INTERNATIONAL MEN’S CLUB OF ZUG, P.O. BOX 7212, 6301 ZUG IIII Editor: Alan Cattell • email:
[email protected] IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IMCZNEWS J U LY - SEPTEMBER 2 0 2 1 EDITORIAL The summer solstice is now behind Us for 2021. Hopefully we can now start to get some reliable summer weather so we can enjoy the Great OUtdoors more fully. The rain and low temperatures have been record breaking. I’m just waiting for our garden to slide into the neighbours because it’s so waterlogged. With the Corona restrictions being lifted for many countries in EUrope, hopefully we can have a “nearly normal” summer. Of course, there’s the lurking threat of the Delta (and other) Variants, but if enough of Us get fully vaccinated, hopefully that should be manageable. Eagle-eyed readers will have noticed that it’s been 3 months since the last Newsletter. That’s because, in a cost cutting action, the IMCZ Board decided to go to a quarterly Newsletter. You’ll still get the same content, just a little less than before. If you have any concerns or suggestions regarding the Newsletter, please let me know. There’s a lot written in the press (of all polarities) about people being intolerant, judgemental, rUde and self-interested. Over the past two months I’ve had occasion to encoUnter something rather different. UnfortUnately we’ve experienced a family tragedy, bUt the response from others to this has been incredible. The generosity, kindness, practical sUpport and the Understanding we’ve experienced has been astonishing to me. It’s come from everyone, left or right, famous or not, richer or poorer, and from all flavoUrs of religion (or not).