No. 188 Challenging Taboo Since 1990 January 2012 Online at

Deborah Lipstadt Blasts 'Holocaust-abuse' by U.S., Israeli Politicians

Jett Rucker

his Holocaust revisionist letter, Lipstadt was fully kitted out As her erstwhile accuser was has a confession to make, in horns and a tail. apprehended and imprisoned in T and it’s worse than any- As the jackals closed in to pick Austria for doing the very sort of thing to which Bradley Smith con- Irving’s figurative bones (the ver- thing Lipstadt publicly accused him fessed in his best-selling (?) Con- dict ruined him financially, if not of doing, she came out foursquare fessions of a Holocaust Revisionist: otherwise), our new celebrity Deb- as “a free-speech person,” and with I have become a grudging admirer orah Lipstadt began to show that impeccable logic, she objected to of . Yes, the Deb- his being punished in any (crimi- orah Lipstadt who in 2001 with the nal) way for his speech. able assistance of her publisher Studying the matter, I immedi- Penguin-Putnam defended success- ately dismissed all imaginings that fully against the libel suit brought Lipstadt was influenced by remorse before the Queen’s Bench by the over Irving’s partly self-inflicted embattled David Irving. Lipstadt fate and concluded that she really had labeled Irving a “Holocaust did believe in Open Debate, includ- denier” in her 1993 book about ing of the Holocaust! I conceived “.” The book sold admiration for this position, so un- adequately before the trial, and mistakably demonstrated by this considerably better during and after particular famous person—their Deborah Lipstadt it. In the trial’s wake, Lipstadt be- champion, at least where it came to came the standard-bearer in her attacking those who actually under- she was no mere pawn of the pow- own “Growing Assault” against took to revise history in ways that erful interests she chose to serve at revisionism, garnering bouquets she opposed. times when—and only when— and brickbats from the warring fac- I kept my admiration to myself, doing so struck her as the right tions on either side of the subject. except for revealing it one dark thing to do. For most of us who read this news- night to Bradley Smith himself, who had long since shown himself 1

to be not only infinitely under- her, though she didn’t specify of thought and reason that she is standing of human foibles, but also whether it offended her concerns obviously falling prey to. The full scrupulously discreet about letting for the sovereignty of her native version of Ha’aretz’s interview others in on the dark secrets that or her objection to of her had been entrusted to him. And imperialism and the ethnic cleans- includes this self-aggrandizing pas- here, my raging sentimentality got ing of Palestinians from Palestine. sage: a needed splash of cold water from She wisely confined her remarks to “One of the results of my deal- this newsletter’s namesake, my an objection to the glorification and ing with deniers has been my abso- senior by more than fifteen years perpetuation of one wrong (that lute devotion to truth.” (and there are very few more of Holocaust) to support the continued Now, that’s saying a lot— those around anymore than there prosecution of fresh wrong in the perhaps even much too much— are of real Holocaust survivors): with a very few words! One could Bradley reminded me that La “One of the results of my infer that we “deniers” taught her Lipstadt once proclaimed, as to the dealing with deniers has respect for the truth, but there’s so Debate that we all wish could be been my absolute devotion much else to dwell upon that we’ll conducted openly and honestly, as to truth.” forgo the flattery. Dear Deborah, though among civilized human be- the truth, as you probably know ings of good will: “there is no other service of political careers empow- despite your cavalier reference to it side” to the Holocaust question! ered by the sins of the fathers. as though it were a mere commodi- Take that, Onkel Jett—you don’t But the true demonstration of ty, is incredibly elusive and subtle, count, nor does the country you her wisdom—what moved me to even when it isn’t subsumed, as our fought for and died defending! come out of the closet—came when Holocaust, in oceans of lies, propa- Then came last week’s inter- she illuminated the soul-rotting ganda, fraud, and self-serving per- view of Lipstadt by Ha’aretz potential of Holocaust Abuse that juries. The only “absolute” that can, the left- occurred when Jews themselves, be connected to truth is the pure leaning Israeli newspaper that must their hearts for whatever reason concept itself—anything and every- constitute the biggest thorn in the deficient in the profound insights of thing of substance can approach the side of Zionism since the Ottoman Judaism, mistook the legacies of truth only through unending pro- Empire. In this watershed broad- the Holocaust—and of all manifes- cesses of discovery and interpreta- side, Lipstadt applied her rightly tations of anti-Semitism, both real tion. And the only concept that can vaunted incisors to a vice lately and imagined—for the essence of connect truth to times, places, and stalking the worlds of history and their religion, their inheritance, or events is honesty—indefatigable, politics: Holocaust Abuse. their core beliefs. In words both remorseless honesty that is so thor- Holocaust Abuse, according to trenchant and at the same time un- oughgoing that it can be, and is, my flawed heroine, is the venal derstanding, Lipstadt diagnosed the turned upon itself in a process appropriation of the suffering and vacuum created in many by these known as—revision. injustice endured by the victims of new, secular times in the belief sys- Dr. Lipstadt does, in fact, in the the Holocaust (such as they may tems of Jew and non-Jew alike as a very next remark in her interview, be) to serve the various personal breach open to exploitation by claim to subscribe to a very modest political ambitions of those holding demagogues both political and step in the revisionist spirit in hav- political office in Israel and the US, (falsely) religious, in which both ing rejected the prima facie prepos- and no less of those who seek to the devotions and the pocketbooks terous story of a group of 93 young gain such office, particularly in the of the would-be faithful can be mo- Jewish women in Krakow who re- US, and particularly of late of the bilized by hate-mongers mouthing portedly committed suicide rather Republican Party. The orgy of opportunistic slogans such as than face likely rape at the hands of overweening devotion to the sup- “Never Again!” conquering German troops. Brava, posed cause of Israeli military su- To be sure, the fiery warrior of Dr. Lipstadt! That’s the idea, alt- premacy in the Middle East recent- the Holocaust Mythology still re- hough I must confess that this step ly displayed at the Jewish Republi- mains to resist the growing assault can Coalition properly sickened Continued on page 13 2


Bradley Smith

*** When the Occupy Wall the “nation.” His wealth consisted “The manifest sense is the literal Street movement burst onto the of his ownership of most of the one we all grasp; the latent sense is television screens last September I state of Virginia. Yet. . . . the spiritual meaning, the secret was sympathetic with the outrage Are there a couple or three iro- that must be revealed by interpreta- and contempt that was being ex- nies here? Are the rich really the tion. This is true on the simplest pressed for the greed that is so evi- problem? level; there is naturally no point to dent in the “one” percent of Ameri- an interpretation that tells us only can culture. At the same time there *** Frank Kermode was a high- what we all know already, what was no evident plan to do anything ly regarded British literary critic inescapably and instantly strikes other than protest against greed. In who I used to read when I had time the eye. An interpretation must ei- the first instance, greed is pretty (before revisionism) for stuff like ther uncover or create a secret. For much a moral issue, not a political English literature . Mr. Kermode Kermode, the very existence of a one. And then greed is not limited died last year and I came across an text inspires interpretation, and to the one percent among us. It is appreciation of him by Charles therefore engenders secrecy.” present in every “percent” of the Rosen in the June 09 2011 issue of And then there is the photo- species, varying with the individual The New York Review of Books. graph, the document, the court tes- but there it is. Referencing Kermode’s observa- timony, the account by guys and One day I came across the fact, tions on such matters as the Gos- gals who survive or remain. It all if it is a fact, that while one percent pels, Mark Twain, Shakespeare and inspires interpretation, engenders of Americans are millionaires, Henry James he suggests that Ker- secrecy. A way of “telling a new about 50 percent of the U.S. Con- mode’s primary insight was that the story.” gress are millionaires. Could that “interpretation” of such works “is be one reason, or even the primary always a way of telling a new sto- *** It’s occurred to me more reason, the U.S. Congress is cor- ry.” than once that it would be interest- rupt? They’re rich? Reflecting on Rosen writes: “Interpreters are ing to report on what I published that question appears to have insiders and outsiders. The insiders here “ten years ago this month.” I caused the brain to recall reading a belong to an elite, generally pro- would suppose that one month it little book titled Signing Their tected by an institution like a will be more interesting than the Lives Away. It refers to the men church or an academy, or by a con- next, but then that’s the way it is who signed the American Declara- sensus of scholarly opinion, which with life itself, not just Smith’s Re- tion of Independence. gives them authority, and they are port. What kind of men were they? presumed to possess the art of divi- In SR 87 there were short pieces Twenty-four were lawyers and ju- nation. The elite have privileges on The Auschwitz “Death March,” rists. Eleven were merchants, nine and constraints. ‘Perhaps the most “Zyclon B and Lice,” “Holocaust were farmers and large plantation important of these,’ Kermode says, Studies: Parody vs. Reality,” and owners. A number were preachers. ‘are the right to affirm and the ob- “Sobibor,” with particularly sound They were among the wealthy of ligation to accept, the superiority of observations by Ralph Marquardt their time. But they signed the Dec- intent over manifest sense.” and David Thomas, two men who laration of Independence knowing About this time you might imag- are no longer with me, unfortunate- that the penalty would be death if ine where my brain has gone. Are ly. they were captured. I have also these not exactly the methods used The lead article is titled “Mod- read recently that George Washing- to protect and further orthodoxy erated Discussion Forums Produce ton was perhaps the richest man in with regard to the Holocaust story? High Traffic on CODOHWeb.”


Here I was just waking up to the cember after the last component of bookstore. I kind of liked talking to value of discussion forums on the the bomb – explosive powder – was Rube. He’s a bully, but he had a Web. I wrote: “When I thought delivered to Krugel’s home, ac- sense of humor. He kept challeng- about CODOHWeb, in my mind’s cording to U.S. Attorney John Gor- ing me to meet him ‘anywhere I eye I actually saw the image of a don said. Other bomb components wanted’. In those days I was get- great library. Something stationary, and weapons were seized at the ting death threats, there had been static, waiting for people to climb home. It was not immediately clear attempts to break into my office on its broad steps. It was as if my im- when the alleged plot began or Hollywood Boulevard, and I would agination were being directed by what prompted it. In court papers, tell Irv that I would like to get to- my vocabulary. I understood the authorities quoted Krugel as saying gether– but for the moment would outreach concept of the World during a meeting that Arabs “need- have to take a rain check. Wide Web without really absorbing ed a wake-up call.” “One night about 11pm I drove it. Slowly, over the past two years, “I can understand that. over to Kantor’s, my favorite Jew- as I have been searching for fresh ish delicatessen on Fairfax Avenue, tactics to forward this work, I have ‘I made an exceptionally ag- which was maybe four blocks grown increasingly conscious of ile, smooth, free-flowing U-turn down the street from where I’d had how “dynamic” CODOHWeb is, and walked out of Kantor’s my first bookstore. I was going to how it is in one place on the Inter- Deli to the sidewalk, continued take some strudel home for my net, and how in another it “reaches around to the parking lot mother. It must have been a Satur- out” in ways that have been just where I got in my car and day night. When I got to Kantor’s I below my level of awareness.” pulled out onto Fairfax Ave- parked the car in the lot next door, That was ten years ago this nue. Mother wouldn’t get her walked around to the front entrance month. Since then I have become classic Kantor’s strudel that where I stepped inside to the long fully aware of the unique signifi- night. She would have to settle glass counter. The moment I ar- cance of the CODOH Forum. for a doughnut. Sometimes you rived at the place where the pastries And then there was an entry just have to make do.’ were I saw Irv Rubin himself at a about Irv Rubin, then the national nearby table with three cronies. leader of the Jewish Defense “Rubin’s attorney, Peter Morris, They were laughing, passing the League, which in those days was a said his client had nothing to do time of night, a little rowdy. formidable and physically danger- with the explosives. ‘It seems to us “I made an exceptionally agile, ous antagonist for revisionists. that, given the timing … the gov- smooth, free-flowing U-turn and Following is the full SR text ernment’s action is part of an over- walked out of Kantor’s Delicates- reaction to the Sept. 11 events.’ sen to the sidewalk, continued “On 11 December Jewish De- “It’s possible that Rubin will around to the parking lot where I fense League (JDL) chairman Irv have to feed Krugel to the dogs. got in my car and pulled out onto Rubin and another JDL member, Rubin’s wife, Shelley, said her Fairfax Avenue. Mother wouldn’t Earl Krugel, were arrested and husband and Earl ‘are completely get her classic Kantor’s strudel that booked on charges of conspiracy to innocent of anything [she probably night. She would have to settle for destroy a building by means of an means “everything”]. They are law- a doughnut. explosive, which carries a sentence abiding, good people.” “Recently a mutual friend of of up to five years in prison, and “When I was still in Hollywood Rubin and myself, a Jewish fellow possession of a destructive device and making noise on the radio – from Romania who now lives in related to a crime of violence, that was in the early 1990’s before West Los Angeles, informed me which carries a 30-year sentence. the internet exploded all over the that Rubin would like to debate me. “The targets allegedly were the place – Rubin used to ring me up to Our friend had suggested such a King Fahd Mosque in Culver City browbeat me. We frequented the debate several times but Rubin had and the office of freshman Rep. same parts of town, especially Fair- Darrell Issa, R-Calif. Rubin and fax Avenue, a Jewish part of town Continued on page 14 Krugel were arrested on 11 De- where years before I had had a


Obama, Israel’s Houseboy, Names to U.S. Holocaust Council

Carolyn Yeager

hy do we have a who I think has been a member el Public Affairs Committee United States Holo- from the beginning, as he was its (AIPAC). Wcaust Memorial Founding Chairman in 1980, ap- Roman R. Kent, born in Lodz, Council, anyway? pointed by Democrat Jimmy Poland (so we know his name is This story may seem ”old news” Carter. At that time, Wiesel at- not really Kent) and serves as as I didn’t get around to posting it tempted to sell the idea by writing Chairman of the American Gather- when I first saw it. The appoint- to Carter that Holocaust activists ing of Jewish Holocaust Survivors ments by the White House took aim to use the commission (set up and Their Descendants, is President place on Oct. 29. It is still im- to create the museum) to “reach of the Jewish Foundation for the portant news, though, as a way of and transform as many human be- Righteous and of the International explaining just what is the US Hol- ings as possible.” Auschwitz Committee, and is ocaust Memorial Council. I did not Treasurer of the Conference on know, and knowing what it is helps Jewish Material Claims Against us to realize just how big an in- Germany. vestment the U.S. Government has Howard D. Unger, an invest- made in keeping “the Holocaust” ment banker, the son of a Holo- alive and kicking in the minds of caust survivor, a member of the Americans and foreign visitors to Committee on Conscience—the Washington, DC. So here goes … Museum’s genocide prevention The United States Holocaust initiative, and serves on the board Memorial Council is the governing of the Holocaust and Human Rights body of the United States Holo- Education Center. caust Memorial Museum. Did you Clemantine Wamariya, a know that the USHMM, as it’s friend of Elie Wiesel, who “sur- known, is a project of the U.S. vived” the 1994 genocide in Rwan- Government? That’s important to “We hope to share our convic- da and now lives in Kenilworth, Ill. know. The Council alone consists tion that when war and genocide (a very upscale suburb of Chicago). of 55 presidential appointees, in unleash hatred against any one She began speaking about her ex- addition to ten Congressional people or peoples, all are ultimately periences on the Oprah Winfrey representatives and three ex- engulfed in the fire.” Of course, Show in 2005 and has shared her officio members from the De- this is never applied to Israel, or story at Museum events around the partments of Education, Interior, even the U.S., which proves the country. Currently an undergradu- and State. That adds up to 65 high- hypocrisy of the “remembrance” ate at Yale University, she is in- level persons who all get paid by campaigns of the Jews. The other volved in the Yale Refugee Project, the taxpayers, in one way or anoth- appointees are: which works closely with New Ha- er, for “serving” on this Council. Joseph D. Gutman, who is on ven’s Integrated Refugee and Im- Of the five new Council mem- the executive committee of Birth- migrant Services. bers, four are Jews. Not only Jews, right Israel and has held leadership It’s apparent that each of these but they are very active in “holo- roles with the Jewish Federation of persons has a personal investment caust” promotion and other causes Metropolitan Chicago and the Isra- in keeping holocaust propaganda in solely for Jews. The first is Wiesel, the news and appearing timely. 5

They are not objective and don’t ocaust Museum’s annual budget – “The Holocaust” on American soil, balance each other out. However, in 2003 to the tune of $38.4 million but their Congressmen and -women President Obama said of his ap- which was 67% at the time. Its answered the demand of the Jews pointments: “These fine public government funding for fiscal year to do it in their name. servants bring both a depth of expe- 2004 was increased to $39,997,000. Constant media propaganda de- rience and tremendous dedication It is currently in the area of $50 ceives many an American into to their new roles [...] Our nation million a year. (By comparison, in thinking this expensive memorial is will be well-served by these men 2003, the John F. Kennedy Center helping world peace or global hu- and women, and I look forward to for the Performing Arts received manitarianism. According to an working with them in the months less than $34 million in federal ADL (Anti-Defamation League) and years to come.” funding. That figure was cut to press release, the program “brings U.S. Holocaust Museum and $32,560,000 for fiscal year 2004.)1 law enforcement officers to the Memorial Council are over- Moreover, in the year 2000, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum whelmingly Jewish operations President Bill Clinton, a Democrat, in Washington, D.C. for an inten- Some of the other newer mem- signed legislation granting the mu- sive program that challenges them bers of the Council, appointed in seum permanent status as a feder- to examine their relationship with June, are Nancy B. Gilbert (Jewish al agency, in effect locking in fed- the public and to explore issues of activist), Deborah E. Lipstadt (Jew- eral support. As a museum press personal responsibility and ethical ish activist & author) and Marc R. conduct.”2 If the museum helps Stanley (Jewish activist). Members foot the bill for these junkets, that of Congress who serve on the would explain where some of the Council are Gabriele Gifford (Jew- yearly $50 million goes. In what ish, AZ), Patrick Grimm (RC, NY way, however, does it help U.S. and Brooklyn-born), Nan Hayworth law enforcement officers do a bet- (NY), Pat Meehan (RC, PA), Henry ter job enforcing U.S. law, except Waxman (Jewish, CA). From the to “profile” certain groups as likely Senate: Richard Durbin (RC, IL); victims and others as likely perpe- Orrin Hatch (Mormon, UT); Frank trators? It appears to be nothing R. Lautenberg (NJ) and Bernard more than indoctrination. The same Sanders (VT), both Jewish. I’m is done with school children who sure they all get stipends for this are also brought to the museum to “service,” or at the very least “ex- be indoctrinated as to who are the penses” with no questions asked. victims and who the perpetrators.

To see a list of the current Who is taking advantage of release explained at the time, members of the Council, which whom? “Permanent status permits Con- appears to be entirely Jewish This is just one piece of the mo- gress to provide funding without (though I suppose a few are not), rality tale of how our government having to review the federal role. go here: gets stolen out from under us by Every U.S. government entity re- In addition to this is the large clever, well-organized Jews and quires congressional authority be- staff of the Holocaust Memorial elected representatives of the peo- fore funds can be allocated; but not Museum itself, for which the Fed- ple who, instead of serving the ma- every federal institution is given eral government donated the land jority interests, serve Jewish inter- permanent status.” and the U.S. Congress voted unan- ests. Elie Wiesel has been a ‘friend’ According to the USHMM web- imously to establish in 1980 after of every U.S. President since he site, the museum’s function is to be concerted lobbying by American became a U.S. citizen in 1963 … a “living memorial to the Holo- Jews with Israeli backing. Jewish why? There are other ’holocaust caust.” The U.S. taxpayers were not groups came up with a large survivors’ among the U.S. popula- asked whether they thought their amount of original funding for the tion, some with far better stories tax money should go to providing museum, but now American tax- than Wiesel’s. Many have even in perpetuity a living memorial to payers provide the bulk of the Hol- written books. Why aren’t they fet- 6

ed by Presidents and put in charge said upon bestowing on Wiesel the Night had on her as an 8th -grade of multi-million dollar budgets and museum’s highest honor in May of student, “It was as if my mouth taxpayer-funded museums? Why is this year, which they even named opened and I’ve never been quiet it always Wiesel? after him: since. It spoke to me directly and In honor of Wiesel’s extraordi- told me I must not be silent.” One thing we can say is that a nary vision and moral stature, Above: “St. Elie of Wiesel” large part of the USHMM’s mis- which not only created the Muse- Elie Wiesel the public person- sion is to facilitate and secure a um but inspired a worldwide age cannot be separated from the glorious legacy for Elie Wiesel. He movement of Holocaust remem- U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum is the chosen one to represent, as brance and education, the award in Washington D.C. It is as respon- much as is possible in the person of henceforth will be named the Unit- sible for him as he is responsible one man, the horror and meaning ed States Holocaust Memorial Mu- for it. What that means will contin- and continuation of the Jewish seum Elie Wiesel Award. ue to be explored on this website. Shoah for all time. Thus, the As a speaker at this event, Endnotes USHMM devotes a lot of attention Clemantine Wamariya (mentioned 1. to Wiesel now, and after he is dead above as one of the October ap- 2. Ibid … well, you ain’t seen nuthin’ yet. pointees to the Holocaust Council), Here, as an example, is what was said of the impact Wiesel’s book

Bradley Smith to Be Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize?

R. J. Gardner

ne of the great problems In an August 19, 2011 email What’s Weasel got? Probably about in the Nobel Prize situa- from the Committee for Open De- as much as Bradley Smith. Well, if Otion is the well-hidden- bate on the Holocaust, titled “How that is true, why ought we not to in-plain-sight fact that more Jews Elie Wiesel Got the Nobel Peace nominate Bradley Smith for The are awarded a Nobel Prize than any Prize,” Mr. Smith offered us a link Peace Prize? Yes, for his efforts to other “race” of people. We wonder to "Pop Goes Elie Wiesel: How to resolve the holocaust issues in a why that is, and how, if Eli Wiesel get a Nobel prize," by Jacob Weis- peaceable manner, by giving can get such a Prize in 1986 for berg (November 10, 1986, speeches (as did Wiesel and talking and publishing, then why ( in Obama), and by setting forth litera- should not Bradley Smith also re- which Weisberg himself asks the ture designed to constructively con- ceive such a nomination, and Prize, logical question: “What has Mr. sider questions of humanity and in 2012 for talking and publishing, Wiesel ever done for ‘peace’ or, dignity (as did Wiesel and especially if he were to have un- even more to the point, ‘world Obama)? That’s some of the word- known friends in middle-high plac- peace?’” He then describes the ing the Swedish Academy of Sci- es with a goodly dash of powerful amazing trail of oddities which got ences uses as criteria when award- panache to obstruct those who Wiesel on stage with The Prize for ing Nobel Prizes. would stop him. It’s possible, all of Peace. We looked up the rules of the this. Sounds good to me. Maybe we As for Weasel, I had no idea Norwegian Nobel Committee should look into this, eh, about get- simply anyone could be nominated (thought it was the Swedish Acad- ting Bradley Smith nominated for a for a Nobel Peace Prize, and not be emy, right?), for their several cate- Nobel Prize? Well, we shall. some High Degree’d Personage. gories and criteria of persons who 7

are eligible to make nominations, know if that’s true; and he’s too member, T.J.-based group as repre- and also those eligible to be nomi- poor to be a practicing professional sentative of the literary production nated, for any Nobel Prize. And in anything, so we can forget the of North Mexico, let’s say. Not a somehow it looks like Brad may Medicine and Economics gambit lot of bright lights in the chandelier get in there by chance; slim, but a Ok? That leaves him with either there, so we’ve got a chance at this. chance. I'll explain. Literature or Peace. A separate office a little further Qualifications for people who The Literature Prize can be south from Brad’s keeps appear- can nominate someone for the No- nominated by university professors ances good. At the election of So- bel Prize candidates vary among and former Laureates of Lit.; or get ciety officers, some friend of Brad- the different Nobel Prize Commit- this: by presidents of a society of ley’s (he’s got two or three in addi- tees for categories such as Physics, authors representative of the liter- tion to me and you), can elect me Chemistry, Medicine, Literature, ary production in their respective President (the only President worth Peace, and Economics. Brad could countries. Well now! Brad can fit knowing on either side of the bor- try nominating himself; but if he into a Nomination by the Author’s der), and I him, as Secretary- did, they’d laugh at him. Real Society. He produces plenty of lit- Treasurer (keep an eye on the cash Nominators are none of us, among erary stuff, and he's got spell- box). Nominees cannot nominate the unwashed, regardless of our checker. Brad can profess quite a themselves, and tie votes are mean- convincing zeal as recently con- lot, done it a while now, and some ingless, even if we vote for each verted folk in comprehending an other. Maybe this representative inconvenient history. You got to be There is one escape clause stuff won’t work; it could be too really smart to be a Nominator: to all this in getting Brad nom- obvious, a society set up so recent- they got the B.S., and the M.S., and inated: any of the Nobel Prizes ly. Literature might be out. All the Ph.D. We know how that line may also be awarded to institu- we’ve got left for sure is Peace. goes, with all their bs; the only de- tions and associations. If a There is one escape clause to all gree many of us have is at the high nominee is at an institution, this in getting Bradley nominated: end of a thermometer. And you got that may help. Brad could be at any of the Nobel Prizes may also to have friends in high places to an institution, and many would be awarded to institutions and as- become a Nominator. Just like a like to see him in one. sociations. If a nominee is at an Chicago gangster protecting his institution, that may help. Bradley turf, those Swedes, they don’t want believe him literate, even repre- could be at an institution, and many nobody nominating nobody nobody sentative. If it’s the “society of au- would like to see him in one. In a sent, see? So you’re out, and so am thors” that needs fixing, here’s how room with his name on it, and an I. we can do it. odd-looking jacket keeping him off However, while Brad is on the The “literary production” may the Best Dressed lists. We could try Outs, in addition to qualified Acad- mean anyone putting out a newslet- that method. If so, Bradley can emy Members, previous Prize ad- ter; they don't say, see, and word- send us a post card so we know visers and laureates can also nomi- weaseling was Wiesel's way to The where he'll be. We can have the nate. OK! That means we can get Prize, so that can be our way, too. Academy send the Nomination ac- Brad nominated by using one of Precedence. The publisher doesn't ceptance papers there, not to T.J. these two. have to be a qualified professor, but Peace is our target, the Nobel First is the problem of nominat- it looks about as good, if you can Prize for Peace. We can enter Brad- ing him for which. We wondered get one to quick join an academy, ley as a Nominee for Peace to the about this, since to look at him, his or find some forlorn guy with a Qualified Washed, though it is pret- physique isn't so great, so Physics Swedish accent sitting in a Europe- ty doubtful we will be listened to. and Physiology are out; and that an prison for publishing Brad’s So for Bradley, it sure looks like famous T.J. hot sauce is an inven- kind of stuff where it ain't so good the deck is stacked against him. But tion of his wife, so that does not to do. we can handle that. Let’s not forget qualify him for Chemistry. A doc- All you need is a Nominator to that political satire quickly be- tor he ain't, except maybe in card- say Brad is “representative.” We comes an obsession, when, by such sharping and billiards, but I don’t can open a small, essentially two- a coincidence so many of Those 8

people, few as they are, are award- Nomination Bradley goes, and then top hat and tails. Bradley, remem- ed so many of the Nobel Prizes. on to The Prize. The Nobel Prize ber who got you there! And if all that doesn’t work, and for Peace. At the very least we can try get- if there really is some Nominator- He’s that kind of guy. That's the ting Bradley nominated. Who Qualified guy in Sweden who bare- American way. Slippery as a knows, but maybe Bradley Smith ly reads English, we can put a little greased pig, and we're back in actually is, innately, a Peace or Lit- "english" into the application’s business. A little "pull" from erature Nobel Prize winner. Maybe grammar and throw it right past Above might help too. And there both. Then, guess what? him, a regular Fast Ball, and into Bradley Smith is, all smiles, tux,


Selected by Hannover

This is a selection of Forum top- false then i am so sorry i have no caust’ storyline is what concerns ics initiated in November 2011 and idea about this world. It is sad to the forum’s participants. responses to them. These are gen- hear that people question about an erally condensed versions of the incident which led to death of many - “ … the bones can still be threads involved. Most topics con- innocent people and their plight.” shown to be Jewish or not, and tain much more broad, robust, and even the 'ash' can be shown to be elaborate replies than space allows Note to ‘leemadison’ Jewish. Surprising enough, we just here. Only on rare occasion are have to find said bodies. The prob- thread topics locked, hence most - “Please read our guidelines, after lem is though, the bodies of all the will be open for further response. I all, you accepted them when you mass graves in the 6 camps are not invite any and all participants. registered. Your speaking in non- even there, because if they were, Visit the forum yourself at: specifics, affirming your belief in we would have heard about it.” the so called "Holocaust" is in no - “Even IF mass graves were ev- way providing proof for your be- er produced...Even IF bones and lief. What we do here is discuss / ash were tested...Even IF those debate specifics. If you think you bones and ash were found to be ‘Holocaust Controversies’ can defend your position then we Jewish...Dead Jews don't mean problems / images welcome the opportunity to debate murdered Jews.” you. If you're just going to engage - “All perfectly true, and even if A grumpy anti-Revisionist, in substance-less ad hominem, then it could be proved they were mur- ‘leemadison’, from another website you are posting to the wrong fo- dered Jews, thousands of people of starts off. rum. Thank you, Moderator” all nationalities were murdered dur- “This seems so stupid to believe ing WW2 by troops of many na- that Holocaust never occurred, DNA can be found from bones tionalities. Murder, even on a sub- there are people who have given and ashes stantial scale, doesn't prove exter- stories about what happened in mination.” camps, there is the actual book of This thread discusses the article - “A few years ago a mass grave Schindler's list and many genera- and video in the link given below. near Stuttgart with about 20 dead tions today still go to Schindler's bodies was found. The German grave and thank him for saving The ramifications of the article quality press and the Central lives of many Jews. If all of this is & video as related to the ‘holo- Council of Jews claimed that they 9

are very probably dead Jews from a plus comments on reviews of the - "Crematorium designs"? The camp in Alsace. The public prose- program: ones that couldn't possibly have cution office wanted to investigate - “New show premieres tonight cremated all the bodies claimed? the crime and make DNA analysis. More nonsense about gas chambers on the good ol "history" channel. But the Central Council of Jews and ovens. The crematoria had a Promises to have "never-before- immediately protested because "the hygienic function, and the real gas seen" footage and "proof" of the peace of the dead would be dis- chambers saved lives.” holocaust.” turbed" they said. So the ministry - “One of the reasons the Holo- - “To claim ‘never-before-seen has banned the prosecutor from caust is so preposterous to believe footage and proof’ is part of their further investigation. is that the Nazis notoriously kept strategy of desperation, they say it The Jews have no interest in records of virtually everything— so frequently. It's really just a weak such investigations. They know except its planning, construction & shallow attempt to claim they well that there are hardly any Jews and execution, such as the resettle- have refuted Revisionists. Every among the tens of millions of vic- ment lists of those transported to time they try this “new infor- tims of war. It is quite sure that the the East (doesn't that contradict the mation” nonsense it turns out to be dead from Stuttgart are Germans Holocaust?) , to the blueprints, the same old absurdities which who were murdered after the war permits and contracts of those in- have been debunked repeatedly. by the French occupiers.” volved in creating the concentration And why would they need to claim - “Jews can't have it both ways. camps.” "never before seen footage and Either they are willing to prove it, - “Where is this mass grave? proof" while claiming the whole or they are not.” Are they Jews?” matter has long ago been fixed as - “For everyone out there that - “Once again the Holocaust is a "established fact" and the "most wants to know a little bit behind religion, something unquestionable documented event in history"? Ob- this, they "proved" that they were which nobody can ever change.” viously they feel their grip is slip- real Jews, and not the fake ones - “Apparently this person ping ... and it is.” that people have been saying that doesn't believe that people actually - “Emotional blackmail tri- they are. lie, and believes there are no rea- umphs over common sense and - ”Therein lies the problem for sons for people to lie. Using his/her evidence. Reading this reminds me anyone who researches any aspect logic requires accepting the vastly of just what an emotional topic the of the Holocaust. The standard sto- more numerous 'eyewitnesses' / Holocaust is for a lot of people. ry requires a person to believe that 'survivors' of witchcraft & sorcery The keywords, "Extermination", any dead body in the designated which was said to be scientific fact "Holocaust", "six million" used to areas must be Jewish AND must as determined in courts of law. I stir a huge emotional response in have been murdered by Germans. love debating these types. The an- me and the others in my class... Of Otherwise, the story doesn't hold ger they feel when they can't rebut course in lessons nowadays I don't water. The idea that anyone could Revisionist research is something feel sad about it at all, in fact I can die from any cause or at the hands to behold. I do find it humorous. barely refrain from laughing in the of anyone other than Germans only They believe because they want to face of laughable testimonies...” clogs the myth toilet.” believe. Rational folks would be - - “Well, according to one be- glad to hear that 6M Jews and an- - “Engineering Evil,” a History liever, (can't remember the quote other 5-6M 'others' were not mur- Channel special on Tuesday night, right now) ONLY Germans can dered. I always like to ask them for is devoted to the details of how the commit genocide - nobody else!” specifics of each 'survivors' story, if Nazis carried out the Holocaust, so they even know it. From there you you expect to learn about things shoot it down piece by contradict- Engineering evil like crematorium design, and you ing piece. The more people talk do. But another kind of engineering about the claimed storyline, the — call it human engineering — is A discussion of a History worse it becomes. The classic ex- also revealed here.” Channel television program, ample of that is Pressac's 'gas chamber' book. It was supposed to 10

be the definitive work. But what or free emigration which would fit ly claim the Holocaust propaganda happened was just the opposite. with this definition of ausrottung ? was mainly circulated by the Allies, The more he wrote the deeper the On the contrary, if you accept the and then later picked up by the quagmire for the 'holocaust' Indus- literal definition and most com- Jews for their own ends.” try.” monly accepted translation, that is - “The reports that may or may kill which is what happens to plants not be authentic, and have no sup- Inconvenient History, which are "rooted out," then if it porting evidence, and contradict Goebbels on the Jews does not mean to make Jews emi- logic as to what the Einsatzgruppen grate, then what does it mean?” were meant to be doing? See the - “Come on Balsamo, you really chapter: A discussion of: Part 1: are behind the curve on the tired and search the forum. Also, if the old 'ausrottung' canard. Numerous Germans were so adamant about examples debunk your position on destroying the documents referring Part 2: it. In 1993, Robert Wolfe, supervi- to killings in the camps, why were- sory archivist for captured German n't these alleged documents de- - “Why would he speak of the records at the National Archives stroyed? It makes no sense.” Jews coming back, if he meant to admitted that a more precise trans- - “She does realize that the Al- exterminate them?” lation of 'ausrottung' would be ex- lies, of course, had access to Ger- - “Goebbels : ‘In the POW tirpation or tearing up by the roots. man typewriters after the war. As camps, many are dying.’ From the Wolfe also pointed out that in Butz points out, with the wording, this implies dying, not Himmler's handwritten notes for a Einsatzgruppen documents, there murder; as in disease etc. I really major speech, that Himmler used are only signatures on the non- hope the Goebbels diaries will get a the term, 'judenevakuierung', or incriminating pages as well.” full translation into English some- evacuation of the Jews, not - “We claim that the Final Solu- time. It's amazing such a important 'extermination'. “ tion was not what you claim it to historical document has never been - “Soviet Premier Nikita be. Nobody denies there was some fully translated.” Khrushchev said at the United Na- kind of "Final solution"- but we “Goebbels: ‘Aber wenn sie sich tions, directed toward the United argue on whether it was murder or weigern, freiwillig zu gehen, sehe States; ‘We will bury you’. There it deportation.” ich keinen anderen Weg als die is, proof that the communists ex- - “On so called 'confessions'; we Ausrottung.’ We have long since terminated the people of the have many threads on the fact that established that Ausrottung does U.S.A.” torture and threats were consistent- not mean extermination per se, but ly used and there are no trial tran- "rooting out." It becomes clear he BBC article on ‘denial’ by scripts to confirm what the claims did not mean extermination when Deborah Lipstadt say. … there are thousands of con- we read the sentence that follows: fessions taken in courts of law

‘A good three or four hundred which confirm witchcraft and sor- Deborah Lipstadt is a fanatical years will go by before the Jews set cery, complete with 'eyewitnesses' anti-Revisionist, famous for being foot again in Europe. They'll return ... which dwarf in number the co- sued by David Irving. She teaches first of all as commercial travelers, erced 'holocaust confessions' … Jewish religion at Emory College. then gradually they'll become em- 'judicial notice' was given in these This article, ‘Denying the Holo- boldened to settle here -- the better show trials which made it nearly caust’, to exploit us...’ Why would he impossible for the 'confessors' to is the topic. The responses are to speak of the Jews coming back, if say anything but what the sham the content of the article. he meant to exterminate them?” prosecutors demanded.” - “So it is Anti Semitic to say - “So, if i could admit that one - “alleged Einsatzgruppen mass the Jews have ever done ANY- could use the figure of rooting out shootings; there are threads which THING wrong? Yeah, right. Also, one people from a society and a deal with the complete lack of mass if this woman actually knew about population, then why would Hitler graves that are alleged, they sup- revisionism, she'd know we actual- make a distinction between forced posedly know where they are, but 11

alas, no human remains. The ‘doc- where they try to rally so called - Where the Arolsen archives, uments’ make no sense and there’s 'academia' behind racist Jewish su- where so much real documentation the lack of provenance for them.” premacist stands against 'deniers? is held, is accessible to 'approved - “Lipstadt is a racist Jewish su- - Where they send out the racist users only'. Then there's the Inter- premacist, as she herself has said in JDL-like 'Hillel' members to stop national Association of Jewish so many words. It's another case of CODOH ads in university newspa- Lawyers and Jurists (IAJLJ) des- 'projection'. The Jewish suprema- pers? perately scrambling to get laws cists project their feelings on to - Where we see desperate sham against 'holocaust' denial in the others. A blind man can see what publications like 'The Holocaust U.S. The very existence of such a they're doing to the Palestinians Did Really Happen'? racist organization is proof of des- and how they cajole Americans - Where we see arch Zionist, Is- peration and disregard for others? into shedding goyim blood for Jew- rael-first Spielberg Shoah Founda- - Of course, in the first place, ish supremacist interests, see Walt / tion gather nonsensical 'survivors’ 'holocaust' denial laws that we see Mearsheimer, MacDonald, etc. on (where there should be no in Europe, Canada, Australia, etc. that fact.” 'survivors’ if the tales were true) are clear proof that Revisionists are - “Lipstadt says ‘Holocaust de- bizarre and scientifically impossi- winning the long term battle. niers have, thus far, been decidedly ble 'testimonies on film for "poster- As Thomas Jefferson said, unsuccessful in convincing the ity", but yet they control who can '"Only lies need protection of gov- broader public of their claims’. Oh access these laughable testimonies ernment, truth can stand on its really? to senility, groupthink, and the own". - Is that why at every turn we profit motive? see conferences-of-desperation

Caution: a Note from Arthur Butz: Vrba Might Not Be Vera Atkins’s Cousin

n the September issue of SR ceived history, i.e. the earlier tion the veracity of Stevenson's I(no. 185) I wrote that Rudolf (2005) Atkins biography A Life In claim of the Vrba-Atkins relation- Vrba was a cousin of Vera Atkins, Secrets, by Sarah Helm, places the ship. I have thus far been unable to the World War II British intelli- meeting in British-occupied Ger- verify the relationship because all gence agent. Wikipedia based this many in March 1946. relevant web pages I have found claim on the 2007 (I erroneously I wrote to Stevenson c/o his are based on Stevenson, the Wik- wrote 2011) book Spymistress by New York publisher on 11 Oct. ipedia article referencing Steven- William Stevenson. I confirmed via 2011 to ask for his comment on this son, or in some cases on my Sep- Google Books that Stevenson had discrepancy and as of 25 Nov. 2011 tember article. written thus on his p. 3. Stevenson I had received no reply. Thus I as- My hunch is that Stevenson got being a well-known popular biog- sume Stevenson's version of the that point, at least, right, but the rapher, I assumed he passed along a meeting is wrong. reader is belatedly warned. I hope fact. Now I have found that Steven- that the only factual error I passed I later got the book from the li- son's book got reviews that made along was the publication date of brary and looked for Stevenson's very negative judgments on Stevenson's book. account of Atkins's encounter with grounds of factual content (e.g. Ni- Rudolf Höss, which he described gel West in the International Jour- Arthur R. Butz on p. 310. The meeting is presented nal of Intelligence and Counter as occurring at the Soviet occupied Intelligence, vol. 21, no. 3, 2008, 25 November 2011 Auschwitz camp in fall 1945. Re- pp. 594-608). This calls into ques-


Dishonest Journalist of the Week Award

Lynn Sweet, The gravamen of the rejected the United States State Department Washington Bureau Chief comments was that the United starting with the US sponsored dec- Chicago Sun-Times States government should have laration in the United Nations “Re- 350 N. Orleans St., 10th Floor neutral officials, not officials who jecting any form of Holocaust de- Chicago, IL 60654 are emotionally involved in the is- nial.” [email protected] sues before them. As a daughter of With all due respect, Ms. a victim of Nazi persecution and a Rosenthal seems to be part of this Copy to former head of the Jewish Council trend. Rather than a banal panegyr- Tom McNamee, Editorial page for Public Affairs, an organization ic you should have asked important [email protected] with a strident anti-Revisionist questions about the cross-over of agenda, Ms. Rosenthal appears to private concerns and positions of 23 November 2011 be extraordinarily inappropriate to public trust. For your uninspired act as a monitor of what is “Deni- article and your dishonest treatment Dear Ms. Sweet: al.” Another writer submitted a of negative comments, you have question concerning the cost to the been awarded CODOH’s “Dishon- I am writing in response to your taxpayers of a Special Envoy to est Journalist of the Week” award. rejection of several comments sent Monitor and Combat…” to you regarding your article, The comments were reasonable Sincerely, Fight against anti-Semitism and interesting. Rather than post still has hurdles them, you ditched them. David Merlin CODOH is a Revisionist organ- Committee for Open Debate on ization. We believe that it is im- the Holocaust (CODOH) Your article is laudatory of portant to defend free speech and PO Box 439016 Hannah Rosenthal, the State De- promote open discussion. Express- San Ysidro, CA 92143 partment’s Special Envoy to Moni- ing "Denial" has been made a felo- Telephone: 209 682 5327\ tor and Combat Anti-Semitism and ny in many countries, usually with noted that Ms. Rosenthal is “paying the dishonest conflating of Revi- [NOTE: This letter was copied particular attention to growing sionism with “anti-Semitism. We to press on and off campus nation- Holocaust denial…” have seen a disturbing tendency to wide.] erode free speech and discussion in

Rucker: Lipstadt and Holocaust Abuse Continued from page 2

alone does not to my mind quite concentration camps in the them not only for purposes of dic- confirm an absolute devotion to the Altreich. But I can’t deny it’s a step tating the regnant narrative (the truth or even, more-accurately, an in the right direction—good as far “truth”), but in disqualifying any absolute aversion to risible fabrica- as it goes. alternative narratives that they tions. In fact, I’m not impressed at But Lipstadt’s claim of “abso- might choose to designate as Not all by it—other allies of Dr. lute devotion to the truth” implies the Truth. Some of the rest of us Lipstadt have yielded on more- an ability on her part to discern the are not only devoted quite as abso- central myths such as the the tat- truth and declare its presence that lutely as Lipstadt to the truth, but tooed lampshades, the submariners’ neither she nor all the king’s histo- we are in fact rather more ingen- socks made from human hair, and rians and all the king’s horses put ious, if not also vigorous, in ferret- even (the use of) gas chambers at together have, though it serves ing out the elusive animal, more


honest in drawing conclusions well, he of Animal Farm and 1984. write of them both? Will she ever about it, and more resolute in op- Though many, including myself, take up overt fiction, as Or- posing the tsunami of official and might fault our Deborah on her well/Blair did, as the best means of anointed opprobrium we face for handling of many facts whose truth conveying the truths that matter doing these things. For damn sure, lies now before the births of most most? Obviously, the odds are we make a lot less money at it and of us, her demonstrations in the against another George Orwell, so occupy a good deal fewer endowed years since the verdict of Irving v. soon and from so unlikely a quarter university chairs, a poverty for Lipstadt & Penguin-Putnam sug- of the ideological constellations which our opponents condemn us gest an intellect and value system under which we live. most unsympathetically, though that invite comparison with that of But I can hope, and I do. Or- with annoying regularity. Eric Blair (Orwell’s real name). well, after all, was a devoted social- My personal “savior” where in- Will she attain Orwell’s power over ist (and not the National Socialist tellect is concerned is George Or- this English language in which I kind).

