Catholicism, Controversy and the English Literary Imagination, 1558–1660 Alison Shell Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 0521580900 - Catholicism, Controversy and the English Literary Imagination, 1558–1660 Alison Shell Index More information Index Abbot, John, 142±4, 166 Aston, Margaret, 36, 40 Jesus Prae®gured,142±4,166 Astraea, 179 The Sad Condition of a Distracted Kingdom,166 Audley, Thomas, baron Audley ofWalden, absolutism, royal, chapter 4 passim 215±16 Accession Day Tilt, 127±33 Augustine ofHippo, St, 143, 196, 197 Act ofUniformity, 10 autodidacticism, 157, 226 Adams, Thomas, 48 Austin, John, 16 advice-to-a-painter poems, 30 Aveling, Hugh, 3, 4 agnosticism in critical discourse, introduction passim, 55, 101 Babington Conspiracy, 117 Ahasuerus, 159±60 Bacon, Anthony, 127 Alabaster, William, 14, 58, 88±94, 98 Bacon, Francis, 60 sonnets, 88±94 Bacon, George, 170 Aldiberga, queen ofBritain, 152 Bale, John, 37 Alexander VI, Pope, 29 ballads, 16, 64, 163±4, 195±9 Alfred the Great, 181 Bansley, Charles, 27 allegory, 25±6, 34, 66, 72, 127, 142, 148, Barclay, John, 115, 142±6 188±93 Argenis, 115, 145±6 Allen, William, cardinal, 117, 119 Euphormio,145 Allison, Anthony, 13±14 Series Patefacti,142 Alpaugh, Davis J., 24 Barnes, Barnabe,28±30 Ambrose, St, 196, 213 baroque in England, 56, 103 Anglicanism: see Church ofEngland Bartas, Guillaume Salluste du, see du Bartas, Anglo-Catholicism, 95 Guillaume Salluste anti-Catholicism, 16±19, chapter 1 passim,56, Bassompierre, Marshal de, 153 64, 72, 82, 165; daemonopoiia,40 Bathsheba, 70 Catholics as mountebanks, 33±4 Beast ofRevelations, 25 anticlericalism, 42, 48±9 Bellarmine, St Robert,
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