Masonic Lincs April 2018.qxp_Layout 1 12/11/2018 12:14 Page 1

The newsletter of the Masonic Province of MasonICLINCS May 2018 Bearded wonder When a brother with a beard wears a false beard, it can mean only one thing. The Daggards are in town. See Page 3

LEARNLINK UP TO RETROSPECTA decAde IN LAUGHHAVING A MCF grant is poised In his last few months as Light Blue Club’s to change the lives holder of Lincolnshire’s top comedy night has of those suffering two Masonic posts, Graham almost 100 rolling learning difficulties Ives reflects on the last decade in the aisles – page 3 – page 6 – page 9 Masonic Lincs April 2018.qxp_Layout 1 12/11/2018 12:14 Page 2

Duke of Kent gives more Lincolnshire MasonIC LiNCS brethren Grand Rank at march’s Quarterly Communication Masonic Lincs is produced by the Masonic Province of Lincolnshire. At the Quarterly Communication meeting at Grand Lodge in March the MW The Grand Master the Duke of Kent gave every Province one Origination: promotion and two appointments to Grand Rank. For Lincolnshire, Stuart Pearcey, W. Bro. Ian Pounder was promoted PJGD, and W. Bros. Paul Anyan Words and Spaces Ltd, 01724 352156 and Phillip Odling were given first appointments to the rank of PAGDC. Print: cupit Print, 01507 522339 l These appointments are in addition to the following, conferred at Annual Investitutre meetings earlier this month. CRAFT: W.Bro. David Wheeler promoted to PSGD, W. Bro. Tony Miller EdItorIaL TEAm to PAGDC and W. Bro. Steve Hallberg to PGStB. ROYAL ARCH: E. Comp. Robert Parsons was promoted to PAGSoj, and W Bro Richard Garn there were first appointments for E. Comps. David Cartwright, Terry (Spalding and areas) Wright, and Stephen Hinds as PGStB, and for E. Comp. Michael Rix as [email protected] PAGDC. l As well as installation of W. Bro. Wheeler as PGM and Grand W Bro John Crutchley Superintendent on 12th July, the Province will have W. Bro. John (, and the coast) Crutchley as Deputy PGM, and W. Bros. Peter Brooks and Bruce [email protected] Goodman as its Assistant PGMs. Deputy PGM, V. Wor. Bro. John Hockin W Bro Peter Brooks will be Deputy PGM In Charge between July 2nd and 12th July, and E (Lincoln, , ) Comp David Bird will be Deputy GS in charge during the same period. [email protected] On the same day in the Holy Royal Arch E. Comp. Wheeler will appoint E. Comp. David Bird as Deputy Grand Superintendent, E. Comp. Dr. W Bro Stuart Pearcey David Cartwright as Second Provincial Grand Principal, and E. Comp. (Northern Lincolnshire) Terry Wright as Third Provincial Grand Principal. [email protected] W Bro Gideon Hall (Advertising) [email protected] message from W Bro Jez Hyland (Advertising) the Province [email protected] Although this will be my second ‘Message from the Province’ in W Bro Bruce Goodman Masonic Lincs, it will also be my last, because it marks a signifi- (Photography) cant milestone of my career in Freemasonry. [email protected] In July I shall cease to be both the Provincial Grand Master and the Grand Superintendent, making way for my successor W Bro David Wheeler, who will be installed on July 12th. Details of that event are still being arranged, and although one of the rulers of the ADVERTISERS: Masonic Lincs is Craft will be there to perform the ceremony, I won’t be there to see circulated to every Freemason in it. My absence is expected; it’s part of the protocol required Lincolnshire, and is also seen by the for installing a new Provincial Grand Master and Grand Superintendent. It ensures that transference of office is clear, friends and families. To discuss the allowing for succession to be established. benefits of advertising for as little as In the year after W Bro Wheeler’s installation I shall be seen less £80 per issue, please contact: around the Province too; further support for the smooth and seam- Jez Hyland by phone to 07957 603604 less transition to my successor. or email at [email protected] However, behind the scenes we started working together as soon as or Gideon Hall, 07824 808116 his appointment was announced, and I have made it plain that I or email [email protected] will continue to offer whatever guidance and advice he requests in the months ahead. As for the next chapter of my Masonic career, I shall still be attending my own Lodge and Chapter, because I am very fond of both, and shall continue my support for the Province. The Masonic Province of Lincolnshire Through Masonic Lincs I have been able to reflect on my time in has its HQ at the Masonic Hall, these two roles. You can read my thoughts on Page 6. cambridge Road, Great , , dN34 5SZ Visit our web site at Graham Ives Rt W Bro Graham Ives, Provincial Grand Master

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Daggards present Freemasonry as you’ve never seen it before Brethren of Gainsborough’s craft Yarborough Lodge 422 saw something completely different when members of Hull-based masonic performers The Daggards presented their take on the history of the Royal Arch. W Bro Eddie Wildman and Daggard debutante Mike Noble made the presenta- tion, one of a number the group offers. They include a costumed eighteenth cen- tury initiation ceremony or a flight on a virtual Masonic aircraft. Said W. Bro Wildman: “We have performed in some far off places, like Singapore, Bangladesh, and Grimsby. Some of our Yarborough Lodge WM W Bro Barry Cooper, standing, with Daggards per- presentations are of a more serious nature formers Eddie Wildman, left, and Mike Noble. while others are distinctly lighthearted, but we enjoy entertaining whatever the subject matter. It was a delight to enter- tain the Brethren at Yarborough Lodge. Lincolnshire learners Our performance of The Chapter Experi- ence was enthusiastically received and complimented, and we are grateful for the given £61,000 by mCF donation of the raffle proceeds, which will be put to good use in supporting a a number of good causes.” The Lodge’s WM, W Bro Barry Cooper, Significant donation will help Province-wide said: “Even long-standing members of learning disability support organisation the Chapter have learned something today, and those who have yet to join now know something of what it is all about.” The Province-wide Linkage Community Trust has been given a grant of Find out more, including how to book the £61,236 by the Masonic Charitable Foundation. Daggards, at: The Trust, which operates from bases in , Grimsby and Lincoln, will use the money in support of its Individual Care Action Planning project, an online employment support tool to better as- sess the needs, capabilities and aspirations of people with autism and/or learning difficulties. The Trust, which was created in 1976, works with people suffering varying degrees of learning disability, from WE ARE moderate to severe, including Down’s syndrome, BRID Autism, Asperger syndrome, Williams syndrome, Fragile HHYBRID X syndrome, speech and language difficulties, visual im- pairment, hearing impairment, epilepsy or physical dis- abilities. A further donation of £3,000 from the MCF has been given to help The Forge in , which has been Getting behind the wheel is a revelation. working to combat poverty and homelessness in the Our Hybrid cars are easy to drive and you don’t even have to plug them in. town for almost 20 years. Discover a world of stress-free driving with Toyota Hybrid The charity, which operates from a former Methodist A family dealership for 30 years and now Church, provides services including befriending, support the number one Toyota dealer in the UK.

