
TEPSA Newsletter December 2012 Edition

Introducing a TEPSA Member Institute: the Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA), Ireland

The Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA) was founded in 1991 and is Ireland’s leading think tank on European and international affairs. Its extensive research programme aims to provide IIEA members with high-level analysis and forecasts of the challenges on the global and EU policy agendas. It acts as a catalyst for new thinking, new solutions and policy options.

The IIEA provides a forum for dialogue between its members on EU and international developments and their implications for Ireland and Europe. The aim of the IIEA is to evaluate and foster debate on strategic policy options, to exchange views across sectoral, occupational and professional boundaries, and so to add a new dimension to the development of national policy.

The IIEA directs its information and analysis towards policymakers in government, business, industry, the civil service, the diplomatic corps, the legal professions, social and voluntary organisations, trade unions, the media and academia.

The research work of the IIEA is organised in thematic working groups. Flagship groups include: the Future of Europe; Economics and Finance; Digital Future; Justice and Home Affairs; Energy and Environment; Foreign, Security and Defence Policy; Wider Europe; and country specific groups on China, France, Germany, the UK and the US. The groups meet frequently and generate a wide range of publications including reports, books, occasional papers, newsletters, briefing notes, and pamphlets, all of which are made available online.

The IIEA holds more than 100 events per year at which thought leaders outline their vision of key issues that affect European citizens. This extensive programme of events includes keynote addresses, conferences, seminars, confidential briefings, and roundtable discussions. Recent speakers at the IIEA include Ban-Ki Moon, UN Secretary General; , European Council President; Steven Chu, US Secretary of Energy, and Sharon Bowles, Chair of the European Parliament’s ECON Committee.

In addition to its high-calibre events schedule, the IIEA has an innovative website (www.iiea.com) combining video and audio recordings of events with blogs, publications, infographics, animations, and short video interviews. It has users across all EU member states.

In addition to the work programme undertaken in Ireland, the IIEA has an active branch in Brussels which acts as a network for Irish professionals and policy-makers in the EU and which develops its own initiatives.

As Ireland prepares to assume to Presidency of the Council of the EU on 1 January 2013, the IIEA recently hosted a Pre-Presidency Conference in Dublin Castle, in conjunction with TEPSA, on 23 November 2012. Attended by over 400 delegates, and including four Senior Government Ministers amongst speakers, the conference focussed on Ireland’s Presidency Priorities, The Future of the Union, The Digital/Energy Interface, Economic Governance and EMU and EU Foreign Policy.

For information on the Conference, together with recordings of presentations, click here.

For more information on the IIEA’s activities, please visit the IIEA's website.

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News from TEPSA Secretariat New Marie Curie EXACT Fellow!

Anita Sęk joined the Marie Curie EXACT programme as EU External Action Early Stage Researcher on 1 December 2012, having terminated her stage at the , Cabinet of Commissioner for Enlargement and ENP Stefan Fule. Till the end of 2013 she will be based in TEPSA, in Brussels. Anita likes learning new languages, she is able to communicate in English, German, next to her mother tongue Polish, as well as - though less successfully - in French, Russian, Serbo-Croat and Greek. Recently, Anita joined the Brussels female mini-football team, she also practices capoeira. She loves Orkhan Pamuk literature, dancing, travelling and photography. Learn more about Anita.

Goodbye, Marine!

Marine Jacob worked at the TEPSA Secretariat for eight months, from mid-April until the mid- December. Marine provided a great support to the TEPSA Team in Brussels notably in the organisation of conferences, her continuous involvement in European Parliament's studies and workshops' requests as well as her active implication in the setting-up of the new TEPSA website and newsletter. During her internship Marine notably participated as co-author in the drafting of the TEPSA Brief on The issue of solidarity in the as well as of the report of the European Parliament's workshop on The EU and China: Strategic partners or global rivals? She also lately drafted the report of the European Parliament's workshop on the Security Sector Reform (available soon).

We would like to thank again Marine for her involvement and great collaboration during her internship and wish her all the best for the future.

Learn more about Marine.

TEPSA welcomes a new member institute: Portuguese Institute of International Relations, New University of Lisbon (IPRI-UNL), Lisbon, Portugal

On 22 December 2012 the General Assembly of TEPSA has unanimously voted in favour of the inclusion of a new TEPSA member: Portuguese Institute of International Relations, New University of Lisbon (IPRI-UNL). IPRI-UNL will be TEPSA's member institute in Portuguese and is a scientific research institute founded in 2003 by the New University of Lisbon.

Click here for more information on IPRI-UNL.

Mirja Schröder, THESEUS programme director, has been awarded the Ehrhardt-Imelmann-Prize

Mirja Schröder, THESEUS programme director, has been awarded the Ehrhardt-Imelmann- Prize for her diploma thesis on “A ‘gouvernement économique’ for the Economic and Monetary Union? French and German conceptual convergences within the global financial and economic crisis” (submitted in 2010). Since 1997 the award, remitted by the University Cologne, distinguishes exceptionally motivated and committed students for their excellent theses dealing with socio-political relevant research questions. The award is endowed with 3000 EUR. Congratulations!

THESEUS Conference “France and Germany in the EU – 50 years after Elysée. The couple viewed by their European partners”, 6-7 December 2012

In the photo: Prof. Wolfgang Wessels, (THESEUS and TEPSA chairperson) Mirja Schröder (THESEUS programme director), Brigid Laffan (Outstanding Award), Theresa Kuhn and Claudia Schrag Sternberg (Promising Awards) and Catherine Day (Secretary General, European Commission).

This year’s THESEUS Conference “France and Germany in the EU – 50 years after Elysée. The couple viewed by their European partners”, co-organised by TEPSA and the University of Cologne, took place at the Representation of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia to the EU in Brussels on 6 and 7 December 2012. Building up on a 50 years’ history of Franco-German relationship, the conference raised the question: What role the Franco-German couple can and will play in the future Europe? The Elysée Treaty, signed 50 years ago by and Charles De Gaulle, can be considered as the beginning of a unique partnership that has played since then a fundamental role in the European integration process. However, none of that would have been possible if the bilateral initiatives had not been endorsed by other member states. Often Franco-German initiatives are characterised as compromise that could prepare the ground for agreements between all member states. Can and will this situation continue in the light of the current crisis? How is the relationship perceived by their European partners from North, South, Central and Eastern Europe? The conference brought together researchers and politicians from a cross-section of EU member states, such as: Philippe de Schoutheete (Former Belgian Ambassador to the EU), Jacek Saryusz-Wolski (Member of the European Parliament), Alfred Grosser (Sciences Po ), William Paterson (Aston University, Birmingham), Gianni Bonvicini (Instituto Affari Internazionali, Rome) and Atila Eralp (Middle East Technical University, Ankara). After a short historical look back, Franco-German convergences and divergences nowadays were explored using the two examples of crisis and EU external action.

In the evening of 6 December the THESEUS Award for Outstanding Research was remitted by Catherine Day, Secretary-General of the European Commission, to Brigid Laffan, Professor of European Politics at the University College Dublin for her outstanding academic record in the field of European integration. The THESEUS Award for Promising Research was discerned to Theresa Kuhn and Claudia Schrag Sternberg, both University of Oxford.

For the detailed programme and further information, please visit the THESEUS website. The Conference Report will be available soon. Conference background papers: " The Franco-German couple: Potentials and limitations" by Peter Valant, Marie Curie EXCAT Fellow and "Which Future for the EU: Political Union, Directoire or Differentiated Integration?" by Laura Ventura, Project Officer, TEPSA.

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TEPSA Irish Pre-Presidency Conference 22 & 23 November 2012

The Irish Pre-Presidency Conference was organised by the Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA) and took place on 22 - 23 November 2012 in Dublin. The Conference notably included panels on the Internal and External Security of the Union, Economic Governance in Europe, Building a Smart and Green Economy, the Future of Europe and the Foreign Policy Agenda. Those key issues were presented by members of the Irish government and analysed by invited speakers and panellists, top officials and scholars from across Europe. During the Pre-Presidency Conference TEPSA also presented the Recommendations to the Irish Presidency.

The programme is available here. See also the Dublin PPC Conference Final Report.

