Eastern Illinois University The Keep May 1944 5-17-1944 Daily Eastern News: May 17, 1944 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1944_may Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: May 17, 1944" (1944). May. 2. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_1944_may/2 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the 1944 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in May by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Eastern Teachers news 0Tell the Truth and Don1t Be Afraid11 EASTERN ILLINOIS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE-CHARLESTON DNESD WE AY, MAY 17, 1944 ig Taus Name Hanneken to Campus Host to Robbins Announces Cast for residency for Coming Year Garden Federation Commencement's uBrief Music" Fraternity Installs State Convention Playe Still Gets Around rs Hit Boa rds New Officers 11Haowdy Here Monday Tuesday, May 30 THE, News really travels around, HANNEKEN, Junior THE ILLINOIS Federation ENS Of Gar- as can be &een by the following ON TUESDAY evening, May 30, major from Rams-ey, will den Clubs will hold their annual News physics lecter received in the of­ E:astern's theatre curtain will rise the next president of Alpha Al­ .stat·e ·0onvention on the E'astern fice today. "Yesterday morning 22, on the dormitory study of seven a Chapter of Sigma Tau Gamma Campus Monday, May in the on the boardwalk a piece of pa­ college young ladies, who are al­ temity. This w:as announced Health Education Building. per was blown across my path. most desperate at times, in an morning by Charles L. McCord, President Robert G. Buzzard will It was a recent issue of the East' ­ amusing manner, when their com­ tiring president . address the group dming the morn ­ ern Illinois State Teachers Col­ ing world looms terrifyingly large Serving with Hanneken will be ing session on "The Iris Garden." lege News. in which I read a on their horizons. "Spiff" Alexander drew Sullivan as vice-president, During the day exhibits of flower startling headline over the story (Jene Bails) and "Drizzle" Rainey le Knott as secretary, and Per­ arrangements will be on display at cf the cannibalistic tendencies of (Norma Totten) fall in love with l Atkins as treasurer. Both At- the college in the gym. Students the forensic fraternity. (Eds . the ·same man and very nearly break and Knott were re-elected to are cordially invited to view these note - the headline over last their close friendship over r.he af­ exhibits and to accompany club wEek's story of the Pi Kappa fair. "Lovey" Lovingtm1 (Bertha s Sullivan, sophomore from Char­ members on tours of the campus Delta initiation read : "Forensic Myers) gets married, while M:ir.nie ton, is al.so president of the Men's ir;s garden and outstanding town Fraternity Eats, Initiates Two) . Hall (E:i!een Shutte) attempts a so­ nion. Knott, freshman chemistry gardens. There will be movies be­ Is tha•t why you have so few stu­ phisticated nonchalance in her jor from Charleston, is freshman fore the luncheon Monday noon of dents? search for a man. "Rosey" Ros·3n­ and a stellar track man. At­ an outstanding flower garden at "Hardened as most of us have ader · thal (Irma Jean Closse11) is a hu­ ' junior math major from Hut­ Sullivan, Illinois. During the aft­ become by reports of the whole­ man being in spite of her "Phi Beta nv , is business manager of the ernoon a skit will be presented un­ sale carnage going on in the bat­ i lle tendencies." Maggie Reed (Helen der the direction of Dr. tle area, it is profoundly disturb­ Thurber Harrington) is almost a soap-box Madison with Miss Ethel Hanson, ing to realize that there has been Other officers elected were Hen­ orator in her intense desire to tind Training School music head, assist­ this report of savagery in our Buzzard, corresponding secre­ Clemens Hanneken the truth ·and right wrong3. "Jinx" ing. The skit will be presented on own Mid-West." Very sincerely, ry, Gene Hankins as historian, Clem!" James (Betty Allen Gresham), a the gym stage. Ruth Morris, Atlantic City, N. J. yn Cook as Sergeant-at-Arms, Southerner with a drawl, endeav·ors Miss Morris, if you wer e per­ Jim Roberts as social chairman. In past years the convention has despe11ately to make friends, but to d sonally acquainted with the East­ Hanneken 1and his fellow officers Students Vote Today been held in Chicago or vicinity. no avail. ern Speakers and venerable ty's This year's meeting is the first at­ re installed at the fraterni The traditions are those faat Ross, you would not worry On ! mportant Offices tempt to move it downstate. Mrs. "Doc" business meeting held at the might be found in any college. Only t or wonder. They are one group Walton Alexander stated, "A good me of Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Metter INTEREST has turned