The Western Historical
The Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine INDEX Volume 52 /.: *v Published quarterly by THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 4338 Bigelow Boulevard, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania A Andrews, J. Cutler, rev. of Curry's Blueprint "Account Book of General John Neville," for Modern America, NonNan MilitaryLegis- edited by James H. Moon, with appendix lation of the First Civil War Congress, of letters, pages from account books, maps 199-201 of Reserve Tracts, etc., 345-360 Anti-Mormon feeling, high during investiga- "Account Book of General John Neville," tion of Reed Smoot and Mormon Church, photographic copy of, in Pennsylvania Di- 49; tosome, itwas persecution, 49 vision of Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh; Anti-Mormon petitions, about four million, original in vault storage, 354; appendix, sent to Senators Knox and Penrose from 355-360 Pennsylvania, 50; Knox, four others voted Hall, for Smoot, 50; failure to gain quick ap- "Address at the Dedication of Town proval Senate, 50; after Ligonier, Pennsylvania," June 13, 1969, from entire sum- by Stanton Belfour, 311-314 mer break, Congress to settle almost four- ) year-old case, 51 Agricultural sports in Pittsburgh, 67 Appleton Brothers, letters to Mathiot about Allegheny Conference on Community De- their losses on tunnel excavation on velopment, guiding organization for Point Portage Railroad, 158 Park project, 266; studied by other coun- Arensberg, Charles Covert, "The Spelling of tries, 266; established Point Park Com- Robert Neill Who Built the Neill Log mittee (1945) at request of Gov.
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