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15th Japan-EU Conference ‘Japan-EU Cooperation in a Changing World: Approaches to Rules and Standards’, 26 November 2012

The University of Leuven, Free University of Brussels, TEPSA, Waseda University, International Christian University and the EU-Japan Center for Industrial Cooperation organised the 15th Japan-EU Conference 'Japan-EU Cooperation in a Changing World: Approaches to Rules and Standards'. It took place on the 26 November 2012, in Brussels at the University Foundation.

The annual Japan-EU Conferences’ aim is to analyse the interactiosn between Japan and the EU as strategic partners in the wider context of regional dynamics. The conference provides one of the only platforms for policy makers, academics and representatives of business and civil society to exchange views on the current state of affairs of the Japan-EU relationship and formulate ideas and specific suggestions for future policy development. In addition, the conference aims at contributing to policy-making and network-building between actors specialized in the Japan-EU relationship. The theme selected for the 15th Japan-EU Conference was “Japan-EU Cooperation in a Changing World: Approaches to Rules and Standards”. This conference tackled specific subjects which are regarded as possible avenues for intensified Japan-EU cooperation: legal issues, economic relations, security cooperation and multilateralism. This event offered a unique opportunity for debate on both the latest research as well as current policy trends. It brought together academics, experts and policymakers from various parts of the world and proved to be a highly valuable forum to formulate ideas and specific suggestions to fortify the Japan-EU relationship. Please find more information here.

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TEPSA Guest Lecture: "The Schengen agreement under discussion", Centre d’études et de recherches européennes , 6 November 2012

On November 6th, 2012, TEPSA, the Robert-Schuman-Centre for European Studies and Research () and the Luxembourg Representation of the European Commission organised a TEPSA guest lecture at the European House in . More than 35 people were welcomed in the “Joseph-Bech-Room” by the TEPSA Affairs representative of the Robert-Schuman-Centre. Among the distinguished guests there were foreign ambassadors to Luxembourg ... Read online.

New project: PEGASUS

From November 2012 onwards, TEPSA started a new project, PEGASUS, together with the University of Cologne, Charles University in Prague, the Institute for Advanced Studies in Vienna, the Middle East Technical University in Ankara and Maastricht University. The project which will last 2 years. The main objective of the PEGASUS project is the development of a joint genuinely integrated European PhD programme based on a formal agreement. Its two sub-objectives are: the development of the academic content of an integrated curriculum and the development of a legal agreement between the institutions of the consortium. In the context of this project, TEPSA will notably be involved in the design and outline the different modules composing the professional training component of the project such as academia, consultancy, public administrations clusters and will extend the reach of the PEGASUS joint PhD towards partners and practionners from the EU and public institutions, NGOs.

The kick-off meeting of the project took place on 12 November 2012 in Cologne.

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News from EXACT Fellows

Upcoming publications:

Marco Siddi, Russia and the forging of memory and identity in Europe, Egmont Studia Diplomatica (forthcoming January 2013).

Marco Siddi, Italy-Russia relations: politics, energy and other business', in: Zsuzsa, Ludvig (ed.), What role for Russia?, Eastern European Studies Series, Institute of World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (forthcoming January 2013).

Conference attendance and paper presentations:

Marco Siddi: presentation of a paper on Russia’s role in European collective memory construction at the “Genealogies of Memory” annual conference Regions of memory. A comparative perspective on Eastern Europe (Warsaw, 26-28 November 2012), organized by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity.

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Upcoming TEPSA Events TEPSA Lithuanian Pre- Presidency Conference, 27-28 June 2013, the Institute of International Relations and Political Science of Vilnius University (IIRPS VU), Vilnius

The TEPSA Lithuanian Pre-Presidency Conference will be organised by the Institute of International Relations and Political Science of Vilnius University (IIRPS VU) on 27-28 June 2013 in Vilnius. The conference will aim at presenting and discussing the priorities of the Lithuanian Presidency as well as the recommendations for the forthcoming presidency. The conference will begin with a roundtable discussion about “The EU Presidency as a way towards becoming established as an ‘old EU member state’“ on June 27th and proceed with a full day conference including the following panels: Priorities of Lithuanian Presidency, Eastern Partnership and EU’s role in the neighborhood, “How common is the common market and the energy sector?” and Economic governance reforms and challenge of differentiation in the EU. The priorities of Lithuanian Presidency will be presented by highest Lithuanian officials and public servants involved in the Presidency and discussed by scholars and policy makers from both Lithuanian and European institutions and research centers. The event will be open for academia, NGOs and civil society as well as national and foreign media.

Read online. Final year 2013 of the LISBOAN network

Upcoming events:

- Third Annual Conference of the LISBOAN network: 6-7 June 2013 in Brussels;

- The Lisboan seminar on "The European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) after the Lisbon Treaty" will take place at the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), Rome, March 22nd, 2013

- Third PhD school: second week of April 2013 at the University of Maastricht,

- Third issue of the Lisbon Watch Annual Report: to be prepared during the first half of 2013.

See also the Lisboan Newsletter No7.

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Studies and workshops for the European Parliament

Under the European Parliament's Framework Contract that TEPSA won in 2009, TEPSA was requested to provide expertise to the Budgetary, Foreign Affairs and Security and Defence Committees to write a study on:

Study and workshop on the Maritime Dimension of the Common Foreign and Security Policy. This study was elaborated by researchers from the Finnish Institute of International Affairs: Mika Aaltola, Timo Behr, Mikael Mattlin and Charly Salonius-Pasternak and by researchers from the Swedish Institute of International Affairs: Erik Brattberg, Harri Mikkola and Mark Rinhard. Andreas Raspotnik, EXACT Marie Curie researcher, under the Marie Curie Integrated Training Network on EU External Action (EXACT), University of Cologne is also taking part in the elaboration of the study on the Great North issue. The final version of the study should delivered by 3 January 2012. The workshop will took place on the 27 November 2012. The experts taking part in the workshop were the following: Mika Aaltola, Erik Brattberg, and Basil Germond from the Lancaster University.

Workshop on Consular Protection and the EEAS is being organised by Kristi Raik from the Finnish Institute of International Affairs on 9 January, 2013, at the European Parliament.

Workshop on the Single European Sky will be organised at the European Parliament in the beginning of 2013.

News from TEPSA Member Institutes Order of the White Rose of Finland for Hanna Ojanen from the FIIA

Congratulations to Hanna Ojanen, TEPSA Board Member and visiting researcher at FIIA, who received the distinguished Order of the White Rose of Finland. She is now Knight of the White Rose of Finland.

Distinction for Pierre Lascoumes, CNRS research director at Sciences Po, CEE

Pierre Lascoumes, CNRS research director at Sciences Po, CEE, named a qualified member to the Board of Administration at the Institute de Vieille Sanitaire.

The Institue de Vieille Sanitaire is led by the general director, Dr. Françoise Weber, who is assited by an assistant general director and an assistant scientific director. The institute is composed of multiple departments and services, and also is home to a regional network, the Cellules interrégionales d’épidémiologie (Cire: Cooperation of interregional epidemiology centres). The board of administration at the Institute includes 23 members (of which 11 are representatives of the State) decides the general strategies of the Institute, its activity programme, and the human and financial resources necessary to achieve these goals. Additionally, the governing Scientific Counsel of 17 members is responsible for ensuring the consistency of the scientific policy of the Institute, and also the Technology and Ethics Committee.


Award to Doc. Dr. Ana Bojinovič Fenko from Centre of International Relations, Slovenia

In December, CIR member Doc. Dr. Ana Bojinovič Fenko was awarded with Honours of the University of Ljubljana for junior teachers in higher education for outstanding teaching and research achievements. Congratulations!

New Research Centre: Centre for Arctic Policy Studies, under the auspices of the Institute of International Affairs at the University of Iceland

The Centre for Arctic Policy Studies (CAPS) is an independent research centre now being established under the auspices of the Institute of International Affairs (IIA) at the University of Iceland. CAPS will be a forum for interdisciplinary collaboration in the field of arctic research with emphasis on the role and policies of states and institutions, and general issues of Arctic governance. The role of CAPS will be: 1. to participate in research projects with Icelandic and foreign academics 2. to increase collaboration between academia and the private and public sectors, and to introduce new research in this field 3. to offer conferences, seminars, lectures and courses on Arctic issues 4. to publish papers and books on Arctic issues 5. to carry out services projects for the private and public sector 6. to support teaching in the field of Arctic studies

The Institute is currently searching for a Director for the new research centre.