Smith: Another Ordinary Life Continued from page 4

always said no. Now I was told he *** Carlos Porter and I were expressions often seen on the faces had changed his mind. I thought talking about a story in Axel of exhumed corpses, people who that was interesting but I did not Munthe’s The Story of San died and were buried normally. jump at the opportunity. I’m too Michelle where the coffins of two “Myself, I prefer the idea of old to fight, too old to run, and bodies were confused, or swapped, cremation. Did you know that for when Rubin gets within shouting in the most surprising literary de- open air cremation you have to cut distance of a Holocaust revisionist vice either of us has read. In the the tendons inside the knee and he has a difficult time keeping it one coffin, when it was opened, the elbow? Otherwise the tendons are together. Now it looks like the Ar- author saw a Russian general with shortened by the heat and the abs have put Rubin in an unusually his eyes wide open. This brought corpses curl up. You think they're bad mood. I’ll have to find some Carlos to make a number of inter- alive. Did anybody ever describe other way to amuse myself.” esting observations that may be this in any Hoaxoco$t yarn? It hap- particularly relevant now that the pens all the time in real life. *** A few months after Irv Ru- academic activists are shifting their “The Holohoaxers sometimes bin’s arrest with Earl Krugel for attention from alleged gas cham- claim people were tossed into the allegedly planning to blow up some bers to the shootings and mass bur- crematory ovens while still alive. Muslims, Irv Rubin was either ials on the Eastern front. With the doors closed you can't see murdered or committed suicide what's going on inside an oven. Not while in jail. I remember I was not “The general's eyes would only true with a funeral pyre. So far as I pleased when I heard the news. Irv be open if he wasn't quite dead know, not that many people were was full of passion, humor and bad when he was buried, woke up, and still alive in the funeral pyres. But ideas. He was a professional Jew, then died. These cases are usually it is claimed that some were. But in maybe the worst sense of that complete legend, although it is pos- with all the funeral pyre stories, phrase. He had no respect for the sible. Most cases of ‘live burial’ are where are those that tell of bodies great ideals of Western culture. due to convulsions of the dead curling” up? In real life, it would But all that being said, he was a body caused by expanding gases in happen quite often. guy you could laugh with. I had the corpse. The pressure of the gas- “Ever see a photo of somebody laughed with him more than once es is so great it can turn a complete- burnt alive in a car accident? They on the telephone. I was wary of ly dead body upside down or push are almost always found in the so- him, but I liked him. the intestines out of the rectum. called "pugilist position." hunched This is the reason for the horrible over, arms bent, fists clenched, 14

knees bent. This is because of the childhood bedroom in my parent’s wonderful story. heat shortening the tendons, caus- house in South-Central Los Ange- Then the young writer died. I ing them to contract. les. The brain was full of images of was stunned. He had starved him- “Sorry to dwell on this stuff. Korea, the beautiful mountains, the self to death on principle! He had “Merry Christmas.” rice paddies, the thatched-roofed died for his art! It had never oc- villages and the dead and torn up curred to me it was possible to do That’s okay, Carlos. bodies. The brain wouldn’t let it go. that. No one had told me that writ- I’m reminded of something I It was as if it couldn’t. I had begun ing could be that important. Were read maybe fifty years ago. If I re- to write about it. It was difficult to you supposed to find that out on member the story correctly, Ber- get it right. your own? Everything seemed to nard Shaw’s mother had died and it One quiet, desperate, Sunday af- be up to the writer. You had to de- was decided she would be cremat- ternoon I drove to the beach at Pla- cide for yourself. You could take ed. Shaw wanted to view the pro- ya Del Rey and parked the car at the writing however far you want- cess. Apparently there were facili- the edge of the road and looked out ed. I had never thought about it but ties in London (Dublin?) that al- over the sand and the blue ocean. A I recognized it the moment I saw it. lowed that. You can watch it today breeze was blowing off the water I wanted to take it all the way. I in Mexico. In any event, during the and I rolled down the windows so it wanted to risk death for the writing. cremation process, while Shaw could blow through the car. It was a The wind had come up consid- looked on, his mother sat up, to nice afternoon but inside I could erably. It blew off the top of the some consternation on the part of feel it coming up and I didn’t know blue ocean and across the white her very sophisticated son. what it was or what to do about it. sand and through the rolled down I had a couple paperback books windows of the car. I sat on the *** Dreamed of a pyramidal with me. I decided to start the one front seat behind the steering wheel form in the center of a body of wa- by William Saroyan. The first story in a kind of elevated stupor, the ter. It’s the kind of single-image was called “The Daring Young pages of Saroyan’s book still open, dream that, upon awaking, I might Man on the Flying Trapeze.” The its pages fluttering in my hands. I sense has some deep significance young man in the story was a writ- felt the tears going sideways across for me. er. He must have been about my my face. That’s how hard the wind Shortly afterward I dreamed that own age. The only thing important was blowing. if I were to have a problem with the to him was the writing. He lived new knee that Dr. Mercer installed alone in a rented room and wrote “In a single moment I became a a couple months ago that I should every day but he couldn’t get any question unto myself. Augustine.” mix parmesan cheese with the med- money for his stories. He couldn’t icine I had been given. I have ac- pay the rent on his room and most When I made that note earlier cepted the fact that I will find no of the time he didn’t have money this year, I don’t recall when or deep significance in the parmesan for food. where, I then added the one word. cheese dream. That day he was walking around “Saroyan.” The brain had made a the neighborhood looking in all the connection with a moment in my *** Today I found a scratchpad café windows. He was weak and life that had occurred close to sixty with one note written on it. The hungry but he was happy because years before. It was suggesting that note read: “In a single moment I he was living the life of a writer that afternoon when I first read the became a question unto myself. and not the ordinary life of the oth- story about the writer who died for Augustine.” And then there was ers. He walked slowly and uncer- his art that I had somehow become one more word: “Saroyan.” St. Au- tainly back to his room and col- a question unto myself. gustine and Saroyan. What was the lapsed on the bed. He grew deliri- connection? It took only a moment ous with hunger. He had already The full text of this story is online for the brain to put it together. been delirious with that other hun- here: . It was maybe 1953 and I was 23 ger, the hunger to be true to him- years old. I had been discharged self, and now the room began to from the army and was living in my whirl in a hunger delirium. It was a 15

*** David Wolpe is the rabbi the way it happened, if it happened *** About a week after you of Sinai Temple on Wilshire at all." Casting doubt on the histo- have this news letter to hand we Boulevard in Los Angeles. Wolpe ricity of the Exodus during the hol- will begin addressing students and has taught at the Jewish Theologi- iday that commemorates it brought faculty on those campuses nation- cal Seminary of America in New condemnation from congregants wide where Stephen Spielberg’s York, at the University of Judaism and several rabbis (especially Or- documentary The Last Days, is in Los Angeles, and at Hunter Col- thodox Rabbis). made available to students as if lege. Today at UCLA he teaches Now, in an article for The Wash- even the wackiest survivor testimo- modern Jewish religious thought. ington Post, Rabbi Wolpe has re- nies about Germans are to be ac- Wolpe is a regular contributor to sponded to the accusation made by cepted as unquestionable truth. The Jewish Week, The actress Susan Sarandon that “the Occurs to me only now that per- Post, The Los Angeles Times. He Pope is a Nazi,” suggesting that she haps we will find a way to keep frequently is should apologize Rabbi David Wolper and his asso- So we’re talking about a real ciates updated on these matters. guy here. Still, addressing the They will probably much appreci- Sarandan quote, our rabbi wrote in ate it. Eh? part: “It is always worth remembering the basics. What is a Nazi? “A Nazi is someone who herded Bradley people into concentration camps, dashed babies against brick ovens, Smith’s Report put the babies’ parents inside those is published by Rabbi David Wolpe ovens, turned gas on in mock showers to suffocate people, Committee for featured on documentaries on Bib- thought other races inferior, barely Open Debate lical topics produced by A&E Net- human, worthy of contempt, slav- on the Holocaust works, The Biography Channel, ery and death and literally planned world domination. A Nazi is some- History Channel, and History Bradley R. Smith, Founder Channel International. He has ap- one who belonged to a party that For your contribution of $39 peared as a commentator on CNN began a war enveloping the entire and CBS This Morning globe and resulting in the death of you will receive 12 issues of Wolpe's most recent book, Why countless millions of people. That Smith’s Report. is a Nazi.” Faith Matters, is both an answer to Canada and Mexico--$45 Imagine how a real guy, and this books about atheism and a recount- Overseas--$49 ing of his battle with illness (he has rabbi is a real guy, can be such a

undergone surgery for a brain tum- sophisticate on all kinds of adult or and chemotherapy for lympho- matters, but when it comes to the Letters and Donations to: ma). In 2008 and 2009, he had pub- Jewish Holocaust tales he falls into a flaming pit of dark ignorance and Bradley R. Smith lic debates with Chrisopher Hitch- Post Office Box 439016 ens, Sam Harris, Steven Pinker, bad faith that is so commonplace among the lettered and unlettered San Ysidro, CA 92143 Roger Cohen, and Indian yogi and mystic Sadhguru, among others. In alike on these matters. His brain 2008 he was named the No.1 Pulpit understands the gas chamber- Desk: 209 682 5327 German brutality concepts exactly Rabbi in America by Newsweek Email as the Industry has peddled them, magazine. [email protected] On Passover 2001, Wolpe told on the level exhibited in so many of his congregation that "the way the Stephen Spielberg’s corrupt “eye- Bible describes the Exodus is not witness” videos.



No. 189 Challenging the Holocaust Taboo Since 1990 February 2012 Online at

Arthur Butz and “Auschwitz: The Case for Sanity” An Insufficiently Dispassionate Review

By Carlo Mattogno

Smith’s Report no. 185 of duction; his position as a leading (familiar to readers of this October 2011 published an article light on the international newsletter) are among the most by Arthur Butz entitled ―Two Revisionist scene is uncontested, energetic and productive Cutting-Edge Works of Holocaust but for this very reason what he revisionists working today. Revisionism“ (pp. 3-7).[i] It was a They have accumulated a review of Samuel Crowell‘s recent wealth of documentary material book The Gas Chamber of Sherlock with long, presumably self- Holmes, and Other Writings on the financed, trips to the various Holocaust, Revisionism, and archives, especially in eastern Historical Understanding (Nine- Europe. Banded Books, Charleston, WV, ―Mattogno has published a 2011), and of my own Auschwitz: number of books and articles on The Case for Sanity (The Barnes Auschwitz, the core of the Review, Washington, 2010), which ‗Holocaust‘ legend, and this is the American edition of Le two-volume work is the most camere a gas di Auschwitz (Effepi, recent. Past readers of IHR‘s Genoa, 2009). Journal of Historical Review Butz does not need any intro- and ‘s The

Carlo Mattogno Revisionist may recall that I This article by Mattogno was have occasionally clashed with originally published online on writes here is somewhat disap Mattogno. I do have a problem Inconvenient History. The original pointing, as it does not remotely with Mattogno‘s writings and, contains four “figures” (illustra live up to his reputation. partly because I have already tions). They are not found here for I quote his recent review: read many of them, and partly technical reasons. They can be ―C arlo Mattogno, his long- for reasons I shall presently found online at elucidate, I did not read these time colleague Jürgen Graf, and, more recently, Thomas Kues 1

recent two volumes in their with the change that a cyanide nd this is all that Butz can entirety. danger was seen in the A find to say about a two- ―A major reason I did not read cremations (I had never volume book of 750 pages! all of Mattogno‘s books is encountered an association of He does not explain what is its simply that I have great trouble cyanide with cremation). I say it purpose, yet this is clearly indicated following his arguments and, ‗seemed‘ because throughout in the subtitle: ―A Historical & even after taking all that time the considerable labor of Technical Study of Jean-Claude and trouble, I can feel I have reading this section it was not Pressac’s Criminal Traces and been left in the lurch.‖ clear where he was headed, but Robert Jan van Pelt’s Convergence ―Our most recent clash was on that‘s okay if the matter is of Evidence‖. It is therefore a the subject of a document clarified in the end. Twice (pp critical work that should be showing the Auschwitz cons- 94, 107) he promised to ‗furnish evaluated for what it promises, truction department attempting an alternative explanation‘ to namely to present an exhaustive, to get cyanide gas detectors the interpretation of Pressac et radical, systematic and detailed from the oven manufacturer al. He did not consider the rebuttal of all the arguments put Topf for use in a crematorium possible involvement of the forward by these two exter- then under construction. Pressac waste incinerator. minationist authors concerning the and others had held this ―I was to be disappointed as alleged homicidal gas chambers at document up as proving the he suddenly, and without Auschwitz. A serious review existence of gas chambers in the warning, concluded his analysis should assess whether the task was crematoria. Those wishing to with this single paragraph (p. performed in an accurate manner, revisit that exchange can see my 114): and if the arguments are sound and original article,[ii] Mattogno‘s ―‗For all these reason [sic] the the demonstration convincing. original article, [iii] and the Topf letter of March 2, 1943, is Surprisingly, Butz instead pays Butz-Mattogno exchange.[iv] It at least suspicious. Although it no attention to all of that. He cites suffices to say that Mattogno‘s seems formally authentic, its my work without even mentioning theory was that the document content is utterly untenable.‘ the subtitle: What can his reader ‗was falsified by an ignorant ―What does that mean? I don‘t infer from the simple title forger‘, while I speculated that know. If anything, Mattogno Auschwitz: The Case for Sanity? In the wish for cyanide gas appears to want to come back to his article van Pelt (to whom over detectors arose from a waste his original claim of 200 pages are devoted in the book) incinerator that shared ducts falsification, but perhaps is not even mentioned, while with the crematorium ovens. We understands that the evidence Pressac, whose theses are, directly agreed that Zyklon was not gives no support to such a or indirectly, the subject of the rest involved, as there was a special conclusion, so he has left the of the book, is mentioned only in department at Auschwitz for matter in confusion. He did not passing and in relation to a specific that, which had all the cyanide ‗furnish an alternative interpretation by him. detectors needed for that explanation‘. The fact that Butz has application. ―Thus I warn that the fruits of ―problems‖ with my writings, that ―It was therefore with great the reader‘s considerable labor he has ―great trouble‖ in following interest that I read his new may be more in learning the my arguments, that 22 pages are for discussion of the alleged gas relevant documents than in him a ―considerable labor,‖ are detectors, which is admirable formulating reliable clearly his personal limitations that for its copious documentation. It conclusions. In knowledge of concern only him [v]: nobody takes 22 pages but, mainly the documents, Mattogno seems forced him to read this book, but if because Mattogno‘s trains of to have no peer.‖ he really wanted to submit a review thought contrast so much with of it, he should read it and take mine, I found the going rough. account of it in its entirety. It seemed that Mattogno was coming around to my theory, Continued on page 8 2

Fragments: Another Ordinary Life

Bradley Smith

*** Andrew Adler is the Jewish north. I was in our garage working awareness of gas chambers while owner and editor of The Atlanta at the computer when my wife prisoners reminded me that I‘ve Jewish Times. Early this month he ushered them in. I had met Russ a known and spoken at length with a published a column where he wrote number of times, he was in the number of people who were at that to ensure its continued group run by David McCalden in Auschwitz and Dachau and none existence Israel should consider Los Angeles and we each attended ever mentioned the subject [of gas assassinating Barrack Obama. To David‘s monthly get-togethers. But chambers – Ed.]. One was my murder Obama is not his first seeing Carlo there in my garage mother‘s half-brother who was a choice. His first two options for was a real surprise. teen-age POW there (captured protecting the State of Israel would There wasn‘t room for me in Polish cavalryman) and we talked be preemptive strikes against Russ‘s car so I got in mine and led about his time in both camps when Hezbollah and Hamas, and the them to a bakery/coffee shop he came to the US while I was destruction of Iran‘s nuclear downtown on Main Street where home on leave from the AF in the facilities. The third strike however we sat at a small round table to early Fifties. would be to give the go-ahead for talk. Russ and Carlo communicated ―About a year later I was back U.S.-based Mossad agents to take in Italian, but I had no Italian. in New York and met a young out a U.S. president deemed Carlo did not speak English. What Jewish girl—Gertie—who had unfriendly to Israel—Barack to do? Turned out that Carlo and I moved into my mother‘s small Hussein Obama could both do Spanish and that‘s apartment building with some Mr. Adler ads: ―Don‘t you think what we did for the next hour or relatives. She told me she had been that this almost unfathomable idea two. at a factory in one of the Auschwitz has been discussed in Israel‘s most I do not recall a single thing camps of {for?} four years, from inner circles?‖ that was said during the time we sat age 12 to 16, and described her I would ask Mr. Adler: ―Don‘t there talking and laughing. It was experiences there—not too bad— you think this could be seen as a just chat. What I do remember was with a group of girls like herself, Jew contributing to anti- what good company Mattogno was, but there was no mention of gas Semitism?‖ The reaction by Jewish how amused we each were with the chambers. Surely if such a media was fast and furious, to coin other. And I remember that when terrifying possibility had existed it a term. Adler is stricken with we parted and Russ‘s car pulled out would have been all over the shame, guilt, and fear. He has from the curbing onto Main Street grapevine at the prison camp. stepped down as editor of The to head South, Mattogno turned in ―I can understand why Atlanta Jewish Times and is his seat to look out the back Finkelstein doesn‘t want to be seen looking for a buyer. Jews window for me. I was standing cooperating with you publicly. everywhere (almost?) are glad to there on the sidewalk watching He‘s barely hanging on by his teeth see him go. them go. When Mattogno found me as it is. He saw the character he laughed and gave me a thumbs- assassination that Chomsky got *** One sunny noonday about up. That‘s the moment that has beat up with when he defended fifteen years ago when we were remained most clearly in the Faurisson years ago and knows he living in Visalia, California, Russ memory. would lose whatever clout he has Granata and Carlo Mattogno left in the Jewish community if he stopped by the house to say hello. *** Paul Nash writes: ―Your appeared to be supporting They were passing by, so to speak, comments a couple months ago holocaust denial too. You ought to returning to Los Angeles from a about trying to get Finkelstein to leave Jews like him alone. They‘re trip to Sacramento or other places respond about his parents‘ 3

really on our team but they can‘t them. That‘s what we are doing. Find it here: say so out loud.‖ We‘ve put a lot of hours into developing new email lists for *** In the old days, back in the student organizations at major International Lawfare in 1990s, CODOH could run quarter- universities around the country. Defense of Holocaust Orthodoxy page and even full-page revisionist These last weeks we have focused, By Jett Rucker. Find it here: texts in campus newspapers so long though not exclusively, on those as I had the funds. Nowadays, after campuses that provide full access 15 years of focused and to the thousands of videos of The Truth about 'Night': Why significantly successful efforts by survivor testimony collected by it's not Elie Wiesel's Story the ADL, Hillel and the rest of that Stephen Spielberg‘s The Shoah By Carolyn Yeager. Find it class of perps, the placement by Foundation, which is headquartered here: CODOH of such revisionist texts at USC in Los Angeles. Not has become rather impossible. difficult, but it is substantially time The Last Days of the Big Lie Nevertheless, with the Internet, consuming. (video) By Eric Hunt. Find it here. three and four years ago we were The idea is to be a steady able to turn to placing small ads presence, a provocation, on campus and links in the online editions of via the internet throughout the year, Break His Bones: The Private campus newspapers. These small, to never let up, to go around, to go Life of A Holocaust Revisionist: revisionist ads and links could be over or under every wall put up Chapter 5 By Bradley Smith found by anyone in the world who against us. In short, if we cannot Find it here: has a computer and an interest I the get into the university in one way, 73tnm2u subject, not just those on the we will get there in another. specific campus where the Following is an outline of one Following the above the student newspaper was being published. sample of the sends we are finds a brief introduction to Of course the usual perps, again, emailing to hundreds of student CODOH, a link to sign up for brought in their big guns and have organizations at one campus after Smith’s Report and news updates, significantly limited, though not another. We will work with one and direct contact numbers for me. entirely closed down, even this text after another until we find one Most of these materials will be old kind of revisionist presence on the that is particularly productive. hat to you, most were printed in American university campus. Still, Being productive means college Smith’s Report. But it will be the the life of a technologically students subscribe to SR online, first revisionist information that the advanced culture being what it is, join our Face Book pages, and take student has ever directly received. CODOH has a way to get to the story to their professors, their Ever. students and faculty and university campus newspaper and on out to administrations on the American the community in which their *** Richard Widmann has campus nationwide. The concept is university is situated. some bad news. He writes: ―The very simple. Chose a university Following is one example of the team here at Inconvenient History where we want to have a presence, mailings we are doing. It was sent has just learned that our Print on build an email list for that campus to student organizations and faculty Demand publisher, Lulu, will no of students, faculty and at six universities. In the send itself longer print or distribute our administration, and send these folk there is a brief descriptive intro- Annual editions. The ‗Questionable our materials directly. be, collect duction to each text. The send is Content Team‘ at Lulu has from online sources the emails of headlined: informed us that our content and in students, faculty. fact all revisionist writing is ‗illegal There are programs available to Stories You Won’t Find and anti-constitutional‘ in France university webmasters to block on Fox News or PBS. and Germany — two of their these sends, but there are programs markets. available to us to unblock them, to Holocaust Denial and Anti- Continued on page 13 go around them, under and over Semitism by Richard A. Widmann. 4

How Holocaust Revisionism Can “Cause” “Anti-Semitism”

by Jett Rucker

eborah Lipstadt and the Holocaust story in the service of anyone manifesting a logical host she leads have some political agenda, more often response to his own awakening. My D made it holy writ that than not a patently nefarious one. realization that criminal penalties anti-Semitism is the leading cause Or it might have come from were protecting lies opened up all for ―Holocaust Denial.‖ To people noting the prominent position in manner of questions for me that I schooled in this concept, which is literary fraud occupied by the had previously considered most of us, the idea that the process Holocaust in the form of entirely answered. can proceed in the reverse sounds fictive Holocaust experiences such I received my education in the backwards. Is it possible then that as those reported by Herman United States somewhat before the the process of ―Denial‖ Rosenblat, Misha Defonseca, Elie great wave of Holocaust education (questioning?) can lead to anti- Wiesel, swept the schools, leaving in its Semitism? wake a plethora of state laws Let us start with the Seed of The first question about lies mandating the teaching of ―the Doubt, the discovery that most of was, what lies? Of what I had Holocaust‖ (these laws spreading us who read this newsletter can learned over all those years, what and perpetuating lies, rather than probably remember, the Seed that was true and what was false? punishing their refutation). But I led us to inquire into the veracity of And as for the things that were am of German extraction, and the Holocaust Tradition we‘ve all false, what then was the truth? about half of my friends were been fed all our lives through every Just running down these matters Jewish, not only because the orifice--auditory, digestive was a huge job, with surprise population where I grew up (metaphorically), intellectual, and after surprise awaiting me that at includes many Jews, but also even unmentionable in some cases. least enabled me to take a new because I was an egghead in The Seed gets planted in a thousand pride in my Germanic heritage, school, and eggheads in particular different ways. For me, it came in something of which I was always know that Jews are overrepresented an epiphany concerning the proud, despite the unsavory among eggheads. criminalization of Holocaust denial reputation it won me here in These circumstances led me to in Germany and a dozen or so America. have a greater interest in the countries scattered over both (or all Holocaust than any of my friends, three) sides of the Second World and the many other mendacious Jewish or not, and this great War. Employing the broad, deep scribblers. Or perhaps the latest interest of mine had two streak of anti-statism I‘ve scam involving fraudulent consequences: first, obviously, I developed in my old age, I realized reparations-payments claims—but I ―knew‖ a great deal about the in a blinding flash that laws of this digress—the Seeds are everywhere, Holocaust long before it even had kind are made for only one reason: and the wonder is that they don‘t that name; and second, ironically, to protect lies. sprout more profusely among what this interest coupled with my not For others, the Seed might have must be an intimidated and badly being a Jew left many of my come in recognition of something misinformed public. schoolmates (chiefly non-eggheads Deborah Lipstadt of previous My own Seed, then, led down a who didn‘t know me well) mention has herself condemned: path that I‘ll outline in general suspecting and saying that I was a Holocaust abuse—the enlistment of terms in expectation that its closet Nazi. Nazi or no, I believed the legacy of the popularized branches will all be familiar to the Holocaust mythology even as it 5

was developing, and I was properly their livelihood, their reputation, and kill Germans and culminating horrified by it, if only because a their marriage, to the vicious in the expansionist war-making of repetition of it would lose me half defenders of these lies? Who‘s Israel that continues unabated to my friends. Thus, when decades been financially ruined, and who‘s the present day. later I came to realize the error of had to flee their country, quite like In between lies the collection of my ways, I felt betrayed far more victims of the original Holocaust? billions of dollars in Holocaust than anyone else would have who The questions kept coming up as reparations from German and had not had a lifelong special quickly as I gained the new Austrian taxpayers born long after interest in the matter. The suddenly answers to the old questions. In the Holocaust ended. Collected by opened questions had an urgency fact, many of these questions were individuals and Jewish for me they would not have had for new, including: How extensive is organizations, including Israel most others. fraud within the Holocaust itself, it usually amounted to sheer The first question about lies narrative? How many people claim extortion such as the 1998 $1.25 was, what lies? Of what I had to be victims who are not, and what billion heist from the Swiss learned over all those years, what (besides Nobel Peace Prizes) do banking industry by Edgar was true and what was false? And they gain from their fraud? How Bronfman and Stuart Eisenstaedt as for the things that were false, many of the recipients of individual with the help of the Clinton what then was the truth? Just reparations payments (which administration. And then the never- running down these matters was a originally I hadn‘t even known ending investigations, rescissions huge job, with surprise after about) were frauds, of citizenship, deportations, trials surprise awaiting me that at least and kidnappings of hyperannuated enabled me to take a new pride in So, how does this unending ―Nazi war criminals‖ such as John my Germanic heritage, something odyssey through an ocean of lies, Demjanjuk, and the wanton of which I was always proud, liars and lying incline the destruction of the careers of writers despite the unsavory reputation it voyager toward anti-Semitism? It and academics from David Irving won me here in America. comes in noting the identities of to Norman Finkelstein, whose book Along with the contents of the the villains of this piece. The Holocaust Industry was my lies and the histories of their first book after the scales fell from development, there then arose and how many others not even my eyes. parallel questions: How are these claiming to have been direct So, how does this unending lies told? It was not difficult to see victims are, like Senator Alphonse odyssey through an ocean of lies, the answers to that, everywhere I d‘Amato, profiting handsomely liars, and lying incline the voyager turned. Who is telling these lies, from it, who aren’t even Jewish? toward anti-Semitism? It comes in and within that, who is telling How were all the mountains of noting the identities of the villains which lies? And then, the ―evidence‖ ―proving‖ the of this piece. I don‘t mean, of blockbuster. Why are these lies Holocaust produced, and by whom, course, of the original Holocaust, in told? Who benefits from them? Is and from what motivations? From which Jews were chiefly victims there money in it? (I was very naïve the answer to this question I gained (some played both roles, e.g., as at the beginning.) a whole new understanding of the kapos, while others escaped by Then the questions became: Nuremberg Trials and the entire various means). Rather, Jews figure Who refutes these lies, and why are history of the Allied occupation of prominently as villains in the there so few of them, and why so Germany, a period whose legacy it development and exploitation of little heard (entire sagas lie among was that actually tipped me off to the Holocaust mythology since the numerous and tragic answers to the whole game. 1945. Jews as a group also figure as this question)? What happens to The ―why‖ questions relating to the victims in whose name all people who refute these lies, or the ―who‖ questions produced for manner of scams and outright even just disclose disbelief in them me a cascade of evil schemes that atrocities are committed and (an answer I very soon got right draw life from the Holocaust defended. To be sure, various other between the eyes)? Who‘s been travesty, beginning with the non-Jewish actors participated jailed, when, why in particular, and program of the Allies after the pivotally in the launching of the for how long? Who lost their job, conclusion of hostilities to imprison Holocaust enterprise, and they are


also very much to be found among upon the larger society by attitudinal developments I present the various scalawags who contrive organizations identifying above and why don‘t they launch to benefit on the back of this all- themselves as Jewish, as serving attacks from a fresh angle against too-genuine tale of suffering and Jewish beneficiaries, or staffed Holocaust revisionism on the basis injustice borne by huge numbers of largely by Jews. The many who do of it? A little contemplation people. are simply fellow victims, like so produces an obvious answer: From these frequent and noxious many of the rest of us, of the because to deplore revisionism on appearances in an infinite sequence brainwashing campaigns we have this basis would constitute an of deceptions and exploitations for been subject to pretty much since admission that inquiry into the facts profit—ever for profit—the first drawing breath. There is and of the matter shows Zionism, inquirer can, and usually does, always has been among the Jews a Israel, and Jews in a very bad light, acquire a reflexive distaste for any cabal (or two, or three) that is and possibly draw their defenders sort of public enterprise that is devastatingly effective in into a bottomless pit of apologetics identifiably Jewish or undertaken in penetrating and taking over for any or all of these groups. the name of Jewish beneficiaries. powerful organizations such as Simpler, by far, and in keeping And the appearance in current news government, law, and medical with the dominant tenor of their of figures such as Bernard Madoff professions in any number of tactics, to simply tar the whole lot further reinforces this distaste in countries, as well as banking of us as motivated by (inborn, ways it probably wouldn‘t have if systems, media, academia, labor irrational, unjustified) anti- the observer had remained deceived unions, and so on. Semitism and leave the matter by the mythology in which today This/these cabals, in turn, are a standing as pure character all our children are raised. This select minority of Jews—a tight- assassination. Doing this even distaste can be mistaken for real knit core group/s to which not even denies our command of the anti-Semitism (a hatred of all rich, powerful, or professionally discriminating ability to engage in individuals because they are successful Jews belong. And while the very focused, reasonable Jewish) not only by one‘s friends out-group Jews naturally and condemnation that I propose in the and relatives, but in one‘s own without much reflection tend to paragraph above, where the true heart if one fails to reflect give the artfully disguised groups object of hatred is not the people, thoughtfully on what is actually, like AIPAC, the WJC, and Israel but rather the things they are doing. and very logically, being learned. lip service, they in fact do not lend The expression of hatred, like Personally, I know, respect, and significant financial support to fear and curiosity, is a basic human love a good number of Jews, a very these groups, nor do they support behavior that has evolved with the few of them above all other people. their policies if and as they are species as an essential survival This has made it easier for me to (gently) made familiar with their mechanism without which the have the following reflections. It particulars. At the point where one progeny of Adam and Eve would may not be so easy—indeed realizes this, one is in a good long ago have died out under the necessary—for others not as position to distinguish the distaste fangs and claws of larger and less blessed as I am in this particular and even antipathy for certain mindful predators. We have these way. Most Jews do not, at least if ―Jewish‖ enterprises from actual gifts, however, and it is incumbent they are called upon to think about anti-Semitism. on us to employ them vigorously, it, support the exploitation of the Now, why do Deborah Lipstadt, judiciously and discerningly along Holocaust, nor do they support, Abe Foxman, Elie Wiesel, and with, here and there, a dash of take part in, or benefit from, the others so scrupulously avoid human empathy. In precisely the various other depredations worked pointing to the sequence of way they say we don‘t.

Ha'aretz 27 January 2012

Holocaust denial trumps freedom of expression

It may in some cases be difficult to establish precisely when denial is innocent enough not to imply incitement to hatred or hostility toward the victims or their group. But it is not impossible.


Carlo Mattogno: Arthur Butz and “Auschwitz” continued from page 2

The book is divided into 19 quotes the above-mentioned gases (Rauchgasanalyse-Anlagen) chapters and further subdivided telegram). The reason why he to % CO2 detectors (Geber für die into 110 sections, containing about insists on this issue is precisely the % CO2), to indicators for % CO2 170 sub-sections, each of which fact that in this regard, he and I and for % CO+H2 (Anzeiger für % makes several points. Butz, have in the past had a CO2 und für % CO+H2) (see Figure however, focuses on one: in quan- disagreement. But this ―our most 2). titative terms, he takes into recent disagreement‖ goes back to Figure 2 – Siemens ―Gasprü consideration 22 pages out of more 1998: was it really worth digging it fer‖ from the thirties. From: than 750. It is as though someone up? Alberto Cantagalli, Nozioni were to review his famous The Given that Butz has done so, it teorico-pratiche per i conduttori di Hoax of the Twentieth Century by would be as well to summarize caldaie e generatori di vapore (G. examining only the twenty pages what this disagreement concerned. Lavagnolo Editore, Torino, 1940), devoted to this so-called War Anyone interested in a more p. 308. (The captions have been Refugee Board Report (I will thorough examination of the issue erroneously inverted). explain below why I have chosen can read my updated article On the other hand, there were no this example), ignoring all the rest, ―Osservazioni sull‘articolo di A. Anzeigegeräte für Blausäure-Reste: and claiming, from these twenty or Butz ‗Gas Detectors in the these did not exist and could not so pages, to assess the value of the Auschwitz Crematorium II‘‖ exist, because the term Anzei work as a whole. (Observations on A. Butz‘s article gegeräte refers to ―indica tors‖, that This section (2.6, pp. 93-114) is ―Gas Detectors in the Auschwitz is, to mechanical instruments func divided into 7 sub-sections which Crematorium II‖)[vi]. I state that tioning on a physical principle cover the following topics: 1) Butz starts from two erroneous (exactly like those shown in Figure ―Pressac‘s Interpretation‖; 2) ―The assumptions which already, in 2), but at that time the presence of Destination of the ‗Gasprüfer‘‖; 3) principle, invalidate his arguments. hydrocyanic acid vapor could only ―The Historical Context‖; 4) ―The The first is the unfounded be detected using a residual gas test Bureaucratic Context‖; 5) conjecture that the Gasprüfer and (Gasrestprobe), which was carried ―Problems Not Solved by Jean- the Anzeigegeräte für Blausäure- out with the Gasrestnachweisgerät Claude Pressac‖; 6) ―What Were Reste were ―gas detectors‖, more für Zyklon (Zyklon [B] residual-gas the ‗Gasprüfer‘?‖ (in which I give specifically, hydrocyanic acid testing kit), the process developed my ―alternative explanation‖); 7) vapor detectors. In fact, as I have by Pertusi and Gastaldi and ―Prüfer and the ‗Gasprüfer‘‖. The demonstrated in the above- perfected by Sieverts and argument presented is simple and mentioned work (and earlier in the Hermsdorf and carried out with linear: what is there that is so paper I Gasprüfer di Auschwitz: chemical reagents and papers difficult to understand? Analisi storico-tecnica di una contained in a special box (see Butz‘s exposition is all the more “prova definitiva”[vii]), the Figure 3). imprecise in that he speaks of ―a ―Gasprüfer‖ were straightforward Figure 3 “Gasrestnachweis- document‖ of the flue-gas analyzers (see Figure 1). gerät für Zyklon‖ found by the Zentralbauleitung relating to Figure 1 – Entry ―Gasprüfer‖ in Soviets at Auschwitz in 1945. alleged ―gas detectors‖, whereas section ―Thermo-technical measure Archive of the Auschwitz State there are two documents in ment /Technical gas analyses‖ in Museum, negative no. 627. This kit question: the telegram to Topf of the prestigious Hütte: Des was normally sold by the two 26 February 1943, which contains Ingenieurs Taschenbuch (Verlag German distributors of Zyklon B, an order for ―10 Gasprüfer‖, and W. Ernst & Sohn, Berlin, 1931), Heerdt und Lingler (Heli) and the letter, also addressed to Topf, vol. I, p. 1013. Tesch und Stabenow (Testa) (see dated 2 March 1943, which In the early forties there existed Figure 4). mentions the ―Anzeigegeräte für a number of instruments of this Figure 4 – Letter from Tesch & Blausäure-Reste‖ (but which also type, from devices to analyze flue Stabenow to the KL Lublin 8

administration dated 29 July 1942. incinerators, they would have specializing in combustion Archive of the State Museum of ordered them from the garrison equipment. Majdanek, I, d 2, vol. 1, p. 107. physician, since they fell within his And the letter of March 2, 1943, Butz‘s second assumption is the institutional scope, and certainly with its notional ―Anzeigegeräte für hypothesis, equally unfounded, that not from Topf, who neither Blausäure-Reste‖? In that regard, I there existed ―a gas detector produced nor sold them. stated that: differing from that used in the Butz‘s conjecture is also not ―If a historian affirms that a Zyklon delousing operations‖ even very sensible because it completely document furnishes ‗the ultimate equipped with an audible ignores historical, technical, and proof‘ of some fact, he must also alarm.[viii] documentary reality. There is not address and resolve all the Since testing for residual gas even the faintest indication in its problems which arise in this could only be done using the favor, and, as I showed in my connection and he must not evade chemical procedure of the article on the subject, it is in no this burdensome task.‖ (p. 112) Gasrestnachweisgerät für Zyklon, way supported by the historical, But neither Pressac nor van Pelt, in practice Butz‘s conjecture that technical, and documentary nor Butz, nor anyone else has these alleged ―gas detectors‖ were context. resolved these problems, which can for the waste incinerator To Butz it seems that I am be summarized as follows: (Müllverbrennungsofen) of turning around his theory, by 1) an order for combustion gas Crematorium II at Birkenau referring to the danger of analyzers (Gasprüfer) by the (assuming that material could be production of hydrocyanic acid at Zentralbauleitung to Topf is burned there whose combustion cremations. His impression is followed by an offer, by Topf, of produced hydrocyanic acid) is mistaken, since I have never Anzeigegeräte für Blausäure-Reste, incongruous and in contradiction maintained such an absurdity. He instruments which did not, and with his admission that ―We agreed then states that I twice promised to could not, exist; that Zyklon was not involved, as ―furnish an alternative explanation‖ 2) the alleged purpose of the there was a special department at to Pressac‘s interpretation, order for these instruments, to test Auschwitz for that, which had all whereas, in fact, I would not have for residual hydrogen cyanide gas, the cyanide detectors needed for done so. In reality this explanation, is nonsensical and impossible, that application.‖ In fact, as I have as I have already mentioned, can be because it could not be carried out explained in my study (pp. 100- found in subparagraph 6, either with Gasprüfer, or with 102), the acquisition and the use of specifically on p. 111, where I have notional Anzeigegeräte für Zyklon B with associated concluded that the 10 Gasprüfer Blausäure-Reste, but only with the accessories, including apparatus for were, in fact, simple flue gas Gasrestnachweisgerät für Zyklon; residual-gas testing, were the analyzers destined for the 10 flues 3) according to Pressac‘s responsibility of the SS- (Rauchkanäle) of Crematories II interpretation and in effect Butz‘s, Standortartz (garrison physician). and III. the order for alleged residual gas- This makes complete nonsense of Crematory II came into service testing equipment for hydrogen the Zentralbauleitung‘s order from on February 20, but at reduced cyanide would have been addressed Topf for Gasprüfer/Anzeigegeräte capacity, because the electrical not to the garrison physician, under für Blausäure-Reste which power supply only allowed a whose institutional responsibility it according to the theory of Pressac ―limited use of existing machines‖. fell, not to the companies that and of Butz were The ―Gasprüfer‖ were, therefore, produced it and sold it – Degussa Gasrestnachweisgeräte, or used to determine whether the (Deutsche Gold- und Silber- apparatus for residual gas testing limited use of the draft and blower Scheideanstalt), Degesch for hydrocyanic acid: if the installations would allow (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zentralbauleitung had had a economically viable combustion. Schädlingsbekämpfung), Heli, and requirement for such equipment, And since they were thermo- Testa – but to a company that dealt either, hypothetically, for technical instruments, it is obvious with combustion equipment![ix] homicidal purposes in the alleged that the Zentralbauleitung would And it is clear that, as long as gas chambers or for testing waste have ordered them from a firm there is no resolution of the 9

mystery of the Anzeigegeräte für document in question has no value, a book containing arguments Blausäure-Reste, a designation, I no more than a military document which, by his own admission, he repeat, not found in any of the that mentioned a flying attack can follow only with ―great specialist literature on donkey. This is precisely what I difficulty‖. disinfestation and the detection of meant with the conclusion: In his examination of Crowell‘s toxic gases, a designation which in ―For all these reasons, the Topf theses, Butz dwells at length on the fact appears only in the letter of letter of 2 March 1943 is at least so-called War Refugee Board March 2, 1943, no ―alternative suspect. Although it seems Report, the series of reports by explanation‖ is possible, simply formally true, its content is prisoners who escaped from because no explanation is possible. completely unreliable.‖ Auschwitz in 1944, also known as That of Pressac and his associates Was this so hard to understand? the ―Auschwitz Protocols.‖ I have is in fact a false explanation, The military document would also dealt with this document, because it translates literally be formally authentic, but what devoting a section of just over 14 (residual hydrogen cyanide gas about the flying attack donkey? It pages to it (pp. 563-577). The fact detectors) from a contrived term for would be too facile to solve the that Butz does not speak of this, something that has no tangible riddle (as, by analogy, do Pressac although obviously interested in the existence in the real world and Butz with regard to subject, gives rise to the suspicion (Anzeigegeräte für Blausäure- ―Anzeigegeräte‖) by surmising that that, in my book, he has only read Reste). ―flying donkey‖ means, for the 22 pages mentioned above. As for Butz, his approach to this example, ―helicopter‖. This would Also surprising is that Butz has document is so superficial that he not be an explanation, but simply a left out another important issue on presents only a translation into cop-out, as is identifying which we disagree: that of English, without even mentioning ―Anzeigegeräte für Blausäure- ―Vergasungskeller‖. In the book in the suspicious novelty of the Reste‖ with residual gas test kits for question, I examined in depth (pp. German expression ―Anzeigegeräte hydrocyanic acid. 55-69) the problem with this term, für Blausäure-Reste‖[x], relegating So it is not true that I leave the which appears in the letter from the it to the literal ―residual HCN matter ―in confusion‖: it is the Zentralbauleitung to SS- detection devices‖[xi] . In effect he document that creates confusion. Brigadeführer Kammler, head of completely sidesteps the key issue This is admitted by Butz himself, Office Group C of the SS-WVHA, in this document. In stressing that who, in the second edition of his dated January 29, 1943, and which ―Mattogno‘s theory was that the book, wrote: translates literally as ―gassing document ‗was falsified by an ―The letter from Topf dated cellar‖. My conclusion, which is ignorant forger‘, while I speculated March 2, 1943 is strange and for supported by the historical- that the wish for cyanide gas some time I have had doubts as to documentary context, is that this detectors arose from a waste its authenticity.‖[xii] referred to a project for an incinerator that shared ducts with His suspicion was dispelled by emergency disinfestation chamber. the crematorium ovens,‖ without his ―alternative interpretation‖, but, Butz believes rather that the the slightest explanation of the as I have shown above, this is ―Vergasungskeller‖ was a ―gas reasons for this hypothesis, and limited merely to circumventing the shelter‖, that is a gas-tight air-raid opposing it with his own alleged problems inherent in the document. shelter[xiii]. Then[xiv] Samuel ―alternative‖ explanation, Butz In finally adding to my words a Crowell developed the thesis that completely misrepresents my pointless ―[sic]‖, Butz confirms Pressac‘s ―criminal traces‖ could position, painting me, like some that he has serious problems in be explained in the context of air Holocaust apologists, as someone understanding what I wrote, since defense architectural measures. who declared a document false ―for all these reasons‖, which I In light of the known because he was unable to explain it, have summarized above, is printed documents, this interpretation is when in fact this hypothesis on pp. 111-112. completely unfounded, as I have derived from the manifestly absurd All this amounts to anything but abundantly shown in my ―clash‖ contents of the document. calm historical criticism. And we with Crowell[xv]. It is enough Regarding the content, in fact, the wonder why Butz wanted to review simply to say that the ―Air-raid 10

protection measures for the are indisputable; I limit myself to disagreements are in fact of no Auschwitz‖ garrison observing that they are the only interest, so I will not respond on (Luftschutzmassnahmen im ones which are reconcilable with this level. But I must point out that Standort Auschwitz) were only the historical, technical, and my supposed ―terrible complex‖ is ordered on November 16, 1943, documentary context. certainly not suggested by the when the construction of the “To Butz’s rescue promptly judgments made by Faurisson on crematories was already completed rushes Robert Faurisson, who me toward the beginning of my (the ―criminal traces‖ date from the writes: revisionist activities. I summarize first half of 1943); SS- the most salient ones taken from Untersturmführer Heinrich Josten, ―I totally agree with your review Écrits révisionnistes (1974- appointed ―Luftschutzleiter‖, Head of Crowell‘s book and Mattogno‘s 1998):[xviii] of Air-Raid Protection[xvi], began book. Vol. II, p. 562 (1985): ―An to handle this task precisely from ―I, for one, had decided not to Italian revisionist, Carlo Mattogno, this date. write anything about Mattogno. For the quality of whose work is With regard to the a very long time he appeared to me exceptional…‖. ―Vergasungskeller‖, I have as a man suffering a terrible p. 723 (1987): ―Carlo Mattogno, demonstrated that in every complex because he was not a who is only 35, is a researcher of document from Auschwitz where scholar. This already is not a sign exceptional erudition‖. ―Vergasung‖ appears, this always of intelligence. I would appreciate pp. 983-984 (1990): ―C. and exclusively relates to more an intelligent mason talking Mattogno shows a type of erudition disinfestation (pp. 67-68). What is about history than many University in the tradition of his ancestors of more, the German term designating professors teaching history. the Renaissance; he is both anti-gas protection is ―Gasschutz‖ Mattogno wants to show what he meticulous and prolific; in the (as is demonstrated by the title of thinks is science instead of being future he will figure in the first an important specialist review of simply scientific. He makes rank among revisionists‖. the thirties: Gasschutz und everything complicated and this is As for the example cited by Luftschutz, Protection against Gas too bad for our revisionist cause. Faurisson, if Pressac has devoted and Air Raids), so that, in the For example, we do not need pages ―pages and pages‖ to the question event, the Zentralbauleitung and pages on the cremation or the of cremation and crematories at document would have spoken of a crematory ovens. The reader might Auschwitz, I do not see how one ―Gasschutzkeller‖ and certainly not think: ‗Dear, this is too complicated can refute it without also devoting a ―Vergasungskeller‖. for me. I cannot decide whether ―pages and pages‖ to the subject. It has been commented that in those revisionists are right or I do not think it is up to my book neither Butz nor Crowell wrong‘. […]. Faurisson to determine what is even mentioned, even though van Congratulations, dear Art‖ revisionism needs or does not need. Pelt criticized their theses. The [xvii]. If he believes that his readers need reason is precisely that I consider simplification, good for him and their arguments irreconcilable with The two best-known revisionists good for them. Other readers want the historical, technical, and in America and Europe have joined instead to go more deeply and to documentary context; that is, that forces against me: I do not know if read longer, more articulate works. since from a historical, technical, it is an honor or a disgrace. Is to I hope to satisfy these readers and and documentary point of view have carried out in-depth studies on at the same time pose a few puzzles they are unfounded, such multiple ―complicated‖ issues that for holocaust historians. arguments can therefore not make a Butz and Robert Faurisson have I do not see why there should be positive contribution to criticizing barely mentioned bad for a conflict between these two the positions of Pressac and van revisionism? different approaches, which are Pelt in interpreting documents or Faurisson‘s message seems simply complementary: do both not ascertaining facts. animated by obvious personal contribute to the ―cause‖? These are my interpretations; of animosity. To someone interested course, I do not pretend that they in revisionist issues, personal 11

