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The Buffalo Fine Arts Academy Albright Art Gallery-



January 12th to February 3rd 166—1918—II NOTES

This exhibition is installed in Galleries XII, Xlll, XIV, XVI, XVII and XVIII (north of the Sculpture Court). Many of the posters, drawings and lithographs are for sale. For prices, apply at the desk in Gallery XIII or of members of the staff.


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Catalogue of an Exhibition of 'War Posters, Drawings and Lithographs.

Collection of War Posters, in the Official Exhibit of the Committee on Public Information, Washington, D C (American, French, Russian, Italian, Can­ adian'and English). Traveling under the direc­ tion of the Free Public Library, Newark, N. J.

Collection of American Posters, organized by , Esquire, and F. D. Casey, Secre­ tary, Committee on Public Information, .

Collection of War Posters, lent by the U. S. Navy Re­ cruiting Bureau, New York City.

Collection of Canadian War Posters, lent by G. M. Gest, Esquire, New York City.

War Cartoons by Louis Raemackers. Under the direc­ tion of Brown-Robertson Company, Inc., New York City.

Lithographs of War Work in rf^cat Britain and the United States by Joseph Penneil. Exhibited un­ der the auspices of the American Federation of Arts, Washington, D. C.

Drawings and Lithographs by Vernon Howe Bailey. Lent by the artist.

Miscellaneous Collection of Posters Courtesy of the Honorable Louis B. Hart Urquhart Wilcox, Esquire, Mrs. Harold P. Hayes and Madame F. A. Casassa.

TA.NUARY 12th to FEBRUARY 3rd ^ 166—1918—11 ACKNOWLEDGMENT

'y HE President and Directors of The Buffalo Fine Arts Academy wish to acknowledge their indebtedness to the fol­ lowing institutions, organizations and per­ sons who have generously contributed post­ ers, drawings and lithographs as loans to the present Exhibition:

Art School of the Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo, N. Y. American Federation of Arts, Washington, D. C. Vernon Howe Bailey, Esquire, New York City. Brown-Robertson Company, Inc., New York City. F. D. Casey, Esquire, Secretary, Committee on Public Information, New York City. Madame F. A. Casassa, Buffalo, N. Y. Free Public Library, Newark, N. J. Charles Dana Gibson, Esquire, New York City. G. M. Gest, Esquire, New York City. The Honorable Louis B. Hart, Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. Harold P. Hayes, Buffalo, N. Y. U. S. Navy Recruiting Bureau, New York City. Urquhart Wilcox, Esquire, Buffalo, N. Y. AMERICAN WAR POSTERS

Catalogue of Posters in the Official Exhibit of the Committee on Public Information, Washing­ ton, D. C, Traveling under the Direction of the Free Public Library, Newark, N. J.

Asterisk (*) indicates that the artist is a member of the , New York City.

NAVY 1. Here He Is Sir. *Charles Dana Gibson. 2. The Navy Needs You. *. 3. To Arms ! Milton Bancroft. 4. Gee ! I Wish I Were a Man ! Hozuard Chandler Christy. 5. The Navy Is Calling. L. N. Britton. 6. Find the Range of Your Patriotism. Wentworth Institute No. 3 7. Help Your Country. *Hcnry Reuterdahl. 8. Follow The Flag. Dougherty. 9. The Sword Is Drawn. Kenyon Cox. 10. Something Doing Boys. 11. Follow the Boys in Blue. *George Wright. 12. For Quick Action, Join The Navy. Carrie Evelyn Lyon. ARMY 13. I Want You. "James Montgomery Flagg. 14. Pro Patria. Welch. 15. U. S. Marines—Active Service. "Sidney Rissenberg. 16. First In the Fight. *Jnmes Montgomery Flagg. 17. The Star-Spangled Banner. 18. Premier an Feu. "Clinton B. Falls. 10. The U. S. Marines Want You. 5 RED CROSS 20. What Are You Doing To Help? "Gordon Grant. 21. Help Your American Red Cross. PATRIOTIC 22. Help Deliver The Goods. Herbert Pans. 23. Get Into The Game. F. X. Leyendecker. 24. Worth Fighting For. Frank S. Guenther. 25. That Arm. Your Country Needs It. Wcntworth Institute Poster No. 1 26. It Protected You. Wentworth Institute Poster No. 2 27. Come On Boys. Wentworth Institute Poster No. 4 28. Where Is Your Khaki Uniform? Publicity Com­ mittee. City Preparedness Association, N. Y. C. 29. The Minute Men of Today. Military Training Camps. 30. A Proclamation by The President. Printed by Douglas C. McMurtrie. 31. Safe For Democracy. Louis Fancher. 32. Our Allies. 33. Britishers Enlist Today. Guy Lipscombe. 34. Your Country Calls. Lloyd Myers. 33. American War Posters. B. Audsley. Designed and printed to advertise this Exhibit by the Nciuark Public Library. FOOD CONSERVATION 36. Preserve. Housh. 37. Preserve. Housh. WAR SERVICE 38. If You Can Use Tools. MacKinnon. LIBERTY LOAN 39. Ring It Again. Liberty Loan. 40. Have You Bought Your Bond? ". SIGNAL CORPS 41. If You Are An Electrician. Welsh. 6 FOREIGN WAR POSTERS