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Small States and European Integration - 30 ECTS diploma programme at the University of Iceland, 2013

The Faculty of Political Science at the University of Iceland offers a postgraduate diploma programme (30 ECTS) in Small-State Studies: Small States and European Integration, taught entirely in English. It consists of four courses in each autumn semester, starting at the end of August 2013 and running to mid December 2013.

The diploma is open to all students who have completed their undergraduate studies. Exhange students can also take individual courses from within the diploma programme, and gain the credits for these courses, without necessarily having to complete the full programme. Enclosed is a brochure with further information on the programme. It would be very much appreciated if you would be so kind as to distribute this brochure to possible future applicants and others who might be interested in the programme. Application deadline for international students: 1 February 2013 Application deadline for students from the Nordic countries: 5 June 2013 Application deadline for exchange students: 1 May 2013 The University of Iceland does not charge tuition fees but the annual registration fee is ISK 60.000,-

See more in the Iceland Small State Studies brochure.

Read online. Master's course "Interuniversity Master of Diplomacy and International Relations 2013-2014", Malta

The Embassy of Spain in Malta would like to bring to the attention of any interested potential candidates, the public call for applications for Spanish and foreign students to the Master's course "Interuniversity Master of Diplomacy and International Relations 2013-2014".

Application forms for this course can be downloaded from this site. Applications must be submitted to the Embassy of Spain in Malta (Whitehall Mansions, Ta’ Xbiex Seafront, Ta’ Xbiex (XBX 1026), by not later than 31st January 2013. Candidates must fulfil different requirements according to whether they are members of the diplomatic service of Malta or not. Non diplomat candidates must sit an entrance examination before 20th April 2013 at the Embassy of Spain, for which all the applicants will be called. Additional general requirements are: an Honours Degree by a recognised University or equivalent and a minimum of 7 out of 10 in the academic record; a high level of Spanish, which can be demonstrated by presenting a certificate of DELE intermediate (Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language). The list of candidates accepted for the Master's will be published before 31st May 2013.

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BLOG of the Elcano Royal Institute

Elcano Royal Institute has launched Elcano blog with the aim of encouraging the public to read, comment and discuss the ideas and opinions of our analysts on Spain’s foreign policy and action abroad and, indeed, on Spain’s global projection and international relations in general. The momentous changes taking place in Spain, Europe and the world require the type of scrutiny and analysis that a think-tank like the Elcano Royal Institute can provide. We have therefore designed a dynamic tool for the Social Web that can bring our research to a wider readership, thereby complementing the activities we carry out in more restricted spheres. We hope the Elcano Blog will be not only interesting but also useful and that you will share information, express opinions and debate matters of interest, thereby helping to generate the sort of ideas that might help Spain overcome the challenges facing it over the next few years.

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Upcoming Events at TEPSA Member Institutes Forthcoming 2013 seminars at Sciences Po, Centre d’études européennes

Migrations and Multiculturalism, 9 January 2013. Opening session: “Immigration and multiculturalism: a historical perspective of the France-US crossroads” with Nancy Foner (City University of New York), Paul-André Rosental (Sciences Po, CEE). Catherine Goussef (EHESS, CERCEC, CNRS) and Nancy Green (EHESS, CRH). The mass migration since 1950 has profoundly transformed demographic, social, political and economic structures in numerous societies in the world, and specifically European societies. The arrival of long-stay immigrants, the increase of the prominent “second generations”, the importance of multiculturalism and supposed differing values and the emergence of ethnic or racial minorities as they redefine processes, all look to models of integration. These evolutions question the past sense of inheritance with the dislocation of multinational empires, of colonisation- decolonisation or the slave trade. These manifestations of internal diversity come into play as the nation-states entre into a new sequence of rebuilding as well as the fear of dilution. They question the very transformation dynamics of the state. The political management of such diversity follows various past regimens according to historical configurations of societies and their respective policies. But if these national idiosyncrasies remain strong, the circulation of models, the role of homogenisation at the supra-national level, the transpositions of one society’s experiences to another drive the whole towards a form of unification (of course with limits) of an action repertoire or reference, mirroring the increasingly comparative research. The “European” dimension cannot be neglected. Adjustments will not be without intense debate on the future of multicultural societies, as well as future political arenas, such as social sciences. And the connection between politics and policy merits an examination, as a scholarly debate by politicians. These political processes have had an effect on the basic revision of theory and concepts dedicated to the studies of migration, integration, and discrimination. More information about the seminar here.

Modèles nationaux de croissance et protection sociale, 31 January and 1st February 2013, Sciences po, CEE and LIEPP, CEPREMAP. While many studies have shown increased contribution of social protection to the post- war boom, the question of its contribution to the economy has been relatively neglected in recent times. When emphasis is not put on its worst attributes for the role it plays in social protection it is then seen for its better role as a "shock absorber." The objective of this project is to examine the role of social protection in national growth strategies developed during the last decade in developed or emerging countries, especially in Germany and France. We must consider (or reconsider) the relationship between the functionality of the economy, whose structures are in turmoil, and current or renewed social protection mechanisms. Relationships and complementarities of social protection with other areas of the economy depend on the type of economic organization. Five basic dimensions are likely to be considered. 1. The role of finance, the financing of the global economy and the financing of social protection; 2. The relationship between the labour market and social protection; 3. The system of skills training; 4. Distribution inequality; 5. The area of social protection itself as a sector of economic activity and a potential source of growth and employment. For more information click here.

L’ethnographie du politique et des politiques, une perspective pragmatique, 22 January 2013, Sciences Po, CEE, Paris with Daniel Céfai, (EHESS, CEMS). Discussion: Thomas Aguilera (Sciences Po, CEE) and Pierre Lascoumes (Sciences Po, CEE, CNRS). For more information click here.

War Deaths: Are Incumbents Punished for Costly Policies?, 19 February 2013, Sciences Po, CEE, Paris with Daniel Rubenson (Ryerson University, Researcher visiting Sciences Po, CEE). Discussion: Bastien Irondelle (Sciences Po, CERI), Lucas Leemann (Sciences Po, CEE and Columbia University in the city of New York). For more information click here.

A political history of the future, 19 March 2013, Sciences Po, CEE, with Jenny Andersson (Sciences Po, CEE, CNRS). Discussion: Charlotte Halpern (Sciences Po, CEE), Antoine Mandret (Sciences Po, CEE). For more information click here.

Les régions, les inégalités et les politiques publiques. Contribution à une sociologie comparée de l'Etat, 16 April 2013, Sciences Po, CEE, with Claire Dupuy (Université catholique de Louvain-La-Neuve, ISPOLE and Associate to Sciences Po, CEE). Discussion: Patrick Le Lidec (Sciences Po, CEE, CNRS), Francesca Artioli (Sciences Po, CEE). For more information click here.

Analyse des politiques de santé publique, 4 May 2013, Sciences Po, CEE, with Patrick Castel and Henri Bergeron (Sciences Po, CSO). Discussion: Louise Lartigot-Hervier (Sciences Po, CERI) and Cornelia Woll (Sciences Po, CERI, MaxPo and LIEPP). For more information click here.

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Seminar “European Challenges in a global world”, 14 and 15 February 2013, Elcano Royal Institute, Madrid

Within the framework of the European Global Strategy project, Elcano Royal Institute will organize an international Seminar named “European challenges in a global world”. Three main issues will be analyzed by academic experts, officials, etc, from Europe and abroad: Addressing global challenges: EU’s role in global governance; EU Acting in an uncertain world: conflict prevention, crisis management, institution- building; Exploring a wider Atlantic area: forging ties between Europe, America and Africa. More information available here. More events here.

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Serie of seminars on Europe Dialogues 2012-2013, University of Iceland (IIA-CSSS), September 2012 – May 2013

The IIA-CSSS recently received a grant from the European Union to continue its “Europe Dialogues” seminar series. As before the aim of the seminar series will be to engender an informed debate about Iceland and Europe. There will be 10 seminars on the subject over eight months, with the focus this time around being on the following topics: 1. Is the Euro Still a Viable Option for Iceland? 2. Small States Identities within the European Union 3. Energy Security 4. Equality and Gender Issues 5. The EU´s Regional Policy 6. Iceland, the EU and the Common Fisheries Policy 7. The European Union and the Great Powers 8. The EU and the Arctic 9. Environmental Issues Including Whaling 10. Growing Nationalism in Europe

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Past Events at TEPSA Member Institutes How to strengthen the EU as a global player - Italy and Germany in the driver’s seat? Experts' seminar by IAI, Rome & IEP, Berlin, 3/4 December 2012, Rome

The shared interests, challenges and opportunities of Italy and Germany in strengthening the EU’s profile on the international stage were the topics of this joint expert seminar in Rome. The expert seminar was part of a tradition of seminars organised by the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) in Rome and the Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP) in Berlin. The meetings serve as a forum for dialogue between practitioners and academics as well as a trigger for discussion and a platform for new ideas to support the development of the EU towards a strong foreign policy actor.