and signposting to the correct agencies as required. It Scunthorpe John Roe Grange Lane North, Scunthorpe, DN16 1BT also provides hot meals on four days a week. Workers David Bird – 07970060029 /johnroetoyota [email protected] say changes in the benefits system have increased de- @johnroecars mand for its services, and believe the problem can only get worse. May 2018 3 MasonICLINCS Masonic Lincs April 2018.qxp_Layout 1 12/11/2018 12:14 Page 4

Soon-to-be-Past Provincial Grand Graham Ives well remembers a day in Master Graham Ives reflects on the middle of May 2008 when he re- ceived a letter from the Grand Secre- ten years of leading Lincolnshire tary which was to change his life forever. The letter said the Grand Sec- retary was instructed by the Most Worshipful Grand Master His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent to offer Graham the position of Provincial A decade of Grand Master for Lincolnshire. “I had no idea it was coming,” he said, “and I was of course delighted and deeply honoured to receive it. It was a wonderful feeling.” However, it was all something of a teamwor whirlwind; the letter arrived on the Fri- day before the Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting, and he was installed as Provin- cial Grand Master in the June of that year. “I didn’t really know what the role held for me; it was a steep learning A lot has happened in Freemasonry during the last curve. For a time I felt like a fish out of decade, says Graham Ives, but none of what has been water, but I received much support, ad- accomplished in Lincolnshire could have happened vice and friendship, and was able soon without support, co-operation and commitment from to become very comfortable with the brethren in the Province. “I haven’t done the hard role.” work. I am grateful to the people around me who have That presented a different story from his delivered the teamwork that has made so much rise to the role of Grand Superintendent possible. They have every reason to be proud of what in the Royal Arch, an Office which he we have achieved together,” he says. has held for as long as he has been Provincial Grand Master. “I had been a member of the Provincial Executive of the Royal Arch for quite a number of years before I became Grand Superin- and that they would be interested. I many for me to name individually, but tendent; I understood that role more made up my mind not to preach or to the support and friendship of all of them fully, and was immediately at ease with dictate, and my hope was always that is the thread which runs through every- it,” he said. when I left the Lodge or Chapter all the thing the Province stands for and has All of this was a long way from his Initi- Brethren and Companions would be done,” he said. “I couldn’t have done it ation into Grimsby’s Earl of Yarborough smiling and would have enjoyed my without any of them. It has been a Lodge on March 15th 1973, one day be- presence as much as I had enjoyed their decade of teamwork, and I am very fore his 23rd Birthday. “Obviously I company, from the newest Entered Ap- proud and pleased with everything we had no idea that I would one day be prentice to the longest-serving Grand have done together.” Provincial Grand Master and Grand Su- Officer. I genuinely believe that I have perintendent. Why would I think that? achieved that goal.” 2014 Festival in support of the Royal Such a thought would have exceeded my As important as that objective has been Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys wildest dreams.” the part played by the teams around him “The Festival was right at the top of the But it happened, and in occupying Lin- in making it happen. “In both Craft and achievements in my term of office. I was colnshire Freemasonry’s two most se- Chapter it would have been impossible overwhelmed by the way in which the nior roles he knew there would be a for Lincolnshire to have achieved what Brethren, their ladies, and families do- tremendous amount to do in the years it has without the very capable and dedi- nated their hard-earned money to this ahead, and he very quickly established a cated teams I have had the privilege of very worthy cause, especially when you guiding principle which has helped him working with. The support of the Secre- recall that for part of the time the coun- to do it. “Fundamental to my time in of- tariats in both Orders, of the Directors of try was in recession,” said Graham. “Al- fice has been a desire to reach out to Ceremonies in both Orders and the though a target of £1.5m was our aim, every mason in the Province, whatever Provincial Officers generally has been my own personal target was that if we their rank. Whenever I was on an offi- second to none and has, I feel confident, could raise £2m we would have done cial visit I ensured that I was talking not been behind our considerable suc- exceedingly well. Half way through the just to senior Brethren and Companions cesses.” term of the Festival I was understand- but to everyone, and I hoped that what I He said a great many people had helped ably denied knowledge of the running said and did would be favourably re- him, but more importantly had sup- total, and I did not see the final total ceived by everyone whatever their rank, ported the Province. “There are far too until the evening of the Festival Ban- MasonICLINCS 4 May 2018 Masonic Lincs April 2018.qxp_Layout 1 12/11/2018 12:14 Page 5

Grand Superintendent. A number of successful initiatives have taken place of which I am very proud. I am very grate- ful to all the dedicated Royal Arch Ma- sons who have helped and supported me with these ventures. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, because Lin- colnshire has one of the country’s high- est percentages of Royal Arch Masons in relation to Craft Masons. I believe we have consolidated the strength of the Royal Arch in Lincolnshire over the last 10 years, and there is a very sound plat- form to move forward. I have always ork done my best to explain the Royal Arch within Craft Lodges and in Royal Arch Chapters in a way whereby the Brethren and Companions could understand the indissoluble link with the Craft.”

Royal Arch Bicentenary in 2013 Graham says: “In 2013 Supreme Grand Chapter celebrated 200 years of modern Royal Arch Masonry. I was therefore very privileged to be in Office as Grand Superintendent for these celebrations. There was an Appeal as part of the cele- brations in support of the Royal College of Surgeons and a magnificent total sum was raised. The Companions and the Brethren responded wonderfully to the celebrations and to the Appeal, despite the fact that we were involved at the quet. I had no idea what we had one moment during the Cathedral Ser- same time with the Craft 2014 Festival.” achieved and looked on in disbelief as vice which took him out of his comfort the total on the screen went higher and zone. “I don’t much like heights, and Quarterly Communications of Grand higher until it reached £2.75m. It was that pulpit is a long way up. It might not Lodge and Convocations of Supreme again a great team effort which we can look it from the ground, but it does Grand Chapter all look back on with great pride.” when you’re up there!” he said. “The first time I visited Grand Lodge The main event organised by UGLE was was for my Investiture as a Grand Offi- Tercentenary Celebrations at the end of October at the Royal Albert cer in 1996,” he said. “It was something “In Lincolnshire we celebrated the Hall and then at Battersea Evolution. we just did not do in Lincolnshire. I felt Tercentenary in fine style, climaxing in “It really was magnificent and totally that Lincolnshire was conspicuous by its a magnificent Service in Lincoln Cathe- unexpected in the way in which it was absence. Changing that was part of what dral. It took a lot of organising by a presented. The Presentation in the I’ve tried to do, so the Brethren of the large number of Brethren, but it paid off Royal Albert Hall was better than the Province are brought closer together.” handsomely. It was a splendid and mov- best of West End Shows. Those who For his own part he has attended every ing feeling to see the Brethren and Com- took part, who were not Freemasons, Meeting of Supreme Grand Chapter and panions, together with their families and must have come away with a very Grand Lodge with the exception of the friends, filling the Cathedral to capacity favourable impression of Freemasonry.” Quarterly Meeting of Grand Lodge in and wearing full masonic regalia.” December 2010 when snow brought The event at the Aviation Royal Arch Masonry much of the country to a standstill. In re- Heritage Centre and the youth music Graham said: “I have always been very cent years he has been accompanied at concert at Boston Stump were both well passionate about the Royal Arch and in the Quarterly Meetings by numerous organised and attended, in his view. “As particular its position with the Craft. It is Brethren – twice more than 100. “I with so much that was achieved in my indissolubly linked, by the Preliminary wanted Lincolnshire to become closer to time it was commitment from our Declaration in 2013, with Craft ma- Grand Lodge, and I wanted Grand Brethren and their families which made sonry. I was determined that the Royal Lodge to know about the strength of everything as memorable and spectacu- Arch would play a prominent part dur- Freemasonry here. We are now propor- lar as it was, and I have been fortunate ing my terms of office, not only as tionately one of the best represented to be part of it all.” That said, there was Provincial Grand Master but also as continued overleaf May 2018 5 MasonICLINCS Masonic Lincs April 2018.qxp_Layout 1 12/11/2018 12:14 Page 6