CANADIAN 42. Canadiens Français, Venez avec nous ! 43. The Navy Wants Men. The Mortimer Co., Ltd., Ottawa.

ENGLISH 44. "Be Honest With Yourself." Recruiting Association, . 45. Indian Ink. War Fund. 46. War Loan. Back the Empire. 47. Three English Posters To Be Used On Wind Shields Of Taxi Cabs. FRENCH 48. N'oubliez Pas. Roulbot. 49. Pour la . Faivre. 50. Eux Aussi Font Leur Devoir. 51. Journée de . 14 Juillet, 1915. 52. Semez des Pommes de Terres. Hautor. 53. Matinée au Profit des Artistes Russes en France. D. Stelletski. 54. Cardinal Mercier Protège la Belgique, Part I. D. Charles Foaqucray. 55. Cardinal Mercier Protège la Belgique, Part II. D. Charles Fouqueray. 56. L'Architecture Regionale Dans les Provinces Envahies. P. Rapin. 57. Journée Serbe. 25 Juin. 1916. Mourgue. RUSSIAN 58. For the American Ambulance in Russia. 59. For the American Ambulance in Russia. ITALIAN 60. Fate Tulli il Vostro Dovere! Mauzan. 61-66. iMagazin- covers by ", "Adolph Treidler, ", "Louis Fanchcr, Herbert'Paus, , F. X. Lcycndecher. "Boardman Robinson and others 07-68. Russia-; Cartoons. 69. French Post Cards. AMERICAN POSTERS

Organized by Charles Dana Gibson, Esquire, and F. D. Casey, Secretary, Committee on Public Information, New York City.

FOOD POSTERS 70. Be Patriotic, etc. Paul Stahr 71. Save and Serve the Cause of Freedom. F. G. Cooper 7:>. Save a Loaf a Week and Help Win the War. 73. Food—Don't Waste it. 74. Food Is Ammunition—Don't Waste' It. John E. Sheridan 75. Eat More Ccrnmeal, etc. L. N. Britton 76. Eat More Corn, etc. 77. Why Is It Necessary to Eat Less Meat, etc. L. N. Britton 78. Food Will Win The War. George lllian

CAR SIGNS 79. Feed Our Heroes. Babcock 80. Are You Doing Your Share? • Falls 81. Fiftv-Fiftv. 82. Help Your Bov At The Front. 84. Food—Don't Waste It. S4.a Fats Arc Fuel For Fighters. 85. Save A Loaf A Week.

LIBERTY LOAN POSTERS 86. Lend Your Monev To Your Government. 87. Shall We Be Mofe Tender With Our Dollars, etc. Dan Sayre Groesbeck 88. Before Sunset Buy a Liberty Bond. Deland 89. Women—Help America's Sons Win The War. R. H. Porteous 90. Buy a Liberty Bond and Wear a Button. 91. Remember Your First Thrill of American Liberty. Poucher 92. The Time Has Come To Conquer Or Submit, etc. 93. Our Daddy Is Fighting At The Front. Dewey NAVY POSTERS 94. Over There. Albert Sterner 95. Enlist in the Navy. Louis Raemaekers 96. Altogether. H. Reuterdahl 97. You Wireless Fans Help the Navy. C. B. Falls 98. I Want You. 99. Enlist in the Navy. Frank Brangwyn 100. Enlist. Issued by the City of Boston