As recognized by the participants, this seminar took place in a challenging context for EU foreign policy. They identified a gap between the expectations related to the legal words of the Lisbon treaty, and the real world implementation of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP). While the European External Action Service (EEAS) has improved its game over the recent months, the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) did not progress in the same speed as it did in the last decade. All these developments took place against the backdrop of the economic and fiscal crisis that dominates the agenda of the decision-makers and sudden, far-ranging developments in Europe’s neighbourhood. Hence, it was even more important to ask what common contributions Italy and Germany can make to strengthen the EU’s foreign policy profile. Together with which actors can the two countries provide leadership in the development of a stronger foreign policy? What role can the common institutions play and how can they be reformed to work more effectively? Why did the development of CSDP fall behind its expectations and where are the drivers and obstacles for this policy located in the 27 capitals and in Brussels? How can the double-hatted High Representative (HR/VP) contribute to a new momentum in EU foreign policy? These questions provided a foundation for a rich discussion between the participants, which is covered in this report.

See seminar's Report for more information.

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Developments in the Finnish Institute of International Affairs, December 2012

Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Song Tao visited FIIA. Dr. Song Tao, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of People’s Republic of China, participated in a high-level academic seminar at FIIA on 29 October. Vice Minister’s talk on EU-China relations was followed by a discussion.

Kone Foundation grants funding for the Eilen Archive. Kone Foundation has granted 25.000€ for the further development of Eilen Archive, the online archive of Finnish Foreign Policy. At the moment, the archive consists of speeches related to Finnish foreign policy and chronology detailing the most significant events in Finnish foreign policy since 1973.

4th German-Nordic-Baltic Forum. On 27-28 September, the fourth German-Nordic-Baltic Forum took place. The conference was entitled “EU Responses to external challenges as seen from Germany, Poland, Nordic and Baltic countries and the EU neighbourhood” and it led to a most fruitful exchange of ideas and opinions among the stakeholders of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The Forum took place at the premises of FIIA in Helsinki and was organised by the Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP) in cooperation with FIIA, with generous support from the German Federal Foreign Office and the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Staff News. In February-March, Dr. Anaïs Marin will take part in a visiting researcher exchange with the Warsaw- based Center for Eastern Studies (OSW). During her 2-month stay at OSW, Marin will collaborate with researchers from the Russian department as well as her homologue Belarus desk.

Award. The Student Union of University of Helsinki (HYY) has awarded the prize for the Best International Teacher of the Year 2012 to Bart Gaens. Dr. Gaens is a Docent of Japanese Studies at the University of Helsinki and a researcher in FIIA’s Global Security Programme.

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Latest events of Slovenian Centre for International Relations, fall 2012

On November 19 and 20, Centre for international relations (CIR) and Slovenian Ministry for Foreign Affairs organized a series of lectures and other events in Ljubljana, which were dedicated to the “The Gentle Civilizer of Nations” by prof. Martti Koskenniemi, that was just translated to Slovene, and to the politics of international law in general. The main guest speaker at the events was prof. Koskenniemi himself.

On November 16 CIR took part at the conference on the EU, central and Eastern Europe and Ukraine. Prof. Marjan Svetličič, CIR Chair, gave opening lecture titled “The European Union: Challenges at a Time of Global Strategic Reset.”

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International Conference on “The Neighbours of the EU’s Neighbours: Diplomatic and Geopolitical Dimensions beyond the ENP”, 15-16 November 2012, , Bruges

The Department of EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies at the College of Europe, Bruges campus, in cooperation with its TOTAL Chair of EU Foreign Policy, organised an international conference to discuss the concept of the ‘neighbours of the neighbours’ of the European Union. This conference, which was financially supported by the European Commission, dealt with the diplomatic and geopolitical challenges beyond the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) in Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. The Keynote Speech of the conference was given by David O’Sullivan, Chief Operating Officer at the European External Action Service. The two-day conference was divided into three sections in which speakers and discussants looked into the geopolitical dimensions beyond the ENP’s South (I) and East (II), and the diplomatic dimensions beyond the EU’s immediate neighbourhood (III).

Please find more information on the Conference website.

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Two Seminars on "Les sciences sociales en question : grandes controverses épistémologiques et méthodologiques", Sciences Po, CEE and CERI, 5 and 12 November 2012

" Travailler sur le jugement des violences de masse" With Isabelle Delpla, University Paul Valéry Montpellier III, Alice Le Goff, University Paris Descartes, Guillaume Mouralis, ISP Nanterre and Nadège Ragaru, Sciences Po, CERI. For more information, please click here.

« Comment les campagnes électorales influencent les électeurs, et comment le mesurer ? » For more information, please click here. Read online.

Eighth Annual Conference on "Competition law in times of economic crisis: In need of adjustment?", College of Europe, 8 et 9 November 2012

The GCLC organised the Eighth Annual Conference. The 2012 edition covered the following topics: Antitrust enforcement; Merger control; State aid policy and the real economy; State aid policy in the financial sector; The nexus between competition, trade and industrial policies. Five working groups composed of high-profile practitioners and academics delivered presentations and submit reports which will be published in the GCLC Annual Conference Series. For more information, please contact us.

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Conference on "Building Peace and Preventing Conflicts during Economic Turmoil", Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Helsinki City Hall, 9 November 2012

The civil war in Syria shows no sign of abating and the divided United Nations Security Council has failed to agree on how to deal with the situation. While observers warn of the possibility that the conflict will escalate and expand, shrinking finances seem to have led to a weakening leadership in responding to violent conflicts. What is the role of peace mediation in this grave situation, where the economic crisis seems to direct media attention away from the human suffering in conflict areas? What new forms of cooperation between public and private actors, for example between the UN Security Council and non-governmental organisations, could be forged to develop mediation in the conditions of increasing resource scarcity?

For further information please contact Sannamari Bagge or Kukka-Maria Kovsky.

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Panel discussion and book launch: Die USA nach den Wahlen, Austrian Institute for International Affairs (oiip), 8 November 2012

Panel Shawn Crowley, Embassy of the United States Stefan Fröhlich, Institute of Political Science , University of Erlangen Heinz Gärtner, Austrian Institute for International Affairs. Welcome Words Otmar Höll, Director of the Austrian Institute for International Affairs Wilhelm Hopf, Publisher of LIT Münster Chair: Christoph Prantner, DER STANDARD Location: Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, Festsaal, Favoritenstraße 15a, A-1040 Vienna

In the context of this event the following books were launched: Stefan Fröhlich, The New Geopolitics of Transatlantic Relations: Coordinated Responses to Common Dangers (The Johns Hopkins University Press), February, 2012. Heinz Gärtner, Der amerikanische Präsident und die neue Welt (LIT Verlag), November, 2011

This event took place in cooperation with the Embassy of the United States, DER STANDARD, Politische Akademie der ÖVP, Diplomatic Academy of Vienna and Austro-American Society. The programmme is available here.

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Talk: Recent developments in the EU's area of Justice and Home Affairs, oiip, 24 October 2012

The Treaty of Lisbon changed the structure of the European Union. The former “Third Pillar” disappeared, the entire field of Justice and Home Affairs, also called the “Area of Freedom, Security and Justice”, is now basically determined by the ordinary legislative procedure, according to the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The presentation discussed the most important modifications in Justice and Home Affairs since Lisbon from an academic point of view, with a commentary by a high official from the Austrian Ministry of the Interior.

With a talk by Ron Holzacker, Senior Lecturer, Comparative Political Science and International Relations, University of Groningen. Discussant Kurt Hager, Head of the Office for Security Policy in the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Vienna Moderation Paul Luif, oiip

Please read the entire programme.