from previous page Lincolnshire’s Universities Scheme Lodge, St Hugh Lodge in Lincoln, was on provinces at those meetings, and I know the list of Provincial Visits during the current year. the Brethren who attend obtain a lot of pleasure from it – and this includes many Provincial Officers have thanked and Companions react to these changes? some of our Master Masons. me for a wonderful year, and have ex- Was it really such a good idea to hold “Initially after the Meeting in Freema- pressed a wish it would continue. That is both meetings on the same day? Would I sons’ Hall we enjoyed an informal Lin- why I place my official visits as Grand be there on my own, or sitting with just colnshire lunch at a restaurant in Covent Superintendent and Provincial Grand ten people? But that didn’t happen, and Garden, but then our rising numbers Master high amongst the list of the in the end I cannot believe how success- meant we outgrew it, and joined the achievements during my terms of office. ful it has been. All of a sudden the num- other Brethren and Companions in the I suspect that I shall miss those official bers attending both Meetings have Grand Connaught Rooms. I was con- visits more than anything else.” increased considerably. There are usu- cerned that the price of a meal there ally up to 400 at the Provincial Grand might put people off, but I needn’t have Provincial Meetings Chapter Meeting in the morning, and worried; the new arrangement has been on the second Wednesday about 700 at the Provincial Grand Lodge accepted, and we are able to make such of May Meeting in the afternoon, and about 500 an enjoyable day out of the Meetings. I The extensive refurbishment and cre- sitting down to lunch in between. Time was very proud, and I hope the Brethren ation of the Epic Centre at the Lin- is always tight, but it is important that were too, when the Pro Grand Master colnshire Showground was to lead to we finish at a reasonable time, or the has announced more than once to the another masonic gamble which paid off day will be too long, and then people meeting the large numbers present from handsomely. As Graham explained: would not wish to attend. Hence, a con- the Province of Lincolnshire.” “Lincolnshire, particularly compared siderable amount of work from the Sec- with other Provinces, lacked a venue retariat, the Directors of Ceremonies, the Provincial Team Visits which was large enough to give justice Stewards’ Lodge, the organising Lodge “I made a decision at the start of my to the annual Provincial Meetings in and Chapters together with other terms of Office in the Craft and the Chapter and Craft. The first ‘outside’ Brethren and Companions goes into Royal Arch to invite the year’s acting event at the Events Centre in 2008 was making these things happen. They have Provincial Officers to accompany me on Masonic –my Installations as Provincial all been brilliant and deserve much all my official visits,” said Graham. Grand Master and Grand Superinten- credit not only for making so much pos- “Not everyone has the privilege to hold dent. Continuing to hold our Meetings sible, but in making the day into such a an active office in the Province, and there has been a great success, but we resounding success it undoubtedly is.” most hold it for only one year. I wanted didn’t know it would be when we took to create the opportunity for that year to the decision to move there. The Role of the Provincial Grand be something very special – but this is a “There were all sorts of question marks Stewards’ Lodge and early promotion big Province, stretching from the Hum- in my mind because it was a big depar- to Provincial Grand Rank ber almost to Peterborough. I was con- ture from what had gone before. To The profile of Lincolnshire’s two acting cerned as to how the Officers would manage the meetings financially at this Provincial Grand Wardens has been react to such invitations. Would they venue we needed to move from our Sat- raised by the creation of a protocol for want to make those long journeys? It urday to midweek, and we also needed their official visits, and the involvement turned out that they did, and the visits to hold both meetings on the same day. of a Provincial Grand Steward to accom- have been a resounding success not only These were big changes from what had pany them. “It has helped the Brethren for the acting Provincial Officers but gone on for many years. I wondered to fully understand the role of the War- also to the Brethren and Companions of whether that would discourage people dens, and it has also raised the profile of the Lodges and Chapters visited. So from coming. How would the Brethren the Stewards’ Lodge,” said Graham. It MasonICLINCS 6 May 2018 Masonic Lincs April 2018.qxp_Layout 1 12/11/2018 12:14 Page 7