NOTES Such a device was not [i] Also published in the on-line specifically for hydrogen cyanide [xiv] Butz‘s hypothesis was review ―Inconvenient History‖; text and was nothing like the detector presented in 1996. available at imagined by Butz. [xv]―Leichenkeller di Birkenau: [ix] Butz tries to counter this Gasschutzräume o [ii] Published on the Web at: nonsense by assuming that the Topf Entwesungsräume?‖, in: and company was involved in the use of http://tinyurl. com/76b63g3 Zyklon B for delousing purposes in ―Risposta ai ‗Comments‘ di [iii] equipment manufactured by it, but Samuel Crowell sulla mia ‗Critique [iv] this assumption is completely of The bomb shelter thesis‘‖, in: and unfounded – Topf only built; [v] No other reader with whom I gassing facilities for the silos it ―Auschwitz: La ‗Bomb shelter have been in direct contact has installed at Areginal (Areginal- thesis‘ di Samuel Crowell: Un‘ made similar complaints. Some, Begasungsan-lagen), for a ipotesi storicamente infondata‖, in: indeed, have understood my disinfectant made of ethyl formate arguments well enough to offer – and this would not justify his These articles contain constructive criticism and conjecture even if it were well quotations in English and German suggestions for improvement. founded, because in that case Topf not translated into Italian. Their [vi] On the site at would have used publication is due to an excess of Gasrestnachweisgeräte für Zyklon zeal by the late Russell Granata. [vii]I Quaderni di Auschwitz, n. and the Zentralbauleitung would [xvi] Standortbefehl n. 51/43, 2 (Effepi, Genoa, 2004). have no reason to request it from 16 November 1943. [viii] ―A ‗Criminal Trace‘? Gas Topf rather than from the garrison [xvii] Text in: Detectors in Auschwitz Crematory physician at Auschwitz. See my II‖, in: The Journal of Historical article ―Osservazioni sull‘articolo [xviii] Édition privée hors- Review, vol. 16, n.5, September- di A. Butz ‗Gas Detectors in the commerce. © Robert Faurisson, October 1997, pp. 26-27. Auschwitz Crematorium II‘‖. 1999. Since the early thirties there was [x] The only German word a Dräger-Schröter ―Gasspürergerät‖ worth mentioning in the document EDITOR: The following brief (gas detector) designed to reveal Butz has come up with is ―wenn‖, note was received from Arthur aggressive chemical warfare agents ―if‖. Butz on 1 January 2012. (e.g. phosgene and mustard gas) [xi] ―A ‗Criminal Trace‘? Gas after an air strike. It was essentially Detectors in Auschwitz Crematory ―It is not true that Robert a ―test tube‖ containing silica gel II‖, art. cit., p. 24. Thus also in the Faurisson and I ‗have joined forces into which outside air was latest edition of his book: The Hoax against‘ Carlo Mattogno; the idea is introduced using a small pump. The of the Twentieth Century: The Case absurd. The Faurisson message that coloration of the gel indicated the against the Presumed Mattogno reproduced was not part kind of aggressive agent. It could Extermination of European Jewry of a thread, i.e. Faurisson was not also detect hydrogen cyanide, but (Theses & Dissertations Press, replying to me and I did not reply in this case was using the usual Chicago, 2003), p. 434. to him. I told Faurisson on June 16 reaction of benzidine acetate and [xii]The Hoax of the Twentieth that I would ‗soon reply‘ to copper acetate (normally used in Century: The Case against the Crowell but I don‘t think Faurisson Gasrestnachweisgerät für Zyklon), Presumed Extermination of had any information that my review which turned the tube blue. European Jewry, op. cit., p. 436. would also treat the Mattogno G.Stampe, G.A.Schröter, F. The general argument is presented book. I can‘t recall when I decided Bangert, ―Gasspürergerät Dräger- in ―Supplement 4: Zyklon B and to review both books, but on Schröter und seine Anwendung im Gas Detectors in Birkenau August 15 I told Bradley Smith and Luftschutz‖, in: Gasschutz und Crematorium II‖, pp. 431-439 Richard Widmann, with no bcc or Luftschutz, year 4, no.1, 1934, pp. [xiii]A. Butz, cc for Faurisson, that I was writing 16-19. ‖Vergasungskeller‖, in: 12

a review of both books. On Sept. 4 the availability of the review on knowledge of my critique of I sent Smith and Widmann the Widmann‘s blog. My impression is Mattogno.‖ review. On Sept. 11 I notified that Faurisson had no fore ―Arthur R. Butz‖ Faurisson, Mattogno and Graf of

Bradley Smith: Fragments continued from page 4

―While it is likely that some next ten days, I’ll refund those ―In recent years Western apprentice book burner filed a payments.—Bradley] Holocaust deniers have turned to complaint with Lulu, it is Lulu‘s the Arab world for help when shame that they refused to stand up *** During the calendar year facing prosecution in various for free speech. Today it is not 2011, 36,638 people logged onto countries for illegal activities. necessary to set bonfires to burn Inconvenient History: A Quarterly Wolfgang Frohlich and Jurgen Graf books. Journal for Free Historical have sought refuge in Iran, and This was highly effective in the Inquiry. They opened 121,826 Roger Garaudy was hailed as a early days of the printing press and pages of text. The most popular hero throughout the Middle East the years prior when manuscripts articles were: when he faced persecution by the were written by hand. With our A Chronicle of Holocaust French government for inciting technological advances, however, Revisionism, Part 1: Early Doubts racial hatred. Other Western we have rushed madly in a (1945-1949)[1] , by Thomas Kues. Holocaust deniers have also sought direction which empowers the Jewish , the entry to the Middle East, including modern day book burners to silence Eichmann Testimony and the Mark Weber and Bradley Smith.‖ ideas with which they do not agree. Holocaust: Deborah Lipstadt’s I wrote: ―If it is ―anti-Semitic‖ ―In my editorial from the first Contribution to Holocaust to encourage intellectual freedom issue of Inconvenient History, I Revisionism, by Paul Grubach. with regard to the gas chambers noted that Inconvenient History is Adolf Hitler’s Armed Forces: A stories in America and Western not for the squeamish and may not Triumph for Diversity? by Europe, and Israel, then I have to leave you feeling very comfortable Veronica Clark. agree that it must be anti-Semitic to — but I had hoped that it might Halfway Between Reality and encourage intellectual freedom cause a few to think for themselves. Myth: Hitler's Ten-Year War on the among Arabs to do the same. The ―When we silence opinions with Jews Reconsidered, by Thomas ADL‘s new feature presentation on which we don‘t agree, we have Kues. ‗Holocaust Denial in the Middle chosen dictatorship over freedom. Churchill, International Jews East‘ causes me to recall a line of We have sided with the crowd and and the Holocaust: A Revisionist questioning that was put to me against the individual. Popular Analysis, by Paul Grubach. recently by a journalism professor speech never needs protection. Chil Rajchman’s Treblinka who is doing a book that is more or ―The team at Inconvenient Memoirs, by Thomas Kues. less focused on the Campus History is currently in the process Project. He noted a number of of making our annuals available to *** Ten years ago in SR 89 I stories I have reported on in this you once again. As soon as the reprinted a worried announcement newsletter over the last couple arrangements are finalized, you from the ADL about how years, including: shall be among the first to know. Holocaust ―denial‖ was growing in ―February 2000 Just to keep the the Middle East. It announced a people at the ADL Campus Affairs [The last five orders for new feature on its Website. It was office on their feet, I now announce Inconvenient History, Vol. II called ―Holocaust Denial in the that the Nation of Islam Student received here are waiting. If the Middle East: The Latest Anti- Association (NOISA) has offered printing issue is not settled in the Israel, Anti-Semitic Propaganda to distribute The Revisionist.‖ Theme.‖ 13

―March 2000 Representatives an agenda exactly what it proposes ―With the writings of the of NOISA took copies (from four for those of us who favor it. revisionists, with a whole team of black colleges). This pleases me no Intellectual freedom. It just writers with Bradley Smith end. I hope not for the wrong happens that Zionism, Israel, and [Committee for Open Debate on reason." the Holocaust Industry all stand the Holocaust, CODOH] and the ―June 2000 Audrey said she foursquare against intellectual brilliant work of Mark Weber, would try to network with an Arab freedom with regard to the H. David Irving, Germar Rudolf, organization. The number of question, and a few other matters. Rassinier, Faurisson and many English-speaking Arabs visiting ―Sooner or later even the Arabs others, the holocaust story is in CODOHWeb from all over the were bound to get into the fray – in serious trouble. The only way Israel world is going to increase. How fact one wonders where the hell can continue to collect funds owing can that be bad?‖ they‘ve been for the last fifty years. to the ‗victim‘ status of the Jews is ―August 2000 (In Supporting Of course, intellectual freedom is a by making sure that the revisionists Student Editors, Audrey writes): rare commodity in the couple are kept STRICTLY out of the "... a husband and wife team has relatively free Arab states and non- mass media.‖ amassed hundreds of email existent in the rest, so it‘s no addresses (including) Arab wonder they‘re behind the curve on *** It was this last New Year‘s newspapers." this issue, as they are on so many Eve and I was in the bedroom alone ―April 2001 Muslim stud-ents others. If it is ‗anti-Zionist and anti- watching Russell Crowe in ―Master were preparing to present an ‗Anti- Israel‘ to encourage intellectual and Commander: The Far Side of Zionist Week‘ at UCSD, and freedom among Arabs, then the World.‖ I just happened onto it. thought I could be a speaker... I Zionism and the Israeli State are My wife wants me in the front was happy to oblige." regressive entities.‖ room to watch ―The Titanic‖ with ―June 2001 After quoting from her, it is New Year‘s Eve after all, UCLA's Muslim News magazine, And now this is just in from but I‘m caught up with the Crowe where they write negatively about New Trend Magazine, published in story and the detailed production the Holocaust [and] the colon- Pennsylvania. Its publisher is values picturing life aboard a ization of Palestine, you close with Kaukab Siddique, an associate frigate two hundred years ago. ‗One more welcome sign that professor of English at Lincoln Production values are very high. Muslims in America, as well as in University in Pennsylvania. New The story line has to do with a the Arab world, are beginning to Trend states that it is against British ship commander during the address some of the issues that racism, classism, gender superior- war with Napoleon who has been revisionists address.‘" ity, Zionism and Imperialism. ―The directed to capture or destroy a ―The professor asked: ‗Is this Qur'an and the authentic Hadith French privateer which is currently CODOH's aim -- to tie in closer are our foundation.‖ in the Atlantic off South America with Arabs and Muslims challeng- In the January 28th issue of New and headed toward the Pacific. The ing the legitimacy of Zionism, Trend, Siddique outlines the six French ship turns out to be bigger Israel and the Holocaust?‘ primary reasons why the Auschwitz and faster than Crowe‘s ship, and ―A reasonable question, but one story is difficult to believe, then he to be captained by a first class with implications that are mis- goes on to ask: officer. It‘s an almost impossible leading. The first thing to say is ―How do we know that the task. I am caught up with the idea that CODOH has no political holocaust stories are grossly of Crowe‘s single-mindedness in agenda, in the usual sense of that exaggerated and in some cases accomplishing a very difficult, phrase. The second is that the fabricated? There are numerous specific goal. pursuit of intellectual freedom is, scholars known as revisionists who Somewhere toward the end of indeed, a political agenda. What have proven that the Jews did the movie, disgusted by the very distinguishes it from the run-of-the- suffer a lot, as did the Germans and well choreographed brutal battle mill political agenda is that the the Russians, but there was no scenes of hand to hand combat as agenda for intellectual freedom special suffering of the Jews. the British storm the French ship, offers to those who are against such the brain becomes aware that, 14

unlike the Crowe character, I am better conviction may demur, he kill three Afghans they did not not goal-oriented. I do not have one cannot simply desert the banner, know, most likely had never seen great goal that I have set myself. It and he is least likely of all to do so before, not bothering to take into is the nature of my character to be when his party is in danger or consideration their families, sisters oriented toward process, rather than perhaps surrounded by superior and brothers, but killed them goal. numbers of enemy… because they got in the way (we are And that brings to the brain the "There is also a certain shame in not told the specifics of the original fact that I wrote something to that the nature of the Germans; they encounter), I see their pissing on effect in the preface to Confessions will never draw their sword against the corpses as an insignificant of a Holocaust Revisionist in the a weaker adversary, and they will vulgarity. 1980s. I look for it, and there it is. never touch an enemy who has The brain recalls a sunny ―I‘ve been writing for 35 years, been brought down, until that same noonday in a forest on a unsuccessfully. I don‘t seem to enemy loosens his bonds and is free mountainside in Korea more than have minded, an example perhaps to fight once again… half a century ago (that‘s how the of ambition flawed beyond repair, "The Germans are the bravest brain works). There were some an excessive enjoyment with people. Other people fight well, Chinese machine gunners a process.‖ too, but their fighting spirit is hundred yards up the ridgeline I wrote that in 1987, twenty-five always supported by accessory above us and we had fallen out for years ago! And here I am today, motives. The French fight well the moment to take stock of the staying with process, having no whenever they have a big audience, situation. I was the company runner specific, great, overriding goal or or whenever it's a question of any for Captain Grey so I was usually ambition. Maybe it‘s time for me to of their pet hobby-horses, for near him. That noonday we were look at this question of ―process.‖ example, Liberty and Equality, sitting near a fallen tree. Process lives on time. Time for me Glory and the like… All was quiet for the moment is becoming an existential issue. "But the Germans are brave and then one of the guys near How much is there? In the day? In without second thoughts, they fight Captain Grey and me said: ―Look the rest of it? just to fight, just as they drink just at that.‖ to drink. The German soldier is not Turns out our own machine *** Carlos Porter sent me these driven into battle by vanity, or gunner, Tennessee, had chosen to lines by Heinrich Heine. He desire for glory, or an unawareness fall out near a dead Chinese remarks that ―Heine was a German of the danger that awaits him in infantryman. None of the rest of us Jewish poet and socialist who hated battle; he stands calmly in line and had seen him in the undergrowth. the Germans, went into exile and does his duty; cold, unafraid, When I looked over it was not clear spent most of his life in France; but reliable." at first, then it was clear. Tennessee this is what he felt compelled to say was using a pocket knife to saw off about the Germans!‖ *** In Afghanistan four U.S. one of the fingers of the Chinese. Marines urinate on three dead Why? The finger had a ring on it. A Heinrich Heine, Über den Taliban fighters and arrange to souvenir. Problem was, it wasn‘t Denunzianten, 1837 (Translation have moving pictures taken of the easy. There were little ribbons of by Carlos Porter) event. Once the film appears on bloody flesh on his hands, but the "The greatest virtue of the YouTube for the entire world to bone was difficult and he had to Germans is a certain loyalty, a see, persons representing the U.S. work at it. certain, thick-headed, but movingly government-media complex I looked at Captain Grey and he generous loyalty. The German expressed outrage over the film and was watching Tennessee. I said fights for the worst causes, once he denounced it as despicable. something softly about how maybe has taken the ―King‘s shilling‖, or I do not feel worked up over the we should say something. Captain whenever he has promised his footage. If those four marines were Grey, not taking his eyes off support in a moment of enthusiasm; willing to fly 7,000 – 8,000 miles Tennessee, did not respond. He he fights with a breaking heart, but (we have a ―volunteer‖ military) at shook his head slowly from side to he fights; no matter how much his the behest of their government to side. He didn‘t approve, that was 15

clear, but he wasn‘t going to make Get the message out? And there according to accepted civilized a scene among his own men that is was. This last New Year‘s Eve rules of war but promised that noonday over the despicable-dese the brain, as if it resided in the head American military personnel would cration of a Chinese corpse. of a teenager, had vexed itself by no longer be allowed to urinate on In 1950 when the Korean comparing process with goal. As if people after they had killed them. campaign began I was with the the two were not one. There is no ―If some angry soldier pisses on military police at Carlisle Barracks whole without halves. That‘s what an enemy while that enemy is still in Pennsylvania, not the infantry. I‘m doing, what this work is about. alive, that will be okay but we will Turned out I was the only soldier at There is no Russell Crowe, no not tolerate degrading the dead by Carlisle Barracks who volunteered Master and Commander here, but a such disrespectfulness‖ said Joint to go to Korea as a rifleman. My simple writer working to get the Chief spokesperson Admiral Gen- volunteering was not an act of message out. eral Flight Commander Hillary patriotism to serve my country, but As if to support this observation, Eunice Chan von Santos.‖ an eager search for dangerous Hernandez has just sent me some diversion. I volunteered to fly stats for 2011. There were 381,883 [Forgive me. I couldn’t resist. 7,000 miles and do whatever I was unique visitors who signed into You can find Frank Scott at: told to do. Pretty much like the four and the CODOH ] marines in the recent video. Forum. That‘s just CODOH. Pissing on a corpse? Poor form, On the Internet Holocaust Until next month then. sure, but what‘s that compared to revisionism is referenced 661,000 volunteering to fly to Afghan- times and the top Website to be istan—or Korea—or most any referenced there is Bradley other place else in the world to kill That‘s us. guys who are pretty much like you? Holocaust denial is referenced Smith’s Report The mothers, fathers, brothers and 1,540,000 times. is published by sisters and cultural norms regarding When I Google ―Holocaust killing strangers pretty much like Denial in the Muslim World‖ I get Committee for your own? 2,150,000 references! Open Debate Gas chambers 4,150,000 times. on the Holocaust *** Mark Levin has published a Auschwitz, 24,600,000 referen- new book he calls Ameritopia. It‘s ces. I remember, before the Bradley R. Smith, Founder just out, I haven‘t read it, but Levin Internet, remarking on the spec- is pitching it professionally on his tacular fact that there were almost For your contribution of $39 radio show. It treats with the 2,000,000 references to Auschwitz you will receive 12 issues of struggle between liberty and the in the literature. The message is Smith’s Report. risk of failure on the one hand, and getting out. CODOH is playing a Canada and Mexico--$45 on the other guaranteed security primary role in getting it out. We‘re Overseas--$49 provided by a huge bureaucratic doing just fine, and with a little apparatus that‘s been growing in right thinking and a little luck, Letters and Donations to: the U.S. over the last century, now we‘re going to get it out even better elaborately represented by the than we have been getting it out. Bradley R. Smith Obama regime. You‘ll read all about it right here. Post Office Box 439016 The other night I listened on the San Ysidro, CA 92143 car radio while Levin talked about *** “Joint Chiefs Pledge End how he is not running for political To Policy Of Urinating On The Desk: 209 682 5327 office, is not a behind-the-scenes Dead” by Frank Scott. Email mover and shaker, not a billionaire, but a simple writer whose work is ―Military leaders from all [email protected] to ―get the message out.‖ branches of the service expressed What‘s that? support for continued mass murders 16



No. 190 Challenging the Holocaust Taboo Since 1990 March 2012 Online at

Against Hollywoodism, Revisionism

by Robert Faurisson

On February 2, 2012, Tehran 1. Hollywoodism and the evil vulgar,” as in the dictionary’s hosted the second "Conference on that it does. illustrative sentence “Flashy and Hollywoodism and Cinema" as part According to the American vulgar, their clothes were pure of the 2012 Fajr International Film Heritage Dictionary, “Hollywood” Hollywood.” Festival. President Ahmadinejad may signify “the US film industry” A well-known facet of the presented Robert Faurisson with an ideology propagated by this film award at the conference and met industry is the basic division of the with him in private. world between the Good and the Bad. The Good are the United he term Hollywoodism States and the Bad are those whom refers to the trans- the United States decrees as such. T formation, often menda- The Good are fundamentally Good cious, of reality by the spirit and and the Bad are fundamentally Bad. practices of a whole sphere of The United States is always in the American cinema. At first, I shall right and always wins, whilst the discuss the evil in general done by “Bad Guys” are always in the Hollywoodism. Secondly, I shall wrong and always lose. Thus there describe the wrongs of Holly- cannot, there must not be any pity woodism in the shaping of the for the vanquished: their defeat imposture of “the Holocaust,” that proves that they were indeed is, in building the myth of President Ahmadinejad criminals. The winners will genocide, gas chambers, and six Robert Faurisson independently assume the right to million Jews killed by the Germans try the vanquished in court or to during the Second World War. but also “a flashy, vulgar atmos- have them put on trial by others. Finally, in a third and last part I phere or tone, held to be associated Everyone can bring to mind shall speak of Revisionism as the with the US film industry.” Used as what are known as “the Nazi antidote par excellence to an adjective, the word stands for atrocities,” especially the images of Hollywoodism and its incessant, “the US film industry,” as in “a walking corpses or corpses proper. aggressive publicity for the religion Hollywood movie,” “a Hollywood For the past 67 years Hollywood of “the Holocaust.” producer,” or means “flashy and 1

has presented them as evidence that the horrors discovered there were taken from up close showed the the Germans had death factories not created by the Germans. They bottom of the machine pushing wherein the SS spent their time were due to the war and, in corpses but “beheaded” the driver killing, especially Jews. In reality, particular, an air war conducted so that, with him not appearing as a those corpses were proof that mercilessly, to the end, by the Briton, it was reckoned he was a because of the systematic destruct- Allies against… civilians. It took a German. The Americans went on to tion of German cities by the Allies, fine cynicism to show those horrors make more and more falsifications Germany in 1945 was in its death and point an accusing finger at the of this kind. The American general throes: the inhabitants who had defeated when the ones mainly Eisenhower, supreme Allied survived the deluge of steel and fire responsible were the US Air Force commander, was the impresario of were living in rubble or in holes in and the Royal Air Force. this intensified Hollywoodism. the ground, exposed to cold and In April 1945, no longer able to The famous Hollywood film hunger; often there was hardly any manage, the commandant of director George C. Stevens was food or medicine; the hospitals and Bergen-Belsen, SS captain Josef brought to Germany in the uniform schools were destroyed; practically Kramer, sent some men to meet the of lieutenant-colonel. His team shot no trains and convoys were running advancing troops of British 80,000 feet of film from which any longer; the refugees from the Marshal Montgomery and warn 6,000 feet (or 7.5% of the total) East terrified by the invading Red them that they were approaching a were selected for General William Army’s murder and rape numbered terrible den of infection, and that Donovan, special assistant to the in the millions. In 1948 the Italian they should not immediately US chief of counsel at Nuremberg. director Roberto Rossellini release the prisoners lest they It was those parts carefully selected faithfully described this situation in contaminate the civilian population by the American prosecution Germania, Anno Zero. Therefore and the British soldiers. The British which, on November 29, 1945, one must not be surprised at the agreed to work with the Wehr- practically at the lifting of the fact that in 1945, in the labour macht. Once on the site, they kept curtain of the loathsome “Nurem- camps or concentration camps, the detainees there and tried to treat berg Trial,” were projected to a famine and disease (typhus, ty- them, but mortality remained stupefied world; some of the phoid fever, dysentery) reigned, appallingly high for a long time. German defendants, most disturbed whilst medicines and disinfectants The British wanted to know how at what they saw, deduced that such as Zyklon B were sorely many inmates were buried in the Hitler had carried out a gigantic lacking. mass graves. They extracted the crime behind their backs. In this Hollywood, along with British corpses and counted them; then, sense it can be said that the cinema and Soviet propaganda, had using a bulldozer, a British officer “Nuremberg Trial” marked the a terrible and direct responsibility pushed the bodies towards six large triumph of Hollywoodism. both in the lies attending what was ditches where the soldiers forced called the discovery of the German female SS guards to cast them in 2. Hollywoodism’s part in concentration camps (1945) and in with their bare hands. creating the myth of “the the ignoble “lynching party” (the But this reality was very soon Holocaust.” phrase is that of Harlan Fiske transformed by the film propaganda “The Holocaust” of the Jews Stone, Chief Justice of the US services, which had people believe then became a sort of religion Supreme Court at the time) that that the bodies were those of people whose three main components are was the Nuremberg trial (1945- killed in an alleged extermination the extermination, the gas cham- 1946), where the winners of the programme. A photograph taken bers, and the six million martyrs. war, in coalition, made themselves from a plane and showing the According to an article of faith of judges and jury to try the defeated. bulldozer from afar made it this religion, Hitler ordered and It is altogether true that in 1945 possible to convey the impression planned the methodical slaughter of even a privileged concentration that the vehicle was driven by a all European Jews; in so doing he camp like that of Bergen-Belsen German soldier performing his offered a nightmarish vision. But daily work as an employee of a Continued on page 11 death factory. In one case, a photo 2

FRAGMENTS: Another Ordinary Life

By Bradley R. Smith

*** In an article in The Daily else that is there. A note at the top everything so that the truth stays Forward we find that a new study of the insertion request notes that under a blanket. My father was a on anti-Semitism, commissioned by the stories in Moral Decay will high decorated SS officer in the the German Parliament, concluded allow the reader to discover more second world war and he always among other things that German about the private life of a Holocaust told me that he never heard about Holocaust education is fueling revisionist than can be found any of these things that supposedly German anti-Semitism. It often anywhere in the literature. happened in all these camps. And imposes “exaggerated moral We submitted to Cardinal he had friends in the highest ranks. expectations” on students, who Pointes at Plattsburgh State My old man was always a hard respond with an anti-Semitism that University, The Polytechnic at working man, and like he said a is typified by “guilt denial.” They Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, few times, not proud at some things feel accused of acts they had The Leader at The State University he had to do under orders from his nothing to do with. If a German of New York at Fredonia, The superior. student denies guilt for something Daily Orange at Syracuse Univer- “But one thing he never did was he had nothing to do with, she’s an sity, The Campus Times at Univer- lie to me when it came to random anti-Semite. sity of Rochester, The Miscellany questions I asked him about the German students say Jews “are News at Vassar College, and The war. I left Germany many years preventing them from questioning Commentator at Yeshiva Univer- ago because i could not stand the the Holocaust in class” and Jews sity, Poughkeepsie. Hernandez is lies, propaganda and these bullshit who control the world media are taking care of this. I probably memorial buildings that was built not letting them talk about it would not have submitted to The all around us. Even my father said, outside the classroom. Then there is Commentator at Yeshiva Univer- if we had killed so many Jews in the problem that those trying to sity, but it’s done. the short time these camps educate Germans about the Nazis appeared, why where there so many must also contend with the well- *** Dreamed I was with of them left after the war was over? documented and long-standing Abraham Foxman. I don’t know Thank you for your effort. I look problem of “Holocaust fatigue.” where we were, or why we were forward to read and hear more from How is that possible? There have together, but there we were and we you. only been six decades of relentless liked it. It was a scene of good “PS: sorry for the errors in my anti-German propaganda to humor and there was a friendly writing. I try my best. “Sincerely, promote Jewish fundraising. It may warmth about it. Abe was chuck- Michael von Adelmann.” not be fatigue alone. Boredom may ling at something I had said. I was have something to do with it. aware that we each understood that *** The cold began with the See: we were sharing something, enjoy- tiniest tickle in the throat and after ing something that, while it was not a week it was still not serious. The *** We’ve submitted text links secret, was between Abe and me second week it was getting serious and small classifieds to student alone. and there was a pain in the right newspapers on New York armpit. I discovered that the pain campuses. The text reads: “A *** “Hi. Thank you that you try was centered in a swelling in the Personal History of Moral Decay” to open the eyes of the public armpit the size of a small golf ball. and leads to a collection of around the world. Unfortunately, The cold was still there. In 2008 the autobiographical stories by that the enemy who is responsible for cancer began with a cold I could name on CODOHWeb, and all these lies against my people is not get rid of followed by a tumor through those stories to everything still out there, and try to do growing in the throat. By the fourth 3

night the pain in the armpit was bad cannot imagine the Israelis are Holocaust Education and Resource enough I had to take 1,600 mgs of going to allow Iran to go nuclear Center of Rhode Island. ibuprofen to sleep. By the next and to hold the Damocles sword According to Ezra Stieglitz, afternoon the pain was still worse, over 6 million Jews all over again. Rhode Island College professor of so in the evening I decided to drive Israel was established to prevent a elementary education, “While there to the VA in La Jolla and check second Holocaust, not to invite are some educators who are into emergency to see what was one.” Not exactly. The Zionist determined to teach their students going on. That was a Friday. I had project began long before WWII. about the Holocaust in a mean- a routine appointment with Dr. See: ingful way, in many classrooms the Kato, my oncologist, for the Holocaust seems to be only a following Monday. If I could get *** We have changed the footnote of a history lesson.” into emergency they could get the wording of the text link from “A As part of the Belfer First Step information that otherwise Dr. Kato Personal History of Moral Decay” Workshop, Peter Black, senior would have to order up. I could to: “Holocaust Revisionism: A historian at the USHMM, will stay ahead of the game. Personal History of Moral Decay.” deliver keynote remarks titled, At the frontier the Americans “The Nazis Among Us: The are redesigning and rebuilding the *** This evening we posted a Prosecution of Perpetrators Living crossing and inspection stations. new pitch for contributions on in the USA.” Other papers will It’s a major work. Been going on CODOHWeb and sent it to our include "Salvaged Pages: Young for months now. That night they online Smith’s Report subscribers. Writers’ Diaries of the Holocaust," had closed down ten lanes and the Within the hour we received our and "The State of Deception: The traffic was backed up so far that it first two contributions. The first Power of Nazi Propaganda." took me four and a half hours to get was for one dollar. The second, Students from Johnson and Wales across. I fell asleep three or four which was sent six minutes after University, Providence College, times at the wheel. Once I made it the first, was for one billion Bridgewater State University and across and began the drive to La (1,000,000,000) dollars. A guy with Salve Regina University are all Jolla, a 35-minute drive, I woke up. a sense of humor. Could be a lady, invited to attend. As are members There I checked into emergency, but probably a guy. of the media. None of this is waited less than an hour and was unusual. What interests me is that seen by a doctor. They did blood, *** Eighty-two years old last the program is being sponsored and x-rays, and a cat scan. Took about week. It’s come to matter. promoted by the USHMM and that three hours. They had guys to deal it is directed at teachers. And then with who had real emergencies. *** Rhode Island College is there is the fact that the same When the time came the doctor told one of six institutions of higher program is being sponsored by the me it did not look like a cancerous education in the nation selected by USHMM at Auburn University, lymph node but the decision would the United States Holocaust California State U at Long Beach, be made by my oncologist, Dr. Memorial Museum (USHMM) to Illinois State University, St. Cloud Kato. He had three choices. A host the Belfer First Step Work- State University in Minnesota, and biopsy of the lump, remove it shop on the Holocaust, March 22, University of Northern Colorado. surgically, or begin to treat the 23. In short, it introduces a new cancer with chemotherapy as they The workshop is designed to USHMM project to educators did the first time. prepare pre-service secondary across the nation. teachers to integrate the Holocaust Our first response is very *** Charles Krauthammer is a into their lesson plans effectively. simple. We discovered the Rhode first-rate journalist and a guy on The Workshop is made possible by Island College story yesterday. Fox who I always want to listen to a grant from the Arthur and Today we submitted advertise- when he’s there. In the Daily Rochelle Belfer Foundation, in ments to the online student news- Caller of 11 February Kraut- partnership with the American papers at each of the six campuses

hammer is quoted as saying: Association of Colleges for Continued on page 14 “Unless something intervenes, I Teacher Education and the 4

Bookburning in the Style of 2011

By Richard A. Widmann

n Wednesday, Decem- extinguish fires, but rather to burn today’s impulse not to “offend” has ber 28th, Print-on- offensive literature. The title is a resulted in the censorship of ODemand publisher reference to the temperature at thought and ideas that may be informed the staff at which paper burns. In his novel, objectionable to one minority or Inconvenient History that they had fire chief Captain Beatty explains another. Again, in the words of struck our two annual editions from the origins of the bookburnings: Captain Beatty: availability. The so-called “Ques- “It didn't come from the "Colored people don't like Little tionable Content team” briefly Government down. There was no Black Sambo. Burn it. White noted that our content was in dictum, no declaration, no censor- people don't feel good about Uncle violation of their membership ship, to start with, no! Technology, Tom's Cabin. Burn it.” agreement because it was “unlaw- mass exploitation, and minority Bookburning unfortunately was ful, obscene, defamatory, porno- pressure carried the trick, thank not simply a fantastic idea of a graphic, indecent, lewd, harassing, God.” science fiction author. The history threatening, harmful, invasive of of bookburning dates back at least privacy or publicity rights, abusive, Today, some of the books to the third century BC when inflammatory, or otherwise object- most impacted by censorship China’s Qin Dynasty burned books ionable.” With a bit more focus, and would-be “firemen” are to suppress heretical views. Many they continued, “Lulu sells all over revisionist titles. While organ- people think of the medieval period the world, including to France and izations like the American in Europe when many religious Germany where revisionist books Library Association are quick texts were burned, from the Talmud are illegal and anti-constitutional.” to complain about public to Tyndale’s English-language Immediately we wrote to Lulu burnings of best-sellers inclu- New Testament to Martin Luther’s to get additional information. Who ding J.K. Rowling’s Harry German translation of the Bible. In issued a complaint about our Potter series, they refuse to the years when such texts were materials? Was a formal complaint even mention the burning of meticulously scribed by hand, such received from a representative of revisionist titles. burnings were quite effective in the French or German govern- their impact. In more recent times, ments? What article in particular In today’s global economy, the German National Socialists was found to be objectionable? once-ironclad freedoms guaranteed burned many thousands of works Lulu did not see it fit to respond to by the First Amendment to the deemed to be in opposition to Nazi our inquiry. This leaves us only Constitution of the United States ideology. able to guess at the invisible hand prohibiting laws which abridge Today, some of the books most behind the complaint. freedom of speech or of the press impacted by censorship and would- The psychic intimidation em- apparently carry little weight. be “firemen” are revisionist titles. ployed by the complainant had its, an American company While organizations like the desired effect. The books are no headquartered in Raleigh, North American Library Association are longer available and a revenue Carolina, quickly sacrificed such quick to complain about public stream was cut off, or at least freedoms on the altar of economic burnings of best-sellers including temporarily interrupted. globalism. While Americans saw J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, In Ray Bradbury’s prophetic freedom of expression erode during they refuse to even mention the science fiction novel Fahrenheit the period of “political correctness” burning of revisionist titles. 451, firemen are employed not to ushered in throughout the 1990s, 5

One example of the burning of a their author’s racial, ethnic or style of the twentieth century or revisionist title occurred in early political purity. That is indeed a earlier times at all. The 1995. After receiving several sad irony.” technological advances of the 21st complaints from unspecified Shadowy forces continued their century have enriched our lives sources, a German publisher campaign to ban the book. Initially, with almost unlimited possibilities. ordered the "recycling" of John St. Martin’s editors stood by their While the speed-of-light exchange Sack's An Eye for an Eye. Sack’s decision and insisted they found of information may be used to book recounted the story of Jewish nothing wrong with Irving’s book. topple totalitarian regimes and be revenge against the Germans after The pressure increased—now used effectively to bring new light World War II. Citing information including death threats. Finally, and freedoms to countries and from Germany's Federal Archives, Thomas McCormack, Chief nations that have only known the Sack maintained that 60,000 to Executive Officer of St. Martin’s, darkness of censorship and 80,000 ethnic Germans were killed finally gave in and reversed the dictatorship, it has also empowered or otherwise perished between company’s earlier position. St. those who seek to silence all 1945 and 1948 in camps run by the Martin’s would not publish Goeb- dissent and limit intellectual Polish communist regime's Office bels: Mastermind of the Third freedom and debate. of State Security. Reich. Today it is clear that Bradbury The German cultural establish- One of the last books written by was correct that official govern- ment launched a bitter assault. revisionist pioneer James J. Martin ment censorship is not needed to Reviewers denounced as a [ ] was burn books. Technology and min- sensationalist, "vile docudrama" An American Adventure in Book- ority pressure will do the trick. and a "gift to neo-Nazis." Soon, the burning in the Style of 1918. Here Bradbury was wrong after all about book’s publisher found itself Martin, who coined the term the need for firemen. Bookburning deluged with complaints. Publisher “inconvenient history,” recounted will occur without smoke or fire at Viktor Niemann ultimately ordered how in late August 1918 President all. It will be done by removing all 6,000 copies of the German Woodrow Wilson’s Secretary of content from the Internet. It will be edition to be destroyed. On War Newton Diehl Baker issued a done before the actual book is February 13, 1995, he announced, directive ordering the removal from published. It will be done without "They will be recycled." U.S. Army camp libraries of 31 even a cry or a whimper from the In 1996, St. Martin’s Press publications that had been clas- so-called defenders of free speech. decided to publish David Irving’s sified as “undesirable.” Included in For the books that are burned biography of Hitler’s propaganda this slender volume is Martin’s will only be those that are object- minister, Joseph Goebbels. Soon article, “A Beginner’s Manual for tionable—or shall I say, inconven- St. Martin’s Press would receive Apprentice Book Burners.” Mar- ient. dozens of complaints. St. Martin’s tin’s satirical manual is a biblio- Press publisher Thomas Dunne graphic record of works with Notes: issued the following angry unorthodox or unpopular view- 1 Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 statement: points. He introduces for example a (New York, Ballantine Books, 1996), “A number of the calls we have list of World War Two revisionist p. 58. received have expressed fury that titles as follows: 2 Ibid. p. 59. See also my article, we would publish a book by ‘a man “On the world events of 1933- “Problems Warned About in like David Irving’ and have 47 your opinions were probably Fahrenheit 451 Threaten Today’s Word” published in Katie de Koster, questioned our moral right to do so. frozen into their current shape by editor, Readings on Fahrenheit 451, I can only say that Joseph Goebbels the accounts of the virgin purity of Greenhaven Press, Inc., San Diego, must be laughing in hell. He, after the intentions and actions of the CA, 2000. Available online as all, was the man who loved nothing winners and the necessity and “Fahrenheit 451 Trends Threaten better than burning books, threat- wisdom of everything done by Intellectual Freedom” at ening publishers, suppressing ideas them.” and judging the merits of ideas Today our bookburning is not in 3 based not on their content but by the style of 1918. It is not in the 6

4 On several occasions, this author David Irving’s first Real History 7 "St Martin's Cancels Book on has provided the ALA with details of Conference. Goebbels," The New York Times, April the censorship and burning of 6 "Book Detailing Jewish Crimes 5, 1996, p. D4. revisionist books. To this day, they Against Germans Banned," JHR (15)1, 8 James J. Martin, An American have never responded nor have they Jan/Feb 1995, p. 28. See also: "German Adventure in Bookburning in the Style made mention of such events on their Publisher Drops Book on Postwar of 1918, Ralph Myles Publisher, Website. See “Banned Books and Camps for Nazis," The New York Colorado Springs, CO, 1988. Unmentionable Books: The Times, February 16, 1995. The book, Hypocrisy of the American Library An Eye for an Eye: The Untold Story of Association” online: Jewish Revenge Against Germans in This article originally appeared 1945, was published in the United in Inconvenient History Vol. 4, No. 5 This author met the late John States in 1993 by Basic Books of New 1, Spring 2012. Sack, who was himself Jewish, at York, a division of the publishing firm of HarperCollins.

To the Abattoir: Investigating the Legionary Rebellion of January 21-23, 1941

By Charles Krafft

WE WERE a band of desperate collaborate with the NSK group paperback exposé of Nazis in individuals in the heart of the (Neue Slowenische Kunst). This art America precipitated a mania for Balkans. And we were doomed to group, which had coalesced around Romania that preoccupied me for fail; our failure was our only the band Laibach a decade earlier some years to come and ultimately excuse. [Legiuna Archanghelul during a period when it was led to a meeting in Bucharest with Mihail] was the only sign that our banned, had just upped the ante on Catalin Z. Codreanu, the 90-year- country could be anything but a their collectivism by declaring old youngest brother of Corneliu fiction. It was a cruel movement, a themselves a “transglobal borde- Z. Codreanu, the charismatic mixture of pre-history and pro- rless state-in-time.” They had founder of the Iron Guard. phecy, mystique of prayer and the begun issuing passports and open- Romania wasn’t on my radar in revolver, and it was persecuted by ing temporary pop-up NSK l994-95. I was immersed in the all authorities, and it wanted to be embassies wherever IRWIN (the post-Socialist nostalgia of NSK’s persecuted. It had been founded on NSK visual artists) were invited to “retro-avant-gardism.” I knew ferocious ideas and it disappeared exhibit their paintings and graphics. nothing about the 20th-century ferociously. Whoever between I’d proposed to design a set of history of Eastern Europe and even twenty and thirty does not sub- tableware for NSK state occasions less about The Legion of the scribe to fanaticism, to rage, to and had flown from Seattle to Archangel Michael and its Iron madness is an imbecile. One is a Ljubljana to work on that idea Guard paramilitaries. What little I liberal only by fatigue and a there. During the course of my stay did know was gleaned from the democrat by reason. I met a fetching Slovenian woman obtuse liner notes on a CD - E.M. Cioran who was teaching children’s produced in l996 by Boyd Rice pottery classes at the ceramics entitled “Death’s Gladsome Wed- n 1994 I applied for and studio where I ended up. Her name ding.” Not being a much of a mar- received a small grant to was Mihaela and her name plus the tial music fan, I thought the best Itravel to Slovenia to serendipitous purchase of a cheesy thing about this reissue of original 7