MARINE POSTERS 101. First To Fight in France. F. C. Yohn 102. Spirit of 1917. 103. U. S. Marines—Soldiers of the Sea. / C. Leyendecker 104. First in France. 105. Men Wanted for U. S. Marines. Waiter Estcrvelt 106. Soldiers of the Sea. Sidney Riesenberg 107. First to Fight for Democracy. L. A. Shnfer 108. Democracy's Vanguard. Sidney Riesenberg 109. First To Hoist Old Glory on Foreign Soil. Sidney Riesenberg RECRUITING POSTERS 110. For Liberty. Lionel Hayes 111. Winged Victory. H'illv Pogany 112. Men Wanted for the Army (2) M. P. Whelan 113. Enlist. Fred Spear RED CROSS POSTERS 114. Help the Red Cross. Herman Roeg 115. They Fight For You. Protect Them. W. G. Sesser 116. If You Cannot Go Across With a Gun, etc. C. W. Love 117. They Are Looking To Us For Help. L. N. Britton 118. Ten Million Members By Christmas. C. B. Falls MISCELLANEOUS POSTERS 119. Kriights of Columbus. Balfour Ker CATALOGUE OF WAR POSTERS Lent by U. S. Navy Recruiting Bureau, New York City.

120. America Calls—Enlist In the Navy. J. C. Leyendecker 121. These Men Have Come Across—They Are At The Front Now. 122. Come On, You Sea-Cooks. Wallace Cook 1.3. Only the Navy Can Stop This. W. A. Rogers 124. Join the Navy. S. F. Babcock

CATALOGUE OF CANADIAN WAR POSTERS Lent by G. M. Gest, Esquire, New York City.

125. 199th Irish Canadian Rangers. 126. "C" Battery—Royal Canadian Horse Artillery. 127. 244th Overseas Battalion, letter from—"Some- v here in France." 128. 245th Grenadier Guards Battalion. 129. Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve Over­ seas Division. 130. Royal Naval Canadian Volunteer Reserve Over- S< as Division (Different Design) 131. 178th French Canadian. 132. Canadians Français. 133. 178th French Canadian Battalion "Farm Scene." 134. "Take Up the Sword of Justice." 135. 148th Battalion, "Why Don't They Come." 136. "Send More Men"—"Won't You Answer The Call." 137. Jewish Poster—Written in Hebrew. 138. "Here's Your Chance"—"It's Men We Want." 139. 244th Overseas Battalion—Hat and Gun Poster. 140. 242nd Canadian Forestry and Pioneer Battalion. 141. 5th Royal Highlanders—2nd Reinforcing Com­ pany "to 13th, 42nd ard 73rd Battalion. 142. 199th Irish Canadian Rangers—"We Go. Next !" 143. 244th Overseas Battalion—"Are You One of Kitchener's Own." M4. 199th Irish Canadian Rangers—"Small Nations Must Be Free." 10 145. 207th Overseas Battalion, Ottawa—"This Is Your Flag." 146. Canadian Grenadier Guards for Overseas Service. 147. "The Wounded Soldiers Return." 148. "Help The Red Cross." 149. Irish Canadian Rangers. "Fight For Her." 150. "We Are Going Strong." 151. "Which?"—"Have You a Reason or Only an Excuse." 152. 5th Pioneer Battalion—"To Build Anything and Fight Anything." 153. "Come and Do Your Bit." 154. 148th Overseas Battalion. 155. 238th Canadian Forestry—"Bushman and Sawmill Hands Wanted." 156. No Title, London Poster—"Officer Beckoning." 157. 199th Irish Canadian Overseas Rangers—"All In One." 158. Artillery Heroes at the Front Say "Get Into a Man's Uniform." 159. 245th Overseas Canadian Grenadier Guards— "Help the Boys To Keep Them Running." 160. Quotation from the Prime Minister, London, 1914. 161. The Women of Canada say "Go." 162. "Your Chums Are Fighting, Why Aren't You?" 163. 239th Overseas Railway Construction Corps." 164. "You Are No Exception, Join Now." 165. 199th Irish Canadian Rangers, "Jump Into Your Place." 166. 236th Kilties Battalion. 167. 244th Battalion, Ottawa, "You Are Needed to Take My Place." 168. 207th Battalion, Ottawa, "Your Place Is Here." 169. 245th Grenadier Guards, "Fall In The Guards." 170. The Famous 13th, 42nd and 73rd Battalions re­ quire Reinforcements. 171. 148th Battalion Overseas, "Will You and Your Friends Come Overseas." 172. 154th Overseas Battalion, 'IMen From Stormont, Dundas and Glengary." 173. Canadian Mounted Rifles, Hamilton, Ont. 174. 4th Battalion Pioneers. 175. Siege Artillery, "Big Men For Big Guns." 11 176. The Patriotic Fund—"G-Bye Mary." 177. "Be Honust With Yourself, etc."—Kitchener. 178. Jewish Poster in English—"Britain Expects Every Son of Israel to Do His Duty." 179. Come Now. ISO. Come, Lad, Slip Across and Help. 181. Join the Brave Throng That Goes Marching Along. 182. Are You Doing Your Duty Today? 183. Here's Your Chance. 184. Heroes of St. Julien and Festubert. 185. We Will Uphold the Priceless Gem of Liberty. 186. To the Women of Canada. 187. Make Us As Proud of You, etc 188. How Much? 189. If You Were a German. 190. Have You Asked Yourself ? 191. Can I Afford, etc. 192. Are You One of Those, etc. 193. Did You Do Anything to Beat Germany Last Year? 194. If You Can't Fight You Can Pay. 195. The Empire's Need—Men—Munitions—Money. 196. How Can You Cheer. 197. Dad's On the Line Busy Fighting. 198. 'Fight or Pay That Others May Fight. 199. Canadian Mounted Rifles. 200. Some Women Are Sending Their Men, etc. 201. If You Cannot Give a Life, etc. 202. Every Life Saved. 203. Our Boys Must Face the Ravages of War. 204. Tradesmen of All Kinds. 205. Canadian Engineers. 206. Canadian Engineers, "Your Turn Has Come." 207. Are You In This?

