A Report for English Heritage Rapid Coastal Zone Assessment for The Isles of Scilly Charles Johns Richard Larn Bryn Perry Tapper May 2004 Report No: 2004R030 HISTORIC ENVIRONMENT SERVICE Environment and Heritage, Planning Transportation and Estates, Cornwall County Council Kennall Building, Old County Hall, Station Road, Truro, Cornwall, TR1 3AY tel (01872) 323603 fax (01872) 323811 E-mail
[email protected] 1 www.cornwall.gov.uk Acknowledgements This study was commissioned by English Heritage. Ian Morrison, Inspector of Ancient Monuments and Fachtna McAvoy, the Project Officer, provided guidance and support throughout, advice and help was also given by Vanessa Straker, South-West Regional Scientific Officer, Ian Oxley, Head of Maritime Archaeology, Annabel Lawrence, Archaeologist (Maritime) and Dave Hooley of the Characterisation Team. Help with the historical research was provided by various individuals and organisations, in particular: Amanda Martin and Sarnia Butcher of the Isles of Scilly Museum; Sophia Exelby, Receiver of Wreck; Sandra Gibson of Gibsons of Scilly; Adrian Webb, Research Manager, Hydrographic Data Centre, UKHO, Taunton; Ron Openshaw of the Bartlett Library, National Maritime Museum, Falmouth; Cornwall County Council’s Library Service and the Helston branch library. David Graty at the National Monument Record and June Dillon at the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office provided advice and help obtaining shipwreck information. Underwater images east of the Bristows, St Martin’s were collected by Dave Parry during a Plymouth Marine Laboratory research expedition in March 2003, funded by DEFRA through projects AE1137 and CDEP 84/5/295 for rapid assessment of marine biodiversity (RAMBLERS) External consultants for the project were: Richard Larn who provided maritime advice and expertise and Gill Arbery, Isles of Scilly Conservation Officer and English Heritage Field Monument warden who facilitated the consultation exercise and advised on conservation issues.