Belleville Congregational Church An Open and Affirming Congregation of the United Church of Christ MISSION OF BELLEVILLE CHURCH Centered in the inclusive love of Jesus Christ, we seek to be a welcoming, affirming, and healing congregation. Led by the Holy Spirit, we are inspired to grow and be renewed through our sharing of our gifts. Strengthened by God’s love and guidance, we strive to serve with compassion those in need, both near and far. Please join us for worship, Sunday, September 1st at 10am in the Fiske Chapel. Rev. Ross Varney leads worship. Children experience a mixture of worship with family and classroom time. Refreshments and fellowship follow after the service. Whoever you are, wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here! Visit our website at Our e-mail address
[email protected] 1 Contents Calendar 3 Pancake Breakfast – Sunday school registration 4 Men’s Fellowship Dinner – Women’s Coffee & Conversation 5 Happy Birthday 6 Adult & Youth Choir 7 Thrift Shop – Board of Worship & Education 8 Ken Medema Concert & Fund 9 Roots Concert with Barrence Whitfield 10 Newburyport Choral Society 11 Chair Yoga & Easy Tai Chi 12 Ushers & Scripture readers 13 Coffee hour 14 2 Contacts 15 2019 CALENDAR Sun Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10am Worship in 6:30pm Thrift Shop closed 6:30pm Thrift Shop closed the Chapel NCS Choir rehearsal rehearsal 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8:450am Pancake 7pm CODA 9am 9-12 Thrift Shop 6:30pm 9- 12 Thrift Shop Breakfast with Worship & 6pm Men’s Choir 10am