12 CATALOGUE OF War Cartoons of Louis Raemaekers Lent by Brown-Robertson Company, Inc., New York City.

208. Kultur versus Red Cross. Wounded Germans Saved from Torpedoed Hospital. 209. William : "We don't inspire confidence." 210. The Hun : "Keep neutral, leave the fighting to me, Sam." 211. (Bethmann-Robespierre) : "Three cheers for the Russian Republic." 212. Friend : "Don't stop, old chap, if you go on you will get all you deserve." 213. William : "You don't mean to make it a real war?" 214. Mouse Trap for Candid Neutral Ships (Seven Dutch Ships Sunk in a Bunch Which Had Got a German Security to Sail.) 215. On the Way to Verdun. 216. The Indian Army before Bagdad. 217. The German Wolf: "Why not trust me, Little Red Riding Hood, I am your good friend." 218 German Communique: "We bombarded the fortress of London." (A preparatory school was hit and a number of children killed.) 219. No war at all or at worst a sham; that was all that America possibly could do. 220. As you did, so will it be done unto you. 221. Ferdinand: "I am much too popular to be treated like Tino and Nicholas." 222 "Not how we received the bomb, but that you dared to open the German diplomatic valise; that is the only thing that matters." 223. The Runaway Spinning Down Out of Control. 224. Welcome to Stockholm—The Germans Singing (Marseillaise.) 225. Bethmann-Hollweg to Anti-Annexationist and Pro-Annexationist : I cannot^ discuss details, but I perfectly agree with you." 13 226. "Dogonit, Hindenburg, don't make your strategic moves so suddenly when I am stard'.ng behind you." 227. Michael : "Hurrah for the Kaiser." 228. Poland: "No, thanks, I know these Princes of yours too well." 229. Uncle Sam : "I must hurry to save my kids." Pacifist : "Wait a bit." 230. Peace Dove. 231. "Bring me the rest of my people, Hindenburg." 232. Some German-Americans : "Fight for America's honor, we do not know of such a thing." 233. Wilson re-elected : "You wanted t« rob me of my hammer—there it is, I have a better one." 234. A: "Rotten—these Lansing disclosures; and we don't know how to counteract because we don't know how much more evidence he has." B : "But we might attack Lansing in some patri­ otic looking way for not laying his whole game on the tabic" 235. God Bless Our Arms. 236. Close Formation at Verdun. 237. "As T^on Sowest So Shalt Thou Reap," "What kind of an American is this?" 238. U-53 Operating on America's Shores : "We will show these Yank"es that their President is elected by the Wilhelmstrasse." 239. The Fine American Spirit. When the Boys Go Off to France. 240. "Don't think of your stomach—think of my dynasty only." 241. Tanks. 242. "Some marks, please, for a poor old woman who did not want the war." 243. Will They Last? 244. Doctor S. to King Constantine : "The Allies are going to use a strong hand." 245. Peace Angels of Doubtful Spotlessness : William: "Go, my doves, your charms may be more suc­ cessful than my arms." * 14 246. Constantine : "The trade unions of royalties would not permit anything serious against me." 247. "They dare to say that our kultured soldiers com­ mitted atrocities." 248. Mental Reservation—"The Reichstag's peace reso­ lution will be followed by me (as I understand it)." 249. Mars: "Olive Branch? No, William, take some mailed fist medicine yourself." 250. In Java: "I will give you the arms to kill your Holland oppressors." 251. Bagdad! "Bag that." 252. German Yuletide. 253. Burlesque in Berlin. 254. Trying to Keep America Neutral. 255. Belgians Deported as Munition Slaves in Cattle Trucks. 256. Kitchener: He Did His Duty to the Last. 4.U The Bagdad-Berlin Line—His Pet Snake.

