Eastern University The Keep

May 1944

5-17-1944 Daily Eastern News: May 17, 1944 Eastern Illinois University

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EASTERN ILLINOIS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE-CHARLESTON DNESD WE AY, MAY 17, 1944 ig Taus Name Hanneken to Campus Host to Robbins Announces Cast for residency for Coming Year Garden Federation Commencement's uBrief Music" Fraternity Installs State Convention Playe Still Gets Around rs Hit Boa rds New Officers 11Haowdy Here Monday Tuesday, May 30 THE, News really travels around, HANNEKEN, Junior THE ILLINOIS Federation ENS Of Gar- as can be &een by the following ON TUESDAY evening, May 30, major from Rams-ey, will den Clubs will hold their annual News physics lecter received in the of­ E:astern's theatre curtain will rise the next president of Alpha Al­ .stat·e ·0onvention on the E'astern fice today. "Y esterday morning 22, on the dormitory study of seven a Chapter of Sigma Tau Gamma Campus Monday, May in the on the boardwalk a piece of pa­ college young ladies, who are al­ temity. This w:as announced Health Education Building. per was blown across my path. most desperate at times, in an morning by Charles L. McCord, President Robert G. Buzzard will It was a recent issue of the East' ­ amusing manner, when their com­ tiring president . address the group dming the morn ­ ern Illinois State Teachers Col­ ing world looms terrifyingly large Serving with Hanneken will be ing session on "The Iris Garden." lege News. in which I read a on their horizons. "Spiff" Alexander drew Sullivan as vice-president, During the day exhibits of flower startling headline over the story (Jene Bails) and "Drizzle" Rainey le Knott as secretary, and Per­ arrangements will be on display at cf the cannibalistic tendencies of (Norma Totten) fall in love with l Atkins as treasurer. Both At- the college in the gym. Students the forensic fraternity. (Eds . the ·same man and very nearly break and Knott were re-elected to are cordially invited to view these note - the headline over last their close friendship over r.he af­ exhibits and to accompany club wEek's story of the Pi Kappa fair. "Lovey" Lovingtm1 (Bertha s Sullivan, sophomore from Char­ members on tours of the campus Delta initiation read : "Forensic Myers) gets married, while M:ir.nie ton, is al.so president of the Men's ir;s garden and outstanding town Fraternity Eats, Initiates Two) . Hall (E:i!een Shutte) attempts a so­ nion. Knott, freshman chemistry gardens. There will be movies be­ Is tha•t why you have so few stu­ phisticated nonchalance in her jor from Charleston, is freshman fore the luncheon Monday noon of dents? search for a man. "Rosey" Ros·3n­ and a stellar track man. At­ an outstanding flower garden at "Hardened as most of us have ader · thal (Irma Jean Closse11) is a hu­ ' junior math major from Hut­ Sullivan, Illinois. During the aft­ become by reports of the whole­ man being in spite of her "Phi Beta nv , is business manager of the ernoon a skit will be presented un­ sale carnage going on in the bat­ i lle tendencies." Maggie Reed (Helen der the direction of Dr. tle area, it is profoundly disturb­ Thurber Harrington) is almost a soap-box Madison with Miss Ethel Hanson, ing to realize that there has been Other officers elected were Hen­ orator in her intense desire to tind Training School music head, assist­ this report of savagery in our Buzzard, corresponding secre­ Clemens Hanneken the truth ·and right wrong3. "Jinx" ing. The skit will be presented on own Mid-West." Very sincerely, ry, Gene Hankins as historian, Clem!" James (Betty Allen Gresham), a the gym stage. Ruth Morris, Atlantic City, N. J. yn Cook as Sergeant-at-Arms, Southerner with a drawl, endeav·ors Miss Morris, if you wer e per­ Jim Roberts as social chairman. In past years the convention has despe11ately to make friends, but to d sonally acquainted with the East­ Hanneken 1and his fellow officers Students Vote Today been held in Chicago or vicinity. no avail. ern Speakers and venerable ty's This year's meeting is the first at­ re installed at the fraterni The traditions are those faat Ross, you would not worry On ! mportant Offices tempt to move it downstate. Mrs. "Doc" business meeting held at the might be found in any college. Only t or wonder. They are one group Walton Alexander stated, " A good me of Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Metter INTEREST has turned the different traces of "period" vis­ STUDENT whose activities we never ques­ 15. Fol­ number from Chicago is expected to Monday evening, May once more to campus election or ible as the furnishings �hange in­ s f tion. he meeting several rubbers attend. The Chicago people will wing student - faculty administrative dicate the sophomore, junin�· and arrive Sunday evening and be the bridge were played and refresh­ boards, lVIen's Union, Women's senior years. were served by Mrs . Metter. guests of club members." ents League, and Student Council which The cast and director are now meeting, the second of a series Mrs. H. H. Messick in charge is will be held today (Wednesday), is Juniors, Faculty Name hard at work to produce a most pn­ held at the home of the fra­ of the meeting, with Mrs. Klingler, ing May 17 in the main hall of Old tertaining· evening on May 30 with sponsors instead of at the Charleston chairman of the Marshalls, Aides rnity's Main. Gar­ "Brief Music" by Emmett Lavery. apter house, not only marked the den department of the Women's Petitions have been issued and the AFTER MUCH worry and anxiety turn of Ensign Jean Kimbrough Club, and Mr,s. Ralph Terrell, in­ following students .have been Ile· the Junior Class finally estab­ Cpl. Fred Pilger, but also feted coming president, assisting. Mrs. ct lected as nominees for the v·arious lished itself as definitely having drew Sullivan who departed Messick is cpairman of the Garden Former Student Now offices. six male members to serve :as the a . m. to take his army phy­ I)ivision of the Illinois Federation esday Three students will be selected for traditional Junior Marshals who as­ Missing in Action of Women's Clubs . She will be as­ ·cal. the following boards : sist at the Baccalaureate and Com­ week the chapter met at the sisted by Mrs. Buzzard. Mrs. Stov­ Last Apµortionment Board - Andrew mencement exercises. T he matter DISTINGUISH!ED SERVICE cross- of Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Madi­ er will assist in flower arrangements. home Sullivan, James Roberts, Margaret h ad been secure and settled until es have been awarded to 1st Lt. tlln for dinner, followed by the elec­ Mrs. Cotter will act •as hostess at an Hubbard, Betty Brotherton, and it was discovered that Herbert James f!\T. Sherrick, Greenup, Ill.. tion of officers. informal afternoon tea at Pember­ Willa Lane. Walsh was no longer in school, and and Pfc. Edward F. Barker, Talada. ton Athletic and Sports Board-Ber­ Hall. that there were no reserves to draw Okla., according to an article in choolmasters Meet tha Myers, Eileen Schutte , Walter from. the "Stars and Stripes," who de­ liberately sacrificed themselves dur­ Warmouth, Lyle Knott, Allyn Cook, Only a very careful examination El�ERS OF Phi Delta Kappa News Takes Third Major ing an artillery operation on Feb. Betty Jean Engel, Mary Fox, ETiz,a­ of the records showed that Ferrel and Eastern Illinois Schoolmas­ 18 near Anzio. These two, listed beth Van Meter, and Eloise Boyd. Atkins qualified as a Junior, at the rs' club on Monday, May 5, held Honor of Year as missing in action, were serving Entertainment Board-Gene Han­ end of the Winter quarter, and the joint meeting in the Home Eco­ forward artillery observers kins, James Roberts, Rebecca Dick­ 'l"HE EASTERN News has been list of Marshals was finally decided as and omics Department. T.he first meet­ had established an obs·ervation post . ens, Betty Boley, Betty Allen Gre­ awarded First Class ( e xcellent) upon with Clemen Hannekin as during the school year was held in a .h ouse on an outpost line from g sham, and Lois Williams. honor rating in the 1944 contest the head Marshal, being very :active Casey. which they were directing fire t Forensics and Dramatic Board - sponsored by the National Scho­ in college activities, a member of President Sam Arbuckle of the against attacking enemy troops. Clem Hanneken, Ferrel Atkins, Jo lastic Press Association, conducted Eigma Tau Gamma fraternity and Schoolmastsr's Club and President Heavy enemy fire forced supporting Ann Craig, Veda Sterchi, Teddy by the Department of Jo urnalism a mathematics major. Other Rae /Wright of Phi Delta Kappa infantry troops to withdraw, leav­ Ruhmann, 1and Lorraine P'abst. of the University of Minnesota, marshals are Walt Warmoth, chem­ ranged for U. B. Jeffries, Super­ Health and Hospitalization B oard Minneapolis, Minnesota. The News ing the OP unprotected, but the leston , istry major, and a member of Sig­ intendent of Schools at Char two men disregarded all warnings Don Hutton, has held this ranking since joining act -Lucille Stansfield, ma Tau Gamma ; Leslie Mayberry, as chairman of a discussion to re tire to a safer but less effective Mary Alice Living­ the Association in 1932. n . Among Hankins, Latin major and member of several pertinent topics Gene Phi post. the enemy, estimated to Jane Everhardt, and George AJ5 were work ston, Earlier in the year the News won Sigma Epsilon fraternity ; Charles those topics discussed be an infantry battalion with sup­ Tade. O'Neal from Matt(Jon, a chemistry ce, teacher problems, and First Place among ttie Illinois Col­ experien - porting armor, closed in on their Music Activities Board Clarice lege Press Association papers for major ; George Magers, a social e physical education law. position, Lt. Sherrick called for ar­ uring t.he Ce­ Estell, Ferrel Atkins, Allyn Cook, the fourteenth consecutive year science, Ferrel Atkins, math. Entertainment feat and tillery fire progressively closer to Carolyn under the direc­ Thelma Whiteleather, and was also awarded Medalist rat­ major and member of Sig ma Tau il;an Ensemble his own OP. Finally he ordered hnson, and the Shores, and Elizabeth Cria!g. ing by the Columbia Sch olastic Gamma a.s well as Business Man­ of Miss Iren e Jo artillery fire to land on their own tion - News. by Mr. Donald Social Activities B ard Ola .See­ Press Association for the eighth ager the ixed Ensembl·e led o of position. It was their last mes­ ley, Clem Hanneken, Bob Wrenn, ohnson was supplied by the East­ consecutive year and the· eleventh Difficulties arose in the election sage. IT..,t. 1S.'lerrick, a former East­ Joan Co on, and Betty Jean Jenkins. time in history. This year's of the Aides, when Jene Louise !rn Music Department. NeWS! ern student, is th e brother of Bette record maintains the high standard Continued on Page Eight Sherrick Albers, now a senior. set by News staffs in recent years.