has also led to a system of early appoint- because there has been no need. How- establish the Club throughout Lin- ment to Provincial Grand Rank. “At first ever, I have been very fortunate in that I colnshire. Its prime aim is to bring new I thought that early appointments were have dedicated three new buildings – at and usually younger masons together in unfair, and I believed it was appropriate Bourne, Lincoln and Skegness. All are a a variety of activities and in order to en- for all Brethren to wait the full six years credit to the Brethren who have worked sure that they maximise the enjoyment before receiving First Appointment. together on a voluntary basis to create of Freemasonry and cement their in- However, in recent years I have ap- them. It is a great pleasure to be able to volvement for the years ahead.” Gra- pointed early three or four younger and visit 21 very different, happy and warm ham believes that the Light Blue Club committed masons as Provincial Grand masonic Centres.” will be a great success. “It’s another way Stewards in the belief that they had the of maximising the benefits of the fellow- potential to make a substantial contribu- Communication ship that undoubtedly exists amongst tion to the life of the Province in the Fu- During Graham’s time in Office com- Lincolnshire Brethren,” he said. ture. The Office of acting Provincial munication has changed significantly, Grand Steward is a very important one. and not just in Freemasonry. “Within the Universities scheme I have placed great value upon the sup- Province we have seen the development Graham sees the creation of a Universi- port I have received from the Lin- of a website and the relaunch of our ties Scheme Lodge as a landmark colnshire Provincial Grand Stewards’ magazine; outside is the emerging use of achievement, and one which will help Lodge. The members are all so enthusi- social media. With all of that comes the the future of Freemasonry. “Creating a astic and helpful.” opportunity for more people to become Universities Scheme Lodge is not just a publishers and we would like to see question of deciding to have one; a great Getting Lincolnshire noticed more contributions to the magazine and deal of work is required to do it,” he Graham wanted to make the Bicentenary the website. As for social media I would says. “It changes the culture and charac- Lodge of Installed Masters and the Ge- draw the attention of the Brethren to the ter of a Lodge, and the Brethren must offrey Cooper Chapter of Installed First Guide on page 10 of this Edition.” Gra- embrace that – which the members of St Principals more important to the ham is very grateful to all who have Hugh Lodge in Lincoln have done ad- Brethren and Companions of Lin- contributed towards this evolving and mirably. Great credit is due to all of colnshire. There was a two-fold objec- very important aspect of Freemasonry. them for that. The Lodge is thriving and tive of making the Meetings more it is wonderful to witness multiple Cere- interesting, and drawing our attention to Mentoring and membership monies and to see so many young peo- Grand Lodge and Supreme Grand Chap- Graham is delighted that the Registrar’s ple enjoying freemasonry to the full. I ter. “Lincolnshire is more than just reports for last year both in Craft and also have appointed a Provincial Migra- somewhere to drive past on the way to Chapter have shown an increase in tion Officer so we have a network in somewhere else,” said Graham. The re- membership. He said: “Lincolnshire has place to make sure people can carry on sult has been that a number of a distin- one of the country’s highest percentages their Masonic career when they move on guished visitors have presented of Royal Arch masons, and there are after their degrees are complete,” he entertaining and interesting talks to this signs of the membership in Craft and the said. Lodge and Chapter. “We have welcomed Royal Arch getting better. Grand Lodge from outside the Province a number of initiatives to address falling numbers A changing role distinguished Brethren and Companions have been implemented effectively in Says Graham: “I was determined at the including George Pipon Francis on two our Province. I believe that having a start of my terms of Office that there occasions when he was in Office as Sec- Provincial Membership Officer has been would be no periods of ‘drift’, and I am ond Grand Principal, Russell Race in his essential in our aim to stem the tide of confident that I have achieved that aim term of Office as Second Grand Princi- reducing membership, and this has set a with the help of course of so many. pal, Wayne Williams as Grand Superin- platform for increasing our membership. “The pace and form of Freemasonry has tendent in and over the Province of I also firmly believe that Lodges should changed, and no one individual can ac- and Huntingdonshire, implement the Membership Pathway complish the tasks required. The modern Graham Redman the Deputy Grand Sec- Scheme, and in doing so they will reap roles of the Provincial Grand Master and retary and Deputy Grand Scribe Ezra, the benefits. It will be rolled out in the Grand Superintendent are very similar and who is coming again to the Bicente- Province in the months ahead. now to those of a Chief Executive. nary Lodge at end of June this year, Graham is delighted that the Brethren of “I believe that it is an exciting time to be John Hamill from UGLE and SGC and the Province have embraced the princi- a Freemason and that we can all look also Yasha Beresiner on two occasions. ples of Mentoring. “Mentoring has been forward with confidence to the future. All have enriched the Meetings and it important too,” he said. “Its foundations I sincerely hope I have left a legacy of a has led to a substantially increased atten- were in place when I started, but it thriving, vibrant and happy Province. dance at all the meetings.” needed an impetus, and it has been taken I am certainly confident that my succes- on to a much higher new level.” sor, Worshipful Brother David Wheeler, Masonic Centres will succeed and take the Province into “These are our second homes”, says Membership and the Light Blue Club even greater prosperity and happiness in Graham, “and Lincolnshire is blessed Graham said: “I have recently autho- the years ahead. He and his new team with 21 of them, all with their own per- rised the formation of a Light Blue Club will receive all the support that I can sonal characteristics. It is a regret of in Lincolnshire. Several members of the give whenever required, and I shall look mine that I have not been able to Conse- Lincolnshire Provincial Grand Stew- with great interest at all that develops in crate a new Lodge or Chapter but that is ards’ Lodge have worked very hard to the years ahead.” May 2018 7 MasonICLINCS Masonic Lincs April 2018.qxp_Layout 1 12/11/2018 12:14 Page 8

PGm springs double surprise at Lord Worsley Lodge Members of Lord Worsley Lodge at were Stratford’s award, but had been given no clue that he surprised when the PGM arrived unexpectedly at their was also to receive one – a Certificate of Merit, which meeting to make two unusual presentations. was a rare award indeed. The PGM said it was being Taking the gavel, he sprang his first surprise – on given for valuable services to Freemasonry in the W Bro Gregory Stratford, who was invested with Province of Lincolnshire, including earlier work on the Provincial Grand Rank as PProvJGD in recognition of Provincial web site and Masonic Lincs magazine, as his hard work in Craft and Chapter, with which he had well as his roles at the Provincil office. persevered in spite of poor health. W Bro Oxborough thanked the PGM and members of But then came surprise number two – sprung on Lodge his team, adding: “While I was involved in the secrecy Secretary and Provincial Grand Registrar W Bro around W Bro Stratford’s award, my Masonic grapevine Stewart Oxborough. failed me on this ocassion, as this award came as a He had been part of making arrangements for W Bro complete and totally unexpected surprise.”