1930’s Legionary anthems was the Two other books published after Anglican Church, Christianity held Kaspar David Friedrich painting on Trifa’s death shed additional light no real interest for me until I began the jewelbox cover. It must have on the diplomatic and political immersing myself in the tragic been around this time that I read ramifications of the “war criminal” history of the Iron Guard. Wanted: The Search for Nazis in persecutions and the goals they In 2001 I returned to Slovenia America by Howard Blum and ultimately served. However, it was via India where I’d gone to became obsessed with the story of Gerald Bobango’s Religion and document the Maha Kumbha Mela Archbishop Valerian Trifa, Politics: Bishop Valerian Trifa and in Allahabad. Between my first and founder of ROEA, the Romanian His Times, written while he was third visits to Ljubljana I’d become Orthodox Episcopate of America in still alive, that woke me up to hopelessly infatuated with a Grass Lake, MI. Jewish exceptionalism in postwar Slovenian potter and mildly Chapter 2 of Blum’s l977 true Romanian historiography and conversant in the history of the crime potboiler entitled “The ignited a desire to travel there. Legionary Movement. Prior trips Bishop and the Dentist” is a maw- Gerald Bobango was one of Trifa’s were related to art projects, but that kish account of a Jewish Roman- lawyers. His book about this case is year I returned to put the moves on ian-American dentist’s twenty-year a seminal one in my life in that it Mihaela and visit Romania. My letter-writing campaign to paint ultimately led to my breaking ranks mission of the heart was a failure, Bishop Trifa with the “Nazi war with the Gramscian slow march but it remains the bittersweet criminal” tar brush. Dr. Charles through the schools and institutions memory of a lifetime because Kremer’s obsessive letters to US though I didn’t get the girl I immigration officials, ambassadors, Wildly varying versions of discovered the charms of Bucharest cabinet ministers, senators and this legend are repeated in and met “The Captain’s” brother. congressmen eventually resulted in most histories of the Holocaust That encounter was an intersection a government case against Trifa and Romania in WWII. with history. I was the first and his denaturalization in l982. Evidence presented in the case American he’d ever met and But Blum’s account of the flimsy against Archbishop Trifa probably the last. He and his wife hearsay evidence against Trifa ends included the text of a speech he Rodica were already in their 90s before his deportation and death in delivered in his capacity as a and both would be dead by the time exile in l987. Information in the Christian student leader to a I returned to Bucharest in 2005 to publication that same year of group of university students on search for a document I failed to Securitate defector Ion Pacepa’s January 19. Supposedly it was find and now suspect may not exist. Red Horizons: Chronicles of a an incitement to the violence Central to my research into Communist Spy Chief, in which the which erupted the following Legionary history are the events of author chronicles the Ceaucescu day. January 21-23, l941, usually regime’s manufacturing of false referred to as “ the Legionary revolt evidence against Trifa to feed to most Western artists have been in of 1941” or “the Bucharest American Jewish organizations in a Leftist lockstep with since VE Day. pogrom.” During these three days, successful bid to maintain It initiated an abiding interest in we are told, the Legionaries Romania’s most-favored-nation Romanian interbellic history and attempted take control of the trading status, was ignored by US introduced me to the circle of gifted Romanian Legionary State from Immigration and Naturalization young intellectuals who committed Marshal Ion Antonescu, with Service investigators. Trifa could themselves to Corneliu Z. Codre- whom they were sharing power. not be expelled just because he was anu’s autochthonic struggle. It also The rebellion was actually a coup a Legionary. He had to be made to led me into Holocaust revisionism. d’état begun by Antonescu when look like a monster. Pacepa writes, Prior to reading Bobango I didn’t he began relieving Legionary “The framing of Trifa was a long think much about WWII history or functionaries of their various posts process that followed to the letter politics in general. I’d been pre- in city governments across the the guidelines received from the occupied with the study of Eastern country with no warning. KGB on how to go about such an mysticism since the late sixties, and Bucharest’s Legionary bureaucrats operation.” although I had been baptized in the and police force refused to abandon 8

their positions and street fighting translator told me he didn’t believe elegantly packaged 2 CD anthology broke out. it. of contemporary nationalist neo- During the resulting clash with Everyone who has bothered to folk, gothic, and industrial music the army the Jewish section of the look into it agrees it’s a slander, but subsidized by The Cultural city was ransacked. We have been I doubt Mr. Codreanu knew that an Foundation Professor George told marauding Legionaries American foreign correspondent Manu. It included posters, post- butchered 200 Jews in the named Leigh White, working for cards and a booklet of essays on municipal abattoir and left their the Jewish Telegraph Agency, was Corneliu Z. Codreanu by Julius bodies hanging on meat hooks. In the first person to report the story. Evola, Kadmon (Gerhard Petak), other parts of the city Jews were White wasn’t in Bucharest when Joseph K. and Robert Horwáth. It rounded up, robbed, raped, and the fighting broke out. He filed his also included a bibliography and a tortured to death in a frenzy of eyewitness account of the unrest list of sources in Romania and looting and rapine. There are from Sofia, Bulgaria, and was back Germany for accurate historical photos of the aftermath of the in Bucharest before it was over. information on the Legionary “revolt” and newspaper clippings Movement. attesting to all manner of depravity, Ghetu assembled an impressive but accounts of the events aren’t variety of bands. So much so that trustworthy and the story of the his project became unwieldy and Bucharest abattoir has done more didn’t get released until a year after to bring disgrace on Romania’s Codreanu’s 100th birthday. Besides populist Legionary Movement than all the musicians involved he roped any other event in the twenty-year in just about every reactionary at history of its struggles with local that time who had ever posted police prefectures, the monarchy, anything favorable about Codreanu and the army. Corneliu Z. Codreanu and the Iron Guard on the Internet Wildly varying versions of this in English. legend are repeated in most Robert St. John, also an I attempted to get this project histories of the Holocaust and American correspondent and an more widely distributed through a Romania in WWII. Evidence associate of White’s, picked it up small rock music label in the U.S. presented in the case against and sent it to the Associated Press. but its intellectual/historical heft Archbishop Trifa included the text White, if he ever existed, died in was more than they could handle of a speech he delivered in his 1952. Other than an author’s credit and the negotiations fell through. capacity as a Christian student for a book entitled The Long When I returned to Bucharest in leader to a group of university Balkan Night, no information about 2004 Dan Ghetu met me at my students on January 19. Supposedly him exists. St. John dined out on hotel. I was back looking for a it was an incitement to the violence the story of the Bucharest pogrom morgue report cited as proof of the which erupted the following day. for the rest of his very long life. In slaughter at the Bucharest abattoir. From what little I’ve been able a version videotaped for the U.S. He helped me contact the historian to learn about his life Corneliu Z. Holocaust Memorial Museum in whose book this citation appears, Codreanu was never a Legionary, before he died, the 200 Jews are and then he disappeared. but he was jailed after the war as a made to crawl up a cattle ramp and Without turning this account political liability and languished in clubbed to death by Iron Guards into a dizzying litany of texts and Communist prisons while his before being butchered Kosher footnotes to contextualize the academically trained artist wife did style and stamped “Fit for Human significance of what I was search- what she could to feed the family. I Con-sumption.” ing for, I’ll just say that Dan helped asked him a number of questions, I got tangentially involved in the me track down Prof. Dinu C. including his opinion on the story graphics for Dan Ghetu’s alter- Giurescu, whose history of of the abattoir, but his answers native music project Codreanu: The Romania in WWII was where I first were in Romanian and I’ve yet to Centenary of a Martyr. This was an ran across the report. When I called get these translated. At the time my from my hotel room Prof. Giurescu 9

told me the source of his citation the hotel I called Dinu Giurescu ish lawyer's 1946-47 book, Cartea was another historian named Lya again to ask if he recalled what she Neagre (The Black Book), to verify Benjamin and he suggested I had given him—copies of pages all accounts of wartime contact her. from yet another book about the depredations against the country’s The reason I believe this report Holocaust, or a document from the Jewish minority. Carp claimed 11 is unique is because it’s a Romanian Intelligence Service Jews were taken to the abattoir Romanian government document, archive? He got short with me. "I from the police prefecture where 9 not a Jewish one. Its provenance is know the difference!" he said, "But were killed and 2 got away. He key to sorting out the history of the I can't recall what Lya Benjamin quotes a Military Prosecutor named Legionary rebellion, and obtaining gave me. That was seven years I. N. Vladescu who stated in a a copy of it was my sole reason for ago." newspaper article that the entrails returning to Romania. Inquiries Ion Coja is a professor of hist- of some bodies had been wrapped sent to the U.S. Holocaust ory at the University of Bucharest. around their necks like neckties. Memorial Museum and to Yad In 2003 he took a 90-year-old Carp was hired by the community Vashem in Jerusalem were to no Romanian Air Force veteran named to draw up an accounting of the avail. The Romanian scholars at Darasteanu I. Constantin to a Jewish loss of life and property both institutions were confounded notary where he testified before during the turbulence in Bucharest by the citation, so I took Prof. three other witnesses that while on and throughout Romania during the Giurescu’s advice and made an a mission to pick up pork bellies he war years to present a case for appointment with the person who saw bodies at the abattoir, but they reparations to Marshal Antonescu purportedly discovered the report to were dead Legionaries, not Jews. and at Nuremberg. ask for a copy from her. Coja is a nationalist regularly If we can believe him when he The Tailor’s Synagogue is no singled out for reprobation by the states as fact that the Romanian longer in use, but an appointment Jewish community and the Army was greasing their wagon to tour it can be arranged. This is Romania desk at Radio Free wheels with the blood of murdered where I met with Ms. Benjamin, Europe. He was running for Mayor Jews in Bessarabia, then it's not who offered to email me the names of Bucharest while I was there and such a stretch to accept his extra of those killed at the abattoir pub- lost by a landslide. He told me he morbid version of the abattoir lished in her book, but declined to believes some Legionaries’ bodies story. His death toll there is 191 provide me with a copy of the were seen at the abattoir, but his victims short of the one provided original report from the Medico- eyewitness doesn't remember how by the American foreign corres- Legal Institute Mina Minivici many. A retired professor of pondents who originally gave the which her list is based on. When I veterinary medicine I also spoke legend its legs. I'm surprised presented her with the SSI archive with named Dr. Radu Iftimovici, on neither Prof. Coja or Dr. Iftomivici identification information cited in the other hand, has written that or anyone else I met in Bucharest Giurescu’s book and pressed her Soviet propagandist Ilya Ehrenburg during my second trip there ever for the document instead, she spread the story of the slaughter in bothered to search for the SRI file I pointed to a wall of filing cabinets two postwar books despite the fact went looking for. If it exists, it in her office and asked, “How do that a statement signed by the should corroborate Matatias Carp’s you expect me to find it again in all employees of the abattoir denying and Lya Benjamin’s lists. It should that?” Lya Benjamin was right out anyone had been killed there also match one that appeared in the of Central Casting. She looked and appeared in the national newspaper September 1941 issue of The spoke like Borat’s grandmother. Universul in February of l941. He Record, a monthly news bulletin The Tailor’s Synagogue is an speculates that some Jews may published by The United Rouman- old and melancholy monument to a have been killed somewhere nearby ian Jews of America. When I asked century of Jewish suffering and and brought to the abattoir in a Lya Benjamin where the morgue sorrows, and so was she. I couldn’t truck. was, she told me a visit there would bring myself to ask any more of Matatias Carp is the final be a waste of time because the this tiny clutch of widow’s weeds, authority on the Holocaust in records had been destroyed in an so I thanked her and left. Back at Romania. Historians cite this Jew- earthquake. If there’s no report at 10

the Consiliul National pentru victims listed, 120 are identified as dissolved the short-lived National Studiera Arhivelor Securitatii, Jewish and 11 of these are listed as Legionary State, and Romania where she claims she found it, then found at the abattoir along with one entered the war five months later. the debate about the abbatoir will German. Holocaust scholar Raul Jews died during the resulting coup continue indefinitely. Hilberg, citing German and d’état, but so did many Legion- I left Bucharest empty-handed. American sources, supports figures aries, soldiers, and other citizens. Lya Benjamin’s assistant didn’t of 630 dead and 400 disappeared in No one agrees on how many, but send me the list of victims the “Bucharest pogrom,” which figures for the Jewish lives lost published in Evreii din Romania was neither a pogrom nor a revolt. were determined by fiat in 2009, intre annii 1940-1944 on the It was a clash between the and laws were passed in Romania following Monday as promised, Legionaries refusing to leave their to discourage revisionists. A few and it wasn’t until a month after I posts in various offices throughout months after I returned from my returned home and a flurry of the city and the Romanian army trip there I received a letter of emails later that I finally received which had been sent in to flush permission to search for “Intellig- scans of the relevant pages in her them out. ence Service Archive, Penal Fond book. The ethnicity of each name Stability in Romania was a File 4010, Vol. 60, pp 133-139” identified on this list of the dead preoccupation of the authorities in from a C.N.S.A.S. official. This is found throughout the city during Berlin who were planning on the morgue report that confounds the three days of anarchy indicates Romanian oil for “Operation the experts. Someday I’d like to see that nearly as many gentiles lost Barbarossa.” After a meeting with it. their lives in the “Bucharest Hitler on January 14, 1941, Seattle, pogrom” as Jews. Of the 212 Marshal Antonescu returned and 13 October 2011

Against Hollywoodism, Revisionism Robert Faurisson committed a crime without pre- world. It is especially since 1978 Hollywood Reporter: “Let’s just cedent, a specific crime, later called that such propaganda has been say it: the real reason we see so genocide. Then, in order to commit developed, particularly with the many of these movies is that this specific crime, he had a four episodes of the U.S. miniseries they’re awards bait.” It is such specific weapon developed, a Holocaust recounting the saga of observations that have given rise to weapon of mass destruction, the the Weiss family. It is no the saying “There's No Business gas chamber, oper-ating especially exaggeration to say that the show- Like Shoah Business,” inspired by with a powerful insecticide, Zyklon ing of that series became, as of the refrain of the song, sung by B, whose active ingredient was 1979, practically mandatory in an Liza Minnelli amongst others, hydrogen cyanide. entire portion of the world. It “There’s No Business Like Show Finally, the result of this triggered a torrent of films Business.” enormous crime was the death of including, by Steven Spielberg, six million European Jews. The Schindler's List, by Roberto Ben- 3. Revisionism is an antidote Auschwitz-Birkenau camp was the igni, Life Is Beautiful, by Roman to the poison of Hollywoodism focal point, the apogee, the Polanski, The Pianist. Revisionism is not an ideology Golgotha of that horror. After the In France, in 1985, Claude but a remedy for the temptation of war a whole propaganda developed Lanzmann honoured us with a ideology. It is a method. Whether around this holy trinity of “the documendaciary running for over in matters of literature, science, Holocaust,” a whole industry of nine hours: Shoah. The number of history, the media or any human “the Holocaust,” a whole business: Emmy Awards, Oscars, and other activity whatsoever, it prescribes the “Shoah Business.” prizes given to films like these is that the reality of a fact be In the United States the film staggering. A mogul of the established prior to any consid- industry has fed on this belief and Entertainment Industry, Andrew erations on that fact. One must spread it throughout the Western Wallenstein, once stated in The again see, hear, read what is 11

believed to have been seen, heard, “The alleged Hitlerite gas that censorship and repression still or read. One must be wary of first chambers and the alleged genocide prevent the general public from impressions, of emotions, rumours, of the Jews form one and the same becoming aware of this good news, and must not rely on anything or historical lie, which has permitted a but with the Internet, times are anyone until one’s own thorough gigantic political and financial changing, and quickly. investigation has been conducted, swindle whose main beneficiaries all the more if one is studying a war are the State of Israel and Conclusion rumour, for—let us not forget—in international Zionism and whose The general belief on the part of wartime the first casualty is the main victims are the German the Western world in “the Holo- truth. people—but not their leaders—and caust” has long been the sword and In the little time I have left here the Palestinian people in their shield of Zionism. But today I cannot, unfortunately, describe entirety.” Revisionism is putting this belief in how and at what price in fifty years To get an idea of the spectacular peril. This conference on Holly- of research I, along with a good victories won against that impos- woodism will mark, I think, one number of other revisionists, have ture thanks to the revisionists’ more step in our common struggle, come to the conclusion that “the work, one may refer to two studies a struggle for the rights of all – Holocaust” is decidedly but a appearing in my blog: “The especially the Palestinians –, a gigantic imposture, as I was able to Victories of Revisionism” (confer- struggle for the whole world to free convince myself after a few years. ence paper for Tehran, December itself from a tyranny based on the Already on December 17, 1980, I 11, 2006) and “The Victories of Greatest Lie of modern times. had summarised this conclusion in Revisionism (continued)” (Septem- a sentence of sixty French words of ber 11, 2011). It is no exaggeration Tehran, February 3, 2012 which I do not see a single one that to say that currently, in France and needs removing today. Here is the elsewhere, the authors who used to English translation: defend the “Holocaust” thesis are in complete disarray. The trouble is

Hollywood, the Holocaust, and the Hatred of Truth

by Jett Rucker

evisionist doyen Robert psychological effect on audiences have established virtually single- Faurisson attended the is to advance a concealed agenda of handedly, is most unflattering to R thirtieth annual Fajr those who have covertly gained those wielding the powers he International Film Festival in control of the narrative. On the discloses. But Faurisson, by dint of Tehran and there on February 3 specific subject of the Holocaust, of phenomenal courage and persis- delivered a speech whose subject in course, Faurisson had to illuminate tence, seems at this point to have English was “Against Hollywood- the activities of those animated by inured himself to the threats of the ism—Revisionism.” In it, the Zionist/Jewish partisanship, and powerful, and the violent as well pioneer revisionist provided a unavoidably referred to the extent (he suffered a severe beating in penetrating perspective from a to which the import of virtually 1989 at the hands of Jewish distance of one ulterior aim of what everything emanating from assailants), and his address stands is better known to Americans as Hollywood is effectively mediated as a scathing indictment not only of “Hollywood morality,” the pres- by agents of such motivation. those who have manipulated the entation of issues and events, real His analysis, in keeping with a organs of mass influence to their and fabricated, whose insidious tradition he could, if acting alone, own nefarious purposes, but quite 12

as well of those—many of us— starting with the Austrians and of Europe’s (and Israel’s) Jews on a who have been taken in by their proceeding onward to the majority foundation of ineradicable guilt blandishments and through tribal (gentile) populations of German- settled mainly on the Germans has attachments or mere intellectual occupied territories in Poland, been diverted away from the Huns lassitude have failed to exert the Czechoslovakia, the Soviet Union, to fight off a diverse and disfavored moral and mental effort involved in Rumania, and Hungary. corps of truth-seekers from throwing off the viciously distorted In fact, it is a good deal more countries all the way from Hungary perceptions of reality purveyed via subtle, or indirect, than a mere to Australia, and Canada to Italy. the silver screen. attack on the perpetrators of the The revisionist agenda is This review of Faurisson’s condemned activities. The central inadvertently threatening to the disquisition aims to explore how, in objects of hatred and mistrust now sanctification of “unique” Jewish abetting and embellishing the are not the perpetrators of the suffering in World War II Europe, popular narrative of events since and the information it is adducing packaged under the rubric “the The revisionist agenda is is potentially lethal to the franchise Holocaust,” Hollywood has subtly inadvertently threatening to Hollywood has enjoyed for nearly a and perversely deployed the power the sanctification of “unique” century at this point in the shaping of hatred in a propagandistic coup Jewish suffering in World War and direction of the unexamined of a kind extensively and power- II Europe, and the information sentiments of Americans. fully adduced by George Orwell in it is adducing is potentially So the Empire strikes back at his 1948 novel 1984. In that work, lethal to the franchise Holly- revisionism with the very weapon Orwell presented a linguistic wood has enjoyed for near a they won the heights by pretending development of his portrayed century at this point in the to fight—hatred. Through a dystopia called Newspeak. shaping and direction of the monstrous perversion they mobilize Newspeak, a thought-twisting unexamined sentiments of the reflexive hatred of gullible jargon imposed on the sheep-like Americans. people of good will by imputing to populace from above, employed a their opponents exactly that crime number of insidious linguistic original crimes, real and that they commit with the very devices, but the one he exhibited invented. They are, rather, those same strokes: intolerance. In that is of interest here is what who would advocate—or even, as connection with the expansion of might, at an objective remove, be Faurisson has done, undertake— the Israeli Empire across and termed “inversion.” It appears inquiry into the true nature, extent, throughout Palestine, Gilad mostly in slogans that the malleable and motivation of the original Atzmon in February posted a masses are taught, through events or even—Hollywood profoundly insightful essay detail- incessant repetition, to mouth and Forbid!—the machinations of those ing how Zionist propagandists have so, through that Pavlovian device, who have created and promoted the transmogrified intolerance into to believe. Examples include “War dominant legendry and the people racism, and racism into intolerance is peace,” “Freedom is slavery,” and projects for whose advantage so many times that the distinction and other such perverse the entire enterprise is carried on. has become virtually invisible, to equivalencies. The counteroffen- The original perpetrators have the lasting benefit of those whose sive against revisionism being finally, seventy years after the purposes benefit from the dis- undertaken by the defenders of alleged facts, gained a reprieve. semination of both. Hollywood’s decades-long disin- They gained the reprieve not from The cracks in the walls of the formation campaign exemplifies anyone’s forgiveness, or even Hollywood Holocaust edifice have precisely such Orwellian inversion. willingness to let bygones be even become visible inside the At first blush, the objects of bygones, but rather because those sanctum sanctorum. When, in hatred that may be inferred from advocating disinterested inquiry December 2010, Director Oliver the invidious Hollywood presen- into the facts of the allegations Stone let slip that his just- tation of “the Holocaust” would be have drawn away the propa- completed Showtime miniseries the Germans and, for those gandists’ fire. The original project “The Secret History of America” interested, their various allies to enshrine the innocent victimhood might portray Adolf Hitler as 13

ultimately a human being who sanitization, a slightly changed part of his long and active career. could be understood, if not sup- title: “The Untold History of Today, he is heard by few outside ported, by other human beings, the America.” “Untold history” rather the precincts of Tehran and the Jewish-Egyptian immigrant who well captures the effects of Saban’s redoubts of revisionism. But one imported The Transformers to machinations, but the containment day, perhaps after he himself is America, Chaim Saban, swore to mission of suppressing actual gone, he will be heard in sink the release. And, along with an material trying to escape the black Hollywood, and in all the other invisible army of confederates hole of Hollywood Holocaustery is places where he and his message (most native-born Americans, and telling evidence of the tremors that are marginalized, condemned, no other Egyptians at all), he did every day rock the tower of lies misrepresented, and punished by just that. more precariously. defamation and imprisonment. The Oliver Stone production Robert Faurisson continues a I hope to be among those who scheduled for release later this year courageous, unrelenting crusade hear him there. has, in token of its thorough that has taken up by far the greatest

FRAGMENTS: Another Ordinary Life Bradley R. Smith above. The text of the ad reads: about the life is what I do. It’s like he stories about the German “Inconvenient History: The asking a cabbie why he drives a Tconcentration camps get Power of Taboo.” taxi. That’s what he does. And then crazier and crazier. In the East The text itself is the link which, there is the reality that it takes two Village Eye, another of those sober, when the student clicks on it, will halves to make a whole. Life and thoughtful, New York Jewish take her to the Website of death together are the two halves. periodicals, there is a story by one Inconvenient History where in the Tadeusz Borowski titled “The newly published journal she will *** We have a new associate, Death of Shillinger.” find, among other titles she would an artist, a caricaturist. We found Until 1943, First Sergeant never have seen anywhere else, the an old article that he thought would Shillinger performed the duties of new, 9,000-word paper by Germar be a good first example of how we Lagerfuhrer, or chief commanding Rudolf titled “Resistance Is could start working with this young officer of labor sector ‘D' at Obligation.” man’s drawings. Birkenau, which was centrally Submitting the ads is the easy The article, something I did administered from Auschwitz part. We’ll see what happens. What back in 1982 and is not published, Schillinger reigned over sector we can make happen. is called The Auschwitz Huggers. It ‘D' with an iron hand. He could is a response to an article that strike a blow as hard as a metal bar; *** One idea in the back of the appeared that year in The East he could crack a jaw or crush the brain, it’s been there for a while Village Eye called “The Death of life out of a man [by hugging him now, is to record how the body is Schillinger.” The East Village Eye to death] with no apparent effort. giving out here, giving out there, to was published from 1979 through Furthermore he visited the record the story fragment by 1986. I no longer remember what crematoria regularly and liked to fragment that is leading to my happened to my own article, if I watch people being shoved into the death. I think it could be at least ever did any-thing with it. Here I gas chambers. His name was peripherally interesting. It would will print only a portion of the text usually linked with the names of not be a tragic, but a careful with the intent to illustrate how we Plaits, Krankenmann, and many recording of the final fragments of can use the new illustrations. other Auschwitz murderers who one more ordinary life. Why would What follows is an excerpt from boasted that they had personally I want to write about that? Writing that piece. succeeded in killing with the fist, the club, or the revolver, at least ten thousand people each. 14

This Schillinger was a murderer while he was in Auschwitz. University of Kansas who is of note, no doubt about it. Ten Probably. participating in a class studying the thousand murders with fist, club Borowski, if his creation about Holocaust. It was a poor connec- and pistol! And then there were Schillinger is challenged, can al- tion, but she wanted to know “my those he hugged to death. Maybe ways reply that in fact Schillinger side” of the Holocaust story. I another couple thousand there. And did not actually kill 20 or 25 people explained that it is an immense then are Palitsch, and Krank- every day for a year, weekends story, that some of it is true while enmann who between them murd- included, with fist, club, pistoling some of it is not, that it would be ered perhaps another twenty best if she went to the introductory thousand with fist, club, revolver papers online on CODOHWeb. I and hugging. And then the “many took a moment to explain that I other” murderers linked to those focus on trying to find ways for cruising the yards of Auschwitz- students to be able to examine the Birkenau punching, clubbing, narrative like they are allowed to pistoling and hugging the life out of examine any other historical tens of thousands of slave laborers, narrative. I asked if she had been to mostly Jews. It's a wonder, frankly, CODOHWeb and she said yes, she that the Germans got any work was there now. The connection had done at all at Auschwitz using been poor, and now the line went guards like Schillinger, Kranken- dead. mann, Palitach and the many The next morning there was a others. telephone message from the young You would think such a monster lady. It said: “Of course the Jew-killer would be mentioned in Holocaust happened. Of course some of the well-known titles in the there were concentration camps. literature of Holocaust cultism. First Sergeant Schillinger You dumb (expletive deleted).” Maybe he is. But his name is not The “Auschwitz Hugger” indexed in Hilberg's The *** Pedro Varela, the Spanish Destruction of the European Jews. and hugging, nor did Krankenmann bookseller and free speech He's not mentioned in Leon or Palitsch. They only “bragged” advocate who has a long history of Poliakov's Harvest of Hate , or The that they did. The reader under- being persecuted by the State for Holocaust Years: Society On Trial stands however that that is not what saying and writing and selling the ” by Chartock and Spencer, or Borowski intends us to believe wrong things, will be released on Reitlinger's The Final Solution , or when he cooks up the article, or 08 March after 15 months in prison Levin's The Holocaust , or in The what the East Village Eye intends (this last time). Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by for us to believe in publishing it. Israel Shamir has written: Shirer. The intent is to create still more “Pedro Varela, my Spanish And such an outstanding sympathy for Jews by defaming publisher, is a very unusual German bestial murderer, this still more Germans as beasts, for idiosyncratic person: tall, with high Schillinger, this veritable proto- the ten-thousandth time, and to use forehead of a thinker and manners type of the German hell monster, demonstrable lies to do it. Maybe of a Spanish grandee, mountain and not a mention, not a reference, somebody will show me where I'm climber, admirer of Yukio not even a footnote? What can I wrong. Mishima, a bachelor and vege- say? Of course Borowski, the [ End of excerpt. But a pretty tarian, a man of great learning and author of this Schillinger garbage, good drawing, eh?] modest habits, indifferent to is probably not making the story up comforts like Don Quixote, con- completely out of whole cloth, noisseur of arts and a friend of there probably was a Schillinger, he *** Received a telephone call Palestine. He was squarely against probably was a bad egg, and from a young lady attending American wars in Iraq and Borowski probably heard of him Afghanistan, and published and 15

promoted my books on this subject. probably reacting to the documen- Lauder added that the ruling Politically he is a maverick: he tary in a way similar to the way he “gives neo-Nazis hints on how to tends to radical right, is friendly to is reacting to it. The old guy deny the Holocaust in Germany Muslims, an antipode to Geert declares to one and all that the and escape punishment.” Well, Wilders and Zionist far right. He documentary is full of “lies” and somebody has to do it. Why not the published many sorts of books, then accuses Jews of altering the German Constitutional Court? including books about World War historical record of events after the Two, and that was his undoing.” war ended. Later that week he *** The six institutions selected returns to the bar and gives the by the United States Holocaust This is the end of a long run. proprietor several pamphlets, one Memorial Museum to host the The Catalan court has been on his of which asserts that the Nazi gas Belfer First Step Workshop on the case since 1996 for publishing, chamber tales were fabrications. Holocaust for “educators”will be selling and promoting books that I have this story from the online hearing from us by the time you various Jewish lobbies do not want “Jspace” site—that is, Jewspace--, have this newsletter to hand. the rest of us to be able to access. which may be why we are not Students, faculty, administration, At first he was sued for Holocaust informed as to which documentary media. The bunch. I”ll stay on it. denial, but the supreme court of was being aired that night, or which We’ll see. Until next month then. Spain decided in 2007 that this is parts of it the old guy was claiming not a punishable offence because to be false. democracy relies on freedom of The German court released its investigation and scientific findings on 23 February, saying Bradley knowledge. History is a matter of that “even the dissemination of “science.” National Socialist ideas as a radical So Varela was found guilty of questioning of the status quo” is Smith’s Report promoting hate, and of approving protected under freedom of speech. is published by of the Holocaust. Varela argues that While the court said that Holocaust he cannot approve of a Holocaust denial continues to be illegal in Committee for he does not believe happened. Germany, they found that in this Open Debate His Spanish-language page on particular case, such claims were on the Holocaust the Web features this quote: not the main part of the accused man’s argument, rather it was an Bradley R. Smith, Founder Truth does not stain the lips of “introductory attempt at an those who speak it, but the explanation” of why Germany was For your contribution of $39 conscience of those who hide it. not guilty for starting World War you will receive 12 issues of II.” Smith’s Report. *** The German Constitutional The court believes this ruling Canada and Mexico--$45 Court has ruled in favor of an 82- has no effect on the current Overseas--$49 year-old Holocaust denier, saying Holocaust denial law. that his words were protected by Surprisingly, the World Jewish Letters and Donations to: freedom of speech as described by Congress Vice-President Charlotte Article Five of the German Knobloch slammed the court’s Bradley R. Smith constitution. See: http://tinyurl.- decision, saying it was “quirky.” Post Office Box 439016 com/74xkgor “WJC President Ronald S. San Ysidro, CA 92143

This old German, a man my Lauder also criticized the ruling, age, was (ostensibly) having a beer calling it ‘a slap in the face’ of Desk: 209 682 5327 in a bar in the eastern German state Holocaust survivors and their Email of Thuringia and complained aloud families” and, we might add, their [email protected] about a World War II documentary descendents on to the umpteenth playing on the television. I can see generation. myself there on the stool beside his, 16



No. 191 Challenging the Holocaust Taboo Since 1990 May 2012 Online at

The Student Press Illustrates Once Again The Depth of the Holocaust Taboo In the American University

Bradley Smith

he Belfer First Step Rhode Island College was one find, among other papers, the Workshop on the of six institutions of higher 9,000-word word paper by Germar T Holocaust is a program education across the nation Rudolf titled “Resistance Is created by the United States selected by the USHMM to host Obligation.” The ad was accepted Holocaust Memorial Museum to the Belfer Workshop. The other by The UNC Mirror at U Northern prepare pre-service secondary five included Auburn University, Colorado, by The Chronicle at St. teachers to integrate the Holocaust Cal State U Long Beach, Illinois Cloud U., and by The Anchor at into their lesson plans effectively. I State University, St. Cloud State, Rhode Island College. learned about the Workshop in The and the University of Northern I wrote The UNC Mirror to Anchor, the student newspaper at Colorado. The day after congratulate the editor for standing Rhode Island College. encountering this material we with the ideal a free press. I wrote It is worth noting that the U.S. submitted announcements to the the advisor of The Daily 49er to Holocaust Memorial Museum is a online editions of the student express my dismay—well, not my proactive State agency, funded by newspaper at each of these dismay, I’m well acquainted with tax dollars, dedicated to forwarding campuses. In each instance the how “advisors” to the student press the State narrative that during text of the announcement read: operate in the American uni- World War II the Germans were versity—but my disapproval of uniquely monstrous. It is a “INCONVENIENT HISTORY: such advice. narrative that has been carried out The Power of Taboo.” The point to these simple, brilliantly in the name of various almost pro-forma letters is not to American war parties, spearheaded Six words. The text itself is a communicate with a single indi- in the university by Hillel and the link which, when the student clicks vidual editor or advisor, but to copy ADL, but infecting all media and on it, will take her to the Website each letter to hundreds of student intellectual classes. of Inconvenient History. In the organizations and faculty on each latest issue of that journal she will of the six campuses so that it is 1

understood widely how a minority and upon graduation risk losing the end of this article. And then there is of student editors can stand with possibility of working in journalism the large send we did to introduce the ideal of a free press in spite of anywhere. It’s not fair, not right, Eric Hunt’s The Last Days of the what they are being advised and but the culpability rests with a Big Lie to the Six we are talking pressured to do by special interests. professoriate that betrays its own about here and to some 20 other While the editor who folds is ideals as it betrays its students. campuses across the nation. responsible for her actions, I And this time we all—students, Meanwhile, here is my brief understand fully the difficult faculty, and CODOH itself—were letter to the UNC Mirror editor. position she is in, and how she is to benefit from the unexpected being asked to risk her position on involvement of Heinz Bartesch. the paper she is working for now, You will find his open letter at the

Friday, March 16, 2012 Ritual Defamation: A Contemp- All this being so, I understand orary Academic Example that you are in a difficult situation. Benjamin Welch, Stephen F. Pinter, An Early Still, we encourage the UNC Editor-in-Chief - Revisionist Mirror to continue to support the The UNC Mirror A Postcard from Treblinka right to free inquiry against the U of Northern Colorado Review: The Wandering Who opposition of UNC academics and Greeley, Colorado The Palestinians as an administration. And, I should add, "Invented People" the opposition of a number of Mr. Welch: Relegation--A Formula for special-interest organizations on I would like you to know that Blowback and off-campus that you may hear we very much appreciate the fact from. that the UNC Mirror has agreed to We advocate a free exchange of Sincerely, run our announcement for ideas about a series of historical Bradley Smith "Inconvenient History: The Power questions that are taboo with the of Taboo." Clicking on the link American professoriate across the PS: I understand I might be your readers are taken to the nation. Example: I doubt that there wrong about any particular of the Website of "Inconvenient History: is one academic at U Northern above. If I am, please tell me where A Quarterly Journal for Free Colorado who openly supports a and I will acknowledge my error Historical Inquiry." free exchange of ideas with regard publicly. to Holocaust orthodoxy. Or one Do you want to talk about it? The Spring 2012 issue includes: academic who will encourage, or You can reach me at Editorial: Book burning in the even allow, such a free exchange of [email protected] Style of 2011 ideas to take place on this matter in Resistance Is Obligation his/her classroom,

At the same time, the an- was pulled before it could run a Providence, Rhode Island nouncement was rejected out of second week. I wrote the editor of [email protected] hand by The Plainsman at Auburn The Anchor and again we copied it University, The Daily 49er at Cal to hundreds of student organ- 20 March 2012 State Long Beach, and The Vidette izations and faculty on the RIC Mr. Bissel: at Illinois State U. The Anchor at campus, then to the other campuses Earlier this month we submitted Rhode Island College was an in The Six. an announcement to run in The exception. The Anchor does not Anchor that read: “Inconvenient publish ads in its online edition, but George Bissell, Editor-in-Chief History: The Power of Taboo,” accepted ours for its hardcopy The Anchor edition. The ad ran one time but Rhode Island College Continued on page 10


FRAGMENTS: Another Ordinary Life

Bradley Smith

*** Each afternoon a few min- when Campbell remarked that All the names you are familiar utes before 5pm my wife and I “History is a nightmare from which with are there, beginning with drive downtown to our mail drop we are trying to awake.” Remark- Willis Carto and on through the hoping to find, among other able image. major figures of Robert Faurisson, interesting material, substantial I recall reading Campbell (and Arthur Butz, Harry Elmer Barnes, contributions to help with the work. Jung) after Korea, in 1953 maybe, Ernst Zundel, David McCalden, Sometimes it’s there, sometimes sitting at night at the kitchen table and some who are tangential to not. I need to average about $100 a while mother and father sat in the revisionism—Gerald L.K. Smith? day, or $3,000 a month, just to keep living room watching Roller Derby, And then there is Bradley Smith. the work above water. Today there or Jackie Gleason or All in the “1987: California-based Bradley was one contribution for $25. Family. All in the Family was a Smith founds the Committee for When I told my wife that total pretty good show. Open Debate on the Holocaust. contributions for the day were $25 On another PBS program, a During the early 1990s, Smith's she said in Spanish: documentary where a U.S. naval organization places full-page ad- “You need to thank God for it. ship is trying to interdict pirates off vertisements or editorial pieces in He’s the one who gave it to you.” the Somali coast, a crew was more than a dozen American col- “He’s the one?” preparing to board a suspect ship. lege newspapers under the headline “That’s right, Gordo.” The Americans were all young ‘The Holocaust Story: How Much “Does that mean it was God guys. As they went over the side of is False? The Case for Open who gave me the cancer?” their own ship to get into a small Debate.’ Smith's campaign helps to “Why shouldn’t God give you boarding vessel, the young man blur the line between hate mon- cancer?” she said.“Who do you directing them said: gering and freedom of speech.” think you are? He gives you “Okay now. Keep your heads on I quote this item in the Timeline everything. You are already past swivel.” because of the final assertion: that the years when you should die.” I’d never heard that expression. arguing the case for open debate “I see.” Cool. “helps to blur” the line between “Who are you?” she said. hate mongering and freedom of It was kind of comic. I didn’t *** The USHMM has a page speech. Freedom of speech—a very say anything more. That’s the way on its Web site ( difficult issue for these people to she talks to me about the really big 7tyo7ek) devoted to a Timeline for deal with, even the most educated issues related to life and the world key events in the evolution of Ho- among them. of the divine. I have a photograph locaust Denial, an activity “gener- But here is the entry that took of her as a child in a village in ally motivated by hatred of Jews.” me by surprise. Among the 31 Nayarit. She’s standing in the dirt, We are not told what other persons and events listed in the no shoes. Ordinarily she has a motivations there might be to USHMM Timeline covering the 70 terrific sense of humor, but the set question the H story. Like a felt years since 1942, the last, final of her jaw in that photograph from necessity for free inquiry? There event listed is this one. some sixty years ago predicts a are 31 of these key personages and “2010: Bradley Smith places his strength of character that would events listed in the Timeline, first online Holocaust denial come to rule her life as a Christian. beginning with the Germans and advertisement, which appears on their collaborators destroying evi- the website of the University of *** Joseph Campbell (The dence of mass graves in Poland, the Wisconsin's Badger Herald in Power of Myth) was being Soviet Union, Serbia and Germany February. The Internet—because of interviewed on PBS by Bill Moyers in 1942/43. its ease of access and dissem- 3

ination, seeming anonymity, and much attention. One night last problem with high blood pressure. perceived authority—is now the week she was in the kitchen We have to stay on top of it. chief conduit of Holocaust denial.” washing dishes when she said she Life. A seven-word announcement in had a pain in her chest. I had never a student newspaper. One of the 31 heard her say that. Then she said *** Received a note from the most significant revisionist events she was having palpitations in her Mid-County Regional Library, in the 70 years since 1942! heart. I had never heard her say that Florida. The Subject was:“Flyers at Publication of the ad did cause a either. I suggested we check her the Mid-County Regional Library. commotion, including a response blood pressure. from the director of the USHMM We went in the bedroom, sat on herself, the charming but misled the bed, hooked her up and did it. Dear Sir, Sara J. Bloomfield. The numbers were 197 over 105. Please be advised that the I believe I am doing something She put her pajamas on, got into library does not permit display of that badly needs to be done. To call bed and closed her eyes. I just sat personal materials on the public out university faculty before the there. I had never seen such kiosks or bulletin boards. We ask eyes of their students, to demon- numbers. After a few minutes I said that you cease placement of your strate to students how they are I thought the numbers were too materials immediately. If you have being held in bondage by their high, that while it might be our any questions about library professors to a set of historical is- machine, maybe it wasn’t, and that policies, please contact Evie sues that are ruled by taboo rather we ought to drive to the Red Cross Kennedy, Regional Librarian at than thought. . in town and have the numbers 941-613-3190. But I didn’t expect the U.S. worked up again. Turns out she Judy Domzalski. Library Tech- Holocaust Memorial Museum itself was half thinking the same thing nician - Mid County Regional to publicly affirm the value of my but it was after midnight now and Library, Charlotte County Comm- work in such a striking manner. she didn’t want to be a bother. We unity Services Department Libra- Sara? got dressed, got in the Jeep and ries and History941.613.3181 Thank you. drove to the Red Cross. Within a [email protected] few minutes they had her numbers m *** I find on again. The numbers were 176 over Please note: Florida has a very that a Google search of the term 100. broad public records law. Most "al-holocaust al-falastini" (The The young doctor working that written communications to or from Palestinian holocaust) elicited night, an unpleasant fellow, said officials regarding county business 446,000 results, while a search of that the 100 number was a turning are public records available to the "al-holocaust al-yahudi" (the Jew- point, anything higher increased the public and media upon request. ish holocaust) elicited 496,000 risk of heart attack or stroke at any Your e-mail communications may results. At the same time the term moment, and advised us to allow therefore be subject to public "al-holocaust al-yahudia lmazoum" him to put a capsule of something disclosure. (the bogus Jewish holocaust) under her tongue to bring the elicited 202,000 results. Holocaust pressure down within half an hour I replied to Ms. Domzalsk that revisionism. Getting the message to two hours. We said go ahead. she would have to fill me in here as out. Half an hour later the numbers I had no knowledge of what she were 153 over 90. High but high- was referring to with regard to *** My wife has talked about normal, with no immediate risk. "your materials." having high blood pressure for Since that night the diastolic In the event, Ms.Domzalsk has some twenty years. She’s always number has reached 100 twice. She not filled me in. Must have been a taken care of it, like she takes care put a prescribed capsule under her local revisionist activist. of everything. Because she never tongue each time and the numbers made a scene about it, because I dropped dramatically. Temporar- Continued on page 15 never heard that a doctor had told ily. So my wife has an authentic her she was in trouble, I didn’t pay 4

If Germany Declared Peace

Nicholas Kollerstrom

ermany has been, since soldiers will not go outside German dissociate itself from them, by World War II, an national boundaries even if ordered declaring its national independence Goccupied nation. No to do so, unless on a humanitarian and sovereignty. Let it declare peace treaty has ever been signed, relief mission and invited by the peace. Let it have the inner strength occupying armies still remain country concerned (or else in to say “No” when requested to send there—and Germany continues to accord with the terms of the its military abroad by the US/UK function under a foreign defensive 1949 North Atlantic for some war—i.e., declare that it constitution, prepared by the Treaty,3 which it signed). wishes to abide by the 1949 North victors of WW2.1 It owns a The two World Wars were Atlantic Treaty. massive amount of gold, three and triggered by uncertainties about the Let Germany’s military develop a half thousand tons of it, more borders of Germany: now that these defensive strategies that lack than any country except America— are established, let Germany make provisions for entering other but is not in possession of it. clear that there is no further casus nations. The time has now come for belli that it will accept. In a sense A peacemaker uses the art of Germany to declare peace. both World Wars were caused by balance, of balancing rival powers, Following the decision to pull out the geographical spread of persons and German statesmanship, at the all 20,000 British troops from who felt themselves to be German centre of Europe, has to involve Germany by 2020,2 this is an being larger than the national that. For example, suppose appropriate moment. Likewise the boundaries (of 1871) of the new Germany declared that it would 73,000 U.S. soldiers and their nation of Germany. It was allow only one-tenth of US bases to 100,000 family members still in confusion over the definition of remain in Germany and only with Germany should no longer be what was Germany. Germany the proviso that none of their required to stay. never wanted to fight Britain in nuclear missiles were targeting Let Germany sign a peace treaty either World War.4 It should no Russia. That would send a shock all with the postwar occupying nations longer accept the guilt constantly around the world. It would make (the US, UK, France and Russia), foisted upon it by the victorious people smile. A majority of and announce that it is no longer an WW2 powers, who dropped two Germans might (possibly) wish to occupied nation. What would the million tons of bombs onto central retain the NATO “nuclear umbrel- sovereignty of Germany mean, in Europe, mainly Germany. That la” of deterrence, and that would the 21st century? does not give them any moral involve such a minimal US platform from which to prate at presence. Motion on such funda- Pacific Intentions Germany. mental issues needs to be based That is now well past, and let it upon the majority will of German It is inevitable that Germany fade into history. Let Germany join citizens. In reply, the US declares it is—and will be—mighty. Let it the ranks of pacific nations, who do cannot divulge its nuclear policies show this might by refusing to send not attack others: India, Brazil, to a host nation. Germany has its own military outside its own Venezuela, Iran. Let Germany not requested a de-Gaulle strategy of national borders. A mistake may sell more nuclear submarines to “à toutes azimuths”—i.e. the have been made by it accom- Israel. nuclear missiles are there and panying NATO strikes in Bosnia, The US and UK are two nations ready, but not targeted at anyone! Afghanistan, and Libya. Let it be which cannot exist without What would happen next? Such a affirmed and printed in German everlasting war (and likewise their move would at least give everyone military-law manuals that its child, Israel). Let Germany an exciting topic of conversation. 5

The hand of the peacemaker is never existed. Let Germans cease the future of Europe depends upon gentle but has to have power taking blame for this. us having such a debate. behind it. In response, Germany If SS-fighters did in the 1940s A slab at Auschwitz used to might affirm that it would no believe in “lebensraum,” i.e. state that four million had been longer be able to pay expenses of expanding somewhat into Russia, murdered there, a figure later the US/UK troops stationed in that belief originated because of the reduced to one million, it being Germany. naval blockade which Britain implied that Germans were respon- Whenever the US/UK misuses imposed in 1918 to force Germany sible for this. In northern Germany the UN for its war making, then let to sign the unfair Treaty of the huge database at Bad-Arolsen Germany affirm the UN principle Versailles. That caused three now claims to contain the complete that member-states have under- quarters of a million to die of archive of all persons who lived taken “to settle any inter-national famine, mainly German women and died in the German labour- dispute in which they may be and children, because Germany camps during WW2:10 do not its involved by peaceful means in such could not feed itself: the one, real documents give a total of 73 a manner that international peace atrocity story of WW1,6 termi- thousand deaths at Auschwitz, and and security and justice are not nating a war which Germany did 290 thousand for all of the labour- endangered, and to refrain in their not want and did not start.7 Maybe camps? Let the German govern- international relations from the Germans should cease feeling ment permit free and open debate threat or use of force in any manner guilty about that policy. on this topic. Clearly, if the Arolsen inconsistent with the purposes of Let Germany cease paying out archive has inadvertently omitted to the United Nations.” two or three billion euros to record 95% of all wartime deaths at When Germany exports arms, “Holocaust victims” every year— the Auschwitz labour-camp, then let these be, as far as possible, which mainly goes into the coffers something would need to be done defensive technology, e.g. short- of Israel.8 Germany suffered about this! That hardly sounds like range anti-aircraft missiles. This enough deaths in the last World German efficiency. The German matters because German War9; it does not need to atone for government must not have any technology can readily become the the deaths of others. If people defined position on this matter, best in the world—indeed, maybe believe that the Nazi Endlösung other than that of allowing history- already is. der Judenfrage involved an ians to debate the subject. intention to exterminate Jews, then Clearly, a German government Freeing the Historians let the German government offer a should not hold a view on any reward to anyone who can show matter which requires historians to Let Germany cease putting its documents expressing this intent— evaluate. But it might wish to own citizens in jail for thought- or showing that it happened. Let request that the Arolsen Archive crime,5 let it cease burning books that judgment be made by a jury of give an answer to the question written by Germans but instead German citizens. posed recently by Jurgen Graf: allow its own historians to write its Germany has just honored the “Can you adduce any documentary history. Let its historians finally 70th anniversary of the Wannsee evidence proving that even a single walk free from jail. conference: let it send a letter to the Jew was killed in a gas chamber in Let German scientists ratify that big Holocaust Memorial centre any National Socialist concentra- a certain object of technology has now located there, requesting any tion camp?”11 It is time for the not ever existed in the world, and documents be produced showing a world to hear an answer to that— could not ever feasibly be con- lethal intention. Maybe the decision the official answer, from the structed: viz. the mass cyanide there implemented of deporting Arolsen Archive management human gas-chamber. That concept Jews from Germany was regret- team. Having adjusted German law was only ever mere US/UK table, but if so it had been made on concerning the non-outlawing of wartime atrocity propaganda. 46 earlier occasions by most other historical truth, it could and should Nobody died in WW2 from being European countries. Debate on this request the Arolsen Archive to state put into these, because they have question is possible—and maybe publicly its total, i.e the total number of persons in its records 6

who lived and died in the German made by US/UK military intel- What is it that a pacific Ger- WW2 labour-camps. ligence. That’s why the world many should stand for? After the If and when it does these any of needs it War its shattered cities lay things, the US and UK media will As regards the historical acci- desolated like lunar landscapes. Its respond with cries of “Nazi, Nazi!” dent of Germany having more iron recovery in the 21st century as a and a particular ethnic group will and coal under its soil than pacific nation would signify the claim to be “hurt.” One then needs neighboring nations, let it cultivate resurrection of the human spirit an inner strength not to respond. an attitude of friendly benevolence (Mahler’s 2nd“Resurrection”sym- Let Germany recover its own self- by favorable trade deals to its near phony). The primary questions are identity and not allow others to neighbors concerning these raw maybe not economic, about the fate define it. Twice in the 20th century materials. Let it be the friendly of the euro, which everyone talks were world wars (as opposed to giant of Europe. about, but are rather about the local conflicts) precipitated by Let it deal with the slow, gra- cultural self-identity of the German Britain declaring war on Germany; dual concept of “confidence- people. let Germany stop feeling guilt building measures” by way of about this. reassuring any nervous neighbours 1 Germany: Still under Control of Condemnations of Nazism of Germany’s pacific intentions. Foreign Powers’ by Ingrid Zündel, on should apply equally to Zionism; as Slowly, confidence is built up. Let Veterans Today. identical national ideologies, ap- it politely explain that German 2 Daily Mail, British remaining 20,000 pearing in the 1930s, both based on taxpayers will no longer pay troops begin withdrawal from Germany, 22.1.12 racial superiority, racial purity, and stationing costs of foreign armies. 3 Greece was not a signatory to that military expansionism, they shared 1949 treaty, so this affirmation does in common a drive to have Jews A Golden Question not risk Germany becoming embroiled deported from Europe to Israel. in Greek/Turkish feuds. Let Germany request back its 4 See, e.g, .my ‘On the Avoidability of The Gentle Giant gold from America.13 Its massive WW1’ The Journal of Inconvenient gold reserves may not reside in the History, 2011,3. Let Germany take a new pride in Bundesbank coffers,14 but rather in 5 UNESCO Human Rights Council its old culture: a nation of Fort Knox, with some in London.15 ruling, 3 June 2010: “The exercise of musicians, poets, mystics, writers, For comparison, Venezuela re- the right to freedom of opinion and artists, and philosophers. Let it quested in 2011 that its gold be expression is one of the essential foundations of a democratic society, thank the US/UK for writing out a returned from deposits in the Bank and is instrumental to the development German constitution after the War, of England and that has happened; and strengthening of effective but declare that it is no longer its gold has now been repatriated. democratic systems.” required—then write out its own. Germany would need to have its 6 Propaganda for War Stewart Halsey German culture has (I suggest) key gold returned for these arguments Ross 2009, p.47. characteristics of being good and of sovereignty to make sense.16 7 NK op cit (4). true, with thorough workmanship, If and when Germany gets that 8 A 2007 survey showed that 85% of which is why the world needs it. gold back, let Germans consider in Germans favoured termination of such Let it not accept the definitions their hearts the concept of a gift: payments: which others keep wishing to give giving say five hundred tons of it to 9 While estimates vary widely, here is one for 8 million German WW2 it. Russia, to heal memories of trauma deaths: A recent opinion poll found that between these two great nations, 10 www.its- 89% of Germans do not believe the from the two world wars: an 12 official version of 9/11. No other unsolicited gift. (This is a native 11 Jürgen Graf, ‘Hungarian Holocaust European nation has that depth of American tradition of “potlatch”— debate’ insight. That philosophical intell- of one tribe giving a gift to another, 12 Nearly 90% Germans don’t believe igence—that common intelligence such that the recipient is obliged by Official 911 fairy tale: Infowars. shared by the German people—is the generosity.) 13 Would Germany get it back? able to see through fabrications Author of Currency Wars 2011 James 7

Rickards told Max Kaiser that he was 15 Where Is Germany’s Gold? James but in NYC and London and a little bit told “most of Germany’s gold is in Turk, Global Research in Paris, too. Even the Bundesbank NYC and this is a direct quote from 16 “It is no secret that the bulk of itself has confirmed this part of the ...the Bundesbank.” Germany´s national gold is not in story several times – and “defended” 14 Currency War: Germany about to Germany (and has not been since the that storage policy with “reasons of lose 66% of its gold reserves Max 1960s when Germany has earned most trading convenience and historical Kaiser 2010. of the gold through its trade surpluses) storage custom.”

