By 344-/7-2 6%
Oct. 28, 1952 J. W. MENHALL 2,615,679 WELL, DRILLING RIG Filed Nov. 14, 1947 4. Sheets-Sheet l INVENTOR. BY 344-/7-2 6%-- Oct. 28, 1952 J. W. MENHAL 2,615,679 WELL DRILLING RIG Filed Nov. 14, 1947 4. Sheets-Sheet 2 ZZZZZZZZZZZZº2zº INVENTOR, Oct. 28, 1952 J. W. MENHALL 2,615,679 WELL, DRILLING RIG Filed Nov. 14, 1947 4. Sheets-Sheet 3 - w o V \ H NHN sy instadRN. N 2. SEED INVENTOR. 62-o- Oct. 28, 1952 J. W. MENHALL 2,615,679 WELL, DRILLING RIG Filed Nov. 14, 1947 4. Sheets-Sheet 4 GitHiies J) -4. 222-gINVENTOR. BY Patented Oct. 28, 1952 2,615,679 UNITED STATES PATENT office James W. Menhall, Benton, Ill. Application November 14, 1947, Serial No. 786,122 1 Claim. (CI. 254-187) 1. My present invention is a continuation in part of the operating mechanism of my invention, the of the invention of my pending application for upper portion of the derrick being shown broken Patent Serial No. 713,789 filed December 3, 1946, away, the draw-works cable leading off of the and embodies certain improvements in the drill winch drum being also broken away. rig of said application from which desirable func 5 Figure 2 is a vertical longitudinal sectional tions are derived that are advantageous in the view taken through the winch drum shaft and practical operation of the rig. the drum thereon, said view showing the friction More specifically setting forth the present ob and positive clutch units associated with these ject of this invention it is noted that my rig parts.
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