Each paper was scored by two judges. Their comments wer.e· as Backward, Turn Backward, Oh follows : "You've got the right idea! A grand publication. Your news­ Scene of Senior Week Activities feature development is superior. Time in Thy Flight! , Variety and treatment of editorial page material excellent. Fine job SUNDAY, MAY 28 on servicemen's pages. Art depart­ 3 :00 !1;;ccalaureate, New Gym. ment heads are grand!" TUESDAY, MAY 30 Pap=rs were sent to NSPA early 'c c in January, and results of the con­ :40 *-/\11 8 o lo k clas�es and all classes with recita­ 1 :00-2 test were announced by the direc­ tions at and laboratory at a 8 8 nd 9. tor of the Association. Fred L. Kil­ 3:00-4 :40 *-All 9 o' clock clas;:es and all classes \1·ith recita­ dsw, May 5. tions at 9 and laboratory at 9 and 10. 8 :15 "Brief Music"-Players Co111�11ence111ent Play. WEDNESDAY, MAY 31 Thespians Initiate Four o 8:00-9 :40 *--All 10 'clock classes. E.PSILON CHAPTER of Theta 10:00 Senior Assembly. Alpha Phi, National Honorary a­ Dramatic Fraternity on the Eastern 1 :00-2 :40 *-All 11 o'clock classes. and ail classes with r ecit campus, will hold its annual initia­ tions at 11 and laboratory at 10 and 11. o'clock all cbsses with c t ­ tion and banquet this coming Sun­ 3:00-4:40 *-All 1 classes and re i a a o a day, May 2, in the dance studio and tions at 1 and l b r tory at l and 2. women's gymnasium. New members THURSDAY, JUNE 1 to be initiated at 5:30 p. m. are : o c o 8:00- 9 :40 *-All 2 ' l ck classes. Bertha Myers, Veda st.erchi, Betty o'clock . a Allen Gresham, and Rina Jo Refine. 10 :00- 11 :00 *-All 3 clas ses all cl sses with re.citations at a The banquet at :30 p. m. will fea­ 3 nd laboratory at 2 and 3 or at 3 and 4. 6 ture the recognition service for the 2 FRID.L\Y, JUNE year and a talk Mis Winnie by s The ·Health Education Building with its stage and auditorium seating 10:00 Comm encei11en Davis Neeley. Jene Louise Bails C'ommencement, t. 3,500, will be the scene of Baccalaureate, Senior Play, and *-Examinations. Commencement will serve as toastmaster. as 45th climaxes year. ------EDNESDAY, MAY 17, PAGE TWO Here's Your 'War' NEWS ------W I

Eastern Teachers news Ross Blows Clouds from WUXT-RE-EE the Published each Wednesday of the school year by stu­ Round Crystal Ball dents of the Eastern Illinois State Teachers College at By THEE Charleston. o Lf..:T L;'S dream t gether. Hemy Fore\, the h FROM Ram Entered as second class matter November 8, 1915, at the man \\· o re\·ived the suare dances and re­ THE Amsrican Fri:nds Scl';ocls at All Palestine, comes a letter from Rolla Foley tG Post Office at Charleston, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, co11 1"erted the violin into the fiddle. is person­ M' Hanson of the Music Department: 1879. all,1· con ducting us through his great museum "I must say, however, that I'm never in one s ' of J\merican an- long enough to write a 12tto:r. I was teaching full-tim � -Printed by the Courier Publishing Company music in the American Echocls in Ram Alla:., Palestin� tiques. f\ s he for three years after came cut and then last year ie:ids us among I I R E T we t to Aleppo Colleg2, Al:ppo, Syria, to head :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: � Co-Editors n the� ����iD �E � �... the intriguin ex­ music department. Then this year tt:e offer came . g to WATSON ...... Assistant Editor LELAND ...... t hibits, expl aining be director of Nea1: East Music Teachers Associa io� MADELINE SLUDER ...... :...... Associate News Editor I'm always 'en ' I hav·e thrse main centen MILDRED Al.JLEN ...... Features Editor so the go. each inYention in base . Assistant Features Editor tc work out from this year. Aleppo College is EVELYN KNEZIK ...... fo: RUHMANN ...... Art Editor the progress of Syria, including Damascus and Bag.':dad raq, a THEODCRSA ...... all I rk ...... General Editor . well as Ankara and Constantinople, Tu e ...... transport a t·i o n y Then the GENEVA WEIDNER .. . BUSH ...... Assistant General Editor o University of Beirut is the center fer all work in NAIDA ...... his v ice rings th: Columnist TIE HI ...... L2banon. I keep the American Schoel in Ram Allah, NET LL ...... z . 1\.it h e a 1, h i s GROSSMAN ...... Columnist a MARY ELEANOR ...... my home school of which I am still mission member, .. face beams \\·ith PETERSON ...... Columnist POLLY ANNA ...... as center for Pales'.ine-Transjordan-and-Egypt." NORMA KING ...... Columnist enthusiasm, ancl Columnist is eyes g eam Prospect,,, for next year's Panthe;· basketball GEORGE BRIGGS ...... h l ...... Columnist team were dealt a serious blow last night LUELLA DAY \\·ith p r i cl e in as FERREL ATKINS ...... Business Manager m;i,n"s triumph! Andy Sullian departed for probable induction METER . Business Manager VAN ...... Assi:stant armed '1Big A,' stellar ELIZABETH .... . Each time as he into the force£. g·uard ...... Adviser en Eastern five for the past two years FRANKLYN iL. ANDREWS ...... leaves the old and t:hc and in Selective �ervice Classification approaches the. 4-F, has been 'rnlled up for reclassification. Sullivan WEDNESDAY, MAY 17,. 1944 new, he tells us ,has also been working out on the track pre­ of \\·hat a bless­ parat·ury to Saturday's conference meet .... at the new has STATE WIDE COLLEGIATE ELECTION FAVORS ing Dr. J. Glenn Ross Normal. His throws with the shot have been been to man kind. around 36 feet, and he hms been heaving the DEWEY IF WAR IS OVER BY NOVEMBER But as he speaks, 111 yriac1 ghosts touch our el­ discus around 110 feet. bo1\·s and \\·hisp e r in our ears: Also seen on the track this spring is the former T\ IZESLLTS NEWS �T_\TE-\YIDE have just arrived in the of- speed merchant, Lyle Knott, who sp2cialiL1es in "Do not believe !11m, for that invention lh , e iate Press ,- ssocial on Presi­ 100, hi h jump, and the broad jump. Lyle, who fice frnm the llli1wi� Co1 1 g \ i caused the traged_1· life."' g place ni my i n of 19 fifth n the state finals i the lOG last spring and wh <]('n1ial '.:'t;·;\\\' \'clle. The re�ults reprc�ent the \·oti:ig How can we take the tragedy out of prog­ pushed fam2d Bucidy Young tc a tie the state rec · for Four schools nited according to \\ he tber the ress? ord I llinois colleges. in ti1at event's quarter finals, has been clocked thi ul· 1\·;1r \1·as over h.\· election time. Fifteen schools voled \\'itho Turning away in silence, \\·e follow Henn spring at times ran;;ing from 9.9 to 10.2. In the broa jump, Knott has little trouble spanning 22 feet. · Ford out of museum and into the recreatio;1 U onside rin this . the c g Baker, javelin specialist, tlwew the spear in , 130 hi h ol s considering the time ele­ center \\·here we do a square dance \\'hile he from the (our sc o street clot'1es the other afternoon, put on his trao The results ­ , , plays the fiddle. ln these moments of relaxa ment sho\\': the \\·ar is o\·er "-Dewey 212; H oose velt 122; suit, and on his second heave reached 145. "If tion, we try to forget Frankenstein. hut ther e Hold t.c,e phone, Kimbrough takes over. , :\fc?\utt. 16. the \\·ar isn't over: Kim '-;tassen, 20: v\ i llkie 18: "H is no escape! He powerful, relentless-!' is brough, relieved. which will be much better for th a \Villkie. 8; :\fac/\r­ l\oosevelt, De\\ St ssen. 12; never sleeps. J-Je is the machine that enshl\·e� News. 228: ey, 1-1-0; (If this slips in I'll be surprised). Well, Kirn . brough, are you surprised? t h ur 6. 111an. the other 15 schools :-\s 1\·e leave the dance, we pay our res per The general election results from to the \\·izarcl oi t ns orta ion \\'e thank him Eastun's campus was ftccdecl with visitors this 798; Stassen. ra p t . �hO\\·ed: De\\'e\·, .+.098; Tfoose velt. 2.961; nricker. past week Cpl. Johnny Roberts, Ensign -l8an for playing the fiddle for our diYersiun, or re­ .27(J; and l\fac rthur. Kimbrough, newly commissioned, Lt. Jim Stahl, .r\ 93. versio n, \\'e might say. \Ve thank him for giv­ . a the fac­ Cpl. Fred Pilger, Lt. Larry W< alker, and \Ye c;1n on lude therefore, that the m j ority of ing us glimpses into the past. \\·hen slow-moY­ Lt. c c Holl,Jwell all spent time in Charleston e De\\·ey over T\oose­ Jake ulty :tnd students in lllinois colleg s prefer ing horses, mules. and oxen trod muddy roads around the college campus. cities. \\'e and ion 1.ime. These same schools pre­ bet\\·een crucle, dark thank him for vclt if the \\ ar ends by elec t sho\ \ ing us lmge machines. the like of which l\oo se \·elt O \·e e\\·ey the From Somewhere in New Guinea comes a letter fror icr. by a ;l\'ghtly 'larger margin. r D if 110\1· span the conti nen th rough the strat ­ Corp:ral James W. Lane thanking the staff for th e , it is h ighl impro\J­ t o 11 ar tour more· years. :\everth le ss y wis la�b· sphere . New9. "I just received a copy of EISTC News ancl · election t me \\·hen the ahlc that '\1·e· 11 ill kno\1· or can guess by i i \l ak ing no immed iate effort to reply, Henry to thank the old gang very much for rem2mbering m : have a c'.1anging station as you will do doubt notii \\ a· r \\·ill end. The results of the general election can. therefore, Ford stands silently for a fe11· moments I h in the above address. The army gave us a very ni1 Ii� considered much more significant. t oughtfully gazing into the future. Then he boatride across t.:.e Pacific to the seccncl largest islan as the choice of the col ­ sa \'S: \\'e find De\1·ey leadin g l\ooseYelt . in the world-New Guinea." ·'Our prog ess in the air. on t he earth and se\ en thousand. Vve can r l e ges by almost a thousand votes out of · belmv it has resulted from our understanding lenn, famous Eastern football ace, re­ rthur all running Bill G c nsider Stassen, \\'illkie. �\[c:t\utt. and �Iau-\ n o of the scie tific facts in nature. \\'�shall con� turned to the campus for a visit. Bill, e famous en . seems to stand a hett r chance of a very poor thi rd. Stass tinue to build our structures of aluminum and for his completed passes, was on the Sec•nnd n one else. And the being a l�epuhlican "nark H o rse" than a y steel for a long time to come. \Ye shall go an­ Little All-American team a few years back and e ld be considered po t ntial ' Little All-Conference first team. His f)e11 ; ocrats ha\·e no one 1\·ho cou oti•er mile into the earth s interior and another the 19 e v e wpoint of Joe College. passing average was while at EI. "presidential timber." Such is th i five miles into the Sk\·. \i\fe shall raise the roof 65.1% and lo\1·er the floor Z>f our civilization through Andrew Sullivan, basketball star of this yrnr's ou· the m a chine but \Ye haven't mastered it yet." WE'LL SEE YOU AT HOMECOMING 194?! ; standing Panther team, reported for his pre-inductic pauses, sho1ving no particular desire to J le physi:2.l at Chicago, Tuesday, May 16. Andy, home, popul: pulation of Eastern grows smaller. go on; so we say our adieus. On oar way O'\'CG: .'\G-'\ T'J the male po c3mpus figure, is a Sig Tau, member of the Stude1 o " . Four more men ha\·e g ne to the colors in the last week. his last \\·ords slay with us. the machine Council and prexy cf the Men's Union. \\·e haven't a tere it yet " True. it \\·as not a mass emigr:1tion on a s cale similar to the m s d . e men Yes, we can use it to subdue Hitler and to Munday, May is well remembered by all dramatic departure of the ERC. but neYer th less, these 15. former Easternites :is the birthday of former e , sink Tojo. Then \\·hat? \Yil1 \\·e have the \\·cnt ,\·ith the same h ar ing the same spirit. the same promise , x ce , President 'Livin,gston Lord, president from t e year, all four of ese training the e perien th e knm\·leclge to C. lo retnrn. Through h th fellows have to 1932. . 1898 e · at Eastern. Tall, rugged Bernie handle the machine p roperly ? \\'e are not sure aclcled irn m a surahh to Life Hob \Vrenn. seems that in our a ' , ll Rosamond. jo\·ial darting It zeal to master the tech­ I l \ ton rang1· Da1:re Sgt. Micky Walker is missmg in action. Micky e u roduc io n . 