Sensation in France: Professor Faurisson Forces the CRIF (Jewish Lobby) into a Humiliating Retreat

Guillaume Fabien

April 2, 2012

he CRIF (Representative so as better to heed the chosen Faurisson. In February 2012, Faur- Council of Jewish people’s desiderata. The govern- isson’s visit to Iran and meeting T Institutions in France) is ment representatives who’ve taken with President Ahmadinejad, who the closest thing France has to the in this lecture then vie in their bestowed on him the first-ever United States Jewish lobby’s obsequiousness, undertaking to do “award for courage, resistance and flagship organisation AIPAC even better in the year just begun in fighting spirit” and received him in (American Israel Public Affairs a special audience, made Commit-tee). Early each year, for The truth is as follows: Richard Prasquier lose control of example, the CRIF summons – neither before, during nor his nerves. He posted three articles more than it invites – to a solemn after my stay in Tehran did I dealing with Faurisson on his ceremonial dinner most of the receive, either from the organisation’s website, all three country’s government, starting with Iranian president or any of under the name of an individual the President of the Republic, the called Marc Knobel (“Faurisson his representatives, “a cheque Prime Minister, the Presidents of and Ahmadinejad, the infernal both the National Assembly and the for 120,000 euros” nor any couple” on February 15; “Far-right Senate, and up to fifteen serving other sum of money by and Iran, the great love affair” on Ministers or Secretaries of State, cheque, cash in hand or any February 22; “Robert Faurisson, not to mention a plethora of lofty other means. portrait of a Holocaust denier, figures from domestic and foreign [book] by Valerie Igounet” on political, economic, diplomatic, and bending to the edicts of this mighty March 15). media spheres. body. For the CRIF the rights and The pitch of these pieces On this occasion, ritually, those privileges of the State of Israel are steadily rose to the point where an attending do not fail to listen the priority of priorities. Its current emboldened Marc Knobel, who had religiously to the speech made by president is Richard Prasquier, a begun by writing that Faurisson the CRIF’s President. In flattering, round little man whose nerves often had “probably” received a cheque complaining, and threatening tones seem quite on edge. for €120,000 from President he gives his lesson to France and The bête noire of this president Ahmadinejad, ended up stating dictates to the government the is historical revisionism and, without reservation that the conduct to adopt in the near future therefore, Professor Robert Professor had well and truly 8

received a cheque for that the banning of the newspaper! It back-down had come from a amount. There, at a stroke, prob- did so in an article entitled certain text whose existence he ability had disappeared altogether; “Faurisson che oltraggia la Shoah” avoided mentioning at all: this was, there was now just confirmation, a (Faurisson’s outrage against the precisely, the Professor’s “right of calm certainty. Shoah), reply” letter (see: “Mensonge, In France there is a law enabling In France, the CRIF website, in reculade, et nouveau mensonge du any person named or designated in its press review of March 2, cited CRIF” – Lie, back-down, and new an article to exercise what is called that article but – a noteworthy lie by the CRIF,” "the right of reply", and those in detail – without mentioning its charge of the publication in demand for Rinascita’s clos- One may wonder whether this question will have, upon receipt of ure. Soon afterwards, realising that humiliation is the first of its kind the “reply” text, a period of five the Professor was preparing to take ever endured by an institution working days in which to publish them to court, Richard Prasquier which, drunk with power, believes it. One must be aware that the and friends saw they were caught in itself to be above such a traditional drafting of such a text is a the trap of their “aggravated lie” and well-known French law as that consummate art. The gist of and, as the criminal or civil code of July 29, 1881 on “the freedom of Professor Faurisson’s letter to the puts it, of their “refusal of the right the press.” CRIF was in the following of reply” and the "personal injury" As for Richard Prasquier, he sentence: or “defamation” that they had incurs a heavy responsibility in all “The truth is as follows: neither brought about. this business. For starters, by his before, during nor after my stay in Thus did the almighty CRIF refusal to grant Professor Faurisson Tehran did I receive, either from suddenly find itself forced into the a wholly justified “right of reply”, the Iranian president or any of his most humiliating of back-downs. he flouted the law. Then, to avoid representatives, ‘a cheque for On March 21 the site posted, with the risk of a lawsuit, he turned to 120,000 euros’ nor any other the by-line of its trusted liar, Marc the liar Marc Knobel himself to sum of money by cheque, cash in Knobel, a formal retraction: no, the have the lie corrected; the latter did hand or any other means.” Professor had received no cheque, that but, as we’ve seen, permitted Such wording adhered strictly to no money! (“Précision concernant himself two new lies in the process. the requirements of legislation and un article sur Robert Faurisson” – Even at the CRIF there must be case law. The CRIF was therefore Clarification concerning an article honest people. Will they leave a obliged to publish the text, but on Robert Faurisson,” President of the quality of Richard decided not to do so. Prasquier in office for long? Nonetheless news of the matter The entertaining bit is that, As for Marc Knobel, he seems began to spread, notably with the when making his retraction, the liar to like staying in the shadows: publication, in Italy, of the brief found a way to slip in two “lies of thanks to the historian Paul-Eric paper the Professor had presented omission” (of lesser calibre, it’s Blanrue, here he is for once out in in Tehran (“Against Hollywood- true, than the original lie). Marc the daylight, in all his loveliness. ism, Revisionism”, Knobel began by omitting the fact that after his article of February 15 [Photo removed by editor for This occurred in the daily he had, on February 22, reoffended, technical reasons.] Rinascita on February 21. That aggravating the charge made in his very day, the Jewish community of first piece. Then he left out the fact Rome demanded nothing less than that the information prompting his

"Frequently people think compassion and love are merely sentimental. No! They are very demanding. If you are going to be compassionate, be prepared for action." Archbishop Desmond Tutu (born 1931);


The Student Press and the Holocaust Taboo Continued from page 4

along with a URL that leads to the We advocate a free exchange of March 10. We have not had an Website of Inconvenient History: A ideas about a series of historical issue come out since then because Quarterly Journal for Free questions that are taboo with the of Spring Break and our conference Historical Inquiry. The Spring American professoriate across the so no issues have passed since the 2012 issue of the Journal includes: nation. Example: I doubt that there advertisement last ran. Our ads is one academic at Rhode Island manager made a mistake deciding Editorial: Book burning in the College who openly supports a free to "pull the ad". He took this action Style of 2011 exchange of ideas with regard to without my knowledge and without Resistance Is Obligation Holocaust orthodoxy. Or one my approval. The advertisement Ritual Defamation: A academic who will encourage, or will run in The Anchor as long as Contemporary Academic Example even allow, such a free exchange of you are willing to pay for it. We are Stephen F. Pinter, An Early ideas to take place in his/her a forum for free expression and the Revisionist classroom, exchange of ideas, meaning that we A Postcard from Treblinka All this being so, I understand will not censor any of our content. Review: The Wandering Who that you are in a difficult situation. Our ads manager made a mistake The Palestinians as an Still, we encourage the RIC Anchor and has been re-assigned. The "Invented People" to continue to support the right to Anchor would be willing to run the Relegation--A Formula for free inquiry, which is the primary ad again as long as your Blowback ideal of the university in the West, organization is willing to pay for it. against the opposition of RIC “I hope this clears everything up The ad appeared one time in The faculty and administration. And, I and I thank you for bringing this Anchor and then was suppressed should add, that of a number of situation to my attention. I was not because of the “reaction” of special-interest organizations on aware that this action had been readers. We are not informed as to and off-campus that you may taken by my ads manager. which readers, how many readers, already have heard from. “If you have any questions, let if they were on-campus or off- Sincerely, me know.” campus readers, or what their Bradley Smith George Bissell, Editor-in-Chief problem was. The Anchor Newspaper There is a special irony here in PS: I understand I might be Rhode Island College's Student the fact that this week there will be wrong about any particular of the Newspaper a State-sponsored program, above. If I am, please tell me where (cell) [deleted by editor] organized as the Belfer First Step and I will acknowledge my error (401)-456-8790 (office) Workshop on the Holocaust, publicly. presented at RIC on March 22, 23. I can be reached at The Workshop will focus on Here was a student editor [email protected] presenting an orthodox academic willing to stand up to his peers, and perspective on the history of a to his “advisors,” to the Hillel/ADL number of issues, incidents, and I received the following reply mishmash, and who knows who moralities of that fragment of from Mr. Bissel, editor of The else? Meanwhile, I had fumbled World War II referred to as the Anchor. payment of the ad. I called Bissell “Holocaust.” It is a given that to tell him I wanted to straighten nothing presented at such a “Hello Bradley, out the payment business but he did function can be questioned “I am responding to your not respond. publicly. complaint about the advertisement After some ten days Hernandez Just as it is with The Anchor. "Inconvenient History: The Power was told via telephone that The of Taboo," that ran in the last issue Anchor had “made a mistake” in of The Anchor that came out on running the ad even one time, was 10

cancelling it, and would not accept organization. I would like to inform I wonder what your thinking is. a check for what it had already run. you that it was an oversight with Under your editorship will the I can well imagine what Bissell had the advertising department and that University Chronicle publish only to go through, perhaps is still going the ad has been taken down. Your that with which it is absolutely in through, with his “advisors” and payment will be refunded to you. agreement with the message with those representing Hillel and The University Chronicle reserves content and "implications" of a the ADL on and off his campus.. the right to be selective with given text? Is that the route you are advertising, and we do not agree being "advised" to take? At the same time, our original with the message, content or And then there is the obvious announcement was rejected out of implications of your organization's question: which of the articles hand by The Vidette at Illinois State ad. published in our quarterly, U, The Daily 49er at Cal State U at Also, I request that you remove Inconvenient History, are most Long Beach, and The Plainsman at references of my name in any and disturbing to you? And/or to your Auburn U. I wrote letters to the all emails you send out, as the advisor/s? editor or advisor at each of these decision to run that ad was not -- Bradley papers. Nothing original. Rather a made by me and was made by the [Kai has not responded.] pro forma version of the letter sent ad manager. to The Anchor at RIC. I responded briefly: During this back and forth I had An old-hat text for us, but a alerted Heinz Bartesch to the story wake-up call to the hundreds of Jun-Kai: of the Belfer Workshop in The student organizations, faculty and I agree that The Chronicle has Anchor. It was reported there that administration that the letters were the right to be selective with Peter Black, Senior Historian at the copied to, alerting one and all to advertising, to run or not run what USHMM, had addressed the case Inconvenient History and through it chooses. of Martin Bartesch. Heinz is the that page to CODOHWeb. Re: how you were "made aware son of Martin Bartesch, who had When I learned that The Univer- recently" that the ad was being run, been hounded to the end of his life sity Chronicle at St. Cloud Univer- I take it that you are making a by the Office of Special sity had accepted the ad, I con- reference, not to some neutral Investigations and media for having gratulated the editor, Jun-Kai Teoh, observation, but to a complaint, a been assigned as a guard at as I had the editor of UNC Mirror protest. Can you reveal how you Mauthausen and during his service at U Northern Colorado, copying it were "made aware," and by whom, there shot and killed an inmate who to student orgs, faculty and admin- or is that information to remain was trying to escape, which his istration at St. Cloud U. The next confidential? duty required him to do. day I received this note from the Why do I want to know? That's Heinz wrote a memorable letter editor of The Chronicle, Jun-Kai where the story is, Kai, you know to The Anchor to question the Teoh: how it is. You're a journalist. The activities of not only the OSI, but story behind such a story as this those of the U.S. Holocaust Mem- From: Jun-Kai Teoh< one (I will not pretend that it is a orial Museum itself. The Anchor, to [email protected]> world-shaking story) but it is a real its credit, published the letter as a Sent: Sunday, April 8, 2012 story. It has to do with a free press. “comment.” Subject: University Chronicle It has to do with the ideal of a free It is worth emphasizing again online ad exchange of ideas in the University that it is not just the letter we write Hello Brad, itself. And it has to do with the to a specific editor or paper, but I am Jun-Kai Teoh, the Editor- radical idea that a routine how we distribute the letter. in-Chief at the University examination of historical questions With regard to the letter by Chronicle, and I was made aware should be just that, routine. Not for Heinz, which you will find below, recently that the University some, but for all. as of this writing it has gone out to Chronicle has run an ad for your some 2,400 student organizations,


faculty and administration at the six proper criminal punishment: killed an inmate. Not only was Workshop campuses alone, to some “In some cases, such as the case there visible proof of Bartesch’s 600 members of free-press organ- of Martin Bartesch, evidence was crimes, but he also lied under oath izations, and to the 800 online sub- presented in a book entitled ‘The to gain access into the country.” scribers to Smith’s Report. Unnatural Death Book’. This book I prefaced Heinz’s letter to The Peter Black is the Senior was a record of the deaths of Anchor with a note to Senior Historian at the USHMM. He is inmates in concentration camps, Historian Peter Black to help orient quoted in the RIC Anchor as saying “This book was only able to the reader, the student, or the that the main goal of the OSI is survive because prisoners rescued it professor who received this text denaturalization—revoking the citi- before American forces liberated unexpectedly. zenship of guilty perpetrators and the camps. In this book, it was sending them overseas to receive recorded that Bartesch had shot and

Heinz Bartesch Challenges Statements by USHMM Senior Historian

Kathelin Hurd, News Editor when he was conscripted into the shoot anyone trying to escape. And The Anchor Waffen SS. I'll save you the details this is unfortunately what happened Rhode Island College of what his life, and those of other when he shot Max Ochshorn, who Providence, Rhode Island ethnic Germans were like and how was interned as a money forger, a [email protected] criminal who would be imprisoned by any government anywhere our article (see link below (another fact that I'm certain this Y this paragraph) would be 'workshop' won't bother to cover). considerably more truthful if it was It should be noted (but it won't) entitled "Incorporating the that when my father shot the Holocaust propaganda effectively escaping prisoner, he had to fill a into lesson plans" as I assure you complete report and was immed- this work-shop, or anything iately relieved of duty until it was promoted by the US Holocaust investigated. Not quite the MO for Museum (USHMM), will be a regime that was intent on mass anything but true education as there genocide, don't you think? It should Peter Black will be only distorted facts also be mentioned (but it won't be) presented and there won't be ANY that this is the exact same orders they were caught in a war they opportunity for a student scholar to that US GI's were given at the didn't ask for or want for brevity ask questions and present facts that Japanese internment (concen- sake. dispute the presenters’ claims. tration) camps and that US GI's did However, as a 16 year old indeed shoot and kill escaping inductee, he just happened to be Let me explain by using a prisoners (which isn't a war crime stationed in Mauthausen for several simple example from the 'facts' you only because we won the war). weeks before he was shipped off to cite in the case of Martin Bartesch. It should also be noted (but it the Eastern front to fight the I'm painfully familiar with the true won't) that even the Judges at the Russians. During this time, which facts as Martin was my father. Nuremberg trials ruled that it was was used as training for his anti- First, let's begin with a little history NOT a war crime for a perimeter tank battalion, he was also lesson (which students assuredly guard to shoot an escaping stationed as a perimeter guard. He won't get from the workshop); prisoner. never set foot inside the camp and Martin was a 16yearold farm-boy Next, your comment, undoub- had no say in what was going on. living in Transylvania, Romania, tedly fed to you by the USHMM, All he knew was he had orders to 12

that my father lied under oath to created the OSI. In effect, it's an ex And, lest you think I'm just a gain access to the US is blatantly a post facto law - a law enacted lone voice crying in the wilderness, lie. Any reporter willing to do any which made something previously a son who's angry at what happened real research would be able to legal, illegal. to his father, I can assure you that reveal the real fact which is my It should be noted (but it won't) there are countless cases of outright father answered all the questions he that I won a Freedom of Informa- fraud and half truths. I pity the poor was asked on the immigration tion Act lawsuit against the OSI students who will be indoctrinated form; he entered the fact he was in and then Director Neal Sher (who in this special kind of government the Waffen SS, the Division he was has since been disbarred for other approved propaganda, it's anything in, and the dates. He was never reasons) that proved that the OSI but real education - real education asked to state all the places he had had exculpatory evidence which allows for cross examination and served, so saying he lied is nothing they withheld from the court. questioning of evidence, something but propaganda (ie, a self serving So, you see, when you say that our government and the USHMM lie to meet a political end). "the workshop was designed to could never, and will never allow. It should also be noted (but it provide students with reference Heinz (Bartesch) won't), that even serving at Mau- materials such as The State of thausen as a guard would not have Deception: The Power of Nazi "If my heart could do my been grounds for rejection into the Propaganda,-- You should say that thinking /And my head begin to US. the real "Power of Propaganda" feel, / I would look upon the world It should be noted (but it won't), now belongs to USHMM and that anew / And know what's truly real." that it only became a “crime” with the real "Deception" is on the Van Morrison the signing and implementation of students. the Holtzman Amendment which

The Murder of History And the Belfer Foundation for Holocaust Education

Jett Rucker

Here Jett Rucker addresses what Auburn University, St Cloud prison terms, and in many others to The purpose of the Belfer University, Illinois State Uni- death. Workshop really is. This text was versity, Cal State University Long Selections, sorting, and classi- forwarded to some 2,400 student Beach, and Northern Colorado fications are invariably conducted organizations and faculty at the six University. The program itself was in all places and times where a chosen campuses. birthed at the U.S. Holocaust central authority has gained control Memorial Museum, effectively a over a large group of people, as he School of Education at propaganda arm of the U.S. witness the US Selective Service Tsix campuses nationwide government, managed by self- System, which traditionally selek- have been selekted by the Arthur rewarding special interests. ted young men for service in the and Rochelle Belfer Foundation Our peculiar spelling of US military (and requires them to to indoc- “selected,” of course, recalls one of register even today). Selections in trinate future teachers in a the contrived “crimes” for which German camps were, necessarily, mendacious, politically motivated innocent and even benevolent conducted for many functions, parody of history dressed up in the functionaries in World War II some exploitative, and some righteous trappings of “Holocaust German labor and concentration beneficent, as when people with Education.” The six institutions camps were convicted and contagious diseases are selected for include Rhode Island College, sentenced, in some cases to long quarantine or people capable of 13

working are separated from those fabulations like Sophie’s Choice, the warfare state in time-honored incapable of working. serve to disseminate and perpetuate fashion inculcate its youth to come But the only selections ever hatred for Germans and, by forward for death and horrible presented or discussed in the highly extension vigorously prosecuted, disfigurement, even while visiting selective, distorted narrative prop- for any person such as myself who the same on the populations of the agated under the aegis of “Holo- argues: (a) for a less hate-driven designated “enemy.” caust Education” is one invented by narrative; and (b) for more As a member of one of these six the victorious, vengeful Allies in disinterested, scrupulous attention communities, you are involuntarily the aftermath of World War II for to actual historical evidence. being made a part of this evil. If purposes of finding Germans to I wanted to be sure you were you aren’t quite in a position to imprison and execute at Nuremberg aware that the Belfer Foundation, stop it yourself, at least make it and many other places—a type of working in league with the US known, widely, clearly, and loudly, selection that, in fact, may never taxpayer-supported US Holocaust that you oppose it. have occurred, and if it did, its Museum and Memorial, has selek- The Germans—virtually all of purpose would have been unknown ted your School of Education in them—were faulted for not doing to the hapless soul who conducted which to propagate this corrosive so when evil came to them. it: selection for death. mythology, that it may, in turn, be These deceptions, long cele- passed on to future generations of brated in risible Hollywood con- innocent schoolchildren. Thus does

The Library Project:

Shafar Nullifidian

hree or four CODOH co- of those who do not fit this bill logued and shelved at the college’s Tconspirators are visiting confirm the verisimilitude of my Regina Library. college libraries offering a free observations. On Friday, April 13, 2012 (a copy of Bradley's Break His Bones Giving the college/university less than propitious date, perhaps?), to be catalogued and shelved. sufficient time to catalogue the I traveled to the library and spoke When, and if, such an event takes book, we will return in 4-5 weeks to a young lady, a student working place, we would have an (surreptitiously?) to check the file her way through college no doubt, opportunity to make the public catalogue to see if they were only and asked to speak to someone aware of the dedication to free patronizing us. If we find the book about having a book catalogued speech at that college or university. catalogued and shelved, we turn and placed on the shelves. She Such an institution would be cartwheels and go on to the next informed me that Mr. Dan Speidel, noted as one of education and target. For example: the Library director, was the person enlightenment instead of being one A Rendezvous Quatre at Rivier with whom I would have to discuss of the brainwashing indoctrination College the matter. He was not in and centers where few cerebral neurons Rivier College is a Catholic would not be back until Monday. remain in the student body after liberal (?) arts college (tending to- I briefly explained the book’s having been subject to a cynically ward the status of University) contents and left a copy along with sinister 12 years of brain burnout, located in Nashua, NH. As a a copy of Smith's Report No. 190. too often presented by dolts, dim participant in CODOH's Library Before leaving, I made small talk bulbs, deluded, disinformed, misin- Project, I selected Rivier as a target with the young lady. I explained formed, uninformed, mentally, for attempting to have Bradley’s that when I first moved to Nashua, morally, and culturally bankrupt Break His Bones: The Private Life much of the current campus was pedagogues who themselves are of a Holocaust Revisionist cata- literally farmland. Since she was brain burnt-outs. The extreme few just a junior she had no idea that 14

the name of the college infirmary Tuesday, the 17th, I once again alone. Someone else may have had was to honor my late Sister-in-Law, traveled to the library. Once again I a different take. Sister (**** *** ******). announced myself at the desk and The other person with Amy just Neither was she aware that the this time an employee said that stood there like a “pimple on a chapel carillon which she heard Amy would be meeting with me. pickle” which more or less con- every day was donated to the Amy, an older matronly woman, firmed my suspicion that she was college in memory of my mother showed up, introduced herself as there to run for help should I sud- and father-in-law by (**** ***). Assistant Director of the library, denly morph into an SS attack My hope was that she might and said we would meet in private. Doberman pinscher and go for mention these matters to Speidel. She invited another assistant Amy's throat. Not that this was going to create a “something” named “something” I expressed my disappointment “warm and fuzzy” relationship, but which, because of my severe at such censorship, and that it might alleviate open hostility hearing problem, never registered. although Revisionists in America when we did meet. We went to what might have been a are not sent to jail for such, they are Monday I traveled to the college storage room or supplies room, but throughout Europe, but here jobs again, once again Mr. Speidel was it was definitely not an office. are lost, and they are made pariahs out, was expected back later for he The meeting was short and in their communities. I didn't even had a 3:30 meeting. I spoke to an coldly cordial. I cannot be certain get a chance to mention their prop- older woman, not a student but an now in which order the following erty being destroyed, and being employee, who had no idea what took place. physically assaulted by Zionasty the book was about, who left it or My copy of Break His Bones thugs. They both appeared to be a why. Once again I went through and Smith's Report were handed to little taken aback at my comments my spiel to her and another woman me. and more than a little anxious to with whom I was then left alone at Amy said: “The book is auto- have me out of their presence, post the desk. She had been working at biographical and does not comport haste. the college for 30 years, knew my with the curriculum of the college.” I left. sister-in-law well, and we remi- She said: “The College receives It should be noted that a nisced about (**** ***) and what a many outside contributions.” Holocaust Remembrance ceremony wonderful person she was and the What this was meant to imply, I was scheduled for the next evening tragedy that she died so young and am not sure. However, my decades at the college's Dion Center. I so suddenly. of skeptical cynicism led me to attended. A report on that affair is Monday afternoon I called the infer that such contributions would pending. But it will take a few library at 4:30 thinking this was dry up should word get out that the more days to “talk me down” and plenty of time for Speidel to com- college had accepted Bones and for the smoldering embers of my plete his 3:30 PM meeting. I was placed it on their shelves where “hair on fire” reaction to burn out. transferred to Speidel's phone. He “innocents” would be exposed to it. was gone for the day. This is my reflection and mine

FRAGMENTS Bradley Smith continued from page 4

*** On 30 April 2012 David mise Germar’s reputation as a thought it well done and asked Duke interviewed Germar Rudolf scientist and historian. I understood permission to publish it here. on Duke’s online radio talk show, her concern, but I have always said Germar replied that he had already which can be accessed by anyone that since I say the same thing to posted it on his blog with a brief with access to a computer everyone, I will talk to anyone, so I introductory comment without (everybody?). One of our guys did not have a similar reaction. mentioning the lady’s name. He wrote an open letter to Germar Nevertheless. . . gave me the URL to his blog which expressing her concern that ap- Germar replied to his concerned he calls: “Welcome to My World.” pearing with Duke will compro- admirer and sent it around to us. I 15

“So it's all yours,” he said. “In of such societal ills, should be very *** “The Power of the Mom- case you find any more typos or careful before we do this to others. ent”—a phrase I picked up the awkward expressions, please let me You criticize me for talking other night from Isaiah Berlin know and I'll fix it.” publicly with a person of alleged where he is writing about Tolstoy. We then had this email ill-repute. David will be criticized The power of the moment! We live exchange. I am quoted first. the same way for talking to me by through a galaxy of moments, “(Expletive deleted). I didn't some of his adherents who think inconceivably, incomprehensively even know you had a blog. revisionism unnecessarily encum- numerous, yet here and there there Hernandez didn't know you have a bers his/their political struggle. So is the moment when it happens. blog. Where have we been? Who here we all go, diminishing the That’s how it was the moment I knows you have a blog?” ranks of our potential listeners and understood I would be a writer and “I just started it,” Germar supporters in order to allegedly again, 25 years later, the moment I replied. “Don't panick!” look better – to whom? Those who understood it was not to be. There “When? It looks real good.” denigrate us daily? were other “moments” of course. “Well, you will see the first You – and everyone else for that I’m going to put something entry in March. Then the project matter – should not judge me by together about a number of them, stalled for four weeks, as I had the persons I talk to, but by what I and how they are related. other things to tend to. Finally I sat say to them. Keep in mind that I Anyhow? down and put stuff up when this will talk to anyone, everyone, who latest little scandal broke out wants to and does talk to me in a driving traffic to my empty site. I civilized manner. One of the things Bradley figured I need to hoist my flag, so I I have learned during my ordeal is did.” that we should NEVER allow our Smith’s Report Below is the letter that Germar persecutors to define who we are is published by wrote to a concerned revisionist permitted to talk to. Allowing this and posted on his (new) blog. I to happen is like rubber-stamping Committee for think it addresses the issue well. their acts of persecution as valid, Open Debate The interview with Duke is here: legitimate and appropriate. on the Holocaust And this is something I will never agree to. Bradley R. Smith, Founder Being free to speak with whom May 2, 2012 we damn well please to speak is a For your contribution of $39 Yesterday I received an email very important part of the very you will receive 12 issues of by a person I do not know. It was a concept of free speech. It should Smith’s Report. also be a basic principle of human reaction to my having appeared on Canada and Mexico--$45 one of David Duck’s radio talk life: speak with and listen to each Overseas--$49 shows on April 30, 2012. other rather than harm and kill each other. It would behoove our socie- He wrote, among other things: Letters and Donations to: ”I am concerned that Germar tal and political leaders well to Rudol[f]‘s image as a reputable and listen to that advice. But most of Bradley R. Smith objective scientist will be irrepar- them are deaf in that regard, I’m Post Office Box 439016 ably damaged by his association afraid. San Ysidro, CA 92143 with David Duke.” Next week I’ll be interviewed This is neither about me nor by Carolyn Yeager. I hope that no Desk: 209 682 5327 one will freak out over that one, about David Duke. It is not even Email about reputation, as neither of us although I figure some may cringe. has any to lose, in the eyes of the That’s life. [email protected] public at large anyhow. It is about Best, Germar

ostracizing others. We, as victims 16

No. 192 Challenging the Holocaust Taboo Since 1990 July 2012 Online at

Berlin Diary: A Global Lawfare Conspiracy

Jett Rucker

f you took interest in last soundtrack either difficult to Overall, the proceedings are November‘s Smith’s Report understand or, in some cases, fascinating not only as to how those I discussion of the impending absent altogether. Included with the who seek to suppress inquiry into Berlin conference of the following recommendations will Holocaust history plot to do so International Association of Jewish be, even, tips as to the speakers‘ among themselves, but further how Lawyers and Jurists (IAJLJ) accents in English (not the native these efforts proceed among the headlined ―Holocaust Denial and language of most of them), and numerous jurisdictions (countries) Free Speech in the Internet Era,‖ further tips to help Anglophones in which they pursue their agenda. you will be pleased to learn that decipher individual Included among these are Ger- you can now ―attend‖ the many, Argentina, Canada, France, conference. Videos of the full A theme to be noted in the and, almost as an afterthought, the fourteen sessions of the conference urgent and plaintive laments United States. have been helpfully uploaded by of the lobby in question of The comparison affords me an the IAJLJ not only to their own how the Internet affords a opportunity that I, as an American, Web site, but to YouTube as well. voice to those who have not find quite rare in view of my Most of the speakers are lawyers, received any imprimatur from country‘s foreign policy these past and even those who are not often any sort of mediating or eleven years: an opportunity to digress, if only in deference to their legitimizing body is that view my country‘s government, presumed audience, into long America’s First Amendment among those of other countries, perorations on technicalities of law to the Constitution seems to favorably—even with a modicum and jurisprudence. afford all manner of scala- of pride. This pleasure arises from I have viewed all fourteen wags the means of exposing a domestic policy that, however videos in their full length, and here their twisted views to the assaulted by hostile interests, seems will undertake to guide the curious whole world, for goodness’ so far to have demonstrated a to which presentations are most sake! robustness not to be seen among interesting and which ones are not many other human rights rooted in worth watching, most of the latter peculiarities of pronunciation of America‘s Constitution, namely, on account of technical glitches certain key, repeated words in the freedom of speech. which have rendered the recordings. 1

A theme to be noted in the conference. If, on the other hand, beings exactly like, as she says, urgent and plaintive laments of the you might be content to ―browse‖ ―us.‖ Her talk includes actual lobby in question of how the the speeches according to the samples, with soundtracks, of Yad Internet affords a voice to those pertinence of their content or the Vashem online material, and so is who have not received any accessibility of the speaker, then informative on that score, too. imprimatur from any sort of you may avail yourself of the mediating or legitimizing body is following list, in which I have Eli Hacohen, 47 min. (Israeli), that America‘s First Amendment to attempted, for the purposes of my presents an informative historical the Constitution seems to afford all audience, to present the perform- overview of ―Holocaust denial‖ on manner of scalawags the means of ances in something like their level the Internet. He is obviously an exposing their twisted views to the of reward for the modal revisionist. authority on the subject, for one whole world, for goodness‘ sake! motivated by concerns rather What might come of this Naama Shik, 35 min. (Israeli), different from those for whom this newfound ability of any/everyman is easily the star of this show. newsletter is written. While his to address a potentially global ―Enemy‖ though she is, she facts are selected in accordance audience with his own, personal, conveys not just commitment, but with his bias in the matter, they are unsanctioned views is indeed passion in her work, which in no credible and appear to provide anyone‘s guess. But the guesses of way (she says this) involves pretty good coverage of the subject. those who seek to suppress open opposing or suppressing ―Holo- Counter speech does not figure into discussion of the Holocaust are dire caust denial.‖ To the contrary, her his subject, and in fact suppression indeed, apparently by some sort of program (that of her employer, Yad of ―Holocaust denial‖ gets rela- fear, which they characterize as the Vashem) entails what may honestly tively little attention in this report. dissemination of ―anti-Semitic‖ be called counter speech, however Accent: he refers to Arthur Butz sentiments. a-factual it may actually be. Yad with sounds that are difficult to Among the presentations may Vashem in some ways resembles recognize as such, and to his be noted a few that describe the the Internet itself, in that it institution as ―an Illinois univer- concerted utilization of exactly this composes relatively little of its sity,‖ which provides less of a cue new technology for the purpose of material but rather relays, on the than ―Northwestern University‖ disseminating today‘s dominant Internet and via other media, the would, at least to those familiar views of the history in question. contributions of others, typically with the seminal work of the Utilization of this technology people who think they‘re related to godfather of Holocaust revisionism. enjoys an implicit assumption by people who they think ―were The speaker has nothing good to both speakers and audience that murdered‖ in ―the Holocaust.‖ Shik say about Dr. Butz or his work, of they themselves are forces for styles this relaying as ―education,‖ course. CODOH‘s name flashes up Good, while those of revisionists— an arrogation typical not only of in his visuals at about 29:35. The among others—are by no means so her tribe but of her employer and of name of CODOH‘s godfather favored by those foregathered here. the country she lives in. makes no appearance at all, The speakers occasionally refer She continually emphasizes a unfortunately. to talks that preceded theirs. Do not goal on her institution‘s part to be distracted by such references; in ―train‖ its attendees in individual The Opening Event, 15 min. no case are they such that one thought and evaluation of material. (various), is pretty much formulaic, might miss an important point from Such an agenda, if truly and but it includes a brief talk by a not having heard the speech faithfully followed, can only favor representative of an organization referred to. The speeches are the discoveries of revisionists in the that might have more influence on displayed at long run, regardless of whether this worldwide opinion than the IAJLJ evaz6 on the Web site in the order speaker realizes the fact. Among and Israel put together, Google. of their presentation; access them the startling views she espouses in Arnd Haller, Legal Director for in that order if you seek an her engaging presentation is the Northern and Central Europe, experience maximally resembling notion that Germans/Nazis are not Continued on page 9 the experience of attending the soulless monsters, but rather human 2

Fragments: Another Ordinary Life

Bradley R. Smith

*** The CODOH Homepage We Are the Terminal Generation, never heard the story before, didn‘t has been completely restructured. (Simon & Schuster, 2010, p 26). believe it when the lady told me It‘s a job that began with one It is odd for me to learn that this about it, smiling really sweetly all volunteer back in 2010, was inter- story is still being pursued, even by the while, but I said nothing. Oc- rupted a number of times by real the wildest of Christian Zionists. I curs to me now that perhaps I life, but now it‘s up. It‘s a work-in- recall one afternoon, probably in should have said something. Like I progress, as are all Web pages, the early 1980s, that I visited the evaded my responsibility. Never forever, but it‘s up and functioning. Los Angeles Museum of the occurred to me before. What is particularly new about Holocaust on Wilshire Boulevard. I wrote about this somewhere, it, other than the design is the It was housed in an ordinary two- sometime. Be interesting to see search structure. As it stands now story building of no particular how memory has modulated the we have more than one thousand distinction. There was a large gal- story for me. documents on the site. They were lery on the second floor, if I recall difficult to access on the old page correctly, with a couple dozen *** Paul Nash writes: ―In your unless you knew where you were visitors looking at the exhibits, Fragments section in SR 191 you going. Not so now. Anyone, even none of which I remember. mention a phrase about ‗keep your first-timers to the page, will be able heads on a swivel,‘ which you had to see what is really there, and find Educators from Turkey, never heard before. That used to be what they really want to find. It‘s a Japan, Venezuela, South a very common saying among very big step upward for us. I owe Africa, Germany, Poland, fighter pilots back in the days when a great deal to the original vol- India, the United States, they were still flying airplanes unteer who began the project, and Canada, Australia, Mexico, instead of electronic conglomerates to those who volunteered one by China, Great Britain and with wings.‖ one to go in with him. more, will participate in three Students, and their professors as days of lectures, discussions, *** Some 370 educators from well, will now be able to organize presentations and information 53 countries will have participated their research using CODOH doc- sharing about the core issues in the Eighth International uments in a way they could not of the Holocaust and how to Conference on Holocaust Edu- until now. meaningfully transmit them in cation on June 18-21 at the Inter- the classroom and beyond. national School for Holocaust *** Lou Rollins sends me this: Studies of Yad Vashem. The ―Consider the fact that Adolf What I do remember is that a Conference is titled: ―Telling the Hitler‘s youth camps taught Ger- nice little old lady was a guide and Story: Teaching the Core . ‖ man youth to hate in elementary at one point it seems that we were school. They were given pets (dogs sitting side by side on a bench, Educators from Turkey, Japan, and cats) to kill to turn the hearts of perhaps, and she, smiling sweetly, Venezuela, South Africa, Germany, the innocent to stone. Those young told me how recruits for the Poland, India, the United States, hearts became hard enough to German SS were given puppies at Canada, Australia, Mexico, China, throw live Jewish children into the the beginning of their training and Great Britain and more, will blazing ovens in the death campus at the end of it were obligated to participate in three days of lectures, without pain of conscience.‖ kill the resultant dogs. It was to be discussions, presentations, and John Hagee, Can America a demonstration of their resolve to information sharing about the core Survive? Ten Prophetic Signs That do what was necessary to Jews. I‘d issues of the Holocaust and how to


meaningfully transmit them in the *** Recently the British Prime read—and really enjoyed—your classroom and beyond. Minister David Cameron and his reports and how many times I Yad Vashem Chairman Avner wife had Sunday lunch in a familiar enclosed small, tiny checques to Shalev notes: ―We must go back to pub and when they left they left show you my appreciation, the core issues of the Shoah: what behind their 8-year-old daughter. It although, as a former German actually happened in the ghettos, was a big story in the press there. soldier, you should be my ‗enemy‘. the camps, and during the 'Final One wag wrote a nursery rhyme for I wish I had one hundred American Solution ….'‖ the occasion: ‗enemies‘ who could send their It is absolutely certain that a free ―Mary had a little lamb, it went kind of Smith Reports to my exchange of ideas regarding ―core out for some grub. It forgot it had a hopelessly re-educated Germans issues‖ of the Holocaust story, of daughter and it left her in the pub.‖ and help to wake them up.‖ ―what actually happened‖ during Reminds me. One day in the ―Final Solution,‖ will be no part Hollywood when I went to the *** The following is an excerpt of the ―transmission‖ allowed to Bank of America on the corner of from Knowing Too Much by Nor- occur in any classroom influenced Hollywood Boulevard and High- man Finkelstein by Yad Vashem. Without encou- land—it‘s a souvenir shop now—I /7jm3otm raging such an exchange, Yad took care of my business there and Vashem demonstrates yet again that left. I was hardly out on the Although disagreements persist its primary role is to serve the sidewalk when the Filipino bank on exactly why American Jews are interests of the worldwide, guard came out after me saying I ―distancing‖ themselves from multibillion-dollar Holocaust had left my baby on the floor Israel, it is largely accepted that in Industry. beneath the teller‘s window. That recent years a divide has opened This Yad Vashem Conference was 1986 and Paloma was maybe up. Indeed, the poll data sampled in reinforces the obvious, that we four months old. I had left her there this book probably underestimate have chosen a pivotal place to on the floor in her portable car seat the depth of this estrangement work—on the university campus, in while I walked out thinking about because of the traditional reticence the classroom, to confront the work other things. of Jews to ―air dirty laundry in of such institutions as Yad Vashem, What does this demonstrate? I public,‖ and because of their such organizations as Hillel and the think it‘s clear. I share certain reluctance to acknowledge that ADL via mass mailings to student characteristics of very important Israel no longer touches them as it organizations and university fac- men in Western political circles, once did. ulty, via announcements and adver- suggesting that I may yet have a The anecdotal evidence on this tisements in student newspapers, future before me. growing alienation however is hard and by copying media on to miss. everything. *** There were a lot of steps on Besides the periodic high profile A side note: ―The conference is the road over the last couple defections of the likes of Peter taking place with the generous months but the long and short of it Beinart and David Remnick, one support of the Asper Foundation, is—I have cancer again. The can point to the profusion of public the Adelson Family Foundation and lymphoma is back. Did the first testimonials by Jews expressing the Conference on Jewish Material chemotherapy session at the VA a their disenchantment with Israel, Claims Against Germany.‖ I am week ago. It‘s left me tired and the acid criticism of Israel by going to suppose that the Adelson rather torpid. I lose Euros, leave my influential liberal Jewish bloggers, Family Foundation includes the debit card in the ATM, and tend to the indifference of Jews on college folk who backed Newt Gingrich‘s drive past the place where we are campuses to ―pro‖-Israel events, run in the Republican primary. I going when we run errands. Other and the small numbers of Jews wonder how much space separates than that . . . . attending public rallies in support Newt and Yad Vashem on such of Israel at moments of crisis or on matters as an open debate on the *** Michel Karger writes from commemorative occasions. Holocaust question? And thus on Canada: ―Hi Bradley. I hardly Israel iiself? remember how many years I have Continued on page 14 4

The Crime of Politicizing the Holocaust: Two Decades of Reflection on OSI terror.

