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PITTSBURGH HISTORY & LANDMARKS FOLINDATION 1 STATIONSQ STE45O PITTSBURGH P A 15219-II]O Address Correction Requested Published for the members of the Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation No. 129 May 1993 a Revisiting Burtner House a Hands-on History Festival a Shaightening Out East Liberty a Pittsburgh Architecture: New Ways of Seeing Nation aL Trust President Visits Landmarks "Leadership seems to be the key factor." On March 9, Natíonal Trust Midway through his dayJong visit to presídert Rirhnrd Moe wrote Pittsburgh on March 8, National Trust for Historic Preservation president tlæfoilouting lctter to tlæ Pitts- Richard Moe offered that answer to a bnrgh Hßøry & Iand,marlæ question he had himself raised a moment before: "Why is there more Fotndnrinn: successful historic-preservation activity in Pittsburgh than anywhere else in this I can't tell you how much I country?" appreciate the day you put Richard Moe lawyer, Civil War preservationist, and- former White together for me yesterday. It House offrcial became National was a truly exhilarating ex- Trust president- in January ofthis year. perience. Now I know why the Accompanied by vice-president Peter entire preservation comrnunity Brink and joined by the Trust's Mid- Atlantic Regional Office director looks to you with such admira- Patricia Wilson from Philadelphia, Mr. tion and awe. I found in the Moe left Washington, D.C. to visit schedule you put together exact- Pittsburgh for the first "field trip" of his ly the experience was looking tenure. "I was right," he noted several I times during the course of his visit, "to for. There really is more going come to Pittsburgh first." on in those neighborhoods in During the morning, Landmarks' Pittsbwgh than anywhere else in president Arthur Ziegler and former Preservation Fund director Stanley the nation. This is a direct result Lowe led a tour of projects and pro- ofthe decades ofwork that grams sponsored by Landmarks. The you've put in to practical pres- joined Trust officials were by members ervation. I came away truly of the New York Landmarks Conser- vancy and Landmarks Harlem, whose inspired and energized and independent visit to study Landmarks' determined to take the word far programs and policies happily coincided and wide of what you are doing with Mr. Moe's visit. The itinerary in Pittsburgh. This is preserva- reviewed past projects inner-city neighborhood housing -restoration on tion as it should be practiced Manchester's Liverpool Street, Alle- and I am committed to further- gheny West, and the Mexican War ing it in eYery way that I can. Streets, and commercial developments such as the Brewery and the Priory in Many thanks again, Arthur.I the Troy Hill and Allegheny East sec- am most grateful and I hope you tions of the city. will let me know whenever I can Of particular interest to the Washing- be of assistance to you. ton off,rcials were the current activities receiving funding and technical assis- \üarmest regards. tance from Landmarks' Preservation Sincerely, Nøtinna,I Thtst president Richard Moe tøIks with Inndmarks' trustee Eaelyn Hirtl.e d,urin6 Fund. Rhonda Brandon and Betty Jane th.e morning bus tour of Pitæburgh's hßøric Northside neþhborhoods a,nd com,merciøI Contínued on page 12 restora,tian projects. Richard Moe Far left: Richard. Moe andPeter Brink of the Na,tiona.l Trust ønd. Arthur Ziegler of Iandmarlæ nlkwith Sønl,q Lau¡e on Liuerpool Street in Manchesten Wt: Once scheduledþr demolitinn, the nine' identi¿til d,ouble houses on Liaerpool Street nous form th.e most impressiue hnuse røw ín Pitæburgh. Phnøs by BilL Rydberg, PHAION Page 2 PHLF Nars . May 1993 ffiNEV/S Welcomn l{euu Membert The Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation welcomes the following new members who recently joined Landmarks. We look forward to their participation in our work and special events. Bloomfield Preservation & Mrs. Alina Lao Keebler Heritage Society, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. William M. Kelly Daniel L. Bonk V/illiam Keyes Mrs. Fred C. Brady Ms. Kathryn Leahy Todd D. Brant Richard J. LttÍz Joel T. Camp Miss Evalyne L. Miller Mrs. Edward W. Campbell Ms. Marie R. Miller Ms. Charlotte Cohen Ms. Deborah L. Myers Robert L. Critchlow Ms. Esther S. Persky Phillip Daquila Stephen A. Pfouts & Family Matthew J. Deluliis Real Estate Enterprises Ms. Joanne Devereaux Veronica M. Rocks, Esq. Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Dom Bernd P. Rose & Family Charles L. Rosenblum Ms. Constance M. Dougherty Ms. Alison Rushford Lauren & John Durain Stephen J. Salmon Robert M. Eppinger Mr. & Mrs. PaulW. Mrs. Elda Eureka Schaughency Andy J. Fortna Ms. LuAnn Sokolowski Mark & Ida Gleeson Jay F. Steele Roland R. Graham, Jr. John E. Stevenson, Jr. Ms. Evelyn Granieri Ted & Beth Stevenson Robert L. Harland & Family Greg Turner Boolætnre and Librøry Oprn Hou,se Ms. Jennifer C. Haugen Robert Washington Ms. Eileen M. Hilko Gregory A. Weimerskirch On April 18, Landmarks'members and Holiday Park School George Whitmer friends visited The Landmarks Store in William & Janet Holtz Ms. Nancy L. Zagorac The Shops at Station Square, and the Robert S. Johnston Valeriano C. Zarro, Ph.D., RA James D. Van Trump Library, on the Ms. Cheryl Johovich Dr. & Mrs. David Zontine fourth floor of The Landmarks Build- ing, at an Open House held between Corporate Members 2:30 and 4:00 p.m. Attendees at The Landmarks Store The Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation welcomes the browsed through the expanded stock of following corporate members: architecture and design books, looked over new and unusual gift items, and Benefactors Partners (Continued) gladly took advantage of a special 20o/o PNC Bank Tu:o ilhstrations from our Library's Dynamet Foundation discount in honor of the occasion. ooþndhurst," TCI Cable of Pennsylvania Metals boolæ: an øûerior of the Elkem At The Landmarks Building, guests Gateway Engineers Thau¡ hause on Beechwood Bouleuard, toured the library and staffoffices, and Patrons L.B. Foster Company and a coræt¡'u¿tian shatfrom the Inrhner Armstrong Group of Companies West Penn Hospiial chatted with staff members. Visitors project, August 21, 7911. Integra Bank were able to examine some of the more Auenue Bridge Associates interesting and unusual books in the Partners Delta International Machinery Library before moving on to explore Bank Corporation Allegheny Valley ofhces and work areas. The final full- Bobby Rubino's Place for Ribs rendered plans Oehme, Van tage, and a strong, activist involvement Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania color of Community Savings Sweden & Associates' design for the in the preservation ofthese resources, CTR Systems Station Square Riverpark were laid out from the neighborhoods to the national in the Arensberg Conference Room and level. A1 characterized the Library as drew particular interest. "not a full-service public or academic Almnndßr l{ørufih At 3:00 p.m., archivist Al Tannler library, in the usual sense, but a private, spoke briefly about Jamie Van Trump, even, one might say, a'family'library Alexander Kanuth is just completing a six- who was present at the Open House. which serves as a resource for members month internship with Landmarks. Alex The Library was dedicated in Jamie's and staff." He noted that the Open came to Landmarks on a year break from honor. Al noted that Jamie was Pitts- House represented a'tommencement," Bowdoin, intent on getting a diverse exposure burgh's preeminent architectural not a completion, and that much to historic preservation activities and trying historian who had written first about remained to be done in our job to to decide on a career. He has been auditing, myriad aspects of the city's character organize and arrange books and assisting, and gaining skill with a good many and environment, and had done so archival materials. of us, always willingly and energetically, and "with elegance, passion, and a breadth Delectable refreshments from the feels that he has learned a lot. Alex has unlikely to be matched." He further Grand Concourse were served in the worked particularly closely with our Preservation Fund and observed that Landmarks, as an organi- main hallway. Many who attended were neighborhood programs supported by local lending institutions. zalion, has been characterized from its overheard to say that this was their first He is going to be looking forward to real estate development founding by two equally important visit to Landmarks'offices and library. andlor f,rnance for his life's work. endeavors: thoughtful exploration of We look forward to future such events Alex is 21 years old. He was born in Askeq near Oslo in the Pittsburgh area's resources and heri- and repeated visits by our members. Norway, but moved as a small child to Australia, and at the age of nine to the United States. Home, at present, is Palm Beach. Orr Arrn,cHBNv ta Innùnnrles Landmarks Cifß VrcroRrAN The Pittsburgh History & Landmarks Foundation gratefully Welcomes acknowledges donations by: GenDEN Toun o Genevieve Hachmeister McCain, of the South Hills, for several survey maps of c. 1930 for the Boulevard of the Allies, and for Saturday and Sunday, July 10 and 1 1 rough specihcations c.l9l4 for an industrial building. PNC BANK AND 1 p.m.-5 p.m., Allegheny'West ¡ Margaret Berry, of Conway, Massachusetts, for a book of TCI C¡gLe Pittsburgh views from 1895. Over a dozen gardens in this historic OF PENNSYTVANIA district on Pittsburgh's No¡th Side will be on display. Refreshments will be available a in a patio cafe, and unusual plants will be for sale. PHLF News ís publishedfive t¡mes each year for the members of the Pittsburgh as Corporate tuterrr¡"r Benefactors The tour is sponsored by the Allegheny History &. Landmarks Foundation. It is supported through membership dollars, West Civic Council, which is celebrating its proceeds Station Square, and advertßing revenue.