Knights Templar is one of a number of Masonic Orders in Freemasonry with a long and interesting history, a Peaceful purpose colourful presence, and a devoted following in our Province. The full title of the Order is ‘The United of a military order Religious Military and Masonic Orders of The Temple and of St John Of Jerusalem, Palestine, Rhodes and Malta Provincial Prior Malcolm Bilton looks at the in England and Wales and Provinces Overseas’. Little wonder, then, that it’s past and present of the Knights Templar usually referred to simply as ‘KT’. The original military order has many well-known historical associations as lodge in the Craft, is a Preceptory and annual Provincial meeting in Lincoln portrayed in films and books, and some meets three or four times per year. The Cathedral, with a service beforehand in are rather more lurid than others – but oldest in our Province is Temple Bruer the choir followed by a Masonic meet- the Masonic Order of KT serves a differ- Preceptory No.143, consecrated in 1879. ing in the Chapter House. The fact that ent, rather more peaceful purpose! In 1910, the consecration of a second several Knights Templar were put on However, it still retains a rather military Preceptory, Sutcliffe No.190, enabled trial in the very same Chapter House in character and has some military em- the establishment of Lincolnshire as a the year 1310 adds a greater poignancy blems, such as the wearing of swords. new and separate Province in the Order. to the occasion! As with much of Masonry, its origins go To mark its centenary in 2010 a history Our wives and partners are invited to back many years. In 1738 the issuing of of the Order in the Province was pub- join us on these occasions, and can at- a Papal Bull excommunicating Freema- lished by Terry Aldridge. tend the service and the lunch. These are sons led to the emergence of a number There are currently nine Preceptories in wonderful, joyful occasions – the of degrees with a Christian background, Lincolnshire, all thriving and well-sup- Knights arrayed in splendid regalia at- initially in France and spreading over ported. The HQ of the Order, known as tract lot of attention from visitors to the Europe. The most important of these Great Priory, is in Mark Masons Hall in Cathedral – some possibly believing an- were a Masonic Templar Rite and a London. Every few years, Great Priory other film production is in progress ! Rose Croix degree, neither of which has organises a ‘Family Service’ for mem- Further information about the Order can any historical or ritual connection with bers of the Order and their friends, often be obtained via its dedicated website – the old Military Orders. held in Lincoln Cathedral. This under- Alternatively, our Provincial It is not known how or precisely when lines the fact that KT is one of the Chris- Vice-Chancellor Mike Carter will deal the Templar-Malta Rite reached the tian Orders of Masonry, and candidates with any enquiries. Send him an email British Isles, but traces of it are found in must profess a belief in the Christian to: [email protected] the 1760s. In all cases the degrees ap- faith. They must also be a Royal Arch KT is but one part of the broad sweep of pear to have been adopted by Royal Mason of good standing. masonic activities in the Province of Arch Chapters and, at first, worked by There are two distinct stages in joining Lincolnshire. But those of us who are them under their existing warrants. the Order, each with its own ceremony – members believe it to be a very special Early on, a variety of rituals were in use. the Templar degree and the Malta de- part with a rich and fascinating history However, by the 1850s, it was felt desir- gree, both of which are conferred within and tradition. Happily, it continues to able to introduce a measure of unifor- a Preceptory. Although different regalia prosper and attract new members who mity, and the ritual that is still in use to is available for the Malta degree, it is value and appreciate what it has to offer the present day was built around the not essential, as the Templar regalia can and who feel they themselves can con- core of one dating from the 18th century. be worn for both degrees. For many tribute to its success. Long may it con- The basic unit in KT, equivalent to a years we have been fortunate to hold our tinue as such. MasonICLINCS 8 May 2018 Masonic Lincs April 2018.qxp_Layout 1 12/11/2018 12:14 Page 9

Book covers more than 200 years of Lincolnshire’s Masonic history

More than 200 years of Freemasonry in our province are covered in a book called A brief history of craft Freemasonry in Lincolnshire, and published last year to mark the Tercentenary. Starting in 1792, the book gives a simple and narrative account of the establishment and growth of the Craft within the Province of Lincolnshire. It has been produced under the auspices of the Lincolnshire Masonic Research Com- mittee and edited from contributions from all the Lodges in the Province by the Rev John Spriggs. He said: “While not an ex- haustive nor minutely detailed record, it aims to give a balanced overview of how Masonry has flourished in the County over the last 225 years. John Henry Newman once said: ‘There is no evidence of life with- out growth’. On this basis, Craft Masonry in Lincolnshire is more alive than ever.” The book is available from Amazon at a cost of £5.99. Hospices: e story From left: Gary Cadle, Danny Posthill, Phil Featherstone and Steve Ball. of support goes on Light Blues raise far Freemasons have given Lincolnshire hospices a share in £7,591. The grants have come via the more than a laugh Masonic Charitable Foundation for: l St Barnabas, Lincoln l Lindsey Lodge, Scunthorpe Comedy event at Boston starts a new page l Butterfly Hospice, Boston l St Andrews, Grimsby in Lincolnshire’s Freemasonry history l St Andrews Children’s Hospice, l Grimsby. Almost 250 Masonic grants totalling Lincolnshire Light Blue Clubs’ first to enable us to go forwards with fur- £600,000 is being shared amongst event was held at Boston Masonic ther events planned throughout the hospices in England and Wales. Hall and was enjoyed by almost 100 year. Our aim is to provide poorly and This includes £450,000 given to each Masons, non-Masons, friends and disadvantaged children in Boston with hospice receiving less than 65% family members. a better Christmas, and much of the funding from the NHS. Professional comics Danny Posthill funds raised through this and similar A further £150,000 will be provided (as seen on TV’s Britain’s Got Talent) events will go towards that goal.” to the national charity for hospice and Jed Stone entertained everyone He added “The committee have been care, Hospice UK, in a pilot partner- for more than two hours with some of working very hard to put this event on ship aimed at developing and ex- the audience learning the useful lesson and even built a carpeted stage for the tending bereavement support of not going to the bar in the middle evening. Some senior brethren kindly services in hospices. of a comedian’s act. gave their time on the evening to help Contributions from Freemasons to Gary Cadle, chairman of Boston Light behind the bar, and guests of Masons hospices have exceeded £12 million Blues said: “The evening was a great appear to have gone away with a very in England and Wales since 1984. success and has raised a large amount positive view of Boston Freemasons.” May 2018 9 MasonICLINCS Masonic Lincs April 2018.qxp_Layout 1 12/11/2018 12:14 Page 10

Social Committee plans Battle of Britain service ink before you Lincolnshire’s Masonic Social Commit- at 12.30, for which places are limited, tee is organising a Battle of Britain Com- and therefore early booking is advised. click: A masonic memoration Service at Lincoln Bookings are being collated by David guide to using Cathedral, taking place on Sunday 16th Wilks (tel 01522 255643 or email September. [email protected]), who social media The 3pm service will be preceded by can also provide further details about the lunch at the Castle Hill Club in Lincoln arrangements. There’s been a guide to how Freemasons should use social media for more than 18 months – but there are instances of it not Golf Association being used, says Lincolnshire’s Provincial Communications Officer W. Bro. Peter Brooks. reveals fixture list He said: “Grand Lodge adopted recommendations made by the Board of General Purposes in l Spring Meeting: Golf Lincolnshire’s Masonic Golf Associa- 2016 in relation to social media. l Club, Thursday April 26th tion wants to find more brethren to “Abiding by the policy that was l 5 Counties: Morley Hayes Golf Club, play in its full fixture list which has developed is simple enough, but l , Friday June 1st just been published. it’s worth remembering the rules l 3 Counties: Holme Hall Golf Club Its programme is to be advertised in all on best practice set out below. l Scunthorpe, Friday July 6th our lodges with a view to increase the I’d advise brethren always to l John Day: College Pines Golf Club, numbers taking part. ‘think before they click’; it may lWorksop, Friday July 13th Friday W Bro Mick Wright said: “The events in avoid problems in the long run.” l Mixed event: Elsham Golf Club, the Province start off at Market Rasen, l Tuesday July 17th where we have not played for a number Best practice l Autumn Meeting: Grimsby Golf Club of years. The meeting has a number of A Freemason may publicly share l Friday August 17th trophies up for grabs, the foremost of any Masonic content that Further details from Mick Wright, which is the Provincial Grand Master’s contributes to a positive public email [email protected] Challenge Trophy for the best net score image of Freemasonry, such as from either division.” charitable work events, good Every one of the causes we support, and about Province’s Lodges or Masonic history. Chapters is invited to field a three-ball Social media channels can also team to play for the be used to share information Epton Trophy, which relevant only to Freemasons, but will be won by the care should be exercised to use best combined net a more restricted channel, such score from the three as a closed Facebook group. cards. Topics that might be discussed Mick added: “There here include: are a number of other (a) discussions about Masonic trophies played for as allegory and symbolism (as long stableford competi- as there is no mention of any tions, and since no Masonic Signs, Tokens, or player can win more Words) than one trophy there (b) background information is plenty to play for. about other Masonic Orders “A relatively new di- (as long as it does not ruin the mension is the mixed experience for those who are not competition, open to members) Masons and partners. (c) unusual visits to other It’s a stableford, at Lodges (e.g. for a special Elsham. ceremony). “Our aim is to have a day of golf with some fun friendship Lodge Secretaries have copies and to raise money of the full policy, and it’s and is for good causes,” he on the web at added.