Heinz Bartesch

f anyone had any doubt how it‘s been run (and by whom!), ment of Germany or an allied or about the power of the and most notably, reading the occupied government.‖ I Holocaust politics on Holtzman Amendment (PL 95-549) You‘ll note that the law clearly today‘s political scene, all one had which enacted the law that created targets a small group of individuals. to do was watch the GOP debates. the OSI—a law which was in many This is the first bill where a All candidates, with the exception ways an ex post facto law targeting restrictive immigration interpreta- of Ron Paul, swore their allegiance a very small minority of citizens tion was applied retroactively and to Israel and made references to (thereby unconstitutional!). None thereby violating civil liberties of ―the people who suffered the the less, for crimes that were its defendants! Where‘s the ACLU? Holocaust‖ and how they deserve committed on another continent The law was enacted under our unquestioning support. It was involving none of its own citizenry. Civil Law for many reasons, not Newt Gingrich who recently told It‘s interesting that only in 1998 did the least being that there is a much Floridians that ―allowing Iran to get the OSI expand its boundaries to lower standard of proof and less nuclear weapons ... runs the direct include Imperial Japanese ―war burden on the government. I risk of a second Holocaust. That is crimes‖. believe the real crime is that PL95- a fact." 549 doesn‘t define what Then there were Netanyahu‘s I realized very early on in participation in persecution is! It‘s repetitive speeches to AIPAC and our case against my father, left as broad as possible for the sole Congress claiming that the Martin Bartesch, that the reason of allowing OSI to go after Holocaust gives them special cases bought by the OSI men who were simply at the wrong privileges. Clearly, the goal of against its defendants had place at the wrong time. You have politicizing the Holocaust has paid nothing to do with justice and a situation where a broad net is off in major dividends for AIPAC everything to do with politics. thrown over mostly poor and Israel. Of course, I‘m not the immigrants with limited education first to make such a claim. As your I believe most honest Amer- and resources fighting a readers likely know, Norman icans would be appalled if they government agency that doesn‘t Finkelstein‘s The Holocaust understood the nature of the PL 95- have normal judiciary Industry details at great length how 549, how it was crafted to allow responsibilities and clearly has a set it‘s been used for political gain. OSI to submit claims against as political agenda! Finkelstein‘s parents were both broad a net as possible and to I believe most Americans are ―survivors.‖ prevent any real due process. To for true justice which does not But I digress. begin with, the law ―renders discriminate against anyone by I realized very early on in our ineligible for a visa any alien who race, religion, or national heritage! case against my father, Martin participated in the persecution of Should not all laws be applied to all Bartesch, that the cases bought by any person because of race, people? For instance, should not the OSI against its defendants had religion, national origin, or political Israelis who served in the Israeli nothing to do with justice and opinion during the period from Defense Forces and committed everything to do with politics. All March 23, 1933, to May 8, 1945, atrocities (crimes against humanity) one has to do is review and under the direction of or in against native Palestinians and are consider the special circumstances association with the Nazi Govern- now living happily in the US (with under which the OSI came about, dual citizenship none the less) be 5

eligible for prosecution under this perimeter guard at Mauthausen for would be cleared and exonerated. law? Did they not, at the very least, approximately three weeks in ‘43 That was the thought of most participate in persecution? Again, before being dispatched to sub- people who knew my father and most Americans would understand camp Linz III where he guarded understood what was going on. this logic. work crews doing road repair. He Unfortunately, there was to be However, most Americans don‘t was dispatched shortly thereafter no such justice. It became very understand the onerous implica- and sent to the Eastern front where apparent, very quickly, that these tions of this law. Thanks to our he was injured and subsequently cases had nothing to do with controlled media and judicial captured by the Russians. As a justice. While my father‘s case was system, the public only believes prisoner of war, several Austrian being prosecuted, we watched in what it is told. The current ―edu- members of his platoon convinced horror as Artukovic and Demjanjuk cating‖ of university students with him to not let the Russians know he were being forced from the the curriculum supplied by the was from Romania or his death country. In doing my own research, USHMM is a classic example of sentence would have been swift. with help and support from a good how our society is being duped into After release from prison, he found friend and attorney, Andrew Allen, believing that what our government his way to a refugee camp in the harsh reality of what we were has done through the OSI is fair Austria where other fleeing Tran- up against became mind-boggling. and just. sylvania Saxons were. This is However, I was determined to Yet, one only has to do a little where he met my mother and where do what I could to expose this investigation to understand how my sister and I were born. In 1955 injustice. Completely unsolicited criminal these cases have been and we immigrated, legally, through the by Andrew Allen or myself, we to also recognize the deception and aid of the Lutheran Church. Upon started receiving documents which outright fraud that was committed entering, Martin did not lie on his were being discarded by the OSI. by the OSI. A quick study into the immigration form; he clearly stated What these documents told was a cases of Andrija Artukovic, John that he was in the Prinz Eugen much different story than the one Demjanjuk, Frank Wallus, and Division of the Waffen SS from the media was telling based on OSI even honorary NASA scientist July of 1943 until war‘s end. feeds. Of course, OSI was unaware Arthur Rudolph, would be enough For over three decades my of the fact we had these documents to convince any fair-minded person parents were law-abiding citizens (similar documents had been leaked that the real terror was committed who raised their three children to the Demjanjuk family). on the OSI defendants and their (Martin Jr was born in Chicago) as Having these documents gave families and the real persecution Americans first! I‘ll save the details us a distinct advantage when we was being perpetrated by the OSI! I of the nightmare that began when filed our Freedom of Information won‘t go into great details on these OSI knocked on my parents‘ door Act claim, and we could measure cases as I suspect your readers may in 1986 and served them papers the degree of OSI‘s compliance already be at least somewhat charging my father with ―person- (United States District Court, familiar with the painful facts. ally assisting in the deaths of tens Northern District of California Certainly the most famous of all, of thousands of people‖ and for Civil No. 88-1795 EFL). Not that of Ukrainian , lying on his immigration forms. knowing we had so many leaked needs little advertisement. I‘m sure your readers can imagine documents, the OSI chose not to However, your readers may not the horror that ensued once the reveal any of the exculpatory know much about my father‘s case Chicago media picked up the story. evidence or anything damaging to other than what they read in last Death threats became a daily their image. In doing so, they month‘s newsletter. A quick recap: occurrence. violated the law and committed Martin was the fourth of five boys My siblings and I were also fraud upon the court! The Judge born on a farm in Transylvania, blindsided! I recall my ex-wife had no option other than to rule in Romania. At the age of 16 he was telling me that once the judge our favor and the OSI was required conscripted into the Waffen SS, the found out exactly what my father to pay for our legal fees. Of course, only division which non-Germans did and didn‘t do, and once all the it‘s not every day that a private could be in. He served as a facts were presented, my father citizen wins any kind of legal 6

action against the government! One sister wrote and it made so much on Holocaust Era Insurance would think that this fact would sense to him that he took it upon Claims, where he had served as have had reporters from all the himself to write to Sher! chief of staff.‖ major media outlets rushing to our Seems one can be disbarred for door to get the inside scoop. That stealing shekels from Holocaust just wasn‘t going to happen as the survivors, but not for committing facts took away from the image the fraud in US Courts! OSI wanted to present. And now, I believe that now-deceased but they have the ultimate chutzpah to well-known author and use my father‘s case as humanitarian Kurt Vonnegut said it ―education‖! best when he wrote me a What the documents we have handwritten note (08/1987) saying did reveal is: that ―The only injustices which are attacked and rectified are those 1. The OSI hid witness which are unpopular. Your father testimony that conditions were very was a victim of a popular injustice, mild at the sub-camp where my based on show biz father guarded work crews oversimplification of history. I‘m 2. They hid the evidence that Neal Sher afraid too, that members of my own detainees had not seen any beatings profession are the creators and nor even heard of any abuse of Can you imagine that a Director merchandisers of the junk history prisoners. of an agency which President which hurt your father so, and 3. They concealed the Carter created when he signed PL teach again and again that evidence that the prisoner my 95-549 into law, would not abide weaklings forgive and real men get father shot, Max Ochshorn, a by the President‘s request!! He had revenge.‖ Frenchman, was incarcerated for President Carter to thank for his Vonnegut also wrote (in 04/89) forgery, which makes him a job. Not only did Neal Sher not that ―the biggest barrier against criminal rather than a "victim of abide by Carter‘s request, he saved justice for your father is the persecution." the letter and decided to use it universal and absolute certainty 4. They added language to the against him when the Nobel Peace that anyone who was in uniform at roll list to try and connect my Prize recipient wrote Palestine: a Nazi concentration camp cannot father with the operation of Peace Not Apartheid in 2007. Sher possibly be a member of the human Mauthausen. tried to make the claim that because race.‖ 5. And, perhaps most Carter wished to intervene on my There is absolutely no doubt in damaging, they collected the names father‘s behalf, he most assuredly my mind that my father was a of all the people who were writing must be anti-Semitic. Talk about victim. Not only was he an letters in defense of dad, and then politicizing justice! innocent victim of WW2, having contemplated "investigating" (i.e., Of course, I‘m certain that the been caught in the middle of two taking action against) them!! USHMM curriculum that is being warring nations that he and his forced upon unknowing students fellow Saxons had no interest in, he Also, what we did not know at doesn‘t mention, as Scott Johnson was a victim of an overzealous the time as it was not leaked to us, did in his PowerPoint blog, that: government agency that was set up nor presented in the FOIA doc- ―Reliance on Sher‘s word is, to say for the sole purpose of politicizing uments, was that then President the least, problematic. Sher is the Holocaust. An agency that has Carter had handwritten a note to simply not a credible source. In spent well over 250MIL (conser- then OSI Director Neal Sher asking 2003 the U.S. Court of Appeals for vative estimate) to prosecute one if ―perhaps special considerations the D.C. Circuit disbarred Sher for small minority of its population and be made in this (my fathers) case‖!! his admitted ‗unauthorized reim- not allowing them due process of It seems that President Carter bursements‘ of travel expenses law. actually read the letter of appeal my from the International Commission 7

Canada tosses out Section 13 — Internet 'Hate Speech' law

By Michael Hoffman

oth of the following fear of prosecution). The difference Week that highlights the Israeli reports from the between Section 13 prosecution occupation of Palestinian lands. B establishment media in and prosecution under the Criminal The Harperites cancelled federal Canada are defective. They omit Code is that under the latter, grants to Kairos, the ecumenical the role of lawyer Doug Christie in prosecution must be initiated by a Christian aid group, as well as to battling for free speech in Canada provincial attorney general, the Canadian Arab Federation and for more than 25 years. This is an whereas under the now defunct Palestine House, because they enormous omission in that British Section 13, the "Human Rights" would not toe Ottawa's (Zionist) Columbia's Christie, together with commissars themselves could begin foreign policy line..." Ontario attorney Barbara Kulaszka Furthermore, wherever lawyers and independent activists Paul are steeped in conformity to the Fromm and Marc Lemire, has legal standards of the British fought most assiduously for the Commonwealth of Nations, civil liberties of Canadians. freedom of speech is abridged. Christie has been constantly Here in the U.S. a New Zealand– harassed and threatened, and trained attorney has written a book, pilloried in the media. While the The Harm in Hate Speech, media prefer to showcase as published by Harvard University Canada's principal poster-boy for and endorsed by former Supreme Internet freedom, Ezra Levant, who Court Justice John Paul Stevens, publicized Danish anti-Muhammad Doug Christie which insinuates that opponents of cartoons, the main victims of this Talmudism and Zionism should be Zionist "Section 13" law have been a prosecution on flimsy grounds prosecuted in the U.S. and speech "Holocaust" revisionist Ernst and in hearings in which truth was should be regulated. A Zundel, Marc Lemire, Terry not a defense (!). characteristic of the rabbinic/ Tremaine, Heritage Front, Catholic Second, Haroon Siddiqui of The Talmudic mentality is the Insight Magazine, and Canadian Star, who is, unfortunately, in favor delegitimization of opposition. Liberty Net, in addition to hundreds of censorship, nonetheless has Radical contradiction is not of thousands of Canadian Internet some sobering words for those, tolerated by Talmudic rabbis and users who have been intimidated by now conferring on Canada's their epigones (though the the Stalinist "Section 13" of hypocritical neocon Conservative appearance of dissent is essential Canada's "human rights" law. politicians, laurel wreaths of to the p.r. image of their tyranny). A couple of caveats: with freedom for having eliminating At present the First Amendment is Section 13 gone, the Canadian Section 13: "Those hailing the unassailable, but let U.S. Criminal Code itself continues to death of Section 13 as a victory for intelligence stage another 9/11 type provide for up to two years in jail free speech include many of the of "terrorist outrage," and the for "spreading hate against same people who routinely muzzle resulting panic and stampede of identifiable groups" (with the those whose views they do not like. fear may very well result in exception of identifiable German, They delayed the entry of Al "national security" abridgements to Palestinian and Christian groups Jazeera English (television) to our Bill of Rights, such as were in who can be hated to the full Canada. They pressure universities place after America's entry into the measure of Zionist fury without to shut down the annual Apartheid First and Second World Wars; and 8

since the "War on Terror" is By all means let us lift a glass to precious rights in these United perpetual, any such abridgements the Canadians who may now use States. would likely be permanent. The the Internet with less fear, but at the Harm in Hate Speech helps to same time we must remain vigilant First published at Revisionist prepare the path to the overthrow of concerning the threat to our own History: our God-given rights.

Berlin Diary Jett Rucker Continued from page 2

Google Germany, is assuredly not a that fact chiefly seems to imbue his discussion of Holohistory actually partisan in the subject at hand, at presentation with rather more encounters there. He argues, least so far as his organizational feeling and content, however perhaps in the context of his own affiliation (and his apparent partisan its thrust might be (his country, that law just doesn‘t work ethnicity, for that matter) is employer‘s Web site, unfortunately well for the purpose of suppressing concerned. Haller‘s talk, larded as for Anglophones, is only in revisionism. At no point does he it was with genial platitudes and Hebrew). He discusses famous express the slightest approval of the pious proclamations, steered clear hacking events against Israel and American tradition of free speech, entirely of the notion of sup- sites advancing propaganda in that though he makes frequent reference pression/censorship. To the con- country‘s interests. He notes that to it. The best thing he has to say trary, his emphasis was, as might most hacking in the world seems to about this crucial human right is be expected, on what might be be done by and to governments, that it affords a certain amount of regarded as Google‘s ―product,‖ and within that ambit, among relief to enforcement agencies, counter speech. He said the best military and espionage which in its absence would face an way to counter ―bad speech‖ was organizations, among which ultimately insuperable challenge in with ―good speech.‖ For all his Israel‘s Mossad receives mention in circumscribing it to any ―useful‖ selfish motivations in so saying, his connection with its famous StuxNet extent. One of his arguments pronouncement to this effect was initiative directed against networks against the use of law takes the nonetheless heartening to this lover in Iran associated with that peculiar form of noting that when of speech-in-general and the country‘s nuclear-energy activities. legal countermeasures fail, they freedom to disseminate it, whatever He goes into considerable detail as erode respect for law in general, it might be. He refrained even from to Turkish and Iranian efforts to and so such measures, when intoning devotion to ―free speech,‖ hack various Israeli targets, official undertaken, must be so constituted which, in fact, all the other and private alike. Otherwise, his and pursued as to have devastating participants did as well. references unfortunately tend to be effect against the target. He abstract, rather than detailing actual suggests that (extralegal) pressures Nimrod Kozlovski, 38 min. cases. Accent: his attempts to say on Yahoo, Google, and other such (Israeli): The subject is hacking, ―myth‖ sound like ―meet.‖ central actors offer promise of the and exclusively that hacking done ―desired‖ results outside the in support of ―Holocaust denial.‖ Christopher Wolf’s 27 min. framework of law-based initiatives. He makes no mention of hacking (American) talk is interesting He also advocates education against ―Holocaust denial,‖ of primarily since he is the only (indoctrination), without specifying which there are many examples, the speaker who addresses the whether this should be prescribed fruits of some of which remain American situation. In the context by law, as it in fact is in many enshrined to this day on the Web of the talks concerning other American states. He describes his site of Wikileaks. This speaker is a countries, his country truly sounds exchanges with Deborah Lipstadt salesman for his employer, an like the ―land of the free,‖ however in which she expresses her famous Israeli cyber security supplier, but much effective suppression frank 9

(and evidently genuinely felt) such trials in fact barely exceed a explains that National Socialist aversion to government censorship. dozen. Of course, her count sympathies on the part of a speaker necessarily omits those hundreds of might make speech on his part TatjianaHörnle, 28 min. cases, many contemplating a criminal, that might not be criminal (German), provides an informative sentence of death, involving ―war on the part of a person not history of the stepwise criminals‖ in which the defense, if suspected of harboring National criminalization of ―Holocaust only permitted to, would undoubt- Socialist sympathies—the closest denial‖ in Germany, giving the edly have adduced devastating approach to true ―thought crime‖ impression that a ―tide‖ of such evidence to the effect that the described in this conference. While speech is rising in her country and alleged crimes had in fact never his accent is accessible to that the government goes about even been committed. Wetzel Anglophones, his pronunciation of plugging holes in the dike it has mounts the conference‘s most ―honor‖ sounds like ―orner,‖ which erected to contain it as each in turn pointed attacks on ―soft denial,‖ provided considerable puzzlement begins to gush undesired speech. that very widespread form of until I managed to decode it. He This speaker is comparatively revisionism that is based on solid describes the development of detached about her subject, scholarship backed up by traceable, annual demonstrations centering on betraying no particular personal often incontrovertible evidence the grave of Rudolf Hess in dedication to the goal of such as that practiced by Ernst Wunsiedel and a progression of suppressing the proscribed expres- Nolte, on whose work she dwells at legal measures against them, never sion. In fact, on one seemingly some length. She further attacks the once mentioning the ultimate minor point, she makes so bold as ―relativization‖ exemplified by the resolution of the matter by physical to reveal a personal inclination work of David Irving, James disinterment of Hess‘s remains and (carefully described as such) in Bacque, and many others, which their cremation and dispersal at sea, favor of liberality. She makes it compare the toll of the Holocaust à la Osama bin Laden‘s. clear that in Germany, at least on with that of the vast and numerous this topic, the courts have acquired war crimes committed by the Allies Stephen Rothman, 35 min. the habit of decreeing what is in their campaign against Germany. (Australian): This speaker is but historically true and what is false, This speaker, who emphatically one in a succession of speakers and suppresses any personal claims a ―trademark‖ on the word from countries other than the US objection she might harbor to this ―holocaust‖ on the part of those who speak of the need to balance development. Her account clearly advertising German wartime the right to free speech against a depicts the incremental process by atrocities against Jews, coins a term right not to be offended or which disapproved historical that should arouse keen interest in disturbed. The latter ―right,‖ speculations have been made readers of this newsletter: fortunately, is nowhere to be found criminal offenses in the host ―secondary anti-Semitism.‖ By this in the Bill of Rights, but initiatives country for the conference. She term, she refers to the anti-Jewish for ―hate speech‖ laws are in fact describes legal issues in terms feelings that understandably arise based on assertions of such a right, readily accessible to interested in persons discovering the falsity of often in favor of tiny minorities laypersons, in particular the knotty much of the Holocaust publicity in whose offense is evidenced by issues of jurisdiction encountered which the western world is soaked nothing more than their own in, among other cases, that of the every day, day after day. declaration that they are offended, late John Demjanjuk. and by still less on the part of Sergey Lagodinsky, 35 min. members of the putatively offended Juliana Wetzel, 28 min. (German), gives a legalistic, but minority who have failed for one (German): This legal scholar, who interesting, account of the ongoing reason or another to complain. says she is not in fact a lawyer, government campaign in Germany Rothman describes how such undertakes to refute an earlier against expression of any sort of arguments, now ensconced firmly speaker‘s remark that ―hundreds‖ modulation in evaluation of the in Australian legislation and of Holocaust-denial trials have characters or accomplishments of judicial precedent, have severely occurred in Germany, asserting that individual National Socialists. He eroded Australians‘ ability and 10

willingness to speak their minds. Robert Faurisson. In wearing a encompasses the material in the His talk includes a good deal of yarmulke, this speaker projected two Argentines‘ talks. Küntzel‘s interesting Australian history that his Jewishness more than any other talk focuses on ―Holocaust denial‖ has nothing in particular to do with speaker, though his intentions may by Muslims and Muslim ―Holocaust denial.‖ The latest issue have been as much devotional as institutions. of the IAJLJ‘s Justice magazine proclamatory. For all his Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin ( carries disquisitions on the vigor of the said that the discussion of the an article by Rothman that closely French suppression campaign, he genocide, promoted by MK Zahava parallels this speech, for those who admitted that law is ultimately no Gal-On (Meretz), was not prefer reading to listening. The more than a deterrent, and no sort connected to the current strained magazine contains some other of cure for the social tendencies relations between Israel and coverage of the conference, giving rise to this conference. Turkey, the source writes. including articles by other Rivlin also told Globes: ―As speakers, noted below. David Matas, 17 min. Jews, and as human beings, we (Canadian): This short speech is cannot ignore this issue and we Marc Levy, 24 min. (French): devoted extensively to the case of must not turn away from our English comes with difficulty to erstwhile Canadian Ernst Zündel, commitment to morality… As [a this Frenchman‘s tongue, though he and otherwise to the straitened country] struggling in the makes his effort with good humor, circumstances of free expression in international arena with Holocaust if not charm. He quotes Himmler‘s Canada. His long and legalistic denial, we cannot deny the tragedy supposed 1943 speech at Posen by article in the current issue of of another people.‖ way of proving that the National Justice probably encompasses his In December 2011, the Knesset Socialists intended their supposed talk. Education Committee discussed the genocidal project to remain forever Armenian genocide for the first undocumented. He details the The speeches of Marcos time. Gal-On, who also initiated lamentable situation in France, in Grabivker (Argentine), Rodrigo that discussion, said then: ―For which ISPs are subject to Luchinsky (Argentine), and years, Israel always took into prosecution if they fail to remove Matthias Küntzel (German) are account its relations with Turkey. material identified to them (Levy unfortunately badly garbled and That is the central issue in terms of does not specify by whom) as outright missing in the audio, and recognition of the murder of the violating the noxious Gayssot Law so are not recommended for those Armenian people, which has yet to against ―Holocaust denial.‖ This having a less than compelling take place in Israel‘s Knesset,‖ alter Kämpfer mentions that he interest in the material. Fortunately, wrote. participated in the prosecutions of Grabivker has a long article in the the 1970s against his countryman current issue of Justice that likely

Holocaust Denial: Assaults on Collective Memory Becloud Europe's Future

Rabbi Abraham Cooper

[I am quoting extensively here the world via the Internet. And how these folk would actually appear on from the article published on 17 the “rabbis’, in the university, the radio with me, but that stopped May in The Huffington Post—see media, and the US Congress, years ago. Too many people in any—to depend on vindication rather than radio or open-to-the-public aud- demonstrate the growing reach of investigation to support their ience have too many questions to revisionist scholarship throughout obsessions. There was a time when ask about so much fraud and


nonsense. In the 1980s and early tively positioning his own gener- marched through the Center of 90s, we were just beginning to ation's "willing executioners" as Kaunas. They were addressed by make the questions known. Rabbi innocent victims of the Second five Parliament members, including Cooper actually appeared on one World War. three belonging to Lithuania's radio show with me in the mid-80s. In Hungary, Márton Gyöng- ruling Homeland Union party. We even had a few words together yösi, Hungarian MP and leader in Iran's Mullahtocracy continues off-air. Never again!] the far-right Jobbik party, during an to make Holocaust Denial-and- interview with the London Jewish Inversion (the Holocaust didn't [Excerpted and highlighted] Chronicle, asked whether Jews happen and Israelis are today's Simon Wiesenthal said the "have the right to talk about what Nazis) the centerpiece of their history of mankind is a history of happened during the Second World soon-to-be-nuclear regime's "wipe crimes. No crime in the annals of War," given Israel's "Nazi system." Israel from the map" statecraft. So history has been as well docu- When asked about the 400,000 far, no western democracy—not mented—by the perpetrators, by- Hungarian Jews deported to Germany, where Holocaust denial standers, interveners and victims— Auschwitz, Gyöngyösi exploded: is illegal, not France, Great Britain, as Nazi Germany's Final Solution, "Me, should I say sorry for this nor even the United States—has the state-sponsored genocide that when 70 years later, I am still deigned to challenge Tehran's pre- systematically murdered 6 million reminded on the hour, every hour genocidal bigotry at the U.N. or European Jews. Against this back- about it? Let's get over it, for any other international venue. drop, along with the proliferation of Christ's sake," adding, "It has The last barrier to respectability Holocaust museums, memorials, become a fantastic business to and empowerment for Europe's books and films, how do we jiggle around with the numbers" of xenophobic extremists is the account for the growing dead Jews. As for Holocaust dimming collective memory of phenomenon of Holocaust survivors seeking restitution for what Nazism wrought upon revisionism and denial? their families' stolen property, he humankind a generation ago. Let's look briefly at the breadth retorted, "This money-searching is Holocaust denial is no longer and depth of this crime against playing with fire in Hungary." merely the domain of pseudo- memory and decency: Given the growing mainstream intellectuals, assorted Jew-haters Speaking in an interview on the clout of three-piece neo-Nazis, it and Middle East tyrants; it is the Mega TV network, Nikolaos should come as no surprise that key to deconstructing the last Michaloliakos—head of the neo- Nazi war criminal Dr. Sandor barrier to rehabilitation and Nazi "Golden Dawn" party, winner Kepiro—facing trial after his return political power for Hitler's heirs. of 21 seats in the new Greek to Budapest from Buenos Aires for In our time, it is the younger Parliament—declares: "There the massacre of 1,200 Jews, Serbs generations, not yesterday's vic- were no ovens. This is a lie. I and Gypsies—sued Simon tims, who have to take up the believe that it is a lie," said Wiesenthal Center's Nazi hunter daunting challenge to thwart Michaloliakos. "There were no gas Efraim Zuroff for libel with the genocidal fanatics in Tehran, racist chambers either." support of Hungary's growing thugs and election-winning bigots In Germany, where a Stern fascist movement. across Europe. The collective magazine poll shows that 21 In Lithuania, where more than assault on historic truth is percent of 18- to 29-year-olds do 93 percent of the country's Jewish underway, one that extends from not know that Auschwitz was a citizens were murdered during the the parliaments of Budapest and Nazi death camp and nearly a third Holocaust, former Foreign Minister Athens to the online domains of are unaware that it is located in Vygaudas Ušackas categorized the Facebook and YouTube. Should Poland, Nobel Literature Laureate Nazi occupation of Lithuania, with that assault be successful, it could Günter Grass—a teenage SS which many Lithuanians collabor- set the stage for future atrocities— member who's now reverted to ated, as "a respite from the Com- and not only against Jews. form—draws applause for munists while the Nazis were in condemning Israel's genocidal plot control." This year, on Lithuanian Historian Dr. Harold Brackman against Iran (!) while retrospect- Independence Day, 300 neo-Nazis contributed to this essay. 12

The Suffering of Second, Third, and Fourth Generation Survivors of a Horrifying Death

Shafar Nullifidian

s I, with heart breaking, the fiendish gleeful expression on ―Pope Arthur! Pope Arthur! recall the story, my that evil cab driver's face and his Pope Arthur!‖ A Uncle Arthur was only sneering smile. When the family gathered their 14 years old when he was struck Should not a foundation be composure, Arthur began opening and killed by a taxi cab careening established in Arthur‘s name? Cab his Communion gifts. There were down the street, the driver more drivers and their employers should rosary beads in a nice leather than likely having been drinking be required to make contributions pouch; a Latin/English missal so and harboring a deep-seated hatred to build lasting memorial monu- Arthur could follow along with the for bicycle riders. I never knew my ments in Arthur's memory. I intend priest at Sunday Mass and on Holy Uncle Arthur, no doubt the victim to have a memorial museum (The Days of Obligation; it also would of a hate-filled cab driver. I can Holy Arthur Memorial Museum) help in his training to be an Altar only guess how old dear Artie built which will house the drawings Boy. There was a beautiful crucifix would be today. Ninety-five? One he made in first grade, his report on a shiny neck chain and pewter hundred? One hundred ten? cards, and other memorabilia. My St. Christopher, the Patron Saint of I really miss my Uncle Arthur. Grandmother would always remind Safe Traveling emblem. My two younger brothers, Peter me when she visited. Arthur was so anxious to put the and Francis, and my sister Eleanor ―Wow, such a genius was that emblem on his bicycle, he had Rev. also miss their Uncle Arthur. boy, you wouldn't believe!‖ Fr. Garabedian bless all his gifts Francis's middle name is Arthur in I'll display the little white suit he before school the very next day and memory of our dear Uncle Arthur. wore at his First Holy Communion. attached the St. Christopher My grown children and the The family was proud as we emblem to his bicycle. That children of my siblings and our celebrated that momentous holy cherished emblem was on his children's children also miss occasion. bicycle when the cab driver killed Arthur. We stand today as victims ―Maybe he'll be a priest,‖ one him. A caring and pious neighbor, of an irrational hateful cab driver said. who witnessed the tragedy, saw the who manifested an inherently Grandfather spoke and they emblem lying in the street, next to callous disregard for human life in listened. the crumbled body, rushed out and general and particularly bicycle ―Not a priest, but a bishop!‖ placed it in Arthur's bloody hand. riders throughout the nation and the But it was Grandmother who She watched as his hand clutched world. There cannot and should not took the prize for pride in the six- the emblem tightly and his last be the slightest doubt or hesitancy year-old boy genius, her breath left him. And she sobbed to admit that the Nullifidian Clan is Communion Boy, Arthur, quietly while casting a knowing entitled to recurring recompense. ―No, not just a bishop... but a glance of derision and disgust at the Trust me, there were neighbors cardinal! A Doctor of the Faith and demonic cab driver responsible for who witnessed the tragedy of my then... and then... Pope!‖ crushing out the life of this sweet uncle's horrible death, his mangled We gasped! There was a silence young boy .... boy genius and saint bicycle, his blood soaked clothing, that seemed to muffle every other to be.... his plaintive, begging, ―Help, do sound except that of the word Pope The rosary, Latin/English not let me die here in the street,‖ as which miraculously echoed off the missal, and the crucifix on the the blood bubbled from his throat, walls and throughout every room in silver chain will all be on display in his last words sounding with a heart the house, and then the cheering The HAMM. We plan to have the wrenching gurgle. I can imagine began. crumpled bicycle bronzed and


prominently displayed near the endured in the hearts and minds of mercenary, money-grubbing, entrance into which will be carved: the numberless kin of dear Uncle scheming, and narcissistic. Who Could Forget Arthur to this day and will leave (Other than Arthur, the given Arthur was one of nine children, our hearts ever scarred unto future names of the foregoing survivors all but two of whom married and generations of Nullifidians. have been changed to protect them raised families as did their Only the most cruel and from being further victimized by offspring and as did their offspring heartless of misanthropic, atavistic, cab drivers and cab driver after them. The pain and suffering hate-mongering anti-Nullifidian wannabees.) endured by Uncle Arthur as he lay anti–bicycle riderists would dying in the street is shared and is characterize my people as

Fragments: Bradley Smith Continued from page 4

…. unlike in the past, when Spanish. The tongue felt swollen Emergency followed by all kinds of much of scholarship could fairly be and clumsy. Still driving along the tests using expensive machinery, a described as Exodus with foot- few blocks to the house I found I cat scan, an MRI, various notes, a huge gap has now opened could not do English either. It was neurologists, an exam of the carotid up between media-promoted pab- like I had a football in my mouth. It arteries in the neck and so on. They ulum, on the one hand, and the was a little comic, in my own ear I have no idea why it happened, but findings of respected scholars and sounded like an idiot—Abraham, there is a lesion on the right side of human rights activists, many of that‘s not a straight line!—but by the brain about one centimeter in them Jewish and Israeli, on the the time we reached the house I diameter. I had no neurological other. knew something was wrong. Going problems other than the loss of the Meanwhile, the hitherto reliable inside I was unsteady as well. ability to pronounce words and tactics of invoking The Holocaust I called the VA to ask if it might express thought (Abraham and his and dismissing the bearers of bad have anything to do with the folk will have the opportunity now news as anti-Semites (or self-hating chemotherapy session I had to point out that expressing thought Jews) are proving less efficacious completed the week before and was has always been difficult for me). It as the Holocaust industry told no, it did not, and that I should was interesting in that I had no increasingly becomes an object of either see a doctor immediately or problem understanding what the derision, and the number and call 911. Meanwhile Irene had left others said. It was only that I could respectability of these bearers of the house with Magaly to pay the not respond. bad news steadily mounts. Can it electricity bill and run some On the third day it was clear that be credibly sustained that so many errands. Magaly was visiting. my speaking problems were respected Israeli historians and Paloma and I got in the Jeep and righting themselves and by the fifth journalists, so many respected legal she drove me to the utilities office I was pretty well back to normal. scholars, judges and human rights where we caught Irene and Magaly. The ladies picked me up and we organizations, so many forums of The four of us stood there in the went back to Baja, stopping to eat world public opinion are all driven parking lot to decide what to do. noodle soup at a Vietnamese by a common and collusive Go to emergency here, or drive to restaurant in San Diego. It was all loathing of Jews? the other side to the VA, as that is rather exhausting. I made a crack where all my paperwork is. It‘s a about how it was a real bother *** This morning Irene and I four-hour trip maybe, but we going through the chemotherapy drove over to the local optician to decided on the VA. Glad we did. and having a stroke in the middle have a lens put back into the frame Magaly drove. of it—it sounded so excessive. I of my reading glasses. Driving To cut a long story short, I‘d had think Magaly laughed. Irene, for back, about 10am I suppose, I a stroke. At the VA there was her part, does not find any of this found that I could not speak immediate entrance into very amusing. It‘s been eight days. 14

I feel fine, other than needing a lot ask if perhaps ALL the families of What catches my attention about naps etc. OSI persecution should get together each is that it exploits race and to write a book. Of course, I love historical events to build his own Got an email from Carlos. He the idea—if each and every family public persona, looking forward to asked how I was feeling. The reply could tell their story, what a a career in government where he I typed out struck me as comic. compelling case it would make!‖ will fundamentally change the Literally. I sat here at the machine (Agreed. I wonder what we can country he would like to govern. and laughed out loud. do about it?) Telling stories about girl friends I had written: ―How am I feel- and blowing weed is one thing, but ing? Well, I‘m doing chemo- *** Irit Kohn, President of the inventing stories about heroic therapy for the cancer, and last International Association of Jewish relatives, father figures, who died week I had a stroke.‖ Lawyers and Jurists, writes that ―In fighting the White man, lying about I thought not to send it, but went accordance with our charter, our them, is truly—I was going to write ahead, adding an apology, and an Association focuses on issues that ―ignoble,‖ but it‘s just cheap. explanation about the laughing. are of critical importance to the Jewish people, chief of which is the *** French-Cameroonian come- *** The evening we stopped at fight against racism, xenophobia, dian, actor, and political provoca- the Vietnamese restaurant for Pho, anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial teur Dieudonné M‘bala M‘bala‘s a rice noodle soup, I could not help and delegitimization of the State of new film L’Antisémite was offi- but notice that all the young men Israel.‖ cially banned by the Cannes Film on the floor were taller than me. Festival. One wonders why that Some about six foot. I caught the *** Barack Obama‘s memoir, would be? Perhaps this except from attention of a young man with Dreams From My Father, was a very good review in The New glasses who stood much taller than published in 1995. I do not York Times gives us a hint. me. I said: ―Excuse me. But are remember its publication. Now, in ―The opening 2-minute skit of you folk Vietnamese or Chinese?‖ a new biography, Barack Obama: the film consists of a Chaplinesque He said: ―Vietnam. We all The Story by David Maraniss, newsreel narration set during the Vietnam.‖ questions are raised about the liberation of Auschwitz in 1945. ―I ask because when I was in accuracy of the president's account The quivering, grabby hand of a Vietnam I was taller than the and delivers fresh revelations about pinstriped inmate extends out from Vietnamese. Now all you guys are his pot-smoking in high school and behind barbed wire as the ema- taller than me.‖ college and his girlfriends in New ciated survivor jostles with a fleshy Laughing, with a poorly enun- York City. I don‘t care about that cigar-smoking capo for attention ciated English, he said: ―Every- stuff. from the camera. Dieudonné thing changes.‖ Later, during the But in his memoir Obama arrives dressed as an American ser- soup, we exchanged grins several describes how his grandfather, geant and throws scraps of food at times. Hussein Onyango, was imprisoned the beggar, commanding him with and tortured by British troops a hearty laugh and flash cards to *** Heinz Bartesch writes: ―By during the fight for Kenyan ‗Mange! Bouffe!‘ (‗Eat! Grub!‘) the way, the daughter of Anton independence. But that did not ―The prisoner then reveals the Titjung, another OSI victim from happen, according to five asso- existence of the gas chambers to Wisconsin, called me today to let ciates of Onyango interviewed by Dieudonné. As a kitten laps up liq- me know her father just passed Maraniss. In short, Obama lied. uid from a Zyklon B canister, away and they'll be burying him In his memoir Obama wrote that Dieudonné sniffs at the canister soon. She said she won't be able to his Indonesian stepfather, suspiciously and then dabs some on sleep at nights unless she does Soewarno Martodihardjo, was his neck like cologne. Together something to tell the story of how killed by Dutch soldiers during they sift through the ashes of a her family was abused by Indonesia's fight for independence. barbecue pit. ‗Chicken?‘ the skep- OSI/DOJ. She reached out to me to That also did not happen, according tical Dieudonné asks. ‗No, those to Maraniss. In short, Obama lied. 15

are children‘s bones,‘ the prisoner But then there is the usual irony. walking tonight. In the wanting to tells him. I suppose that‘s why we call it Life. walk. I don‘t feel sick. What‘s the ―Dieudonné proceeds to sit on a For some reason, the second matter with me? leather chair only to be yelled at by chemotherapy session I had three Occurred to me to write that the prisoner ‗for sitting on my days ago did not leave me ex- maybe I‘m having another stroke. grandmother!‘ He picks up a hausted like the first one did. But I will spare you. With me it‘s chandelier and asks if it too was Physically, I feel good. My energy too often ―anything for a laugh.‖ made of Jewish skin. ‗Bien sûr,‘ is good. It doesn‘t make sense. I replies the prisoner before Dieu- have added four new anti-oxidants *** Today! Today it‘s a new donné plops it over his head and to my already extensive vitamin story. All Knowing, Our European electrifies him as if in a cartoon. regimen, but it‘s difficult to believe Webmaster, has reappeared. He‘s The film also features guest they could work this well, or this okay. CODOHWeb is back online. appearances by the aged Holocaust fast. This evening I went out It looks terrific. My bank account is denier Robert Faurisson . . . .‖ walking for the first time in weeks. up to $640 and I think there is more Revisionism on the world stage? Not that far, less than a half-mile coming in. And I still feel good. one way, but I felt good. Stopped at Energetic. I don‘t understand why. *** One day—one day only— a taco stand with lights and Maybe it‘s to remain a Mystery, in the ordinary life of a Holocaust reviewed Johnson‘s Intellectuals like so much of life. revisionist activist. An odd con- again. I read it first in September fluence of events. You already 2004, according to my notes. know about the cancer and the Once in a while I would pause stroke. That sets the scene for this and the brain would ask why I Bradley one day. First then: Roberto, my should feel this good. Physically right-hand man here for two years sound in a way that I have not felt plus, got sick six weeks ago, is not in weeks. And then the irony. Smith’s Report able to work, and is no longer with Memory recalled the day when Dr. is published by me. I‘m alone now with the work Kato was first telling me the cancer load for outreach. Our primary was back, and that it was aggres- Committee for Webmaster, a European, has had a sive, and that there was no Open Debate stroke and I cannot make contact guarantee that chemotherapy would on the Holocaust with him. That may be coincidence, extend my life more than four or but I‘m worried. He is the primary five months. He was speaking Bradley R. Smith, Founder key to all the technology with statistically. Later my wife, who For your contribution of $39 CODOHWeb. Our name for him is was there with me, told me that she you will receive 12 issues of ―All Knowing.‖ The new CODOH had gotten so nervous that even her Smith’s Report. site, which is really rather feet were sweating. Canada and Mexico--$45 extraordinary, is down. When I, or But when we walked out of the any of us, attempt to log on to hospital that afternoon it was if I Overseas--$49 we are presented were on a high. I felt as if I had with a message in big letters across been handed a new adventure. I Letters and Donations to: the screen reading FORBIDDEN. was looking forward to it. How Bradley R. Smith Today there is $230 in the would I overcome this new Post Office Box 439016 CODOH-Smith bank account. My challenge? I was literally ―high‖ San Ysidro, CA 92143 wife will have to make a four hour thinking about this new turn in the trip to the other side to make a journey. And now, today, I feel Desk: 209 682 5327 something of the same. Except this deposit. That‘s how it is today with Email the big stuff. It‘s been difficult to time it is not psychological, but wrap my brain around all of it. physical. I feel physically sound in [email protected] a way that is unexplainable, inexplicable. There was a joy in the 16


No. 193 Challenging the Holocaust Taboo Since 1990 September 2012 Online at

Mistress Sara Bloomfield of the USHMM and the Codoh Campus Project

Bradley Smith

s. Sara Bloomfield, “Last spring, one vocal denier warded by the USHMM. At the Mistress of the mighty published ads in student newspa- same time, it is interesting to note M United States Holo- pers at three universities hosting that Mistress Bloomfield does rec- caust Memorial Museum, has sent our teacher workshops [I confess— ognize a good turn of revisionist an appeal nationwide asking for it was me] and sent hate-filled let- phrase when she reads one. donations to “Confront Holocaust ters to students and administrators, The lady goes on: “As our na- Denial.” Mistress Bloomfield sin- one of which called our programs tion's young people go back to gles out the work of Bradley Smith school, it is absolutely critical that and CODOH to establish, yet we do everything in our power to again, how the publication of sim- educate them about the difference ple advertisements in student between free speech and hate newspapers puts at risk everything speech.” her monumental Holocaust- CODOH is in perfect agreement promoting institution is dedicated with Mistress Bloomfield here. I to serving. look forward to working with the Mistress Bloomfield writes: lady. I have already taken the first “The rising tide of Holocaust small revisionist steps in our up- denial is starting to infiltrate our coming cooperation via student academic institutions. Every year, Mistress Sara Bloomfield newspapers at University of South- our Museum sponsors dozens of ern California and California State lectures and seminars on college ‘a parody of history dressed up in University at Northridge. More campuses, including workshops to the righteous trappings of Holo- about that below. train future teachers in the most caust Education.’” “I wish I could tell you these effective ways to bring the truth [ya The letter containing this quote are isolated incidents,” Mistress think?] about the Holocaust to new was written by our associate, David Bloomfield writes, “but they are generations of students. Merlin, a man with a real insight part of a disturbing trend highlight- into the “truth” as it is being for- ed by the US State Department's 1

recent report of a global surge in On Mistress Bloomfield’s And now we have this new pitch antisemitism‘manifested in Holo- USHMM Website there is one page from Mistress Bloomfield to raise caust denial, glorification, and rela- devoted to what it calls “Holocaust funding for her Monumental Muse- tivism.’” Denial Timeline.” There are 31 um where she still sees Smith (who Is this good news or what? Not entries in the USHMM Timeline am I?) as a primary danger to her for the lady perhaps, but for us? that stretch back 70 years to 1942 way of life. Why me? Because I go “Our educational programs are and list what the Museum terms to a place where it is a norm, often- more important than ever to combat “key events in the evolution of times honored in the breach but yet rising hate, but they are expensive Holocaust denial.” The last entry in a norm, to honor the ideal of en- to maintain. During this back-to- this 70-year time line reads: couraging a free exchange of ideas school season, we have set a goal while Mistress Bloomfield and her of raising $20,000 to cover the cost “2010: Bradley Smith places his intellectual Arts Center people of one teacher training workshop in first online Holocaust denial adver- promote the opposite—must pro- the coming year.” tisement, which appears on the mote the opposite or they are fin- Twenty-thousand dollars to pay website of the University of Wis- ished. While students may not often for one three-day teacher training consin's Badger Herald in Febru- reveal their interest in Smith or re- workshop to teach a parody of his- ary. The Internet—because of its visionism on campus, they are very tory dressed up in the righteous ease of access and dissemination, much willing to go to the Internet, trappings of Holocaust Education? seeming anonymity, and perceived to Codoh, and privately read, These three-day workshops must be authority—is now the chief conduit search, question, and participate in real blow-outs. of Holocaust denial.” a new media-world where it is im- Well, let’s move on here. possible to smash free inquiry.

University of Southern California

[NOTE: Here we begin to forward The Trojan has now refused to agree that that is not right. At The the Campus Project, encouraged by accept a text link advertisement I Trojan, advertising “managers” the attention given us by Mistress submitted that reads: HOLO- play the role of editorial directors Bloomfield. This letter was copied CAUST HISTORY: The Issue of and that is accepted. to 1,160 academics, student organ- Academic Conformity. We are in- You write that journalism isn’t izations and administrators at formed that the decision to reject public relations, that journalists are USC.] the link was made by Trojan “ad- not there to serve as propaganda vertising managers.” machines and to simply regurgitate Nicholas Slayton, Editor In the case of The Trojan, our positive news about institutions. The Daily Trojan text link leads to a talk I gave at the You quote George Orwell: Holocaust Conference in Teheran “Journalism is printing what some- I have here your good opinion in 2006 titled: The Irrational Vo- one else does not want printed: eve- piece “Students must fight for free cabulary of the Professorial Class rything else is public relations.” speech” dated 27 August. with Regard to the Holocaust Who is it who does not want my You reference a story at The Red Question. But why was the link talk on The Irrational Vocabulary and the Black, University of Geor- rejected? No specific criticism of of the Professorial Class with Re- gia, where the editor noted that the text is offered. gard to the Holocaust Question to someone on the Board of Directors You write that The Red and be read? Organizations such as the called for The Red and the Black to Black board pushed to have a pro- Anti-Defamation League of B’nai have a change in the amount of fessional adviser become the edito- B’rith, and Hillel, The Foundation “good and bad” content. You chal- rial director, which would give in- for Campus Jewish Life lead the lenge that concept by asking what dividual prior review on what the exactly is “bad” content? paper publishes. You appear to Continued on page 12 2

Inconvenient History, Fall 2012, Vol. 4, No. 3

The latest issue of INCONVENIENT HISTORY, A Quarterly Journal for Free Historical Inquiry, is now available online.

This issue is jammed with mate- Next up is a look at Count Klaus Schwensen, an expert on rial that the court historians will be Potocki de Montalk and his Katyn the Sachsenhausen camp, exposes sure to find inconvenient to their Manifesto -- an early exposure of Soviet propaganda surrounding the crumbling version of contemporary the truth of the Allied atrocity at reported number of victims of that history. Katyn Forest. camp. We kick off with an examina- This issue also features a per- This issue also contains book tion of the fact that Ellis Island, sonal account by Germar Rudolf of reviews of The Black Swan and The typically thought of as a welcoming the time he spent in a German pris- Gas Vans. station for newly arriving immi- on for standing up for historical The volume is capped off by as- grants to the USA, served as an truth. sistant editor Jett Rucker's thoughts internment camp for Germans, Ital- Thomas Kues returns this issue on the victories of Revisionism and ians, and Japanese Americans dur- to consider three recent books on the defeat of its detractors. ing the Second World War. the Treblinka Holocaust story. Read it at: http://www.incon-

FRAGMENTS; Another Ordinary Life.

