in i , i i ·�Lincolnwood. !

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\ \ The. Dally Eastern ews Friday, December 10, 1982 i

Nu Phi Nu Phi Nu Phi Ga· l!lfGa mma � as Gamma Gamma Scholarship test date set CJ 3 Gail Wincek will be sent to Frankfurt for final ap­ I» by .c Testing dates have been set for the proval, Chen said. 0.. � z c three scholarships offered to study Any full-time Eastern student with a :I abroad at the Johann Wolfgang junior standing of 60 semester hours "U z on your activation! ::r Goethe University in Frankfurt, West and a grade point average of 2.00 or as Germany, Eastern's foreign student above is eligible to apply for the , E G) adviser Brigitte Chen said. scholarship, Chen added. E SandyBilich Q) The three scholarships are part of a Scholarship recipients will receive a as Pam Mason 3 program, currently in its second year, tuition waiver and a monthly CJ Kathy Blough 3 $60 es, Donna My/and I» between Eastern and Goethe Universi­ allowance of to cover dorm fe .c ty. In exchange, Goethe University but board is not covered, Chen said. 0.. z Susan Chestnut CoffieNiccum c sends three German students to Students will have an opportunity to :I Eastern, Chen said. participate in a one-week trip to Berlin � "U Diane Cody Cher;/Rain :::r Applicants must have a good for a nominal fee only, she added. as boh "It is strongly recommended that G) knowledge of the German language E Margaret and will be required to take the Ger­ EIU exchange participants attend a E Co/brook /l/JarshaSadder I» man language test in two parts from 2 month-long language program held in as 3 to 4 p.m. on Jan. 25 and 26. Frankfurt in August,'' Chen said. Tui­ CJ Sharon Franklin Gm7Kaun 3 I» An orientation will be set up once all tion for the course is waived and room .c applications are received. The deadline and board are not covered by the 0.. Erickson Cor;Wall z Jil c for all applications is Feb. 1. scholarship. :I A decision about the scholarship Chen also said it would be "helpful z Donna Rinn "U Debbie Wahers. :::r-· recipients will be made after the to enroll in a German language course as deadline and eligible applications then for a semester at Eastern." E Laura Hettlinger KimSchone G) E m 3 as Deanna Jesse SharonSnyde Dorm counselors to be honored CJ r 3 Plans for a Counselor Appreciation 4-6 p.m. Thomas Hall. I» be from in .c Day Friday were reviewed by Mary Beth Mathews, NRHH member, 0.. KimberlyMarts on Water z said. Ruth c Residence Hall Association members :I ' Phi G8111maNu- "U at their final meeting of the semester Counselors will be escorted by RHA z Thursday. members to the food service. Female :::r as for3nl me; ylB' 11S the Events for the appreciation day, counselors will be given carnations, E Going G) which is being sponsored_ by the Na­ while male counselors will be given 1 theNation. I» E 3 tional Residence Hall Honorary, will buttons, Mathews added. as Chapter ii (fla Nu Phi Gam ma Nu Phi Gamma Nu Phi Gamma N�

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() . - ,.._...... � ...... -....._.. .., I 9th Floor Andrews Thanks so much for making my last iI ! 1 semester such a great one. Good luck on 1 1 all your finals and if you need a break from 0 I studying, come on down because you I know what I'll be doing - nothing! I'm 1i I really gonna miss you all alot next ! semester and I hope you'll keep in touch. I 0 Thanks bunches - it wouldn't have been iI I the same without you. I Love ya! !I I Gayle I IJ;:,...,_._...... _..� ...... - - .._.. ...Jl'i Congrats Dick ����-� -� - -�-:: - " '·· �c � � ��� I "Ho-Ho-Ho!"

/ Good Luck There's a better way Junior & Skippy to get ther_ethis Christmas. Greyhound is going your way with trouble-free, economical service.You can leave directly from campus or other nearby locations. Happy 21st Lori Gleeson Most schedules have stops at convenient suburban locations. And talk about comfort. You get a soft, reclining seat and plenty of room for carry- on bags. So next trip, go with the ride you can rely on. Go Greyhound.

From Campus To Campus

E. II. Student Union Lv 4:15p Chicago Lv 6:45p Champaign Ar 5:20p 95th & Dan Markham Ar 7:10p Ryan Expy. Lv 7:10p 95th & Dan Markham Lv 7:35p Ryan Expy. Ar 7:35p Champaign Ar 9:25p Chicago Ar 8:00p E. II. Student Union Ar 10:30p Forconvenient daily serviceand complete infonnation,call 581-3616.

Schedulesoperate every weekend except during holidays, exam week and semester break Prices and sch!!Gules \ subject to change. Some service requires reservations. ll!lalGO GREYHOUND 1 Andleave theqriving to us. . �1981 Greyr>ound Lines, Inc. from: The Twing Catlfg Jerri � 8 F.riday, December 10, 1982 The Dally Eastern News

from The Dally Eastern News Staff The Dally Easte� News Friday, December 1 q, 1982 9


Workers _ from page 1 Ha ppy Birthday an equitable level. Karen Janke When Miller said the administration has always supported increased wages for non-negotiaed employees, one per­ son in the audience yelled, "Well, why don't we get them?" . Another employee received applause

when she said unionization was the on­ COll!lMC I C&S$.t.IT( C&SV: t•l C()MftjlCU Fe�� Cr . � ...._. , C•O •O\•hO• ·� . '. � ly way for non-negotiated workers to increase salaries. Miller told the group that spendirig 3for $8.9' . cuts would not nec essarily come from May us Self-Terminating withholding salary increases. "I have limited no reason to believe that witholding ac­ F.S.A.'s Always be tion on the salary increase was a per­ "Switching to Glide" , time onlyl I 11 • il manent action for the fiscal year," he Love, Your bestest fwiend MR []'c::! said. Reactions to Miller's talk varied.

· One non-negotiated employee, who did not want to be identified, said, "I don't think he said anything. I don't think he answered any questions, and I don't think we got anywhere."

Happy "\ · 22nd Scott Peterson, the foxiest Tri­ Sig on campus! 4,tit� ' ��t· Love, . ,�, The girls with ____ the crabs .

@@@@l@l@l@l@l@l� : Stuck For The : . � Perfect Gift? � � -�.,,. @ �= � � � � @ � @ � �'b · � . @ � How About a @ � l@ ti WHATS COOKIN' l: . : 116'Ii!Ift11llt: �GIFT CERTIFICATE @ � . @ � Perfect for X-Mas @ � or Graduation. @ � @ � AND @ � @ � _we11 DELIVER @ � @ � Coupons for any @

IP-..� amount anywhere �- � � in town � � @ C(Perfectfor SecretSantas!)� � - � What's Cookin' � � PARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS A HOWARD W KOCH PRODUCTION AJRPLANE II: THE SEQUEL· ROBERTHAYs ·� 250 Lincoln � JULIE HAGERTY· lLOYO BRIDGES · CHAO EVERETT· WILLIAM SHATNER · DIRECTOR Of PHOTOGRAPHY JOE BIROC. A.fiC. ·� 345-7427 � KOCH WRITTEN AND OIRECTfO BY KEN flNK[MAfL.8£.�l\M�J!lllPl�!IBJ � . @ · Blocks West �]gJg�� \$. � 2 ·@ of Campus : : Opens December 10th at a theatre near �· Friday, December 1 O, 1 982

QUIZ 1 . Are AG departments compromised by chemical com­ panies? Is hybrid nutritionally inferior? 2. How does bad MUSIC "destroy nations"? What is good ART? 3. Is there overwhelming scientific proof of CREATION? 4. What belief is common to all non-Christian religions? 1 I 5. Name seven Biblical exemptions from the MILITARY. 6. Is the FEDERAL RESERVE a conspiracy? Was 1929. planned? 7. Are our SCHOOLS temples of (secular) humanism? 8. Does our CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC have biblical roots? 9. Does modern MEDICINE treat effects rather than cause? What is the basic cause of cancer and other disease? Tonight i 0. Why do HISTORY texts ignore the conspiratonial theory of history? Did the U.S. Export-Import Bank subsidize the

enemy in Vietnam? _ · 1 1 . Can Biblical LAW el"ldpove rty, crime and disease? Can it end penal problems? 1 2. How does a semi-secret Council control the NEWS 6:.30 pm � 9:00 pm MEDIAI ? 13. What should we know about SENSITIVITY TRAINING and SEX EDUCATION? 14. Are TAX-FREE FOUNDATIONS subverting our founda- tions? 1.5. Is the UNITED NATIONS a Trojan horse? McAfee South 16. ls WEATHER WARFARE now reality? , 1 7. What is the Biblical ZODIAC? 18. Do many FOLK-TALES have hidden Bible themes? 1 9. What powerful SECRET SOCIETIES exist today? Was Atlas Shrugged a code-book? $1.25 , . 20 . Is SOCIOLOGY promoting one-worl9 socialism?

Christian Revisionist Handbook with Supplements and References . Send $5 to : McClain Publishing R.R. 3 Shelbyville, IL 62565 e Dally Eastern News Friday, December 10, f982 l 1 rtres toration topic No resolution of suit against CCNB - of TA C film, lecture by Mike Dominick nothing on the case yet and as far as the charges The Tarble Arts Center will sponsor a film and lec­ No action has been taken recently in a suit filed against myself, I have no comment." against directors of the former Coles County Na­ The suit was filed by Charleston _attorney Jack IUre Sunday that coincides with a current exhibition tional Bank. Anderson and lists Sylvia Walborn, Tony Sunder­ 'tied "Know What You See." The "Know What You See" exhibit js from the In August, a class action suit was filed in U.S. man, Jerry Nikitas and Jerry Rooke as plantiffs. mithsonian Institution and focuses on the restora­ District Court charging five counts of improper ac­ The suit also asks forrelief on behalf of about 150 'on of famous works of art with a text that tells the tion against CCNB's former board of directors and stockholders in the former bank. 'ewer what to look for when inspecting the condi­ asks the court for an unspecified amount of The suit alleges loans were made to individuals 'on of a work of art, TAC Curator Mark Alexander damages. ''related to or associated in speculative business ven­ 'd. That exhibit will be on display until Dec. 19, he The Federal Deposit Insurance Co. declared the tures with directors." It also alleges that some direc­ dded. bank insolvent May 1 and sold the assets of the finan­ tors "manipulated the power and resources" of the Relating to the exhibition is a filmand lecture from cially ailing bank for $2 million to the Eagle Bank bank for personal gains. n Watkins, a senior professor of art history at and Trust Co. The suit also alleges that some borrowers were Eastern. There has yet to be a hearing on the case and a "not credit worthy, " that loans were not properly Watkin's topic is "The Conservation and Care of court date has not been set. secured and inadequate payment procedures were Art Works." A film depicting the proper handling of "I expect it to be months and m9nths before we followed. paintings will accompany the lecture, Alexander add­ have anything settled on the case," city attorney Named as defen dents in the suit are Guy R. Tony Sunderman said. Harper, A.C. Huckaba, Anfinson, Bill McMahon, ed. . The free program will be shown at � p.m. Sunday Rudolph Anfinson, former member of the CCNB Carl McSparin, Charles Sellett, Philip Jones and board of directors, said Tuesday, "I have heard Joseph Ethridge. at the Tarble Arts Center. 8 BIG DAVS Thank-You . Sale For 1982 Th �St ores f or PRICE HouRs: Conscientious Students ' Mon.-Sat. . 9:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. CoachEdd Sunday ... 1 :00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. One Block North of Y S OIQ Main Panther SportShop pe 348-&218 REGGIE'S First to bring you $5.95 Paddles Jackets First to bring you FREE Stamps Includes Eastern$31 Illin.95ois Se-$34.95wn On Royal/White, Kasha Lined, other colors available First to bring you discounted Cards Buy a card valued at 85¢ or more and SPEE DO� Swimsuits & Gray/Royal Hooded get one Free Stamp. Jogging Outfits Sweatshirts Buy a card valued at 84¢ or less and

get one Stamp for'only o/ct off lOC "· 6· Everyday Cards - tons of new ones? 20Gym Shorts 25RUNNING% GEAR of f Si/B 'I·' / �� off Crested Lavaliere's San Francisco Tea $5.99each $1.99 Bag 20% off 20%Tr ans-Am OEtonk O OFF Regularly $2.59 Men's & Ladies' Styles No Rain Checks, while supply lasts 7 5 OJ 100Servings O off Stuffed Gift Wrap Poster Blazer Leather $1 Lady Diablo Animals Price --Jill;---- Board ;SE-- 1/2 i N Now $20.95 off . Save $2.00 250Jo 29C w Lady Yankee_ � 1(} � One Full Box Posters f $3.00 $ f Save Pony Pro Bowl Stud not just 1/2 Price, but Now $25.95 Reg. $4.00 nt 5 OFF (Now 99¢) off 7 "/ 0 Pony$1 Chal0lenger save $5 Stationery For Men All l' ' 'iJ White/Black, White/Ro More New Only Costume NOW � $24.95 �I Ones Just Neckchains Jewelry Arrived

off 1/2 . Hallm2.50Jark, 19o28, etc. off Price REGGIE'S 200Jo 345-4418

Ladles and Mens styles 12 Friday, December 10, 1982 The Dally Eastern News

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ADULTS.j f•E 5•30 7.•30 & 9•.10 i.�_!.__ ...• ...... '-�---�QJ . · ·············· · · · · ······ADULTS· · ·······j Matinee Sat. & Sun. f•E' 2•30 ;_ - - ·· ------�- ! � ·· � · · · · · ·'� �


over � million in 14 K GOLD anklets, �harm,,fi:> and charm holders chains, earrings,' braceJet;,  • �J . I ,)I � . � � � When Jackie Gleason told his son ��soo/c he could have any present he wanted, OFF he picked the most outrageous gift of all... � Richard Pryor.

