RAIL NEWS 27 June 2015.Pdf
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Rail News Powering the Economy into the Future Friday 27 June 2014 Southern African Railways Association President Mr. Dominic R. Ntwaagae offically opens SARA International Conference and Exhibition 2014 Below is the Foreword from the SARA President; “Sustainable Railway Infrastructure Development for Regional Economic Growth” which ran under the theme “Pro- moting Seamless Integration of Rail, Road and Port Transport Ser- vices in Southern Africa”. This con- ference saw a marked increase in participation from the public and private sectors alike. Attendance was diverse, ranging from honour- able ministers, senior government officials, financiers, suppliers, cus- tomers, regional rail administra- tions, academic institutions and various other stakeholders. Chief Executives and senior officials from SADC railways who are the drivers of the event were in attendance. Adequate representation of key stakeholder categories helped to bring railway issues to the fore Botswana Railways Chief Executive Officer and SARA President and crafting of effective solutions Mr. Dominic R. Ntwaagae to address regional railway chal- lenges with a view to enable the he Southern African Rail- ated a lot of interest among key rail transport industry to effectively ways Association Interna- stakeholders as evidenced by the support the SADC regional devel- tional Rail Conference and growth in participation and stake- opment agenda as espoused in Exhibition has grown rapidly holder support both at regional the Protocol on Transport, Com- Tover the past four years to be- and global levels. Mozambique munications and Meteorology. come one of the very important Ports and Railways (CFM) success- Contribution towards regional events on the annual SARA and fully hosted the SARA Rail Confer- competitiveness remains a key rail industry calendar. It has gener- ence in Maputo in November 2012 area of focus for SADC railways. Continues to page 2... Rail News Page 1 Powering the Economy into the Future Rail News Briefs Powering the Economy into the Future Friday 27 June 2014 ..Continues from page 1 Botswana Railways Director Business Development Mr. Stephen Makuke responding to a question during the Ministrial Panel discussion. Honourable Minister of Transport & Communications - Botswana Mr. Nonofo Molefhi receiving his gift from Mr. Dominic Ntwaagae, BR Chief Executiveve Officer and SARA President at the SARA Conference held in Johannesburg, South Africa The concurrent Exhibition that goes will promote with the Conference continued to regional eco- provide the appropriate platform nomic growth. for showcasing of equipment and technology which can help trans- The C o n - form the railway industry’s service ference objec- delivery processes and improve tives which are regional competitiveness. The ex- driven by both hibition generated a lot of interest internal and from conference delegates and external fac- Botswana Railways Board Member, Mr. Adolph C. Hirschfeld at the SARA the public which resulted in con- tors, are dic- Conference (right) structive interaction among sup- tated by key pliers, honourable ministers, senior rail industry is- government officials, Chief execu- sues for which with a lot of excitement consider- tives and rail industry experts. solutions are required on a con- ing the resounding success of the tinuous basis. In this case we al- last conference held in Maputo SARA acknowledges the need ways focus on railway operations, which strengthened stakeholder for rail transport industry to effec- infrastructure and equipment, re- confidence and the foundation tively support the rapid economic gional and international business on which the conference is based. growth of SADC countries espe- developments, human resourc- It is evident to all that the Confer- cially in the mining industry where es, technology, transport policy, ence has improved significantly transportation of bulk commodities ports, safety and environment. We since its inception in 2010. Accu- is required. Railways are the ideal strongly believe that the SARA Rail mulated experience, broadening mode of transport in this regard. Conference and Exhibition is The of the stakeholder base and feed- As such, railways’ mandated eco- Conference as it is developed by back from delegates has helped nomic role of providing efficient, the railways, for the railways and in shaping the Conference and Ex- cost effective seamless transpor- its stakeholders. hibition to its current configuration. tation services remains the guid- The 4th Edition of the SARA Rail Continues to page 3... ing principle whose achievement Conference and Exhibition comes Powering the Economy into the Future Rail News Page 2 Rail News Briefs Powering the Economy into the Future Friday 27 June 2014 ..Continues from page 2 This year’s event which runs under the theme “Sustainable Railway Infrastruc- ture Development for Regional