Bradley Smith

*** From Germar Rudolf: Just Right! I thought the very same imanjaro.” read your piece on "The Snows of when I read those 49 stories. Most qem5w Kilimanjaro". I read "The First 49 of them are just as pathetic, with so Stories" by Hemmingway (a book much petulance, resentment, and *** Norman Finkelstein posted featuring his first 49....) while in pomposity. As a matter of fact, these remarks on his Webpage: prison, The Snows being a part of Hemingway having been a pervert it. I was amazed to read your first shines through most of his stories. “Ten years ago this past month positive remarks about that story They have a strong streak of per- my book The Holocaust Industry and your disappointment upon version in them. I dislike Heming- was published. It evoked outrage viewing the movie the second time. way both for his personality and his from the Jewish-Holocaust-Israel Harry "was not admirable, but writings. They are entangled. I establishment and marked the be- petulant, resentful, and overbear- know Hemingway is a big shot, so ginning of the end of my academic ing." But that's exactly how Hem- saying bad things about him will career. I lost my job at Hunter Col- ingway writes, I thought. Well, you make a lot of people look not too lege right after its publication and confirmed it later, after having re- favorably at me. But who cares? DePaul University cited it as read the story. Then came relief at Dostoyevsky is a huge figure, too, grounds for denying me tenure in the end of your piece: "I don't care whose style I don't like either. 2007. so much for Hemingway's prose Same reason: too negative. Tolstoy “Much of the outrage was di- any longer either. Some of it is still and Dickens are my kind of guys. rected at the chapter entitled The very beautiful. But there is stuff in Here is the piece I wrote titled Double Shakedown, in which I there that leaves a bad taste in my “Elie Wiesel and the Snows of Kil- documented the Holocaust indus- mouth." try’s blackmail of European gov- 3

ernments in the name of ‘needy raise money, he carefully avoids it. etnam, a new family and by that Holocaust victims’ and then the I really don’t get it. How much else time it was the mid-70s and the shakedown of Holocaust victims by does he have to lose? greatest part of the civil rights dra- the Jewish organizations that pock- ma had climaxed. The civil-rights eted the ‘Holocaust compensation’ *** In the mornings now, when work itself was not finished, it still monies. Although controversial I open the Venetian blinds and pull isn’t, but the climactic drama was then, it has now become a com- back the curtains in the liv- over. Maybe it was the distrac- monplace how corrupt this racket ing/dining room, Cyrano begins tions—Korea, Mexico, the visions, was. saying “good morning” to me. Nei- Vietnam and the rest of it. Maybe “Nearly all the principals in the ther Audrey nor her father was able those distractions account for my Holocaust shakedown racket— to get Cyrano to say good morning. lack of involvement. Still. . . . Rabbi Israel Singer, Alan Hevesi, I still remember the morning Burt Neuborne, Neal Sher, Melyvn Audrey drove away from our house *** “Dear Bradley; Thank you Weiss, Edward Fagan, Avraham on her way to Alabama, the tears for your acknowledgment of my Herschson—have been exposed as running down her face for having donation. You're welcome. I first crooks. A central role in this racket to leave Cyrano behind. That was learned about you at WhatReally- has been played by the Claims’ ten years ago. He had already been Happened (http://whatreallyhap- Conference. I post below a recent in his cage for 24 years. Now, after and after doing some chapter in the sordid saga. another ten, it’s 34 years. Michael research, and writing to Richard “I would enter one caveat how- Vick went to jail for cruelty to an- Widmann at Inconvenient History, ever: the biggest crooks are not imals—fighting dogs. What does it I decided to support your work for those who embezzled money from mean to keep a parrot that is capa- a year (I actually first emailed you the Crooks’ Conference but those ble of some thought caged for 34 about this matter back in 2009). My who run it, in particular the filthy years? support is despite the fact that I Greg Schneider. Out of deference Memory recalls a book title: I almost never donate to caus- to the memory of my late parents, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by es/people if I have no knowledge of categorically oppose the death pen- Maya Angelou. I didn’t read the how their finances are handled. alty (both my parents vehemently book but the title stayed with me. I What I've read about you in gen- opposed it), but out of respect for have often thought that I would like eral, plus Mr. Widmann's conscien- their memory I also certainly to know why the caged bird sings, tious replies, persuaded me to con- wouldn’t mind if all these charac- but like so many other things, I tribute in this case. ters were hoisted on the nearest never got around to it. The book “I sincerely wish you well as we lamppost by ropes around their was published in 1969. Coinci- attempt to fight the powerful Zion- necks.” dentally, when I made these notes, ist influence in U.S. society. (If you it was Black History Month, at don't mind my asking, was your So Professor Finkelstein, while least on PBS. A lot of film about move to Mexico due to that 'Israel- being a real scholar, has a real the Black civil rights revolt in the first', pervading, harmful influence, sense of humor. I think I have men- 50s and 60s. Looking back on it, something else, or both?) As for tioned this before. Some time ago I recognizing even at the time how me, I left the States for the first wrote Professor Finkelstein asking big the movement was and how time in college when I was a fairly what his mother, a strong personali- important, I wonder now why I did patriotic guy... but now can see the ty herself with a sense of humor, a nothing whatever to take part in it. evil that the US/Israeli/British gov- “survivor” of the camps, had to say In the 1950s for me there were ernments are carrying out world- about chambers, if they had ever the Korean memories, Mexico, a wide more clearly. I tell many peo- chatted about gas chambers. I did first marriage and the beginning of ple that the true 'Axis of Evil' runs not expect him to reply, and he did the visions. In the 60s it was selling from Washington, D.C. - London - not. But in all these years of the son books, the Tropic of Cancer trial, Tel Aviv. It saddens and sometimes examining and tearing apart the being down and out on Hollywood Continued on page 15 Holocaust Industry, which depends Boulevard and the increasing inten- above all else on those stories to sity of the visions, and then Vi- 4


Carlos Porter


ocument 343, OKW For information: to: the Reichs Concerning: Marking of Sovi- Decree, 20 July 1942: Security Main Office, Distributor et POWs with a mark. D Photocopy of a C., mimeograph, certified by the Sovi- the Reichs Ministry for the Inte- 1) Soviet POWs are to be et prosecutors, in two parts rior, Division I Ra, marked by a special permanent First page: 1 next to "Certified the Chief of the regular police mark. True Copy" at *; round stamp with force, The mark shall consist of an national emblem: ,"Secret State the higher SS-and Police lead- open sharp angle of about 45 º and Police, Secret Police Agency" ers, 1 cm in length [ONE QUARTER (mimeograph) 11 right stamp be- the Inspectors of the Security INCH!] on the left buttock (^), neath date: ,,EK, AK, PIC, SK SB" Police and SD., about a hand’s breadth from the (all under each other), ,"Agency Concerning: Marking [Kennzei- cleft between the buttocks. It is to VI, time of day, Annexes, 3. AUG. chnung] of Soviet POWS with be applied by means of lancets, 1942, VI E 1'' (number handwrit- mark [Merkmal]. which are available among all bod- ten); through lower stamp, margin Reference: none. Annex: -1- ies of soldiers. India ink is to be two paragraphs illegible used as dyestuff. Enclosed in annex please find a Application of the mark is to be The Chief of the Security Po- copy of an order from the Armed performed as follows: superficially lice, Berlin, 30 July 1942 and SD Forces High Command, dated scratch the taut skin and wet with IV Alc-BNr. 9587/42. To: 20.7.42 –ref. 2 f 24.82 h Chief India ink, using a lancet previously all State Police central offices, POWS/Medical/General. (Ia)/Org. sterilized by heating ["Oberflächli- all Criminal Police central of- (IVc) no. 3142142 for information. ches Ritzen der gespannten Haut fices, In representation: signed Mül- mit der mit chinesischer Tusche SD- (central) sections, ler, Office employee benetzten, vorher ausgegluhten the Commanders of the Security [lack of italics indicate that Lanzette"]. Police and SD., Müller has not signed the docu- the liaison leaders at the POW ment] [This is a very strange tattooing Commander in the SS-Stubaf. L I s * technique. It stresses sterilization of k a in L u b l i n, Certified: Arndt the lancet, but says nothing about the liaison leaders at the POW [italics indicate handwritten sig- the danger of contaminating the Commander in Military District I - nature by “Arndt”, whoever he is] ink. I think in the end you would KK. W a 1 t e r -in Königsberg, wind up simply making an incision the Commanders of the Security Page 2: Red line from *' to *" and rubbing ink into the wound Police and SD., Copy! with your fingers. - C.P.] the Chiefs of Einsatzgruppen B, Armed Forces High Command, D, 7a, 7b, 4a, ref. 2 f 24.82h Chief POW Medi- Avoid making cuts that bleed 4b, 10a, lob, cal Service / General ( I a ) / Org. (I profusely. Since we do not possess Einsatzkommandos 8, 9, llb, 12. V c) Berlin-Schöneberg, 20.7.1942. sufficient experience of the durabil- Badensche Str.51. Nr. 3142142 - ity of the mark at the present time, the marks must be examined and 5

redone, if necessary, first, at inter- 7).The completed marking one Jewish "witness" from baring vals of 14 days, [then] after 4 should be immediately recorded on her arm at the SAME TRIAL and weeks and one quarter year (see the staff card, in the column “Spe- regaling the court with the usual Number 7). cial Marks”, with “[date] 1942", fairy tale (the "witness" 2) [there is no paragraph 2] with notation of any necessary rep- Schmagalevskaya, IMT VIII 319). etition of the mark (see number 2). 3) The marking should not be So the Germans had to pull eve- considered a surgical procedure. *' 8) For the marking of Soviet rybody's pants down to search for a Due to the shortage of medical per- POWs under the Army High mark that wouldn't even be easy to sonnel, therefore, German medical Command [OKH], the OKH Gen- see, but where it would get infected personnel should not be assigned to eral Headquarters will take the nec- easily, partly because a tattoo needs perform the marking. On the other essary steps. to be exposed to air while it heals hand, there is no objection to hav- Notification of all dispositions and should be protected from fric- ing the marking performed by So- is requested. ::-::~ tion. viet POW medical personnel under There should also be millions of German supervision. Sufficient Distributor: ::-:: See next page. ex-Soviet citizens (including emi- numbers of such auxiliary person- grants to America) visiting high nel should be instructed in the prac- Commander-in-Chief of the schools, grade schools and univer- tical execution of the procedure in Armed Forces, sities -- not to mention TV -- pull- accordance with this order. In representation. ing their pants down and baring Signed signature. [i.e., there is their asses to exhibit a tiny upside 4) In the interest of rapid com- no signature on the document] down "V", at an angle of 45 de- pletion, lancets and India ink grees, on their left buttock (TV should be commandeered to all re- COMMENTS close-up, please!). sponsible stores of medical equip- by Porter: What an edifying spectacle. It ment. might be interesting to raise this

question the next time a "Hoaxo- This is an absolutely typical Nu- 5) The marking is to be per- co$t survivor" shows up at your remberg "document" -- a "photo- formed: kid’s school. copy" of an unsigned "copy" of a a) upon Soviet POWs captured Arsch, bitte! [Ass, Please] "mimeograph" "certified authentic" in future in the areas under the Su- by the Soviets. This is the only preme Command of Armed Forces [Source: Volume 39 of on-line "German" document ever found in the Ostland and Ukraine and the version of IMT transcript, that even MENTIONS the tattooing military commanders in the Gen- of prisoners. eralgouvernement following bodily Law/NT_major-war-criminals.html If this Soviet-certified "photo- cleansing and initial delousing, and . copy" is authentic, there should be b) upon all other POWs in the I apologize for the rotten OCR thousands of originals lying around area of the OKW [Armed Forces format, with frames. - C.P.] in Germany and elsewhere, since High Command] by Sept.1942. the mimeograph was allegedly sent, Confirmation of execution to OKW t.htm with cover letter, to every police by 15 0ct.1942 to 0KW. agency and army unit in Germany

and the East. 6) The work service should not Second, the tattoos were ONE be disrupted by this measure; the QUARTER INCH LONG, and marking of POWs assigned to work were applied to the LEFT BUT- commandos should, if possible, be TOCK of SOVIET POWS only. performed in the barracks of the There is no mention of "num- work commandos or during the bers for identification purposes", or next delousing. of Jews. This didn't stop at least


Survivor Guilt

Jett Rucker

urvivor guilt” has ers are thought to have boarded life War veterans are no doubt the come into popular boats that were about to depart the most numerous of the groups that “S usage as an irrational sinking vessel with empty seats in fit the description above, including complex on the part of those among them. both those who survived and those a very small number of people And then there are those long- who, not surviving, never gained who, by sheer happenstance, have term situations imposed by one the exalted status of veterans. I of- emerged alive from a disaster that hostile group on another, in which ten wonder how the glories of past took the lives of many others who a potential for treachery, betrayal, victories (and defeats) might be seem to have deserved no less (or collaboration, or even fouler play somewhat dimmed if the voices of more) to have survived than the might enter the picture. In the an- the dead could be heard on the oc- survivors did. Occasionally, for nals of human conflict, undoubted- casions when the glories are cele- example, a plane crash occurs from ly war provides the greatest number brated among the survivors and which one or perhaps two victims of these situations, especially if their putative beneficiaries. emerge relatively unscathed, while A very special, demographically all their fellows perished in the ca- An intrepid, if possibly na- dwindling group remains in our tastrophe. The “survivor” complex ïve, American Jewess of un- midst who command, and lately plagues them for years after the wonted analytic disposition, often claim, reverence that is not event, in some cases. Anna Breslaw, writing for the accorded even to veterans of this Now and then, though, some Jewish-edited The Tablet, (or other) nation’s wars. These are sort of more genuine guilt may ventured the irrefutable spec- those who claim to have been seem to attach to the fact of survi- ulation that some of the few forced by the National Socialist vorship, as in the case of the sur- genuine “Holocaust survi- regime that governed Germany viving members of a Uruguayan vors” among those many from 1933 to 1945 to leave their rugby team who admitted to canni- claiming the vaunted status homes and properties in Germany balism in the process of surviving might, indeed, have survived for resettlement or labor camps to two months on a remote peak in the the perilous times they un- the east of Germany because they Andes where their plane had doubtedly went through, by were Jews (or Gypsies), as well as crashed in 1972. The surviving way of guile, or even treach- those Jews resident in countries cannibals were absolved of their ery in a few cases. east of Germany who were dra- “sin” by the Pope, whom both the gooned into service in Germany’s perpetrators and, presumably, the they are rated by numbers of either: war-industry plants such as those in victims acknowledged as their spir- (a) dead victims, who cannot testify Birkenau, Dora-Mittelbau, and over itual shepherd. as to what occurred; or (b) survi- a thousand other locations: “Holo- A stronger presumption of actu- vors, who perforce provide the only caust survivors,” as they style al guilt on the part of survivors narratives available as to what oc- themselves. might attach, say, to adult male curred. Neither group, not individ- Such persons (the genuine ones survivors of the Titanic sinking in ually or collectively, is in a position among the many claiming such sta- 1912, as they might be suspected of to even understand all of what did tus with no basis in truth) are sur- having violated or otherwise evad- happen, quite aside from what vivors, if at all, only in the sense ed the famous stricture supposedly might have happened had anyone that anyone residing in Germany or invoked at the time, “Women and acted differently from the way they Austria by the time World War II children first.” Some male passen- did act. reached its catastrophic end was a gers apparently did that, while oth- survivor. What they survived was 7

not forced labor (to which many lation that some of the few genuine caust Survivors” have faded from were indeed subjected), but the “Holocaust survivors” among those the scene that they never had the blanket devastation wreaked by many claiming the vaunted status temerity to dominate in the first Allied bombers upon the domiciles might, indeed, have survived the place, but self-qualified “survivors” of the entire populace of their “tar- perilous times they undoubtedly have taken their place to affect gets.” Insofar as their survival in- went through, by way of guile, or shock and affront at such “dispar- volved their conscription into even treachery in a few cases. She agements” as Breslaw offers. Real forced labor in war-industry facto- did not trouble her argument with “Holocaust survivors,” keenly ries, such fortunates may as well be particulars as to how her co- aware from genuine experience designated “veterans” as their less- religionists might have collaborat- what moral ambiguity attends the fortunate predecessors (whose jobs ed, contrived, betrayed, or other- status to which they could lay they often took, albeit without pay) wise arranged for themselves the claim, have always remained reti- were conscripted to go to the front, favored treatment that enabled cent in proclaiming the particulars there to confront the irresistible them to “survive,” but the force of of their experiences, and their acts. onslaught of Soviet manpower (al- her argument was sufficient to Those many who lack this experi- so conscripted) and American rouse into action none other than ence, but claim it by implication, productivity (conscripted through that Centurion of the Sanctity of let on as though they were blame- taxation and monetary legerde- Holocaust Mythology, Jeffrey less both in terms of their incar- main). Goldberg of the Atlantic Magazine. ceration in the first place, but fur- Be all this as it may, all an el- He styled Breslaw’s impeccable ther—and this is the stretch—as to derly Jew in America with any sort logic as “ghastly.” their real deportment while actually of claim to European origins need Goldberg advanced the view of incarcerated. do to command instant respect and what he hopes might still be the The act can be pulled off only credulity among those around him dominant view of Jewish and Jew- by those innocent of the genuine or her, is to invoke the sacred ap- ish-conditioned readers of his wide- experience. Those who affect utter pellation, “Holocaust Survivor.” ly circulated platform. Maybe it is, innocence in the fates they claim to Once this is done, silence reigns all and maybe The Tablet has got the have experienced may be dismissed around, and rapt attention is reflex- ear, mind and heart of thoughtful as being innocent not only of guilt, ively granted by all those in attend- readers of both (or all) publications. but also of the experiences they ance, they all having long since Goldberg’s time-worn imprecations claim to have had. been conditioned to render such bear inspection, as do Breslaw’s As for Goldberg, and his maga- obeisances upon hearing the Pavlo- rather more-nuanced comments, zine, we may consign them to a vian Bell. made, be it noted, in a context ra- category reserved for those liars An intrepid, if possibly naïve, ther remote from the ones implied who propose to benefit from the American Jew of unwonted analyt- in Goldberg’s tirade. successes that are yet to be enjoyed ic disposition, Anna Breslaw, writ- Breslaw’s well-considered cau- by still other liars. ing for the Jewish-edited The Tab- tions arrive on the American scene let, ventured the irrefutable specu- at a critical time when real “Holo-

An EVENING with David Irving “Only a next-generation English historian, familiar Topic: "Hitler and I." with all the archives and fluent David Irving speaking tour in German, will ever write a starts in a few days in Florida fair biography of me.” then will move on to Texas, - Adolf Hitler privately to his Arizona and the West doctor on August 26, 19 through November 2012 Tickets: 8

The Human Face of Holocaust Revisionism

A Biographical Reminiscence

Chris Crookes

hen I was fifteen and the discussion came onto the perse- Years later (summer holiday of living on a British cution of the Jews in the forties and 2011), having long forgotten this W Army camp in Dort- the alleged policy of mass murder episode, I spent a few days lying mund, Germany, my parents held a in the concentration camps. My out in the sun in the garden reading party for the other officers and their Dad had wanted to know why the the biography of Viktor Frankl wives. My elder brother and I were ordinary Germans hadn't done any- Trotzdem Ja zum Leben Sagen “employed” as waiters by our par- thing to stop it or to speak up about (Man's Search for Meaning). I real- ents and were given 50 DMs or the exterminations. She was ada- ized I had never read an eye- something for our services. We had mant that she herself did not know witness account of the biggest to wear a shirt and tie, comb our about that policy of the mass gas- crime of the last century and I was hair (it was the early seventies so sings. She also insisted that no one also interested in the subject of how both of us had a lot of it) and serve she knew, knew of it either. we apply meaning to our experi- drinks and keep the bowls of pea- ences. So I had bought it online nuts and crisps full, plus replenish Then there were other odd from Amazon. the cigarette boxes. things. He [Viktor Frankl] In the first half of the book It was good fun and we both got says he got out of Auschwitz Frankl (who was a psychiatrist) a little bit drunk ourselves, as there by volunteering as a doctor. wrote of his experiences in WW2 was so much alcohol (Army bases He wrote that he left in a as a Jew in concentration labor in Germany were duty-free areas so transportation of ill inmates camps. As I read it I noticed he it was cheap and plentiful). taken to Bavaria in 1944. The kept jumping between two contra- I can't remember now if: thought occurred: "Jewish dictory viewpoints, sometimes in a.) I witnessed the conversation inmates were not being gassed the space of a few pages. AND heard my Dad discussing it then? They were instead being At some places he affirmed that afterwards, or transported out for medical all the Jews themselves knew that if b.) if I only witnessed my Dad care elsewhere?" That was a they were going to Auschwitz, then discussing it afterwards, probably bit surprising. they were destined for almost cer- the latter. tain annihilation. And at other But, anyway, an interesting and My Dad was quite incredulous, times he asserts that they didn't quite heated conversation ensued at and persisted that she must have know. At some places he asserts the end of the evening involving known. They all must have known. that he and other people upon arri- my father and the wife of the Colo- How could they live so close and val knew that they were getting nel (I think). Everybody by this not have known? In the morning he segregated into lines either for gas- time was “well-oiled” on alcohol was going on about it, and that he sing or for work, and at others he and inhibitions were relaxing. couldn't get over that she was still maintains that the people didn't The Colonel's wife was Ger- denying that after all this time. know what the segregation was for. man. And somehow the topic of As an impressionable fifteen- That was confusing. conversation came around to where year-old it made an impact on me At one point he states how he in Germany she was from. It turned and I naturally accepted my father's himself knew, as after being select- out that she was from some area view of that, and yet—there was ed by Joseph Mengele "to the left where there had been a concentra- something that didn't quite sit right. for the gas chamber," he relates tion camp during the war. So then 9

how he "switched behind turns out it was in fact he who had arrival. And the great irony is that Mengele's back" to the right. been. the cause for that want and disease Then there were other odd So then I started looking more was not German, but was directly things. He says he got out of into it. related to our own Allied war crime Auschwitz by volunteering as a I soon discovered that the SS of intentionally targeting civilian doctor. He wrote that he left in a German Judge Konrad Morgan, populations and supply routes via transportation of ill inmates taken who was tortured by the allies at aerial bombardment. to Bavaria in 1944. The thought Nuremberg but who refused to per- To get back to the currently occurred: "Jewish inmates were not jure himself and who instead gave widespread and accepted mytholo- being gassed then? They were in- testimony about how he had been gy that demonizes the Germans stead being transported out for visiting the concentration camps unfairly, here was a shocker: I dis- medical care elsewhere?" That was investigating and charging German covered that Auschwitz had a a bit surprising. officers and staff for corruption, swimming pool for the inmates. Then he wrote how in Bavaria cruelty and murder. Even some Did you know that? I myself he worked as a doctor treating ill kamp kommandants were convicted was doubtful at first, but when I inmates in a hospital camp in the on murder charges (of a few in- investigated to check out if that was typhus ward near Dachau. I mates) and were executed for it. accurate I discovered not only that thought: “Er... They were taking Really! That was surprise to me but that the camp also had a cine- care of them? In 1944? Jews with and I recommend people check this ma. It even had a brothel for the Typhoid? Trying to cure them?” out for themselves if they doubt inmates (prostitutes had also been THEN after finishing the book I me. sent to concentration camps). And a discovered that despite him giving Before I go on, I should at this canteen with beer and food (ice the impression that he had been at point say that the appalling number cream and cake). Plus the workers Auschwitz at the very least for of fatalities at the war’s end in were originally paid money for many months, that he had in fact those camps was clearly a tragedy their labor (but later in vouchers) to only been there for 3 or 4 days. It of epic proportions. I do not mean be used in the canteen, stores and was then that my curiosity was to minimize in any way the suffer- brothel. piqued and my research into this ing of those poor people. Looking into it further I discov- started. And it was then that I was It’s just that I now understand ered that it also had dental facili- reminded of the Colonel's wife that a mythology has developed ties, sick barracks, a camp kitchen (who had been a young girl at the around that which I was not aware which had the caloric content of the time of these events) claiming that of before. A mythology that de- diet carefully monitored by camp nobody knew what was going on in monizes Germans via denial of and Red Cross delegates. (This on- the camps. some basic, uncontested, but little- ly deteriorated in Auschwitz and So it was that I started to re- known or little-publicized facts. A other camps towards the end of the evaluate all this. How was she— mythology that is taboo, that cannot war when the entire German and the other town residents— be questioned in nations throughout transport system collapsed under supposed to know about that, if a Europe under penalty of prosecu- constant aerial bombardment.) camp inmate at Auschwitz couldn't tion and imprisonment. Auschwitz had up to 16 camp make up his mind whether he him- For example, with just a few orchestras (with instruments avail- self knew or not? seconds thought it becomes obvi- able), a camp theatre (where live And now after my research I ous that the terrible footage of the plays were performed by camp in- find that she was right. She didn't emaciated bodies from starvation mate actors), camp sculpture clas- know about the mass murder of related to typhus epidemics that we ses (conducted for interested in- Jews at whatever camp she had are all familiar with cannot be con- mates by professional sculptors), lived by. There were no extermina- nected to a gassing policy. Those camp art classes for inmates, a tion camps in Germany! This is a are obviously pictures of people camp university (with lectures on well-attested statement of accepted who died over a period of months topics from health, the arts, philos- historical fact. My Dad was wrong from want and disease, not people ophy, science, economic issues, to assume she was in denial. It who were separated and gassed on etc.). Marriages took place (worker 10

inmates fell in love and were al- Check this one out: it even had ly to register a complaint about lowed to marry their inmate part- its own jail (for inmates who com- other inmates such as "Kapos" and ners there). It had its own Ausch- mitted crimes against another in- even guards. It had a system of witz maternity ward (over 3,000 mate). strict discipline for guards and also live births were registered there, This next one was a big sur- for inmates, with punishment being with not a single infant death while prise: it even had a "Camp com- handed out against those found Auschwitz was in operation under plaints office” where inmates could guilty for even slapping an inmate. German rule). The women sections register complaints or make sug- Etc., etc. of the camp had female guards. It gestions. Camp Commander Höss Er... is anyone still reading? Or had a camp post office (with twice had a standing order that any in- is this too disturbing a subject mat- weekly pick-ups and deliveries). mate could approach him personal- ter?

Mistress Bloomfield and the Campus Project continued from page 2

charge. See their 9,000-word Man- You write that journalists, would it feel to Fight for Free ual directed at convincing student whether they are students or other- Speech? journalists why you should publish wise, should never have to fight for nothing about academic conformity freedom of the press. But since Bradley Smith regarding the Holocaust Question they do, it is good to know that Committee for Open Debate on the that does not work as good public they don’t stand back and let others Holo0caust relations for ADL and Hillel and trample over them. the academic community at USC The staff at The Daily Trojan [email protected] that is committed to the suppres- has just been trampled good and T: 209 682 5327 sion of a free exchange of ideas on proper. How does it feel? How the question before us.

California State University at Northridge

[NOTE: This text was copied to to? That the guardians of intellec- rial Class with Regard to the Holo- 460 student orgs, faculty and ad- tual conformity at CSUN protect caust Question.” See: ministrators at CSUN after my you from a free exchange of ideas It is a submission of a text link advertise- as if you were mere children? talk that Iranian students were free ment was rejected out of hand by On August 28, 2012, Bradley to listen to and to talk about openly. the student newspaper, The Sundi- Smith of CODOH, Committee for Not you, however. al.] Open Debate on the Holocaust, That URL never reached you. submitted a text link to run in The Nicole Maddocks, advertising ac- CSUN STUDENTS !!! Sundial. The link reads: count executive, informed us that her “Managers” had instructed her DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT HOLOCAUST HISTORY. The to reject the ad. They would not say YOU ARE BEING ASKED TO Issue of Academic Conformity. why. They would not reveal what LIVE IN AN INTELLECTUAL language, what words, offended DUNGEON? The URL leads you to the text their intellectual standards. We of the talk Smith gave at the Holo- would like to know what language That there are historical ques- caust Conference in Teheran, Iran, there is in the text of this talk that tions that your academic “Manag- in 2006 titled “The Irrational Vo- would destroy the minds and the ers” do not want you to have access cabulary of the American Professo- spirit of CSUN students. Specifi- 11

cally. Can you help? Can you help lieve you can be trusted to separate tionwide. See: yourselves? the wheat from the chaff regarding ykopqw8 When next you see the light of even such matters as the Holocaust If you can’t get Smith’s link day----they do let you out long question. from The Sundial, look for it at my enough to pay your tuition, don’t Ms. Maddock’s “Managers” are table near the Library. I am a friend they?-----I hope you will ask Ms. unlikely to change their minds and of Bradley Smith and will be a Maddocks who her “Managers” are allow The Sundial to publish source of information that the so that you can ask them why you Smith’s little ad. Her “Managers” “Managers” at The Sundial, and in can NOT see that little ad. What have their own “Managers.” They your classrooms, do not want you does it link to that Sundial “Man- include such folk as The Jewish to have access to—a free exchange agers” do not want you to see, to Anti-Defamation League of B’nai of ideas about the Holocaust ques- discover? B’rith and Hillel, The Foundation tion. Who benefits from such sup- Once you know who her “Man- for Jewish Campus Life. Take a pression of intellectual freedom? agers” are, get in touch with them, look at the 9,000-word Manuel The ADL? Hillel? Who benefits tell them you are (almost) grown, ADL and Hillel have published from a “Managed” press? ADL? that you are old enough to vote, to directing Hillel students and others Hillel? join the military and kill Muslims on how to suppress intellectual Zan Overall, The Wise Old Man anywhere in the world at the direc- freedom in the campus press na- tion of the State, and that you be-

Zan Overall: “The Wise Old Man”

his is the moment to in- of humor, the willingness to be thur R. Butz. Butz is a professor of troduce Mr. Zan Overall, open about something regarding electrical engineering at North- T “The Wise Old Man.” which maybe no other journalist on western University in Chicago. Zan is working with me on the Cal or off campus is so willing to— Tenured decades ago, he’s now State Northridge campus. Zan is a relax a little. more well known for his work as a straightforward, out-front activist— The following exchange took Holocaust denier than his academic never mind that he is 87 years place the end of last year in reac- areas of expertise, which, according old—who shows up at such venues tion to an article published in New to our article, include “digital sig- as the Academy Awards ceremo- Voices: National Jewish Student nal processing” and “median and nies and the Stephen S. Wise Tem- Magazine attacking Professor Butz related filtering.” ple with placards and leaflets about and his Hoax. In the Letters page These missives, all of them from gas chambers, 9/11, the USS Liber- the exchange was titled: “Defama- Butz’s fellow members of the Hol- ty, and related subjects. He con- tion of a genius and other defenses ocaust denial community, are simp- fronts Jewish orthodoxy in such of our favorite Holocaust denier.” ly too good not to share. So I’ll enterprises as the Jewish-edited The David A.M. Wilensky is the share them [at the time he shared Tablet and New Voices: National young, unique editor of New Voic- many others—I will copy only a Jewish Student Magazine. es. few by Zan]. To demonstrate something of his This first one, from Mr. Zan character (more on this down the [Letters] Overall, is my favorite. It came road) I copy here part of an ex- December 5th, 2011 http://www.- with its own preamble, which change he had with the young Da- reads, in part: vid A.M. Wilensky, editor of New Voices. At the same time you will David A.M. Wilensky: I was Zan Overall: “I would like to note that young Mr. Wilensky is surprised by the volume of emails I submit an article for New Voices something of a rare bird himself. received in response to last week’s but I don’t imagine I qualify since I Note the lack of hysteria, the sense article by Gabi P. Remz about Ar- 12

am not Jewish, immature and a stu- things jumped out at me when I Zundel trial in Canada when the dent at some college or university.” read the article. issue was joined openly in a court Wilensky: Well, immaturity “#1: Many campus groups tried of law. isn’t exactly a requirement around to engage Butz in public debate or “#2: (The author of the article, here, but I won’t count that against discussion, which (Rabbi) Balinsky Northwestern student) Toizer, talk- him. More of the preamble to the opposed. (Belinsky is a former Hil- ing about what comes to mind letter itself: lel director at Northwestern. He when he thinks of Butz, said, ‘How Overall: “. . . let me introduce wrote :). ‘To give him a platform is can someone so educated be so ig- myself. The simplest way to get to to give him everything he wants,’ norant about something?’ I would know me is to go to said Balinsky. ‘We thought it stake my life on the proposition ( and would be a terrible mistake.’ that Arthur Butz knows a great deal search for ‘Introducing the Wise more about the so-called ‘Holo- Old Man.’ You will find all six of caust’ than young Toizer. To call a the videos I posted there under that man of Dr. Butz’s stature and ac- soi-disant moniker. One called complishments ‘ignorant’ makes ‘The Wise Old Man at the Stephen you open to the same charge, Mas- S. Wise Temple’ is action-packed. ter Toizer. And then I hope you might get “I have a suggestion for Mr. some laughs out of my sketch God Toizer, Mr. Remz, David Wilensky Is a Goy? Oy! and everyone at New Voices. Read “I will snail mail some Holo- The Hoax of the 20th Century and caust revisionist literature to you. compose apologies to Dr. Butz.” No, no, don’t thank me!” – Zan Overall, the Wise Old Man at Wilensky: Indeed, I think I won’t. Anyway, his letter: Zan Overall Wilensky: This one was for- warded to me by Zan—“The Wise Overall: “I read ‘He Still “That is the only opinion I found Old Man of”— Teaches, Students Still Squirm,’ to agree with in the piece. Yes, Overall, the author of the previous Rabbi, it would have been a cata- letter. (The forwarded email in- your attack piece on Professor Ar- strophic mistake to debate Arthur cluded this proclamation from thur Butz of Northwestern Univer- Butz! Jews insult and try to injure Overall:) sity. He is the author of the book people who speak out against their “My credentials? The Anti- The Hoax of the Twentieth Century, lies. They have learned not to de- Defamation League called me a which disputes the conventional bate them! Jewish Holocaust ‘au- ‘Holocaust Denier.’ I must have story of the ‘Holocaust.’ Two thorities’ like Raul Hilberg were done something right.” shown up and embarrassed at the

The Wise Old Man at CSU-Northridge

Zan Overall

n Wednesday, Sept. 5, a text link that reads: “Holocaust Bradley. It turned out that, in spite I walked into the offic- History: the Question of Academ- of her title of “Advertising Ac- O es of the CSUN student ic Conformity.” I encountered count Executive,” she is a student newspaper, The Sundial, to dis- Nicole Maddocks, the person who and not in a position of authority. cuss the rejection of Bradley's ad, had communicated the rejection to 13

My gambit was to say that I am based on false information. I said read them. They agreed with no a friend of Bradley Smith, am that I had believed the same things hesitation. considering submitting an ad to about the "Holocaust" until I start- I asked if Hillel were to submit run in The Sundial, and wanted to ed to learn what the Revisionists an ad on the subject of the Holo- know how I could avoid a similar were arguing. I asked Holcomb caust, would it be accepted. The rejection. Maddocks said she and Maddocks if they had heard General Manager replied, very would get the file. She returned about Jews being gassed at Da- sagely, that it would depend on instead with Jody Holcomb, the chau and Buchenwald. They said the content. I asked what other ads General Manager of The Sundial. they had. I said they should go to had been rejected. With some hu- Holcomb is an employee of the Museum of Tolerance in West mor they mentioned ads submitted CSUN, perhaps 35 years old. She Los Angeles and look at the map for strip clubs and wet T-shirt did almost all of the talking. We showing concentration camps in contests and other such things. may have talked for fifteen Germany and Poland and learn Bradley has racy company. minutes. I volunteered that talking is Everyone the whole day was I asked if Hillel were to much better than emailing. They polite and never tried to truncate submit an ad on the subject of agreed heartily. I said that writing our conversations. I asked why the the Holocaust, would it be ac- something can be cold and seem ad had been rejected. Holcomb cepted. The General Manager or be hostile. I think Revisionists said they were concerned with replied, very sagely, that it should try to meet with people in "free speech—but …" etc. That would depend on the content. the opposite camp. There are plen- sums up the day pretty well. She I asked what other ads had ty of them! Being in the presence said in answer to my question that been rejected. With some hu- of someone you disagree with is the decision to reject the ad had mor they mentioned ads sub- much different than firing mis- been made by the editors of the mitted for strip clubs and wet sives back and forth. different departments and herself. T-shirt contests and other After I left the Sundial news- They voted unanimously to reject such things. Bradley has racy room I stopped by another office it. I learned in a later conversation company. to pick up an application to occu- that the Publisher of The Sundial py a table on "Cleary Walk," a and its Faculty Adviser did not that the claim about Dachau and place near the Library with nine vote in the meeting but had ad- Buchenwald having used “gas cement tables and seats (bring a vised the student editors to make chambers” to murder Jews had cushion). Campus groups can use that decision, as would be her du- been abandoned even by those the tables to distribute material ty if she felt that way. supporting other orthodox gas- and ask for funds. The public can Getting back to Holcomb's an- chamber stories. (I wish I had do the same: groups and individu- swer to my question as to why the asked them to send a reporter to als. Priority is given to CSUN ad had been rejected, she told me the M of T. I will in the future.) groups and students but that day that it was felt that there was Rather emotionally, I said that there was no one using a table. I something in the ad that, if pub- good Germans had been executed don't expect to get permission to lished, would give the impression based on those now abandoned pass out Revisionist literature but that the newspaper "supported" lies. I pointed out that no "repara- I will try. the views expressed in the ad. tions" have been directed to Ger- Very luckily, I looked over Reference was made to "question- many for that "error." what I had with me and thought able content." I asked if that I had prepared some eight mistakenly that I had lost the page meant there were inaccuracies in packets of information on the with my notes. I went back to the the ad or in the article it linked to. Holocaust in 8.5 by 11 manila Sundial offices to find the page or The reply was that that was not envelopes. I said that I believed get some of the names etc. The the question. The problem was they had only heard one side of person at the counter went to get that the ad was "offensive." the controversy and asked if they Ms. Maddocks. She returned with I told the two ladies that the would accept these packets and Mrs. Melissa Lalum, the Publisher decision was wrong and was and Faculty Adviser. She was a 14

very forceful person but always the next room and returned with a some people at CSUN. I have an polite. Her grip was that of a very one page Advertising Policy. She entre of some kind at The Sundial. strong man. All four people were, pointed this section out: "The Dai- Four people at The Sundial have I would say, polite but wary. ly Sundial will not accept adver- been exposed to revisionist argu- Ms. Lalum made it clear that tising that contains attacks or slurs ments with regard to the Holo- the decision to reject Smith’s ad of a racial, ethnic, sexist or reli- caust question. Further on, I will had been unanimous. I did learn gious nature." attempt to get the same packets then that she had advised the edi- When I started talking about into the hands of all the editors tors to go that direction. I Googled the Holocaust Lalum stepped back who made the decision to sup- her and learned that she had had a bit and made it very clear that press the ad. an important position at the local she did not want to talk about it. I Zan Overall newspaper, the Daily News, and can understand that she would not [email protected] had resigned with all the other want to get into a long back and executives and gone to CSUN. A forth. I did make the same re- PS: I am a member of Kappa canny woman. I also learned that marks about the information that Sigma Fraternity. I have not main- Lalum is a Jewish name. most people do not know about tained contact with Kappa Sig, but Lalum brought the Editor-in- the subject. I offered the same there is a chapter at CSUN. At Chief to meet me. She is a student packets to Lalum and Soley- some point I will contact them. I named Ashley Soley-Cerro, a slip Cerro. They both took them with believe they will be obliged to talk of a girl. She answered my ques- no hesitation or demurring. to me as an old Frat brother. It tions but Lalum did most of the Everyone that I talked to that will be interesting to see how they talking. When we got into the day volunteered that I could call respond to my campaign and in- question of the rejection I asked in with any further questions. I terests. for something in writing making was very pleased with the day. I clear their policy. Lalum went in have a personal relationship with

Fragments Bradley Smith Continued from page 4 depresses me, but we must face the the story. Holocaust suckers. I had Walter Pidgeon played Florenz truth, even if it's ugly, right? nothing to do with this creation. Ziegfeld in the movie. I recall one “Well, take care and please ac- The brain did it by itself. of the nights I went into the bar at cept this one truth-seeker's thanks Musso & Frank on Hollywood for your efforts.” *** Watching Barbara Streisand Boulevard and Pidgeon was sitting --Ray in Funny Girl. It was produced in at a table in the big open dining 1968. I remember one scene from room with three friends. I had *** Somewhere online I came 40-odd years ago. Streisand dash- grown up watching him on screen, across a short text referencing Hol- ing from the wing of the stage (as and now there he was. On screen he ocaust denial and mentioning that Fanny Bryce), tripping and falling was a big presence. there was a new phrase appearing on her face before the audience When we lived in Hollywood, here to compete with the newspeak with a tremendous energy that my wife cleaned house for the term “denial.” The term is “Holo- could not have been surpassed. Mussos. caust-obsessed.” I thought it rather Never forgot it. interesting, that I might use it. Tonight I am struck by her beau- *** Thomas Jefferson has been And then, out of the blue, the ty. I had not seen that before. Par- quoted as saying that giving infor- brain suggested “Holocaust suck- ticularly beautiful in profile. Not mation to the people is to be pre- ers.” The connection I suppose be- like the truly pretty girls she is sur- ferred to giving “energy” to the ing that those who are obsessed rounded by in the film, but beauty government. Revisionists side with with the Holocaust are suckers for with great character. Jefferson here. We are not Holo- 15

caust-obsessed, but are in the busi- their bully pulpits, we cannot let ture teachers per year, each of ness of giving information to the their lies go unanswered. That we whom will reach thousands of stu- people, of encouraging people to need to make clear that violence, dents during their career. Together, exchange information one with the bigotry will not be tolerated. . . . we are shaping the next generation other. Denying historical facts, especially of citizens and leaders who will be Those who are obsessed with on such an important subject as the responsible for building a better the Holocaust, who are suckers for Holocaust, is just not acceptable.” world. the story from beginning to end, UN Secretary General, Ban “Please support this essential specialize in giving “energy” to the Ki-Moon, addressed heads of work with a generous gift today: powerful, in and out of Govern- states and delegates from the 120 “Sincerely, ment. members of the Non-aligned “Peter Fredlake It’s not just Jews who are Holo- Movement in Teheran. Mr. Ban “Director, National Outreach for caust-obsessed. Leading the pack denounced Iran for its "outrageous" Teacher Initiatives: USHMM” are such folk as: comments I have a simple new text link ad and Israel's right to exist. “I strong- for Director Fredlake: *** UNESCO Director-Gen- ly reject . . . . outrageous comments “Inconvenient History ???”. eral, Irina Bokova, announces that to deny historical facts such as the in order to support the development Holocaust.” You will understand where the of Holocaust Education worldwide, Holocaust obsessed at the high- link will take the student and her UNESCO is launching two new est levels, sucking power from me- professors. projects. One: a global mapping of dia into their bureaucracies, the Holocaust Education worldwide. ruling elites, into themselves. Bradley The study will begin with an as- sessment of curricula from 195 Yet another from the USHMM Smith’s Report countries, showing where and to is published by what extent the Holocaust is estab- *** “Our nation's young people lished in the official school sylla- are returning to school. Committee for bus. The result will take the form of “And for some, the dangerous Open Debate a global mapping, illustrating distortions of Holocaust denial will on the Holocaust where the Holocaust is actually infiltrate their campuses under the being taught. guise of free thought and open de- Bradley R. Smith, Founder And two: a Regional Consulta- bate. tion with 13 African countries on “You and I know this is absurd, For your contribution of $39 the theme “Why Teach about Gen- but to an impressionable student, you will receive 12 issues of ocide? The Example of the Holo- the misinformation spread by Hol- Smith’s Report. caust”. For the first time in Africa, ocaust deniers may sound reasona- Canada and Mexico--$45 education leaders will have the op- ble. We must do everything we can Overseas--$49 portunity to have an in-depth con- to confront -- and combat -- this versation on this subject with spe- deception. Letters and Donations to: cialized educators and Holocaust “We are more than halfway to- and genocide scholars. ward reaching our $20,000 fund- Bradley R. Smith US Secretary of State, Hillary raising goal -- the cost of organiz- Post Office Box 439016 Clinton, addressed folk at the ing one of our teacher training San Ysidro, CA 92143 USHMM to state that every genera- workshops. tion produces extremist voices that “That's why we put so much ef- Desk: 209 682 5327 deny the Holocaust ever happened. fort into training teachers nation- Email That “we must remain vigilant wide to incorporate the lessons of against those deniers . . . because the Holocaust into their curricula. [email protected] when heads of state and religious “Our workshops on college leaders deny the Holocaust from campuses educate hundreds of fu- 16

No. 194 Challenging the Holocaust Taboo Since 1990 November 2012 Online at

Keeping Memory Alive for the Holocaust-Obsessed

Bradley Smith

aaretz reports that a new memory, one encouraged by many body. That way their skin will say survey to mark Interna- in the Holocaust-Obsessed com- “Never Forget.” “When Eli Sagir H tional Holocaust Memo- munity, is to welcome teenagers showed her grandfather, Yosef Di- rial Day found that only 6 percent and others to reproduce the tattoos amant, the new tattoo on her left of Israeli children cite history les- of old folk onto their own arms, or forearm, he bent his head to kiss it. sons as a significant source of perhaps any other part of their Mr. Diamant had the same tattoo, learning about the Holocaust the number 157622, permanently ( inked on his own arm by the Nazis The annual survey, conducted at Auschwitz. Nearly 70 years later, by the Massuah Institute for Holo- Ms. Sagir got hers at a hip tattoo caust Studies, shows school educa- parlor in down-town Jerusalem af- tion has a very limited influence on ter a high school trip to Poland. The shaping young Israelis' understand- next week, her mother and brother ing of the Holocaust. also had the six digits inscribed Only 0.5 percent said the Holo- onto their forearms. This month, caust memorial ceremonies, which her uncle followed suit. take place for Israeli children “‘All my generation knows throughout their school years, were nothing about the Holocaust,’ said significant in their Holocaust edu- Ms. Sagir, 21, who has had the tat- cation. too for four years. ‘You talk with Almost 40 percent cited survi- people and they think it’s like the vors' testimonies (memory) as hav- You will not be able to read the Exodus from Egypt, ancient histo- ing the highest educational value. texts of the tattoos above, but the ry.’ … photo gives a sense of the sensibili- “‘We are moving from lived *** We learn via The New York ties associated with the act of re- memory to historical memory,’ Times ( producing such tattoos in the ser- noted Michael Berenbaum, a pro- that one procedure to develop vice of memory. fessor at the American Jewish Uni-


versity in Los Angeles who is using numbers to count people, would be tantamount to detracting among the foremost scholars of the which could be a problem. from their dignity because no one memorialization of the Holocaust. “When a census was taken (Ex- can be encapsulated into a simple ‘We’re at that transition, and this is odus, Chapter 30; Numbers, Chap- objective icon such as a number. A sort of a brazen, in-your-face way ters 1 and 26), the quantification policy that forbids counting then of bridging it.’” was determined indirectly by using reflects a worldview that emphasiz- half-shekel coins as surrogates for es the need to relate to people as *** The newly released Holo- people. multidimensional human beings.” caust film, Numbered, follows “In the Book of Samuel, King Professor Corn is a doctor and Hanna Rabinovitz, a middle-aged David is punished for ordering an Chairman of the Institute of Radio- woman who puts her father’s num- unauthorized census. And these therapy at Tel Aviv Medical Center ber on her ankle after his death. days, when counting to see if a and Co-Founder of Life’s Door- The film also tells the story of Ayal ‘minyan’ is present, various 10- Tishkofet. An accomplished man. Gelles, a 28-year-old computer word scriptural phrases are used to Yet he appears to overlook the ob- programmer, and his grandfather, infer whether a prayer-quorum has vious. If you are Holocaust- Avraham Nachshon, both of whom coalesced. Obsessed, you can easily enumer- bear the number A-15510 on their ate groups of Jews up to the num- arms. ber Six Million. Mr. Gelles says that while he Where would the venerable was in Argentina he had had an Rabbi Rashi come down on this epiphany “seeing cows branded.” It troublesome issue? led him to get the number A-15510 tattooed on his own arm and to *** Hava Hershkovitz won the adopt a vegan diet. He did not tell “Miss Holocaust Survivor” Pageant his grandfather of his plan, or per- in Israel. The affair included a lav- haps of his new diet either. That ish dinner and music at a Haifa re- part’s not clear. He just did it. Now ception hall. Some 600 people at- the young Mr. Gelles has two tended, including two Cabinet min- unique memories. The tattoo on his isters, Moshe Kahlon and Yossi grandfather’s arm, and that strictly Hava Hershkovitz Peled, himself a Holocaust survi- vegetarian cow in Argentina. These Miss Holocaust Survivor vor. are the kinds of memories especial- A runner-up, the 74-year-old Es- ly welcomed by our professor Ber- “Alternatively, some jokingly ther Libber, is quoted as saying: “I enbaum, committed as they are to point at the minyan participants and have the privilege to show the obsessing about the Jewish Holo- enunciate ‘not one, not two, not world that Hitler wanted to exter- caust. three…’ as a way of pretending not minate us and we are alive. We are to count. also enjoying life. Thank God it's A headline in the Jerusalem “The rationale for the prohibi- that way.” Post reads: “Holocaust film tion against enumerating groups of Rather than the other way. ‘Numbered’ reminds us how much Jews is often thought to be a mysti- “The women, ranging in age people count” ( cal gesture to ward off some super- from 74 to 97, clearly enjoyed 94-vqhzc). Benjamin W. Corn, re- stitious force that might construe themselves. Wearing black dresses, viewing Numbered there, writes our counting as a form of bragging ear-rings and necklaces, and sport- that the movie is a collage of narra- and therefore retaliate by reducing ing blue-and-white numbered sash- tives and photographs of Auschwitz our critical mass. es, they grinned and waved as they survivors who were tattooed during “But Rashi, the medieval French were introduced to the adoring au- their incarceration. rabbi considered by most as father dience. Music played as the con- At the same time he notes that of all Torah commentators, sug- testants walked along a red carpet, Jewish tradition places a taboo on gests (Exodus, Chapter 30, Verse 12) that to count human beings Continued on page 11 2

