


The four main directions: , Cardinal South, , . Directions The points halfway between the cardinal directions: North East, Intermediate North West, South East, South West. Directions

Latitude is the distance north or south from the to a particular location. The equator has latitude of zero degrees.

Longitude is the distance east or west from the .

The equator is an imaginary circle Equator around the , halfway between the north and south poles Name:______

The prime meridian (0 degrees Prime longitude) is the meridian that passes Meridian through Greenwich, England.

The legend of a (also called the Map Legend key) is a small table accompanying the map that explains the symbols that or Key are used on the map.

A landmass on Earth. The seven continents are Africa, , Asia, , Europe, North Continent America, and .

A half of the earth. The earth has Hemisphere 4 hemispheres: North, South, East, and West.


For the first globe, have your student draw in the equator and lines of latitude. Then shade the one color and the southern half a different color.

For the second globe, have the students draw the prime meridian and lines of longitude. Have them shade the eastern half of the globe one color and the western half a different color.

Have the students match the vocabulary terms.