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New VSL honours machine gunners and former preceptor’s 42-year role a Lincolnshire legacy The memory of a brother who was Preceptor at The Goodwill Lodge of Instruction in Sleaford for 42 years was honoured when a new Volume of Rose Croix Chapter celebrates centenary the Sacred Law was dedicated at the by recalling wartime events in Grantham Lodge’s 700th meeting. He was W Bro Cyril Peters, holder of the DFC, who was a Past Junior Grand Deacon when he passed to the Grand Grantham might as well have been a comed, from Supreme Council, the Lodge above. W Bro Peters was recog- military garrison in January 1918, Grand Marshal Most Illustrious Brother nised for having helped many Sleaford with members of the Machine Gun AW Hanbury-Bateman, accompanied by Brethren through the offices of their Corps outnumbering civilians during the Deputy Grand DC and the Inspector Lodge. preparations for going to France. General for Lincolnshire District Very Il- The Volume of the Sacred Law, Their base at nearby Belton Park had its lustrious Brother Trevor Clingan 33º obtained by Bro John Castle and his own railway line, hospital and church, as with Inspectors General from six other wife Lesley, was carried for the dedi- well as the town’s first woman Police neighbouring Districts, District Recorder cation by W Bro Peters’ son John, who Officer, appointed to deal with girls who Illustrious Brother Malcolm Bilton 32º is one of the Lodge’s five Preceptors. came from and Lincoln. and two other District Recorders. Lincolnshire’s PGM Rt. W. Bro. Gra- But on January 28th that year senior More than 50 brethren heard the Minutes ham Ives, accompanied by some members of the Corps (who were mem- of the Consecration meeting read from members of the Provincial team, bers of the year-old Maguncor Lodge) the original Minute Book and a history attended the meeting, and was pleased received members of the Supreme Coun- of the Chapter and of contemporary to take the gavel and to dedicate the cil of the Ancient & Accepted Rite from times given by the Rev John Spriggs new VSL. London to consecrate a new Rose Croix The Grand Marshal presented and ex- After the dedication he returned the Chapter, Maguncor 191 – its name de- plained the Centenary Warrant, which gavel to the WM, who then carried out rived from the telegraphic address for will be exhibited at future meetings. an Initiation Ceremony. the Regiment. And this time, members of Supreme The WM also presented the ProvGM The visiting dignitaries were entertained Council and guests went home undis- with a cheque for £300 towards the to lunch before the ceremony and dinner turbed! New Provincial Benevolent Fund. afterwards – but their return to London was delayed until 3am the following morning because of an air raid! On 31st January this year members and guests of the Maguncor Chapter wel-

Excellent & Perfect Prince Chris Turner, left, Inspector General Very Illustrious Brother Trevor Clingan, and the Centenary Warrant. May 2018 11 MasonICLINCS Masonic Lincs April 2018.qxp_Layout 1 12/11/2018 12:14 Page 12


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Bringing Royal Arch into a sharper focus e Group David Bird (Chairman) Deputy Grand Superintendent Terry Little highlights Focus Group’s efforts St Peter Chapter 7648 to encourage more Chapter membership Richard Garn Welland Chapter 469 David Wheeler Hugh of Avalon Chapter 1386 The Royal Arch Focus Group set up better explains the Royal Arch, its ritual Terry Little to review the success of Royal Arch and its position in Freemasonry. Shire Chapter 5610 Chapters in the Province, find ways to David Gray attract more members and increase The developments so far Edward Albert Chapter 985 Colin Henson the enjoyment of existing Companions The following initiatives have already has made significant progress. been implemented: Granta Chapter 4950 The group was set up at the invitation of l A third evening for Master Masons Mike Rix RETIREMENT PLANNING the Most Excellent Grand Superinten- l and new exaltees takes place on 6th Chapter 1482 T dent E. Comp. Graham Ives, and l November at the Lincoln Masonic Craig Maurier involves a number of Companions from l Centre, buidling on the success of St Peter Chapter 7648 Chapters across the Province. l others held at Grimsby and Spalding. John Elliott Although the Royal Arch Degree in Lin- A Round Table Chapter 8240 colnshire is doing very well compared to l The Provincial “Royal Arch Adrian Joyce national statistics, it was nevertheless l Masonry” brochure has been Ancholme Chapter 1282 felt that more could be done to encour- l re-designed and improved. It is now age Master Masons to complete their l available from Provincial Office. l journey through pure Antient Freema- being considered. sonry by joining the Royal Arch. l Royal Arch Representatives lapel David Bird said: “The Focus Group is The preliminary statement in the Book l badges have been introduced and are looking for ways to improve enjoyment l and understanding of the Royal Arch, as of Constitutions states that ‘pure Antient now being proudly worn by Freemasonry consists of three degrees l Representatives in their Lodges well as attracting more Master Masons and no more, viz., the Entered Appren- l so that they can be easily identified. to join. If any brother or Companion has tice, the Fellow Craft, and the Master any views or ideas about how to further l the Royal Arch movement in the Mason, including the Supreme Order of A narrative entitled ‘Setting the C the Holy Royal Arch’. This underlines l Scene’ has been introduced in the Province they may contact me or any the indissoluble link between the Craft l Province to be read out during the member of the group listed above.” and the Royal Arch. l exaltation ceremony to help provide The emphasis of the Group has been l Companions with a better Fun Day planned l very much on encouragement and sup- understanding of the Royal Arch port for Master Masons to continue their l ceremony. at Sleaford venue masonic journey by joining the Royal Arch Chapter movement, and to help all l The Province is investigating forming Lincolnshire’s Masonic Social Companions to gain enjoyment and a l a team of ‘Lincolnshire Talking Committe has set up a fun day on l Sunday August 5th at St better understanding of the Order. The Heads’ to explain the Royal Arch to Group consults widely across the l brethren in Craft Lodges. Once set up, George’s Academy on Westgate, Province by talking to existing members l this team will be available to visit Sleaford. of the Royal Arch and with Master Ma- l Lodges on evenings when the Lodge From noon visitors will be able to sons who may be thinking about joining. l does not have a ceremony and give a enjoy free entry to see a rich vari- l ety of entertainment including an The Group feels that the Royal Arch has presentation on the Royal Arch. much to offer, and wants to make sure l Further details in due course. inflatable assault course, a dis- that Master Masons do not miss out on play of classic cars and motorcy- the companionship to be found in the l An ‘Exaltees Guide’ brochure has cles, music from the Sleaford Order by making it easier to obtain l been forwarded to all Chapters with Silver Band, a Punch & Judy l show and a number of other at- information, be more attractive to join encouragement to pass to all F and rewarding to be a part of. l candidates after they have been tractions. The Group has now met four times, and l exalted. This brochure explains the There no charge for any of the discussed several ideas raised by l Royal Arch in some detail. entertainment, and parking is members, for example, by improving also free. awareness, producing material that l Other initiatives are also currently