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Events at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science of Vilnius University (IIRPS VU), Vilnius, autumn 2012

Leszek Balcerowicz, Lecture on “The Ways out of the Eurozone Crisis and the Interests of Non-Euro EU Member States”, IIRPS VU, October 22th 2012. Leszek Balcerowicz, the famous Polish economist, former chairman of the National Bank of Poland and Deputy Prime Minister in Tadeusz Mazowiecki's government gave a lecture on “The Ways out of the Eurozone Crisis and the Interests of Non-Euro EU Member States” at IIRPS on October 22th. During his 50-minute presentation he pointed out both reasons that lead to the current situation and possible ways out of the crises. Balcerowicz especially focused on the so called PIIGS-states, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greek and Spain, and emphasized that the crises are problems that cannot be solved by anyone but the countries themselves. A recording of Balcerowicz’s lecture can be found on the Institute’s youtube channel: click here.

David Sutter, Lecture on “Russia’s Deepening Crisis”, IIRPS VU, November 13th 2012. David Satter, former Moscow correspondent, experienced expert of Russia and the former Soviet Union, senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and fellow of the Foreign Policy Institute of the John Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) gave a Lecture on “Russia’s Deepening Crisis” at IIRPS on November 13th. During his lecture, Satter focused on the years of Vladimir Putin’s presidencies and pointed out the differences between his first two election periods and the current one after his reelection in 2012. A recording of Satter’s 30-minute lecture can be found at the institute’s website: click here.

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Eventful summer/fall 2012 at the Institute of International Affairs and Centre for Small State Studies at the University of Iceland

The fall calendar has been very full with a wide selection of differing and highly interesting topics. In late August Ingo Heidbrink, Professor at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, gave a lecture on new insights into the history of the Cod Wars after the opening of the NATO archives. In early September, Damien Degeorges focused on the state-building process in Greenland and Michael Minkenberg from the European University Viadrina í Frankfurt (Oder) gave a lecture on The Radical Right and the Politics of Xenophobia in Europe. Michael McGowan, a former member of the European Parliament and a former BBC Television and Radio reporter and producer, talked about the potential in development cooperation. September 21 the Institute hosted a conference on Constitutions of the EU and Nordic States - Multilevel Constitutional Order and Democratic Challenges in cooperation with the Human Rights Institute, Reykjavik University and the EU Info Centre at the Nordic house with Allan Rosas, Judge at the European Court of Justice, as keynote speaker. September 28, Joseph Maila, Director of Policy Planning at the French Ministry for Foreign Affairs, gave a lecture on the crisis in Syria in the context of the Near and Middle East.

October was also action packed with Gareth Evans, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Australia, focusing our attention on why we should eliminate nuclear weapons, in a highly interesting and well attended open seminar October 4.

Focusing on the US Elections. The IIA scheduled three events leading up to the elections on the United States. The first was a lecture by Michael T. Corgan from Boston University tackling the topic of democracy in the American elections. The second event was a seminar with two political consultants representing the two major parties discussing the campaign and the strategies. In the third event, Professor James A. Thurber from American University discussed the most likely results and the make-up of the US electorate a day prior to the elections.

The Europe Dialogues. Of ten scheduled seminars focusing on Iceland, European intergration and small states, we have so far hosted three. The next seven are to take place in the spring. Our guests have so far discussed the EU´s regional policy, gender mainstreaming in Europe and energy security. The speakers were Amelia Hadfield from Vriije University in Brussels, Romas Svedas, energy advisor from Lithuania, John Bachtler from Strathclyde University in the UK, Kari Aalto from the EU Office of Northern Finland, Jenny Claesson from Add Gender in Sweden and Joni Seager from Bentley University.

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2012 seminars at the Institute for European Politics (IEP), Berlin, September - December

Lunch debate on “Saving the Euro: Financial possibilities and limits - An insight to the view of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group”, 28 September 2012, Berlin. On the 28th of September the IEP organized a lunch debate with budget policy spokesman Norbert Barthle of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group in the Hotel Maritim proArte in Berlin. The topic of the debate was “Saving the Euro: Financial possibilities and limits - An insight to the view of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group.” First, Norbert Barthle explained the difficult moments of the crisis within the Euro-Zone and underlined the necessity to reduce public debt, to manage the banking crisis and to dissolve the close linkage between the fate of large bank and those of states. Thereafter, he elaborated on general crisis management measures and their success. Crucial instruments to combat the debt crisis were the Fiscal Pact with its included debt brake, the Euro-Plus Pact, the European Semester, the “Six-Pack”, which introduced a tightening of the Stability and Growth Pact and especially the European Stability Mechanism (ESM), which shall serve as a permanent crisis management measure. Moreover, Barthle appreciated the latest judgment of the Federal Constitutional Court on the German liability risk of 190 Billion within the ESM and the subsequent approval of the ESM by the Bundestag. Furthermore, the latest report by the Troika for Portugal and the current situation in Spain were discussed. With regard to a European Banking Union, Barthle stressed the importance of an independent European Central Bank. Monetary policy and the supervision of banks had to be strictly separated. He was of the opinion that it would be sufficient and according to the principle of subsidiarity to establish a European Banking Supervision only for system-relevant banks. In his final words, Norbert Barthle stressed his faith in the European Central Bank with regard to its decision to buy unlimited bonds from countries affected by the Euro crisis.

IEP Expert Workshop on “The EU as a Foreign Policy Actor - Ambitions, Interests and Challenges in Year Three of the Lisbon Treaty and beyond”, 18/19 October 2012, Berlin. On 18th and 19th October 2012, around 55 experts from academia as well as practitioners and policy makers met at the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in Berlin to discuss the European Union’s development as a foreign policy actor since the coming into effect of the Lisbon Treaty. The conference was organized by the Institute for European Politics (IEP) in cooperation with the Scientific Directorate and the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, with the support of the Erasmus Academic Network LISBOAN and the Fritz-Thyssen-Foundation. During the two-day workshop the experts from all over Europe as well as from overseas debated developments in the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy and assessed current challenges critically. The four panel discussions and two keynote speeches focused on topics such as the presence or absence of the EU in world affairs, achievements and shortcomings of the new CFSP system in operation, the external dimensions of CFSP or strategic interests, partners and rivals of the EU. In the light of current political developments, key issues that came up over and over again during the discussions were the challenges imposed on the EU by the debt crisis and diverging national interests internally and changes in international affairs like the Arab Spring or the emergence of new powerful actors externally. CFSP was further challenged by diverging national interests of Member States which turned the EU more and more into an integration project of multiple speeds. In this context, especially the reluctant stance of the UK was critically discussed. The EU had to work urgently on its coherence in foreign policy matters to avoid a degeneration into insignificance in world politics. Furthermore, the experts assessed the EU’s weak performance in CSDP. The workshop helped to identify strengths, assets and positive achievements since the coming into effect of the Lisbon treaty as well as the many deficits in CFSP that had to be tackled in the near future.

IEP Lunch Debate on “How much does Europe cost – what is it worth?”, 22 October 2012, Berlin. At the IEP lunch debate on 22 October 2012, Steffen Kampeter, Member of the German Parliament (Bundestag) and Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Finance, spoke on the topic “How much does Europe cost – what is it worth?”. Kampeter’s main argument was that it was worrying that within the scope of the current Euro Crisis Europe’s perception was reduced to the costs of stabilizing the Eurozone, while at the same time the EU as a whole and its member states were constantly losing relevance in public opinion. It would be crucial not to forget the tremendous value of the EU which is based on peace and freedom. In the course of the debate, Kampeter elaborated on several assumptions such as the exaggeration of costs connected to saving the Euro especially in Germany, even though Germany profited the most from the EU and the Euro. While the costs of Europe were exaggerated, Europe’s economic value was underestimated. Moreover, Kampeter stressed that the Eurozone currently faced a governance crisis due to the lack of a coordinated European financial policy for more than ten years. Governance reforms that were about to be launched had to aim at investors and citizens regaining trust in the operativeness of Europe. But Kampeter also acknowledged that the measures and reforms that had already been implemented in the periphery states gradually showed effect. Concluding, he emphasized that the current crisis could not simply be solved by short-term measures, but required a deeper integration towards a Union capable of acting. In this regard the creation of a banking union was a key measure. In the long term, however, the office of a Financial Commissioner with clear jurisdiction had to be created. In addition, Kampeter argued in favor of a direct election of the President of the Commission as well as increased monitoring rights for the European Parliament as a second chamber next to the European Council.