1\e have neglected un . Can you imagine the a sketball t am witho t nic;il :1�pects of p t brother is Larry Walker, popular former athletic I _ee · \\Ta t s · b sta e the hum;rn l ement . \\'e are impelled to con­ l \er'i1 ie , "Rosie." and ·'Paunch;" the debaters. Players, an(! The athlet:s seem to fill fro news spotlight this week clude that not until \\·e understand more about \1�\VS \\·ithoul ·watson? \Ve can't. human nature . devel a science of " h manics " :\ ernories. escapa es . reminiscences: all remain like g hosts lp u for I d ·e News Splashes Charleston Wote as \\ l l as one of mechanics, and train real ex­ to e arn· on in their footsteps. There was Ilernie's famous "c\e­ . perts in human en gineering will the machine i sion '' irom the press bench at the Paris Sectional. his habitual c be made to set us free. c o c '' o'clock on Sat­ pr tice of b un ing into Cap's" room at 8 :00 a fn the m ant e , \\'hile \\·e dream. Frank­ covered up a e im urday mornings; "Rosie's" likable cockiness that s ein continues his and a he in g t u h en t ravages, F t r Time of gold : "Paunch's" droll laugh rippl hro g the heart smiles sardonic all as he turns his hourglass. hear someone say111g. y J,mnge, and cutting through the mist \1·e "\!\fatso1:. \\'hat happened to those lights?" o ! Hank Buzzard Tallies Straw Vote :-_i'_ So long, fell \ vs, and give 'en1 I-Iel1 LAST WEEK the straw ballot for the presidential TQ LIVE, OR NOT TO LIVE, THAT !S QUESTION election was sponsored by the Elstern News, ed­ itors, and 120 students and 14 facuity members re­ e 23 opportunity. H' THE Charl ston water project to be voted upon Ma,1r �p: nded to the [1asses, Charleston \\·ill have a municipal lake about t\\·enty For�y-two per cent of the voters were Democrats; 50% were Republicans, and 4Si belonged to other as larg e as the lake at Fox Ridge State Park. It takes times parties. l itt l e imag nation to conceive \\·hat such a lake so conveniently i If war ends in Europe before November. 1944, · the lo ate \ · ill our school and co111111unit1 in term s of c d \ mean lo 24o/r preferred Rco.oev€lt for President, while 60% wen . recreational f�cilities are nec­ recreatiunal div i dends Adequate for Dewey. After Ncvember, Roosevelt obtain2d 51% of . essary to the social well-being a community vVith the new of the votes and 40o/r preferred Dewey. Tr.e minorities n lake. Loating, swimming·. fishin g. picnicki g, and resorting will wer2 McNutt, Wallace, ancl Hull, the Democrats; and o Wil'kie, S'assen, Hoover, be enjoyed n a scale neYer before remotely possible in Char­ and the Republicans. o leston. Charleston \\·ill continue to be as g od a place as any 25°/r approved the acting of t:··e President and Congress specifically for the benefit of U. while in whi c h to die. but the time has come \\·hen we should consider S., 75% preferred the same acts for the benefit of the world. s·eriously maki n g Charleston as g ood a place as any in which our Cpinion that U. S. should take an active part in a to Jive. If guess is \\·orth any thing, we predict that the clav post-war international org�nization was expressed by 1\·ill come 'v hen Charleston residents will look back, as residen ts 88'7', facing the oppcsition cf 2%. Very close U. S. of other ]1\inois towns have done. hQw we ever and \\·onder cooperation with Engiand and Russia drew the nod · . got along \ \ithout the lake Let the imagination which must from 69%; 4% preferred the non-existent relation, and accompany post-war planning be home. And let it be born at 27% felt that U. S. cooperation should be same as pre­ THE PROVERBIAL joke of the local water questi once born now! war days. like Spring, comes round again. :PAGE !WEDNESDAY, Y 17, 1944 Your ------MA ---- Here's 'War' NEWS ------· THREE

'Spring Fever? COLSEYBUR . . . . SQUIRE & ESQUIRE by Esquire

(EDITOR'S NOTE : 'While Esquire is all tangled up in flats, casein paint,. COLSEYBUR INJURED IN BATTLE OF dutchmd. 1 , counterweights, d1mmErs, rifles, gelatin, and tormenters, and all the rest of that stl!ff that these thespians get all tangld up ma· n d . . . . . 1 · MONTGOMERY WARD g cry m ram.f m01111ng h1 mght, his column this week is conducted b some �non�mous genius going under the cognomen of "The Sheet :r CAN'T do this to me !" bellowed Colseybur, clutching an order . "THEY Araby . -he s been m and out of the the Spring and Summer Catalog. "With. Montgomery blank and office like a dirty shirt all day - OUR "GUEST" COLYUM the customer is 1lways right, which is more than anybody can say W\1rd therefore, this publication assumes from Price will certainly surprise the New Deal. They just can't do this to me!" But they did, about no responsibility for the following him-Price, we mean ! Colseybur bodily out and hailing a W!hite Wing. carrying material which was all we could Colseybur's Navy immediately find on Esquire's typewriter.) went into action on the Chicago We hope the curfew does not ring WHO SED THIS? my strictly as a precautionary tonight. If it does, it'll sure just "Gir-ullls, stay offa roof !" River, THE GOATS OF measure, and to "protect the cus­ wake us up. the best gag· we 've seen this year DARK AND DEMURE tomers' rights." Colseybur has on are Sullivan and McCord, who this order a stilt of long underwear, and Who's going to be Eastern's Miss week found themselves the recip­ Betty iDenny arrived on the local Library Science of 1944? scene over the week-end. "Bet" �ith the late arrival of spring this ient of neat little advertising broch­ 1ear, the situation is becoming in­ went to Chi last summer to lend ures illustrating "The Way to Free­ :reasingly serious. Delinquency is fast becoming dom and Health." This in spite of her talents to the operation of six or seven railroads. She mentioned Picking himself up from where he more than just a problem of taxes. the fact that these two joes are the 'ound himself to be, Colseybur re ­ healthiest and definity the freest the fact that after she went to If you ask us , frankly the Wat­ work the seven dropped to six, due :ntered the plant, only to be con­ characters we have had the pleasure erworks ain't worth a dam and to bankruptcy or some such 'ronted with several units of the ' of playing marbles with recently. we'd a damn sight rather see the technicality, "Bet", you weren't }estapo. "You can't hit a man with dam site where it'd help Colseybur's keeping the 'hooks', were you? rlasses !" bellowed Colseybur. But THE VISION IN As Navy, meaning Lake Whetstone. Esquire sez : "See you in jail !" hey did, clipping Colsey's whiskers, Chapel the other a. m. produced a just to find out what was behind Speed Demon Knott gets in shape pair of pants that even our vaunt­ Freedom and politics make THE WAC REALLY he camouflage," as Attorney Gen­ to compete in Conf·2rence meet. ed friend Colseybur couldn't fill. strange bedfellow these days. saved the this week, and you ral Biddle put it. s And such a becoming shade of fire­ News know what we mean, too. Colseybur then struck an officer truck orange they were, too. What's the army got that we 1ith his umbrella, and when he haven't got? Bars-we fooled you ! All This, and WE MAY BE 1oke up, he was in a pasteboard AND THEN WHEN mistaken, but the last time we look­ ontainer and on his wav to Kan- Razzberries, Too! receiving a dinner invitation the • Don't hold us responsible for e d, we did not have any dope on a as City. other evening, Corporal John Rob­ anything that happens between DEAR CHUM, single wedding for this week's is­ erts, in a strictly G . I. job, complete Colseybur's Navy spent the eve­ Dr. Seymour, now and November. They're about ready to let our with chevrons, orange shoulder sue. Can it be that Cupid is losing at Old Heidelberg, thinking the ing please note. crowd out of here ...our sentence patch and web belting, turned his aim ? ighting was over and Colseybur is about up . . . although there are around and whispered "What should ad won. We've heard of a one-man team, always those doubts as to whether I wear?" ANY MINUTE NOW When interviewed in bed, the but only recently of a one-man we'll get the venerable sheepskins we are expef!ting to find a pin-up 'ews reporter found Colseybur to sorority. girl on the wall . . . Cthis year we hope the animal ONE LOCALITE in the English of­ Purple fice, doin e wearing a Republican is still in it . . . .) We've done a waltzed thru the office the other g whatever pin-up girls Button, nd a be w­ are suppos :eart, a Willkie a Don't ask us what happened to heck of a lot, you know how it is day announcing that some friend ed to do, in 1an English Badge. "I have just begun the tulips. There's .a place that I office. Y to only a fifth of the kids keepin' ev� had just been awarded a medal ght," insisted Colseybm, applying know, but the tulips don't grow. ' erything as peppy as a bond rally. "posthumorously! " to his stiff joints. "Re­ niment All of us kids have had tons of THE BEST SIGHT the tember the Alamo , Remember It'll be Mother's Day, all right, fun and from what Moyer says­ DURING LAST we have seen this week was Dr. Col [aine, and Remember Avery," ­ when the boys get back, and baby. Senior Day is gonna be a picnic Wednesday's Music trip, we are re­ Wood perched astride his daughter's into !ybur pleaded, as he slumped don't bawl. without the ants. Henderson and liably informed that Thelma White­ bicycle jauntily rolling off tile cir­ stupor. Dively are up to the hilt in litera­ leather discovered the most novel cle onto Lincoln Avenue. We are All's quiet on the Chicago front, You can't live on love, but you ture for that hallowed hour. telephone booths equipped with re­ unable to tell whether this was oc­ rturbed. Some can make out on a captain's allow­ casioned by lack of .those little ole' �t Colseybur is pe Still there are some things I'd volving doors up at Arcola. Cute, 1and was heard ance. stickers or whether that accord­ me later he awoke like to do before that last free­ weren't they, "Feather?" A guarantee ion pleat in the front fender of > be mumbling: "We time bell rings, such as . . . skip his se to be exactly as For Japan, the "zero hour" AS ADDED Chrysler was the underlying factor. 1is merchandi is down the hall of old Main smokin' AN escribed and to give you the serv­ past. attraction, Professor Donald like the 4: 20 Nickel P'Jate, loo kin' E. to expect. If for SUN V;\!LLEY NEEDED :e you have a right 1as innocent as Little Nell ...all Johnson, ·'astonished the customers tly reason you are dissatisfied, re- We can't help recalling, in a in a drugstore by doing the un­ a press agent to become famous, without suffering pangs of anyone 1rn the articles to us, and we will whimsical sort of way, just how heard of-since Angus's departure­ but that does not seem be the else 's conscience, or, hurl a long to !fund you your money and any long it took D'lysses to get back to case where the sun bathing facili� range stink bomb into the north number of 13 push ups right smack paid." his wife after the Trojan War. ties of the hall are concerned. Jstage you have library. The first time this was dab on the floor. The New Deal was never like ever a germ in the mind of this Our morale is good, but two more WE PRESENT [ontgomery Ward, was it, boys ? Easternite was back in the year of DOG DAZE HAVE years of soap ads and we can't be herewith the latest available daf­ ·or is Colseybur, the "rugged�'!hdi­ the big enrollment. Neither of arrived at the Hall, or have those too sure. teen young wolves ? Maybe the fynition of an editor : a person hired idualist," quite so rugged as he these little projects could be un­ girls are just keeping in practice. by the publishers to control the ;ed to be. dertaken until the forementioned Walter Winchell, who knows ev­ content of the advertising material skin was hanging over the piano or erything the government doesn't AND SO MISS so that the publication will be fit The world being very old acts its I'd be hanging at state expense know, hasn't informed us as yet F'loss Nelson continue to enlighten to send through