COlHMBIA PICTURfS Presents \\ A RAY STARK Production A RI CHARO OONNfR film RICHARD PRYOR JACKIE GLEASON HRfSA GANlH WllfRIO HYOf-WHIH Nm BfATIY SCOTI SCHWARTZ "THE TOY" 1"*'� .1,. &ts PAlRICK WllllAMS CHARlfS ROSfN MARGARH BOOTH fRANCIS VfBfR Sale: �, ·,_,, -. �-·-· ir�·· ""l � .. em.,11• � u ,.f1>1., .. lASZlO KOVACS, A.S.C. �'""1�� CAROl SOBlfSKI �- � PHll fHOMAN �,.;j�R I CHARO OONNfR _ Sunday 12:00 - 5:00 p.m. .... Monday A� Da� · .

g Put it on your family's Chrisbnaslist ! JeweQetm . eQ · · - - · rnag - On theSquare f· · s�is· · DU E • $1.50}A LTSj 1 1•1...... ·20 & 9.·20 I 348-8340 . · ...... · 'I Matinee Sat Sun •- . & . [�-'---�-��-�--$�] ardinals might train at .E�stern again next. summer John Humenik third contract with the Cardinals in from th1 ee weeks to seven. 1983 fall semester. LOUIS-In what Eastern seven years. "We've talked abuut a ST. one-year "We went over the calender and we thleticDirector R.C. Johnson termed "We'd like to get this whole thing deal, but the main thing is the length of have no problem, but they will make very positive meeting,'' the St. wrapped up by the Super Bowl (Jan. their stay," Johnson a said. "It was a lot this their definite summer home," Cardinals appear to be 31)," Johnson said. "But it's a matter easier last summer that uis Football it will be this Johnson said. "The whole package is to Charleston this sum­ of chasing down everything." time." ded back still in the tentative stages though. We or training camp. "We didn't even get down to the The Cardinals, who r for their maj made their first now need time to work out the "We're very optimistic," Johnson particulars during the meeting, but appearance to Charleston in 1 975, specifics." indicated we'll be checking back with each other returned last 'd. "They (St. Louis) have summer for one of two The Cardinals gave Eastern $10,000 return and we very soon," Johnson added. "It looks camps, me that they want to having also spent time in Seat­ fortheir stay last summer and Johnson ve indicated that we want them as if we can accommodate them, but I tle, Wash. said with the proposed seven-week still need to get back with them." ck." Johnson said the proposed length of stay, that figure obviously will change. Johnson, who met with St. Louis of­ Johnson said the major considera­ time under this contract would be In addition to helping - Eastern, St. · only tion right now is that the Cardinals ials Wednesday, said that seven weeks beginning in mid-July and Louis brought money into the city as onetary and "a few minor" items want to make Eastern its only summer running through the beginning of the well. nd in the way of inking Eastern 's camp, which would expand their stay Friday's

ecember t 0, t 982 13

anthers lose fourth straight decision 55-54 by Kirby Flowers getthe one we needed down." A dejected Tim Dykstra stood One bright spot in an otherwise somberly on Lantz court after drury outcome for the Panthers was Eastem's fourth straight loss of the the topflight performance of Androff. . season against Division II power Lewis The 6-foot-7 forward, who played tight University 55-54 Thursday night . end for Eastern's gridders, competed Dykstra returned to the court after in his first game for the Panther cagers the disappointing loss to practice. this season and scored nine points and "I'm not pleased with the way I · hauled down seven rebounds. played," Dykstra said. "The coach "I felt really good tonight,'' An­ had confidence in me and I let him droff said. ''And I was real happy with down. We should have won that the way our defense played. From what game." I have seen, I think the defense really · With io seconds remaining in the improved from the firstthree games.'' hard-fought contest, Lewis was called The Panther standout added that he for a 10-second violation which gave thought the team was improving all Eastern, trailing 55-52, the ball at - · around and that it was just a matter of halfcourt. time before they learned just how to Dykstra, who tallied 14 points on the play best with each other. night, was c.alled on to sink a 20-footer "We are not going to outclass but the ball bounced off the rim. After ·anyone," Androff co{\tinued. "We a scramble, Panther Androff will just have to work-hard on offense scored at the buzzer for the final tally and defense. We have to give 100 per­ of the contest. cent at both ends of the court ." "I was probably trying too hard," Samuels said, "He is a great athlete. Dykstra said. "But think I have to pro­ He came in to this game not knowing duce and lead the younger players of exactly how his teammates were going the team. to move or pass and played well for "I failed my team tonight, but I us." guarantee you I won't fail again. I The Panthers got off to a slow start guarantee it," he.added. and trailed 4-0 at the 18:57 mark. Despite Dykstra's dejection, Eastern Lewis eventually built its largest lead of head coach Rick Samuels was not ex­ the contest at 19.:10.Enter Androff. tremely disappointed with his squad's Androff sparked the Panthers to a performance. "We played with good intensity and worked hard, " Samuels said. "It is Eastern (54) certainly not panic time forus . It's on­ Dykstra 7 0-1 14, Jones 4 2-3 10, Wyss 3 1 - Jy the fourth gameof the season. 1 7, Crook 3 0-0 6, Lorenzen O 0-0 O, DuckwO'rth 1 2-2 4, Neidig o 4-4 4, Hippen O 0- ''No one has closed the door on us 00, Androff 3 3-5 9. Totals 21 12-16 54. yet," Samuels added. "The only ones Lewis Unlverslty(55) that can close the door are ourselves Whittler O 1-3 1, Evans 1 1-2 3, Niego 4 2-2 and we arenot even close to quitting. If 1 O�'Lesiak 11 1-2 23, Bischoff 1 0-0 2. Billupf 1 D-0 2, Tucker 5 we continue to work hard, we will get 4-5 14, Oldendorf Oil-0 O. Eastern's Paul Neidig shoots over a Lewis University defender during the Pan· - Totals 23 9-12 55. ' ers' 55-54 loss to the Flyers last night at Lantz Gym. Tim Dykstra led all Pan· better. Halftime score-Eastern 30, Lewis University er scorers with 14 points. Eastern's will try to gain it's first victory this Saturday "We made runs and got close," 31. Totals fouls-Eastern 16, Lewis University Southern lllinois-Carbondale.(Photo by Suzanne Cummings) Samuels explained. "We just couldn't 15.A-1 , 000. omen cagers prepare to battle tougher opponents y Susan McCann Central State (Oklahoma) bie Hilke said. will face seven contests, allowing only 60 points Eastern's women cagers, who have · · Tournament host Northern Ken­ Missouri Southern in that tournament, per game. But Hilke said she is unsure reezed tq . seven consecutive victories tucky will face Belmont College, a with the respective first-round winners how the defense will fair against is season, will face stiffer competi­ team that Eastern narrowly defeated and losers meeting Jan. 8. tougher competition. 'on in two tournaments during 52-48 last season. The first-round win­ The Eastern attack has · netted 621 "I'm really happy with our defense­ hristmas break. ners will then play for first and second points this season, for an average of allowed points so far," Hilke said. The Lady Panthers are slated to face places, while the losers vie for the third 88:7 points per game. In addition, the "Against finer competition, we're 17 entucky State Dec. in the first and fourth spots. Lady Panthers have exceeded 90 points going to have to get down and rely on ound of the four-team Northern Ken- The Panthers open the 1983 portion in each of their last four contests. defense much more;" she said.

cky Invitational. . . of their season with another four-team "I'd like to see our offense compete "We need to work right now . on Kentucky State, the 1981 National tournament. Eastern will meet Central effectively against tougher defenses," meeting a pressure defense, avoiding ssociation of Intercollegiate Athletics Missouri State Jan. 7 to open the Cen­ Hilke said. "It will also be interesting traps and passing well,'' Hilke said. hampion, boasts eight returning tral Missouri Pizza Hut Classic. to see how our defense holds up against Hilke said her team 's outlet passes layers. Last year, Central Missouri handed quicker teams." need some work, although the outlets "We expect to be tested against Ken­ Eastern - a slim 58-57 defeat at Lantz The Panther defense has been have not caused many problems yet ucky State. They have a lot of height Gym. awesome during the season's first this season. nd speed," Eastern head coach Bob- Friday, December· 10, 1982 14 The Dally EasternNe ws

Panthers______from page 13 Federal De osit comeback as he came off the bench to However, despite the tough competi- p score six quick points and after a fine tion which includes · Missouri, Ball · steal and basket by Eastern 's Doug State and Illinois State, Samuels said Insurance Corporations Crook, the Panthers moved to within he thought the road trip will be just one point at 19-18 with 5:54 left in the what his team needs. · first half. "Going on a road trip is good for us Eastern center Paul Neidig was then right now," Samuels said. "We can get fouled and he gave the Panthers their to know each other better and bring firstlead of the night with a pair of free more unity to the team. throws to make it 20- 19 with 5:51 left. "The only problem is that we will be A redhot Dykstra kept Eastern close playing ao very tough opponents," WESTERN in the later moments of the half as he Samuels added. hit three straight .buckets from way "They (SIU) have a lot of people outside. However Lewis fought back to back from last season and I think their knot the score at 26 with 2:26 left . only weakness is inside,... Samuels The Flyers regained the lead 27-26 at note .. : . the l :44 mark and never relinquished it An eager Androff added that he W�� again. The Panthers tracted baskets . thinks the Sa1ukis are on the same level 31-30 with Eastern and Lewis but the Flyers took a is optimistic of a vic-· with · halftime lead into the lockerroom. · tory. In the second half the Panthers were "Southern is very beatable," Androff able to get close but were never able to said. "And I know if we work hard we SlijJ)ass the tough Lewis unit. can beat them." LIQUIDATION Eastern must now put the frustrating The Panthers did just that last loss behind them and focus on a brutal season and scored an exciting 47-43 seven-game road trip that begins.. with upset victory over SIU-Carbondale at SIU-Carbondale Saturday night. Lantz Gym. ------·�--- Sundays -· · . 86� 3:00-8:00 p.m. Happy � ' • ' �Birthday SAVE Grill & Deli ThickA Crust Pizza by the slice $1.25 ENTERTAINMENT Come and hear your friends Love, Steven 50% Located below Union Bookstore OR MORE AMA would like a off '81 ret il to wish all their members a •Belts Merry Christmas • Tony Llama Boots • •Buckes

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Dr. Who Fans: We have lRit & Dr. Who Books & Magazines 345-2335 345-9190 SATt Sunday 9-5 Wed., Thur.,Sa t. orner of Division I Piere 9:15 a.m ..Church School' a.m. . . -. ..Wo rship 9-8:30 Fri. (3 Blocks North 10:30 of lcDonalds) Dr. John F. Dodson Pastor

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Scoreboard is published on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. All results should be phoned in or delivered to the sportsdesk by 2 p.m. one Bears meet Seattle; coreboard day prior to publication. McMahon faces Zorn SEATTLE (AP)-Seattle Seahawks' interim head ·Basketball Basketball coach Mike McCormack has more on his mind than Walter Payton this week. EASTERN CONFERENCE School All .. - AllCU Detroii 2 3 72 85 Denverat L.A. Rams 2 3 95 88 Atlantic Division w L w L MinneSolll N- one8nsat Attanlll The Seahawks will host the Chicago Bears in a Na­ N.Y. Gian1s 2 3 80 80 L.A. Raidersat KansaaCity w L Pct. GB SWMO 2 1 1 0 SanFnincisco 2 3 119 114 tional Football League game between a pair of 2-3 17 3 .850 Valparalao 3 1 0 0 Tampa Bay 2 3 88 79 Monday's Garnes 16 4 .800 1 Weatem 3 1 0 0 teams in the Kingdome Sunday. L.A. Rams 4 98 132 Dallasat Houston 12 9 .571 5Y1 w-oreen Bay 2 2 0 1 Philadelphia 4 101 112 "It looks like they have f ound the quarterback 9 10 .474 7Y1 Clev- St. 1 0 0 6 14 .300 11 IH.�hicago 1 1 0 0 Hockey they've been searching for for a long time" McCor­ N. lowa 1 3 0 0 4 mack said of Jim McMahon, Chicago's rookie Central Division Eastern 0 0 0 AMERICAN CONFERENCE WALES CONFERENCE 13 8 .61 9 w L PF PA Patrick Division quarterback Saturday's Results 12 8 .600 y, ..:.... Cincinnati 4 116 80 E. Kentucky 92, Elletem 79 w L T Pts "They had a good day against a New England 9 10 .474 3 L.A. Raiders 4 134 109 •• 4 Islanders 16 11 5 37 8 12 .400 4Y1 Kent St. 91 Clev. St. 89, ot Miami 4 117 92 4 team that was coming on defensively." SWMO 61 , Wos.·Green Bay 59 Philadelphia 14 10 32 8 13 ..381 5 4 Pittsburgh 121 86 Rangers 14 13 1 29 5 Valparaiso 70, Bethel 67 Both the Seahawks and the Bears have gone 2-1 3 17 . 1 0 9Y1 N.Y. Jets 4 1 139 78 Western 79, Miss. Valley State 49 Washington 10 9 7 27 Buffalo 3 2 85 73 5 since the 57-day NFL players' strike was settled and St. Francis 86, N. lowa 61 Pittsburgh 9 14 23 SanDiego 3 2 119 83 New Jersey 6 18 7 19 each team has playoff aspirations. McMahon, a Midwest Division Cleveland 2 3 79 99 first­ Monday's Results w L Pct. GB New England 2 3 80 98 Ar1

'.JJJ ..JJJ. ·, J J. J J. J .t . . . J . . J t . J .