Eco- nomic Growth” builds on the achieve- ments made at the last conference held in 2012. We believe that infrastructure is the backbone of railway business and as such needs to be accorded the high- est priority. We expect extensive debate and generation of relevant solutions giv- en the representation of key stakehold- ers at the Conference. I wish to recognize and appreciate com- panies and individuals who invested their resources and time in the SARA Rail Con- ference over the years. Our sponsors for this year deserve special thanks as their support has not only ensured the success Botswana Railways Delegates; Mr. Justise Ramontsho, Director of the Conference but also broadened Operations & Engineering (left) and Mr. Kenneth K. Tamasiga, its scope. Exhibitors and delegates also Internal Audit Manager played an important role by supporting this year’s event. Rail News Page 3 Powering the Economy into the Future Rail News Briefs Powering the Economy into the Future Friday 27 June 2014 SAFETY BRIEF BR DISCOURAGES FOOD CONSUMPTION IN THE OFFICE nstead of fingers on the Environment and Qual- Often times, some em- keyboard, the big felo- ity Office discourages the ployees consume food in ny these days is crumbs consumption of foodstuff their offices and thereaf- on the keyboard. in offices and other areas ter dump food left overs that are not designated as and wrappers in office IThere is a growing trend of eateries. bins. These unhygienic food consumption in offic- conditions can lead to un- es and other work premis- The purpose of this prac- pleasant smells in the work es which compromises hy- tice is to offer a comforta- premises and also can pro- giene, safety as well as the ble and welcoming atmos- mote a breeding ground image of the organization phere for other colleagues for creatures. especially where visitors and most importantly cus- and customers are con- tomers and visitors of BR. To curb this, BR encour- cerned. The office must be a pleas- ages employees to desist ant, clean and an inviting from such practice and In order to promote safe- location for everyone in use of the Cafeteria for all ty, hygiene and office eti- need of BR services. eating activities. quette the Safety, Health, Powering the Economy into the Future Rail News Page 4 Rail News Briefs Powering the Economy into the Future Friday 27 June 2014 NEW APPOINTMENTS Give us a brief introduction about yourself.? My Name is Tebogo Mompati Bojong, I am BSc Computer Science graduate from University of Bot- swana 2003. Am Partly qualified teacher with Post Graduate Diploma in Education. I served on my first appointment at Office of the Auditor General from 2004-2006 as IT Auditor. From 2006 to 2012 I worked for the Ministry of Lands and Housing Department of Lands as Systems Analyst. Last year Joined BPC as Service Desk Engineer at Morupule Power Sta- tion before Joining BR. Besides my professional work am a farmer at Western Sandveld farm no 8 Enlighten us on your department and your role in BR. I am in the IT Department and as my position states ”Application Support Officer” is to offer both low TEBOGO MOMPATI BOJONG and high level support to all BR systems such as SYSPRO,VIS,VIZIRAIL, VIP e.t.c How did you end up at BR and have you worked PERSONAL PROFILE anywhere else before? NAME : Tebogo Mompati Bojong I applied for the position from the advert I saw on NICKNAME: BJ the weekend post newspaper, I have over 10 yrs of working experience in IT. My last employer was DOB: 17/04/1979 BPC. Prior to that I worked for Ministry of Lands POB: Gaborone and Housing Department of Lands for 8 years. Be- MARITAL STAUS: Married fore that I was at the Office of the Auditor General that’s where I started my career. EDUCATION: University Of Botswana CAREER: IT/Computers () What motto drives you? MENTOR(S): Mr I.H. Tsatsa, Mr N. Monageng Life is a journey & Mr B.O. Bojong Future ambitions? FAVOURITE MUSIC: Rock To be CEO somewhere some day maybe BR ARTIST: Bruce Dickinson of IRON MAIDEN What are you passionate about in life? SPORT: Martial Arts (Tai Chi) Computers/Systems/IT MOVIES: American Gangster FOOD: Papa and Beef with Morogo(Setso) Anything else you would like to share with the staff of BR? HOLIDAY DESTINATION: Seychelles I am happy to be a part of BR staff and hope to CAR: Defender 110, Land Rover enjoy good working relations COLOUR: Black Rail News Page 5 Powering the Economy into the Future Rail News Briefs Powering the Economy into the Future Friday 27 June 2014 Give us a brief introduction about yourself.? My name is Malebogo Wantwa, I come from Kanye, daughter of Mr& Mrs Wantwa. I have three siblings, one sister and two brothers and I have an eleven year old son called Theo G. Wantwa. Enlighten us on your department and your role in BR. I am in the Human Capital Department, which is aimed at implementing and improving Strategic Partnerships, customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, produc- tivity and capacity to deliver.