the mails. �e, which more than can be said well, enough of this or they'll cut s is about tht> Invasion. Slippin g, Wal­ the P'arents and Teachers of Hum­ ir most of the people in it. my column. ter? toldt. MAC KINJ,AY KANTOR'S You wondered where some of the current article in Cblliers Maga­ Pem Hall had an Open House, Anyway, we saw "Cover Girl" gang were gonna go . . . does this zme on our ow THE n Burl Ives says "He tld still the boys didn't come. answer it? Bainbridge is gonna ONE OF 1LOCAL and, we .guess, our recreation is ove1: citizenry took time out to write to ambled tllrough another year and throw gravy on restaurant patrons for May. the Forum in the Chas'town COUR­ a half of college and then, one day in Michigan ... Sally migrates ev­ Waiting for the troubled world to IE.R in regard the proposed wat­ late in the winter of 1930-31, Burl ery summer and always returns to !turn to normalcy, we have return­ Germany doesn't need to ask us erworks improvement and state that Ives suddenly stood up, there in practically intact. After the middle j to the Ouija Board. what hit her. this is not the time to· be thinking the English classroom of of August, that Marine will he EISTC of building a summer resort. and realized that he must be traip­ sending his codework to Warrens ­ A . We herein record a return visit of Rationing takes the starch out of Leopard will change it's spots be­ smg along. Not another moment of burg, where the gal will be whipping ll'ee former editors, Wilson, your collar and puts it in your fore this town will change for the school for him, even though he N ew51 kids and omelets ...You remem­ Jam and Summers, just to prove stomach. better, period. would graduate if he stayed until ber Jene Bails, the gal the office mt we never kept a good man June. He walked out of class and Dr. Arthur U. Edward is the sil­ can't make up its mind about grad­ own. s never went haick." I wonder which uating, well, that little stinker is WE ANNOUNCE ent partner in the firm of Seymour, with some little pleasure the theme member of our faculty was respon­ gonna be in charge of Charleston's Miss Reinhardt says there no Edwards & Co., Wholesale Produce. song of one of our more talented sible for starting Burl on his way is water life at our Lincoln Street Tea 10re Progressive E'ducation. Does music majors, to wit : "Bessmer to fame and fortune? Cup. Besides rolling in the sun, he mean that Golseybur is dead From now on until snow fiies life Mucha !" she can do the same with the shek­ nd doesn't know it ? at Eastern is just one big picnic, that is , if some vandal doesn't carry els ...Betty Albers is entraining ONE OF OUR Service Men! away the picnic grounds . to her husband pronto and the way If the Second Front doesn't come more naive writers this week sez she t-0tated this week-end when THIS school year draws to a y the time this appears in print, in the feature on Pem Hall that AS There, little frat boys, don't you he was here, the thought o f gradu­ close we are beginning to look 1e'll issue another prediction. 523 is not quite so busy anymore. ation doesn't leave her moanin' ,and forward to the next. 1Since cry, You can tell that he hasn't tried to the groanin' ...Ma rge Thomas, an old Eastern Teachers staff will John Roberts who did a g ood job You'll be a sorority bye and bye. get the hall lately. Women always News. pill-stuffer since forest prime-evil, probably print just more is­ "taming the shrew" here two There, little Phi Sigs , don't you fret; were the famed linguis ts , and they one f will continue taking the tempera­ sue this spring, we should ears .ago, returned recently to find They haven't leased your clothes as sure haven't changed just because like ture of inductees for Doc Dudley. to make the followinf joint state­ Shrew elsewhere and still un­ yet. the men have gone. he Just after the graduation speaker ment: amed. The Republicans need 1a rain, not finishes sobbing over our future, We shall make every effort to just a little Dewey. she's gonna scamper to West Point have a school newspaper ne:ii;t There used to be some songs those Wente gals love the Navy. for a naval engagement. A year year and shall endeavor to sen bout King Cotton, all of which re­ The Rumour has it again that d Roosevelt is in good health ! Yeah, from June, she'll be hackin' her to those of you who want to aind us of the "ripping" time we're Bidle, who carries the key to the it way through a three layer cake. s receive Beginning ne:ii;t fall but he doesn't have to mow tl'ie it. · 1aving now. science building-, has a chance to White House lawn. Someone tell Warford roll over we shaU send the paper to those to forge onward at Johns Hopkins. . . . that's the place for Henderson of you who express, to us, a · de­ Strange, is it not, that every time Who knows, that probably might The trouble with v1acationing in and Roastin' Ears . After ;oin' to sire receive the paper and who hings get really dull around here Leedy to something ... (Wait and to your own backyard again is that the s·chool for sixteen years, they like send us, during the summer, a he State decides to give us T. B. hit me after teaching, kids.) curren mailing address. ests? backyard needs a rest, too. it so well they're gain' again. Hen­ t Well, chum, this is about all I derson to sponge up all the Eng­ Throughout this year we have is can tell you about this outfit with­ We're going to have a "simplified" lish in sight, while young E'ars, not mailed the NeWS> to you 1000 rhere, little girl, don't cry ! out opening their mail. I'm sorry I tax form, made out, no doubt, by satisfied with Eastern's way of blow­ Easterners now in service. It rhey have stolen your boy, I know, can't over this note with a few in­ the same "simps." ing up the lab, will study afore­ has been a big job, but \nd your boy friend's brother ches of dirt but no one has ratted we are mentioned 1art at a tech school in kicking. All we a that �nd every other on anybody yet. Besides ...I doubt not sk is ago . Never before have so many charg­ Springfield. She's gonna stay in each of you, wherever you are, �re things o f the long if I'd peep a squeak until I get which you ed so much for so little cotton. the confines of Charleston this sum:"' now-when you read this-please rhe army holds all for three cent worth from you . . . s send us your current if sigh, mer and hulk around. address Vats of it, back now Until the Iris bloom again, Wente will heed the call of the you wish to continue receiving lmd they don't come Just because you cry. Signed: P'rofessor Calseybur. north . . . North Chicago . My, do NICKY. the News. PAGE FOUR 1WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, ------Here's Your 'War' NEWS·------I

Tri Sigs Fete Senior WAA Party, Election News Journey's Over Nation's Elephant's Close Books for '44 Members at Banquet Child .. . ON WEDNESDAY, May 17, Campus with Midnight Owl ON SUNDAY, April 30, Mrs . W. H . members of the Women's by Athle" Zeigel and Miss Ruby Harris Associaticn will wind up this yea ACCORDING TO all available reports and carefully prepared predictions entertained the senior members of Teddy :Ruhma.ru1 activities at a Dessert Banquet of the local draft board, THE OIWL should, by now, be in the service Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority with ice cream and cake and a thea of Uncle Sam. But, as you can plainly see, someone erred, for the OWL breakfast at the home of Mrs . party to see the Frank Sinatra. remains. Roberts, prophetic as usual, kept faithfully piling exchange · pi Zeigel. The table was .attractively ARE YOU in favor of the proposed ture, "Higher and Higher." , ! .. • Att-"Art hit a new high recently Mary Ashby Oh golly, we sure need Ernest Guthrie, Mrs . Melvin 'Dhom­ - -.1 : l•l �-- ;X.•J:• � �­ wi1en Dr. Hadley deftly sketched a sion , sustaining-, swaying, suspend­ it . •'• ' as, Mrs. Stewart Strain, Mrs. Otis ing, swinging, bouncing, stac-cato, complicated surrealist creation Ca Flossy Nelson-Water, wa tei' every­ Shores, Mrs . Edgar Van Meter, Mrs . jerking, pulsing, vibrating, and bug) on the board and thereupon where but Charleston. But real­ WITH THE "OLD GOLD'" FINISH Harry Sluder, and Mrs . H. R. Low­ shaking, wili do the trick. I'll settle left the masterpiece unprotected, ly, don't understand tile mech­ er. I for the swaying, swinging, pulsing, to the mercy of those vicious crea­ anism of the whole affair. Captain Kidd never dug up any vihrating and shaking. With me , tures kn.own as the science majors. Mary Jean Warren-I'm thirsty. a the rest just don't count. pieces-of-cigh t 11 it h richer. softer When he returned he found his Pi Omega Pi Initiates The Editors-What's wate1 ? 'Compodea' mutilated-or shall we The End-Well, after this splurge, duller gleam than the�" new Roblres. the Black Sheep will really leave say decorated? Some budding Five From Commerce Lots of old-time hand craft ed loo\\s Michael: - Ang.elo had transformed for the Army, the date being May a ALPHI CHI chapter of Pi Omega and plump. rncllo11 leathers -and it by ,means. , of some zoot suit ap­ 24th. .So, with all sincerity, we say, PL the national honorary fra­ Visit Our fr y wear. parel into a . pi.n-up girl and had "So long , for the duration and six ." lot of iendl flt and rugged ternity in Commerce, initiated five labell.ed it 'Miss Compodea of 1944, THE MIDNIGHT OWL. Record Department Come in and try-.you 'II want to buy! k1 e Girl We'd Like Most to Be new members at their formal cere­ Columbia Popular mony in the Old Auditorium on Victor - Locked in a 1Lab With.' Adding and May 11. Clas,sic Recordings in Single insult to injury, Dr. Hadley him­ Coun try lifers Wind Up and self gilded the lily by drawing in Season's Activities :Mrs. Mary Beth Petitt , president Complete Albums by the World's red lips and red hair." - MONT­ of th2 fraternity, presided over the Finest Musicians and Orches­ initiation, which was made very CLARION, Montclair, .N. J. THE COUNTRY Life members con­ tras. Sold only at impn ssive by the decorations, car­ -Some mntnia/1 Troubles-And then, just as we cluded all of their business for sliBlirlJ liig/1tr. ried out i·n the colors of the fra­ thought we had this column hash­ the current school years at their H UCKLEB ERRY 'S ternity, blue and gold . The pledges ed out, what should arrive at the meeting on May 8, and paved the initiated were Mary Ashby, Betty desk but SIX issues of tt1e larger­ way for a successful continuance of Jewelry-Music Store Boyd. Joan Ooon, Viola Huelskoet­ sized EGYPTIAN from Carbondale. their course by an election of the ter, and Mary Jo Searby. T.h e ac­ 26 full-size newspaper pages to be officers for the following year. tive members present who assisted scanned, marked, and re-read. Those chosen by the group were: in the ceremony were Virginia Wow, what a night ! E'loise Dickerson, president; Betty Borders, Jennie Goldsmith, Willa Spring-The best dissertation on Body, vice-president; Marian Fitz­ Lane. 'Wanda 'Nicoson, Geneva the arrival of spring was in Car­ gibbons, secretary; Luella Day, Weidner, Dr. Earl Dickerson, and bondale's EGYPTIAl\T. It follows : treasurer, and Bernadine Mitzdorf­ Miss Katherine Humphrey, the "The campus has a new Ke lly­ er, reporter. sponsor. green coat and. the trees hav·e de­ E'veryone was in favor of some cided to come on out and be trees entertainment to finish off the again. The annual race is on for school year with the proper flour­ We extend an !nvita ti&h to all the tf'nnis courts and already back­ ish, and it was decided that 'a wien­ yards are sprinkled with earnest er roast would be held· on tha pic­ Eastern students to take ad- ladies seeking tans, or at least, nic grounds at the next meeting Lincoln A venue shocking pink . . . cokes are win­ time . ning out over the usual coffees ... Eloise Dickerson and Marion Fitz­ vantage of the services ren· tl1e shop windows downtown have gibbons had charge of the eve­ Grocery blossomed with gay colors ...voi ces, ning's entertainment, which con­ dered by this in�titution. mostly soprano this ye ar, float by sis ted of well dir ected games, con­ at night ... those warm sweaters tests, and charades, in which the beginning to seem too warm . . . members were divided into teams, the high-schoolers and their bikes GROCERIES that competed keenly with each kicking · up envy in sophisticated other. Prizes were given to both W. E. Gossett, Prop. collegians , ..in short, at the risk the winning and losing teams for _ CHARLESTON NATIO�JAl BANK of saying s0mething that's been their efforts. said before, spring has sprung . . . and high time, too!" .