U.S. Joins Fight in Philippines Battle

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U.S. Joins Fight in Philippines Battle THE CHRONICLE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1989 DUKE UNIVERSITY DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15,000 VOL. 85, NO. 68 Licensing of publications questioned U.S. joins fight in By JONATHAN WRY and MATT SCLAFANI The recent creation of the student-run publications Duke Philippines battle Blue and The Duke Review has created a crisis between ASDU, the Undergraduate Pub­ MANILA, Philippines (AP) to confirm whether they were lications Board and the adminis­ — President Corazon Aquino American. tration over who should approve said Friday U.S. warplanes In Washington, an official and administer student publica­ joined the battle to save her confirmed that U.S. planes tions. embattled government after began flying over two Philip­ The confusion was sparked mutineers bombed the presi­ pine air bases shortly after when Duke Blue and The Duke dential palace and military the presidential authorization Review used unusual methods to and media facilities in the came at 12:32 a.m. EST. obtain University recognition. strongest bid yet to oust her. "The goal in this authoriza­ Until recently, students want­ She made the statement af­ tion has been to discourage ing money and recognition for a ter President Bush authorized any hostile attempt on the publication could go to either the BOB KAPLAN/THE CHRONICLE LARS LUC|ER/THE CHANTICLEER U.S. military assistance to part of the rebels in the Phil­ Pub Board or the Graduate and Jon Rosenzweig Mona Amer back her government. ippines. President Aquino's Professional School Council. The "Even now, U.S. fighters are request was very specific and only exception is The Chronicle, recognition. some other method of obtaining joining the fight to give air that was to conduct an aggres­ an newspaper under a separate These unusual steps threaten recognition. cover to our ground troops," sive cap over two Philippine board of directors, the Chronicle the normal control of publica­ Aquino said. "Once more, two air bases, Villamor and Board. tions on campus, said Trinity se­ In order to retain complete edi­ Pacific democracies stand Sangley Point," the official The Pub Board can grant nior Mona Amer, chair of the Pub torial control, Duke Blue last shoulder-to-shoulder in the said. funds for publications and can Board. year went directly to the Student defense of freedom." The official said the U.S. aid hire and fire the editors even for The University administration Organizations Commission "The fight is joined in ear­ at this point involved solely magazines that do not receive has the final say over which pub­ (SOC) for funding and recogni­ nest," she said. "The outcome those flights over the bases, funding. lications can be distributed on tion, said SOC chair Jon is assured." and added that ground troops Founders of Duke Blue and campus, Amer said. Further­ Rosenzweig, a Trinity senior. Jets roared across the skies were not involved. It was not The Duke Review have chosen more, the University has control The magazine's founders reached over Manila Friday afternoon immediately known how not to accept this level of over­ over use of the Duke name, so an agreement with last year's but U.S. Embassy and Clark many planes were involved. sight and have sought alternate any publications not recognized Pub Board Chair Alex Ward on Air Base spokesmen refused See COUP on page 5 • modes of funding and University by the Pub Board must seek See PUBLICATIONS on page 9 • Rothschild's masquerading wanderlust takes him coast to coast federal credit union is suing him By CHRIS O'BRIEN to recover more than $6,000 in Mauro Cortez Sr., 81, a Mexi­ delinquent payments. Law enfor­ can immigrant living in El Paso, cement officials are currently thinks for a minute, and then searching for Mauro Jr., whose begins to tell a story about a whereabouts are unknown. friend from his school days. The Despite these debts, most who friend's name was "Rocky." knew him at Duke agree that he Rocky wasn't his real name, wasn't role playing for the but a nickname that evolved money. Instead, he desired the from his athletic ability on the company it brought him. The im­ baseball diamond. "He was a poster was an arrogant but sad rock," says Cortez in a heavy ac­ person who seemed to crave at­ cent. "Solid." tention. As the Baron de Cortez's youth came during the Rothschild, he got it. height of recognition for the Cortez Sr. declined to comment Rockefeller family, and one day on the specifics of his son's life. someone took to calling Rocky, He refused to reveal any jobs or "Rockefeller." The name didn't activities his son may have been stick, but it made for a few