Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 No. 85 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Thursday, June 5, 2014, at 3 p.m. Senate TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 2014 The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was BIPARTISAN SPORTSMEN’S ACT this country a bill of goods. Like a called to order by the President pro OF 2014—MOTION TO PROCEED Ginsu knife pitchman, they promised tempore (Mr. LEAHY). Mr. REID. Mr. President, I now move that ObamaCare would create jobs, im- to proceed to Calendar No. 384, S. 2363, prove the economy, lower premiums, PRAYER the Hagan sportsmen’s legislation. and reduce health spending—all for the The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The low, low price of not causing Ameri- fered the following prayer: clerk will report the motion. cans to lose their insurance, their doc- Let us pray. The assistant legislative clerk read tors or the hospitals they liked. We praise You, O God almighty. Let as follows: Today, Americans know the truth. It Heaven and Earth adore You, for we Motion to proceed to Calendar No. 384, S. was a sham, the lie of the year, conven- are sustained by Your majesty and 2363, a bill to protect and enhance opportuni- ient deceits told to advance the far might. Bless our Senators, guiding ties for recreational hunting, fishing, and left’s agenda. shooting, and for other purposes. them around the many distractions our The people we represent just want SCHEDULE busy world offers. Lord, deliver them the pain of ObamaCare to go away, but Mr. REID. Following my remarks from the inclination to pray pedestrian the Democrats who run Washington and those of the Republican leader, the and comfortable prayers. May they in- have other ideas. Just yesterday they Senate will be in a period of morning stead pray courageously about even the rolled out the red carpet for a sequel. business until 11 a.m., with the major- things they fear and, in Your presence, That is just what we saw when the ity controlling the first half and the hear You say, ‘‘Don’t be afraid; it is I.’’ Obama administration announced its Republicans controlling the final half. Remove the barriers of fears, sus- At 11 a.m. the Senate will proceed to latest front in the war on Kentucky picions, and doubt that keep them from executive session to consider the nomi- coal jobs. You. Be with them every hour of this nation of Keith Harper to be a U.S. The newest attack is the most ex- day, teaching and guiding them with Representative to the U.N. Human treme yet. The President wants Ameri- Your wisdom. Rights Council, postcloture. The time cans to believe that his national en- We pray in Your sacred Name. Amen. until noon will be equally divided and ergy tax can somehow heal the planet controlled in the usual form. and regulate the oceans, and he wants f At noon there will be two rollcall you to believe that it can be done with- votes: first on confirmation of the Har- out harming middle-class families; PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE per nomination, and then there will be that, in fact, his massive regulatory The President pro tempore led the a cloture vote on the nomination of scheme will actually create jobs and Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: Sharon Bowen to be commissioner at bring billions in economic benefits and I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the the CFTC. shrink—you heard that right, shrink— United States of America, and to the Repub- Following the votes, the Senate will America’s energy bills. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, be in recess until 2:15 p.m. to allow for Well, if you believe that, I have some indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the weekly caucus meetings. ObamaCare to sell you. This is the I yield the floor. same President, remember, who boast- f RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER ed as a candidate that his energy tax The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The policies would make electricity prices RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY Republican leader is recognized. skyrocket. The truth is the President’s LEADER ENERGY POLICY energy tax won’t even have an appre- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, 4 ciable effect on global carbon emis- majority leader is recognized. years ago Washington Democrats sold sions anyway. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S3345 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 02:07 Mar 21, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\JUN 2014\S03JN4.REC S03JN4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE S3346 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 3, 2014 President Obama’s last Environ- That is especially true when it comes with them and who worked against mental Protection Agency head told us to coal-mining families in my State, them. I imagine they will want to send as much, saying: ‘‘U.S. action alone good people who this administration a majority to Washington that would will not impact world CO2 levels.’’ That hasn’t even bothered to hear from. actually work for the middle class for a is a quote from her. She said: ‘‘U.S. ac- Kentucky miners know that coal keeps change, instead of hurting seniors and tion alone will not impact world CO2 the lights on. All they want to do is shipping jobs overseas. levels.’’ That was spoken by the pre- provide for their families and put food At the end of the day it comes down vious EPA Administrator. on the table. to this: The President’s national en- You need emissions-heavy countries They have committed no crime, they ergy tax is ObamaCare 2.0. It is a mas- such as India and China on board first. have done nothing wrong, but the sive big-government boondoggle that is That is just a scientific fact, although Obama administration has declared a being marketed as something it isn’t. I suspect our friends on the left will war on them all the same. A White It is an idea that will not even solve conveniently ignore it because the House advisor was quoted as saying the larger problem it purports to ad- point of this whole exercise is sadly ob- that a war on coal is ‘‘exactly what’s dress, and it will hurt the middle class. vious. It is not about science or global needed.’’ So the President can pretend his na- warming at all. It is all about making These are callous positions, to be tional energy tax is about helping the privileged elitists—elitists who may sure, but they are easy things to say environment, but we know better. It is not feel the pinch of a higher utility when you live hundreds of miles away, not going to do a thing to meaningfully bill or the pain of a lost job—feel as if when you don’t have to live with the control global carbon emissions. This they did something. real-world consequences of your ivory is really about growing government. It There is another reason why the tower ideological fantasies, when you is really about making leftwing elitists echoes of ObamaCare here are so un- don’t have to see the raw human costs feel better about themselves, and it is mistakable. The President’s national of your schemes. That certainly was really about helping political sup- energy tax represents a direct attack the approach the administration took porters in places such as California and on the American middle class. when it scheduled listening sessions to New York while inflicting serious pain Experts say it would devastate entire discuss its anti-coal regulations. It on people and places like Kentucky. swaths of our economy and could lead only wanted to hear applause from fel- I am going to continue to fight. Ken- to a loss of nearly half a million jobs, low leftwing elites, so it didn’t sched- tuckians deserve no less. I am going to according to one AFL–CIO labor union ule a single listening session in coal keep vigorously fighting against the estimate. In fact, the head of that country—not one. Obama administration’s continued war union, the United Mine Workers of This is what one miner said at a coal on coal jobs and this extreme, extreme America, said this energy tax would listening session that I hosted in East- anti-middle class national energy tax lead to long-term and irreversible job ern Kentucky after the administration in particular. losses. refused to attend: ‘‘Our biggest worries I yield the floor. The national energy tax would also now are just trying to keep a roof over RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME shift middle class jobs overseas, shat- our heads [and] food on the table.’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. ter our manufacturing base, and drive He is not alone, and he needs to know KING). Under the previous order, the up energy costs for families. It is a dag- this: We are on the side of the aisle leadership time is reserved. ger aimed right at the heart of the that hears him. We are not going to let American middle class, at a time when this administration’s anti-middle class f our constituents are already struggling policies go unchallenged.