CATALOGUE OF Lithographs of War Work in Great Britain and the United States BY JOSEPH PENNELL

258. The Iron Mine. 259. The Coal Mines. 260. In the Land of Iron and Steel. 201. Making Pig Iron : The Base of the Blast Furnaces. 262. From the Tops of the Furnaces. 263. The Big Gate of the Big Shop. 264. The Great Tower : Pig Iron. 265. Within the Furnaces. 266. The Cauldrons. 267. The Perambulator. 268. The Great Hammer. 269. In the Jaws of Death: Rolling Bars for Shells. 15 270. Steel Bars for Shells. 271. The Presses. 272. The Urns : Casting Big Shells. 273. "Bottling the Big Shell." 274. Munition Works. 275. The Shell Factory. 276. Finishing Shells. 277. Evening in the Munitions Country. 278. The Bay of the Thousand Girls. 279. Planing Big Shells. 280. Munition Town. 281. The Acolytes Preparing the Altar of the War God. 282. Making Armor Plate. 283. The Old Shipyard. 284. Munitions River. 285. The Gantry. 286. The Gun Forge. 287. The Gun Shop. 288. Cutting and Turning a Big Gun. 289. The Basilica of War. 290. The Old Gun Pit. 391. The New Gun Pit. 292. Bringing in the Gun. 293. Building the Great Turret. 294. Fitting Guns in Turrets. 295. The Shops at Night: Changing Shifts. 296. Ready for War. 297. Taking the Big Gun Away. 298. Five O'Clock. 299. Made in Germany: The Great Crane. 300. Gun Testing. 301. Munitions City. 302. By-Products. 303. Peace and War. 304. The Balloon Shed. 305. The Big Bug. 306. Shot. 307. The Transports. 308. The Little .Men of the Big Hammer. 3(19. Making Propeller Blades. 310. Under the Shed. 10 311. The Keel. 312. Unloading Ore. 313. Building Submarine Chasers. 314. In the Land of Brobinag. 315. In the Dry Dock. 316. The Armor-Plate Press. 317. The Ants. 318. The Prow. 319. The Birds of War. 320. The White and the Black Hammers. 321. Forging Shells. 322. The Boat Builders. 323. The Riveters. 324. The Gun Pits. 325. The Old Hangar. 326. Making Rifles. 327. Hydroplanes. 328. The Embarkation Camp. 329. Building the Camp. 330. The Camp. 331. Launching the Hydroplanes. 332. Aeroplanes. 333. The Balloon Shed. 334. Building Destroyers. 335. The Biggest Lathe in the World. 336. The Seaside Shipyard. 337. The Forges. 338. Shaping a Gun from an Ingot. 339. The Shell Factory, No. 1. 340. Shell Factory, No. 2. 341. The Gun Factory. 342. Ready to Start. 343. Ready for Service Again. 344. The Old and the New. 345. Submarines in Dry Dock. 346. Casting Shells. 347. Building Engines for the Allies. 348. Making War Locomotives. 349. The Flying Locomotive. 350. Gun Pit, No. 2. 351. The Gun-Testing Ground. 17 CATALOGUE OF Drawings and Lithographs of War Work in America BY VERNON HOWE BAILEY