involved in. But he expressed a laughs, and it got a lot of people's great deal of sadness over what attention, Cortez recalls. When Born: November 1,1952. • Graduated high school, 1971 had transpired in his son's life, they heard the name, people often crying when he would re­ would ask his friend, "Are you Attended Univ. of Texas, 1976,1979,1982,1985 late conversations with his son, any relation to the New York and offering several times to Rockefellers?" The nickname send money to pay off his son's soon fell out of use, though, and debts. JENNIFER WOODARD / THE CHRONICLE "Rockefeller" became "Rocky" Mauro Cortez Jr. was born again. Nov. 1,1952 in Hotel Dieu Hospi­ Although he doesn't think his Maurice Jeffrey Locke de he was a member of the wealthy name brought was probably the tal in El Paso, Texas, according son ever knew Rocky, Cortez Rothschild. For three years French banking and winemaking motivation behind his son's mas­ to the El Paso county clerk's of­ believes he may have been in­ Mauro Jr., five and a half feet family while he was enrolled in querade, Cortez said. "On a cam­ fice. He grew up in El Paso and volved in a similar situation. tall with a chunky build and the University's continuing pus, things like that spread like attended a number of high Cortez's son, Mauro Cortez Jr., dark complexion, led University education program. wildfire." schools in the area before attended the University as Baron officials and students to believe Mauro Jr. began calling him­ While at Duke, the imposter graduating from Coronado High self Maurice Rothschild some­ became involved in a variety of School, where he was "an aver­ time after he graduated from activities. He was a swim team age student," according to Char­ high school. His father thinks manager, a fraternity brother, les Hart, director of pupil ser­ Inside Weather that when people heard the and even head of a charitable vices. name "Rothschild" they inevita­ foundation. It was his involve­ For reasons that are unknown Hold the sausage: Heck, Camp OUt now: Better bly asked his son if he was a ment with the latter that led a to his father, after graduation, just hold the whole pizza. No stake out your study spots by member of the wealthy de North Carolina grand jury to in­ Mauro began using a series of pie on points until at least the heater before finals. Rothschild family or a baron. dict him for embezzling more other names. "He never was the March. See page 3. Temps will be in the mid 50s. "He probably said, Tes, I am,'" than $1,200. one to tell me what was happen- Cortez said. The attention the In addition, the Duke University See ROTHSCHILD on page 6 • PAGE 2 THE CHRONICLE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1,1989 World & National Newsfile Bush departs for first summit with Gorbachev Associated Press Americans flee: Hundreds of By JULIA MALONE Gorbachev, making a similar point in Americans in El Salvador, many N.Y. Times News Service Home, said the United States and Canada waving white flags, on Thursday fled WASHINGTON — Declaring "This is a could help Europe move quickly toward "a combat by leftist guerrillas that shat­ historic moment," President Bush headed commonwealth of sovereign democratic tered the peace of their upscale neigh­ Thursday for his first superpower summit states with a high level of equitable inter­ borhoods and headed back to the with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev. dependence and easily accessible borders United States. Air Force One left Andrews Air Force open to the exchange of products, tech­ Base en route to Malta a few hours after nologies and ideas and wide-ranging con­ Bush signs pay raise: President Bush in a Rose Garden ceremony made tacts among people." Bush signed legislation Thursday giv­ one of his most conciliatory statements The two leaders meet in the midst of tu­ ing a big pay raise to members of Con­ yet on the Soviet Union and Gorbachev's multuous changes over which neither has gress and senior government execu­ leadership: much control. The Soviet Union's Eastern tives and banning honoraria for mem­ "Let there be no misunderstanding," European satellites are spinning out of or­ bers of the House. said Bush in unqualified praise for the bit. The U.S. government has watched in reform-minded Soviet leader. "We support distant approval, taking care not to play UPI PHOTO CIA plane crashes: The crash of a Chairman Gorbachev's efforts to relax the too central a role. CIA plane carrying weapons to guerril­ grip of the centralized government, to Some observers see this saltwater sum­ President George Bush las in Angola will set back efforts to ne­ move toward pluralism and a free expres­ mit as the first of the post-Cold War era.
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