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J J J . J . J J J . J J . • J J J ·' J J J J J . J J J J J J J J .t Please report classified errors immediately at 581-2812. A correct ad ay will appear 1n the next edition. Unless notified. we cannot be responsible Frid 's for an incorrect ad after its first insertion. December ClassiThef Dallyie Easternd a Nedsws 16 10,-1 982

Services Offered Wanted Help Wanted • Roommates Roommates Roommates

ATTENTION STUDENTS!! 1 girl to subleas� Regency Now taking applications at . WILLING TO DEAL. Need Male subleaser needed for Pre-me·d student seel Copy-X now offering resume apt. (Norwick). Spring Ted's for X-mas Break & Spring one male subleaser for spring spring semester. Three blocks roomie iR small house on 111 special. Includes: 1 pg. semester. Call Nancy at 345- semester. Must be here over semester. Pine Tree Apts. Ask from campus in a furnished 3 close to campus for spri resume typed; 50 offset 1631 . break. Waitresses - bartenders for Rich 348-5544. bedroom apartment. $1 25 a (100) and summer (60) oPtQ .copies; 50 second sheets ; 50 --��---- 12/10 - bouncers. ______12 i10 month. May's rent FREE. OWN Great location for the serioll envelopes. Varied borders also 1 female to travel to Florida 12/10 Two female subleasers BEDROOM. Call Scott 348- student, garbage paid, huge 1 available. 207 Lincoln. 345- over Christmas break. All ex­ needed for spring semester. 5484. tic, gas, utilities. Must Ii 6313. penses paid. 345-72.13. Rides/Riders Good location, reasonable ______12 /10 animals. Todd 348-1 382. ______cMWF-00 ______12/10 rent. Call 348-0871. Male subleaser needed for 1 2/1 Wanted to Buy: Good used ______12/10 2nd semester. 1 Y. bath: rn type for you. $1 .00 per Ride or riders needed begin­ · stereo system. Phone 345- Wanted: one male to Regency Apts. Rent page. Call Sandy at 345· ning Dec. 4 to CPA Review 5382. sublease Spring semester. 2 negotiable, great roommates. 9397. course at U of I. Call Val 348- 12/10 bedroom apartment 1 block Call Brad at 348-5967. ______oc · 0912. from campus. $100 per mon­ Call 345 ______12/10 NEED TYPING: ______12/9 th. 348-5964. Male subleaser needed for :J225after 5 p.m. Help Wanted · 2 rides needed to Schaum­ ______12/10 spring semester. Own 12/10 burg , Arlington Heights area. One male roommate needed bedroom. Five minutes from Need tfping done? Call 345- CRUISE SHIP JOBS! Great Gas $$$. Call Leo 345-1 449. 2595 after 5 p.m fpr Spring semester. Nice campus. Only $90 I month. · ______12/10 income potential. All occupa; townhouse near campus. Call Call 348-0380. -· 12/10 lions. For information call: DESPERATE for ride to NW , cover 348-5144. ______12/10 Have your resumes 602-998-0426 Ext. 117. suburbs on Wed. or Thursday - 1etters, papers, manuscripts., •• ______12/10 One male subleaser needed ---�c1 1 /29,1 2/6, 10 call 581 -3364. Youngstowne - Need 1 to 2 .• typed on a letter quality for spring semester. Good etc ______12/10 POSITION NOW OPEN. females roommates fo( Spring. location, reasonable rent. Call word processor. For an Help! need:aride to the Bar­ Mental Health Therapist must I Rent is 130.00 plus utilities. 348-1 286. - SPECIAL estimate call 348-5660. rington area. Can leave after have master's degree or better Call 348-1 214. ______12/10 12/10 5:00 on Thurs. Please call in clinical psychology. ______12/10 Limited psychiatric social work, 581 -3508. Needed one male subleaser. Ii Wanted psychiatric nursing or other ______12/10 Only 125.00 mon. Will have offer closely allied fields. Prefer ex­ own ro, om. Mike 345-6078. Sign now! Move One male needed to share perience in community Mental Roommates 12/10 Carlrle Apartments in now or 2nd apartment for spring semester. Health Center. Prefer non­ Male subleaser needed for available spring Completely furnished, own smoker. Person hired must be Spring semester. Located sem. at discount room. low rent and utilities. willing to live in or very near Male subleaser needed for close to. campus, own and summer spring semester. $1 1 O month rate of ii Close to campus. Call 345- Lawrenceville 1L. Salary com­ I bedroom. $1 1 O per month. semesters. 2097. petitive, Fringe excellent. Call plus low utilities. Call 345- Call 345-4775. Ask for Steve 2 ______12/10 ( 6 1 8) 395-4306. Or come by 8415. Risdon. Please leave bedroom fur­ per ______12/10 1 -2 male sublease(s) for Spr­ Administrative Ofiices at 205 message. $90student ing semester. Regency Apt. - W. Market Olney, IL for our ap­ Roommate desperately ______12/10 nished apart- newly furnishd, color TV, & low plication form (do not send needed for big, old, neat apart­ URGENT one or two female ments for Call utilities. Rent negotiable. Call resume). Direct inquiree to BE. ment near the square. Move in roommates. Own bedroom. 2 Lou 348-5297. Junkins Ph.D.. Executive now or after break. No rent due partially furnished. Close to persons. 345-9105 ______12/10 Director, SouthEastem IL Men­ till ·Feb. 1. Own room. Eastern. Call Tracey at 348- Call 345-7746 close to campus Will buy old cars. 345-7213. tal Health Center Inc. $1 25/month. Call 348-5037. 5405. pool•gameroom ______12/10 i 12/10 12/10 ______12/10 i ' Official Notices are paid for through the Office of University Relations. Official Notices Questions concerning notices should be directed to that office. Part-time Health by the dean of the college or a name: not enroll on January 8 may for graduation for Spring Graduation Requirements Insurance department head. Application MONDAY. JANUARY 10 enroll on January 1 o or 11 Semester 1 983 must be ac­ Deadline i � Spring Semester students and Nomination forms are­ A ·9:00 a.m. between 9:00 a.m. and 2:36 complished no later that the For a student to be con­ 11 who are registered for 9. 1 O. available in the Financial Aid B 9:35 a.m. p.m. Enrollment procedures deadline of 4:30 p.m. on Fri­ sidered a Fall Semester 1982 1 1 hours as resident students Office, Second Floor, East C 10:10a.m. will begin !31 the southeast do9r day, January 21 , 1983. The graduate ALL graduation re­ may purchase Student Acci­ Wing. of the Student Services D 10:45 a.m. of McAfee. necessary forms are available quirements must be met by dent & Sickness Insurance for Building. E-F 11:20 a.m. Michael D.Taylor in Records Office. 4:30 p.m. on Friday, JanlJBIY the semester by obtaining an Sue McKenna. Director G 11:55 a.m. Director. Registration James E. Martin 7; 1983. This means that any application from Student Health Financial Aids H 1 2:30 p.m. Registrar removals of incompletes. 1 · Insurance. Student Services' 1-J 1 :05 p.m. December Student changes of grades. or an of· East Wing, and making pay­ Severe Weather K 1 :40 p.m. Payroll Check Student Grade ficial transcript of academic : ment prior to 3:30 p.m. Announcements All students that have a Reports work· from another institution January 26, 1983 at the Official announcements by TUESDAY. JANUARY 11 payroll check for the pay At the close of each graping MUST reach Records Office Cashier's Window in the the University concerning ac­ L 9:00 a.m. period ending Dec. 1 5th who period Student Grade Reports by that date. If all requiremenlS Business Office. Those tions resulting from severe M 9:35 a.m. want their checks mailed to are mailed to the permanent are not met, the student shoukl IiJ students who had the in­ winter weather conditions will N-0 10:10a.m. their home address are asked· addresses listed by the reapply for graduation for Spr· II surance for fall semester and be broadcast by the following P-Q 1 O:AS p.m. to provide the payroll office students - NOT the local ad­ ing Semester 1 983 no later who wish continuous coverage radio stations: WLBH Mattoon. R 11:20 a.m. with a stamped self - address­ dresses. Please be sure that than Friday, January 21, you have requested a change should make payment before AM 1170, FM Stereo 97; S 11:5 5 a.m. ed envelope. The students are 1983. January 10, 1983. WEIC, Charleston. AM 1270. T 1 2:30 p.m, asked to give the envelope to of permanent address with James E. Martil Sue McKenna. Director FM 92; and WELH. campus U-V 1 :05 p.m. their department supervisor Housing if there has been· a Registrl' Financial Aids radio, AM 640, FM 98.1. W-Z 1 :40 p.m. who will forward them to the change in your permanent ad­ Please listen to these stations payroll office. Students should dress to which grades will be in case of extrnmely bad DOOR CLOSES AT 2:30 P.M. leave the return address blank. mailed. Correspondence Ce>Urses Students who plan to Spring Semester weather. Use tht:l southeast entrance The pay date for the Dec. 1 5th James E. Martin take any work by correspondence Dependent Insurance Harry Read, Director to McAfee and follow the direc­ check will be Jan. 3, 1 983. Registrar MUST have that course Students who have our Stu­ Information & Publications tional signs to the North Gym. Students are asked to verify ap­ dent Accident & Sickness In­ At the entrance to the North their mailing address with the Financial Aid proved in Records Office pri

I Please report class1s1fed errors immediately at 58 1 ·2812. A correct ad will appear in the next Friday's edition . Unless notified. we can�ot be responsible for an incorrect ad after its firsl insertion mber .. ClassifThe Dallyied f.;lstern ad Newss . Dece t 0, t 982 17