Lunch Debate on “The Future of the European Union”, 24 October 2012, Berlin. At the IEP lunch debate on 24th October 2012 at the Permanent Representation of Saarland in Berlin, Michael Georg Link, Minister of State at the Federal Foreign Office and Member of Parliament, gave a speech on “The Future of the European Union”, which outlined possible reforms to further deepen the European integration process. According to Link, the debate about the future of the EU should evolve in all 27 Member States including various national interests in order to find adequate solutions. This debate should also include the United Kingdom and therefore case-related opt-outs instead of drop-outs had to be accepted if necessary. Moreover, the debate on the future of the EU should not exclusively be hold at EU summits, but also in the European public sphere. In the following, Link elaborated on reform proposals as for example to strengthen the role of the European Parliament by a right for initiative, to directly elect the President of the European Commission and to structure of the Council as a second chamber of Parliament. The whole institutional system of the EU had to be structured more simply, efficiently and democratically. Regarding CFSP, the EU had not come up to its full potential yet. A good example for a the strong standing of the EU in international affairs was the WTO, where the Union, represented by the European Commission, acted as an autonomous member and advocated successfully the common interests of all Member States. A similar presence in the field of foreign policy would be desirable. Link also referred a number of reform proposals brought forward by the Future of Europe Group, e.g. the empowerment of the High Representative and the adaptation of majority voting in CFSP. Finally, Link argued to fully implement the Lisbon reforms, which had not happened yet.

Lunch Debates on “The role of national parliamentary decision in the current process of European Integration”, 06 November 2012, Berlin. At the IEP lunch debate on 6th November 2012, Gunther Krichbaum, chairmen of the Committee on European Union Affairs in the German Bundestag, discussed the role of parliamentary decisions in the current process of European Integration. In his speech, Krichbaum emphasized the importance of cooperation between national parliaments and the EU institutions as well as the necessity to include national parliaments in the process of further European integration. Especially in the light of the current process of parliamentarisation of European politics in most Member States, the role of MPs as a link between the work of governments on European Politics and the citizen had to be considered. Taking into account the current challenges the EU was facing, Krichbaum argued for further integration, a better communication of the EU’s value and a strengthening of the EU as an actor in a globalised world. National parliaments could play a crucial role in this development. However, the role of the European Parliament had to be strengthened, too. Moreover, it was crucial that parliaments had their share in decisions concerning amendments of the EU treaties as for example via the Convention method. In his final remarks, Krichbaum positioned himself against the idea of a “Core-European Union” led by the members of the Euro-group, since this would have an excluding and disintegrating effect for the whole Union.

22nd Annual Conference of the German-Hungarian Panel and the 2nd conference of the Young German- Hungarian Panel. On the 8th and 9th of November 2012, the 22nd annual conference of the German-Hungarian Panel took place at the Lower Saxony State Chancellery in Berlin. As a part of the conference, the Young German- Hungarian Panel met for the second time and about forty interested students and professionals participated. The Institut für Europäische Politik organized the annual Conference in collaboration with the German-Hungarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DUIHK). In the panel discussions and working groups, the transformation of the European identity, the role of Germany and Hungary in Central Europe as well as the economic and monetary policy were debated. Thereby, the current monetary and debt crisis in Europe and the role of the European Union within it were at the centre of the discussions. In addition, the Young German-Hungarian Forum focused on subjects such as citizens in Europe, Common Foreign and Security Policy, Enlargement Policy, and Energy and Climate Policy. At the end of the conference, both foreign ministers, Dr. Guido Westerwelle and Dr. János Martonyi, addressed the participants. They emphasized that not only the historical bonds between Germany and Hungary are important that existed because of the overcoming of the iron curtain, but also a strong collaboration in order to overcome the current challenges.

More information available here.

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Publications Finnish Institute of International Affairs' Publications, December 2012

Finnish Journal of Foreign Affairs. The latest issue of the Finnish Journal of Foreign Affairs (Ulkopolitiikka-lehti), published in early December, focused on the nature of money and the future of the current monetary system. In profile interview, the journal discussed the role of the European Central Bank with Sirkka Hämäläinen, a former member of the executive board. The journal also examined cyber warfare and rising anti-Semitism among young French muslims. Starting with the latest issue, a full electronic version of the journal is published at Lehtiluukku.

FIIA Reports 33-34.

Harri Mikkola, Jukka Anteroinen & Ville Lauttamäki, Uhka vai mahdollisuus? Suomi ja Euroopan puolustus- ja turvallisuusmarkkinoiden muutos

Tanja Tamminen (ed.), Strengthening the EU’s peace mediation capacities: Leveraging for peace through new ideas and thinking

FIIA Briefing Papers 116-119

Teemu Sinkkonen, Georgian Dream or Nightmare? Transition of power poses great challenges for Georgia and its foreign relations. Abstract: The victory of the Georgian Dream Coalition (GDC) over the United National Movement (UNM) has brought pluralism into Georgian policymaking. Until the power shifts from the President to the Prime Minister in 2013, the country will be led by an awkward dual power. New leadership offers great opportunities for Georgia. It can improve its democratic system and economic growth and establish a dialogue with Russia and the breakaway districts of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. This would alleviate the frozen conflict and tense security dilemma on the boundary lines. If the transition of power does not go well, there will be prolonged power struggles that could cripple the policymaking and cast Georgia back to pre-Saakashvili times. Saakashvili’s UNM is still a very significant player in Georgian politics and it is important for the GDC and the UNM to find a way to cooperate. In order to smooth the fragile transition period, Georgia needs special support and attention.

Erik Jones, Bringing Stability to Europe: Why Europe needs a banking union. Abstract: The European sovereign debt crisis is the result of capital flows across the single market. The danger that such capital flows could unleash market speculation was known from the start; indeed, the single currency was created to remove the threat of exchange rate instability. The problem is that the architects of the single currency did not consider the impact of capital market integration on the banking sector or on the relationship between banks and national governments. Once markets lost confidence in the security of their cross-border investments, investors began to pull back their capital and the internal market for financial services started to disintegrate. The creation of a banking union is part of the solution. However, the euro area also needs a common ‘risk-free’ asset to use as a safe haven in times of crisis.

Sean Roberts, Russia’s pressure politics: The Kremlin’s uncompromising approach to opponents threatens political stability. Abstract: If Russia is to follow an evolutionary path to democracy, then the regime must be ready to draw the so-called ‘non-systemic’ opposition into political processes. This gradualist formula for democratic change is also the formula for political stability. A number of liberalising reforms conducted by the regime in response to widespread protests following the December 2011 State Duma election gave grounds for optimism that this process is now underway. However, any hopes that these events would kick-start democratic reforms were short-lived. Rather than draw in opponents, the regime has sought to isolate them, using a combination of reform, non-reform, dividing tactics and repression. But the results have not been positive. The non-systemic opposition is under increasing pressure, having seen its options all but reduced to more protesting. It is also showing signs of radicalisation. At the same time, the Kremlin’s uncompromising approach is undermining regime stability. The pressure is building in the Russian political system. The combination of repression and radicalisation could easily see political stagnation degenerate into instability and the EU should take this new dynamic into account in its future policy planning.

Charly Salonius-Pasternak & Jarno Limnéll, Transatlantic cybersecurity: The only winning move is to play with others. Abstract: Cybersecurity concerns everyone, and is everyone’s responsibility. It is a genuine example of a society-wide security issue. The United States is ahead of Europe in discussing and integrating (military) cybersecurity into its foreign and security policies. For the US, the biggest challenges at the moment are: updating legal frameworks, creating cyber rules of engagement for the military, building cyber deterrence and clarifying the cybersecurity roles and responsibilities of government and private sector actors. Cooperation at national and international levels is integral to improving cybersecurity.This includes updating international and domestic legal frameworks to ensure that state actions are accountable, and to protect citizens from wanton strikes at critical infrastructure. Governments must hold private sector partners accountable, and through partnerships ensure that societal cybersecurity is not overshadowed by private interests – public-private partnerships have a crucial role to play in this.