-----....------=---..:s=-======..-... 'W'h en It Rains-The old. saying is : "W1hen it rains, it pours." This week's stack of exchange papers was no drizzle-it was a full- sized PROFESSIONAL CARDS storm. All in a!l, with latest r·e­ Logan's Hardware ports in, 19 school papers were used Phones : Office 126; Residence to. cull this week's releases. With 715 all statistics figured out, that euals DR. W. B. TYM J. A. OLIVER, M. D. Wilson and Goldsmith Tennis Rackets and Balls 3 full sized CHICAGO TRIBUNE'S DENTIST Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat or, if you read the CHARliESTON Golf Balls, Baseball Gloves, Balls daily COURIER, that's about 10 Second Floor Lincoln Bldg. Charleston National Bank Bldg. issues. Phones : Office 476; Residence 762 Politics-Results are coming �.n on Charleston, Ill. Many Other Items in Sporting Goods the presidential straw votes. At ---·------Iowa State Teachers College, Dewey CLINTON SWICKARD won on the fifth ballot with Bricker D. S. B� M. D. a strong contender. Wlillkie, War­ G. B. DUDLEY, M. D. Hours by Appointment r·en, Stassen, Saltinstall, and Mac­ Office Hours, : to also nominated. 1 00 6:00 Arthur were PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 1 Logan's Hardware Results from Normal are : Frank­ Jackson 604�.\, 511 lh Street lin D. Roosevelt, 39 votes ; Paul V. Sixth St. PHONE 444 North Side Square McNutt, 6; Sumner Welles, Ful­ Phones : Office, 30; Residence, 770 I bright, Dirksen, DT. Tasher, 1 Here's Your 'War' NEWS PAGE. FIVE WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1944 ------·------

A Reveal Inside Story of State PTA Reveals Hall Open House Pem Hall Notes 2nd Scholarship By Naida Bush By Elizabeth Smith Kickapoo Aristocrat ALL DOORS at Pemberton Hall EASTERN HAS received from Mrs. were thrown open on the evening Theodore Gleichman, of Moline, of Friday, May 5, to welcome the in Boston "Smile and the world smiles with Illinois, and president of the Illi­ faculty and student body of East­ you." It was a gay Tuesday, May nois Congress of Parents and ern. It was the annual event of 2 when the Rotary Club o f Char ­ $200 open house and from 7:30 p. m. un­ leston had lunch at the Hall. It is Teachers, a check for to be NOW I am back at the seat of American culture awaiting the start of til 11 :30 p. m. the halls and rooms a pleasure to entertain such a fine used as a scholarship for some a new class. But even in staid, respectable old Harvard anything can were full of guests interested in group Of gentlemen. happen to me and usually dorn. Three weeks ago I dropped in to the wor�hy student in the institution. seeing how and where the various Also on the same day the faculty veterinarian. He said I had an interesting mouth and promptly sunk a The Congress of Parents and girls have lived throughout this held a. meeting in the parlors. Tea He is still drilling· and Greer shaft. I think he has discovered radium. Teachers hopes to make it possible year at Eastern. was served. Garson will be quite perturbed. It The girls at Pemberton Hall wish for some worthy young person to took her two years. But then, some - If the doors had been opened un­ to thank all the parents, brothers, continue his or her education and thing is always cropping out in me. expectedly a few hours previous to Then the doctor told me I had Aristocrat the 11et time, it would certainly have and sisters who came to visit with to prepare for a position of leader­ been a calamity. There was them on Parents ' Day, Sunday, May empyma in my left antrum. I was never ship and responsibility. According 50 very flattered, and by the way of such a J.arge scale house cleaning 7. Approximately attended the to Mrs. Gleichman only five stipu­ complimented him on his before. The girls, with bandanas dinner after which a short program return I lations are attached to the awarding tie. Then he bluntly told me em­ on their heads and dust mops in was presented as follows : To astmis­ of the scholarship. The person tress, Elizabeth Smith ; Welcome, pyma was not good . Then bluntly their hands, were hustling here, I selected shall be of high scholastic told im what really thought o there and everywhere in frantic e f ­ Mary Lower; Responses from Mrs. h I f standing. possess sterling character, Lower tie. The next move was his and forts to complete the cleaning be­ Harry and Mr. George Fier­ his hav'e good health, be a gra l; Remarks , Dr. Robert G. duate of proceeded to move me-right in­ fore the guests arrived. For those so Buz­ he an accredited high school with a zard and Mrs. Alice co bled street ! few persons who did not feel in· W. Cotter ; to the b �arent - teacher association which is clined to wield a dust rag, saf­ Poems, Mary Eleanor Grossman ; the in Congress membership, and fin­ est thing to do was remain in Song, Dorothy Davee, accompanied EVERYTHING IN to ally, without means continue their own room ownstairs , by Oar0lyn Shores . The program be to ro un or d for Boston is p fo dly historical. I his or her education. unfortunately Fem Hall does not was concluded with group singing, thought the guide said hysterical Anna Lo uise Manvell, junior from possess any stop and go lights to Mr. George Piersol leading. Pem­ so I began screaming, too. I am Taylorville, was awarded this schol­ regulate traffic at a time such as berton Hall degrees presented to the always be ing impressed by some­ the past year . this was parents who had attended Mothers' ar.ship, for thing. Everytime I turn around, . and Fathers ' Day at the Hall for "George Washington Slept There." At last all was ready, however, four consecutive years were confer­ Or Paul Revere. Or at least their and the girls prepared to greet their Art Frat Feeds ed upon Mr. and Mrs. G. E:. Lewis, horses. From my window high visitors. Besides viewing the rooms Waggoner, Illinois and Mr. Edgar KAPPl PI, the honorary Art fra- above the bay I can lean out and on second and third floors , guests L. Smith, Metcalf, Illinois. ternity, is planning a banquet at expectorate on the famed Old Iron­ were entertained by Dr. T. H. Madi­ · We dnesday, May 10 several F'em­ the Hotel U. S. Grant in Mattoon , sides. (This caused a great amount son who accompanied by Miss Irene ites entertained faculty guests at on May 20, in honor of the Chi rusting.) But even that gets Johnson, played a number of violin of dinner. They were : Miss Mildred chapter's fifth birthday, and also tiresome. On this very spot where selections . There were also games Whiting', Mrs. K'atherine Humphrey, in honor of the five pledges who write, the first patriots witnessed such as ping pong, Chinese check­ I and Dr. and Mrs. Earl Dicker­ will then be taken into the fratern­ the Battle of Bunker Hill or maybe Ensign Eugene L. Price ers, bridge, and later, dancing. Re­ s. ...So aks up culture son. ity. the Boston Tea Party. They tell freshments for the evening con ­ The annual Pemberton Hall rec­ me that on my right is Plymouth sisted of punch and cookies served ognition dinner will be ·held May and on my left is dear old by the girls. The total number of Rock 18. Committee chairmen are : foods , Bay and Beacon Hill. What I guests who visited the Hall was Back Especially from critics . I had not Patricia Lance ; decorations , De ­ really want to know is , how do you 100, as taken from the signature intended to go but I happened to lores Jones ; entertainment. Mary to the La tin Quarter? �oklet kept by Mrs. Alice Cotter, get pass a group of chorus girls as they Eleanor Grossman. house mother of p·emberton Hall. were arriving at the theatre-and WENT TO A my mind was changed. That ENRICHED I dance \IP on Beacon Hill but did quick. Faculty Dames to Confo They Also Serve not meet any Lodges or C'abots. The only seat I could get was Maybe they do speak only God. The HELPING TO type addresses and to high in the third balcony. MISS ELIZABE'DH K. Lawson, Miss !\nyway, don't think they should wrap this week's were I woman next to me said she felt like Elizabeth Michael, and Miss Isa­ News, ie ·ashamed just because their an­ she was on the rim of the Grand the following ever - faithfuls : BREAD bel McKinney attended the state �estor came to America on some Lady, the Typing : Marion Gossett, Caro­ s Canyon. I said, "Heck, convention of the A. A. U. W. in lyn Shores, Teddy Ruhmann, Jretty out-moded ships with no Grand Oanyon is only one mile Peoria, at the Pefre Marquette Ho­ The Great Point Erma Jean Closson, Viola Huels­ nodern conveniences. deep." Well, I didn't say exactly tel, on May 5 and 6. On Friday koetter, Betty Boyd, and Joan that. Music by Rodgers and Hart night, an informal banquet was Saver DUE TO THE and some clever dialogue should Coon. Wrapping·: E:Velyn Smit­ held, and DT. Chester Sipple, head henry, Verna Lo wry, Emmett great popuJ.ation of Boston and the herald a warm reception for the of the History department at Brad­ Enriched Wh i te Bread Kjaericher, Virginia Kannmach­ narrowness of the streets, it is im­ "Yankee" stars when it opens in ley Polytechnic Institute, spoke er, Merna Fisher, Betty Jenkins , is the iossible to walk at one's chosen pace Chicago. from the historian's point o f view Mary Catherine Ryan, Mary iown the s,i dewalk. So I always The Cornell is in town with "Lov­ on the topic of the evening, "Win­ Nutritious Mainstay Jean Warren, and Mary Ashby. ;ake a subway from one block to ers and Friends" but I was too tired ning the Peace." Dr. Esther Cole of Every Meal ;he next. There are elevated trnins to suffer with her for two hours. So Franklin, associate in social studies I skipped. md subways running in all direc­ at National Hea,dquarters of the A. Ask For .ion for all places. I usually make SAY, HOW A. W. in Washington, D. C., spoke s U. ' 1 mad dash for a sub hoping it is do you think I would do as a drama on the topic, "Winning the P"eace," Keith s Enriched :oing my way. I figure that if one critic? How ·about my doing a post­ as an authority on social studies . Bread s lost to start with, one can't get war column in place of the old BREEN'S my more lost. Try a I may, I "Kickapoo Aristocrat." We could s See the beautiful line of hand­ :an never refrain from showing call it "Bringing Broadway to Col­ made Indian bracelets and rings, leep emotion when I do manage seybur." Or do you think that would set with genuine turquoise matrix KEITH'S o arrive at the right destination. drive readers away? Well, never BARBER SHOP stones. at P. Coon's, The Depend­ mind. C. able Jeweler, 408 Sixth St. THE STATES UP Maybe I should join the boys now BAKERY for a little military drill. Though iere in New England are so small do feel a trifle indisposed. Or is t would be an easy feat to step on I CHARLESTON, ILLINOIS that the right word? Linder Bldg . wrong sub and end up in Maine PHONE .he Welcome College 414 The iris are blooming in Picardy, >efore I could get off. I have al­ ELP'. v·ays wanted to see Maine, anyway. Students to :t is such an attractive shade of SNAPPY ·e:l on the map ! New 'Dotter' at Dvoraks SERVICE INN Made from Fresh Oranges WORD HAS reached the that I HAVE BEEN f[ew1; 6th and Lt. and Mrs. Leo Dvorak are the Jackson St. Icing the theatre pretty regularly. parents Of a baby girl, Marilyn ,ast Saturday I watched Vera Zor­ Katherine, born May 3 in Houston, MEADOW GOLD ORANGE BEVERAGE na "Dream With Music" for two­ 1 Oc Hamburgers Texas. Dvorak, head of East· md-one-half hours. When Zorina 'Lt. Drink it every day--lt starts the day off right ! ern's Music department, is on leave ilayed Zorina in the first scene CHILI Provide Vitamin Better Health for army service at EJlington Field, Oranges C-For :he was pretty bad, but when she Open 6:00 A. A. Te xas. M. to 12 :00 M. !reamed herself into Sheherazade, hen she had something. The set­ .ings, costumes, and dances would Meadow Gold Dairy mt any edition of "Arabian Nights " PHONE 7 o shame. However, Dorothy Kill­ igen, who authored the musical, hould be made to sit out front each iight and listen to some of the dia­ ogue she is trying pass off Ideal Bakery to on a :rusting public. But then I went to :ee Zorina and I was well reward­ North Side Square �d. Sporting Goods· Razor Blades

