--------¥...----... ..................L Y. .V'I\ CSUDIES IN FAMILY PI.ANNING1 LEARNING ABOUT RURAL WOMEN Sondra Zeidenstein ,uest editor A Special Issue LEARNING ABOUT RURAL WOMEN Sondra Zeidenstein guest editor Studies in Family Planning Editorial Committee Editorial Staff George F.lBiow:n, Chairmnan Vakt-d'i sladt, ,",1,1n g tLditou Judith Bruce RobertI I1 h,I z'ks tI I ditor EthilI'.Churchill Renet, honthl-..I induction Design Marguri Mcv / Sul,11 A. Rthbbns A Publication of S. BLruce Scheartr The lPopu lti(iouncilH Irving Sivin One} I lammnarskjold Paza Btoverly W\inikoff New ",.i.,N.Y. 10017 Leaming about Rural Women This special issie of Stuoh's in Fimnihr llan nin' , is one of a series of issues dedicated to a single2 subject Oar program. ()ur intention is to pr-,wide an examina tion in depth of selected key topics br'vond the rangtOf a single artiCle. This special issue focis,',, oin wVa\'s in which the rolk's aid status of Iurl womn,- in different societies am he betterl understood, There is a vital neCCd to understand rual \vomln, not as a Se of statistic,, -Iulas individuals nerforllling crucial roles in societv ank the it rteplavi ng fundam1entalh iinprtant parts in the de\elOplllenl pro'ess. A varietv of wavs to learn abo tit rl aI women ae11adescribed. Sole ap proaches adopt standard sociologi,:al and demographic nethodologies, while others employ anthropological technic'ies. All attempt to ,egin from th- Point of view Of the individual womaion, toiunderstand how she s(Xs herself in the soci ety arotind her and how she adapts to clhlngt>, brought about by d1 ve'lopmlent efforts and other social forces.
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