Roommates For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Sale

Need one male subleaser for Three bedroom furnished HEAT PAID in Pine Tree For Rent: Female roommate Rooms available for Spring When it fits rite it feels better Spring semester. Only $75.00 house near campus, 955 4th Apts. Need one male subleaser wanted. Own room in new 2 83 semester. $425, all utilities . . Sewing & Alterations. 348-. monthly plus utilities. Call St. $400/mo. Phone 345- for spring semester. Ask for bedroom apartment. Close to included. 418 Harrison Ave. >037, Lisa. (61 8) 546-1027 before 3.00 7746. Rich 348-5544. campus. Call 348-0293. 345-4281. ______c1 2/8, 10 pm. Ask for Herbie or leave ______00 12/10 ------�12/10 12110 Fresh cut Christmas trees, or -u .....,s""' """o-=-=--:-:w..,., -=:-::""-=o -:-u :-::s-= message. - T RE AREH E - FREE $50 to whoever Desperately Needed: One Desperately need male you may cut your own at Curtis ______12/10 Area's largest mini-storage subleases this beautifully fur­ female roommate for Spring subleaser for spring semester. Tree Farm located 4 miles 1 female roommate needed . facility. Low-cost insurance. U nished apartment. $100.00 I Semester. Call 345-9386. New apartment built this sum­ north of Ashmore. Follow signs spring semester. Share a 3 carry the key! $1 2.50 per month, only two roommates. ---.,---,----1 2/10. mer; furnished, two blocks west. Also Fresh Pine bedroom, 3 person apartment. month up. We rents pads, Month of May paid for. Call DESPERATE: need male from campus. Rent: 87.50 per Wreaths. grave blankets, grave 2 blocks from campus. 348- dollies, and cartons. 345- month. OWN ROOM. 348-5532 or 348-8637. Ask subleaser for Regency apt. Call sprays and Roping. Open 9 am 0807 or 348-0089. 3535 or 345-5850. Office in for Gail. Rent. only 75• a month. Call Kevin, 348-5634. Iii 9 pm. Sales lot 2 miles east ______12 ______-----�- /10 Rex 'N' Don Building 1 ·mile 12/10 Tom . 345-1374 .. 12/10 of Charleston in Harrison St. ______One male roommate needed south of Rt. 16 on Rt. 1 30. Female subleaser needed for 12/10 Road, which we supply each for Spring Semester. All utilities ---- �-,--- 00 ROOMS for guys or girls in -,---,- Spring semester. Apt. on 9th week. Special large wreaths paid ..$397 I semester. Call Private furnished rooms for Street; own big bedroom, fur­ big house on 7th St. Singles For Sale ' will be madeon request. Mike 345-9053. students. $1 00, call 345- nished, close to campus, water and doubles. Second semester -:------1 2/10 ______12/1 0 7171 between 9 and 11, and and garbage pd. Call 348- $90/mont!). Low utilities. Call Pre-Holiday Sale: Great for TRS-80 Radio Shack com­ Need 2 female subleasers. 5to 7. 5985. Ron at CENTURY 21 , 345- the Graduate, that someone puter with cassette player. ______Lg. 2 bdrm. apt. close to cam­ ------00 special, or yourself. . -- -,- 12/10 4488. CROSS Works good Call after 1 :30. pus, nicely furnished. Rent Rent a mini-storage as low as Needed: One male subleaser ______12/10 PENS . . . all styles . . . 20% 348-871 1. negotiable. (105.00 or lower). $1 5 per month. Sizes 4 x 12 for own . room in nice 3 Female subleaser needed for OFF. Only at Tokens, Universi­ -=----.,,.=---=----:"-1 2/ 10 Call 348-1 703. up to 10 x 22. Phone 345- bedroom house. $100 mon­ spring semester. Nice house 2 ty Village 345-4600. For sale: '71 Ford ______galaxy 12/10 7746. thly. 348-5206. blocks from campus. Own ______12/10 Call John 348-5604. ______1 male roommate needed to ------�---=00 12/10 bedroom with lots of closet and ______Vintage (Old) funky quality & 12/10 share 2 bedroom completely Apt. for sublease 2nd Unique, fully furnished apart­ storage space including For Sale: Used furniture. Neowave clothing at furnished apt. Spring semester. Own bdrm. 10th St. ment for 2-5 girls to move in garage. For m0re information Low price. 345-7753 reasonable . Sat., Dec. 11 , semester. Extremely quiet, $1 1 O mo. Call Therese, 1- anytime after Dec. 1 7. Lease call -Roxanne at 345-2795. sale 230 Jackson 9 am - 2 pm . --:----:----::::":""'.'"'--::12/ 1 0 close to campus, own room . 359-841 5. starts Jan. 15. Low utilities, ______12 /10 AKC Reg. Old English ______12/10 348-5447. ------,,--00 negotiable rent, water and gar­ Female needed to rent room sheepdog puppies, female, ______For the BEST PRICES 12/10 1 and 2 bdr. apt. available bage paid. Call 348-1592 Jn house. Hause in good condi­ AVAILABLE on over 50 brands $75. 1-347-581 2. 2 female roommates needed immediately. Call YourJQstown anytime. tion, one block from campus. ______12/10 of car and Home Stereo Equip­ for spring semester to share apt. 345-2363 between 1-5. ______12/10 Has washer & dryer, fireplace, Sanyo dorm size refrigeragor ment; Bose, DCM , Discwsher, house near campus with 4 ______00 1 girl to sublease spring and dishwasher. Rent 105/mo. Fosgate, Genesis, Harmon I - used. 2 yrs. only - Excellent other girls. 348-5126. Private rooms. Spring semester. Very attractive & Call Carla at 348-5004 or I Kardon, JBL, Jenson, JVC, condition .$100.00 best of­ ______12 /10 semester. Large furnished close apt. Rent $1 25.00 - But 348-1 768. fer. Call Leanne 5591 . ______Maxell, Mitsubishi, Nikko, Om­ Mobil home. Female needed. rooms with kitchen, laundry, you pay 100.00 mo. Call Sue 12/10 ______nisonic, Phase Linear, Pioneer, 12/10 No smoking. Washer & dryer game room and TV area. · All 348-5324. Large 1 bedroom unfurnish­ SAE, Sansui, Teac, Thorens, Must Sell: 8-track stereo furnished. Utilties paid. $1 00 utilities paid. For details see ______12/10 ed. Downtown Charleston. Visonik, and more!!! Also Sony system In good condition. Call per month. 345-7213. Eldon Becker or Duane Gun­ MUST SUBLEASE: Nice $1 25 month. Phone 345- 5054. ______Walkmans, video gear, record 12/1 0 ville at 6 Lincoln. 348-5633 or home for 2 males. Lowest rent 2151 . Ask for David. ______-a-call, VCR's, Projection TV's 12/10 call 234-7925 collect. on campus. Call 348-1 719. ______12 /10 - call Jeff - 348-7 535. Apartment - size washer and ---:-----1 2/ 10 ______12/10 For Rent: 2 bdroom house dryer. Stackable. $50. Both For Rent ______1/ 1 1 Clean, furnished 6 room Needed: 1-4 people to 714 4th St. For 3 or 4 people. For Sale: 1969 VW Beetle. run good. 345-2701 . house set up for 4 students, sublease extra nice furnished Call Ron Courtney Realty 348- ______12/10 Re: Roommate Wanted. body good, runs good . Phone utilities paid. Phone days 345- apt. Spring semester. 8146. 932-5454. Is it you can buy Jeeps Possible Points interested; 3358 or if no answer 1-969- ______true $101 .75 each. Call 348- oo for $44 through the U.S. Nuclear Policies, Reagonomics __ _,______1/11 5579. 3532. Needed: Female subleaser Government? Get the facts to­ (Kill) Acid Rain Umbrella Rock'n' Roll band dissolving. ---=---=------00 ______12/10 for Spring semester. Lin­ day! Call 31 2-742-1 143 Ext. Salesman. Kerouac I Bur­ Musical equipment of all kinds WANTED: Subleaser for Female subleaser.for spring - colnwood Apts. Call 348- 8847. roughs dig it or sign a Regency Apts. Call Barb at for sale cheap. Call 345-9287. 345-1686 - ask for Liz or 5376. _____c1 2/3,6,8, 1 O ______12/1 0 demythification. Big Olde apt. 348-0295. Cecilia. -=--:------,--1 2/1 0 . Own room 125 ______STEREO: AM-FM, 8 track, downtown 12/10 ______12/10 Office space, unfurnished, great condition, $1 00. 00. Call dollars I month. 348-5037. DESPERATELY NEED one Male subleaser needed: downtown Charleston. Phone Lo�t and Found ______O Sandy 581 -5671 . c1 2/8, 1 female to sublease house with Good location, close to cam­ 345-21 51 . Ask for David. for ______12/10 1 or 2 roommates needed two other girls for Spring pus. $105.00 month. One ______12/10 FOUND: Checkbook in Lantz 6 x 10 Beige carpet. $40. nice apartment. Rent semester. Own lg. bdrm., month rent already paid. Subleaser for Spring locker room . Kevin . L. Dain is Call 348-7565. Pat 581 -31 35. owner. negotiable. washer I dryer, 1 Y2 baths, ______12/10 semester. Spacious 2 Call 345· 1685. ______12/10 - Ask for Susan or Melanee. fireplace, $100.00 I month. 1 or 2 female subleasers bedroom apartment, located Y. -:-:=-=-::---:---:---..,-- 1 2/ 1 0 COMPARE THESE - 12/10 Call after 4 p.m.. 348-0470. needed for Spring semester. block· from campus; own LOST : Pair of dorm keys on a ______PRICES!!! Direct Reflecting _R_E_M_O_D _E _L -=-E -=-D -:-:H-=-o USE. 12/10 Pine Tree Apts. Call 345- bedroom, Oldtowne Apart­ St. Louis Cardinal key chain. Bose Speaker Systems. 90 1 Three br, full bath, new stall Female subleaser needed 1529. ments, call Audrey 58 1 -5275. Call Patty 5244. IV's plus matching equilizer shower downstairs, new kit­ 83.75 I month. Will pay ------,- 12/1 0 ______12/1 0 -=,-,-,-=--:-.,..--.,..,.-- 1 2/1 0 & (Unlimited Power handling Hejka chen cabinets sink, new Janaury rent. Michele 345- Male subleaser needed for . 4 bedroom house - partially FOUND: Marie please & capacity) retailed at 1,325.00 paint, private parking, stove 1672. Spring semester. Good room­ furnished - 2Y. baths, base­ pick up your ID at the Daily only 844 pr. , 150 w/chan, six fridge. Last year utilities avg . ______12/10 mates. $72 I month. Regency ment, fireplace, central air - no Eastern News front desk! driver 601 H's retailed at ______$70/mo. with five adults, 4" Large two bedroom furnish­ apartments. 348-531 2. pets - R- 1 zoning - 6 months or 12/10 insulation just in­ 890.00 only 609. pr., 100 new ceiling ed apartment for up to 4 ______12/10 18 months lease. Call 345- w/chan 501 Ill's, retailed at Answers stalled, -window air cond. Will students. Near Square. $280. One BR apartment; furnish­ 7023. Puzzle 680.00 only 469 pr. , _30 1 H's build 4th br if needed. $100 Call 345-7171 from 9 to 11 or ed; water, trash removal pro­ ______12 /1 0 •BF TA I! E-" A I N 60 w/chan, retailed at 360.00 Imo. per student. Will lease 5 to 7. vided ; $1 25; lease I deposit Three BR mostly furnished F l I IV I I only 264 pr. 201 's normally lff11 N IPI• " thru May or August. Security ------...,.00 required; 345-2945 after 4. newly remodeled house. Trash sold at 262.00 only 194 .pr. E II A NA T I deposit. Call 345-5144. . One male subleaser for Lin- ______12/1 0 removal provided. $270 mon­ D E T I rn IL "!If ______Save this ad!!! Prices good un­ ii 1 12/10 colnwood Apts. for Jan - May . Furnished apt. near Square. thly for 3, $320 for 4. Sum­ I R E11 L T y til Christmas!!! For more infor­ • Trailor - 2 bedrooms $250 $90 I month. Call 348-5977 I $135.00 month plus utilities. mer: $210 I $260. Lease I CA- EY-· r! mation on Bose or to Order . .. mo. Call 367-4309. Close to Dan . Call 345-1 620. deposit. 345-2945 after 4. Eastern. C.O.D. call Jeff Luthe - 348- D I ------=--=- 12/ 10 ______12/10 ..,,---.,.,....,,-----:---:-:--: 1 2/ 1 0 Y AK l A II A i I ______7535. Visa or Mastercard ac­ �i ,. ....,12/10 For rent: SPRING We need one more male Beautiful refurnished apt. TAll y p pLI I 1 cepted!! Over Christmas 61 8- Male subleaser needed for SEMESTER ONLY. Nice 5 subleaser! $1 00 mo. Own Sublease to 1 girl. Close to l ..... , .. I 456-8998 .. A v111v-.i1 N I ·-N U L spring semester. Pinetree room furnished house with room . 345-1446. campus. 348-5049. ______II E1R 1•- I Apartments. Heat paid. $400 I ______1/1 1 fireplace, across from Short ______12/10 12/10 B R1E l-T" II ·-Y i: W• sem. or $1 00 I mo. Call Dave Stop. $500 per month. Call 348-5275. 345-9064 or 581 -3967. ______rian 12/1 0 ______12/10 Kegar the Beerba the Wizard 's Closet----.... From I: �NI.;20 &t:."-S Wl'fllTC:ttA �T Ffl.o)"'. S".t l"E". :t/l'l,ftSMA'llON A oitt r:'M 1'1-tete 1 s" OF ��T A Cl..lhJS RK:iHr1-f(),:J "? ! Te"L.U i.lC., M� M.t>M. :L 5M,E'.1.l- ��1.sKliYo/J \ / Yot.i.� l3R€:A1l'l . Please report classified errors immediately at 581-2 812. A correct ad Friday's .wi ll appear 1n the next edition. Unless notified. we cannot be responsible for an incorrect ad after its first insertion . 18. December 10, 1982 ClassiThef Daillyed Eastern a Newsds

Lost a.-,d Found Announcements Announcements Announcements Announcements Announcements