May 2018 MasonICLINCS 13

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The following were awarded £1,000 each

making lives better Lodge Recipient Daedalus Kesteven Rideability Granta 1st Scout Group Hermes Lincs Wolds Riding for the Disabled in Lincolnshire St. Peter Not Home Alone Eccles Playgroup

The following were awarded £750 each Roundup of last year’s LMCA donations Harmony Home-Start Lincolnshire

Centrepoint Outreach

Witham Age UK Lincoln & Kesteven

Guide Dogs (Lincoln Branch)

The generosity of brethren in Lincolnshire’s lodges continues to Doric Grantham Talking Newspaper

support work done throughout the Province by volunteers in a diverse Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

range of activities. Yarboro’ Midtown United JFC

As the window for nominations in the 2018 scheme closes, Masonic Lincs White Unicorn Project

Shakespeare Spilsby Lunch Club recaps the way in which the 2017 grants, amounting to more than LIVES £100,000, were awarded. Hundred of Elloe Girl Guiding (Spalding) Many of the Lodges submitted pictures of the presentations being made, Tonic Health

and we’re grateful to everyone who took the trouble to do that – but there St Botolph's Sleaford Dementia Support

clearly isn’t room for all of them in this publication. Lots appeared on the Sleaford Concert Band

Provincial web site. Lindsey SENSE (Louth)


Pelham Pillar Elliston Academy

Centre4 Ltd

Franklin Quest Taekwondo - Boston

Alexandra 1st Holbeach Brownies

St Barnabas Hospice Trust

Hereward LIVES

Abbey Court Client Fund

Ancholme Jen’s Special Place

Lincolnshire House Association

Bayons LIVES

British Polio Fellowship (Lincs)

St Albans Shalom Youth Project

NE Lincolnshire Women's Aid

Olive Union Horncastle Community Larder


St. Hugh Green Synergy

Lincoln E.P.O.C.

Donation extends St Matthew Cardiac Rehab Interest Group

Lincs & H’side Sailing Club

Isle of Axholme Team Verrico support for homeless Armthorpe Elmfield Band

Hamilton Sutton on Sea Voluntary Car Service

Mablethorpe Seal Sanctuary living in Grantham Lumley Skegness Silver Band

The Village Church Farm Ltd Lincolnshire’s final presentation from the MCF Tercentenary awards has St Lawrence MM4K been given to ‘The Passage’, a centre supporting homeless people in Health Tree Foundation Grantham. Because of the £4,000 grant the Grantham & District Poverty Smyth Care Plus Group Concern Group, which runs it, will be able to expand its services. Its base Supporting Local Champions

at St Mary’s Catholic Church offers showers, facilities for washing Ermine Alzheimer's Society (Lincoln)

clothes, and computer access, and will now be open more often. ‘The Heart Link

Passage’ also opens in four locations across Grantham, and provides daily Earl of Yarboro’ Live at Home Scheme

Grimsby Town Disabled Supporters meals. St Guthlac Thorpe Hall Hospice Andy Maddison, a trustee at Grantham & District Poverty Concern Group Excalibur Lincoln Hospital Charitable Funds said: “We’re very grateful to Lincolnshire Freemasons for their generous Oasis Community Award, which will allow us to expand our services to help Lord Worsley FLAG

Grantham’s homeless population. A meal and a shower can make all the NLAG NHS FT Charitable Funds

difference to someone living on the streets, and combating addiction can Astral Look Hear

help rebuild lives. We are also considering overnight accommodation for Grimsby 16+ Club

Paulinus Matt's Fund clients that are street sleeping in the winter weather.” The Respite Association The presentation was made by W Bro Peter Brooks, above, who said: St. Clement Skegness Sea Scouts “This organisation does an outstanding job improving the lives of some of Tom Thumb Holt Scout Camp Site the most vulnerable people in our community.”

MasonICLINCS 14 May 2018 Masonic Lincs April 2018.qxp_Layout 1 12/11/2018 12:14 Page 15

Light Blue Club: Bringing together Industry Parkinson's UK (Scunthorpe) Friends of St Luke's School the Province’s newer brethren Lindis Butterwick Youth Club The Butterfly Hospice Trust A new initiative to support Lincolnshire’s new and young Gainas Gainsborough & Dist McMillan Masons – those below Provincial Rank – is gathering pace Ashlar Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance in Boston, and poised to spread elsewhere in the Province. Lincs Emergency Blood Bikes Apollo NE Lincs Downs Support Group It’s a Light Blue Club – open to all Masons below Provincial Hydrotherapy Pool Rank in Lincolnshire, and has the support of the PGM and his deputy. Shire Matt's Fund The Boston Club has already held very successful comedy and curry New Life Community Larder nights with attendees including wives, families and non-Masons. Now Lindum Candles events to promote membership and give more details about the club Lord Heneage Health Tree Foundation

Lincs Rural Support Network are to be held at these centres on a selection of Saturdays:

Pharos LIVES • BOURNE PE10 9LQ; 21st April • BOSTON PE21 6QQ; 19th May

Hayden's Male Breast Cancer Fund • LINCOLN LN2 1RR; 2nd June • GRIMSBY DN34 5SZ; 30th June

William Peters South Lincolnshire Blind Society Full details will appear on the Provincial website at League of Friends, Grantham Hospital and the new Lincolnshire Light Blue website Vigilantes St Andrew's Hospice Potential and existing light blue brethren in Lincolnshire are invited to MacMillan Cancer Support attend to find out about this exciting new club, join, and have their say Saint James Parkinson's UK (Scunthorpe)

Give them a Sporting Chance in what they would like to do. If brethren of Provincial Rank would

Saint Godric Action Medical Research like to come to see what’s happening, they will also be most welcome.