FIIA Working Papers. Keegan Elmer, Battle Lines in the Chinese Blogosphere: Keyword control as a tactic in managing mass incidents. Abstract: This paper explores the role of keyword control, in other words the blocking and unblocking of search keywords, on Sina’s popular microblog platform during media campaigns over politically sensitive issues in China. The author examines media campaigns in Chinese newspapers, television, microblogs and other media forms during two separate large-scale protests in December of 2011 in Guangdong province, one in the village of Wukan and the other in the town of Haimen. This paper uses these case studies to examine which acts of keyword control might be part of a set of coordinated directives in a broader media campaign over a particular politically sensitive issue. Observations based on these case studies suggest that changes in keyword control on microblogs might be the earliest detectable sign of shifts in the government’s position in their response to politically sensitive issues.

Finnish Foreign Policy Paper 2. Unto Vesa, Finland in the United Nations: Consistent and credible constructivism. Abstract: Finland’s record in the UN is one of continuity and consistency. Many features that characterized its approach more than fifty years ago are still visible in its profile today. This is self-evident to some extent, of course, because Finland has been and will continue to be a small state. The emphasis on international law and the UN Charter naturally follow on from this. It is obvious that the space for successful small state activism is more favourable in a relaxed international situation than at times of tension. In this sense the opportunities for Finland to act constructively in the United Nations have also improved since the Cold War and the country’s accession to the European Union. Credibility is one of Finland’s strongest assets in the United Nations and in the international community as a whole. Finland has no hidden agenda or special interests in the United Nations, but endeavours to serve the interests of the whole international community – now and in the future with concrete, feasible and pragmatic contributions.Finland did not win a seat in the Security Council for 2013-2014, but it will continue to work in the same way and for the same goals in the United Nations as it has done in the past and as it would have done in the Security Council.

FIIA Comments

Kristi Raik, Estonia strives to be at the core of the EU: The decision to participate in the preparation¬ of a financial transaction tax reflects a shift in Estonia’s EU policy. Abstract: In recent years, the EU policies of Estonia and Finland have evolved in opposite directions. While Finland has experienced a rise in Euroscepticism, Estonia has become an increasingly strong supporter of deepening European integration.

Mikael Mattlin, Jyrki Kallio, Charly Salonius-Pasternak, Mikael Wigell & Antto Vihma, Haussa ulkopoliittinen identiteetti: Luoko Suomi itse oman linjansa vai syntyykö linja muiden tahdosta?

Teemu Sinkkonen, Is Catalonia looking for the exit? Separatist rhetoric is side-tracking the real ¬problems and adding to uncertainty in Spain and in the EU. Abstract: Increased support for Catalan separatism is raising fears of a domino effect in Spain and the EU, since a possible secession would set a precedent for how to form a new state in the present day, and how to disengage from the EU and the monetary union.

Marikki Stocchetti, The polarized post-2015 development puzzle: The poorest still fall behind. Abstract: 2015 will mark a moment of truth for the international community as the era of the Millennium Development agenda (2000- 2015) comes to an end. The polarization of world poverty into "fragile" and "strong" states poses a puzzle that requires rethinking at both global and national levels.

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Publications of the Elcano Royal Institute, Madrid, fall 2012

Charles Powell and Federico Steinberg, The Pain in Spain: Light at the End of the Tunnel? Elcano Royal Institute, 12 December 2012.

Carlota García Encina and Carlos Malamud, Correa and Assange: A Peculiar Relationship. Elcano Royal Institute, 10 December 2012

Pablo Bustelo, North Korea and the December 2012 Rocket Launch: A New Deal? Expert Comment 39/2012, Elcano Royal Institute, 14 December 2012

Rajendra K. Jain, The European Union and the Emerging Asian Powers of China and India, ARI 78/2012 – Elcano Royal Institute, 19 November 2012

Ignacio Molina, Independentismo e integración europea (I): la imposible adhesión automática a la UE de un territorio secesionado, ARI 80/2012 Elcano Royal Institute, 22 November 2012

Iliana Olivié, Are the BRICs Broken? Expert Comment 34/2012- Elcano Royal Institute, 19 November 2012

Alicia Sorroza, Perspectivas para Europa en la política exterior de EEUU: entre Obama y Romney. ARI 74/2012 - Elcano Royal Institute, 30 October 2012

Mario Kölling and Cristina Serrano Lea, The Negotiation of the Multiannual Financial Framework: Budgeting Europe 2020 or Business as Usual? ARI 68/2012, Elcano Royal Institute, 19 October 2012

Carlota García Encina, Un balance de la política exterior y de seguridad de Barack Obama. ARI 72/2012 – Elcano Royal Institute, 29 October 2012

William Chislett, Inside Spain Nº 89 , Elcano Royal Institute, 20 November 2012

C. Raja Mohan, India’s New Foreign Policy. ARI 65/2012, Elcano Royal Institute, 17 October 2012

William Chislett, The EU’s Progress Report on Turkey: No End in Sight. ARI 63/2012, Elcano Royal Institute, 12 October 2012

William Chislett, Spain’s Crisis: The State of Play. WP 17/2012, Elcano Royal Institute, 12 November 2012.

Mario Kölling and Natividad Fernández Sola, Bridging the Gap between Ambitions, Expectations and Capability: External Action in the EU’s Multiannual Financial Framework (2014-20). WP 16/2012 Elcano Royal Institute, 6 November 2012

Joaquín Roy, ‘Houston, We Have Too Many Problems’: The US, Iraq, North Africa, Afghanistan and… Syria. WP 15/2012 Elcano Royal Institute, 2 November 2012

Gonzalo Escribano, Shifting Towards What? Europe and the Rise of Unconventional Energy. ARI 82/2012,Elcano Royal Institute,10 December 2012

William Chislett, The Rise of Spain’s International Presence, Elcano Royal Institute, 15 October 2012. More publications available here.

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Publications from the CEE Team, fall 2012

All new publications are available here.

CHEVALIER, Tom, L'Etat-providence et les jeunes, Paris, L'Harmattan, December 2012. (This work is the result of his master dissertation, for which he received the Dissertation Competition Prize of IEP from L’Harmattan in February 2012). Click here.

ROZENBERG, Olivier, Onze référendums simultanés : un choc de confiance démocratique, Paris, Jean Jaurès Fondation, December 2012. Click here.

LASCOUMES, Pierre, Action publique et environnement, Paris, PUF, Que sais-je?, November 2012 Click here.

HAEGEL, Florence, Les Droites en fusion. Transformations de l'UMP, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, October 2012 (A Merger of the Right. Transformations of the UMP). Abstract: When the UMP was created in 2002 after the shock of April 21st, many were sceptical about its lasting power. Yet in the space of a decade, this refoundation in the form of a merger was to transform the right in France. The new party's organisation, underpinned by the electoral calendar, deploys deep professionalization and exploits marketing tools. These transformations, which borrow from the model of the firm, have not led to the disappearance of partisan cultures and ideologies. On the contrary; the right-wing community is still very much alive and the UMP constitutes its melting pot, advocating a traditional social order based on a hierarchy of genres and generations and providing a pulpit for popular opinion. 'Sarkozysm’ has permitted the partisan right in France to operate an ideological radicalisation which can be explained as much by the national strategies adopted in response to the FN as by the existence of certain local political cultures close to the far-right universe. This book adopts a sociological, historical and European approach to the phenomenon of partisanship applied to the right in France. Florence Haegel is a professor at Sciences Po and Research Director at the Centre of European Studies. She is in charge of the Comparative Political Sociology Master at the Sciences Po Doctoral School.. Click here.

Press/Medias reviews are available here.

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New publications from Jean-Monnet Chair Team of University of Cologne

Sofia Vasilopoulou and Katjana Gattermann: Matching Policy Preferences: The Linkage between Voters and MEPs, Journal of European Public Policy, DOI:10.1080/13501763.2012.718892. Abstract: The European Parliament has often been accused of its inability to link to European citizens. This article employs quantitative measures to investigate levels of congruence between individual MEPs and their voters on core policy issues following the 2009 EP elections. Operationalizing congruence as a ‘many- to-one’ relationship, it suggests that on socio-economic issues, the correspondence of policy preferences tends to be higher between voters and MEPs belonging to right-wing and liberal parties than for leftist MEPs. On socio-cultural issues, MEPs generally tend to have more liberal views than their representatives. Tobit models show that, depending on the issue, the strength of voter–MEP opinion congruence can be linked to the frequency of contacts and MEP seniority in office. Eurosceptic MEPs tend to be worse at representing their electorate, while voter–MEP agreement also tends to be affected by the electoral system and length of EU membership. The findings have implications for the legitimacy of European politics in current affairs.