LAST NIGHT [ took in "Connecticut Yankee" KITCHEN WARE - G. E. LIGHT BULBS .vhich has been reincarnated and nusicalized again. It hasn't been For the Best in receiving any rave notices but has CUTLERY - DISH ES ieen selling out at the box office. Which is proof enough that you DRY CLEANING can't believe everything you read. LEATHER GOODS - PAINTS & GLASS Call 404 Holmes Barber Shop Southwest Corner of Frommel Hardware the Square Charleston Cleaners SOUTH THE BEST B Y R 0 N B. M I L L E R 610 Sixth Street SIDE SQUARE PHONE 492 ------He IW,EDNESDAY, MAY 17, PAGE SIX re's Your 'War' NEWS1------

Music Department Tops English Honorary Seniors of T. C. High Discover Off Season's Tours Varsity Scores at Initiates Four That 'The' is ON WEDNESDAY, May 10, the Season Here Again Mixen Ensemble from Eastern's UPSILON GAMMA chapter Of Mattoon Banquet Music Department made the last Sigma Tau Delta, the honorary THE MEMBERS of the Pant] 'And Came the Spring' of the series of tours through East­ English fraternity, increased its basketball team and their Shows Tomorrow at 8 ern Illinois, pres2nting 1musical ranks by t.he initiation of four new gi Around pr cgrams at several high schools . members, .following their banquet met for a dinner Monday ever By Ruth Breen This group, together with t.he Ce­ last Friday night . April Z'9 , at the Hotel U. S. G Certainly ... the cilian Ensemble, has visit·ed most SPRING V&CATION ! - The dinner was attractively serv­ in Mattoon sponsored by the Vai 1all student understand the full of the schools in this area, at one s ed at the home of Mrs. Taylor on Club. meaning of these magic words-and time or another, this spring. S'outh Ninth street, the table being Following the dinner a short most parents llave their own ideas Locker Room On We dnesday the Mixed Ensem­ decorated according to the frater­ gram was provided with Dr. · concerning these few days of revel­ ble presented programs at Arcola , nity colors, vermilion and black, By Don Mead liam H. Zeigel serving as toastr ry. If you are a member of an av ­ Tuscola, Atwood, Sullivan, and with a bouquet of red roses in a ter. erage American family, you may see Mattoon. Mr. Heller, Dean of the black vase, and red candles in black is Those present were yourself portrayed tomorrow THE WAY to influence people College, Mr. Madison, head of the candle holders. Cap Charles McCord, Bernard (Thursday) night, May 18, 8:00 not by charming personality . It Music Dept., and Mr. Donald E. Hai at four people initiated Th� in the Andrew Su llivan, Gene p. m., by the senior class of is not by using P'epsodent and flash­ Johnson, Director of t.he Ensemble, Rani TC ceremonies that imp;·essive followed Donald Mead, Darrell Rosaro High school in their presentation of ing a winning smile . It is not by accompanied the group. Members wer·2 Betty Boyd, ,Luella Day, Doris John Walters, Robert Wrenn, "And Came the Spring", a gay play using Camay, but by owning an au­ of the ensemb].e are Thelma White­ A Donaldson, and Teddy Ruhmann. Cook, Lyle Knott, and Walter concerning this hectic week of tomobile. leather, Mary June :Bland, Joan V The o� der members in charge of moth. .Spring in thE> lives of the Hartmans. Coon, Pollyanna Peterson, Eliza­ Upon having accumulated a good­ the initiation were Marie Dickson, al begins when Midge, the beth Craig, John Walters, Ferrel Geneva Weidner, Betty It l ly supply of academic characters Jean Henderscn, Rosemary l'T ico­ Ha:i Atkins, George Tade and George F].orence Nelson, Margaret Hubb youngest member of the Hartman merely by circling the campus slow­ son, and Kathryn Dively, the pr,esi­ Briggs. This group tog,ether with Mary Ashby, Mary Jean family, played by Marjorie Tefft, ly with our blue eyes sparkling and dent, who pnsented a rose to each Wai the Cecilian Ensemble will con­ Bina Jo Refine, Mildred Allen, finds herself in love for the first our tires with tread showing very one there, and gave the four their < clude this season's work with a olyn Shores, Barbara Ringo. time with lier older sister's, (Vir­ pronounced upon the wheel that membership cards. The others pres­ program to be presented as part ginia, as enacted by Barbara Ringo) , does not squeak, we reach this de­ ent were Miss Isabel McKinney, Faculty guests present were P of t.h e Baccalaureate and Com­ boyfriend, Buzz Lindsay, Robert cision, th e sponsor, Miss IW!innie '.Davis ident and Mrs. R. G. Buzzard. :C Buzzard. Mr. 1and Mrs. Hartman, mencement exercises. Neely, and Mr. Donald and Mrs . Hobart F. Heller, But merely owning a car is not Jo.hnson. :C portrayed by Kenton Wibking and enough to compensate for the train­ and Mrs. Harold M. Cavins, Dr. 1 Marianne Bower, find themselves ing it takes to develop the most hat MENTION in your let­ liam Zeige l, Dr. and Mrs. t EASTERN Count your books and give the C. further bewildered and even anger­ can be wrought from the use of one . ter. Your friends in .the service Lantz, and Dr . and Mrs. Donalc books that count. ed when the plot begins to involve There is time and technique in­ want :;a hear 1about 1t11eir school. Alter. them in the rivalry of the annual volved in the procedure. flower show with their ne ighbors, This methoa couJO termed as Mr. and Mr s. Fields, played by Pat be a combination between a series of Mason and Jack Cross. With the taxi services, business excursions, help of her two little friends, Gabbie and testing one, two three. Allen, Barbara Winkleblack, and From Ma or General Aurand , j There always a series o f "runs" Freddy North, Frank Mcintosh, is too . For instance the noon hour is Midge further complicates things usually taken up with the practice when sr,e gets mixed up in the ro­ of jacking up the corpuscles with mances of Virginia's sophisticated the proper vitamins. This involves house gu est, Carrolyn Webster, en­ the way of taking off for town with acted by Dola Joyce and to the women of Whitworth Ye Olde Ed head ed for Tenth street Keith Nolan, Frank Cox. Elliot and "Roberts Roost''. with the pause Hartman , Wayne Williams, an as­ that refreshes on th e way for the spiring young novelist, emerges from Wit of Watson's Wallow to depart. his solitude during the ensuing af­ We zo om up town to the Soup fairs. However, by the end of the Sanctuary noting all the time the Eastern Teachers College play, Midge, who has caused it all, direct influence that 1a ride has on manages to set the situation right the people. W·henever the days are in a very amusing and heart warm­ rainy and cloudy, their hopes and ing manner. Also contributing to spirits sag. Their moods are know how close the war has come to you . the spirit of t he play, is the love af­ I grouchy, their souls are weary, and fair of the Hartman's cook and temperament is slightly on the spicy gardener, Nadine Petty and Bob The young c o l l e g e women of America unde rst and the origins side. At the sight of four tires and Blackford. Alan Fields, as played refuge from the storm, their spirit of this w a r and the vicious nature of the enemy . Mo re by Bob Cook, is the neighbor boy. changes completely. Their dim­ Christine Myers, the healthy, ath­ than ttat , you ur.de rstar.d what sacrifice is demanded to ples becom e very pron ounced and letic cheer leade!" iS played by Mary their step becomes springy. There win the �ar. You have watched c o l l ege c l asses Moore. Louis Wollerman as the is a glow about their entire person­ messenger boy also aids in moving 'wi r.dle 2s rr ore 2r.d rrore �oung rren were needed to ality not present here-to-for. On the plot along. fight . It is i n o r nt to you, i t is irrrortant to all the return trip we proceed slowly r ta Tickets are on sale from any back campusward. Scooping up our member of the senior class or may Airerica Uat Hcse rren return as qu ickly as possible . imagination and courage we pause be purchased at the door. The price at the House of Sigma Tau where is 33c plus 7c tax. When I t e ll you that you r eater minds skillful hands the Business Manager takes his and adieu for the day and bids us fond can do sorrething real atout sre eding the soldiers ' Chamberlain Beg ins farewell. We depart sorrowfully as victorious return , I know you will take the opportunity. fond memories linger in the pres­ WASPS Training ence of his company. Then we re­ Yes , those o d i e r s need your help . The Army needs flect back to the days when Herbie s l MARGARET Chamberlain, MISS Walsh was winning friends and in­ your contribution to i t s u ll fighti n strength . former Eastern student, has re­ f g fluencing people, too with the old ported to Avenger Field for train­ familiar "white wreck." But we ing with Glass 44-W-9 of the wom­ Henry S. Au rand grlp ourselves and move onward en's air force service pilots. Upon to classes. Maj or nera l , S. Army completion of her pilot training at Ge U. Owning an automobile is very ex­ Avenger, she will assigned to a 6th Service Command , Commanding . .be pensive, but you meet the nicest non-combat flying job with the U . people that way. They smile, we air forces . S. smile, everyone smiles-we are all Avenger Field is the AAF Train­ happy. Morale : Some one should about place in the ing Command's only flying school Find out today your shoot Hitler so we can have nice Women's Army Corps. Learn how you canuse for wo men's airforce service pilots Special deferment now shiny new cars that RUN ; then ev­ (WASP'S) who ferry planes from your background, your aptitude in one of eryone would be full of personality 239 offered college women! factory to field and perform other and happy. vital Army jobs. non-combat pilot d uties. If you want to finishyour college semester Trainees must have 35 hours of Clip the coupon below, and mail it at once. before starting your Army career, you certified flying time, pass the rigid Art Exhibit Features You will te sent an intnesting illustrated can e1+st in the WAC now and arrange "64" (aviation cadet) physical ' to be called to active duty later-any booklet explaining the opportunities the WA C examination, stand at least 621h Work ot Former Studes time within the next 4 montr.s. offers you-the valuable experience the Army inches tau, possess a high school You must be at least years THE display case in the main 20 old education or its equivalent, and be IN gives you, the deep satisfaction you'll feel in before joining the WA C. corridor is one of the most unique between the ages of 181h and 35 helping to speed America's victory. and fascinating art exhibitions years to be eligible for WASP that .l'lave been displayed this year, training. not only because of the pictures, After eight months from primary but also from the fact that they to advanced at Avenger, WASP represent the work of two former trainees receive their wings which Art majors of Eastern who are now THE NEEDS WACS .