The Baylor Lariat Vol
ROUNDING UP CAMPUS NEWS SINCE 1900 THE BAYLOR LARIAT VOL. 109 No. 10 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2009 © 2009, Baylor University Box Get ‘informed’ for Huckabee’s Waco visit: Matt Damon’s new kids check out photos, interviews at flick teases corporate PAGE 4 s PAGE 3 world top PAGE 4 Recent graduates find relief in payment plans ADEO L A ARO nette Kucera, associate director years regardless of whether in- given, but they may have to pay college,” Allotey said. compare it to alternatives, simu- STAFF WRITER of counseling in the office of come increases. taxes on the remaining amount. For example, a recent college late IBR results under different academic scholarships and fi- “This gives (students) more While, there isn’t a great deal graduate with an entry-level job income assumptions, access the The federal government is nancial aid. time to get on track,” Kucera of detail on the newly created starting at $31,000 who also has likely time to pay in full and providing ways to ease the bur- Under the Income Based said. plans, Kucera said it provides $31,000 in federal Stafford loans evaluate the total cost of each den of debt for recent graduates Repayment Plan, the required Students nows have the abil- benefit to those who find them- would pay $170 less per month option. with loans to pay off. monthly payment is capped at ity to prolong their individual selves unemployed. utilizing one of the new plans, Dr. Chuck North, associate The government has intro- an amount that is intended to be repayment schedule up to 25 Nathan Allotey, a recent Bay- compared to the payment due professor of economics, agrees duced two new plans for federal affordable based on income and years.
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