FOUND: Barry Helmerichs Donna Myland - Congratula­ Carpet your room with a rem­ Lisa Cassel, Here's to: Road Pam Geskev:· here's to: Joy & Liz, It's been a great checkbook - bring identifica- . tions on going active - good "Who's turn is to to get the nant, see Carlyle Interiors trips to Mattoon, Paris, semester! Here's to: road trips, tion for pickup. luck on finals and have an ex­ ice?" Pemberton Beach, cold Unlimited, West Route 16, Decatur, Champaign, Chicago, "zizzing", Quarter beer night, ______12/ 10 cellent Christmas. Love your macaroni and cheese, "Rod Open 8-6 Mon.-Sat. , phone and Mississippi, All-nighters, Haircut 100, Ike's "Cardinals LOST: A pair of rose :::olr·red "Mom" June. the Bod", road "trips", "Who is 345-7746. watching TV, WLS, getting are Great", "You wuss", living frar.1e glasses. If found please ______1 2/ 1 0 it? It's me Lori, I got the stuff!" ______oo carded, drinking, working in the "gork resort" and to the cor tact Pamela Jones. 581- Susan Black song of the Phi Sigs the Bulgarian Ter­ Have you or anyone you together, and everything else. best roommates ever! Afraid so ..3746. .veek "Who can it be now?" rorists (Pancho, Cisco, Taco, know been sexually assaulted? Have a great Christmas, a "infinity". Love, Amy . ·--- ____ 12/10 Love your Buddy. Bell) a baloney sandwich . . . ;o"ree and confidential help is great new year, and terrific ______12/10 L'.)ST: 1 pr. gray leather ______12/10 with mustard. Shari's saying 1vailable. Call Women Against Spring semester (finally a First Sou.th McKinney: qlov es 'n ColeiT1an Hall, Tues, Congratulations Tina, Lulu, "You guys, the spray can's Rape 345-21 62. senior!) Love, J o. thanks for a great semester - Jee 7. If tound, please call 1\my and Susan for receiving broke!" Louisiana or Bust. ______12/10 ______12/10 you guys are the best. Good 348-5826. :::o-chairma11 positions for "Hold down the trunk - 2 more Tokens is SECRET SANTA Steve S. Thanks for being Luck on finals and have a very -·----- _____ 12/10 .:3reek Week. You guys will do miles until the exit". Waffle HEADQUARTERS . Christmas such a great friend. Good luck Merry Christmas. Love, Anne. LOST. At l1hi sisters. wants to do. "Rascals, Anita's and plenty of Holiday candy. Christmas vacation. Take care! QUEEN VICTORIA, Happy ,)air of w1ite painter pants and '2/10 rubber leg$ dancer, Percy University Village. 345-4600. Love, Val. Birthday early! Wanted to make , pair of beige corduroys. Call Anne - Happy 21 st Birt11day - "Too much time on my hands �------12/1 0 ______12/10 sure it made the News. Hope it Jeff at 348-568';. iet ready tor shots! Love June. ..." "He's got a gun! He's got Gramps Grams SINGING Beware Chris, Jan 8 will be is a fun one! The C-Elves __12 10 ______1 2/10 a gun". Jeff and Jim, Bourban TELEGRAMS! Songs for any here before you know it! ______12/10 r" OUND: Gold colored ladies Michelle Drake, Hope you Street, Pam's tap-dancing part­ occasion. Pie in face available. Grover will even be on our Attention Chi Delphia, There ..vatcn cm sidewalk near 1ave a birthday that is too tun­ ner. Pat O'Brien's Hurricanes, $5.00. 345-2917. side. is a meeting Sunday at 5:00 at l � ______12/10 ------12/ 10 McAfee. Must identify . Ca l ny and so awesome! Oh Stuckey's "How's Jane doin?" -=-- the house. Bring $8.00 candy Rex at 5674. rioneee! Hurricane parties, kidnapping, Car Trouble? Lowest rates in Teri, Happy Birthday to you. money. Elections will be held ____ 12110 ----.,...-- -- 12/ 10 town on • minor mechanical You're not getting older, just t --, "Gee, that truck's moving awful or spring semester officers. s LOST· Long blue scarf with Anne - It wa a flfn semester. slow" "Are you high yet? I'm work. Service calls $1 5. 00. better, but are you really 2 2? ______12/10 ir«scription "Tom". REWARD. i'll miss vou but I'll be back to not high, are you high?" "My Most minor repairs made on Love, Carol. Rob, you're the sweetest, Ask tor Tom or Andy. 58 1 - visit. Jil nd Gail don't miss f's the spot to avoid towing ------1 2/ 10 a forehead is melting into my -=------cutest, nicest, most lovablest 5828. too much. Love, Lisa. cheeks". UNO, "My grandma charges * our specialization is · DeRousse, Beware! Next girl I know. Number tour is ______12/10 ______12/10 made 'em". Nine slammers? auto body repairs · * Biggs & time I'll get the shirt. Have a coming up and we'll be apart. FOUND: 1 set of keys. Must 4th Floor Alumni, Merry "Did ya get any?" Houston, Schwartz Auto Renovation. Merry Christmas. Love, St eph. So let's go out and make up tor identify to claim. Found near Christmas, it's been a great "You guys, we're on a super 345-1353. ______12/10 it tonight baby. Love, your Lincolnwood apts. Call 348- semester. Have a good break. highway ! ... some day we'll ______12/10 Kay Dees want to wish Brat. 51 26. Love ya, CAZ. lool< back at all this and laugh!" Big Brother Sino: Con­ everyone a Merry Christmas ------12/ 10 ..,-,- ______12/10 ______1 2/ 10 "Shut up and keep your head gratulations! You're finally get­ and a Happy New Year! It's beeri great with the PFR's LOST: Two keys on ring in or Congratulations Sharon , under the blanket!" The Roxy ting out of this place! Good ______12/1 0 of 218 Thomas. Father Jeff near Old Main Dec. 8. Ca!I Tom , Whiskey, and Woody. Pam's earache dancer, Tim, Luck with your future plans. All of the TRIAD Residents Ward, remember Fox Ridge, 21 19 if found. Bye Ron. Good luck on finals the truck breaking down : the Will all miss you! Love, Lil Sis. wish Matt, Mark, and Kirn a Church services, Roe's back ______12/10 guys. Sig Tau Love, your Little mall parking lot, Galveston Sino. Happy Counselor Appreciation booth, road trips to Newton, LOST: 1 brown pair of Sisters. beach, Flea markets "For you, ______12/10 Day! and the Warren County jail. PF glasses in red flowered case. If ______12/10 five dolla", "Shari - if you hit me Mary Hendricks, Sargent at ______12/10 Weez, pass out early, have a found call 348-5225. Sue Leschuck - your very one more time ..." solitaire, Arms, is finally graduating! Well Shelly, I am so jealous that chew, have a smoke, check 12 10 own personal ad! (You should sun's out! Body surfing pube-head, pearl, aging trollup you will be in the warm sun­ out my tongue. Also Roger, LOST: BlacK jacket with have expected this) . Good luck "Jump now Shari!" and sun­ - your leaving us is really , shine of Florida, but we will get Bob, Chris, Doby, Ed, & Pete. Triad golf emblem on front in on finals - and I'll see you Tues­ burn, vinegar, Anita the nurse, the troops will never be the together over break. Love, To all the guys at 2nd North Lantz room 170. Ii found call day night. Amber. Charlie, tequila shots. "The same. We know you love ar­ Mom. and all the Sig Taus (the Best). Tim 581-619 7. ______121 10 plane leaves in 5 minutes tichokes when your stomache ______12110 it's been great. I'll be back to ______12 10 TKE's would like to wish where' the gate?" Male strip­ is hallow, now tell us the truth, Kites Klothes Kloset party with you maniacs. From LOST: Blue backpack out­ everyone a very Merry pers, Lori Acuncius, Greek did you spit or swallow? downtown will dress you in the HUMANOID, Father Ron side racquetball courts Tues­ Christmas & a Happy New reunion, "Rod something's (Vodka) . Mary we didn't know styles of today or yesteryear. Estabrook. day . Has IDs, keys, and all my Year. wrong with my car". Mermaid you were such a pup - but puk­ We have tuxedoes with tails for ______12 /1 0 notebooks for finals. If found ______12/10 Pam "forget the shoes ing spaghetti in your bra cup? guys, sweaters & baggies To the Women of Alpha Gam­ please return to EIU News Of­ Grant, Have a very Merry where's the spaghetti?" Mary you are Adorable, galore, plus more. You gals will ma Delta: Have a very Merry fice or call 348-5460. Christrnas and the happiest of Swallowing goldfish, mud foot­ Beautiful, Untouchable, love all our oldies or our cur­ Christmas and good luck on ______12/10 New Years ' Hope to see you ball. Here's to ISU and com­ Seductive, Erotic, but as you rent styles, even furs. Going finals. Thanks for everything. LOST'. Manilla envelope with over the holidays . Love, Steph. muting to EIU every weekend. can see it's still abuse. We are on now 20% off everything. Love always, Rob. name 0aula Mannion in the up­ ______1 21 1 0 We love you and will miss you ! going to miss you more than Check out our lay away & gift ______12/10 per right hand corner. Call Fluffly, Looking forward to Anita & Sheri. you'd ever imagine. Best of wrapping. Yes, we are a resale Ronnie - The end is near, 348-8657. seeing you over the holidays. ______1 2/10 luck to you always, Mary. We shop. But you'll think we're never fear tor your lover is ______1 2 , 1 0 It's nice to know ex - room­ Kathy Blough - your Kay love you Your· Penthouse pretty nitty. We're open Wed - always somewhere? I'll never LOST: Monday night, brown mates can always be friends! Dee sisters are behind you all Roomies. Sat. 1-5 or call 345-7161 or forget the times that we spent wallet in the Union Vending Have a wonderful Christmas. the way . Good luck with Phi ______12/10 345-6961 . Also open Sunday engaged in enraptured fight! room . It found please call Dave Love always, Steph. Gamma Nu. To Laura, Bert, Debbie, Anne 1-5 tor your convenience. Submit me your structure of at 345- 1662. Reward. ______12 /10 ______12/1 0 and Lori: Thank you for ______12/1 0 disfavor? For Cupid has en­ ______121 10 Happy 21st Birthday Anne. Merry Christmas Mom and touching my life and making Attention First Ford West dowed me with pitty! Respond LOSJ: 1 blue Advanced Ac­ Get psyched tor "don't miss Dad. Love you Kay Dee this semester one I'll always Perverts: We've lost IT. Like to my call and rewards will be counting notebook Monday in out on the tun"1! Let's do it up daughters. cherish. All my love Valerie. have any of you found IT? Like few? Forthis rhyme is all you'll ______Blair 206. If found call 348- right, and have a great time ______12/10 12/1 0 join us in our awesome prayer be getting for Easter! Farmer. 0445. celebrating your special day. Karen - Happy 20th! You're Sunday Night News Staff: to out totally dear "St. An­ ______12/10 ______1 2 1 1 0 Bathrooms and stairways are finally an adult and two Linda, Mary, Brian, Doug and thony" (Elf). Tubularly Yours,­ Boromir, Alas, the old world LOST : Princess Ring with oft limits. Happy Birthday. Love decades old! Thanks for being Karin - thanks for all your help! "The Valley Girls" is fading fast. I'll always love great sentimental value_ Lost Maribeth. ·such a special friend and fan­ Merry Christmas! Love, ______12/10 you way down deep, even somewhere between Mother's ______12110 tastic special friend and fan­ Crystal. Amy Webb - Well kiddo, this though you don't even and Krackers and Oldetowne Apt. 414, Pete, you·re a slob tastic roommate' Have ______12/10 is it, our last semester ackowledge my existence. .ate Wednesday 12-8, Very and a Lazy Slug. I hope you get .vonderful day! Love ya, Julie' TKE LS's - We save the best together. You've made college Best of luck in everything you :iener.ous reward. Call Anne more than 6 hrs. next sem . __1 2/10 for last. Thanx for a great time. life bearable for me. I'll never endeavor. 'And no-one on the 348-5126. Clean the front room. Smells Sig Kaps, Good iuck on finals ______12/1 0 forget our night at the bars elvin shore Heard from 1112 1ou're the reason. Why Pete and have a very Merry Pluto, have a super break, (Longhorn, Ike's, Kracker's, Amroth evermore.' Faramir. .viii be commuting next sem. ::.hristmas. , hope I get to spend most of it Chink's). I also won't forget our Vickie Baby, Looks like with you. Good luck on finals, Announcements Thanks tor kicking us out. I ______12/1 0 road trips to Oak Forest and you've made it! Congratula­ t'ope you tourid:1 our cur. Who Boo-Boo: You I ave done Happy 11 months, Merry Decatur, shaving cream par­ tions! Thanks tor being such a :0ve ya. I don't. 11 miss this in­ more tor me and mean more to Christmas, Happy Birthday, ties, Rathskeller, partying with groovey roommate and friend. Michr,,le Chapman, Th.anks fected pus hole and you two me than I ever though possible. Happy New year, Happy us. Pork and the Havana Ducks, You've really made my 1st two iar :ceinga great �oomie' We're 3cabs. Hate, your roomie. Thank you . I love and need you Yours Goofy. candles, popcorn parties, years at Eastern great. Good wn;ia' miss ya See ya' at ______12/1 0 more than ever. Your Endless 12/10 Spades, helping me with all my Luck in the job market & have a :>outh Willy Pub on your 8-day! ton Alpha Garn House girls - I'm Love. (Don't worry - I won't To the women of Pember problems, being there superb Christmas. Love ya, _ove. i-1olly, Margaret.' and Hall: Have a happy, healthy, going to miss you all a �ot. I love burn your apartment down!) whenever I needed you , morn­ Beth. JJlie and safe Holiday season. ______1ou Green room , oh / ·� I do . . ______12/1 0 ings after drinking . . . wat­ 12/10 ------· 12 10 · Thank you for a good ching soaps, Shortstop, piz­ 1104 love and mine, ' · y 3 Amy Chessman , thanks tor It's Miller Time! Congratula­ The Sig Kaps wish everyone . 2 10 being such a great roommate . semester! With love, Pem zas, Lionel Richie, Open Arms, tions to Keith & Gail Petri. It's a gee ' luck on finals and :a Hap­ Liz Kropp - Congrat .. - ' tions You'll be all through after next Staff. Chicago, bartenders, Hallo­ Girl ! Hey folks, like the next :J:1 Holiday . ______12/10 graduate we'll mis� 1ou1 semester and I'll be just half­ ween, playing softball, Fourth "Bud" we drink is for her, eh! ------' 12110 way. (Pray tor me!) Good luck. Bottles of Busch and of July party, Sarah's visit, Born: Dec. 9, 1982. Way to go u Love, your Kappa Delle si. ;"'ers . . Sr.eila Sty 3r - Good L ck stu­ · Budweiser only 75' at BELOW Quarter Beers, Black Hole, ______12 10 Have a great Christmas, and. Phre·d & F.M.O.E. T.T.'s jent teach;ng. Love your Kay Cheapest in town. Bob Goode, have a Happy terrific New Year. Love, Jo DECK Diet Pepsis, our puppy, (Taylor Two. Jee sisters. ------�-- 12/10 Mickey's, operation on my toe, ---- -i21 10 3irthday' Almost legal and lov- Ann. - --,-..,------___ _ 1 2 1 1 0 Problem Pregnancy? Bir­ ·ng it! Love, Margaret, Holly ______1211 0 and Rugby and Football Anne, Here's to bike riding in Ann Rusche - Your Secret . Free Testing. 1nd J ince this is vour. last chance' ______1 2/1 0 son and I'll never forget· all the Jiest 1 O months ever! I'm look­ Love, P.O. Queen. Mattoon bars, and movies. Box 12/10 PINK PANTHERS best . of great times we had together. ng forward to a lifetime with ______12/1 0 lunches, MB, wash you h_and Haopy 21st Stephanie Dubail luck in Hawaii! Merry Good luck in Nursing. Merry you. Merry Christmas honey! Lori, Joanne, Jennifer, Beth, your making me sick, and of (a!ias Moncheeto) ! Have a Love, Melinda. Love you always, Cuddles. and Andrea-Here's to all the Christmas! Christmas . I love you. Doodles. course Moms, after the bars. Monchichi Day! Love, Lisa, ______12/ 1 0 ______12/10 L ______12/1 0 great (?) times! It's been one Happy Birthday . ove MB. Brenda, and Tonya. 3 McKinney: ______Anne This semster has helluvalu of a semester, but we Gorks in 21 First South McKinney: 12/10 ____ 12/ 1 0 a fun semester with been unbelievable next finally (almost) made it! Thanks Here's to Thanks tor making my last Beta Sig Iii' sisters. We can't Kim Shambrook, Mark Hud­ , Monopoly, semester has go to be better - ; for being the bestest friends I lots of laughs, twits semester here fun. I'll miss all wait until tonight when your big son , and Matt Davidson - The the Semi Formal. can it get any worse?? Love could ever ask tor. Good luck and rockin' of you. Love, Lisa. brothers are picked. Get ready residents of the TRIAD ap­ · hades! We'll miss ya next June on finals, have a great Go to �------12/10 for a great Christmas party. preciate you. Have a great semester. The Hukas . "Precious" Julie - Its been a ______12 /1 0 Christmas, and I'll see you all The little sisters are super, and Counselor Appreciation Day! ______12 /1 0 great semester! Thanks for be­ Karen - In honor of your 2.1st next year! Take care ! Love ya, boy can they sing! Love, Beta 12/1 0 confess. I was the you'll be the head dog tonight. The Valiegirl. Hannah, I ing the best roommate and Sigs. Happy Birthday Kim Mueller. committee who put the bows friend. Have � fantastic ______12/10 Let's make it mor·e ______12/ 1 0 HGpe you have a great 21st the lamp-posts. do you want be ready for a "memorable",than last year. The Alpha Garns regretfully on Christmas and JEAN BO-BEAN-Thanks so birt! 1day on the 21 st. Love to join the committee? Brenda. wild 2nd sem. Love, PGB Love the 58 Boozehounds. say goodbye to those sisters much tor 1 Y. years of laughter, Sht-�·& Barb. 12/10 sister, Margie. P.S. R.K. told ______12/ 1 0 graduating and leaving EIU. love and memories. I'll never ---- · _1 2/10 - Mark Hudson, You're miss­ me to call you a Hoser. Have a forget our roommate activities, - "'*\,..· Bevelet-l'm going to miss Good luck! We'll miss you! ;._,' Ii(. Hafit-sn, ing a what? The St. Louis who? nice day!! you so much! You're so ______12/10 late night tlaks and the other GRJ>.TU' \Tl01'iS• on Wait until you develop the film! ______12/10 special, and have been the HEY NEWSERS! Great job crazy things that have made graduating. t:astern wil miss Seriously, I'm glad I'm worth The Men of B'eta Sigma Psi best roommate ever. Thanks this semester! Thanks for all our friendship special. You've ycu and so will WE! Stay AM­ the $313 - we'll have a great would like to wish everyone at for always being there. Merry your hard work and dedication. brought harmony to my songs. BITIOUS! Love, Julie and time! Much love always, V. EIU a very Merry Christmas. Christmas! Love you lots! Boo­ "See ya" next spring! The Big I LY . Sus Margaret. ______12/10 ______Cheese. 12/10 ______12 /1 0 12/10 Boo. ______12/1 0 ______12/10 The Dally Eastern News Friday, December 10, 1982 19