Operation Spalding Memorial Deputy PGM John Hockin said: “During the last few months those

St. John Cardiac Rehabilitation Interest Group who have been appointed to create and develop this Club have at- Lincolnshire House Association tended a UGLE-wide Conference and contacted similar Clubs in other Saint Mary The Respite Association Provinces. I am committed to this activity as it meets the needs of Little Miracles South Holland many Masons who are now joining Freemasonry in Lincolnshire. I Temple Belwood Friends of Belton School

Isle of Axholme Cadet Trust look forward to the current leaders being able to step aside from day-

Sir Isaac Newton Grantham Community Heritage to-day organisation so that the Masons can take control.”

St Barnabas Hospice Trust (Lincs) To find out more, follow the Light Blue Club on the web at

Bolingbroke Castle TimTin Playgroup ; on Twitter @LincsLightBlues , or Face- Kids Club book Round Table Boston Women's Aid

St Francis Special School Fund What is a Light Blue Club? St. Pega LIVES

Deeping Men's Group Charities Fund Light Blue Clubs are Masonic-based social clubs for all Brethren, irre-

Old Clee Positive Activities spective of age, below Provincial Rank. They bring new and young

Centre4 Ltd Masons together in a less formal environment to socialise, meet other

Minster KIDS, Lincolnshire masons with friends and families, and generally enhance their Freema- Mrs K L Hart sonry while breaking down old taboos surrounding our organisation. Pilgrim Fathers Jayden's Army

Wellow Abbey MIND Can I join? The Pink Rose Fund

St. Denys The White Heather Club If you are an Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft, Master Mason or Mas-

Framework ter, you have a right to join and influence the events the Clubs will

Aveland Alzheimer's Society (Lincoln) hold. If you are of Provincial rank you cannot join, but you will be

Vermuyden Scorpion Taekwondo welcome to attend many of the social events the members organise if South Axholme Swimming Pool invited by a member. Welland The Respite Association

South Holland Singers

Rudyard Kipling Laffletics Club

1st Air Scout Group

Prov. Stewards Green Synergy

Grantham Additional Needs

Daylight The Pink Rose Fund

MacMillan Cancer Support

Glanford Vale Lindsey Lodge Hospice

Carers' Support Centre

Trent Valley DL Masonic Teddies for Children


Meridian Grantham Poverty Concern

South Lincolnshire Blind Society

Established Order Armed Forces Veterans

Young Carers

Fenland Daylight Long Sutton Baptist Church

Home-Start Lincolnshire

Sir Joseph Banks Getaway Club

Horncastle Youth Club

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Three receive 50-year certificates at Olive Union in Horncastle

Past APGM John Board said a meeting of Olive Union Lodge in Horncastle had been unique, because no fewer than three 50-year certificates were presented. Two brethren initiated into the Lodge and a joining member who arrived in Daedelus Lodge’s Centenary year Master and Officers. 1972 were honoured. The initiates were W Bros G L Cox and S W Gillett, both initiated in 1967; and the joining Daedelus Lodge member was W Bro E D W Dickinson, an initiate in Ceres Lodge 6977 in Northants and Hunts. celebrates a century This triple presentation follows the 50- year Certificate presented to W Bro M C Rose earlier in the year. W Bro Board predicted that the night’s Initi- Lodge was first to be consecrated in Sleaford ate, Bro Paul Routledge, would re- member the evening for the rest of his At a meeting on Saturday 12th May Daedalus Lodge No.3843 will be presented Masonic Career. with its Centenary Warrant by Lincolnshire’s PGM Rt W Bro Graham Ives, l Cliff receives his second 50-year accompanied by members of his Provincial Team, at Sleaford Masonic Rooms l certificate writes W Bro Jim Brackley, Chairman of the Lodge’s Centenary Committee. A certificate marking 50 years as a The Lodge was formed under the Banner of St Botolph’s Lodge No 588, which had member of the Royal Arch was pre- been founded at Boston some years earlier, and after a few years moved to Sleaford. sented to Companion Cliff Cook on The lodge founders were primarily from RNAS , which by the time the the 50th anniversary of him having Lodge was consecrated on 27th April 1918, had become RAF Cranwell. The Lodge been exalted into the Earl of Yarbor- Consecration took part at the Sessions House in Sleaford, making Daedalus Lodge ough Chapter on November 9th 1967. the first lodge to be consecrated in the town. The presentation was made to Cliff, On 1st April 1918 the RFC and RNAS amalgamated to become the Royal Air Force who was 95 on New Year’s Eve, by under the command of Lord Trenchard. He had a great vision of how the service Ex. Comp Graham Ives who has also should train and run. I was fortunate enough to become a Trenchard Brat and trained presented him with his certificate as an Aircraft Apprentice as part of the organisation and vision he had (that was from recording 50 years as a member of the 1961-64). This Apprentice scheme also celebrates 100 years in 2018. The Province is Craft – a rare occurrence! Cliff was in the county which is known by the RAF as Bomber County. Bomber Command will initiated into the Earl of Yarborough be celebrated by the opening of the International Bomber Command Centre at Can- Lodge in September 1965. wick Hill, Lincoln, in May 2018. It is of note that W Bro G G Whittle DFM of Daedalus Lodge, buried the time capsule on the site. This memorial commemorates the 55,573 lives laid down by aircrew during World War II, some of whom would have been Daedalus Lodge Members and other Masons from this Province. Well known in our Province was W Bro Cyril E Peters DFC like Geoff Whittle a survivor of the Bomber Offen- sive. Cyril was our Liaison Officer for many years and was an extremely welcoming figure to any brother that attended the Lodge. When I first visited the Lodge, I was in the chair of my Mother Lodge in Hertfordshire, such was the welcome that I joined the Lodge, and I was not the first nor the last to be met in this manner. Unfortu- nately time has taken both Cyril and Geoff to the Grand Lodge above, much missed by all. The Lodge today still has a large proportion of Brethren who served in the RAF, it has helped in forging the char- acter of this special Lodge. After the Lodge meeting the ladies joined brethren at St George’s Academy for a Gala Dinner, having been entertained there whilst the Brethren attend the Meeting. May 2018 19 MasonICLINCS Masonic Lincs April 2018.qxp_Layout 1 12/11/2018 12:14 Page 20

Founder becomes Honorary member Pilgrim Fathers Lodge 8795 in Boston celebrated its 40th anniversary by making founder member W Bro Dave Owen ADVERTISERS an honorary member. Current Master, W Bro John Gar- Masonic Lincs is circulated to every Freemason nham and he cut a celebration cake that was an exact in Lincolnshire, and is seen by their friends and replica of the one baked for the Consecration in 1978. families. To discuss the benefits of advertising for as little as £80 per issue, contact: Jez Hyland 07957 603604 or [email protected] Gideon Hall 07824 808116 or [email protected]

MasonICLINCS 20 May 2018