Denying Obsession, Obsessing about Denial

Jett Rucker

hat’s me. Holocaust- obsessed” by “deniers” (the slur it’s important (to them and me), obsessed. I’ve been “fol- term intended to encompass revi- and they don’t want to talk about it, T lowing” (as one might a sionists such as me) instead of on nor hear about it from me. Isn’t that series of Tweets) the Holocaust revisionists (as it has been on me, weird? These are the hallmarks of since long before it even had its especially since my awakening) is religious belief—belief that will not brand name. I’ve always had a only one of several “inversions” to suffer examination. Belief that will slightly excessive interest in it, be- be seen between Rosenbaum’s be stubbornly affirmed on occa- cause I am of German descent and world and my own. Starting with sion, but never investigated. I have always lived among (class- this first inversion, I will catalog Contemplating this most- mates, friends, and, yes, even better them in what follows. baffling paradox, I tried to imagine than that) a large minority of Jews. The people (I know several that, somehow, I believed in the But once I discovered that much of such, including close relatives) who virgin birth of Jesus Christ. Then, I what I had learned about it hadn’t conjured up a friend who was per- happened, and that the rest hap- haps skeptical about it, and started pened very differently from the asking me questions and reviewing way I had so assiduously learned the details of the story, starting over fifty-some years of inquiry, with Joseph, husband to Mary who then I truly became Holocaust- bore Jesus, and who (Joseph) seems obsessed, and remain so to this day. to have left his wife a virgin at least My interest in genocides and until the time of the birth of what other government-sponsored racial might have appeared to bystanders enterprises also was piqued and to be “their son.” “I hope Mary maintained by my interest in the never complained to Joseph about German-Jewish interaction, and his frigid behavior, or vice-versa,” I naturally didn’t skip a beat when I Ron Rosenbaum imagined my friend snidely crack- escaped the dark side as mentioned ing. And thus, I came to understand above. To extend the appropriation consider me “Holocaust-obsessed” the reticence of believers in the of a term that once (only) meant of course know that I am a revi- Holocaust narrative in terms of an- “conflagration,” I am interested in sionist, and they, the people who other widely held belief that would “holocausts.” call me that, are not revisionists. seem to resist dispassionate inquiry So when I came across an article So, they argue with me about my of its very nature. I really wouldn’t in Slate by Ron Rosenbaum titled version of history and offer com- want to talk about it if I held the “A New Slur” and subtitled “Call- peting views, complete with cita- belief dear to my worldview, and I ing people ‘Holocaust-obsessed’ is tions of the evidence upon which really wouldn’t want my friend to the new Holocaust denial,” my con- they base their views, right? No, bring up the subject, either. fusion raced against my curiosity as not right, of course. What they tell But it’s still backwards, com- I devoured it. By the time I finished me, right after assuring me of the pared with Rosenbaum’s story. In it, I had the impression that Rosen- truth of the mainstream Holocaust my version, it’s the skeptic who’s baum inhabited a different universe mythology in which we all were obsessed, and the believer who’s from mine—one in which every- schooled (I conspicuously better uncommunicative, not the other thing was the reverse of what it is than any of them), is that they don’t way around. Rosenbaum, to his in the universe I know. It turns out want to talk about it! It’s settled credit, dredges up cases in writing that the use of the term “Holocaust- history, it’s incontrovertibly true, and discussion in which we can see 3

writers/speakers using the term in the group that was victim in the Speech Hypocrites” and subtitled the way he reports in his article’s “first edition” of the series is now “How can we ban hate speech title. But that still leaves me and perpetrator in the sustained process against Jews while defending my ilk, and though we aren’t nec- that has been underway since be- mockery of Muslims?” It reports essarily very numerous as yet, nor fore 1948 in Palestine. Rosen- the cutting observations of many all of us by any means quite public baum’s silence on this point is posi- Muslims of international stature in under circumstances where hostile tively deafening to this reader, the wake of the imbroglio brought listeners can identify us and get us while the liberal admission that on by the YouTube video Inno- fired from our jobs and, in some others can be victims of Holocausts cence of Muslims, in which Mo- advanced countries, even arrested serves to distract the semi-attentive hammed, the prophet of Islam, is and fined or imprisoned—still as a reader from this omission. excoriated in just about every way group I can clearly see that we dis- Rosenbaum displays other in- imaginable. These observers, play a great deal of “Holocaust ob- stances of comparative liberality in joined by the columnist, note that session” quite opposite to the sort the article that serve to obscure the the repugnant video is defended far Rosenbaum discusses in his blink- several obeisances he renders to and wide by the highest authorities ered account. What we get from various canards that still enliven of the “free” West under the rubric Rosenbaum, at least in this article, the horror story that the laws of of “freedom of expression.” All the is the silent treatment—we’re ig- several American states force while, in many of those same nored. In his universe, we don’t teachers to frighten their pupils Western countries, there are laws exist, or don’t deserve mention. with about those nasty Germans and legal standards that provide Other things that “don’t exist” in and how they gassed six million criminal sanctions against anyone Rosenbaum’s selective view in- innocent Jews (yes, that many in- who dares to undertake a discus- clude just about the biggest ele- nocent Jews). For example, he sion of Holocaust history in an ob- phant in the living room of my hab- notes, “I am not necessarily in fa- jective manner. itat: the Nakba, the ethnic cleans- vor of a pre-emptive strike by Israel Saletan notes, with unassailable ing, accompanied by occasional on Iran’s nuclear capacity,” though logic, that this position is the height spasms of slaughter and other, noting that he expects some sort of of hypocrisy, and rightly subjects more passive forms of mass killing catastrophe to arise from “the situa- Western sanctimony about individ- in and around the ever-expanding tion.” This might, even in the ual rights to the most scathing re- Eretz Yisrael. The relevance of not- minds of some historically well- pudiation. This particular posting ing my pachyderm visitor arises informed readers, tempt one to by Saletan garnered no fewer than from Rosenbaum’s ritual assertions overlook his reference to the 1,634 comments at press time, over that perhaps the main affront com- “shooting and gassing” used by the five times as many as his other mitted by those wielding the puta- Germans in committing the geno- postings, and the great majority of tive new weapon of the denialists is cide we all know about so surely these comments oppose or reject deprecating the importance of pre- and in such detail (but refuse to Saletan’s cold logic, typically in ad venting new Holocausts. discuss with skeptics). hominem terms. Yes, that’s a plural, and our Carrying this article does not So, even if Saletan’s article broad-minded reporter fairly notes advance the impression I have of might help restore your evaluation that there is, indeed, an ever- Slate as a site on which one can of Slate’s editors and at least some present danger of Holocausts, some count on finding well-reasoned, of its columnists, the Comments to of which might not even involve even-handed, even dispassionate the article will go far to disabuse Jews (as victims, of course). He analysis of today’s issues, and Ros- you of any regard for the great ma- even mentions unfortunate events enbaum is a columnist of long jority of its readers—or at least in Rwanda and the Balkans as can- standing with Slate. But it so hap- those moved to comment on arti- didates for such designation, but pens that Slate also carried another cles such as his. offers not the slightest hint that article, this by William Saletan on such a process might be underway September 28, barely a month after at the present time, much less that Rosenbaum’s jeremiad, titled “Hate


The Negro Soldier

[This is a thread initiated by Fritz Berg on the CODOH Forum]

ne piece of official US American soldiers in Germany by Friedrich Paul Berg war propaganda is a were so surprised later, even The quoted passage from Mein O wartime film (1945) shocked and outraged to hear Ger- Kampf actually appears in Volume entitled: The Negro Soldier. mans deny they had ever been giv- 2 of Mein Kampf, Chapter II, The ( en any such propaganda during the State. See the pdf, page 334 at: It was one of Frank Capra's entire war. Few realized that it was ( It is "masterpieces." Although Capra the Americans who had been total- very interesting to compare the en- was not Jewish (which he regretted ly brainwashed and lied to by their tire passage with the ways in which later in life as he explained as a own government just as Americans it was "edited" for the pastor's reason for his not being much more were totally lied to only ten years speech. A comparison with the ac- successful in Hollywood), it seems ago about mobile poison gas mak- tual German text is even more star- that most of the writers and others ing labs in Iraq by America's Secre- tling. directly involved in making this tary of State Colin Powell piece of racist filth, like Ben Hecht, Shame on America! by Wings were Jews. It was a Hollywood There were some Negroes in the film, after all, even though the US by Hannover Wehrmacht, including German Ne- taxpayer paid for it. And then there is Jesse Owens, groes of course, and, also American Listen especially to the film the black Olympic athlete, who Negroes, as well as those who were from about 4:40 to about 6:30 debunks the lies that Hitler snubbed from France, or other European (minutes). The Negro pastor in a him because of his race. Jesse Ow- Countries at the time, and also beautiful gothic-style church (just ens on the podium after winning Black Units from North Africa; like so many Negro churches of the long jump at the 1936 Summer these were all men who volun- that time—that’s a joke) supposed- Olympics: teered. ly quotes some text directly from “When I passed the Chancellor Mein Kampf ( I have not been able he arose, waved his hand at me, by Kladderadatsch to find any such text in Mein and I waved back at him. I think Friedrich Paul Berg wrote: “The Kampf). But then he slyly pulls out the writers showed bad taste in crit- quoted passage from Mein Kampf another piece of paper (watch very icizing the man of the hour in Ger- actually appears in Volume 2 of carefully) from the same book and many” . . . and . . . .“Hitler didn't Mein Kampf, Chapter II, The State. reads from the paper at about 5:50. snub me—it was FDR who It is very interesting to compare the That text says that Hitler and Ger- snubbed me. The president didn't entire passage with the ways in many must exterminate everyone even send me a telegram.” which it was ‘edited’ for the pas- on the planet who stands against Hitler was forbidden by Olym- tor's speech. A comparison with the them—including "Slavs, Russians, pic officials from visiting any ath- actual German text is even more Poles, and Czechs." letes after their events. Hence the startling.” Certainly, there is nothing like lie that Hitler deliberately avoided The passage quoted from Mein that in Mein Kampf—but the Amer- Owens is exposed. Jesse Owens Kampf is racist in an ugly way, but ican public, by this point, is totally was never invited to the White no more so than the rhetoric you fooled into believing they are being House nor bestowed any honors by might find in the writings or given a verifiable picture of Nazi Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt speeches of certain American poli- Germany that showed typical Ger- (FDR) or Harry S. Truman during ticians of the time. For sure, the man indoctrination at that time their terms. film is hypocritical in that respect. from either Mein Kampf, or wher- That said, I may be missing ever. something but I don't see too much 5

that I'd call "startling" when com- who is only an anthropoid by birth 1941 but was arrested for drug- paring the original and the translat- until the pretense can be made that possession in Denmark only to be ed texts. I do agree, however, that he has been turned into a lawyer; released 18 months later. With the the quotation has to be taken in while, on the other hand, millions outbreak of War, black-Germans context. Hitler's rhetoric is nasty in who belong to the most civilized wanted to fight for their country places (no one likes being called a races have to remain in positions just like any other German. Black- "half-ape" [Halbaffe]), but his which are unworthy of their cultur- Germans were able to enlist, others broader point is not so much to beat al level. were recruited for fighting in Tuni- down the black man as to point out “The bourgeois mind does not sia. When black German Werner the injustice of programs that artifi- realize that it is a sin against the Egiomue was initially turned down cially promote the less capable in will of the eternal Creator to allow when he tried to enlist, he protest- the interests of "racial equality." In hundreds of thousands of highly ed: “I’m German, I want to fight.” other words, it's basically an argu- gifted people to remain floundering He was enlisted. Even more inter- ment against affirmative action— in the swamp of proletarian misery estingly, were the cases of Norbert before "Affirmative Action": while Hottentots and Zulus are Desiree and Louis Joachim Eugene, Example: The italicized portion drilled to fill positions in the intel- both part of the thousands of below is more or less what we get lectual professions. For here we French volunteers in the German in the Capra film, as "tweaked" for have the product only of a drilling Wehrmacht, both black. Half-ape. an American audience. The rest is technique, just as in the case of the There were black volunteers in what Capra left out. performing dog. If the same the North African Arab Battalions, “From time to time our illus- amount of care and effort were ap- including the Freies Arabien Le- trated papers publish, for the edifi- plied among intelligent races each gion, as well as the 950th Infantry cation of the German philistine, the individual would become a thou- Regiment. There was even at least news that in some quarter or other sand times more capable in such one black Abwehr spy. Willy Baarn of the globe, and for the first time matters.” was arrested in Brazil and con- in that locality, a Negro has be- fessed to being a German spy who come a lawyer, a teacher, a pastor, by Raymond was trained in codes, ship-spotting even a grand opera tenor or some- Oh yeah, because you would and radio telegraphy at a German thing else of that kind. While the never see similar things written in training school for spies in Paris. bourgeois blockhead stares with America in the 1920s or 30s or 40s, Fact is, it was more rare during amazed admiration at the notice 50s, 60s. Come on! Yes, it is dis- that time period to find comments that tells him how marvelous are gusting and racist, but half-apes that go against what Hitler was say- the achievements of our modern such as myself were busy being ing rather than the plethora of simi- educational techniques, the more lynched over here during that time lar ideals all over the world, espe- cunning Jew sees in this fact a new period. cially in the 30s. Henry Ford any- proof to be utilized for the theory Early pictures clearly show one? with which he wants to infect the black members of the Freikorps, My own half-ape family was public, namely that all men are the Stahlhelmbund and SA. In other subjugated well into the 1960s by equal. words, black members of the Nazi American institutionalized racism, “It does not dawn on the murky party and movement, not just so let’s not pretend that Hitler was bourgeois mind that the fact which members of the armed forces, but any different than the rest of the is published for him is a sin against the political party. world at that time. reason itself, that it is an act of Black American Valaida Snow criminal insanity to train a being toured German occupied areas in

‘”People think the Holocaust ended,” said Benzion (Bibi) Netanyahu in 2009 to Channel 2’s political correspondent Amit Segal. “The Holocaust didn’t end. It continues all the time.’”


Deborah Lipstadt and the Double Standards That Surround Questioning the "Holocaust"

Paul Grubach

Professor Deborah Lipstadt the fact that the feelings and sensi- ble" in our society to debunk the Emory University bilities of Palestinian Arabs are genocide claims of the Gyp- Atlanta, Georgia offended in the process. sy/Roma people, regardless of the [email protected] There is no taboo here in the fact that this offends many of them. United States that prevents Jewish Nevertheless, Oxford University October 16, 2012 people from questioning the history Press would not dare publish a of that event. To my knowledge book that repudiates and debunks Ms. Lipstadt: there are no "Deir Yassin denial" the Jewish "Holocaust." laws in Israel or Europe that im- Undoubtedly, in their view it I have a legitimate reason to prison Jews or others who question would be "morally repugnant" and contact you. Since you are general- "anti-Semitic prejudice" to critique ly considered a renowned scholar According to France's and undermine the traditional Jew- of the Jewish Holocaust, I would highest court, a law that ish Holocaust story. Oxford Uni- very much like to hear your com- forbids the denial of the versity Press would not dare offend mentary on the following matter. Armenian genocide by the the feelings and sensibilities of After all, this information will per- Turks is unconstitutional. Jews by publishing a "Holocaust tain to my forthcoming critiques of denial" book. And there is still Nevertheless, laws that for- your writings for Inconvenient His- more. See: “French Court Rules tory bid the denial of the Jewish Armenian Genocide Law Unconsti- ( I "Holocaust" are supposed- tutional.” ( really do not expect you to respond, ly constitutionally valid. ptf) but in the interest of fairness and According to France's highest truth, I want to give you a preview it. Nevertheless, there are "Holo- court, a law that forbids the denial of my arguments. Please consider caust denial" laws in Israel and of the Armenian genocide by the the following email an amended throughout Europe, and strictly en- Turks is unconstitutional. Never- version of my email of October 15, forced taboos in the United States, theless, laws that forbid the denial 2012. that prevent people from question- of the Jewish "Holocaust" are sup- Consider the book by Israeli his- ing or debunking the "Holocaust," posedly constitutionally valid. The torian Uri Milstein, The Birth of the the alleged massacre of Jews by article states that France's highest Palestinian Nation: The Myth of Germans. And there is even more court ruled as follows on the law the Deir Yassin Massacre, which to consider. that forbids denial of the Armenian argues the Deir Yassin massacre of Many Gypsy/Roma people genocide by Turks: Arabs by Jewish Zionists was a claim that the Third Reich commit- "The Council ruled that the law, "myth." Notice the hypocritical ted genocide against their people. which would have imposed a double standard at work here. Another Jewish intellectual, Guen- 45,000-euro fine, a one-year prison Western society and Israel consider ther Lewy, wrote a lengthy tome sentence, or both, on genocide de- it "morally acceptable" for a Jewish entitled The Nazi Persecution of the niers, ran against the principles of intellectual to attempt to repudiate Gypsies—which was published by freedom of expression written into and debunk the claim that Arabs the distinguished Oxford Universi- France’s founding documents." were massacred and murdered at ty Press—that debunked this claim. Once again, an Armenian geno- Deir Yassin by Jews, regardless of This shows it is "morally accepta- cide denial law violates the French 7

constitution—but a Jewish Holo- mann Trial: she says that it was a matter of debate.” It is “an estab- caust denial law does not violate myth invented by Simon Wiesen- lished fact that needs no valida- the same constitution!!! France has thal. Once again this demonstrates tion.” strict laws that forbid anyone from how Jewish intellectuals such as These four examples show how debunking Jewish Holocaust yourself have infused the Holocaust the international Zionist power elite claims. In effect, in France the feel- issue with a hypocritical double has inculcated Western public con- ings and beliefs of Jews are raised standard. sciousness with their own hypocrit- above those of Armenians. According to your criteria as ical double standard with regard to Finally, consider this. Former presented in The Eichmann Trial, it "Holocaust" ideology. president of the United States Jim- is “morally acceptable” to question, If I am in error on any matter, my Carter claimed that 5 million debate and repudiate the story that please correct me. non-Jews were allegedly murdered the Nazis murdered five million by the Nazis in the concentration non-Jews. Yet, according to the Paul Grubach camps. Jewish Holocaust historian same standards as presented in The [email protected] Deborah Lipstadt debunked and Eichmann Trial, that the Nazis repudiated this claim in The Eich- murdered six million Jews is “not a


Siegfried Verbeke

hile I was visiting the http://www.normandie-heri- um valve” or “underpressure revisionist activist, valve”]. W researcher and pub- Or under the individual names When I returned home, I re- lisher Vincent Reynouard in at: searched the meaning of the word France, I used the opportunity to Unterdruckventil and the function visit Utah and Omaha Beach, espe- Most interesting to me was the of the valve in these bunkers, but I cially the German “Batterie de Kommandobunker. The present e- got no answer from engineering Crisbecq/Marcouf.” Even 5 days mail is accompanied, in attachment experts. I asked the Museum Ad- after the landing of the Americans [not included here], by photographs ministration, and am still waiting in 1944, the battery was still opera- of the airtight entrance to the bun- for an answer three months later. tional, causing the Americans a lot ker, taken from both the outside In my opinion, this device was of problems. and inside. intended for use, in the event of gas One can read more from the Another picture shows an open- attack, to create an “over-pressure” German viewpoint in the book Ils ing, equipped with airtight doors, inside the Kommandobunker, thus arrivent! Le débarquement des alli- bearing the written notice: “Bei preventing toxic gases from enter- és en Normandie by Paul Carrell, Gas Türe zu” (“In Case of Gas At- ing the bunker. [American gas who was a French Waffen-SS vol- tack Close Doors”). To the right, chambers are designed to create a unteer (if I’m not wrong). The book there is a kind of telephone-device partial vacuum inside the chamber is also available in German, pub- with, underneath it, a device re- to prevent the escape of any deadly lished by Ullstein Verlag, Germa- ferred to in a painted notice as an gas to the exterior, endangering the ny. “Undendruckventil” [apparently the witnesses to an execution. Obvi- bunkers have been repainted for the ously, in an air-raid shelter, the sbecq.html tourists, since the correct German same principle would work in re- term for this would be Unterdruck- verse: the valve would be designed ventil, usually translated as “vacu- to prevent the leak of toxic gases 8

inwards, rather than outwards. Camp). Nor do the very detailed son) we may perhaps now add: “No Theoretically, it should be possible inventory-registers of the premises Unterdruckventil, No Gas Cham- to tell by the design of the valve or at Birkenau contain any mention of bers.” valves whether or not a structure is any such valve at Birkenau. There Can anyone among our SR an execution gas chamber or, in is no mention of such valves (pric- readers provide us with more in- fact, an air raid shelter.] es, technical descriptions, etc.) in formation about this "Unterdruck- The problem of this “underpres- the correspondence between the ventil" issue? sure valve” or “vacuum valve” has various manufacturers involved and major consequences where revi- the Bauleitung [or Construction Siegfried Verbeke, Kortrijk, sionism is concerned, because there Administration]. Belgium is no indication of any such device in the [so-called] “homicidal gas Conclusion: after “No Holes, chamber” at Auschwitz I (Main No Holocaust” (by Robert Fauris-

In Spite of the Repression, Revisionism Will Win

Robert Faurisson

July 28, 2012 was quite normal, had hurried to down that sentence I will not sign the rescue of a Superlie in distress the minutes. his past July 25, in Paris, [“Superliar” was for a long time the a judge notified me of nickname given to Jacques Chirac The inexorable victory of revi- T three criminal proceed- in a highly popular comical pro- sionism ings brought against me, essentially gram on French television devoted On the strictly scientific and his- for having taken part in the interna- to current affairs – translator's torical level the revisionists’ victo- tional conference in Tehran on “the note]. ry is already total, but the news Holocaust.” I shall remind the Moreover, today, July 28, I have must still be brought to the reader that at that conference, held received a police summons for knowledge of the general public, on December 11th and 12th, 2006, questioning on July 31. Having which is no small matter. all participants without exception, inquired of local officers by tele- In any case, there is necessarily whether believers or disputers of phone, I know that it concerns revi- a considerable time lag between the the new religion, were able to have sionist remarks that I seem to have moment when a staggering scien- their arguments heard freely. made recently on the Internet. tific find occurs and the moment On December 13, 2006, Jacques I usually accede to the sum- when public opinion finally decides Chirac, then president of the French monses of investigating magistrates to accept that find. In former times Republic, had decried my participa- or police officers but I never an- it could take centuries but nowa- tion in the conference and an- swer their questions, apart from days, especially thanks to the Inter- nounced his request that a judicial those about my identity. Even if the net, two or three generations may investigation be opened against me. person in charge balks and grum- suffice (from 66 to 99 years after It is precisely that investigation that bles, I always have him record in 1945!). Someday researchers from has resulted now, five and a half the minutes my brief ritual state- all backgrounds will work together years on, in my triple prosecution. ment: “I refuse to collaborate with to publish on the Internet an inter- One must also note that certain pi- the French police and justice sys- minable Encyclopaedia of Lies of ous organizations have since joined tem in the repression of historical the Holocaust, a huge Collection of their own legal complaints to the revisionism.” I warn him before- Holocaust Howlers, a vast invento- initiative of “Super liar” who, as hand that should he refuse to write


ry of fakes and falsification by the Auschwitz and Birkenau be surren- lerie Igounet in small print towards “true falsifiers of history.” dered to nature. In other words, if I the very end of her book, Histoire With sources or references to understand correctly, the tens of du négationnisme en France, Seuil, hand, readers will discover the millions of tourists or pilgrims who Paris, 2000, pp. 613-652. names and works of those who have visited the place have been Sic transit gloria turpis have dishonored themselves either and continue to be fooled with an mendacii! [How quickly doth the by lies, slanders and false testimo- abundance of false evidence. For glory of the foul lie pass away!]. ny or by calls for repression against me, the exploiters of the Auschwitz The Auschwitz swindle has had revisionists. Future generations will myth are not just making fools of its day. As for the repression exert- see, in the actual evidence, how a ed by the swindlers, it is a sign that certain type of universal religion At first, the swindlers pro- they have run out of arguments. largely founded on hatred, fraud vided an abundance of “evi- They were asked for “one proof, and lucre is born, lives and dies. No dence”, all of which proved to one single proof” to back up their plot or conspiracy has been needed be fallacious, so much so that terrible accusation: according to to turn out these holocaustic abjec- later, from 1979, they had to them, for over four years Germany tions; the self-assurance of a victor conclude that there was, after had perpetrated against the Jewish with unlimited power, his inso- all, no need to prove the obvi- people a crime without precedent in lence, cynicism and taste for ous! * It only remained for the history of mankind, and for all vengeance, on the one hand, and them to strike blows at the that time the whole world, except the exploitation of Stupidity, Lies noncompliant and strike they for a handful of “Righteous” ones, and Credulity, on the other hand, did. had remained indifferent to the un- have been enough. speakable horror. On the victories won thus far by the living but are also mocking the At first, the swindlers provided revisionism and most often hidden dead, whose real sufferings are thus an abundance of “evidence,” all of from the general public see, on the relegated to make way for phan- which proved to be fallacious, so blog tasmagorical tales born of sick much so that later, from 1979, they, brains and turned to profit by swin- had to conclude that there was, af- my writings of December 11, 2006 dlers. ter all, no need to prove the obvi- and I confirm it here: today—since ous! * It only remained for them to September 11, 2011 Error! Hyper- December 27, 2009, in fact—there strike blows at the noncompliant, link reference not valid. is no one to be found putting forth and strike they did. They have any scientific evidence to support struck in producing works where Here I shall call the reader’s at- this cause built both on the too real guessing vies with speculation, in tention to the part of the latter arti- pain of victims and on too many the cinema as well as in novels, cle (“The Victories of Revisionism “facts [not] established” and, con- both with brainwashing and with – continued”) under the heading sequently, “bound for the rubbish physical violence, along with the “The coup de grâce given, on De- bins of history.” The admission is unjust power of the law. All a cember 27, 2009, to the myth of the Jean-Claude Pressac’s. Still reeling waste of effort. Revisionism will Nazi ‘gas chambers.’” from the defeat that he had had to win. It deals with Robert Jan van endure during my trial of May 9, July 28, 2012 Pelt, whom I sometimes call “the 1995, where barrister Eric Delcroix * “La politique hitlérienne d'ex- last of the Mohicans of the exter- and I had demanded his appear- termination: Une déclaration des minationist cause.” Van Pelt is a ance, the man signed that admis- historiens français,” Le Monde, Jewish researcher who, giving up sion a month later, on June 15, February 21, 1979, p. 23. the fight, has come to acknowledge 1995, at the end of a text of nearly Faurisson’s Blog is here: that there exists at Auschwitz, capi- forty pages. This capitulation by a tal of “the Holocaust,” no evidence former employee of the Klarsfeld 12/07/in-spite-of-repression- of an extermination of the Jews but couple was first kept under lock revisionism-will.html only “testimonies” (sic). He rec- and key for five years. Then the ommends that the entire site of piece was finally revealed by Va- 10

Keeping Memory Alive, Smith continued from page 2 described their memories of the In fact, I think the photo of Hava A Holocaust board game. Second World War. Hershkovitz reveals an image of a A Holocaust fashion show with “A four-judge panel consisting woman who, in all likelihood, was high-end clothing that resembles of three former beauty queens and a once rather beautiful. the garb worn by inmates. geriatric psychiatrist who special- Still . . . “Dancing with the Holocaust izes in treating Holocaust survivors Survivors” which would take place chose the winner. Hava Hersh- *** Here is Giuseppe Furioso in a mock gas chamber. The judges kovitz, a soon-to-be 79-year-old, with a few thought on keeping of course would be dressed as SS. was banished from her home in Memory alive for the Holocaust- “Family Feud”, which would pit Romania in 1941 and sent to a de- Obsessed: Holocaust survivors against Blacks tention camp in the Soviet Union He says: for both sympathy and cash awards. for three years. Today, she lives in Let's see what else the purveyors A fake Holocaust memoir award an assisted living home run by of history's greatest tragedy can do for the most brazen and unbelieva- Helping Hand.” to keep the memory of this mon- ble story of Holocaust survival. This contest was among the strous lie alive....there is already a Holocaust Idol. A singing com- many unconventional beauty pag- Holocaust cookbook, In Memory’s petition between Holocaust survi- eants that have sprouted up over the Kitchen. Here are just a few of my vors. years. The war-torn countries of ideas: An auction of concentration Angola and Cambodia have held A Holocaust theme park pat- camp artifacts. "Miss Landmine" contests for sur- terned after Disneyland complete The Holocaust Olympics featur- vivors of land mine explosions, with fake gas chambers, lamp- ing elderly Jews in athletic compe- Star Trek fans enjoy the "Miss shades, bars of soap, etc. tition. Klingon Empire" contest in Atlan- Holocaust trading cards with the A Musical Comedy called “Fi- ta, and plus-sized women in Thai- gas chamber card being the one nal Solution.” land compete for the honor of most difficult to find (some would Any other ideas? "Miss Jumbo Queen." argue that it may not really exist)

Memorial to Romany Victims of Holocaust

New York Times victims of the Nazis’ racial purge tims of Nazi persecution, including 24 October 2012 of Europe while reminding the liv- a sea of polished concrete slabs, ing of their duty to shield minority unveiled in May 2005, that com- BERLIN — [Edited] Germany populations from harm. memorates the millions of Jews paid tribute on Wednesday to the “But let’s not beat around the who were killed during the Third hundreds of thousands of Romany bush,” she told the audience, which Reich, and a smaller memorial for people killed in the Holocaust, included the head of the German gay men and lesbians that opened opening a long-awaited place of Central Council of Sinti and Roma, three years later. remembrance for a minority still Romani Rose, and Joachim Gauck, Beautiful! plagued by discrimination. the German president. “Sinti and In case you don’t know (I didn’t Addressing a crowd that includ- Roma suffer today from discrimi- know), the Sinti speak the Sinti- ed Holocaust survivors and promi- nation and exclusion.” Manouche variety of Romani, nent German politicians, Chancel- The ceremony took place in a which exhibits strong German in- lor Angela Merkel noted that the leafy corner of the city’s sprawling fluence. According to Wikipedia, site, called the “Memorial for the Tiergarten park, across the street the origin of the name "Sinti/Sinte" Sinti and Roma of Europe Mur- from the Reichstag, Germany’s is uncertain. But it can be shown to dered in National Socialism,” Parliament building, and close to have been adopted in the 18th cen- served to honor the Roma and Sinti Berlin’s other monuments to vic- 11

tury, possibly from a German- using a secret language in the 20th the world—along with the Roma based secret language. century to disguise their operational and others. Not everyone buys into that. plans to exterminate all the Jews in Why not? The Germans were still

Jane Fonda to Host Event Focusing on Sexual Violence During the Holo- caust.

More than 200 people are ex- and charities that deal with geno- Following Fonda’s presentation, pected for the invitation-only event cide and gender, a source familiar a panel will feature Saidel, execu- on Nov. 8 at the Ray Kurtzman with the event has said. Fonda will tive director of Remember the Theater in Los Angeles. The event read aloud works from Israeli Women Institute, and Stephen is sponsored by the USC Shoah playwright and author Nava Semel, Smith, executive director of the Foundation and Remember the and also will introduce a reel of USC Shoah Foundation, moderated Women Institute. testimonial clips from Holocaust by Jessica Neuwirth, president of Fonda was asked to be involved survivors discussing sexual vio- Equality Now. because she is active with programs lence.

Another Holocaust Claims Conference Schemer Convicted preparing fraudulent applications Another participant in the for nonexistent victims of the very Conference on Jewish Material real Nazi persecution of the Jews. Claims Against Germany scandal The recipients then paid back part has admitted her role in that $57 of their ill gains to the schemers. million scheme to approve nearly The scam was discovered in 5,000 fraudulent applications, re- 2010 and the FBI has so far sulting in payouts to applicants charged 31 people. Romashova's who did not qualify for the pro- sentencing will take place early grams. next year. The latest conspirator to plead Would Angela Merkel believe guilty is Valentina Romashova, 65, this has really happened? Jews de- from Brooklyn, She faces at least frauding Germans? Hardly believ- five years in prison. Romashova Valentina Romashova able. We’ll have to see what comes and several others worked in col- of it all. laboration with employees of The Conference on Germany, which administers the funds, by

*** Robert Fisk in The Independent on September 30, 2012. – “Israeli President "Bibi" Netanyahu says that Iran could have a nuclear bomb ‘… by the middle of next year …’ “But whoops! Here's a little downgrading for the reader. “’Iran is the centre of terrorism, fundamentalism and subversion and is … more dangerous than Nazism, because Hitler did not possess a nuclear bomb …’ Bibi speaking on Thursday? Nope. The ex-Prime Minister of Israel, Shimon Peres, in 1996. And – I'm indebted here to the indispensable Roger Cohen – Peres himself said in 1992 that Iran would have a nuclear bomb by 1999! That's 13 years ago. And Ehud Barak – now Bibi's Defence Minister – said in 1996 that Iran would have a nuke by 2004. That's eight years ago. Maybe cartoons are all that's left.”


Smith Alerts Director of Genocide Studies at U Minnesota–Twin Cities to the Problem of Fraud in Survivor Testimony

[NOTE: Professor Baer has not ti-Semitism, abuses of Holocaust demonstrably used memory to in- responded to my letter. It has now memory, the transnationalization of tentionally corrupt the historical been copied to some 680 faculty, memory, and memory of the Holo- record of those events in which administration and student orgs on caust as portrayed in images. they were caught up. the Twin Cities campus.] Taking all this together, which I take it as a given that you do is impressive, I would like to ask if not want false memory about the October 11 2012 you have treated with the memory Holocaust to be taught to students of such men as Filip Muller and at University of Minnesota, or to be Alejandro Baer Abraham Bomba, each of which ignored by their faculty for any Director, Center for Holocaust & provided central eyewitness testi- professional or political reason. Genocide Studies mony from memory about gassing I look forward to hearing from College of Liberal Arts chambers, Muller about those at you, however briefly. University of Minnesota. Auschwitz and Bomba at Treblin- Email: [email protected] ka. Or the memory of Irene Zisblatt Bradley Smith where she recalls that for a year PO Box 439016 Professor Baer: and a half at Auschwitz she rou- San Ysidro, California 92143 Congratulations on being named tinely swallowed and defecated her Email: [email protected] to the Stephen Feinstein Chair and family diamonds. the new Director of the Center for I have searched the Web look- PS: You might want to watch Holocaust and Genocide Studies ing for how you have treated with Irene Zisblatt using memory to (CHGS). these three central figures of Holo- purposely demonize others. See: On the CHGS website caust memory but find nothing. It ( it is could be my lack of sophistication Do you believe such use of noted that you are a distinguished in how I use the search tools. I am memory regarding the Holocaust scholar of Holocaust memory and interested in how you deal with should be ignored? testimony. On that page it is reiter- such pivotal figures of Holocaust ated: you are interested in memory memory—and there are many, of the Holocaust, memory and An- many others like these—who have

Zan Overall Following Up at Cal State Northridge

[The first item here is the text of try. But that’s not the way it is. Hil- Manzanita Hall 140 a letter by Zan Overall sent to each lel, the USHMM, ADL, the profes- 18111 Nordhoff St. staff member of The Daily Sundial sorial class itself—they all some- Northridge CA 91330-8258 and its advisors at Cal State how sense that what they are using Northridge. Because of this, no to promote their wealth and their Dear [ …. ] specific name is shown here position in the culture is so fragile The following back and forth that even these very small events On August 28, 2012, Bradley with Zan and Shafar about prepa- can create one crack after another Smith of CODOH, Committee for rations to leaflet a couple universi- in the façade of their mission until Open Debate on the Holocaust, ty campuses should be seen as in- the entire structure shatters.] submitted an ad to run in the Daily consequential affairs by media, Sundial. It contained this link: academics, and professional prop- To: [Individual Name and Position] “HOLOCAUST HISTORY: The agandists for the Holocaust Indus- The Daily Sundial Issue of Academic Conformity”.


A committee of The Sundial camps” there. For no other topic ee so stay tuned. You must make an student editors plus the Publisher than the “Holocaust” can claims be application, have it approved and and General Manager voted to ban made be made, people be executed give them copies of the material for the ad. You may have been in that on the basis of those claims, the their files. Their student newspaper, committee. If the ad had run, your same claims be withdrawn and the the Sundial, denied Bradley the fellow students and faculty would people who made the original right to run his ad on this basis: have had access to information claims still retain credibility and ‘The Daily Sundial will not accept about a controversial issue that is respect. advertising that contains attacks or not freely discussed in the media or My hope is, [name of address- slurs of a racial, ethnic, sexist or in college classrooms. I am sure the ee], that you will open your mind to religious nature.’ committee felt it was acting for the possibility that you have been “If you disagree with a belief of good reasons and with the welfare misinformed about the “Holocaust” someone with an ethnic identity, of the paper in mind, but they acted and will come to believe that are you attacking him or just an- against Academic Freedom. CSUN students and faculty should noying him with a differing view? I Is the Holocaust the only subject have free access to facts about the wish that the Sundial would take that should not be openly debated? subject. the more liberal stance of the peo- People in many European countries I also hope that, if presented ple who approved my application. go to prison when they openly dis- with another decision to make re- What I will be doing could be con- cuss the “Holocaust” from a per- garding an ad about the subject, strued as an attack on the beliefs of spective other than the official one. you will vote for Academic Free- Jews (and Gentiles) regarding the We don’t want that to happen here, dom. ‘Holy Holocaust.’ We'll see if they do we? Feel free to correspond with me. let me do this forever. What I will I am enclosing some infor- do is more ‘retail,’ while the ad was mation about the alleged “Holo- Best wishes, ‘wholesale.’ caust,” written from a “revisionist” Zan Overall, Associate, “I will try to get my activity perspective. With all due respect, I CODOH [email protected] videoed and put on YouTube and believe you will encounter truths the internet. That would ‘whole- that you were not aware of. For sale’ it.” example, in the excerpts from the After ten days Zan told me that book The Myth of the Six Million he had received no response. I had *** Meanwhile, Zan is a busy by Prof. David L. Hoggan, a histo- thought the possibility of a re- guy. He’s working on some come- ry professor at Stanford, you will sponse was unlikely. That’s the dy scripts hoping to “mix some find that the International Commit- way it usually works. We would truth in with it.” In addition he is tee of the Red Cross had access to just go straight ahead. starting work on a short novel for the German internment camps dur- A week later Zan wrote: teenagers about crop circles. It does ing the war, distributed food par- “I visited CSUN, California not tie in with the big H but, Zan cels there and found NO evidence State University at Northridge, to- says,” it is one of the few beautiful of the claimed mass executions. day. Learned, to my surprise, that I things happening on this Earth.” Elsewhere, you will find that am authorized to ‘table’ anywhere I have watched one very short many claims about the “Holocaust” on the campus for any ‘social ques- video he did for YouTube he calls a have been withdrawn. People like tion.’” They did not deny me the “table reading.” It’s titled: “God is Simon Wiesenthal have admitted right to distribute material skeptical a Goy. Oy.” It’s well read and has a that there were no “death camps” in of the conventional view of the good comic sense http://tinyurl.- Germany proper. The map showing ‘Holocaust.’ The decision seemed com/9kjyujj). camps in Germany at the Museum to be made by a low level employ- of Tolerance shows no “death

“What do I think of Western civilization? I think it would be a very good idea." ---- Mahatma Gandhi


Shafar Nullifidian: Poland, Emerson College, Stephen Spielberg’s Esoteric Message

I’m giving more serious consid- puter and figure out a way to get ject of Steven Spielberg’s The Last eration to traveling to Poland, os- them to you. Maybe on Facebook? Days. tensibly to seek out ancestry con- I thought that parking would be Having seen Eric Hunt’s The nections. My paternal grandparents a major problem. I was parked in Last Days of the Big Lie, I consid- were from Poland. My grandfather the Boston Common Underground ered Spielberg the lowest form of was one of six or seven children. Car Park for a total of 36 minutes. life in existence. Having interviews My assumption is that my great The cost was $10.00. Has to be with 50,000 survivors, the 5 that he grandfather more than likely was paid with a credit card or debit selects here are the 5 most seriously from a large family. So it’s possible card. Finding a parking spot on the mentally disturbed, execrably ego- there are a number of branches on street level is as likely as finding tistical, monstrously mendacious, the family tree. It may even be a Porky Pig having a Ham on Rye saurian psychotics he could feature. bush. So beyond rationality are these I hope to learn about how the I think a scholarly piece witnesses I began to wonder if family fared during the war years could be done in which Spiel- Spielberg’s “esoteric” message and to get a chance to visit Ausch- berg is called out as a closet was: witz, Majdanek, Chelmo, Belzec, Holocaust Denier. To have cre- “Hey folks, how can you possi- Sobibor and Treblinka. Even ated such an epic movie about bly give any credibility to Holo- though there is really nothing much the Holocaust built on a foun- caustrianism? These are the exem- to see, I will feel more comfortable dation of this group of misan- plars of what can only be character- writing Holocaust Revisionist copy thropes. Is he a “self-hating ized as a Hollow Hoax. I think a having visited these places. My Jew” for having used these se- scholarly piece could be done in guess is that many of the “Extermi- riously disturbed buffoons for which Spielberg is called out as a nationists" have never been to the his movie? closet Holocaust Denier. To have places about which they write. created such an epic movie about hoagie in Schmuel Goldstein’s Del- the Holocaust built on a foundation *** I went to Boston to check icatessen in the Williamsburg Sec- of this group of misanthropes. Is he out Emerson College. It is right in tion of Brooklyn. a “self-hating Jew” for having used the middle of the city. It does not I checked the rates and over all these seriously disturbed buffoons have a campus or quad. Its students they are not all that bad. It depends for his movie? (Ashkenazim were use Boston Common as their cam- on how long one is doing the leaf- never too fond of Hungarian Jews.) pus for intramural sports! Its build- leting and how often. I’d really like Is Spielberg a racist with regard to ings look no different than any of- to have a table with some other African Americans? The Afro- fice building you would see in any handouts. If students and hoi polloi Americans play roles in this movie major metropolis. One building is of Boston are lolling around in the that make the stooges in “black on Tremont St., the others around park and take the time to read what face” popular when we were kids the corner on Boylston Street. I give them, their interest may be appear as mental colossuses. Across from each of these build- piqued to the point that they just Someone should do a piece and ings is Boston Common. might come back looking for more send it to the so---L called main- There are all kinds of spaces in information. stream media blogs that deal with which someone could set up a table entertainment, movies etc. strongly near the sidewalk on Tremont St. or *** I just opened your email suggesting that Spielberg’s motive inside the park near one of the exits with the letter to Alejandro Baer. could possibly be nobler than that from the tri-level underground I’m always amazed with the fre- for which he is given credit, i.e. parking garage. I took some video quency of synchronicity. It was discrediting the whole Holocaust shots with my cell phone. I’ll have only within the past couple of hours Industry and the Liars both living Number One Son get into my com- that I happened to bring up the sub- 15

and dead who created it and made *** A BRIEF MESSAGE I expect Robert to come through it grow. FROM ROBERT FAURISSON this last little adventure with some ease. He is in good health general- *** Zan has received permis- October 23, 2012 ly, he’s not overweight, and when sion to use a campus table at Cal During the night of October 15- we were in Teheran he was still State University at Northridge to 16 I was hospitalized in an emer- playing tennis. I was limping distribute information to students gency, and underwent an operation around over there with a bad knee and whomever. He has submitted a for myocardial infarction. I have and he told me that when I got it list of documents he will make been prescribed complete rest. I fixed we would get together and available, at no charge, to those will resume contact with my corre- play a few sets. When he spoke his who are interested. As he notes, spondents in about two weeks' grin was a little crooked, devilish I they will relate to three different time. might say, a grin that I had not seen “social issues,” as required by uni- Best wishes. before. It betrayed the joke that he versity regulations. .Zan’s “social R. Faurisson was making, both of us understand- issues” include: ing that, unlike him, my tennis days *** Robert is 83 years old now. were behind me. 1: The U.S.S. Liberty Affair A year older than me. The picture Robert: Get well. We all expect A: “Commonly Asked Ques- that first comes to mind as I write to hear from you shortly. tions About the U.S.S. Liberty.” these few words is the afternoon Prepared by the Independent some twenty-five years ago in Hol- Commission of Inquiry. lywood when he visited and we sat B: “Remember the USS Liber- on the old wooden porch in Pine- Bradley ty.” A special edition of the Ameri- hurst Canyon eating and drinking can Free Press, dated June 8, 2011. wine and laughing the afternoon Smith’s Report away. Keith Stimely was there with is published by 2: Who Did 9/11? us. I don’t recall a word that passed A: “Why Do People Say Israel between us, but I can see us there Committee for Did 9/11?” Written by Zan Overall, with great clarity, laughing. Open Debate and associated with the website I saw him a number of times fol- on the Holocaust lowing that at conferences and meetings here and there. The last B: “”Israel – Not Islam – Did Bradley R. Smith, Founder 9/11.” By the same author. time in Teheran during the Holo- caust Conference in 2006. For your contribution of $39 3: The Holocaust Controversy And now the brain recalls work- you will receive 12 issues of A: “The Holocaust—Let’s Hear ing in the wooden garage out be- Smith’s Report. Both Sides.” A pamphlet prepared hind the old wooden house in that Canada and Mexico--$45 by the Institute for Historical Re- Hollywood canyon, working on a Overseas--$49 view. typewriter on a table I made my- self. I was interviewing Robert B: “The Myth of the Six Mil- Letters and Donations to: lion.” Extracted pages from the about his personal life. We did it book The Myth of the Six Million via letter, the old fashioned way. I Bradley R. Smith by Prof. David L. Hoggan, former would send him half a dozen ques- Post Office Box 439016 History Professor at Stanford Uni- tions, wait a couple weeks for his San Ysidro, CA 92143 versity. response and the additional infor- C: “The ‘Holocaust’ Lie— mation he would send. After the Desk: 209 682 5327 piece was published Serge Thion How Do We Know That the ‘Holo- Email caust’ Is a Lie?” Written by Dr. told me it would probably be the Lorraine Day, M.D. only such interview with Robert [email protected] that would ever be published.