Classified ads· - Celebrate Annou ncements Announcements Announcements

To the lovely women of Delta Clam and Spake would like to How does it feel to be such our 1st Anniversary Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. thank those that made our las 9 an old lady? 21 seems over the Good Luck on finals and may (combined) years successful, hill! You better not party to your Holiday Season be as especially Jill, Cheryl, 1st hard tonight-you might have a joyous and beautiful as you. Taylor North gals, 8th Lawson heart attack-or even worse, us Love Delta Debonair, Bruce Sims, Warlords, bartenders, you might losck yourself out of Locke. and those we forgot to mention the house! Have a Happy Birth­ with ..,,.---,,----..,...----12/10 here. We'll be back when day, CAROL! ! Love, Kim & Phi Sigs - Good luck on your we're blue. Rex. finals and have a safe trip ______12/1 0 ______12/10 home. Have a Merry Classified advertisement is Steve, Good luck on finals. I Christmas. Love, Debbie. the fastest, easiest, cheapest know you'll do fine . .Have a ______12/1 0 way to get results - everyone nice break. I'll be thinking of Little Ken, thanks for the fan­ reads the classifieds, so put you! Love, Brenda. tastic time. Even though we your words to work! ______12/10 don� mutually like anything - ______cOOh Hey Sass! . Happy 21st. we like each other - that's what Wishing all AST's the best of Hope you reach out and grab counts, your Lil' Ana. luck on finals and a relaxing some tonight, but if you don't ______12/10 Christmas break! Love , your remember life goes on. Love Tonight'� the night for the an­ sisters. ya - MBJ. To show.our appreciation nual DPMA Christmas Party! ----�--1 2/ 10 ______12/1 0 Come join the fun at 1 902 Party this weekend at Below Sig Kaps - have a super 1 0th Street at 9:00 p.m. Don't Deck. Pitcher Specials Fri. and Christmas Break and good luck fo first year be late! Sat. on finals. Casper. r a great ______12/1 0 ______12110 12/10 Lisa - when I think back on Congratulations new Sig Tau Anne - Now that you are legal ' this last year, one thing stands what is left to dom June. offering officers: Pres - Digger, V.P. we re out in particular, these four let­ John C., Treas - Bill, Sec. - ______12/1 0 ters: L+S-A. I almost hate to John S., House Manager . - The Alpha Garns wish see. it all end, mainly because Rusty. Sig Tau Love, your Little everyone much luck on finals! we will be apart. I hope that all Sisters. Study hard and get ready for of our -plans turn out the way Christmas break. Merry ______12/10 they have been planned. I love 6th floor Andrews - Thanks Christmas and Happy �ew 8 Tokens you, Scott. P.S. Don't forget for a terrific semester! You've Year to all! absence makes the heart grow ______12 $1 /1 0 .00 all helped make my last days · fonder. here so much fun. Enjoy your Mipsy & Bets, Congratula· , ______12/1 0 break and have the merriest tlons on going active!! I knew no Limit Congratulations, Abi Anne, Christmas ever! Love you : that you'd make it. Love yas, and best wishes forthe future. Barb. Butt. Brothers, Sisters, and others. ______12/10 12/10 ______12/10

-- MerryChristmas ! '-40 Video Games Good only from the News staff Saturday� Dec.11 10-a.m.-1 p.m.

WHAT: Sign· up to reserve your 1983 Warbler WHEN: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. WHERE: 126N. Buzzard Theyearb ook is free toall that are full-timestudents two s�rriesters Stop by the officenow throughfinals week No phone callsplease ! 20 . Friday, December 10, 1982 Th� Dally· Eastern News

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• Limit bottle per purchase 1 With any LP or • Saturday only Music _Cassette Open Sunday 1 - 5 Purchase mistletoe 3 The traditionof .. with kisses al and I Subt.le English not 6 humor- cup tea everyone's of ;.- . ,. •... ¥. � ' ' +, . I' /,.� '* •• •" ....� - ....• •) � "' � ..,, .... •• ..I ·Featuring:: Festive celebrations JE

J,;. fitf or king or queen :I by Shella BillerbeCk I&.... Wesley United MethodistChur ch The atmosphere of the Renaissance will be recreated by the }Sports . Movies Services at 9 and 11 a.m. at 2206 S. music department during the eighth annual Christmas Madrigal Fourth St. Sunday's sermon will be "I c Dinner and Concert continuing this weekend in the Union ai Men's Swimming "Diner" Have Some Good News and Some Grand Ballroom. 5 Swimmers host Purdue University at 1 Showings at 5, 7: 1 O and 9: 15 p.m. Bad News ..." ..u p.m. Saturday- at Lantz Pool. Friday through Sunday. Triple The festive celebrations began at 6:30 p.m. Thursday and will .? Cinemas Mattoon, rated R. First Presbyterian Church continue through Saturday night, Robert Snyder of the music Women's Swimming . Sunday service will feature a department said. Christmas cantata and will be at �! Women swimmers host Illinois State "Airplane II" Snyder said the purpose of the dinner "is to help people - and Purdue University at 1 p.m. Satur­ Showings at 5:30, 7:30 and 9:10 10:30 a.m. at Seventh Street· and prepare for a meaningful celebration of Christmas by enjoying ; day :tt Lantz paol. p.m. Friday through Sunday. Triple Madison Avenue. 1:11 beautiful music that is interspersed between the courses of a 5 Cinemas Mattoon, rated PG. Christian Campus Fellowship festive dinner." "The Toy" Service at 10:30 a.m. at 2231 Fourth A meal "fit for a king" will be served to diners, Snyder said. �Potpourri Showings at 5: 15, 7:20 and 9:20 St. "The Miracle of Christmas" will be The menu includes a main course of chicken chasseur with broil­ p.m. Friday through Sunday. Triple Madrigal Dinner and Concert Sunday's sermon. ,· ed potatoes. Other dishes served will beef barley soup, tossed 6:30 Cinemas Mattoon, rated PG. be The concert is scheduled for salad, buttered vegetables and homemade French bread. p.m. Friday and Saturday in the Union Newman Community . "Time Bal\dlts" Grand Ballroom. Saturday mass at 6:30 p.m. in Snyder said drinks of mulled cider, coffee and iced tea will be Showing� at 6:30 and 9 p.m. Friday in Newman Center. Sunday mass . at 9 served. The final course will be traditional Christmas dessert McAfee South. a Fall commencement and 11 a.m. in Buzzard Auditorium. of bread pudding with hot lemon sauce. Ceremonies begin at 2 p.m. Sunday in Diners will be entertained by the Eastern Chamber Singers Lantz Gym. Trinity Episcopal Church while eating, Snyder said. The costumes worn by the singers are Chu ches Service at 9 a.m. at 2200 Western r Ave .. Mattoon. ' Call 345-7121 or designed to match the medieval styles worn when the madrigals · 345-4855 after 5:30 p.m. to arrange first performed. .Music Unlveralt/ Baptist Church for a ride. The Chamber Singers· then will perform both traditional Ted's Warehouse The church choir will present a can­ Sister Kate on Friday and Carla and tata "The Beginning of Christmas." madrigal songs and familiar yuletide carols, Snyder said. Several the Untouct:iables on Saturday from Sunday service at 10:30 a.m. at First Christian Church dances from the Renaissance period also will be performed, he 9: 15 p.m. to 1 a.m. 1 505 Seventh St. Sunday morning service at 9 a.m. at said. 41 1 Jackson Ave. instrumental presentation of recorders and strings will be The Trestle Immanuel Lutheran Church An Baden Rhode from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sunday's services will be at 8: 15 and Unitarian UnlverHllat Fellowahlp played at various times during the evening, accompanying the Friday and Saturday. Ballroom danc­ 10:45 a.m. and a children's service Services on the first and third Sun­ singers as they dance, he said. ing with The New Deimars from 3 to will be at 7 p.m. with a candlelight din­ days of the month at 10:30 a.m. at Snyder said a jester will appear as an unofficial master of 6:30 p.m. ner following at 902 Cleveland Ave. 1602 11th St. ceremonies.

-- On the cover ---- Staff box -- This week's Verge ends the semester with. special Muletled greetings for Eastern. The two Editor ...... Laura Henry GoodLuck on finals mules in this cover photo taken by Asst. editor .....Michele Morga n Fred Zwicky were more than hap­ Art director ...... Tim Bioderick · py to pase for this holiday edition. Photo editor .....Brian Ormiston and have a MerryCh ristmas! · The mule is a part of Christmas, Copy editors ...... Becky Tinder , too, for it was this shy animal that Melinda Wilson, • Vicki Vass, allowed Mary, Joseph and the un­ Douglas Backstrom, Dan Crews. born babe make their way to Jo Obrycki s,... . staff �,..., . The Verge " Bethlehem. (Cover concept by Kevin Wade) j� ����.;t.���� .."it�� >�� I.. 'SIRIUS· Exercise A December Special And just f�r you from Fitness Facility TACO GRINGO Remember the Sit And · Bowl of Chill -••• $ 1 .00 iI Up · Scoop of Chill ••• Push Contest S .40 Up 345-5687 The Week of Finals I ••• · Sancho or Burrito $1 .00 OPEN : · Mon-Thurs 1 1-9 COME TO TACO GRINGO Fri-Sat 1 0:30-9 Sun 1 1 : 30-9 1104 E. Lincoln THE .BEST 40'CLOCK · CLUB IN TOWN! Diamonds - Watches - Jewelry . 16 oz. I HANFTSJE WE_LRY Big Beer &oc 508 6th St. Mixed Drinks &oc Your Assuran�e of Qu ality Hot Dogs 25c and Satisfaction Have a Meny Christmas and 506 Happy New Year Monroe - just west of the square �an.>���ifD�f · Symbolizing Christmas_.... 10 ·11AtJ& MIS LE TO£ .(_ ,., ·j! the evergreen Tree of Life )'� R REARVIEW� i (Editor's note: The fo llowing story was joy. I written fr om _ material obtained fr om "Don 't you like Laurel gleaming under .; the Christmas Book by Francis X. Holly?" Weiser; Christmas and Christmas Lore He answered, "/ love Mistletoe over by Crippen,· and Christmas and its you!" Associations by W.F. Dawson.) A lot of the pagan ideas of mistletoe by Mona Hennien came from stories from Old Norse The mistletoebough, in the olden time, mythology. Balder, the god of sun and fROM 'YINR 51kJWERIE.AD Was honoured in many a sacred rhyme summer, said he could not be hurt by ..I By Bards and singersof high degree, anythingon the earth or under the sun. Wh en cut fr om its place on the old oak But Loki, the evil god, claimed that tree mistletoe grows neither on the earth or By white-robed Druid with golden under the earth, but on a tree. With that, he slayed Balder with a spear tip­ For they thought it a magical Tree Of ped with mistletoe. Life The berries of the plant were said to

This old folklore was sung almost · be formed when Freja, the goddess of every Christmas about the well-known love, wept for Balder. Christmas evergreen, mistletoe. The It was then said that this plant, Druids, who were part of an old should be neither on the earth or under English pagan religion, believed that the earth and must always hang high to '/OU R NOSE mistletoe had many remarkable honor Freja. qualities and regarded it with great Although mistletoe became a sacred reverence. plant under the influence o'f pagan This sacred plant meant "all-heal" religions, it is often associated with and was believed to do just that-cure Christmas, a Christian idea. and help just about everything. The When Britain was converted from plant was believed to have the power of paganism to Christianity, the Bishops healing diseases, making poisons would not allow mistletoe to be used in

narm-iess- -;-- giving- fertility to humans chµrches because of its connection· with and animals and bringing good luck the pagan religion. and great b�essings. The Cathedral of New York was the Mistletoe als.o was believed to have only exception. Before the Reforma­ the ability to keep people safe from all tion, a large bundle of mistletoe was witchcraft and those who wore it were brought into the sanctuary each year at supposedly able to see ghosts and make Christmas and was placed on the altar them speak. by a priest. Mistletoe was considered so sacred Then the "all-heal" plant became a . that if enemies happened to meet symbol of Christ, the divine healer of beneath a mistletoe in a forest, they all nations. England, as well as other would lay down their arms, exchange a countries, accepted the mistletoe and friendly greeting and keep truce until people used it as decoration for their the following day. homes at Christmas. Its old pagan From this ancient formality, the religious meaning was forgotten. tradition of hanging mistletoe came Eventually this symbol of the Tree of about as a way of keeping peace to all Life also began to represent the Virgin comers. Birth. And so the old poem continues: ... _ . .. Mistletoe soon became part of cour­ Th e mistletoe bough at our Christmas ,...,,. . . ting during the holiday season, as sug­ board , ""'<' ·- ·· .. gested by many poems and ballads: Shall hang, to the honour of Christ our \.:�.:.a-. ''These Christmas decorations are so Lord "!'W',- ·. . For He is the evergreen Tree of Life. jolly, " · MOT, HE� She cried, zeal shining in her orbs of )'o ul! Student Art Sale 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Needles Thursday, December 9 and Hi Fi Styli � $6and up.95 Friday, December 10 � ·-�· ·�- in University Fine Arts Lobby * �R. IJ'� * Village Roe's 4 O'Clock Cl.ub

50c 16 oz. Drafts Double Bubble, 2 shots for the Price of "1" FREE Hot Dogs FREE Popcorn

Upstairs • ·season .to solve

.•,, · by Becky•' Tinder t � i Hol ho, hoD Ever find Christmas sho Can the Christmas spi rit find that perfect gift. Bet � Christmas Eve and you still Here is the answer to missing in our wal l ets? Christmas gift list is for th c gift-selection problems. }bby e right after Thanksgiving . . But it's up to For a dentist, Black � Vicki Vass and :: ''Hurrv - ar.d come to this one-day- people's own opinions," he said. pleasure. w "When I have kids, I :::- only SALE �" the announcer's voice don't want For the surgeon, a blares over the radio. "Get your them to t.1ink that Christmas is just For a doctor, a bunsen