•. bear the lozenge or diamond shape ARMI/ in the service. to denote women flyers, and are Dario Covi gives his angle of the ready for active duty. life in the army in his two pencil drawings, "Living Out of Barracks Carlock Commissioned Bags" and "Hour of Charm," to THE lfll/C NEEDS YOU! whic.h he adds some lithographic WOMEN'S ARMY CORPS CHARLES William Car- ENSIGN drawings of several views of Yo­ lock, of Riamsey, graduated with semite, made during a furlough ------the Naval Reserve Officer Indoc­ � -·------·------·----- · · · · ··· s there, that well express the beauty t trina ion School at Tucson, Arizona , of the park, and are quite different 12, U. 5. ARMY RECRUITING STATION January 1944. from the usual pictures of the 166 'West Van Buren Street Carlock attended E'astern, receiv­ place, since they are winter scenes. Chicago 4, Illinois ing the degree of bachelo r of edu­ John V9ight seems to be much cation in industrial arts. He taught impressed by the Texas landscape, I should like complete information about the WAC. industrial arts at Durham, N. C., which he brings out in his paint­ for three, years. ings of cacti, mesquite hills, and He is the son of Mr. 1and Mrs. even some long-horned cattle to Address·------Chris Garlock, and is married to the complete the Western atmosphere. former Geneva England. They have Lt. Voight is stationed at Camp City ______Ag•-- one daughter, Beverly Ann, three­ Barkley, Texas, and Dario has r'e ­ State Phone Number and-a-half years old. He had be en cently returned to the \Middle West, ______in service since November 15, 1943. being in Missouri. � ------· ··------· ······ ······ PAGE MAY 17, 1944 Here's Your 'War' NEWS,------SEVEN "Battle Training" Fa miliar Line: "Ain't It A Small World?" EAST�RN ... NELSON LO\VRY writes, "Last. dents last · nig.ht. I certainly is a night I was walking through the small world. I really enjoyed 211 evening talking about 'our' schcol. barracks and stumbled over a news­ tn the It brought back several fond mem­ papsr in the middle of the floor. ories of what seems to be just a I looked down and it caught my dream. Life here is rather a mat­ S�RVIC� eye-'The College News from Elast­ ter of routin&. Seven hours or ern'-I naturally wondered who it school each day. For the most part belonged to and started an inquiry. PIRST LT. James W. Coleman is it is very easy. I hadn't received it the last two personnel officer for the signal "!Lowry suggested we write to­ t Oral Ta y/or Writes weEks so I knew it couldn't be my unit hat furnishes communication gether from our "office" on our copy. The owner was Roy Shep­ for General MacArthur's and other footlocker in the same barracks. pard. We enjoyed t.he rest of the I important headquarters in the From South Pacific hear regularly from Dale Williams Pacific Area. At present evening· talking about Eastern. Scu&hwest DEAR EDITOR: and Frcsty Liston. Beryl Le Oount, he is stationed at the base where "I am in the Signal Center Clerk who was with me at U., is in I believe this letter is a bit over­ L. S. maintains his s�ho:l. I finishEd the six weeks General MacArthur L. e Engineers at Camp Claiborne. due. Letter from tl� e form basic six weeks ago. I understand advanced headquarters, and it is s EI in La. News the responsibility of his unit to of the have been arriving not t'.:e number of men at Eastern is "I find Missouri weather not as furnish fast, reliable radio, tele­ too infrequently, and I believe I last small. That is what my sister, nice as Louisiana. but it's closer phone and telegraph communication wrote you around homecoming time . V:rna, writes me. heme and I have dreams of a fur­ News from the nerve center to every cor­ The last i.ssue of the that I "We are having w onderful weath­ lough somic day." Sincerely, Roy ner of the largest war theatre in have received was the February 9, er hore. It is really warm tonight. Sheppard. 36653010, Co. D, 29th Sig. which American troops are fighting. issue. It was ab out 60 days old, but Most of t.he boys in this company Trn. Bn., A. 8. F. T. C., Camp even that is good time for most of came here for Sgt. William Dale Haworth, Bty. schooling frcm va­ Crowder, Mo. these Pacific lo cations. The Christ­ A., 376th POCHT F. A. Bn., A. P. rious colleges-the ASTP-I enjoy mas issue of the Commer·ce dep.art­ livin5 O. 469, care Postmaster, New York, with the group. For me it ment·s "Bits From Business." came New York. Ensign Forest Wayne is much more pleasant than being TC H i g h Honors Seniors in the same mail with the News., wi Neal, N. T. S. (Adn.) Fort Schuyler, 'h a group that have just been The and being a Commerce major I g:it drafted. Th = complaints about Bronx, Ne w York, New York. the SATURDAY, MAY 6, marked an- full enjoyment from it, too. Army life a re not nearly Pvt. Harold Fildcs (36784700) , Co. so numer­ other Junior-Senior banquet for Bn. 65th Regc., I. R. T. A hint has reached me about ous here. D., 210 C., TC High school with 'Louise a some hard luck experienced by th2 C mp Blanding, Flodira, "I wish to After being· conditioned by four "One cf the subjects t::i at is going Schneider ac ting as toastmistr-ess thank you for the copies of the bask·e tball .squad. Through so much years of Chapel announcements, to prove valuable is typing. I have at the dinner which began at 6:30 Ealitern News you have sent me . I the season, they wer·e riding high, of Seniors prepare to leave. never learned but I am now. Some p. m. enjoyed them very much. Many and things looked quite favorable follows do try. They all teach from A recording dance was held aft­ names of those in the service are for a re·cord season for the years a prepared outline. erwards in the old auditorium. A familiar to me that I saw in the since I entered as a freshman in "After we've co mpleted the eight huge red, white and blue shield service column. I am scheduled to 1936. hav·en't re�eived an issue of Jack and 'Tommy' Ke r:;h I weeks of school we will probably mHked the ·E ntrance of the dance my 17 week's basic training the News. dated late enough to ex­ finish Greet Former Chums spend three weeks out in the field floor with the Statue cf Liberty in here June 3, then I'll have ·a ten day plain what happened, and I don't putting into practice scme of the anot':':er cornEr. Decorations were Ieav'e before transferring to an­ know just where we stood in the "HELLO ALL-I see you took the things we've been taught." - Pvt. of patriotic nature which corre­ other final standings. Medalist again. Takes more than camp. I look forward to the Nelson L. Lowry 3690094, Co. D, 29 sponded to a patriotic theme. Along· time I can return to Eastern a war keep the best college pa­ when We have been over a s'.zeable to Sig. Trg. Bn., Camp Crowder, Mo. wi h t.':: e honor rel! of all TC grad­ some more work there to­ per in the country down, doesn't it? and do part of the warmer waters of the Roy Sheppard writes in the same uates now in service, there were ward my degree." I know I was mighty proud to have Pacific since you last heard from lo'.ter : "To my great surprise I starts hanging· from the ceiling to a finger in it in the days Sgt. Joe Edward Rodden, 1908 me. Cargo ship schedules are such past­ met one of Eastern·s former stu- represent each one of those boys. and it really doe Jack and I good Beverly Drive, Wichita Falls , Texas. that a major portion are kept out s read it now that we're gone. Lucien Wayne Cox, S. 1-C, Barracks or the actual fireworks of the fi5ht­ to I c n a�sure you we really digest ev­ 3G2 L. P.. Section B-4--38, Service ing-, but we have been close on the a ery word in it. School, U. S. N. T. S., Great Lakes, heels of much of it. We have seen "We really enjoyed our visit at Illinois. Pfc. Jack Kersch, 16153389, land wh!le it was being held by Jap­ school-wish it could have been 424th Inf., A. P. 443, Oamp anese forces. As far as I know, it .a WILL ROGERS ·----- Co.G, 0. heck of a lot longer . The kids there Atterbury, Indiana. is still in their hands . Two of the hardest may think it's pretty dead now, but Clyde Mil e , C. S. P. (A) , battles of our Pacific war WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY- MAY 16- 1 7 Kermit l r I mean it really looks wonderful were fought hand-to -hand on Is ­ U. S. N. R., Athletic Department, lands to which when you've been 'away even for a Naval Air Technical Training Cen­ we have gone. On one of them, enemy little while. Jack and I will both ter, Jacksonville, Florida, "I am now dead are still beini buried. be mighty glad to get back as soon Chief Petty Officer (athletic spe­ a as Colseybur declares an armistice. cialist) and attached to the Ath­ On this cruise, my first, we cross ­ "For the News readers who might HIGHER AND HIGHER Department at N. A. T. T . C. ed both the Equator and the Inter­ letic be interested, and for the Public our primary aim to keep the national Date line. The equator It is Relations Office, Jack's address is : Michele MORGAN-Jack HALEY boys in the service school here phy­ crossing was filled with plenty of P'fc. Jack Kersch, 16153389, Co. sically fit. The athletic program excitement. We pollywogs were G, 424th Inf., A. P . 0. 443, Camp At­ is divided up into several phases as : truly initiated into the kingdom of Frank SINATRA terbury, Indiana. boxing, judo, wrestling, basketball, Neptunus Rex by the crew members "I'm living in Columbus, Indiana, soccer, speedball, swimming, cross who had previously crossed. And near his camp, and it's mighty swell country, and football. am in believe me, in comparison, the fresh ­ I to be here. Hope it lasts for a while. FRiDAY-SATURDAY- MAY 19-20 charge of the football phase. men at Eastern have never yet had I We're a couple of many who really enj y working with the boys very an initiation. o enjoy 'keeping up with EI' through Women with Wings! much, and there is never a dull I guess I need not explain how the News.. It really means a lot­ moment because there is always a News much the is appreciated. Most and thanks for it ! few th at are very 'salty'." Loretta YOU NG of the student names are unfamil­ Sincerely, Jack and "Tommy" Pepple, 36774711, Co. Pvt. Howard iar to me now, but it is all about Ke re ch. C, 285 Combat Eng. Bn., Camp Eastern and is interesting. All the Crowder, M!ssouri. Pvt. Jack L. activities that have keep Eastern in Sensintaffar, 1275 Eng. C Bn., Camp the I1melight in the nation's col­ Gruber, Oklahoma. Pfc. David KING BROS Wil­ leges aren't being ·less ably done now LADIES COURAGEOUS SCU-3663, U. of Illinois , Chi­ bur, than in the past. Of course, I would cago, Illinois . Jacob Ousley, R. M . rather listen to some of you tell­ Gifts 1-C, U. S. Nav'al Monitor Station, ing· me about it ; but the News. is a Magazines SUN DAY & MON DAY- MAY 21-22 Georgetown i::tation, Seattle, Wash­ good substitute, and I'll be looking ington. Leland Fred Chaney, A. S., forward to receiving each copy. Newspapers Navy, Co. 957, U. S. N. T. Great c., Sincerely, Oral N. Taylor, SK2c, L1kes, Illinois. USNR, ui::s Alio th (AK-109) care John Keith Reed writes from Fleet Post Office, San Francisco, Buckley Field, Denver, Colorado, Calif. For your Refresh m e n t "I want to thank you for sending !!. me the good old EI News. It is or Home Made really good to read news about Canpies visit the many of the fe llows I knew at T RY IT .... Eastern and to know where they all are. I have six more weeks to YOU'LL LI KE IT gn here and then I'll be a full fled­ Corner ged Air Corps Armorer as I gradu­ ·ate from the Technical School here." His address is P'vt. John K . Reed, Confectionery � ASN 36693845, Sec. H. Bks. C519, GREEN'S Buckley Field, Denver 8, Colorado. Always Welcome Waddell, ASV7, U. S. N. � R. C. R. Midshipmen's School, 910 A John­ son Hall, New York 27, N. Y. Cpl. HOME MADE Robert Shields, 36361080, Headquar­ ters Company, Service Command, A. P. 0. 709, Care Postmaster, San Francis8o, California. ICE CREAM FLOWERS Attends Sta te PT A for Al I Occasions Just 4 Doors South of DR. HANS 0. Olsen as Sc'iool Ed - ucation Chairman of the Illinois Square on Sixth St. Congress of Par·ents and Teachers, attended and participated in a I-I ELM'S P.-T. A. School of Instruction at GrEenup on May 9 for Crawford, Coles, Jasper, Clark, and Cumber­ Let Us Take Flower Shop land counties. He addressed t.he PHONE 39 conference on the topic, "The Fu­ Yo�r Application Will Rogers Bldg. ture of Our Public Schools" and also led a panel discussion en P. Pictu res Flowers by Wire Anywhere T. A. Program Making. In Chicago on May 11, Dr. Olsen In Any Event attended a meeting of Executive RYAN STU DIO Committee of Illinois Congress of Wire Flowers Phone 598 South Side Square Parents and T·e achers. PAGE EIGHT ------Here's Your 'War' NEWS ------1WEDNESDAY, MAY 17, 1