the different traces of "period" vis­ STUDENT whose activities we never ques­ 15. Fol­ number from Chicago is expected to Monday evening, May once more to campus election or ible as the furnishings �hange in­ s f tion. he meeting several rubbers attend. The Chicago people will wing student - faculty administrative dicate the sophomore, junin�· and arrive Sunday evening and be the bridge were played and refresh­ boards, lVIen's Union, Women's senior years. were served by Mrs . Metter. guests of club members." ents League, and Student Council which The cast and director are now meeting, the second of a series Mrs. H. H. Messick in charge is will be held today (Wednesday), is Juniors, Faculty Name hard at work to produce a most pn­ held at the home of the fra­ of the meeting, with Mrs. Klingler, ing May 17 in the main hall of Old tertaining· evening on May 30 with sponsors instead of at the Charleston chairman of the Marshalls, Aides rnity's Main. Gar­ "Brief Music" by Emmett Lavery. apter house, not only marked the den department of the Women's Petitions have been issued and the AFTER MUCH worry and anxiety turn of Ensign Jean Kimbrough Club, and Mr,s. Ralph Terrell, in­ following students .have been Ile· the Junior Class finally estab­ Cpl. Fred Pilger, but also feted coming president, assisting. Mrs. ct lected as nominees for the v·arious lished itself as definitely having drew Sullivan who departed Messick is cpairman of the Garden Former Student Now offices. six male members to serve :as the a . m. to take his army phy­ I)ivision of the Illinois Federation esday Three students will be selected for traditional Junior Marshals who as­ Missing in Action of Women's Clubs . She will be as­ ·cal. the following boards : sist at the Baccalaureate and Com­ week the chapter met at the sisted by Mrs. Buzzard. Mrs. Stov­ Last Apµortionment Board - Andrew mencement exercises. The matter DISTINGUISH!ED SERVICE cross- of Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Madi­ er will assist in flower arrangements. home Sullivan, James Roberts, Margaret h ad been secure and settled until es have been awarded to 1st Lt. tlln for dinner, followed by the elec­ Mrs. Cotter will act •as hostess at an Hubbard, Betty Brotherton, and it was discovered that Herbert James f!\T. Sherrick, Greenup, Ill.. tion of officers. informal afternoon tea at Pember­ Willa Lane. Walsh was no longer in school, and and Pfc. Edward F. Barker, Talada. ton Athletic and Sports Board-Ber­ Hall. that there were no reserves to draw Okla., according to an article in choolmasters Meet tha Myers, Eileen Schutte , Walter from. the "Stars and Stripes," who de­ liberately sacrificed themselves dur­ Warmouth, Lyle Knott, Allyn Cook, Only a very careful examination El�ERS OF Phi Delta Kappa News Takes Third Major ing an artillery operation on Feb. Betty Jean Engel, Mary Fox, ETiz,a­ of the records showed that Ferrel and Eastern Illinois Schoolmas­ 18 near Anzio. These two, listed beth Van Meter, and Eloise Boyd. Atkins qualified as a Junior, at the rs' club on Monday, May 5, held Honor of Year as missing in action, were serving Entertainment Board-Gene Han­ end of the Winter quarter, and the joint meeting in the Home Eco­ forward artillery observers kins, James Roberts, Rebecca Dick­ 'l"HE EASTERN News has been list of Marshals was finally decided as and omics Department. T.he first meet­ had established an obs·ervation post . ens, Betty Boley, Betty Allen Gre­ awarded First Class ( excellent) upon with Clemen Hannekin as during the school year was held in a .house on an outpost line from g sham, and Lois Williams. honor rating in the 1944 contest the head Marshal, being very :active Casey. which they were directing fire t Forensics and Dramatic Board - sponsored by the National Scho­ in college activities, a member of President Sam Arbuckle of the against attacking enemy troops. Clem Hanneken, Ferrel Atkins, Jo lastic Press Association, conducted Eigma Tau Gamma fraternity and Schoolmastsr's Club and President Heavy enemy fire forced supporting Ann Craig, Veda Sterchi, Teddy by the Department of Journalism a mathematics major. Other Rae /Wright of Phi Delta Kappa infantry troops to withdraw, leav­ Ruhmann, 1and Lorraine P'abst. of the University of Minnesota, marshals are Walt Warmoth, chem­ ranged for U. B. Jeffries, Super­ Health and Hospitalization Board Minneapolis, Minnesota. The News ing the OP unprotected, but the leston , istry major, and a member of Sig­ intendent of Schools at Char two men disregarded all warnings Don Hutton, has held this ranking since joining act -Lucille Stansfield, ma Tau Gamma ; Leslie Mayberry, as chairman of a discussion to retire to a safer but less effective Mary Alice Living­ the Association in 1932.
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