Wolfgang Wessels and Cyril Gläser: Theoretischer Pluralismus und Integrationsdynamik: Herausforderungen für den "acquis académique", in Hans-Jürgen Bieling/Marika Lerch (Hrsg.): Theorien der europäischen Integration, Wiesbaden, 2012, pp. 361-389.

Zelal Basak Kizilkan-Kisacik: Europeanization of Minority Norms in Turkey, Studies on the European Union, Volume 8, Baden-Baden 2012. Read online.

Wolfgang Wessels: The Maastricht Treaty and the European Council: The History of an Institutional Evolution, Journal of European Integration, Volume 34, Number 7, November 2012, pp. 753-767

Since its creation in 1974 the European Council has turned into the key institution in the institutional architecture of the EU polity. The Maastricht Treaty on the European Union was a history-making product of this body of heads of state or government. For the institutional evolution of the European Council itself the Maastricht Treaty confirmed and reinforced trends starting with the Hague summit in 1969. This article covers the pre- history of the European Council as well as the road from the birth of the European Council in Paris, 1974, to the Maastricht Treaty and the next steps via two treaty revisions and the constitutional convention to the Lisbon Treaty in 2009. This article will not only try to satisfy some historical curiosity, but point out fundamental factors, explaining why Union executive leaders have invested time and energy in the labour-intensive and partly frustrating exercise of the making and working of their club: this key institution helped them to emerge as powerful multi-level players in a multi-institutional architecture.

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Publications from the Institute for European Politics (IEP), Berlin, autumn 2012

Integration November 2012. The first article of the fourth issue of integration (November 2012) covers the topic of differentiated European integration from an academic point of view. The author Funda Tekin draws attention to the reality of Opt-outs, Opt-ins and Opt-arounds in the area of freedom, security and justice. Differentiated integration will, moreover, represent an academic research field in the Institut für Europäische Politik. integration, further, discusses the successful coordination of the Danish EU Presidency in turbulent times. Another article deals with the evolvement and development of the EEAS and the organisation of the European foreign and development aid. A fourth focus lies on subnational administrations as guarantors of legitimacy in the EU. See online abstracts.

Vera Faust/Jochen Roose/Annette Knaut/Katrin Böttger/Julian Plottka (eds.): The European Citizen‘s Initiative – Occupational therapy for the people? The ECI is the focus of the issue 4/2012 of the Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen. Eight articles discuss potentials and limits of this new instrument. Julian Plottka, Katrin Böttger and Annette Knaut give an overview on the procedure and on the current state of research on the ECI. Jo Leinen interprets the ECI as a pioneer of the European public. In addition, Paolo Ponzana reports on the evolvement and on the hopes referring to the ECI. Reiner Keller and Annette Knaut disagree with this concept of the European public that, from their point of view, results from national-state oriented thinking. Alternatively, they suggest the concept of transnational discourse spheres. Laurent Bernhard and Theo Schiller discuss the procedures of direct democracy: In terms of that Bernhard focuses on Switzerland, whereas Schiller adopts an internationally comparative perspective. Being the co-coordinators of the first registered initiative “Fraternité 2020”, Marcus Gastinger and Georg Jürgens summarise the practical implementation of initiatives and the difficulties that have occurred launching this new instrument of participative democracy. Finally, Christine Quittkat discusses whether the ECI is an instrument for citizens to participate in EU politics. The abstracts of all articles are available here.

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Strategy Papers on the Arctic or High North: A Comparative study, by A. JK Bailes, L. Heininen, IIA- CSSS

The future of the Arctic, as its ice melts by land and sea, has become a hot topic in governmental as well as academic and media circles. Over the last decade, each of the eight countries that founded the Arctic Council – Canada, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, the Russian Federation, Sweden and the USA – has published at least one major policy document on the topic, as has the European Union as an institution. Often called Arctic 'strategies', these documents address a wide range of issues in the economic, environmental, and institutional fields as well as more basic issues of safety and sovereignty. This publication Strategy Papers on the Arctic or High North: A Comparative study and Analysis by Alyson JK Bailes, Adjunct Professor at the University of Iceland, and Lassi Heininen, Assistant Professor at the University in Rovaniemi, is also available in hard copy at the institute.

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Zlatko Šabič and Petr Drulák (eds.), Regional and International Relations of Central Europe, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012

This timely book appears after a decade of scant scholarly focus on Central Europe and its place in Europe and the world. Following the big themes of the 1990s (the EU and NATO enlargement), the recent political and economic developments such as the revival of the 'Visegrad Four' and the emerging tensions as a consequence of nationalist movements across Europe, this book addresses important and provocative issues surrounding Central Europe. Is Central Europe a region and does it have its own history? Are there more commonalities than dividing lines among Central European countries? Can Central Europe be a player in global politics? Is there a special role for Central Europe in – Europe? These questions have brought together a group of experts whose interdisciplinary analysis with empirical research offers a fresh insight into Central Europe's position today.

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Elsa, Tulmets (ed.): Identities And Solidarity In Foreign Policy: East Central Europe and the Eastern Neighbourhood, Institute of International Relations, Prague 2012

The concepts of identity and solidarity have become particularly relevant in the context of regional integration. However, larger comparative approaches to the foreign policy identity of EU members remain rare, even after the EU’s Eastern enlargement in 2004/07. There is even less work on solidarity in foreign policy. The core idea of this publication is thus to investigate the link between identity and solidarity in the foreign policy of members of the European Union (EU), in particular its East Central European (ECE) members. Although many publications account for an interest in ECE foreign policies, only few analysts have tackled them in a comparative perspective. In fact, the study of ECE policies was so far constrained by the political agenda of accessions to the EU and the fi eld of foreign policy remained underestimated.

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Costas Melakopides, Pragmatic Idealism Revisited: Russia’s Post-1991 Cyprus Policy and Implications for Washington, Mediterranean Quarterly (2012), Duke University Press, Vol.23, No 4, pp 107-134

Abstract: Having previously applied the concept of pragmatic idealism to the “like-minded middle powers” during the Cold War, the author now aims to extend its application to great powers and even superpowers. This essay challenges the stereotypical realist conception of Russia’s Cyprus policy, demonstrating that, besides its pragmatic features, it reveals idealistic motives, especially since 1991. These motives issue from a rich nexus of historical, religious, and cultural bonds, resulting in support for essentially idealist legal norms and ethical values that defend the rights of the Republic of Cyprus. Moreover, since President Barack Obama’s worldview is widely, and properly, perceived to exhibit pragmatic idealism, it should follow that Washington’s own Cyprus policy should be refashioned along such principled lines. The article is available here.

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New publication of Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, October 2012

Krisztina Vida (ed.),Strategic issues for the EU10 countries – Main positions and implications for EU policy-making, IWE-FEPS, Budapest, October 2012, 322 p.

Read online. Public Consultations held by the European Commission

The Union's humanitarian aid: Fit for purpose?

The purpose of this consultation is to obtain stakeholders' views on the challenges, objectives and options to enhance the effectiveness and impact of the Union's humanitarian aid (through operational, policy, organisational or other measures), taking into account the changing global context at the outset of the 21st century. The input gathered will feed into the Commission's future initiatives on further increasing the impact of the EU's humanitarian action. Your input will be most welcome by 15 March 2013. More information here.

Public consultation on the protection of business and research know-how

Keeping valuable information secret is often the only or the most effective way that companies have to protect their intellectual property (such as the results of their research and innovation efforts). Although patents play a decisive role in this area, there are limitations as to what can be patented. New business solutions, marketing data and many incremental technological improvements, for example, are not patentable). Concerns regarding the effectiveness of the legal protection against the misappropriation of trade secrets in the Internal Market are already being voiced. Deadline for a contribution: 8 March 2013. More information here.

Consultation on structural options to strengthen the EU Emissions Trading System

Stakeholders and experts in the field of the European carbon market are invited to comment on the structural options and views reflected in the report "The state of the European carbon market in 2012", which serves as the consultation document. Deadline: 28 February 2013. More information here.

Ensuring Sustainable Development GLobally: EU follow-up to RIO+20

The objective of the consultation is to provide input to the European Commission for the development of specific actions and measures. It will serve as input to a Communication from the Commission on Rio+20 follow-up, planned for the first half of 2013. The consultation is also a complement to the Public Consultation "Towards a post-2015 development framework". Deadline: 15 January 2013. More information here.

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