LITHOGRAPHS. 3 I. Big and Little Fighting Ships. 353. A Famous German Liner Seized by the U. S. Government. 354. Bow of a Super-Dreadnaught. 355. Super-Dreadnaught. 356. Super-Dreadnaught Building in a Navy Yard. 357. Overhauling a Super-Dreadnaught. 358. Stern of German Liner. 3 59. German Liner in Dry Dock Being Converted to Government Use. 360. Seized Enemy Liner. 361. Submarine in Dry Dock. 362. Rushing Submarine Chasers in a Navy Yard. 363. The For'ard Guns. 364. The Great Gun Shops (Bethlehem) 365. Finishing Naval Guns (Bethlehem) 366. Howitzers and Turrets (Bethlehem) 367. Tall Stacks (Bethlehem)

DRAWINGS 368 The Naval Gun Shops. 369, Floating Crane. 370. Field Artillery (Bethlehem) 371. Commandeered Ships. 372. A Cargo Ship's Bow Gun. 373. The Transport. 374. Ship Yards. 375. Building the Great Drv Dock. rin gand Tu 3lit' i I. ?° D "»»K Big Shells (Bethlehem) e Bl& Hole. Digging for the Great Dry Dock. 18 Launching the First Government Built Submarine Chaser. River View (Bethlehem) Pouring Steel (Bethlehem) Blast Furnaces (Bethlehem) Gun Forge Press (Bethlehem) Gun on Lathe (Bethlehem) Silhouette (Bethlehem) General View (Bethlehem) Big Guns in the Making. Fitting Breeches to the Guns—Naval Gun Shops. Heart of the Plant (Bethlehem) Torpedo Boat in Dry Dock. The Destroyers—Camouflaging. Steam Shovels, the Great Dry Dock. Tuning up the Flying Boat. Body of the Big Flying Boat. Construction of a Hydro-aeroplane for Navy. The Big Birds Skeleton—Testing an Aeroplane. Armor Plate Press (Bethlehem) The Gun Forge—Naval Gun Shops. Erecting a Big Gun Mount. Building Anti-Aircraft Gun Platform on Battle­ ship. Inspection Government Flying Field. Destroyers Nearing Completion. The Converted Liner. The Munitions Carrier. A Shipyard Pier. Nearly Ready for Launching. Munitions Ships Loading. East River. Naval Gun Shops. The Ship Yards.

19 CATALOGUE OF MISCELLANEOUS POSTERS Lent by Several Citizens of Buffalo.

409 Help Them to Bear Their Cross. Urquhart Wilcox Lent by Urquhart Wilcox, Esquire. 410. Charity Organization Poster. Urquhart Wilcox Lent by Urquhart Wilcox, Esquire. 411. Thousands Like These. Urquhart Wilcox Lent by Urquhart Wilcox, Esquire. 412. For the Benefit of the Starving Children' Lent by Mrs. Harold Hayes. 413. Le Secours de Guerre. Maurice Romberg Lent by the Honorable Louis B. Hart. 414. Journée de Paris. Roulbot Lent by the Honorable Louis B. Hart. 415. The Color Bearer. Georges Scott Lent by Madame F. A. Casassa. 416. Sous les Ailes. Georges Scott Lent by Madame F. A. Casassa. 417 Tournes de l'Armée d'Afrique et des 417. Jo^n«p« Colonailes. Charles Fouqueray Lent by Madame F. A. Casassa.

Lent by Madame F. A. Casassa. 419. Pour l'Orphelin de la Guerre Souscrivons ^^ a l'Emprunt. Lent by Madame F. A. Casassa. 420. Souscrivez Tous au 3e Emprunt de la ^ Defense Nationale. Lent by Madame F. A. Casassa. „ c - Baudry de Saunier 421. La Barque Sauvée. aml y Lent by Madame F. A. Casassa. 20



ACADEMY Notes, the official organ of The -*-* Buffalo Fine Arts Academy is now in its twelfth volume. The publication presents illustrated views of all important exhibitions held in the Albright Art Gallery, and other art news of interest. Subscription, $1.50 a year, postage prepaid. Single copies, fifty cents. All members of The Buffalo Fine Arts Academy receive Academy Notes.