!. getting gifts and thin � Christmas shopping done early!" gs," Mike added . thank you, his patients will. 1- Some people think the true meaning Senior Babette Beals said she a greed For the lawyer, Robert's that commercialism exists during � of Christmas is lost with all the adver­ the For a teacher, a 5-pound tising and sales that occur during the holiday season. "It is commercial but I points. ; season. don't feel like it's made me lose any For the banlo..or, an E.T. · "'"1l Gilbert Turner, sophomore, believes meaning. Christmas is the birth of For a secretary, a Bic R tha: Christmas is too commercial. Christ. It's a time of sharing and giv­ For the policeman, a Pig· "People have ·a tendency to forget the ing," she said .. For the salesman, a rub true meaning of Christmas,'' he said. "Commercialism hasn't changed my face. •'Instead of practicing the Christmas. view. With younger children, I would For the male athlete, a tu .;pirit year-round-the feeling of .lov_e be careful and let them know that For the female athlete, and togetherness-p�ople only practice Christmas just doesn't revolve around For the engineer, an er it on Christmas," Gilbert said. Santa," she said. tice. "People should remember what Wanda Shepherd, senior, said she For the scientist, a Magic · Christmas represents," he added. thinks Christmas is commercial For the model, a Brook Junior Sandy Prest said she agrees because adver tisers start advertising beauty techniques. before Thanksgiving. that commercialism exists, but that it is For the nurse, a pair of not a bad thing. "There's more adver­ ''Christmas is doing · good wardrobe. Seventh floor Andrews makes the season brighter tising at Christmas than at any other things-not just going out and getting For the college student, a and shows their Christmas spirit with this window time of the year. I don't think i�'s presents. I don't think they should · For the accountant, a display. (Photo by Sam Paisley) A bad," she said. start advertising until December," she For the farmer, a Farm "It's just a part of every year that said: those long winter months. "People should try to do favors for you get used to ," she said. "It's good � For the housewife, a g promotion that a company wouldn't other people," Wanda said. guests get to be too much, get if there wasn't such a thing." Diane Harper, sophomore, said she Better For the mortician, body believes the season is very commercial. watch out, Junior Cheri Thies and freshman For the bartender, Bou Tamara Cizowski said they agree "The true meaning of Christmas gets picker-upper. Christmas is commercial because gift­ lost in the pressure of being urged to Santa does exist · giving may come to mean more than buy things ," she said. "The focus by Denise Skowron and Carl Pugliese He gets more letters than any movie star and even the feelings behind the gift. should be on the true meaning of Ne ws. "You're expected to buy things that Christmas." The Daily Eastern He is probably respected by more people aro nd aren't personal . It's just giving gifts," Peter Dale, owner of Mr. D's, said u the nation and in the world than any other prominent Tar.,;i.ra said. "Gifts should be more he thinks commercialism is relative. figure.. _ personal than expensive." "It depends on how old you are. To If he was a candidate in the presidential election, Cheri agreed with Tamara that more students would appear to be com­ it he would probably win by a landslide. emphasis is on gifts than on the true mercial and Christmas is recognized as He always has a smile on his face, especially while meaning of the holiday. "People have a good retail business season," he said. he is working br driving. forgotten the real meaning for ' .'We don't abuse it. We partake of He, unlike many famous people, has achieved Christmas and it has become a time to the holiday season but we are care.ful to fame through doing good, helping others and. buy presents and that's all," she said. leave the word Christmas out of our spreading p�ace. Other students said they believe advertising," he added. He needs no introductions because his name is Christmas is commercial and the em­ Ira Barret, owner of Token's, known around the world. He can leave home without phasis should be more on the birth of doesn't believe Christmas is commer­ his Atnerican Express card. Christ than anything else. But they cial because people enjoy shopping and He is Santa Claus. don't see the commerciafom as. a bad choosing presents. Santa is alive and well, and not just in the minds of thing. •'They get an honest charge out of children. Documented proof reveals that there is a Mike Waller, junior, said Christmas shopping. The Secret Santa (set:ret ex­ Santa. Despite the overwhelming number of non­ :s commercial but that people should change of gifts) program is a nice way . believers, he is determined to carry out his annual be allowed to make up their own tc make friends and share," he said. good deed. minds. ''The holiday time is a time of having The appearance of a Santa at every shopping mall "There is a lot of emphasis on get­ fun." and on every corner may cause you to doubt the ex­ ting presents and advertising starts istence of a real Santa. However, these men are dress­ ed up as his representatives who relay all the messages from little children. Santa cannot be everywhere all the time, so he employs elves with thyroid conditions to take his place in all the shopping malls and stores across the nation. Just ask any child. He'll tell you that there is a San­ ta Claus. Little children are known for their painful honesty. They have not grown up and learned to lie yet. And why would anybody write any songs about the fat man in the red suit if he did not exist? He has candy molded in his likeness. Would Mrs. Claus stay married to a man whodoes not even exist? All those little elves had to come from somewhere. And for those of you who do not believe any one man can do all that work in one night, consider for one moment that Santa does notl)ing all year but eat to retain his jolly image. Even though unbelievers doubt his existence, they read propaganda to their children like the "Night Before Christmas." Who eats the cookies and drinks the milk? With all the facts and talk about Santa, how can anyone not believe in him? So you better watch out, you better not cry and you better not pout. These are good things to remember when you con­ Scenes of a winter wonderland come to life on the overpass of the life Science sider one man sees you when you're sleeping and An old-fashioned lamp in i:,uilding. (Photo by Sam Paisley) knows when you're awake. Christmas for many studen 5 � .ay hints byCh Debra Klauerrist mas past emer· geS.in 'memory s 1ngwoes Christmas is a special holiday for most everyone, especially · because of the memories that linger fromthe past. pt, look and look but just can't relhere is just nc time left. It's Steve Schroyer, a sophomore, said his urchases left. favorite Christmas memory involved snow. g woes. This last minute "I woke up one Christmas morning expec­ i>l people in your life that pose ting to see grass and I was greeted - with snow, so we had a white Christmas," he for his whizzing works of said. "I think Christmas is a nice time of year me and for the office. for family and friends to get together- ," he �u ·s instruments. If he doesn't said. Sophomore Mark Karol said his �l.f bring back faint memories. "favorite Christmas memory took place in t:>«>us apples might make some 1963" because he was looking forward to having someone younger than him in the ·ggi him home. house. letriting cramps. "My mother was expecting my younger sure bet. brother on Christmas day, but he decided Mfd be a ;eb win h.is heart and save his not to show up until New Year's day," he said. ' eall. Sophomore Pauia Elliott explained her lt! keep her in comfort. favorite Christmas memories as being with · t a good way to stay in prac- her family. "It was when my whole family was still living at home and we shared the keep him in wonder. holiday together," she said. "Christmas is An old English caroling scene adorns the mon sights in students' rooms and may help Head to help perfect her my favorite holidayof the year.'' Weller residence hall room of senior Sandy to kindle the holiday spirit away from home. Sar�h Brucker, a sophomore, also . said Antrobus. Christmas decorations are com- (Photo by Sam Paisley) pport hose to spice up her when her family was together for the holi­ day it . took on a special meaning. "It is a country and experiencing Christmas the said, "so it was even more special forme ." ted. great thought of everyone sharing one day way they do." . Receiving 'I will be greatly apprecia - two pinball machines for qr to keep him in business. together," she said. V'alerie Butler, a junior, said her favorite Christmas was Magnussen's favorite pre­ y to keep him busy during Junior Andrea Nykiel said memories of memory was going to her grandparenrs' sent. "It was great getting o those because I her family's childhood customs were the house near a lake. "It was snowing, so we. love to play pinball," he said. if the holiday best. "I come from a family of nine and went outside and cleared a space on - i in handy, and the Weyland remembered finding a dog ade into a noose. my favorite memory was when we all got lake and then went ice skating," she said. under the tree. it m •'Getting Mimi, my poodle, holiday. up at 4:30 a.m. on Christmas day and "We then came in, sat in front of the fire was my eryday a favorite present," Joe said. "She's , a paper towel, it's a quicker- opened all the gifts together," she said. and ate good food," Valerie said. jet-black and gorgeous." Joe said he likes ' Sophomore Diane Reinhardt's favorite "It was fun having our whole family _ Mimi so much because she's not like other Christmas memory was about a children's together," she added. . gifts that come and go-she's still around. Christmas program. "At our church, every Gifts received are another way to rekin­ Nykiel's favorite gift was a ..Wispy year there is a Christmas program put on dle a Christmas memory. Schroyer Walker Doll." Andrea 1:aid the doll was 2 by kindergarteners," she said. "They sing remembered a guitar as his favorite gift. "I feet tall and she was able to walk. "It was a and act out the songs and they're .really was given a guitar and an amplifier one great gift idea," she said. cute." year," he said. "I hadn't expected them Receiving a personalized present was "It was really special to me," she added .. and it was great to get them because I'd Brucker's favorite. "Every year, my mater­ Mark Magnussen, a freshman, said his never buy them myself." nal grandmother has given me a Christmas most memorable Christmas was a family - Karol's favorite gift was a car. "In 1975 , ornament with my name and the year vacation that was his first trip to the ocean. my godparents gave me a 1961 Chevy for engraved on it," she said. "It's special and "My favoritememory took place in 1979 Christmas," he said. "It was great because something I will always treasure." when my parents surprised us and took us I had never had a car of my own before." Willand received a snowmobile one year. to Florida for two weeks," he said. A vacation to Florida w as Elliott's "It was great getting that because I live out Freshman Joe Weyland said he also favorite Christmas gift. "My whole family in the country and it gave me something to remembers having a special Christmas in went to Florida over spring break for our do," he said. - Florida. "My grandmother flew me down Christmas present," she said. "It was Butler said, "One year my brother didn't to Florida to see her and took me to special because it was the last time our have any money to buy presents, so he Disneyworld," he said. "It was nice to get family took a vacation together.'' made me little homemade ornaments," she away and see my grandparents." Reinhardt remembered receiving her said. "It was a special gift because he took Junior Mike Willand said his favorite first bicycle. "It was blue and it had a time and put thought into what he gave memory was when he ''went to Europe banana seat," she said. "When I got the - me." because it was exciting being in a different bike, I still believed in Santa Claus," she Students keep pace with high costs of living

with odd jobs d uring the Christmass eason

work New by Beth Kenny . freshman Ann Bates. "I work at Year's Eve and New Year's Modeling diamonds? Selling Christmas McDonald,, in Charleston, and since I live day." trees? Constructing golf courses? Flipping here, I'm going to keep on working Talking on the phone is one thing senior hamburgers? through vacation and into next semester," Vickie Cooper said she enjoys and over These may sound like summer job of­ she said. Christmas break she plans to make some

fers, but they are temporary employment Mary Alice Flock, a sophomore, has her money doing just that. "I'm working as & phone solicitor for students at home during the holidays. work cut out for her this Christmas. "I'm in my h ome town, which is Paying your way through college and the modeling .diamonds over Christmas break East Moline, " she said. high cost of gift-giving has driven many in­ at Tiffany's," she said. "It's tedious work Sally Omann, a freshman, said she is get­ dustrious students to take on a temporary but I need the money." ting a head start on her career over the Senior Sheri Arp, who lives in Lake holidays. "I'm working for job in their hometown. William Blair, Freshman Marcia Brehm will be helping Buena Vista Florida, is flying home to a stock brokerage firm," she said. "I'm shoppers purchase their -Christmas trees work at Walt Disney World Village. "I hoping· to make some contacts and get this year. "I'm working at Frank's Nursery work In a mall and I circulate throughout some experience in the field. " over Christmas break," she said. "It gets the mall wherever they need me," she said. One person who said he probably won't really busy right before Christmas but it Junior Denise Rycert said she got her old see much of the hustle and bustle of the goes back to normal afterwards, so I'll pro­ job back. "I am working at suburban na­ C:iuistmas season while on the job is bably work just a couple of weeks.'' tional bank of Elk Grove village," she freshman John Massie. Eddie Mullally, a sophomore, is working said. In fact he said his work slows down over at a construction company. "I'm working Restaurants experience a surge in the holidays, . "I m working part time at with a construction c-ompany in business over the holidays and Mike the Staunton Public' Library," he sa- id. "It Oklahoma," he said. "We are building a Lyman, a sophomore, is there to help out. gets pretty slow around Christmas golf course that should be done around "I'm a waiter at Morton House,in Morton "I guess people don·� have enough." time in lights the way to a Merry Christmas . " · Grove," he said. "Unfortunately I have to to read or something," he.said. ors. (Photo by Sam Paisley) Christmas isn't any different for 6 N ' .· :... 0 ....

e j•

Q¥ ;;.. .-· 'Missionary'ne eds saving - "' .� it MISSIONARY like the card catalogue section of Booth Library. THE j Wall space and rows of drawers are everywhere. I � Columbia Pictures E In the film "The Missionary," the Rev. Charles caught this and found it hilarious. Others did not. ! Fortescue (Michael Palin) is summoned back from There lies the movie's in-bred fault. By taking a relaxed approach to the film's light humor, many of � his 10-year study of native tribal behavior in Africa. · The BishC\p of has an even harder task to the situational jokes will pass over the heads of an � issiga Fortescue-saving the souls of England's audience used to the antics of a Steve Martin or (:.� ;;orpsof "fallen women." Richard Pryor. ; As the disastrously well-meaning missionary, I doubt if America will embrace a low-key, Michael Palin portrays his character. as an honest, pleasant-natured comedy while there's so much of else could a � , the sophomoric, easy kind around (how :: upright man whose liberated approach to sexual · film like "Porky's" be one of the most successful of � '11anners is hoth his success and his downfall. He takes on more than his faith can handle when the year?). And the acting of Palin, Maggie Smith and Trevor - . 'le rinds himself with a fiancee, a seductive upper­ .::rust admirer, and the care of 28 London prostitutes · Howard is especially good throughout "The Mis­ placed upon him. sionary.'' Palin shows the confusion of a reverend "The Missionarv" takes a semi-serious· look at the who must take lust in stride, while Maggie Smith, as Lady Ames, fills the tough job of making her seduc­ manners and morals of the British Em' ire during its · p tive aristocrat more than a stereotype. heyday. at the turn of the century. Trevor Howard plays her husband, Lord Ames, a But the movie "The Missionary" is not the com­ edy one comes to expect from Palin, either. As a boring old fossil who she would rather knock off member of the Monty Python troupe, he is better than listen to. known for his rendition of "The Lumberjack Song" But the funniest character in the movie is a dotter­ and performing "The White Cliffs of Dover" on ing old butler • named Slatterthwaite (Michael "Saturday Night Live" with two cats and a seafood Horden). He ushers in guests to the huge Ames Cas­ salad stuffed down his pants. tle and then promptly gets lost leading them to the As the writer and co-producer, Palin said he rooms. wanted'to assemble a· "cast of excellent actors with a His repeated wrong turns were always fairly amus­ sense of comedy rather than comedians with a sense ing, especially When we find he and Palin wandering of acting." That's what he got; the English acting is outside the estate. Lady Ames spots them from her graceful and quite good, but the comedy is, at times, window and says to a chambermaid, "Oh Lord, go so low-key it is almost suggested rather than per­ and stop them before he gets to the maze. '' formed. The subtle English humor, the likes of which are Michael Palin, as the Reverend Charles Fortescue, For example, when Charles Fortescue returns from found in "The Missionary," may not be the average begins a rescue mission to save the souls of fallen Africa, he anxiously awaits meeting his fiancee and college student's cup of tea. Many will find it women in the comedy "The Missionary. " (Photo childhood sweetheart, Deborah (Phoebe Nicholls, of tiresome, as I sometimes did. I'd rather see Palin play courtesy of Columbia Pictures) "Brideshead Revisited"). Upon entering her manor a twit any day. But he seems to want a slightly more house, he mistakes the maid for his betrothed. This to indexing and filing them in her converted room/­ respectable career than a background of Python got soinedeserving laughs. study. Now there's a hobby that spells a lot of fun craziness would give him. \\·;1en we finally get to meet Deborah, we discover Saturday nights. For that, his film can be judged a success. But for what a real airhead she is. She has saved all of Later in the film, when we see her seated at the its box office appreciation, I doubt if there'll be Charles letters sent from Africa. desk in her room, the extent of her passion for filing much to laugh at. So numerous are they that she has devoted her time is revealed: the cameri:ipans back to show what looks -Steve Sandstrom