Musicians List Senior T Pem Hall, Perpetual Enigma, Childhood Educators Students Vote od ay Recital for S und ay Important Close Year's Work On Offices THE MUSIC department will pre- Intrigues Roving News Reporter Continued from Page One Eent Miss Pollyanna Petersen and ACE CLOSED a year of active work Student George Briggs in a joint recital, on Publications Boa,rd-Hen­ in field ei.2mentary edu­ Cats, Dogs, Mice, Sunday afternoon, May 21, at 4: 15 the cf ry Buzzard, Walter Warmouth, Mar­ cation on May 9 by holding a wiener Cokes, Ice, etc. Commerce Majors Edit p. m. Both students are senior tha Jean Tym, Luella Day, Made· music students and expect to enter roast on the south campus picnic F r line Sluder, and Virginia Christian By Staff Reporter 'Bits o m Bus iness' the teaching field next fall. Miss grounds. After they had done full President of Women's League - THIS IS a story of P'em Hall, that Petersen i from Ramsey, and has o THE< SPRING issue of "Bits From s justice to the f od, they partici­ Virginia Borders, Jean majored in voice ; Mr. Briggs from Mary War­ Holstery of Pulchritude, w,here Business", the commerce club is pated in various games, relay races, . ren, and Willa Ma·e Strotman. Grossman puts the cat out and newspaper, was published on Wed­ Charleston and is a piano major charades, and g.e neral conversa­ Shores embraces the Ouija Board, nesday, May 10. Copies were sent The recital will be held in the main tion. Miss IL '.. is Johnson and Miss Women's League Council - Two where Ruhmann writes poetry 0-nd auditorium of the college : w;Il Fleming of the Training School free to former club members who there members will be chosen from eacti Sc-ruggs keeps the girls amused. be no admission charge. faculty were also present at the are now serving in the armed for­ of the freshman, sophomore The complete program as fol­ me::ting. and Pem Hall is pretty much the ces. is junior classes. Freshman Class lows : At the end of t.he meeting the same these days, minus the endless The theme of the cover page was Lillian Lee ; Sophomore Variations Upon Class-Mar line of males and minus the a Hungarian pres·: n ted Miss Elizabeth 7:30 eagles carrying streamers, with the group Cath�rine Ryan, Helen Harringto orchids and the roadsters. Not that Theme-Johannes Brahms - Mr. with a gift as a token of names of men and women who fly, Bru2ener Viola Huelskoetter, Eleanor Rochat the gals don't make out pretty well, Briggs. !heir appreciation for her excel­ that represented the departments and Bertha Meyers. Junior Class­ not that they really don't get or­ She Never Told Her Love-Franz lent leadership throughout the past "flying eagles. " Mary Eleanor Grossman, Marion Joseph Haydn ; Thou Art, My De ar year. The office holders for next chids now and then, but just that Gossett, Norma Dennis, Anna This magazine is read by hun­ LouisE the light bill has gone up, and 523 Beloved - Christolph Willibald year will be Dorothy Smith, presi­ dreds of fo rmer students who are Manuell, and Arrah Jean Workman isn't quite so busy as it used to be . Gluck ; Blow, Blow Thou "N int•er dent ; Alice 'B elle Dague, secretary, teaching, holding government posi­ Union-Andre Wind-Dr. Thomas A. Arne-Mi.ss Barbari\ Chamberlain, treas President of Men's Hall didn't and ­ Time was when Pem tions, or in the armed forces. Those Sullivan. Petersen. urer. ke home, back look quite so much li commerce students overseas write Nocturne, in minor-Frederic Vice President of Men's Union­ Buzzard looked C in those days Dr . back that "Bits From Business" Chopin ; Polonaise in Lyle Knott. that a C minor - the place over and decided brings them more concentrated and Frederic Chopin-Mr. Briggs. Juniors, Faculty Nome men anc were in order, not Stutlent Council-Two few improvements specific news of former students Know'st Thou The Land two women with fraternity 01 interior decora­ - Am­ no in personnel but in and friends than any other one pub­ Marshol ls, Aides broise Thomas ; Sing, Smile, Slum­ sorority affiliations are to tion . Shortly there will be no splin­ be ch.as· lication. ber-Charles the Gounod; Ah, Love But Co 1tinued from Page One en. Men - George Magers, anc ters in the dainty feet, and The Commerce Club sponsors the a Day-Mrs . H. A. Bea·ch ; Bails, Charles O'Neal. vV omen long hallways (t hey are long) will H. The chosen as head Aide, was fn ­ - Irmi publication of eaich issue and this Time for Making Songs-James since Houl t, Hetty Boyd, Merna Fischer "shower-proof." Time was, we H. eligible she ranks as a gr ad­ be year it was edited by the following Rogers-Miss Petersen. uating senior. Mae Homann. just to indicate that Pem Hall Thelma Whiteleath­ and say, staff under the direction of Dr. Earl m Lotus Land-Cyril Scott ; Clair de er, a music major :a history, and if the gals are specializing in has Dickerson. E'dit-0r-in-chief, s. Bona lune-Claude Debussy ; Ritual Fire voice and piano the mood, they can recall days be­ was then made Gene Moyer ; editors, Wanda Nico­ Dance-Manuel de Falla ; Praelud­ Head Ride. The fore rationing. others are : Mary son, Elizabeth Smith, Mary Ashby, ium (First Modern Suitel-Edward Eleanor Grossman, o f Sigma Still the Same· Mary Loivingston, Willa Lane, Tri Don­ MacDowell-Mr. Briggs. sorority, president out and they still of the student They still check ald Mead, Jennie Goldsmith ; re­ council and a matter of formality) , major in Elementary FOR THE BEST check in (a i:;orters : Mary Beth Petitt ; Wino la Education birthday par­ ; Madeline Sluder, spe­ and t hey still give Thomas, Viola Huelskcetter, Henry Theresa Driscoll Hug hes cializing in welcome with coy Home Economics and 'a ties, and they still Buzzard, Maxine Myers, M1ary Ean­ Dies at Local H os p i t l member of ty. Yes, Pem Hall a Delta Sigma E.psilon, and reserve the facul dra Schmidt, James Handwerk, Joan editor of Spring the ame, but some­ Warbl Joan King, is pretty much the s Coon, Betty Boyd, Leona Henschen, MRS. THERESA Driscoll Hughes, er; presi There are still dent of Delta Sigma Ep silon how it is different. Alice Sheets, Geneva Weidner. 26, wife of E'dward H. Hughes, Ma­ sorority with Latin as her major, week-end guests, and the f udge kit­ chinist's Mate Second Cla.ss, now Service The staff has been highly com­ and Virginia Borders, chen still produces heat. When stationed at Norfolk, Va., died Sun­ Commerce mended for their efforts in making itors and member of Pi Omega. there is "open house," the vis day morning about 11: 15 in the major this spring's issue possible . the Pi. see just about everything but Charleston hospital, following the Hall NEWELL'S showers. On dress parade Pem birth of a son. riety . is a model of charm and prop Mrs. Hughes was born norbh of SERVI CE STATION ! At other times, well, we're not quite which Miss Cotter will neither con­ town on December 21, 1917, the that Miss Cot ­ firm nor deny. As late as Friday so sure. We suspect daughter of Mrs . John Driscoll and Air Mail S ta tionery Open Sunday 8 a. m. to the fact that last we were still hearing tall tales the late ter will vouoh for Mr. Driscoll. She received 7 p. m. while the girls are nice, most of the about the icebox. We are sure evil her education in the schools of BOB Hill'S South Side of Lincoln Street angels still reside in heaven. Yet, is only as evil thinks, at least in Charleston and at E ast.ern . Fol­ AT TENTH Pem Hall is different. this respect. Maybe i10 one has lowing her graduation, she taught South Side of the Square A casual observer these days would oalled the Fire Department of late, in the schools of Saginaw, Mich., for be impressed by the photographic ·1d maybe the night watchman has two years and at Grosse Fo int, . displays, all in uniform, of course nothing to think about. Charles­ Mich., for two years before her In fact, we would go so far as to ton's huge police force can rest in marriage . i:he was united in mar­ say that the "choice" accommoda­ peace . Fem Hall basks not long in riage to Ed ward F. Hughes, a m em­ boy tions are cluttered up with glories of the past. ber Of the United States navy in For all those Exciting friends and brothers . Such senti­ The eastern exposures catch the June 1943. He was stationed at De­ ment is touching. Next to the uni­ moon, and mooning there is , taking troit., Mich., before being transfer­ form facsmilies, "cuddle dolls" are the gals to places where the fight­ red to his present location at Nor­ evidence, pandas, teddy folk, Va. Mrs. Social Affairs most in ing is thickest, or where the ser­ Hughes returned to this bears, or what have you. All geants are toughest. Here's the ro ­ Charleston about two months ago and heaven, just waiting for the !llance of dreams. from Vriginia. That. Close the School Ye\Jr ome to life. T he radios photos to c One more thought and we leave NEW FORMALS - SMART AFTERNOON The records wear out run longer. the gals to their pleasure . Spam bet a barrel of foun­ sooner. We'll us this one remark : "What man is FROCKS and SPO RTSWEAR pen ink doesn't last more than tain so smart that he thinks he knows CLIVE DICK OF ALL TYPES it goes without say­ :a week. And enough to write-up Pem Hall?" ing that the item of postage is tre­ We'll admit that there are things PLUMBING AND HEATING Of Course1 Suitable Accessories Also mendous. , we don't know, but the News. box K'e·ep e Bu es Post Offic in sin s is always open for contributions, a Sheet For the mailman they live-Net- Plumbing, He ting and and you can always reach us on the Work tie Hill, especially. Metal phone . Dress - Well Shops National advertisers are the heav­ Yes, Pem Hall is grand, even in iest investors in P'em Hall. All TELEPHONE Store Ahead wartimes. 295 The placards which aren't nailed down find their way to the privacy of MENTION EASTERN in your let­ floor two and three. Name your · / ter. Your friends •in the servi·ce slogan, and you'll find it on the wall want hear ,about 1t:heir school . of some room. You wouldn't expect to to find pin-up girls, and you don't. Have a Coca-Cola =Kia Ora In this respect, for sheer excel­ (GOOD LUCK) lence of artistic adornment, the frat houses, though empty, leave Pem NEW SMART Hall out of the running. But the SUMMER DRESSES gal have a touch, and all in all, s In and 2-Pc. Pem Hall has touching ways. I Bembergs, Light Ground Had not the faculty taken over the Hall for faculty meetings, we Jerseys, Linens, and other suspect that some of the choice di­ washables, all from reliable vans would last for the duration and highly recommended and maybe during reconstruction. firms. But lonely girls on lonesome week­ Peasant Blouses and Cot­ ends don't sit. They prowl, just like ton Dirndls now in stock. a panther looking for prey. If Pem A'.l Spring Suits and Coats Hall is different, it is at those Greatly Reduced times when too many femmes are all dre�sed up and no place to go. Don't mistake the gals for victims of Ethyl's amnesia. They are in full control of their minds, :and they can still sing, and they can still dance, and Shop they do. Tel. 451 505 Seventh St. There are rumors of horseplay, ••• or

u Kia ora, says the New Zealander to wish you well. Ha ve a "Coke .. u is the way the Yank says it and he's made a friend.It says u CO-OPERATION IS NOT A SENTIMENT Welcome � neighbor from Auckland to Albuquerque, 'Round the globe, ,. Coca-Cola stands for the pause that refreshes, -has become the ,. It is an economic necessity, and that means � buy more War Bonds. high-sign between friendly-minded people. So, of course, Q Coca-Cola belongs in your icebox at home. It's natural forpopular name9

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