

Regrettably, this point of emphasis has reached the game of basketball. We see on television players in different sports taunting opponents, “trash talking” opponents and in general being immature. Young players witness this on television and feel that this should be part of their game also. Taunting and baiting of opponents has no place in high school athletics. The individual acts of taunting and baiting are really a bigger problem which is called “poor sportsmanship”.

There is an ever increasing type of unacceptable behavior which is tolerated as being part of the game. Using ridiculous motions, and gesturing are always in which an opponent can be taunted. The manner in which a dunk is made, often is intended to intimidate and embarrass and convey the “in your face” attitude. “Trash talk” is becoming more prevalent and certainly does nothing but taunt or bait, resulting in further inappropriate conduct and behavior.

The rules define “taunting” as any attempt to embarrass, ridicule or demean, such as: the wagged in an opponent’s face ‐ the “choke” – placing the ball firmly in the opponent’s “gut” after a whistle

Coaches must get directly involved in eliminating this type of conduct from the game. A responsible coach will not allow this, and will react swiftly when it occurs. When a coach takes no action, he/she is simply sending the message that this type of conduct is acceptable behavior. Allowing players to commit acts of taunting and baiting without reprimand or removal from the game is really telling the player that this type of conduct is alright.

Taunting and baiting an opponent is contrary to the basic concept of fair play and honorable competition. Taunting an opponent is exactly opposite the type of conduct and behavior which participation is intended to teach. The game provides countless opportunities for players to exhibit good sportsmanship as it relates to dealing with an opponent. Why have we allowed it to become a place where the very worst acts of disrespect toward an opponent are allowed?

While the displays of poor sportsmanship through taunting and baiting seem to be increasing, we may point to the colleges and NBA for contributing to this problem. Taunting and baiting cannot be tolerated as part of an educational program and educational experience. Official must enforce the rules which prohibit such conduct. If everyone involved would do their job, these undesirable acts would no longer be a part of high school basketball.

Remember: The Three “T’s”: Talking – Taunting = Technical

F. Howard Mayo OSAA Basketball State Rules Interpreter