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----·-·----�:-_--_ --·- �· ;. � � "'..,... �·"- �· .... "'�· .,,.. ,,,...... � -- 7 CrosswordPuzzle ... ACROSS 58 Mootpoint 11 "lt-­ 33 Expressive­ I' 59Lake in laugh" : Pinero 1 " ness -­ Canada 12 Race horseor 3S Commandto Daughter," IO Musician · Jordanian Fido i Marquand book Jacques queen Make up ... 4 Knight's steel 31 11 Pullulates 13 Stone or 39 Friend in a splint I' 12 Tree used for Flintstone fray 9 Shareholder's i 20 Flippant 40 British pen delight hews !i 21 Utah Beach 43 Borax base 13 French copper DOWN 12-Motorweek craft 44 Padlocks I' 11:35 p.m. 14.Russian 1 7-Uttle Rascals 1 7-Dance Fever 1 Mame's onus 23 Free electrons 45 What O'Neill Listings soldiers :I TV 38-MaryTyler Moore 2 Newspaper 26 Sockexchange wi�lds I Midnight 15 Lhasa , z - edition 27 Nobelist 46 Perfect, e.g. 4:00 p.m. 2-America's Top 1 o Tibetan dog 3Most Wallach : 1910 47 Toughen 1 2-8neak Previews 15,20-Madame's Place 16 Bombay insufficient 28 Belgian ca­ 48 Ship's ! Friday 1 7 ,38-Wide World of Sports 12:05 a.m. bigwig 4:30 p.m. 4 Walk through nals-connector propeller 4:30 p.m. 17-ln Focus 17 Dunner's 9-Muppet Show tulips 29 Designer of the 49 Part of TV 9-Hogan's Heroes - command 12-3·2·1 Contact 5 Profits old Met 50 Mary's 1 2-Snow Queen 18 "Take 1 5,20-Laverne & Shirley -- 6 "I Cain't " 30 Where Bhutan follower 4:35 p.m. Sunday your leader" -- 38-Dick Van Dyke 7 Got cozy is 51 " . ..happi ly 4-Motorweek Illustrated 2:00 p.m. 19 Coming forth 4:35 p.m. 8 Sixth sense, for 31 Kind of bay after" 5:00 p.m. 1 2-That Great American 21 Nile city -- 4-Bewitched short 32 Dick Deadeye, 52 Slue goo 3-What do you Say Gospel Sound 22 Collector of 9 A-to-Z course e.g. 55 Inst. near 5:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. postcards 9-Good Times lO Cusp 2,1 0-News Harvard 1o-News 1 o-NFL Today 24 Angers 9-Welcome Back Kotter S:OS p.m. 1 7-Solid Gold Christmas 25 Gareth's 1 5,20-Happy Days Again father 4-Wrestling Special 1 7-WKRP in Cincinnati 26 Dandiprat 5:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 38-Rawhide 29 Mudville 3, 10, 1 5,20-News 2, 10, 1 5,2o-NFL Footbal 5:05 p.m. slugger 9-Uttle House on the Prairie 3:05 p.m. 4-Carol Burnett 32 Warbucks' 17-ln Focus 4-Movie: "Portrait in Black" 5:30 p.m. sawbucks a:no p.m. (1960) 2,3, 10, 15, 1 7,2o-News 3:30 p.m. 34 Flaws and all 2,3-News 35 Oodles 9-Laveme & Shirley 3-Muppet Show 1 o-People's Court 37 Pandurina 5:35 p.m. 9-Movie: "Boys Town" 1 5,20-Hee Haw 38 The boss, to a 4-Bob Newhart (1938) 1 7-Entertainment thisWeek steno a:oo p.m. 4:00 p.m. 38-8olld Gold 40 Bowl at 2-MASH 8:1 S p.m. 3-Aftemoon Playhouse Jacksonville 3, 15, 17,2 o-News 12-Christmas Eve on Sesame 12-Together with Leo 41 Buffalo's 9-Barney Miner Street 38-Hardy Boys relative 10-More RealPeople 8:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 42 Hood'sexit 1 2-lllinoisPress 2-Po! Goesthe Country Club 17-Rhoda 43 Ose a radar 38-College Basketball S:OO p.m. - device ' 3-Muppet Show 8:0S p.m. 9-At the Movies 3-News 45 Gem engraver 4-Winners 1 0-Lorne Greene New 1 2-Time to Live with Leo 50 Wallace's 1:30 p.m. running mate : Wilderness Buscaglia 2-Tic Tac Dough · 1968 7:00 p.m. 17� Campbell 3-PM Magazine 53 Aroma 2-lndian's Stampede 38--Lawrence Welk 9, 1 5,2�effersons 54 Tel 1 5,2o-Diff'rent Strokes 5:30 p.m. - 10-Alice 55 uant's skirts 3, 10-Walt OiSney 3-Uttle House on the Prairie Q 12-MacNeil, Lehrer Roport 1 7-Paul SI Wood knot 9-0dd Couple Anka 5 1 7-Enter1ainmentTonight 7 Pool or fen 17,3 S-College Basketball 5:35 p.m. 1:35 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 4-Nice People 4-AndyGriffith l:OO p.m. 2, 1 5,20-SllverSpoo ns See page 17 for answers 7:00 p.m. 2, 1 5,20-Voyagers! . 10:05 p.m.' 9-College Basketball to People 2-0ther Angel 9-People Pavarotti 1 2-The Nutcracker 3, 1 o-60 Minutes 4-Jerry Falwell l:OOp.m. 1:30 p.m. 3, 10-Dukes of Hazzard 1 2-Goldfrom the 10:15 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Deep 3-Trapper JOhn, MD 9-Solid Gold Christmas 17,3 8-News Closeup 9-News 2,15,2o-Gimme a Break 9,1 1-News 10-News Special 8:05 p.m. 10:20 p.m. 3, 10-Movie: "Cry for the l:O p.m. 1 2-Washington Week in 4-Wrestling S 10:00 p.m. Strangers" ( 1982) Mystery 4-News 17-News Review 8:30 p.m. 2,3, 10, 15, 1 7,20-News movie. 1:20 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 15, 2o-Powers of Matthew 9-ln Search Of. . 9-Twilight Zone 2-Movie: "Damien: The Leper 8:30 p.m. . 1 2-Christmas with Luciano Star 2, 15, 2o-Love, Sidney 7:00 p.m. 38-Weekend SpartsWrapup Priest" ( 1980) 17-Benson 9:00 p.m. 2, 1 5,20-CHiPs 7:05 p.m. Mike's World 2, 1 5,20-Devlin Connection 3, 10:-Archie Bunker's Place 4-Nobel Prize Awards 1 2-Evening in Dixieland 9-Wall Street Journal Repart Iwouu L1u .l"UICI,. bib W• G£r 7:30 p.m. NAlltCUr ?!! 9:30 p.m. 12-Nature n> TllNl/t. '>'DU bit. '«l\J A 1 2-Wall Street Week 1 7, 38-Matt Houston &CT A '\'� ,llO... 9-News AU. R:Jfl. STRl'INIT 11..a.T! t."'WC ,.,.. 1 7-New Odd Couple 7:05 p.m. WITH llS OVErt 10:00 p.m. nt£'S•:t" E:S°T£it! 4'A>N£ - 8:00 p.m. 2,3,9, 10, 15, 17,2 0-News 4-Nashville Alive! 2, 1 5,20-Knight Rider 38-Glen Campbell Music 7:30 p.m. 3, 1 0-Dallas Show 3, 1 o-Gloria 1 2-Kingston Trio and Friends 10:20 p.m. 9-Jack Anderson Confidential 17-Movie: "Don't Go to 17-News 8:00 p.m. thinks Sleep" ( 1982) Mary 10:30 p.m. 2-Movie: "The First Deadly there i� something alive under 2, 1 5,20-8aturday Night Live Sin" (1980) Detective in· her bed · and she is right. 3-Movie "The Spiral Road" vestigates a series of brutal 9:00 p.m. (1962) murders. 2-Remington Steele 10-Benny Hill 3-Jeffersons 3, 1 0-Falcon Crest 1 2-Movie: "Spellbound" 9-Fight Back! With David 9-lnn News (1945) Horowitz 1 5, 20-They Cry Alone 38-College Basketball 10, 15,20-National Finals 9:30 p.m. 10:3S p.m. Rodeo 9-News 1 7-Solid Gold 17, 38-Movie: "The Final 10:00 p.m. 11:00 p.m. Countdown" ( 1980) An aircraft 2,3, 10, 15, 17,2.o-News 10-SO you Think You got is time-warped to Pearl Harbor. 9-8oap Troubles?! 8:0S p.m. 38-Marshall Dillon 4-Week in Review 11:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. 1 0-Maverick 8:30 p.m. 2, 1 5,20-Tonight 3-0ne Day ata Time 3-Movie: "Plaza Suite" (1 971) 9-Charlie's Angels 10-Pilot Campus clips 17,3 8-Nightline 10:35 p.m. 4-Nobel Prize Awards Beta Tau Upsilon will hold 4 O'Clock Club at Caesar's Friday, 11:00 p.m. Dec. 10. 17,3 8-Last Word Newman Community will have a Christmas party Friday, Dec. 11:05 p.m. 10. Those who wish to attend should meet at the Newman Center 10-Movie: "GibbsvUle: Turn· at 6: 15. Food , games and caroling will follow at 8:00 p.m. Mass ing Point of jim Malloy will be held at 10:00 p.m. 11:30 p.m. D.P.M.A. will hold a Christmas_ party Friday , Dec. 1 O at 9:00 2, 1 5,20-SCTV Network p.m. at 1902 10th Street. 9-Saturday Night Recreation Majors Club will hold elections for 1983 officers 12:00 a.m. Friday, Dec. 1 O from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the landing of the 17-News northwest door of McAfee gym. All recreation majors are urged to 38-Evening at the lmprov vote. 12:30 a.m. 9-Twilight Zone Campus Cllps are published daily, free of charge, as a public ser· vice to the campus. Clips should be submitted to The Daily Saturday Eastern News office two business days before date to be publish· ed (or date of event). Information should include event, name of 3:00 p.m. sponsoring organization (spelled out -.no Greek letter abbrevia­ 2, 1 5,20-NFL Football tions). date, time and place of event, plus any other pertinent in­ 1 2-Magic of Oil Painting formation. Name and phone number of submitter must be- includ· 3:05 p.m. ed. Clips containing conflicting or confusing information will not be 4-Movfe: "Ghost of " run if submitter cannot be contacted. Clips will be edited for space (1949) available. Clips submitted after 9:00. a.,m. of deadline day cannot 3:30 p.m. be guaranteed publication. Clips will be run one day only for any 9-Soul Train event. No clips will be taken by phone. ... :0 ... Composition for theYu letide

� I:2 Date: Dec. 10, 1973. Place: St. Isaac Jogues gram- The following is my Christmas gift list for my mar school. Grade: 4. Class:. religion. family: �; "Ok, boys and girls today 's assignment... boys Mom-an '83 Lincoln Continental , . girf<;-p/ease quiet!" Dad and Annie-a complete I ar.d be set of all the top 40 Ormiston you pull Patty Gabric's hair one albums op the current WLS •'Mr. , if survey. ;;• 1nore rime, I'll sendyou to see Fa ther Lentz. He 'll . Claudia-a life-time supply of make-up. J'l 'ake care fJ.fyou. " Camille-an '82 Trans Am. , . Y�s. si.:;ter. ,, Annette-a muffler for her big mouth. 0 today the last day befo re Christmas Melanie-boxing :?i• '"Because is gloves to fight off Susanna . I thought might be fu n to do an essay on Susanna-everything she wrote t 'Jreu· k, it down on her ; Christmas. '' Christmas list. � "Huh ?'' Dave-golf clubs. � "Your as :fgnment will be-IO imagine what you will Sue-an electric guitar so we don't have to put up !:. ,)e doing uvcr Christmas break in 1982. Now, in with the squeaks of a violin. 1982, you will be around 19 or 20 years old. If you Girlfriend-(name withheld upon request) anything are �ti l in school, which hope you ar you would she wants. i I e, probably be a college sophomore. No w all want is a "Brian Brian! Brian Joseph Ormiston-wake I .::> , short ess.iy on what you think you will be doing in up !" that year. " _, "Oh-sorry sister-I must have been daydream­ Christmas in '82 ing. " by Brian "Yes you obviously were. Where is youressay ?! OrmiMon , " In 1982 think I will be on my way home for 'Tm sorry sister I don 't have it done. You see, I , I A Christmas break from the University of Notre Dame. fe llaslee p. ,, Being 19, I would have already been in my senior "Well Isuggest you stay aft er school until you get l year majoring in re-law Gust like Mom wanted). it done. ,, After my o'pclock exam in Famous Court Cases "Yes sister. ,, 3 , 1474, I'll drive home with my rich girlfriend in my My Essay 1983 Turbo Trans Am that was given to by the When I get out of the small hick town I am in ' me for Bishop because I was such a good alter boy when the nine months of the year, Lprobably will come home i · Pope was in town last month. and drink a lot of beer with all my high school 1 During my Christmas · vacation, I'll be workin� friends. days in the downtown Chicago offices of the district "Here sister. ,, , attorney. Among other �hings, I will help prosecute "Mr. Ormiston please go home. You 're giving me , burglars, murderers and kids who throw snowballs at a headache. But do have a Merry Christmas. ,, cars. At night probably be doing volunteer work "Yes sister. ,, I'll , for our parish, helping to get ready for the Christmas (but still maintaining a 3.45 grade point average) I masses. would have saved enough cash for our rather large Having to work two jobs during the school year family's Christmas gifts. -Brian 0 rm iston

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