Terricolous Lichens in the Glacier Forefield of the Pasterze (Eastern Alps, Carinthia, Austria)
Author’s personal copy Phyton (Horn, Austria) Vol. 55 Fasc. 2 201–214 15. 12. 2015 DOI: 10.12905/0380.phyton55(2)2015-0201 Terricolous Lichens in the Glacier Forefield of the Pasterze (Eastern Alps, Carinthia, Austria) By Peter O. BILOVITZ*), Anja WALLNER, Veronika TUTZER, Juri NASCIMBENE**) and Helmut MAYRHOFER*) With 1 Figure Received April 30, 2015 Key words: Lichenized Ascomycetes, Lichenes. – Biodiversity, ecology, flora, floristics. – Alps, glacier forefield, glacier retreat. Summary BILOVITZ P. O., WALLNER A., TUTZER V. , NASCIMBENE J. & MAYRHOFER H. 2015. Ter- ricolous lichens in the glacier forefield of the Pasterze (Eastern Alps, Carinthia, Austria). – Phyton (Horn, Austria) 55 (2): 201–214, with 1 figure. The investigation of lichens on soil, plant debris and terricolous mosses in the glacier forefield of the Pasterze yielded 35 lichen species. Placidiopsis oreades BREUSS (Verrucariales) is new to Austria. Three sampling sites were established at increasing distance from the glacier, in order to compare species diversity, abun- dance and composition within the forefield and with four other glacier forefields of the Eastern Alps. Zusammenfassung BILOVITZ P. O., WALLNER A., TUTZER V. , NASCIMBENE J. & MAYRHOFER H. 2015. Ter- ricolous lichens in the glacier forefield of the Pasterze (Eastern Alps, Carinthia, Austria). [Terricole Flechten im Gletschervorfeld der Pasterze (Ostalpen, Kärnten, Österreich)]. – Phyton (Horn, Austria) 55 (2): 201–214, mit 1 Abbildung. *) Mag. Dr. Peter O. BILOVITZ (corresponding author), Ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Helmut MAYRHOFER, Institute of Plant Sciences, NAWI Graz, University of Graz, Holteigasse 6, 8010 Graz, Austria, Europe; e-mail: pe.bilovitz@uni-graz.at, helmut. mayrhofer@uni-graz.at **) Dr.
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